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tv   Documentary  RT  July 21, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

12:30 pm
is that, yeah, well, i suppose president putin speaking at the russian security council, a very long comprehensive speech. and some really, really interesting insights into that president putin's thinking. a lot of things that i've informed based on numerous channels on the russian side, ukrainian silence. i suppose it's centers around present to things and russians view back to button rugs that you know, the poland is a key player here that poland has been energetically weaponized. if you like it against russia, present food, mentioning the soviet era when russian and even now there's we, some polls suggest that it is on tuition fees. now that this proxy war essentially against russia, there's exceptionally desperate attempts now to flood the battlefield with ever more weaponry. at the backers now see that this war is essentially failing and he, he actually spoke very specifically about opponents involved with and what this coalition could become in the event of a settlement or in the event of an active conflict. so we can actually solicit the
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president, put mentioning that now it's not gonna say it's a force gives me, you know, partially does their property planning to form some kind of coalition under the nato umbrella and directly intervene in the conflicts in ukraine in order to tear off a big a piece for themselves during the game, what they considered the historical territories west and ukraine to think of any yeah, so very interesting. directly engaging with this long discussed idea that old polish territories in, you know, ukraine, that were a part of the polar dwayne and, and part of the, the obvious next step would be for opponent, essentially to attempt to regain some of those territories more by somebody really interesting, and it was a how does the crating is figure into all of this? i mean, do they play a role or do they take a step back? how's it work? well, i think this is what present improvement is suggesting that as the actual ukrainian army that was billed since 2014 has been essentially destroyed very sadly, a huge lined army build point a to since 2014. and we know that the over 10000
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ukraine soldiers being trained in ukraine and apparently a peaceful country, not a line, a de facto nato, or i mean these ever increasingly desperate attempts to fund and resorts this conflict. now present a boot and suggests, and it said you have little left that you prank and put into this meek, lined are essentially on the polls i'm lithuanians may now be the next stage of deployment into this conflict. we know there's a lot of western mercenaries we know a lot of them have been killed. so it's, again, it's a, again, it's about rocks and the west to keep this, this war going on, present to directly address that you planning and people with that the regime and you have essentially didn't have really much concern about the order ukrainian laws that would be borne up where the vast numbers of men and boys who are being sent to die with fatal training and 2nd rate equipment against very well, infringed russian defenses. and it's obvious now to any objective independent observer or unless that this account defensive has failed the present pollutant.
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again, directly addressed the impact on ukrainian people during his speech. i think we should have listened to the this is key to the point you met today. we see that the regime in cube is ready to do anything to save it scanned and prolong its existence . they don't care about the people dress, they were afraid, both people angry just as they did a search traces of ready to open the gates before and most as and once again sell ukraine. so again, president put really focusing in and you know, totally letting out the story about the reality here. now when you claim that this proxy war which began with the west, the natal, probably believing that they could use the natal backed resources and you claimed what begun as natal supporting ukraine, has no ukraine supporting of nato conflict. natal doesn't want boots on the ground . it doesn't want its own voters or populations politically involved in a, in a bloody war, and you find there, okay, with slabs dying with the russians and, and the ukraine insight. so what present fitness suggests legends chief suggests,
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which many have suggested prior to this very important at take from the president putin, is that the next level of a polo lithuanian type of force and to ukraine as part of a settlement as part of an escalation. so it's a very, very interesting space. morales, i'm really worried supposedly, to any boots. isn't that nate? so oh i, that's another topic altogether. shape or with a version so can see things about for dynamic. thanks. now, well, let's plus live now to also and world correspondent thomas robot. publish. all right, thanks for joining us. as a interesting day, we have a head of us now. we just had, the russian president said kids west and back as was disappointed with the results of the counselor offensive. so if they all what, what kind of response will that be from both them? i'm you claim as well that might be different scenarios. one is that the west goes
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out because the us have the election to have and you can, you was quite unpopular. the pups possibility is an escalation by putting in some europeans. and this is a scenario which we have talking about it already. more than a year of ukraine has made several agreements with keith, which gave poland and then polish citizens special rights in ukraine, which was already seen as the attempt to somehow next west, a new credit interrogatories in poland. immediately after the beginning of the escalation, wanted to ascend sole, just about the us said, you can do it, no problem. but this is not a not natural case and best, why poland until now didn't do that. but if this what uh, was mentioned, no by putting into secret service, this is true. and then maybe the idea is back to life and they want to send uh, what about 3 gates from that to countries to ukraine, which would be not a natural case, which is important. so and at the end of the day these countries would be alone,
