tv News RT July 23, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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and also my opinion without risking a lot and even being mistaken. i mean the, we only learn by making mistakes. but i pity the youngest as of today because there's a lot of self censorship on many topics in schools that start to just the migration topics. to my impression it went on with the climate change drawn back. it went on with spend, i'm a call. you see it's, i mean, there was no, there was a real debate, it was idle or, but never s. and now it's about the russia and it's about, yes, we have to fight the russia and russia has to be taken off the map end of that. if, if it is especially sticking of the map, i wonder what they want to do with that huge hold up. i mean, yeah, but, but the, as the continent, this also was, i realized, was this the ration of enter russian sentiment, especially in austin, germany, which i had on the estimated one i lived in from for young, something it was before the war. but i, when i said i'm traveling to the most come next week to teach my landlord. neighbors will tell how interesting i for it to start and says,
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let's just kind of try the perception of pressure. so the french, i'm much more relaxed while you to speak about russia, not the case for drama and austria. oh, what are you doing in russia? you're that was the mafia. you, you are. i mean, russia, this, russia phobia to this russian enter russian sentiment has come up again in austria, in germany over the last few years. and i was like a cultural damage in a many people, especially, also wanted to take the russian money. everybody was happy about the rich russian tourist lions and people who made large parts of the economic economy flow because they, they created the companies there about it. that was all the case that indiana medical doctors would say we don't 3 trusts anymore. now we talked about this was a full year, but let me ask about what the many people here in the russian describe as russian your center has meant. i've heard many political scientists suggest that over the
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last couple of centuries, russia has developed nothing or technological, but a psychological and almost spiritual dependence on europe. we see europe as a, as an appeal to me, of everything positive progress. it has the sort of unreachable even where we want to go. but just like in the bible, there's always this angel with the file, restore the gate and we are always being pushed away from there. do you think rock europe has ever been? what's the rush of project to that to be? when we look at the very rough she goes off morris, i would say there was that we have seen in central and western europe on his when we think of the wall. so to use when you're single, other religious was protestant catholics, which was not only about the religion of, of power. well, of course the figures are much higher than any kind of civil strife. you either have on russian territory or in the middle east. um and uh, many,
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many wars that we have seen in on the european continent it was always about either or it was always white black and white. and the did oh, the accomplishments that you have with that you're referring to, to europe. i know it from the middle east. i know it's from us from a generation that i'm fortunate that's already disappeared. but when i was in my twenties, these people were in the seventy's and they had gone to cambridge to hide back to paris throughout half french house drummond in the heart. and they, they were in love with europe and they taught me a lot about european culture. we stay a passion for plastic and music of philosophy, which sometimes we, the europeans, i would say it on the estimated this our cultural legacy. we need it. maybe that's a russian emma grand or a lebanese students would try your attention to and um the, the europe that your for and to exist its inbetween. it was maybe at the court of
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my mom and sheila and good to were discussing and have a double stare. i mean that there was a strong competition between so many small courts, maybe the big difference from between the russian history and the many european histories to have because that's not the one. is that um, especially in the territory of what is today germany, austria and other central european countries. it was called the holy roman empire of german nation, which they faxed to hundreds of small courts. very smart quotes, 5 and bothering by ma, uh, tooling and uh, but that also lots to competition. uh and you have ms. daniel, have council dukes who tried to attract the most uh the brightest minds of those times. some of them went bankrupt wide investing in art or a new parcels, but that's also brought to competition on the opposite of it on the university
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level to give you one example that always made a mistake. so you can give me that example after a short break, but we have to take it to right now. we'll be back in just a moment. the 81834 prance invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wires to the best land. from day one, the local population was bored into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this cause met is these guns and the people of l. g area began their long term bite
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for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women children, and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriots managed to induce france to start seize negotiations. in 1962 heavy in the courts were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass towards the independence . but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians,
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the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000. l. jerry and the welcome back to world report with all serious former minister for in the 1st karen, can i so let them can i so before i so rudely interrupted you, you were talking about how this um a positive impression, all 5 germany and the brothers europe was actually rooted in reality in the previous sentries, but i think it was also the russian perception of the 20th century, especially associated with the rule of law because i was born in the waning years of the soviet union. and i remember, you know, logging in which and being very young, even when he was a vice mayor all 5 st. petersburg, my hometown. so there was a lot of talk about,
