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tv   Documentary  RT  July 20, 2023 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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a stage it's, it's, it's the reasoning behind the world in demand and which is a secure day to the charges. what, who said is that from us of can going to view, we would like to see the i c, c, acting in a balanced manner, where all the crimes was for crimes against humanity. and actually it's at the same and, and we've made that call consistently and repeatedly that we would like to see. and i see that that is published in its approach and in his actions. now this was up for discussion about earlier in the program with my colleagues, maureen, across the river and motor on i'm that everyone was wondering for the longest time will vladimir putin attends the summit? will he travel to south africa?
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what will happen? because this puts out africa in an awkward situation. why? because south africa is a member of the i see the international criminal court and the international criminal court. let's not forget, issued an international arrest warrants earlier this year in march. and the, the, probably the vladimir fruits and it was supposedly involved in the production of ukrainian children. that in fact, this is a loophole that they found because what they really would want to charge them with is of course a special military operation which they see as an invasion. but they couldn't really charge them with that because then they would have to charge the us presidents and all the other presidents be before that. but they didn't do that. so in order not to have these double standards, i guess they found this loophole, and they were accusing him of literally being involved in the abduction of ukrainian children when they were re. okay, what, what does that mean? was he involved in the abduction of children? well, that does sound ludicrous summarize absolutely ludicrous of what they are referring to is children who were evacuated from conflict zones and transported to places of
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safety. so of course, not let them have fruits and was not involved in any sort of abduction. but this is a loophole that they found that they, they could hang it over him by some imaginary circumstances. so of course, south africa is a member of the i, c, c. so if lot them are uprooted, was to travel to south africa. they would technically to have to arrest them and the opposition there was really go into the courts are saying, if there are some liter shows up here, we have to arrest them. something which the south african president said is absolutely ridiculous and this would not happen. and it would actually put the country in danger. let's hear some more from this from a poster. it would be a reckless, unconstitutional, and unlawful exercise of the powers conferred upon the government to declare war with russia by arresting president couldn't have cost positional oblong patients to protect the national sovereignty peace and security of the republic. so there is no way that south africa would really actually arrest vladimir putin. but regardless,
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vladimir putin, as we now know, will not be travelling there as a sort a live. rob will be there instead, something that he does frequently. so they live rover often represents russia at events and forms all of this nature. so it's not something surprising, especially when you add to this, the fact that a lot of our boots and will no doubt needs mr. i'm a photo next week in st. petersburg. when russia is hosting the russia, africa, so much more that will be large. so the power, wait, so from the global are really not politicians, officials, so they'll be able to discuss the business and economy there. and of course, there will be representatives from the breaks nations as well, just to remind our viewers again, brazil, india, china, south africa. and they will be able to discuss how they are constantly continuing to shift the power balance in this world. so cry. busy this more multi polo world that we keep talking about. so the fact that a lot of my boots and will not be traveling to south africa doesn't really change
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anything and doesn't change those relationships. it's interesting, i see because in the break, before we came on, i was doing some research and the likes of blue bug, and i knew that i was like that because the america washington is closely monitoring the decision made. i mean, washington closely monitoring if i sit over on my side as it says, hey, you're a yes, you can come. i'm a, he did actually say that it if puts it in, does want to come his more than welcome. nothing's gonna happen, right? absolutely. well, yes, so he does what she said that loosely, mazda, i mean, who are they gonna buy? just like putting, you know, we have this thing cooling a capital pulling the pot black. exactly, but they want to create this image. the vladimir putin is weeks up. let them have fruits and this scared that no one likes latimer foods and which is not the case because everyone seems to be doing business aside from european nations as we know . and ukraine's allies of course. but we have heavy weight nations that are
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emerging and becoming real power houses in this world. and they want to do business with vladimir putin. so let them know who to know travelling to south africa, but meeting those same people next week in st. petersburg doesn't really change anything. it's just what kind of uh, puts in another for that as a, as a parent or also one terrible. i remember we just, we have this, you know, we have this black, great initiative i clearly took above. i remind the view, is that a, the reason why russian pulled out of it was because the side of the deal was made. but, you know, puts and came out today and said, look, we'll give the grain for free. i'm, by the way, us some countries find a way to, for you claim to get that great out by road. which is, you know, you doesn't have that the, when, when, when you have fighting people and russia has, has had a great track record with african countries and with bricks, nations as well. they have a great relationship on the partnership for many, many years. so something like this is not going to have any impact whatsoever,
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but of course, in western mainstream media, that's how they like to make it appear. yamaha rom i. yes, absolutely. more than 300 people reportedly i'm interested in can. yeah. as i protested to being session with police, as, as the political opposition is cold on people across the country to take to the streets for 3 full days of antique government demonstrations, a police units incorporating a tear gas to dispose of those people right there it is. yet another chapter of on rest and that east african nation presidents of long being speaking out in protest against inflation. 9 unemployment and previous passions resulted in 15 people died . we heard from locals on the streets, right. the who voice that concerns about the essentially what is the current state of affairs very well, the cost of living is high and the majority of us cannot cope with the situation. this life is becoming so difficult in the finance bill,