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advanced fresh. yeah. so varies very weird advice. i don't know, i guess i thought about sending most and the reason. but, but, and also said that the west, so seen its equipment is inferior to soviet machines. i mean, will this influence, do you think the type of weapons flowing into ukraine and uh, will they up the empty more now. do you think of well regarding the, the west end equipment i just last week was at the front line and in 2 places at the end of the f, d f. and i talked to soldiers with that and they absolutely said the same. they said they have many tests and they say in general they have a bad but they have some kind of a more precise but they all not made for a war. so they are for special operations as soon as they are to reorder even be the machine guns are switching very often very long. they getting hot and they, they get, they broke the breakdown. so the western equipment is really,
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is some kind. yeah, it's not as good as was a sport and the west and the russian arms, they are able to find what they can shoot and she's interested in. nothing happens less than a weapons. i'm not good for that. it's crazy end up zip at this park. yeah, so it's sad because so many people buying, we got, you know, for no reason maybe i mean this could be and really quite quickly this session. let's look at the political side slide now, especially with presence of landscape and i, he early dismissed. and if you heard about us, but he early dismissed the cleaning, i'm boss of the, to the u. k. a. the comments that they provide made about the british defense. and as a ben, why as you may know, but what do you make of this move? well this was expected of no president in any country of the world would expect, except that this is investigator is just talking against him. the best that has the job to support his government,
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whether you like it or not. um. so it still ends piece. uh so, and then at the nato summit was, was stupid and been invested. it was the right to mention it, but the incident message that he has no right to do that. so this of this happened and it shows somehow um the problem in key if they are really the nurse of blink down now and then. and that's why the things that just happened. as he left, he lost his nurse on the day to somebody when he understood that there's nothing natural gift to him. and the best in london decided to mention it, which is, which is not his job as an investigative, sorry. so let's see though, i was like, take us back a little bit, especially with me until the about the publish. let's see when you create any military units. i mean, this oh wait until hear about the sooner they said was it, like you said they called use the official forces because that would mean nato intervention. so i'll be talking about like something along the lines i've been
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involved with the group or something along the lines of the a private moved feel guys ation a little bit can be said i, you know, when, when a native country enters award doesn't mean that a whole nato has to come if a poland and somebody is always telling me, i'm sorry, sorry, it's always so. sorry. i, i know i went to obviously, but i thought we said i thought we know that, you know, i'll go, i can't remember which one is if one nato country comes attacks, then we're all it. but they keep saying this all the time isn't not true. yeah. but they, but again, we have just lost you already went pulling in $1.00 to $2.00 to $5.00 separate to give us airports for, for your pregnant come at 5 just and so on, or even to send troops. the said you can do it, but it's your problem. it's not made to you or not, the tech do a mixing in another war, and this is not a defense case. so this is a very slight difference in the, in the nature of treaty when they entered this config themselves. all nature states
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can say, hey, this is your problem, not ours. actually called fights of the nature treatment says if you are attacked, but this would mean the tech, they're stuck themselves. and the u. s. they, the us that they are fighting against russia. it goes to the left ukrainian and they're right for most already the u. s. has no problem to also fight against russia to the last published guy. and this might be what we can see, but this will not be to this is the fund anything of the treaty. okay, thomas? absolutely. thank you for clearing that out. if that makes sense now, so if potent was attacked, then everybody would go in. but if it's power and wants to attack all the countries that will make sense. uh, yeah. okay. all right. but you know, put is also stress. ukraine's mobilized forces were being depleted. i mean, if that's the case, well 4 flights is increased, they stop to make up the numbers. that's a key question here. yeah, this would be the case and we see that mobilizing ukraine is quite complicated
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already. they, they by force take man from the streets and sent them to the front without real preparation or whatever. so that means that you paid has short slots as i've seen that at the front. and so just told me this is really crazy. what's happening. they seem to fall just, let's say the negative with a gun and the mine fields. so it's crazy what's happening. the loss is in ukraine as georgia, and they have problems with the manpower. so, um, uh, some soldier said, well, they can send may just the weapons as much as they want this, if there are no sense. so just to use them, this is also not, not really helpful. so this might be a way to give you crane freshman power, but um yeah, we will see yeah. in the summer. so the also i'm will cost when i set. thank you so much for joining us. it's the pleasure of the day. thanks again. thank you. bye. bye. all right, let's change gears. i'm gonna send our sciences to the middle east, off the you've all been ongoing broker and repeating selling daily life for many in
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gaza is often a struggle even most so when the local electricity suppliers struggles to keep the lights on them, that's particularly the case for local firms that rely on a constant supply of power to maintain their livelihoods. all these movie phenomena has been to investigate of this fish farm along with 2 others in the gaz us 3 producers together around $300.00 tons of fish, a year pumping sea water to the tanks, filtering, keeping the same temperature and enriching it with oxygen. other basic conditions for houses, fish add to that labord. so equipment and restaurant facilities, all that consumes a lot of electricity, the gas i can hardly provide you to years long energy crisis, solar power viewed as alternative nature friendly renewables. source is a force necessity here on the side of our annual charge by the electricity company is nearly a $1000000.00, and that's with solar energy. without it,
