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tv   News  RT  July 24, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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see it, and today we can say that today's or the discard up some, it's a big sum. it in started you. if you're injured, the was the last name in the coughing of the a you us, let's project to, if one i is what you summarize the each end and especially after. but everything else here got to daughter. thank you so much for that history. i mean, it's very important for contacts here, i think so. so when syria gained independence from france after the adoption of the alexandria protocols in 1944, syria's saudi arabia were among the founders of this era. we so the pair do have a long, friendly history, russian syria relations go back to about 1970. how did russia manage this mediation between re, i'd and damascus? actually the relationship between so idea of it'd be, are in syria, witness several ups and downs in the past decades. and let's remember that the relationships were always okay between the both sides. but in the late seventies
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and early eighties, when, when it came to power in, you know, and after him, so bump thing came to power with the support of the c i a in, in iraq in order to fight against a whole many years. and you're not engaged in large scale award against each other and backed in half. as i said, the father of the sharp she sided with young, against iraq and backed in is so the sand was financed by the americans to start with these and other guns, monarchies. so there was a decrease between the syrians and discharges, let's say in, in the eighty's. but in early nineties, when the soviet union collapsed, syria found itself in a position that it doesn't have a strategic online or an international power that come back syria on the international scene. so when saddam sam this time invaded, quit suicide it we quit, which saw the it'd be a,
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we'd do united states against the dentist in. and the relationships had been repaired again with sort of the idea of you and to sagas invested a lot in syria because in the early ninety's, syria was going through a very dire economic situation. not similar to now, but it was very bad in the ninety's again, so the relationships were repair of the game to i would say 2005. it was okay in 2005, the destination of a, the former prime minister, hopefully by then i'll see you have you that came and the americans of these right is accused to be off assessing. i think him and now in 2020 treat. they don't have any evidence for it, but despite that, the accusations were very political against syria. so the initial ship, so all of this upside down and then the art of a sprint came and started the ibm at the beginning, they were hesitant in joining the regime. change were again syria by the little late 2012. and they joined the bedroom change efforts against
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syria. and let's remember what happened in 2015, then the ban. so tom came um as the head of the saw the intelligence and bent up. and so ton is a very he has a very close ties to the new york ones in washington dc. he was named best center and i started the area in the united states for a very long time. he was named best 100 of the saw this in the united states when the 911 attacks happened. and now since we, we have new information about 2 of the hijackers who are most probably um they were as it's uh for the saw the intelligence and the see i as well, of course without them knowing that they are, i say it's, i'm no problem to be controlled, thinks about this person who has a mess of mind in the uh, waging um yeah. first like a tax terrorist attacks here. and there and bundle been system, ask the he called the outer be, that'd be for the ministers, defense ministers,
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head off intelligence or private. this is and he asked them to allocate to $2000000.00 to remove a shot aside from power. and this was confessed by the former for me to sort of cut off how many shifts i'm, i've been just them who confessed that on the national cuts, i be tv and said that my number. so don't ask this number. of course, they couldn't go to a 2 trillion dollars, but the amount was in my estimates, at least $200000000.00. and if we compare them the size of syria with the size of ukraine and the amount of support ukraine is getting them. for example, 150000000000 and didn't see a 200000000000 and the size of celia is very small compared to ukraine. i would say the amount of supports that the sorrow, the is the car tardies that your detox gave to this, right? because you had this in syria are probably $5.00 to $6.00 times more then the current support that the americans underneath the allies are giving to do so. lensky, the, his forces and you're not too bad arguments in,
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in your current. so it was huge support. i would say yes, now there is, um, the circumstances have changed and they are also leadership changes in different countries. and inside the area, i would say more from a been set up on the 1st 2 to 3 years. he was more of a war hawk. and he was involved in civil um military um engagements in the region in young man, and he will strengthening it on and he was blogging against it on and now it seems that my him says come up and said man, change his attitude. and it's very was coming because as far that it'd be as a powerful country and the amount of, i mean literally economic and the religious power, that's all you have. you have, you have, if it is used for development projects in the region, the region could boom in a way that is unprecedented. and it means that the media is quick turn into
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a new western europe. and i'm not exaggerating about that because the amount of wealth that's all the cuts are and other countries have individual, if it's invested well. and it seems that they are determined to do so now after because of the issues with syria and even in other countries. i'm very optimistic and i'm very happy to see that out of the countries and our leaders are showing different attitude, not only toward saving about uh, towards the entire region, because this really reflect positively on people. imagine the money that they used for destroying syria. i'm speaking about at least a $100000000000.00 for developing projects in syria and for finding jobs. and i would say that syria would have been now similar to debate, and would that be in other more developed countries in the region who are witnessing good is strong in that they cannot make strength,
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but also in their infrastructure in their security. and i would say now with these, um, do by and sorry, the it'd be our safer and the social welfare, i mean, they couldn't make what are there are way better than in western europe. for example. coming up next, the dragon appears in the desert, china and dropping surprise. news that coffee us off guard will discuss it when we return with come work almost in so tight the m o will be right back. the the more expensive that i'm here to plan with you, whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different.