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which was passed by the parliament has automatically made our lives very har. mom way of that i'm, i'm, i, so i'm the leader of deposition should not bring in the issue of high cost of living. we know him and most of the time after she has been defeated during elections. he does not accept his defeat yet. we know all over the world. the cost of living is high. not only just here in kenya, the my, not, you all looters should sit down and at the same time, reason together, products are no solution to the high cost of living. we need peace so that we can proceed with our daily activities. since we have suffered a lot more of the shows we do, they won't be central business. district bodies is a big deal and a screenshot of anti salting in a box of dental and vision. the use of remainder decided during the ongoing process though it's bowski maybe like again my diet and also to fire
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life. and most of these dental and vision for the use of the thousands of by throwing pulled up into those dreams for when is the is the, is the, the believe on the, the agent gauge and that and move the and be seen in the window being we as being the know of the physical we phone. meanwhile, the most covers effectively accused western partners of meddling in can use internal affairs after statement was issued on the violence, the by 13 nations,
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including america, prison, candid, or, and others. a can you though, believe it or not? backed most goes stones on the matter for its quote principled position. while they are talking to form a canyon and presidential advised them to go and have a good, a unveiled the role of certain external actors in the west of the fee. i didn't the canyons internal affairs are for the last 60 years they impose to the 1st president of the post, the 2nd president. so like many african countries, they are both history to assess ignition. so the leading canyon, the vision of these un under mind. others like, for example, general if you're including a um, because during the cold war, uh, the west physicians themselves to be the guardians of uh,
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the company to at least we of the canyon political informations. uh, the money de succeeded actually. and you find maybe voices like mine do not find a lot of space being in kenya because of that, the west as consistently over the last 60 years made sure that the progressive voices of silence old que. so what the west will be doing today is no to me. it's always been like that. the west has always maintained a hand getting money control over politics in k. yeah. under through politics, vehicle into economics. the economy of kenya is largely in the hands
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of for an interest, large slots, open line that the, the colonial administration and an interest held are still actually under the control up to date. feud. and patients are controlled by them. they control the banking sector, for example, the control most of the trade, an african interests, including cabinets, interest is not the priority to. that's the unfortunate part. the good part is that there are sections and instructions and likely groups of opinions, whoever never given up on their country, on data consistently and continuously struggling overcome these, hey, demonic, uh,
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struggle on kenya by the west. while you are, if is, are now dealing with a bit of a summer heat wave of this upcoming winter. well, perhaps all the heat will be for gotten a warning by the international energy agency says the e, you may be facing another energy crisis either as it gets cold off or of course it turned off. it's a well rushing gas supply or the cushion provided by relatively high storage levels should not lead to overly optimistic predictions about the future. as market fundamentals could well tighten again in 2023. our simulation showed that a cold winter together with a full hold of russian piped gas applies to the european union, starting from the 1st of october 2023. could easily renew price volatility and market tensions. so last year, around this time, having cut themselves off from cheap russian gas, european leaders are dictating citizens shower time and how much air conditioning
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they would use or should be able to use them in the summer heat waves. now they made it sound like your opinions had to mar themselves for ukraine and to stick it to russian president vladimir putin by sweating up a storm at the office all summer. at the same time, they were guzzling, rushing gas, like crazy to socket, away in storage. all well, bad, most thing it. so loading up on it, like a fact kid out of buffet, combined with last year's relatively mild winter meant that the supply and price of gas across europe remain manageable. so there's been this, so i am relief that the worst of any potential european energy crisis must be over, right. but now there are some warning signs starting to flash red again. and the international energy agency is painting a potentially dire picture ahead of this coming winter. if pipeline imports to the european union from russia dropped to 0 in 2023. and chinese ellen gee demand re
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balance to 2021 levels. then the european union faces a serious supply demand gap opening up in 2023. so far this summer. queen ursula vander line a commission president has been able to restrain herself from sticking her nose into european showers, living rooms and work cubicles and wagging her fingers. or over the thermostat readings, but it's not like there's any shortage of little citizens. soldiers probably eating their fellow countrymen over their energy use. kind of like all the citizen policing that took place during co, but we've got the climate field trip plus the ukraine guild trip. now when it comes to energy, it's like if you're basically a home, enjoy a nice pool in doors on a hot summer day that it's like you're personally dropping a bomb on key of and also strangling a polar bear. there's also the cost factor that started to buy it again though the
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french government, for example, has up until now been able to offset price increases for customers who had signed a government regulated electricity rate contracts. that's opposed to those who had the market rate contracts that long since skyrocket. they've been paying through the nose for those. but now, as of the 1st of august, those regulated rates are set to increase by 15 percent here in france alone. and that's assuming, even with the french government, putting nuclear energy back on line, unlike germany, which probably stuck to its ideological guns with which it promptly shot itself in the foot by sticking to its closures of its own nuclear plants and firing coal plants instead. so with the you potentially facing a gas crunch of 27000000 cubic meters in 2023. your choice is pretty stark. they can either keep harassing their citizens about the ear of abundance being over as friends. president, a menu, a natural says when it comes to energy,