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we would pay nearly $2000000.00 and it seems like a solution to save the fish and keep business going. but in a conflict or in turbulent region, like the gas a 3, nothing is ever secure. the gas, the electricity crisis, kicked off in 2006, often escalation between israel and gas. and when the abduction of an idea of soldier led ease realtor shell, the guys in power plant ever since the facility has trouble to function properly. creating a chronic alex was to deficit today produces an average of $65.00 megawatts per day . however, the 2000000 gallons need up to 700 megawatts you in the hot summer, and then the cold winter times gas a power plant, which you can see behind me is now the only domestic electricity supply for this tree. it's working at maximum capacity on the current circumstances, but is able to cover even 10 percent of the regions needs during pick consumption season. but even that is a challenge and cannot always be guaranteed the plan to runs unimportant fields and
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needs at least $150000.00 leaders per day to function. israel's harsh restrictions on inputs of oil maintenance materials and even the volume of available storage affect the work drastically. so how much subsets from the gas, the electricity distribution corporation says they encourage municipalities to use more solar energy. but domestic improvements always have risks, strategic solutions he believes lie in the opportunity to, to obtain power from neighboring agent, or connecting to original network already uniting a to middle east and, and african countries. which is hard to achieve youtube disagreements between the sides involved. and israel adam will do it as the main crisis in the gaza strip, is not technical. it's all connected to political issues. there is a huge lack of security disability as the small geographical area is constantly exposed to attacks and the targets enough infrastructure. so building solar fields
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in the gaza strip will always be targeted and destroyed. and until that is solved and gas it remains. if, how is steven enclave surviving onto this rarely economic blockade and constant confrontation? the private sector in businesses, schools, hospitals, will be suffering from severe electricity shortages, dragging people's lives and the future into an unknown darkness. moving ocean, auntie reporting from augusta, the june to is comparatively low cost and widespread popularity. liquefied natural gas as in energy as those that many nations of buying for. i'm russell, seeking to help satisfy the growing demand. they all think l. n g 2 is a sizable product that is now on the consumption. morland's city in northern russia . the initial transit route connects to is just to put minutes of it industrial
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location by the northern c route. as you can see, that by the way, this route is the quickest st possibly in europe and asia. now they all think l n g to, but that was officially launched on thursday to the enterprise. under the control, all the nova takes a will be made up of 3 transit minds, each with the capacity to move $6600000.00 tons of l. n g. so that the, yeah, now the product is designed to help russia achieve its goal of securing 20 percent of the world's largest hold the world energy market by 2035 right now is just on the top of that all these nicky arrow and was on the scene, i'm bored us, the details. a total russian president vladimir putin is in russia's northwest in the months to oversee the fuzz shipments of l. n. g. from the arctic l. n g to projects. well, this is know the text, 2nd largest elegy project following its flagship a mall and n g,
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which was low as being 2017. and it's really a significant occasion because it's showing how russian companies are rolling with the punches in the face of an abundance of western sanctions. initially, this project had several west and find that showed boxes. and now it's showing that it can stand on its own 2 feet says no, the take folders ahead with its own vicious optic plans. i have been trained on the island g market for quite some time. now the global demand for l n. g is sky rocketing, does the world transitions towards a more low carbon energy demand. now l n g is cost efficient, produce is less copland. dockside pops crucially. for russia, it doesn't depend on pipelines and i'm not show l n g is more mobile. the final project will say 3 l n g liquid application trains transpose 6600000 tons of allergy aids per yeah. using this in over to technology. these and gravity based
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start because you see behind me though, these last sole and yet into her code floating hubs will act as a trends shipment terminals. but we, the law just of that kind in the was able to hold 360000 cubic meters of valente. so who stands to benefit from this innovation? and made rising demand to one key consumer will be asia receiving deliveries via the northern c routes involve russian l. n. g, exposed to europe actually increased significantly. last year. the u has pledged a cottage dependency on russia completely by 2027, leaving european and chinese energy groups report to be scrambling to lock in ellen, the shipments from the us, whether the us has the sufficient spec capacity to accommodate remains to be seen. meanwhile, russia, with its vast quantities of natural gas and aspiring arctic innovations seemed to
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show that the offices could lie in the months. a senior russian rolnick say it is labeled mad serenade system has been completely unprepared for adequately responding to civilian needs, training, modern conflict. so the 21st century, the main fee, cuz net so made those comments to an online gathering of the so called re union and for them to address human rights issues. we must come of the softball team was faced with the fact that it seems like they should be humanitarian human rights organizations that were created mainly in the middle of the last century. well, the century before last let the red cross dames ferry humanity had 150 years to somehow work out issues of humanitarian actions, protect the rights of citizens during on complex and other crises. but it turns out that the global humanitarian system is completely unprepared. unable to respond to the challenges that has arisen in the 21st century. while the guest set in the
