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tv   Documentary  RT  July 22, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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so okay, meeting she does doesn't really say anything subsystem she never has before. why should we expect that now? but the what the, the, the, the tucker interviews showed. it least if you, if you're interested in the topic of the, there are red lines there. people have certain limits and they don't like being like, i like to, okay. it's for democracy. uh, okay, how did, why are their elections going on in ukraine? okay. well, it's about transparency. why can't you have an audit of all the money that's going? they're excited people, you know, people don't like to be treated as it is if they're children. yeah. then the question, and it's was very striking that the in the 2016 when the trump um, what is this array to his full of his or republican opponents. he did it by a very clear, unambiguous messages and we will like to about the rock. thank you. absolutely. it
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was a comb job that and as you went further, you said that they knew it was a tongue job. those people who, you know, the depths of thousands of americans are on them because they lied to the american public and everyone assumed, well, this is the end of trump, you know, you know, he, he gals survivors and he's the republican voters to you the deal. yeah. you're absolutely right. we will lied to and this was in south carolina, you know, where you're the home of all the veterans. yeah. so, so you're actually right. the people want, you know, the truth still and the, and they told that everything that they've been told about ukraine about zalinski has been lies. and the, and that is, that isn't any build. and that also explains dr. call son's notice reputation. i mean, he's standing among the republicans is extraordinary. and topic also has been the one person on the main stream media who has been absolutely eligible the on the,
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the subject of the ukraine. yeah. yeah. he's not afraid. he's not afraid. everybody else has put into a pos you're being afraid of going to i find a bobby kennedy junior, this position on this very interesting to. so you have a, obviously he's not the frontrunner in the democratic primary because there isn't a democratic primary. but i mean, he is prominent within the party and alter alternative media. he's very, very popular now, like in the main screen here, but it's very interesting. you have a bobby kennedy junior in trump, maybe not saying the same things, but both being skeptical, hosting skeptical and both being marginalized, uncensored and blocked by the mainstream media. and it's amazing to watch when they say something, what you're allowed, then to cover in the mainstream press or to have again, youtube censoring videos blocking uh, shutting down entire channels because of what bobby kennedy junior has to say. i don't agree with him on, on everything at all, but i think when you have
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a candidate who's willing and afraid to come out and say, you know, why are we doing this? i won't, he says i'm gonna shut down all the military bases around the world. do you ever think they're going to let him become president of the united states when he says, but i'm going to dismantle the military industrial complex. i'm going to take and shut down these military bases. i everybody. how can i say that quite, and how can you say that you're going to feel the comment on? isn't that a comment on the, on the the scituate patient of democracy in america, you just said they'll never allow him to do that? well, i, well, what happened to the democratic process? yeah, i mean, that facade, i think we're now really seeing through this facade that the, it's, it's the money, it's the donors. all you need to do is go back seen these nuggets of bernie sanders . right, when, when m. s n b c, producers and whistle blowers that emma sent, b. c came forward and admitted that they were told that they were not allowed to put bernie sanders on television right then even in their graphic. so if they had
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on their screen when they showed who's the poor, the candidates running for president right now, it was interesting to see in, you know, andrew yang and other people removed from the graphic and they had comma la harris on there who was pulling lower than bernie sanders. why? so she's pulling lower. your bernie sanders who's winning, but you can't have him on the show. you can't do the man. i have to go to a heart break here. we're going to jump in here. we're going to go have a hard break, and after that hard break will continue our discussion state the the the
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the the welcome back across stuff where all the things are considered. i'm peters. well, this is a home addition to remind you were discussing some real news. the all right, george in budapest, year, in the last new cycle we had other senate rejects congressional powers over nato,
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article 5, and it was a vote of it losing 16 to 83. i thought we entered the pro 1st part of the problem, talking about the democratic process. now we're talking about trashing the constitution. is it someone else's? another country is security means crumbs. the security needs of the united states and part of the constitution. that exactly is a bit of a brand full, hasn't bade the prop uh, democratic uh, observation that, you know, optical 5 of the knows that bands are treated does not trump the us call seduce, isn't it decisions about going to level of determined by congress and by the us present the not determined by nature, but this is where, you know, the american, the political elite is of no, no, no, you know, we, we've gone, discuss that. we have to be binding on articles live is binding on it. but of