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which is really a great way to live under that kind of pressure. or they can hope that citizens harass each other enough again, nice to sahu 5 there. or they can hope that russia does not cut off the remaining fraction of gas, that europe is still importing from russia. in any case, it really doesn't sound like you're up is in the driver's seat and has really left itself with them. let's see, i've a lot of other factors that are now outside of its control. so i was like, you had another big victories with me on the horizon for these big brain brussels bureau products. some are accusing with us and its allies of actually using the o, p. c. w is a cover to separately for the whole school was while imposing rules, the pay, the washington's interests. now that message is from russia is representative to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. the cancer society,
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the american center allies have a long time ago given up on the purely technical mandate of the organization for the pro division of chemical weapons. they are turning the hague into a site for settling political scores with russia and other states. they do not like . and they make political noise here, over and over again to us and that's associates impose their own rules. in fact, they are attempting to transform the organization for the pro, division of chemical weapons into an instrument for the realization of their fuel. political interest restructure is representative, also called out the us and the new k for their last to being gauging and real action. choosing instead to initiate both. so the hague and then lineup, best supporting allies. while washington recently announced the elimination of its chemical weapons stockpiles. a task of the took more than 3 decades. the white house did a huge rush or of hiding itself, and all this by the p. c. w,
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confirming most must go liquidated. those stop 6 years ago, almost get responded by saying the us claims of a distraction from the fact that it took america so long to fulfill its own obligations. well, for the greek i busted uh leo need is kristen bubble, as he gave us his view on how western powers treat the rules of in to national organizations, have a listen for us. the rules are very, very clear as these rules are not implemented because it's the western countries want to manipulate this organization to 0 means it's not the 1st time that we see this with the united nations. we must not forget how, but the members of the u. n. were actually pressure to not to make a big noise about the invasion of iraq and uh, with all these false pretences it, but i mean,
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we even go back to the seventy's. how's the united nations was manipulating the member states of the united or the united nations on the, about a student? nice. so this is a continuation of a policy that the west has been following this roy and international organizations that exist as a good item. they should send it to the detriment. also people of the, of the world went on to the ball based initiatives. this is a bit of a side that would have our greece is one of many countries and wants to join the brick. so strategic partnership alliance as we know right now there are roughly 40 countries in the world. we want to join the brakes that includes the iran saudi arabia and some of the major energy rich. are they as a nation, as well? those details online at all t dot com, that's the multi polar world. continue the,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously, is to create a trust rather than ship the job. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with the in the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the
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the the of
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the the more than 2 years have gone by the negotiations in order to
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enter it. difficult. now that we are friendly here, tickets, you know, change your look into my show. like those who used to come here to my the safety function that you choose nuclear power plant and these for the height the
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the, the,
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the. ready ready ready the they say you either embrace japan or you reject it to either adapt giving up your culture or you remains a stranger, a poor gauging the i'm a journalist. i've lived in japan for more than 30 years. i live in take this country. i know it and i ignore it, i accept it,
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and i post it as if it were my own country. i can happily sleep on the top, but i can not give up some of my old unhealthy habits, such as my coffee above it never gets used to earth quakes. i live on the 6th floor of an old building, and every time there is one piece and the smaller one, it makes me the if i would have been a tune at 2 46 pm on the 11th of march, 2011. sort of
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mid terms of the vault. does that, does that sound fair amount of one piece or what do people have to send on my end to see what about the light came on for someone that took them is what about the the from do you know, put him out of this one? i think he was doing it a bit, so i put into the sheet of instead of them, which is one of the defined seen the nothing to the new york city for one on another tonight saying that i did not use the back. and i realize that we have survived the largest earthquake ever recorded in japan. the 90 degrees on the richter scale,
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left the episode of the country and felt it as a magnitude token. then the sum of your arms, the tide breaks, 400 miles, tungsten the whole to some places it exceeds 30 meters, which is up to 67 kilometers. beautiful. which would plastic aluminum houses gets infected quickly. this one would find water, the
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shut down, so they're no longer generating when it's hard to believe the 1st depth towards reports. so fuel known victims and it's hard to believe that we say that nuclear power plants are safe situation power. ponds on the 19 facilities existing in the country located 312 which is north east of thank you. 6 it's owned by 10 to one of the 10 electricity companies of its kind, with its 6 nuclear power reactors. the power plants is one of the most important to meet with the cities in the world. and considered one of the safest nucleus stations, in spite of it for 2 years. during the endless minutes of the earthquake, the power reactors and no probation. 12356, automatically stop. and the operators activate the security procedures the, the quick hips baton todd. the high voltage mass full and the cost ation is
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isolated from the national electric supply. the emergency diesel generates magically providing electricity to the cooling system which have the task of reducing heat inside the pro reactive. once they have stopped working, the 1000000000 hour of to the s quake, the wave of 14, the, to the states. and you see the house loans crossing over the dam. since the section of the nuclear plants against waves of 6 meters maximum height. the in a few minutes, the water bills or the technical rooms damaging the emergency generators located in the underground placements the to work is drown.


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