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you know, german law or austrian discipline and the treatment of everybody as equal before. the law, the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty when you look at how you were treated or how some of the russian nationals are now being treated. what do you say happened to that concept? the rambling, accepted as somebody who started lol. i'm simply struck i'm, i'm shocked by what's going on. the way law has been twisted confiscation, cutting of bank accounts, list have replaced loss. this is to put it in, and i've tried to come back to which on the, which we discussed before. and uh, let me put it in a little bit of irony, but when you read accused of witchcraft and 17th century, you will come to folks to the court. you look forward to it, but at least you were told your crime you had done so with the demo you had to
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apply some children. in my case, i own insurance, by sheer coincidence that i'm blacklisted, and i don't even know my crimes. but the effect of that is i'm not allowed to open the bank account. i'm not allowed to work. it's a defective proficient to work, which i, it's actually defective permission to leave frequency because i only have sources of income. how can you or you cannot open your bank account, this makes your life impossible. uh, so when i compare it to the witch trials, the 17th century, which by the way also happened only in germany. they know there were some in that in the united states outside the united states. but to my law, that's nothing that i show you have by ya. golf was kind of more of, i've seen it's, she's more the kind which as she is uh, she's both black and white. and i think that's actually a distinct feature of the russian culture. and the russian collect a psychologist that we have seen our shadow. we have in pro prorated it and we know
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our own the evil on lives, the europeans who only see dash, their shiny sites. but uh, seeing the world in that time frame. i had the many and destructive consequences as you know, in the 20th century. how is this treatment of fuel, or of russians as bad? the russians and the russians have treated collectively as a, as a bad nation. how is it different from my dividing people into hoover and internationally? i don't know. this is, this is an old story that unfortunately we have seen pushed to the extreme on the us 20 eastern font by the german army and also by the austrian soldiers. when it came to russians, the way we made about $3.00 to $20.00, to as well, what destroyed and which was less than the collective consciousness over the end of the soldiers came as occupier slippery shows, whatever you call them depends on the on the webpage point. when they arrived in berlin in vienna, in, in, in the case of, of a fresh oh, i would say it's all that is owed east west backups. i mean,
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and that we can also go back to the ultimate war times. we can go back to the roles between persia and the greek city states. you know, that is the big, far east, the wide to the dark, the also terry, and used. it all comes back now. uh and the is the light uh, wide, shiny place of the west. i since i work a lot in indiana to our markets. i, i know the stereotypes when it comes to the air up muslim shakes. uh, like committing the pool, western ard conceal, man. oh, with my $272.00 i price, is it still a stereo car or the evil rushing towards mounting the is? it wasn't smelly, seem and a rush of dislike. uh, since you mentioned your expertise in the energy field, i'm sure you've heard this recent rev. busy nations by seymour hersh, pulitzer prize winner about to report as many of the american special services being behind the explosions on the north stream pipelines. putting aside the
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morality of this issue, if we believe this a respectable journalist, why dissing the americans even needed to order something like that, or to execute something like that because the europeans were already putting disciplined in towing deadline. and why would they resort to such measures because it's essentially an industrial terrace mann. it's all sort of the shifting of the norms in any way. definitely. uh, i was sure that they would make the most, that not string to which is only the expansion of an existing pipelines would never go online. that, that, that's most my conviction. but i never expected them to blow it out. this of course is as you say, the negative terrorism is the pre defense of mesh relations. but they were upset with this topic. so anyway, in my account this, um, it was old time, not strict, not stream. uh and uh, a few obsession. how should i put it?
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i gave a lot of thoughts to it, but uh uh, we saw it already in 2014 coming. not stream. 2 was not yet on paper, but we had done cell stream. uh, there was uh, the pro check to connect. uh, the russian, a terminal noble, so is twisted by gary and port i single for something. and uh there was a lot of pressure by the us on the pink commission. they done some latasha project and directions. i'd waited for a few months and what will tap on and fostering never materialized. so it was trying to the took stream and that was the time when the took over russia. energy corporation also started for a very solidly in fantastic since you, since you mentioned turkey because turkey has a similar experience. was sort of wanting be to be part of a big. busy group being pushed away, interfering, and your team politics and so many different ways over centers and now also pursuing its own the very interesting game. how do you see these 2 countries play
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out both among themselves and the, with your, given that the europe a so positional towards russia. right now, do you think the same treatments will be given to turkish on it sooner or later? but i think the tokyo 2 kias deal, fisher caught themselves now uh, has a, has done, it's up to most to be taken serious on an equal level. they were you related at service instances and they, they are now of course it was a wondering if, if your practice admitted entity or opinion in a, some claim might just take 5 years since they've created sync up or shorter if it raises lots of questions, not on it ok, a hall also, and other cities where what people have been queueing up and fulfilling requirements. and the uh, the, the tucker side as think,
