tv Documentary RT July 20, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT
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pulling the seeds have been displeased so far, the army, the seeds come to the center of despise, all of them, intervening the bottom and see have really not been able to stop the wireless as far as this incident has, is concerned. so the video will just come to for the one person has been arrested so far. and the government received government money for seems to be to make sure that the all is done up to, to give justice to the, to women of the rules. so young, replete all of the 2 women who are a field in this video and i went viral all over the internet in india. uh the, the use of young reeves as s and the spanish them. but now for the government is sort of the country also has broken his silence off to $79.00. or these money for me told me in the in the fall inventory session in india as well. one palestinian has been killed 35 wounded,
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sold in violence between protesters and the israeli ministry. this time it is the west bank hotspot of novelist. well, the details so far coming in from the palestinian ministry of hell. 3 you can see, i mean gunshots and explosions, hold on the streets of novelist cautious erupt over night, off the palestinians, fun tires under locked roads to stop. jewish worshippers from reaching the whole east side of joseph's tomb was ready for his report. for the end of the area to assist in uh, basically uh, a security escal. now what am i caught? you're gonna, neil was speaking to a palestinian activist at the meet the on a who gave us thoughts on people in the region. being able to worship freely as the news do not have that power. uh no decision to go ahead. it is varies from and to ring and invading destiny. cities to worship. we can see this clearly in the hebron we can see clearly in nablus. but on the other hand is re lease,
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have all the military power that 4000 young people from practicing freedom of worship. therefore the question lies with israel allow freedom of worship and it is on except people to put the palestinian people live in on the occupation on the same thing as the is riley. are you familiar with all the military power there were negotiations don't and between the palestinian authority and the it's really a socrates to a lot of these worshippers. you call them settlers, but they themselves would say that their church core is they, they, they, they are worshipers. they wanted to go to. one of jude isn't at holy sites on the do that once a month, should they not be protected at by whoever does it if the palestinians cannot do it, then they need guards to do that? that's their argument as well. this is a false argument because these people come along with military power and they do
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cause feelings of palestinian people. the pretext of claiming that these settlers and political motivated individuals invade theirs protected by and is rarely occupation military force coming to invade about the new territory under the pretext of whole street. that a worship is totally on believable and totally discredited by facts on the ground. oh, by the palestinian people, be killed and 35 severely injured. just last night. before we joined a guest, according to lebanon's, far administer the issue of syrian refugees and his country needs to be address urgently, as they are not only jeopardizing the economic stability of the country. apparently, the problem is even was a constructive and comprehensive dialogue between loving on and the european union
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needs to be launched on all files, especially the syrian displacement dossier which has begun to pose a threat not only to the lebanese social structure and the economic stability, but also to the continued existence of love and on as an entity 11 on adheres to its rights and responsibilities. and facilitating the safe and dignified return of the display syrians to their homes in particular to safe areas in line with the international law. and in a way that does not contradict the lebanese constitution which stipulates 11 on is not a country of asylum. and this all comes off in the european parliament adopted a resolution last week, which address the situation of the one on the hop. mindy and syrian refugees currently 11 on saying that there are currently no conditions for them to make a quote, voluntary and dignified for a ton for syria. well, let's take this further. now, of course we'll have to book the job. i was lucky, but professor of history politics on international relations. i talk to thank you
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very much for coming on the program here on i see that like many, a lebanese foreign minister said that his nation is, is not a country of asylum. is that a, a shift student policy, perhaps, or is it perhaps a reminder to brussels in the you as well. uh, i believe that uh, this declaration by the been, his government is an attempt to, uh, address the issue. the price is actually of the city and refuges. 111, we're talking about 1500000 a city and refugees, not to mention the city and what goes in lebanon, in addition to all those non liberties, nationals who live in lebanon. so when we talk about today, if you're use 1500000 refugees, we're talking about a 3rd of anybody's population which puts a big burden on the bunny is, uh,
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economy infrastructure. and of course on the demographic balance on this security. the balance of all of these should have been either as long before the this date. however, it was due to the lack of the balance of anybody's government on one hand, the, uh, the, the, the a binding of the majority of the veneers ministers ultimately by, uh, uh, by uh, west and pleasures. and by west some instructions on lately, the decision of the european parliament, which is an infringement on liberty, is to solve it empty to, to keep the city and refugees on the values that it is adding to the problem. the offering money is the story sort of jumping the brussels to sort of jump in. maybe it's brussels, offering money here because to easier to induce, who is going to get something like a 1000000000 you arose to stop illegal migration and coming coming across the sea.
