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tv   News  RT  July 24, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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ations, choose your fax for you, go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the monthly protests intensify is well off the radio. paul events it proves a calling for virtual judicial reform to limit the supreme close power in favor of benjamin netanyahu's government and active international terrorism. that's how russia brands, the latest ukranian drug and tough on last. good. as the way the fragments crash into 2 buildings and rushes national security change phase most go on
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stage and continue protecting the interests of developing countries when attending amazing goes great, because officials and john is but the assistance of the i'm here in moscow and this is on the international with the very lights as well news update is great to have you with us. this allen, 3 people, happy to injured is well off to a call round into a crowd of protesters of us as locals across the country events and the other day is really connected to approval of a controversial judicial reform award. and you might find the following image is distressing. the, the car driving into a small crowd on a highway blocks by post as disease circulating on social media is rated police
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have reportedly cold top within detained the driver. there's no wood on the motives for the instance. the person to have a 10 by and his police moved into town on the demonstration offices, a using baffling against the crowns and top detained. and the whole mountains of police forces are also involved in the time since in this video says was it kind of being used to dispose to protest this class thing with the police on the scene? sophie is really tough, is all the
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all correspondences among the protest in jerusalem incentives this report. ok, now in front of these really problem into the class that early on monday approved unanimously with the opposition, basically the law that says that the georgia is always ready to, to review the government to declare them unreasonable if necessary. people have gathered here to protest, basically they even leave because the protests here in jerusalem for the last 3 days, opponents of here. and they say that this new law dress to come in limited powers off the free code. that is a very important institution here in israel, the country was no routine constitution. they say that it undermines democracy and threatens to turn israel and to as dictates
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a shape. we know that at least one of the opposition fractions already petitions to the countries hi, coach calling to cancel the nasa decision. these are the prime minister. they said that the law is necessary to restore balance between the branches, all the power legislators, courts, and the government. this is what the new law exactly has to say. let's take a listen off to all reservations were rejected, and it's still reading 64 because of the members supported the proposal without the position of the opposing members let the then the recession before the votes. notwithstanding what is stated in the basic laws, whoever has the traditional authority, according to law, including the supreme court in session as a high court of justice show, not discussed the reasonableness of the decision of the governments of the prime minister of another minister. and shall not issue an order in such a matter. this is far from the 1st product test of its kind since the beginning when then yeah, i'm going to bounce this plan to change these rules. traditional system and it was
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pushing, it's very hard. people started to take to the streets, to protest in masses and marches and demonstrations with hundreds of thousands participation in major citizen, all across israel have become a weekly reality here with very often highways, main roads and sometimes even the countries major airports blogs. and it also often turns violence because they were clashes between these really police and the professors. and the most recent and unprecedented move thousands of demonstrators marched prone to leave, to hear a jerusalem just to show how angry the uh, and that is just for you to understand more than 60 kilometers. and i'll have to say that this feeling of the opposition for this legislation spread to all sectors of these rarely society, business leaders like labor union officers and even the members of the idea
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preserves, we know that's more than 10. thousands of them declared that they would end state volunteered due to if the bill is approved. we also know that to the level of the 100 is really air force pilots and 6 nations declared that they will not fly if the government continues to push. and they were many voices from dozens of former top security officials here in these real warning that the consequences will be destructive for the country and it security. and early on monday, these really presidents said that the country's currency in a state of national emergency. so yes, it has been turbulent here on the ground and still remains kind of paused from these internal problems. there was a huge pressure from abroad to the president of america. israel's closest friend and strategic ally just recently express 2 different it concerns over the developments here. on the ground. urgent benjamin antonia not to push with this legislation unless there is the road as possible consensus in death. and that's a,
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this is not the case here in israel as we see the countries literally divided right now. but despite the numerous pressure from both outside and inside the base row, we saw that the bill became the low on monday. and what we can say for sure that the protests like today's one will continue. and it's wanted us to me over and say, you said your dish will reform is ended, protecting the corruption and incompetence of the nothing you all who governments the
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lead times ukrainian terror attack and most go down support the russian defense ministry has set off the drone fragments were found near in the city sun, so he has has yet to comment on the morning of july 24th, an attempt by the key of regime to carry out a terrorist attack with 2 unmanned aerial vehicles against facilities on moscow territory was foiled to ukrainian you avi's crashed after being suppressed by means of electronic warfare. there are no casualties following the foiled terrorist attack by the key of regime. we are right now in one of the locations we're one of the drones, hesitate, and non residential building after being suppressed by the russian defense ministry . and as you can see behind me, that is the building and you can see the damages. but the attack has happened this morning earlier today in moscow, but this is really not the 1st time