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looks at europe. not on that as an economic partner. this also, he started ties this by 4 south east europe, the balkan swell of 2 months. the president at the meal of the month policy that has been practiced by the a could be, is very much into that and their, their, their present ethical ties. but also that does not forget that as a tester of millions of troops living inside europe in the netherlands in germany, burden is to force city of turks. after as simple as me, i color it's berlin with several 1000000 of turks. the road that uh took us today, uh when in the car, in that climate of conflict is the are the only ones will still practice diplomacy in the general sense of diplomacy. and he wrote about it in your other book about the not the right, but the cast of diplomacy. we like to little because it pays homage to the very complex and painstaking nature of this profession. it takes a lot of knowledge,
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lot of grip. a lot of perseverance, a lot of uh, parts of work. i'm a bit of uh, good luck. do you think we would ever come back to the, to the craft of diplomacy, respecting, diplomacy as a profession? yeah. hopeful that it's the 4th need also your equipment policy, people who have what tenants. we have another on tell, attentive people, unfortunately in, in, in, in diplomatic stuff all across the cold. but we have to more talented one. when you, when you go east, we have to more professional ones. when you go east, that is that car is p. uh, is that structure minister of foreign affairs inside the russian minister of foreign affairs where there's also it is adults mindset that's i'm missing and willingness to study your neighbor. i didn't come back or receiving yourself without a shy, and so we have seen it's, it's stepped from the united states. it's prob, very much breakfast by your countries, just at the, to the transforming the,
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you know, transformative diploma. say it's a technical term and us foreign policy. look at what's going on. now, in budapest, you have high ranking us officials arriving and pulled up best and telling them off, you know, what has to happen in terms of media and what has to happen in terms of, of, to determine that's not the way to tappen. we're talking on the background of a very tragic for that's happening in the neighboring country and you have some understanding of both the russian mentality, you know, the russian leader personally. and i think you would agree with him with me rather than him uh that the whatever it was that it was on his mind when he authorized this millage reparation wasn't an easy decision for him knowing what he knows what he talks about to ukraine. what do you think? may i persuade him to call it quits? what do you sing? what uh, persuade russia to put an end to this fighting um
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what it was from the early days of proxy war. it was from the very early day and a tech on this. i'm not only about the territory, i'm in territories. one's saying it's never was true to tara tara dispute. it was fun about the biggest topic of security security guarantees. and so since we have to add the psychology a collective consciousness, geography that you have, and that's the area um that is um, there's an experience in the russian mindset that the, that why this innovation is done most is fragmentation. and also the role of is let's go back to the diploma. see of early 20th century. i always thought that the, the transport of lean in from switzerland to st. petersburg and 1917 was the last minute decision to, to gets rid of the eastern from snow. so red book fly in austin, historian,
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elizabeth parish. i learned that actually to have been a long, a long reach of fallback. reaching into my a to 9 to development and how to for our commands, russia and the support of the bunch of exhaust mats, which was not the most will, it was not the majority of representative movement of the russian stem. the money from the out of the money from mr. had tons powerful, so organized old that was moving into it. it was all about for combating russia, the them and it's the front of for as a foster i said before, 1914, i in russia is to big. that's what kind of tech it was. it has to make sure that it's somehow implodes from inside. so do you think that there's only a mindset of the current decision makers because they do not make an impression of people who actually studies, you know, books does. no history does comes. it's a historical approach about when you hear from the think tanks university,
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just people and even that is now a sort of development of, of, of make it e you plus the waiting rooms, you know, to hear being committed to somehow recreate the plus in why thing may be russian reach of russian position as to say, it goes back to interference. it goes back to frick mounting. well, not even this has been this fascinating conversation. thank you very much for that by you. and that's like i'm, i'm thank you for watching hope to hear again on the world's a part of the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the fix it, the what happens is another terrorist attack, the key of regina. this crime is senseless. there will be a response from russia and i to terrorism. that's all the russian presidents told the ukraine in that side on the crime in which, which killed the mother and father leaving the daughter severely wounded. they also vowed a response to the news this week must go, mocked nelson mandela de, honoring the legacy of the former south african leader on the anti apartheid icon. and in india, 6 suspects all the rest of the 2 women assaulted in ne of the country. the shocking
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is in some places of the ethnic violent erupt, innovation the thank you for joining us for the weekly hit on off the international moneys beach of scots bring you to some of the top stories. we just come on tuesday person forces and to set to 28 ukrainian drones heading for crimea, according to the defense ministry us just one day after you claims to the crime in bridge coming to people, ukraine. presidents has described the bridge as a target that must be neutralized, but even if it's in cold, that's incidents and nights of terrorism about a military response. must a book. so this one actually did with another terraced act, was committed on the bridge. civilians were killed, a child was injured and left without parents. the family had left to go to crimea from the belgrade region. i asked to provide all the necessary assistance to the injured girl and her relatives to f. s. b. the investigative committee and