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i mean the bailey and euros. maybe maybe they should give that kind of money to 11 on. i don't know. what do you think? yeah. a yes. well actually uh the refugees, 11 out of receiving aid from western uh was from uh, west of companies. however, this is not too much the cost of the uh, of the refugees uh on the news economy, especially that there was a study which mention the cost of the tv there in the city of refugees and lebanon is much less then integrating them into you and that's why europe is trying to keep the refuge is 11. and that's one the one side of the problem. and the other side is that you'd have under united states of preventing that have been use governments from talking to the city and government in order to. busy let's say it'd be 538 these refugees and to safe
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zones in syria. and the reason for this is jo follow to could because i believe many observes observers 11 and believe that the united states and the west is trying to use this. uh, the because of the refugees, 11 and city of refugees, 11 and in order to exert the pressure on the sitting government on one hand. and in order to use this, got us one 4th and meet with you start blaze the situation and level and syria in case the civilians would try to liberate the categories in eastern city of from american alteration. so this is the reason why the west is trying to keep the refugees and 11, and this is adding to the problem is the aggravating the situation and 11 a professor of history politics and international relations, taking this conversation further with some very straight comments. thank you. very
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much for your time of the u. s. congress has held a hearing to examine allegations that within the federal government, there are actors that serve the interests of the democratic party and wait for it. the family president drove by. it all has been brought to light house to allegations with multiple us agencies, thoughts a sense. so americans and even colluded with big tech, to maintain a shortly democratic narrative. shocked, yet probably not forcing live to watch these kind of move in right now. so anybody for us in the big apple, caleb, i mean, you know, this kind of stuff, it just doesn't stop. it's like every day a new little bit of information pops up. what, what do we know about the issues currently being examined by the house judiciary committee? well, the star witness before the house judiciary committee was robert kennedy junior. the nephew of john f. kennedy, the former us president. and he was on the defensive. he made clear in his
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testimony that was not anti semitic, and she was not opposed to vaccines in principle. he was simply in favor of transparency and accurate medical information. but he base some pretty harsh accusations in questioning at the hands of democrats on the committee. now, also testifying was a bright bar order, and one of the issues that came up before the house judiciary committee, that was a big point of contention. and the hearing was the hunter bide, laptop story. you'll recall how us media declared the story to be russian propaganda, how facebook and twitter, even the outlaw on lot the sharing of the link band blank from being shared to the new york story. and now we understand the story about hunter biden's laptop used against back through yours a moment, the got rather jas, between a member of congress and a bright bar report. i can say with confidence to what is going on with the bible
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family. is it absolutely it is, is absolutely horrific and undermines the very foundation of our country and our, the integrity of the people in the highest, highest elected and appointed offices in this country. the thing about the censorship was not only that it was you know, deleted or whatever from twitter, but also it tested in a spurs and on, on the reporting on me that was literally made up. do you think the f b i tried to ensure that the american people didn't hear the story in order to change the outcome of the election in 2020 i don't know how to answer that question because i'm not in their head. i don't know. you know, the reason why we do know that the american public were not told the truth about the 100 by the laptop and joe biden's involvement with his dealings weren't dealing well. that's it. and that's, that's what pertains to my work. in my experience. now we now have
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a deposition that was put forward by the house judiciary committee, confirming what was put forward and the hearing today that it seems like the f b. i knew this story was in fact true, but labeled in russian propaganda. and this information for purely political reasons because they wanted to swing the election in the. busy biden's favor against donald trump. now at this point, that brings us back to what was one of the main points of the here, which was government suppression of freedom of speech and government agencies like the app, the i a guiding social media and using social media to highlight certain messages. wow. suppressing other that became a very big point of the hearing. let's listen because what we have seen in the last couple of weeks is irrefutable evidence of the fact that the f b,
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i has not only been systematically working to sensor american speech, but they have been facilitating it. and that in some cases that the has a foreign governments. so now we have an f, b i that is not just saying that they're going to fight for an interference. they're facilitating it. that's a problem. we've established clearly with hard evidence that there is, in fact a weapon is ation of the federal government against the american people. and every single day that we do not acknowledge it is a bad day in america. the pillars of our constitutional republic, not democracy, are being taken down bit by bit because the press is being told they can ask the tough questions. so the hearings seem to be giving boys to widespread sentiments in the country. many americans are not comfortable with federal agencies deciding what news they showed here and what news they shouldn't here and lately trying to graph