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little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you welcome back to the m. o i manila chance people often forget that the middle east region is actually a part of the asian continent. as such, it should come as no surprise when the biggest country and asia steps in to mediate a dispute. we're talking about china brokering they taught between saudi arabia and iran to come work. l. msn is by is back with us. thank you so much for sticking around to work. so perhaps one of the bigger surprises out of the middle east
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lately, was the day taught between the saudis and iran that was broken by china. given the years of what many would describe as, as proxy wars between the 2 countries in various theaters in the region. the 7 diplomatic ties, why is there a revived bilateral relationship between saudi arabia and around right now specifically? and how did china end up the broker? actually, nobody saw that this data is coming. and so we haven't heard about negotiations between the sort of this and the into your audience, with the mediation of china. it was a surprise. we were all quick in surprise and it's a very happy news. and i would say there are different factors in this. number one, the americans are up to the withdrawal from afghanistan and completely focusing on the ukraine on taiwan. and they have, they haven't abandoned me. the east,
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but their strength, they are very over stage, not right now. and if you see the cycle of any empires united states is living, it's the last 3rd of the cycle. so it's, it's, it's leaving, it's last 3rd of its entire period. and they have to prioritize their political diplomatic, economic, and military capabilities around the world. so the moment the americans, we seen on a big, they pulled their hands from, from the region. there are other power. so came and trying to fill the vacuum. and china is representing, it serves as him as a power that can broker deals a security deals and diplomatic deals and economic deals with these strong regional powers. but also, china is presenting incentives for them to make peace because the americans, they, for decades, they were using the divide and conquer strategy and turning neighbors against each
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other because it was a beneficiary for them financially beneficiary. and now when we say when, when i mentioned the united states, i specifically mean the military industrial complex. and those are included in the hands of a few, a tiny and it's in the united states. so the united states, as an economy, as a people, they are not benefiting from this proxy, worse or direct, worse, that are triggered by the united states. it's the only these tiny elliots benefit from it. however, china is giving incentives to this congress. it is showing them there is a possibility for economic integration between the chinese economy and this region of powers. and it's, it has present it, it's uh, for example, seems comfortable the initiative. and how would you see kind of initiative can reflect on the economic welfare of the people and when different regional countries engage in economic integration, the chances for immediate tre,
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conflicts between them also diminish. and this is a concept that china is presenting in the region, and i think it's very welcomed. and because the, the interest of china is in establishing peace in the region. and the interest of the united states is to keep the agent in constant turmoil. so they are the 2 different approaches and both china, of course, it's becoming more huge among, in the region. and united states also wants to stay here, do more in the region, but the approaches are different. and i think i the, because the saw these have a vision now and the economic vision and they are preparing themselves for the era posts or era. and they want to establish an economic hub in inside the area. creat industrial cities create technological cities in, inside the it'd be one of the examples that i heard to be simply that's all data is
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building a c, t a and attracting a, it's a technological city and attracting software developers and game developers to come to solid data it'd be on the look online games and people may underestimate this, but the future. and if we, if you see where are we heading to, into the digits in words. this could be a main hub in the region for software development and also for gaming development, for example, which we in that each saw the end. it'd be a lot. and this is a concept of mohammad been settlement that or it is important, but the not using the oil in development projects is a passive thing to do it, which saw the maybe i did for a long time. instead of creating this industrial cities and the technology co, technological cities, they were investing their money in the worst. they're investing it in creating a will have the schools abroad. they're using it for proxy words here and there.