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t. it has carried out terrorist attack against russia in the capital itself. most notably with us. remember the crumbling attack that happened in may. but of course, ukraine keeps on denying any involvement when it comes to these attacks. the
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right now we are in the 2nd location where the 2nd drone has hit and damaged a building. and after being surprised now, he looked at shannon is a few blocks away from the russian defense ministry itself. and earlier this morning, the crime in officials have said that 17 unmanned aerial vehicles were boiled, with 14 ukraine. you, you, these were suppress. 3 of them were destroyed. well, 11 of them crashed into the black sea, and 3 fell into the peninsula. no, no, no casualties have been reported. then of course, ukraine has yet to talk about any of its involvements into this situation. but when it comes to the attacks that happened in moscow today, the most go may or has said that no major damages were done. and of course,
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just like in the 1st location here as well, we have emergency services and police monitoring the situation on some news just in as another drone has reported in a class near a private home in the most go region, no casualties or damage has been reported now this comes to styles off to expands, crushed into non residential buildings and the russian capital. we spoke with russian, the military experts alex on the stepping off. he believes who claims ox or an active terror. it seems like uh, stops and all of your there are more and now we can see uh the, the key refrigerator changes all the see and uh, no software in the loss is sound good for on the line just now to trying to change your strategy and to make an attacks on should be around all just hoping for. so i shall bridges and uh, killing uh, suzanne's russian for duration as well. now if it's trying to make another
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focus in the media and surely of this is a box all these big for fair. and so the terrorist attack, i think, will be in the future, or just so coming up to new level, we can see uh then you can or you stick stage in the heart of europe. there's that early stage you're being well acquitted by the major countries at his blogs all for broke. she will fear all the nature countries nature, congress. i surely will direct me. ready in the planning of such type of operations, and they, uh, now became a real sponsors on the terrace terrace about a mile. so do you need me to uh, for cable take its place in a new democratic, multi polar, well, with a friend gets solved from the base of like a sea of colonialism. so it's not, in my opinion, is comments ahead of the russia, african summit in some pages back or africa feels the burden of global challenges
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like no other part of the world in such a challenging environment. look forward to working with our african partners to shape and non discriminatory agenda for cooperation. many have probably heard of the so called green deal is initial purpose was to ensure a global foot security reduce the threat of hunger and help the poorest countries of africa. asia enlighten america, the reason why russia under two's obligation to facilitate its implementation in the 1st place. this deal, however old was publicly advertised by the west as a gesture of good will. the benefit of africa, as in fact, been shamelessly used solely for the enrichment of large us and europe in businesses that exported and a result green from ukraine. meanwhile, us amazing. the brakes security representatives, russian national, secure, was chief, nikolai population of state to the west and minority rejects the multi power system . the world continues to move confidently to what's in more, just multiple a system based on the principles of trust and the cool opportunities for the free
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and distinctive development of co, tundras and peoples. unfortunately, the subjectivity is categorically rejected by the minority in the west, which in an attempt to maintain a war domination, use any means from unit actual sanctions to hybrid was. it has come to the point that the global minority seeks to replace the u. n. centric system on the wall to order that these, the majority system with that kind of role based on the to touch base of how said the brakes is becoming increasingly important as one of the and all of its a full might solve interaction. the russian official is such that the key to the attractive notice of brick, so many countries of the global south. and this is that this for much does not have any confrontational or hated agenda. meanwhile, the size of the new development of the development value of new 4 months is the priority of south africa's presidency. this includes the dressing security issues and common development problems,
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the ongoing between disney. so it seems the annual meeting of secretaries off breaks countries that security councils which traditionally meets before the summit . and it can lie popular shift that has pointed out that the, the fact that rational and trying to keep working together to protect the rights and interests of developing countries. issues raised to the summit addressed the russian chinese biological. and was the last with cooperation, including practical ways to strengthen security for both countries, pa, to the chef asset that most go is ready to strengthen strategic cooperation with china. using the framework called the brakes on the sound card corporation organization. all to contribute to calls you all told is that corporation is wide spread between the countries, especially around cyber security. the brakes started out as the economic for right. and the whole point of breaks is let's come together and do business. i think that's very attractive to countries who are especially tired of lecturing by
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the western countries, especially united states on a pallet they should round their own country that you know, this, the breaks is about recent mutual respect for sovereignty and mutual acceptance. i think that is very attractive model patricia is exactly right. the united states that the weapon nice thing is dominance over social media, for example, on facebook, youtube, twitter, etc. to for minute we gene change across the world. now russia and china actually has done a great job with bhaskar, its own echo system of social media. as you know, russia has the k, china has the chat label, etc. now what, where they could cooperate and do better is to have a platform to, to, to create an open source platform. now this is an area where russia and china has a lot of expertise where they can potentially come together and build a open source platform. that's open to all, and not, not dominated by us, and,