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narratives to serve a certain political agenda. and as you saw in the testimony this morning, uh, things got you to, uh, republicans and democrats don't see i to i, a lot of accusations were hurled at our f k junior in particular. but the issue at hand government censorship and suppression of certain information was certainly highlighted in the hearing. all right, kindly appreciate it. thanks bye. the. the online video conference was held today by a group called re union in essence to protect the rights of political prisoners. we cannot take this conversation about the hero, an auction international, not with all she contributed to all read are you also, if i'm not mistaken out for my stuff or about joe biden when he was a senate so, so going back just a little bit, don't worry but not showing our age are relax, relax, relax, and listen. you were involved you what you participated in in, in this conference. you actually gave an address that you what, what did you speak about? um, actually it was really interesting. worry um,
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so the one of the founders is the state w to do my director, dimitri claudia. and he was there with many people from all over from bulgaria, from poland, from the united states, talking about all of europe and also religious persecution. and the way that's been playing out, particularly right around you crane and that question and it's, it's called the christian european coalition and basically, um, trying to preserve the values of old europe. um is i think some of their goals and i spoke because they asked me to speak about my case because i was basically persecuted by the united states for political speech. i spoke out very strongly against the proxy war against the us nato proxy war against rest of the ukraine. i spoke about the money laundering and i was threatened with prison plus i came forward with what happens with joe biden, and i had to seek asylum here in russia and thank goodness i was. i've been given
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temporary asylum here. yeah. yeah. so, i mean, you know, that the world is entering some of the most wild times. i mean, you know, like, oh, well set it, but i mean, tara telling the truth at a time of universal deceit is a revolutionary act. and it is very dangerous when you're going to be kind of walking on thin ice. i'm going to do this whole re union conference, as you said, is, is fighting for the freedom of speech. and it's a trying to expose a political public is let me talk about your credit and metropolitan powell vera, the, the key of your credit lab row, i mean outright persecution of religious because the, i mean that it's really been shopping very little comments coming out of a un, but the vatican commented, the pope said you got to stop the religious persecution right in ukraine. what do you think so when it comes to persecutions of people in europe, but it doesn't really get that much of tension. it's opinions that differ from the official narrative that that's where people get into trouble. right. right. and i
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think the populations in like france, spain, some of the areas and some of the speakers addresses that they are feeling persecuted for their believes. and you know, this goes back to being american, i can speak about the neo liberal sort of a push right now that's pushing up against the traditional family values and kind of religion itself. in fact, you know, as a side note, i spoke about this as a conference. steve friend is a whistle blow from the f. b i to talked about had last year under the, by the administration, labor targeting the catholics as extreme as an f. b, i's went in and infiltrated catholics so, so they were talking at a bigger level about political prisoners like julie massage. ok, not religious persecution, about political speech. what did they say about us on? well, i think what would basically they, they're calling for all political prisoners to, to be freed. right. and the super and for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, freedom of expression. one of the reasons i was asked to speak with my attorneys
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have filed a un uh, filing about the violation of human rights for the united states. well, it is. so they were had different speakers, like scott ritter, you had um some different people that have been targeted if you will, by their government. um for speaking out against uh, the proxy war and things like that. i mean, its got rid of houston on all the a number of times, very, very good model, although i think he's being a slight, is scarlet legged in america, but couldn't come out because he comes out against what all established, main stream narratives. i mean, i just to give you an article on this right now, you know, in england k, one of the biggest papers is the telegraph, right? and his website is a telegraph o dot u k. and they've just, just just hours ago, they published a headlines saying ukraine and the west, the facing a devastating defeat in ukraine. so i'm seeing a narrative now that is only just starting to shift. but had you been saying that in recent months or in the past year, you would have been. busy without all sorts of problems, you obviously, as i said,