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course, we were told many times the article vibe doesn't say that your domestic legal was. but even when you look at the north atlantic treaty good makes clear that you're only other obligated to go to war in circumstances as long as your in conformity with 0 nations laws and the constitution. and so they accept even the north atlantic treaty, except that every nation has to follow its own laws and its own constitution, but it is a measure of how far america is the generated. because there was a time when there was senators who expressed discomfort with the united states joining nato, the senate, those who are expressing discomforts over the expansion of major the was a debate. i mean, wasn't much of a debate,
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but the list of what's on the debates in the ninety's about expanding nato. now, i mean, other than rand, full and even he is been rather weak. but you know, other than rampal, there's no one was a pay where the hell is the america. you dragging of the americans into? yeah, well it judge them on our podcast to discuss the great length with article one of the treaty is which has never mentioned meaning. don't look, always refer, resort to diplomatic means to resolve conflicts here with claims. what is there, what is the reason why i brought this up in? it's something a trend that i have been observing for a long time. you're in lisbon. you're in portugal. and uh, you know, we've seen how b e. u is subsumed itself to nato because, you know, we've breaks it, you know, the, the, uh, the case, a back door back into europe is with the european union. but when it subsumed under nato and the what's called versus just codified exactly the same thing. i got you,
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i found this article on anti war dot com. i mean, i didn't see it in the main street. i would have missed it completely if i hadn't gone to alternative media cleaning it well you, i think you're hitting the nail on the head, which is what? well, george did to is what is happening to united states. you're literally, you're literally taking away american sovereignty and you're turning it over to this global on elected body. and it really gets you off the hook. we're seeing it at the world economic forum level. we're seeing at the world health organization level. so that, you know, under a pandemic treaty, what happens? well, the united states government is irrelevant. it's this an elected body that gets to decide with the future of these countries. and i think this is, i know there's all this chatter and talk about this unit polar order versus a multi polar order, but i really think it is actually, this is the, this is the future. this is the debate right now. do we want to give up sovereignty to these large organizations that do not have the interest of the sovereign powers
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at heart? and so in the visual countries, whether it's in netherlands and having other farmers, you know, lots of their, you know, thousands of farms because of something that is drawn up in brussels or the united states pandemic policy is something that's drawn up by the world health organization or why are we sending so many billions of dollars into this cauldron that's destroying the united states. but all of these questions are not being asked by people in washington dc. you're right, ran paul, maybe the only one that was asking that question and then he's even bent over and allowed these things to pass. oh there's no, there's no audit of the amount of money we're sending there. yeah, i asked for it. well, i guess i didn't get it. okay, i won't hold it up anymore. let's just push it through. so weak is a great way to describe it, and it's really, really troubling. the sentence rejection. you know, this constitution over the, over this i, i'm really what i'm really worried about where we go from here and how much will
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you see the, the united states senate just had to finally announce that we're no longer at warner rack. after 20 years we, we have to literally, when we even announce a war, when did we actually actually put, when did congress approval war? is there somebody going to do it? but with the recent vote in then go to george right now they will, they will, they even refuse to affirm the constitution physics showing that they don't affirm the parameters and the sovereignty, but can use that word of the come see if they refuse to do that. that's extraordinary, never happened and i'm not quite sure why quite strongly. i remember a few days ago, they also had a vote, and it was, i think, some congressmen who is a stipulate as a condition of more money for ukraine, that the by them is ration come to congress and explain each strategy. what is it trying to achieve? and if it doesn't come and explain what he's trying to achieve, then they'll be no more money. and that was, it goes also voted down. so you can,
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you are elected politicians who presumably are elected in order to oversee the patropolis spending over the taxpayers money saying, don't mamma we, we don't want to do that yet. you don't have to come to us. you don't have to explain how your, how you're spending all money. and that's the same thing with the old and that are we, we don't want to do it. we trust you, you know, all this money. it is, you know, 100000000000 do 100 bill and who knows how much money is being spent. yeah. it's all being spent perfectly appropriately. we use the tool, they need an audit of donald from businesses in new york city. yes. that, that's exactly. yeah, that's the most important stuff. right? yeah. the yeah, that, that, that, that's really important. but what you're doing with tax way is money. i, you just go ahead and keep doing what you're doing. you know, clinton, one of the things that i find really bothers and that we shouldn't be surprised at that. we've all august, remember that from b to war and the rack and the same strategy is being used even though the new york