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and now they have a different incentive and, and i think the mentality a place and import control here. and if it comes old to m b s, i'm a been selling man. would you like him or you hate him to it doesn't matter. but she is doing what's in the best interest of saudi arabia at the moment, and also for the original development. in my opinion. lastly, staying with syria after that box, us withdrawal from afghanistan, many thought the us might finally withdraw troops from syria's eastern region where both the oil and wheat fields are. what do you for see happening there? are they gonna leave anytime soon? i to the us occupation forces are in syria to 1st steal the oil, sell it to the black market in turkey and finance their presence in syria. and also
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the proxy for us is that they train their around $60.00 to $60000.00. they called them the serbian democratic forces. they wants to keep the order and the wheat away from damascus. so the fruit and the energy energy is very important for the constructing syria. they want to hold that card for themselves and barking it probably in some other strategic 5. and the way it is, um, it's a foot or a so there is an energy and foot board against against here. yeah, that's what, in my opinion, when trump came to power, he wanted to withdrawal, and he was serious about his intention to be true. but the pen thought going into ca, went against him. and they told him this is a red line because they cannot withdrawal from their perspective from syria before achieving a certain striking stripping deal to be done. most was and up until this moment, almost because of refuses to give concessions to,
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to the united states. because in damascus, the, in their understood, in their understanding of international politics that things are changing into regions. and then in the global level, especially after the ukraine work and with increasing pace of the, of the process for heading toward the market boulevard c. b, i is finding itself in a position that if the gift concessions with united states, they are going to be a time sooner or later that united states we lose, it's gonna be in all cases over division. so why would they give a concession to the united states now and lose twice? and so there is this argument in damascus that of the day is going to come after the withdrawal of the turkish occupation forces from syria, that united states would it be coordinate, that the turks don't want them there because their training, kurdish, munitions, the servants don't want them there, and they'll just sort of this thing all the funding for us with ritual from, from,
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from the region. so let's list diplomatically speaking. they will be isolated, and it's the, the dimension is not sustainable because they have $900.00 a troops there. it's not like they have 9000 troops. they don't have advanced air defense systems. so syria until this moment, they didn't engage and hosted. it is like a direct posted. it is against the u. s. o professional forces. but if there isn't military efforts against the u. s. o professional forces, then u. s. needs to bring its air force needs to bring its boots underground and it's very close to operation. and they don't want to do that. so i don't see the united states has a future in syria. they withdrew also know later. and we can use the statement of the former us investigator to syria. have a word for it as an evidence for that that you said we're going to withdraw from sylvia. it's better for the courage to strike a deal with them. i suppose before withdrawn, leaving them behind and abandoning them just like we did with our allies,
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enough kind of stuff. so my opinions are probably everything i've done must go should be uh, the coinciding with the kurds in the eastern shore after you for it is striking a deal with them, giving them culture to rights, allowing them to teach kurdish endeavor schools and speaking kurdish in their communities and it's allowed to speak good courage, but the officer, language arts up. so you guys are a big and if you go to, for example, annual official center or offices, you have to speak arabic, not the kurdish. every county has its different components. we could do not divide the countries on ethnic kinds, maybe just bases federalism in a, i would say in the countries that would divide it. for example, like in germany, which was divided east and west. they were allies, the communists were here. it was very fragmented festivities them combines the fragmentation, but when you have a unified country, you do not further lies it and try it to divide it into a different piece. it's just my opinion to work out last in award winning,
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middle east commentator, founder of seriana analysis. thank you so much for your time. thank you so much. all right, so there you have it. it seems like when the us leaves so called feuding countries alone, a lot of good can happen in that vacuum despite mainstream media parroting state department talking points that the u. s. must act as the world's police. because others might argue there less police and more instigator. that's going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that digs deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila. chad. thank you for tuning and we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o. the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is on. often has very dramatic. the only personally i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk
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the, the, the russian defense minister says ukraine attempting to conduct a terror outside on moscow is drone fragments are found and the 2 non residential buildings in the city center. that is the big summits in johannesburg as senior chinese diplomats visits, advocates a further boost sized and enhanced cooperation on the belts and road initiative. also had got up to the thought if, if it's possible they were targeting the journalist, i felt something heavy hit the back of my helmets. i lost consciousness and fell face forward to the ground. tell us any enjoy, let's say they've become targets of these very defense full systems winding classes and tensions in the west bank. so no sign of