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conference was a former us congressional stuff and elizabeth tyler read. she told us more details about the issues in focus. they asked me to speak about my case because i was basically persecuted by the united states for political speech. i spoke out very strongly against the proxy war against the u. s. nito proxy war against the rest of the ukraine. i spoke about the money laundering and i was threaten with prison. they think fit the population in like france, spain, some of the areas and some of the speakers addresses that they are feeling persecuted for their believes and, you know, this goes back to being american. i can speak about the neo liberal sort of a push right now. that's pushing up against traditional family values and kind of religion itself. so. so they were talking at a bigger level about political prisoners like julie massage, they're calling for all political prisoners to,
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to be freed. and the reason why they're trying to, to censor independent media or media like r t is because we're, we're telling the truth because we're giving another angle and we're not falling into the propaganda. and i think that this, this online conference was, was focused also on just some of the persecution that's happening in the crane. i mean, the horrible ways and some of the, you know, monks and nuns have been thrown in jail. and the rest of the russian orthodox had been attacked. while that outside of the scenes, i did check out all to the com. lots of interesting. so is that also i will be back at the top of them the, you know sort of course themselves are now are you me because my jump now did no problem ma'am.
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ma'am. by getting a little confused about the last, the like the
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the order will adjust the the color. we would get a repetition under the fill out to valid women. yes. some little more snow. i use the summer motional way in the spring gym to somebody me on the story to you shortly. i forgot the is maximizing the number of the nights mean. yeah. but also a number of fish here where you could respond exempt of but off slowly enough.
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corresponding number of integration, divinely just on the corner of 2nd street. i'm showing. if i can put it that way, i need this to go thought, of course, i knew the maximum is this, and it doesn't need to spend the color of the blue eyes across my board of deadlines because i'll come up from your set of plus a now come on 0, but there is that in there, the bill is from billy just with budgets of things format of almost a thump, thump, sound good to try. if i'm sincere my passenger side of my supervise for some field the
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show on us can get started. you know, it's just much that's the genius put the agree on the rise to that or could i short if i wasn't professional and such as much productivity your prescription or the new shows people look up a small speech issue. you know, you have done the worst the shows, the patient isn't the show more for social well that those for me that there was no, you know of the stock i'd be to go for the most to show at the blue link, the blog most boss noise the article, i suggested what the zip spot is, but yeah,
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my definitely it is on to what the new property or some that could you give me at the top? not me live show golf course. go with the car you ship was the xerox on the golf course. goodness. right. next to the system, you have a silver number. would you be saw us to drop? look a whole. yes, it does require nipples. one unity baptist golf course could be a seed should have this because i know what image of offering you will be able to obtain the tail light speed or what else to send you a brief here just to just getting started on this cuz i thought you probably had
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pulled the watching up on you have any of your fresh air so so much of stuff as ration in the line. you're more interested in that the light doesn't myers is not. i mean by us are still on the books for me. i don't want the music, she am ready for progress. she had to bring me up the ship, but i just compromised the car. so if i show that smart city, not grass is bush, kamesia myers, the another trick them on beauty is all. it's just what is your mission over the door? those are those not just because of the greatest things. so because before you look on the somebody and they divided by jump to the vet, that's too hard. you don't via shows the same them yet to ensure your destiny and
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just and just because i know because it's nice to me successful, not quite sure about this now clause. so people are going to show me see me got there and i get back out of it. so 630. mm hm. uh is that for any of us to this or not the responsive the oh yeah, it does. it is a way to put yourself on monday, what it is we're going to prepare for the script that it was this days and i feel it must be a little bitty to scott jump was the
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old circle. she gets hold of this is the most, do i use what i'm not the by the most, all you have to do is probably traditional for she a lot of those still really cool. we have some other, some back up the my direct applies to me on a personal stop here don't go. i actually will, you know, not that we a go to talk to somebody said, sure, yeah, it's not very important for me or i 0 me what 0 can you, what are the shifter willfully short list of, of, with the store. and then when boy give it in court and buy it,
1:00 pm
the more january inquiry have sooners. so i'm the 1st part is you. what do you notice what a city of flow, but the reason for my not my left them with that simpler store on my board of the more suitable book when it was supposed to store your voice mail. so i never for the year for this what is it was silver recently made available will solution that much i.


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