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said we lose our less of the watch deal. we weren't or less. we, you know, we won't be, we won't fall for this again. but they are because the b, u. nato is phone is a supposed to be a defensive military organization. so she'd be talking about geo political positioning and security. but it's transcended that into a, a, a crusade, a crusade of the west, you mounted joseph browse, you know, the garden, they know all of this. here it is. the security is really kind of an after thought here because, you know, the whole idea of security during the cold war in the sense is being the visibility of security for all we are no longer in that. we, we, you know, we, we got untethered from that, okay. and, and as long as we're untethered from that, we're going to be living in the time of the intense insecurity, you know, by the way, facing, is watching. and that's a great point. it's a question i've asked for years when people would say to me,
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well this is for you when you hear the rhetoric from george w bush and, and all of them. and dick cheney and others, this is making a safer that by going into a rack. you know, tie a yellow ribbon around a tree and in america, and this is making us the safer. i mean, my brother was in baghdad. so during the gulf war, and i mean how, how we saved for was our security improved here in the united states by invading and destabilizing the middle east. like please explain that to me. i'd love to hear how that works, how our american troops in syria stealing syrian oil, providing security for the united states, and then shipping it to a rack. how i was sending a hundreds of billions of dollars into ukraine, making people in iowa safer. please explain. i would love to hear how these drivers right now could even go further. how is it actually helping ukraine, george? i mean, it needs a, you know, i've said on my program, you know, you, oh well, um we, the us should stay in a rack and i've always, it didn't, we help them and,
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you know, maybe we should stop helping these be boys. they as these lead say, because the more a that is being sent to, to ukraine, the longer the more, the more people dine in, the smaller you brain gets. if it's absolutely the, there's a, you know, in x or it will cause an effect that the more money that pulls in the more native they get, the more a countries destroyed. i mean, what's happened, the ukraine, i mean, is just the risk. but what happens the syria? i mean, it will not have well, have obama not going on with this brilliant idea to affect regime change. you know, i saw was go before that. oh god, i don't see months ago, you know, look what has to happen in the, in libya look, was having a 0 and then it goes in that same wonderful year in 2011 and they said, you know, they had the sali and human most goes. although haven't got that war in yemen has been guys up to the total devastation of the country of the country,
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and certainly hasn't done anything for the united states. but it's just the distorted the many, you know, obviously go back to one of the george w bush's wars. and this is really the legacy of nature. and even even going beyond what was, i mean, the impact that he's had in this been your old of divisiveness and you know, they, they, he's the area that's over well many countries easier. but, you know, basically have had quite a peaceful life. it wasn't, there wasn't any of this and the ethnic conflict, the, the, the, are terrible political been this will, does now emerged in a country out in bulk area and romania molto. but all of that is, is effect a is an effect of a us and they do expansion. know, you know, the george dave who are really good letting me a menu of failed, of foreign policy became changed the claim where we, where they have one minute left here. but the different, there's a big difference. this time you go to the,
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the u. s. is leading the collective west against a new killer power called brush up. it's been different. don't you think one minute? absolutely. it is. and i think you're, you're witnessing why they're continuing to push for, you know, saying well, no nuclear power, nuclear weapons that's off the table. so we're running up against this wall. okay, so then we're gonna play underneath that nuclear threshold. we're going to play our little game in our little garden, expanding nato, and all of these additional countries. and funneling as much money as we can to the expansion of nato. and we're saying we're out of weapons now. i'll continue, we're out of weapons. so you know what, we need to ramp up on a war footing. you heard this in britain, you heard this last week in washington. we need to go to a war footing. now. what does that mean while we're out of weapons now? so we need to expand within these parameters, more javelins, more patriot missiles, more jets, expansion expansion expansion. what happens? and natal being a defensive organization? yeah. well, it at the expense of health care and the education in the border security and all of that claim. it was wonderful having you on and what i think my guests in lisbon
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and in budapest and one's like our viewers are watching us. here are the see next time. remember process. the . the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time, e z o b a was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to veto young colonists and defend their independence.