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a base the just on the 8 am on monday morning and then you weeks guessing of the way here. and there are some capital minus pizza scott, on wherever you're joining us from wealth consist of 2 minutes of huge attempted ukrainian. so it's hot in moscow with us while the russian defense ministry has said dr. drone fragments were found in the city center. the mass said no one was injured in the strike in the morning of july 24th and attempt by the key preaching to carry out a terrorist attack was too unmanned aerial vehicles against facilities in moscow territory was foiled to recreating you these craft after being suppressed by means of electronic warfare, there are no casualties following the full terrorist attack by the key version of them on this as close live. now to all the correspondence we, my shaw who is at the scene of the moment, my good morning to you and can you give us more details on the incident, please? so as the russian officials have said to, you create
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a you avi's where suppress this morning in moscow. now, 2 of them fell in 2 different places. one of them felt quite close to the russian defense ministry. and the 2nd one fell in the location that we're. 5 at right now, but in the south west of moscow, but according to russian officials, traffic is restricted and as we can see, it right now in the location. and the officials, i've also said to people to change their route instead a. but, you know, this is not the 1st time that ukraine has, the carried out terrorist attacks. and in russia, we've seen a terrorist attack seen crimea, we've seen in st. petersburg in moscow. most notably the one in moscow was a, against the kremlin in may. early may where no one was injured, but let's take
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a little look at older terrorist attacks that can ukraine has carried out in russia . the now the kremlin has accused the west of turning
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a blind eye when it comes to ukrainian terrorist attacks. especially when we consider the latest one and a grey me a deadly one and cry me, our civilians where injured and dead and the mayor of moscow, when it comes to today, today's terrorist attack, he has said that there are no damages. and that the drones have crushed into non residential buildings after being suppressed by the russian defense ministry. and of course, emergency services and police are on the scene monitoring the situation right now. what am i sides for breaking down the latest drone an attack on moscow? thank you. we don't see all the news now. relations between russia and africa have always been strong, supportive under trustful, letting it present has said on the eve of the russia, african summits in st. petersburg, just like moscow quitting the grand deal of the claims, the west ends uphold the agreements. the russian president says he will continue to
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provide agriculture of goods to the confidence in africa feels the burden of global challenges like no other part of the world in such a challenging environment. look forward to working with our african partners to shape a non discriminatory agenda. for cooperation, many have from good heard of the so called grain deal is initial purpose was to ensure a global foot security or do use the threat of hunger and help the poorest countries of africa, asia, enlighten america. the reason why russia under two's obligation to facilitate its implementation in the 1st place. this deal, however old was publicly advertised by the west as a gesture of good will. the benefit of africa as in fact, been shamelessly used solely for the enrichment of large us and europe in businesses that exported and a result of grain from ukraine. in the meantime, none of the deal provisions relating to the exemption from sanctions to freshen grain and fertilize experts, the world markets were fulfilled. more over barriers have been mount and even to our attempts to supply free of charge, mineral fertilizers to the poorest countries in need. of russia isn't the only
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states taking the besides with african countries as china's highest function, different not visits, the nigerian capital for meetings with the countries president of the policies have agreed to enhance cooperation within the framework of the chinese belts and road initiative. china to set as opposed kenya and safeguarding his sovereign independence. i'm in this fight against terrorism. a result of the house underlined . he's a family committed to deepening strategic corporation in areas such as male weight on the highway construction as well as well. it's a conservation, totally different. that's why he is also sets of it took us out of the big summits in south africa, so you contribute to culture. thanks to the details. tell them to send one of the big flags ship project. uh, a belt with roll initiative is the mon boss uh night roll the standard gauge well, way that china has built now. uh, what has been built is phase one of the projects. there's actually a use african railway master plan that's supposed to connect the east african
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countries of can neo uganda, wanda, and even possibly b o b and south sudan. so the boss uh, i wrote the railway is only the beginning. now you will be interesting to see if they will agree to on the financing of the phase 2 of the project, which is to extend that real way to uganda. and that will make, can yeah, international hub. well, transportation right now in china is not just building real weight is also building deep sea ports is building power plants. just building was hydro electric power plant, coal fired power plant, solar power plant and wind power plants, all over africa. we're talking about youtube. oh jerry. yeah. moran, gold, ecuador? yeah. yeah. um, so we, we have the china is building north, south, east, west. every single part of africa, you will have fine chinese fine as
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a chinese coast construction because i think is opportunities in global trade grove auto used to say both explorers how the confidence, bluetooth it's business. the business ranged of britain, france, germany. um portugal always seem to show the loudest when it comes to human rights, democracy and defense of the so called free world. meanwhile, they're not too keen on revisiting their own central historical role in the genocidal exploitation of. 8 africans these former, you are paying colonial powers, inflicting vast suffering on the resort rich applicant called killing millions of people as being trillions of dollars in resorts as it seems. africa can look forward to a better, broader, unfair future with this old colonial masters increasingly likely to be left out in the cold. bridge countries represent close to 40 percent of global population and working together. we can truly be catalytic progressive for us, for a more, a cool, inclusive, peaceful, and just global order,
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where they were talking about originally, economic communities. so mechanisms only brought the continental assets. the unity of african peoples is our primary goal. the world we inhabited is often until.


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