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a number of other agencies had been instructed to investigate the incident in detail. what happens is another terrorist attacked of the key of regime. this crime is senseless. from a military point of view, it has no meaning since the crime in bridge has not been used for military transportation for a long time, and cruel, because innocent civilians were injured and killed. of course, there will be a response from russia. the ministry of defense is preparing to correspond to your proposal versus onto the service documents you said to you claim the unable drones damage of the bridge in the early hours of monday, criminal probe has been launched and the roots is a key gateway from the restaurant main lines to the peninsula, the attack killed
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decision making false such attacks lies with kia. we don't take it upon ourselves to determine legitimacy or legitimacy of targets at the premium. they're fighting for their own country on the, the courage bridge. this is the situation that we're, we're monitoring, of course, you train us to decide how it conducts this war in defensive it's, it's territory, it's people. it's really a global effects unsecure to especially smart site, but believes that such incidents are you printing attempts to shift public sentiments in russia is the only way for the coverage game. so only hope not only of, of, not really of winning this conflict, but coming out of it in any type of complete situation is to shatter the morale of the russian people to make them turn on the government. they know the conflict cannot be one military. they know that they're already exhausted out of
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artillery shells and vehicles that can usually be supplied to the key every game. that's why they've always been more concerned about optics about the information war. then with any actual strategic value, which is why they hit the civilian part of the bridge, both the us and the united kingdom have green late have for you know, green lit for the coverage game to launch attacks and cry. mia. so they're beyond complicit. they're actively involved here on thursday, but seen as go was killed and a ukrainian thrown attack on the west and pots of try me a several regional government buildings also damaged heights. and the terrorist threat level was, puts in place on the peninsula and russian regions bordering ukraine. the russian defense ministry has said this, such a tax on crimea could have been launched from one of the blacks, the safe car doors settled the green deal. i'll sco deadline past early this week for the m o d wanting it's any ship now headed to ukrainian polt could be considered a threat to russia. must go quite
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a great deal saying the west has failed to fulfill its obligations. due to the determination of the black sea initiative and the closure of the maritime humanitarian corridor, from 0100 hours most good time, on july 20 2023. all vessels travel in the black sea to ukrainian ports will be considered as potential carriers of military cargo. russia says it's now the boat's, it's security guarantees along the black sea car and all warning that's any country sending a ship that may be considered participants. and the war must go, has also went down the more times to monitoring cargo and temporarily being state to the threat warning in the north, west and waters of the black sea as well as this funding, the joint coordination center in east on both. okay. i was looking for alternative ways now to exports. it's great initially trying to substitute russian safety guarantees with ships from the us or tech here. but washington rejects the idea of citing bloomberg official. it's a site such as the officials are saying they won't step in either. yours also
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pushed back on ukraine by booking great impulse to a number of eastern european countries. many local concerns about the impact on prices. let's take a closer look and so why russia says a quits. the black sea green initiative must go claims. the west has not fulfilled its obligations on agricultural machinery exposed to russia as agreed upon, or lots free navigation for russian vessels and access to western parts. but it was also meant to help developing countries disturbing with the food process. although figures suggest they received only 10 percent amazed and 40 percent of which exports. russia, along with all the un security council representatives could size what they called western hypocrisy regarding the deal. it was, he might, and i was listening. we listen carefully to your statements and were again struck by the degree of cynicism of the western members of the security council. from the very 1st days we drew everyone's attention to the fact that the initiative ceases to correspond to the originally stated goal. however, no steps have been taken to correct this trend. the green deal was important not in
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our interest, but in the interest of the countries of the world there are most in need. according to you in that i own the 53 percent of export on the breaks. the deal is going to know income countries. why i income come through to get around 45 percent and there is to be need income states. i don't have a heat rush. so how does the repeated mistake it invoice some days that it is willing to concede receiving the black sea green any such? if you have substantive progress can be made and they only meant age and opposite goes through process export of grain and fertilize us. china homes that relevant parties will act and maintain international food security and alleviating the food crisis in developing countries and special effects consultants, rasmussen police must coast decision as a result of attempt to the types against it's naval fleets under the guise of
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exporting food. the west is the, as usual, it seems like it's the habit, did not honor their portion of the agreement and, and essentially block. although there was those sites and found the brain and the fertilizer. so basically the west did not live up to their forcibly agreement. russia was very patient to extend it beyond the continuing. the other aspect of this is the, the misuse by ukraine. specifically the intelligence organizations, and potentially supporting intelligence organizations. by using those semantics here in quarter to to launch the basically the skies to potentially with the launch and tax. whether that's under sea water, under water, drones or the regular grill and attack, whether it's smuggling information or, or essential armaments and etc,
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