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since then, rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely ethiopian armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy of the italians knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons, toxic gases. this change the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to further fascist expansion in the world. 10 paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2.
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the polish lead is properly plenty to form some kind of coalition under the nature one product and directly into being in the complex and ukraine in order to tear off a big a piece for themselves. both talked about a clear message from the russian impressive right. the he also added to the government at key f, as in sacrificing its people simply to pursue its own interest. the sense of export tons of bricks. the view is gone, a low income country. why i. e sometimes used to get around with the quote i sent in to various they need the team comes that. yeah. as the west to las, just out of the rush of ending the blacks. the grand initiative,
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a un delegation from mozambique says only 3 percent of the grade. under that i agree, but actually went to africa just by the initial plan, having a very different goal. also in the program, germany's 5 child to that try to push in the to give up it's neutral stones on the crate and conflict and take the side of western partners during the working visits in new delhi originally meant to promote green energy, the online on, on and from months ago, which always your and he was on how to international the top stories, thoughts right now and ukrainian losses are being ignored by the west that they will only get was not my words. those are the words of the russian president who added that forces from other nations also have their own interest in this conflict . it took, i say it's a force gives, you know, obviously the property planning to form some kind of coalition under the nato
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umbrella and directly into being in the complex and ukraine in order to tear off a big a piece for themselves to regain what they considered the historical territories west and ukraine because of fascinating and very important speech by present to the security council of russia. high level security group which meet to discuss issues that are very, very pertinent to the welfare if you like. of the states tend to by security officials. so this is a high level meeting. so what president putting the said is exceptionally important . and what a centrally saying is that a given the context of this ever failing a western proxy war in ukraine. the now we see the west scrambling to find ways to continue to fuel the conflict. ever more weapons going in more and more at depth present to the 1st few tens of thousands of deaths and the fail counter offensive. and you also suggest that the wes weaponry that has been sending in his now for any that it is failed. and again, in that context, the west me now needs to find
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a way to perpetuate the conflict. again, without putting western boots on the ground politically in britain and united states is a very bad idea and election years taking in the united states for american troops to go on the ground the the coffins to come back. so what president putin is suggesting is that the next phase would be trying to deploy an older countries into the conflict. the mentions polar that you wait here. i suppose historically parts of west and ukraine would of being a part of the polish lithuanian airport. the name ukraine itself even is defined as on the edge. so this feeds into the ever shifting sides of the ukrainian audiology, a national nationalism if you like, the parts of this country which, where uh, you know, so a terrible conflict and pogroms against poles during the 2nd world war where you kind of a nationalist, killed hundreds of thousands of people, polls included i know all you do, are you jealously bipolar this part of the chaos and you create the pull them what we've seen and tried to take so substrate yes. but do you see
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a lot of these reports that have appeared in the press about plants to create some so called public slits of waiting and ukrainian unit? that is, we're not talking about some kind of bunch of most res, pointing are enough of them that and that being destroyed, namely about a regular well equipped military formation, which is punts. we use the on the ration. so i'm a territory ukraine, including for allegedly ensuring the security of model westlake rate. in fact, safety called us by despite the subsequent occupation of these territory west virginia is that of course you can see that this is probably the 1st time the present proof as distinctly referred to this idea that ukraine would be weaponized as a very rooster phobic country. at the moment of the recent studies have shown that poland is the most empty russian country in your maybe in the world. you know, it may be a bit of a hangover from the soviet union president put in again, referring to that. but this being weaponized by the west now that you've the bottom would be handed to poland if you like to be the next source for a human folder for this, for this conflict. right?