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telling the truth, you know, what a time of universe will the seed is a revolutionary act. i mean, social media, for example, you tell the truth on facebook or they'll block it, twitter will deleted youtube, will sign it. what, what do you think? because i mean, people said to me, when i moved to rush or people were like, oh, you call and have freedom of speech in russia, you can't do this, you can't do that. and yet i spent so many years in america nearly 10 years working for cnn. and yet when i moved to the russian federation, i have never experienced such a sense of freedom. and i mean that from the bottom of my heart, i agree, roy and i feel the same thing as the 1st time i felt safe and so long i can actually do the work that i want to do with writing and with the expression. and i concur with you, i know, you know, we can kind of show with our to, for many years. and he said it's the most free. he's ever been creatively in the 8 years when he had his so i have to say the same. i've worked for r t for several years and hope to continue on for a long time. and the reason why they're trying to,
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to censor independent media or media like r t is because we were telling the truth because we're giving another angle. yeah, and we're not falling into the propaganda. and i think that this is, um, online conference was, was focused also on just some of the persecution that's happening in the crane. i mean the horrible ways and some of the, you know, monks and nuns have been thrown in jail and the rest russian orthodox have been attacked. but you have the population there and you find for 80 percent or christian, 72 percent or orthodox christians. and you know, and then you have this, the key of review trying to keep them from practicing their religion. and so, you know, it's that conversation too. it's hard. yeah. it's not just religious persecution that i mean zalinski is kicked out of the opposition party. absolutely. all the opposition media. mm hm. i mean, can you believe that? yeah, i caught even have a tv channel. any crazy questions, the actions and policies, all of the key of regime. so religious persecution,
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getting rid of the opposition party isn't getting rid of the opposition tv channels and then you talk about the money laundering, the guns smuggling and the elections right now. i'm like, oh elections. as of right when it comes with this ongoing us it lensky said, we cannot have any new election. i mean, honestly, yeah. what a state of affairs it is. it is something. so luckily we have groups like this trying to, you know, push back or trying to help political prisoners, you know, and it's, it's times like this when, when a job like that has never been more important. right. go to push back on the circled mainstream narratives because that causing more problems then as a tower read onto contributor, great to have you in the studio. that was really what you're seeing you soon. yeah, thank you for having me. thank you. all right, thanks for joining us. your nazi international were so good to have your company onto the com has all the updates for you by the hour. check out. your latest comes the
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they say you either embrace japan or you rejected you either adapt giving up your culture or you remain a stranger, a poor guy g. the, i'm a journalist. i've lived in japan from one to 30 years. i live in take this country . i know it and i ignore it. i accepted and i approached it as if it were my own country. i can happily sleep on to thomas, but i cannot give up some of my old and healthy habits, such as my coffee above . i never get used to earth quakes. i live on the 6th floor of an old building, and every time there is one, even a small one. it makes me the,
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if i would have been a tune at 2 46 pm on the 11th of march, 2011, sort of new terms that we talked about. does that sound fair amount of one piece piece of mind? does he live up? what about the light came on for someone, that's what we're missing. what about this up at a from do you know put him out of this one? i think he was doing an update on the sheet of benefit as i'm not sure that the funding changed. the nothing to the new york city for one on another tonight saying that i did not i made to run
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the backups. i realize that we have survived the largest earthquake ever recorded in japan. the 90 degrees, richter scale, left the east of the country and south, which has a magnitude center then the some years, the title rates for a 100 miles if it comes to the whole to some places it exceeds 30 meters, which is 67 kilometers beautiful. which would, plastic aluminum houses gets in very quickly swallowed by water.
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the realism shut down, so they're no longer generating light. it's hard to believe the 1st depth towards reports, so fuel knowing victims. and it's hard to believe those who say that nuclear power plants are so a situation page of google shame, a power pond on the 19 facilities existing in the country. located 312, which is ne, a thank you. it's owned by $10.00 to $1.00 of the 10 electricity companies. it's kind with it's 6 nuclear power reactors. the power plant is one of the most important and include facilities in the world and considered one of the safest
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nucleus stations in spite of its for 2 years. during the endless minutes of the earthquake, the power reactors and no probation. 12356, automatically stop, and the operators activate the security procedures the, the quick hips baton todd, the high voltage match full. and the cost ation is isolated from the national electric supply. the emergency diesel generates 10 on both the magically providing electricity to the cooling systems, which have the task of reducing heat inside the power reactors. once they have stopped working the barely an hour after the earthquake. the wave of 14 meters devastates the nuclear power plant crossing over the damn, the protection of the nuclear ponds against waves of 6 meters maximum.
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