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yeah, it's interesting how you put it, but you're saying basically the polish and the to any trips which on nathan members will go in on their own. not perhaps not with a native backing but this trips. so what are the ukrainians in all of this? well, this is the point, this is exactly the point and it's a point that's been long made by a russian, commentators and boy present to himself that the west isn't concerned about the welfare of ukrainians if it was concerned about the welfare of ukrainians. that some of this at tens of billions of dollars which are being the comp dan, and of a cynical way many of the country sending their so are you the era equipment? it's ukraine, of course, are benefiting from newer equipment from america who sells the 5th at the max of the cynicism here as to the feeling of the conflict. but when it comes to taking you find the ingrained or not so into the stick. so present fruit is basically saying that this is going to be the next stage of this is star. echo alliances will now be exploited by the west. and again, again, we can hear him saying that if you clean and people that will pay tens of thousands
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dad and his counter offensive present boot and saying also that you find that people themselves are beginning to wise up to this to see that they're basically being used as human cannon fodder and a proxy worth additional key to the point you met today, we see that the regime in cube is ready to do anything to save it skin and prolong its existence. they don't care about the people of the crane, the sovereignty in national interest. they will trade both people and lander, with just like the ideological pre dispatch as being today. such trade is ready to open the gates before and most as a once again sell ukraine. but very, very interesting, very important from the president outlining unintelligence back. then he also mentioned that his intelligence chief morag, i've also told him that they have the information that there are actual plans, actual war planning scenarios. i'd imagine whereby at 40 soups that you may need to put in intervene. you also interesting, you mentioned that
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a potential aggression against mis, against the fellowship that, that could be also attempts to agitate with the seller was a government. and he also suggested once and then later on the line very clearly that any attack on zillow roast will be seen as an attack on the russian federation . the mozambique has addressed the un security council and said that the key problem, all of the grain be allows, must go, has said many times before, was it only a tiny fraction of the food supplies actually go to africa according to you in that i want to save $0.35 of export on the brakes. the deal is going to low income countries. why i income come through to get around 45 percent and, and there is the median income states. the un security council can beamed and many
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countries spoke prior to russia. speaking a lot of the allegations were level, and as we're reaching towards the end of the meeting after a number of security council members have spoken, we heard deputy and passengers. dimitri pull the ascii, then go ahead and get bach. many of the fingers that were pointing at rush, i met at the allegations that were made here, some of what he said we might. and that was supposed to be. we listened carefully to your statements and were again struck by the degree of cynicism of the western members of the security council. i have a question for you. what did you actually expect from the very 1st days? would you everyone's attention to the fact that the initiative ceases to correspond to the originally stated goals? however, no steps have been taken to correct this trend. when we agree to the deal and heard calls to joint forces for global security, we expected an end to discrimination on the part of western states which impose to unprecedented sanctions against us. actually trying to organize
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a blockade against our industries. the grain deal was important, not in our interest, but in the interest of the countries of the world that are most in need. now, throughout the allegation was repeated that blame was solely on the shoulders of russia for the great brain deals failure. now, when the russian deputy ambassadors spoke, he pointed out the rush, it was willing to restore the deal. here you brain would have hold as end of the bargain in the brush. i had extended the deal many times now. it was important to note that shyness spoke up and showed the not the whole world seems to by end of this logic and that they do indeed understand like other forces around the world understand that is green deal is a 2 way. ready street rather than a one way street. here's what china had to say. i know who the heat rush. so how does the repeated mistake it in recent days that it is willing to concede receiving the black sea grain any such if, if substantive progress can be made and the limit age and opposite goes through
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process export of grain and fertilizes china homes that the relevant policies will act in maintaining international food security and alleviating the food crisis in developing countries. in particular, by working with relevance un agencies to strengthen, di, look, and consultations missing each other halfway, striving for a balance solution with the legitimate concerns of all parties, to resume the exports of grain and so to lies from russia. now, polanski pointed out that much of the grain prices was manufactured to make money. grain futures, speculators are having a field day with the fluctuating prices and predicting the outcomes. and there's a lot of money to be made on this in addition to that. so again, steve pointed out, the ukraine destroying the ammonia pipeline, that was a pretty big deal breaker. much has been made out of russia's announcement that they will consider all ships at this point to potentially be carrying military.


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