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and liable to us anxious. well, i'll tell you, we'll be covering the russia also to summit in some pages, but later this weekend will be bringing you all the latest updates from the form. so do join us for that the, to the ukraine conflicts now is keeps as blind as failure to advance on the battlefield on the shortage of weapons from the west. that talked, evasion was reiterated by precedents the landscape while speaking to cnn. the same network is now active interview with us at the state secretary and to me, blank. and it's telling me that ukraine has already led to massive territorial gains. so far the reports seem to be, it is very slow and very tough going. now you train is in a battle to get back more of the land that rushes east from it. it's already taken
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back about 50 percent of what was initially seized. now they were in a very hard fight to take back to take like more if you could and is not back tracking the dates at plans to stop. it's in spring, but we didn't because frankly, we had not enough munitions and armaments and not enough re gates properly trained in these weapons, but still responsive. and this is important because of his thoughts or that's a bit later on. it's come to sat and it's will be shared truly understood by all the experts that it's provided that are sure with time to mind, all the lands and build 7 lines of defense because of that's a slow what base of our content offensive actions is not just a permanent, well, the official is pushing contradictory claims about ukraine's counts were offensive with the media seems to be cool. so the cost far report is actually happening on
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the battlefield with some media outlets came and key of is showing progress while others are raising bounce about ukraine success. as we discussed the contradiction with michael believes i phone the pen to go and see me a security policy on it. se, se is the do quite in his train for defense is not offensive by so he's delusional . totally delusional. i think he's trying to boy up everybody's spirits when in fact, that's not the case that's in some inroads, but not, not a lot. and russian forces are very well entrenched. your credits are not trained properly in lots, you know, under the undertaking and the, the effort to try and train while the while a war is going on. it's very, very difficult. as i said, ukraine itself, more trained for defensive work rather that offensive. and that's why you're not gonna see them being able to take anything back. and at some point, it's just an,
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a question of attrition. and this is what it's going to happen. and it's just a question of time and all the rush it has to do is hold out. the reality is, beginning of the 2nd, people are beginning to see that what they envision politically is not happening in reality on the battlefield. through somalia. now where a suicide bomber has reportedly killed at least 20 people and wounded thousands more. they towers the attacker to the military training academy in mogadishu, oppose the saying that a suicide bomber sneaks into the army training facility was made no official response from b, somali or ortiz, a local al qaeda affiliated terrorist group. allison bob has claimed responsibility for the attack. at least 34 people to designate a 20 ended following the collapse of a 4 story building into a smaller one in common room. this is inside of the late sunday night in the city of the walla, such
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a mess of operations for survivors. continue. a bunch of people off supply, the building and instruction next to us according to reports, but it's unclear how many would there at the time of the collapse. officials have said an investigation would be lost to determine the course. you must have done it . do we have my sister inside? i haven't seen the body yet, and i don't know how i'm going to do it. i mean, i've only just arrived with the army blocks. me. they see my sister is there. that's the and all the world. i don't know. i live downstairs and every time i paused there, i sees the building and it scares me. it says hold, you can walk is too hot for me because i lost my big brother, his wife, and his child. they called the wrong 5. i am here. this blot is still flowing, it's my brother who is in line. so it's too hard for me. it's the wife and child inside. but my brother is lined down. now it's a southern human was 6 people, including children, have been injured in
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a severe storm warning for he might find the following footage, disturbing the storm a shots of a gloss facade in yelman's aiden apples, which then fell on the people nearby to slice was subsequently cancelled as a result of the disaster of the policy it is you have in a country already in the stories of a crushing agency, a long military conflict is also beat, experiencing a noticeable rise and the frequency of heavy rains on flooding. the koran, burning is a heinous act, saves a wrongs for our ministry. spokes person enough cannot in a statement denouncing the holy books, burning the radiant official as often as these desecration is, be stops and people held accountable for such actions. it says no country has the right to insult the values of fathers based on its internal laws and regulations. doing so is a grave and clear violation of all the states and really just people's rights. once
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again, want to medicate absolutely clear that these keenest and shameful actions must not be repeated, and those responsible must be punished according to the 40 minutes res. weekly price compress. today center on sweden's burning of his last holy will come on as reporters, as foreign ministry spokesman nozzler cannot hear about it was reaction to the desecration of the come on. well, kennedy said that you want one. we condense the glass for me that's been committed in sweden and denmark, calling it shameful itemization of religious freedom. he said, the outrages act has no wait, assaulted 2000000000 muslims, below the practitioners of admiral homie, trojans in the world. he also took it javert to europe, same visa that has taken place in a confident that claims to be civilized. so can only called on the european countries through han do over the perpetrators of such provocative actions to most of the country as well as in most of the country you want was courts to react to
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the repeated acts of sacrilege against muslims. is sweden and denmark. in what rock salt as it was once that is the reason why it's shown by the governments of the 2 countries. the said was spearheaded by 37 year old son, one mommy called was and they walk in and randy sweet and who was a 2nd auntie's mamma crowley last week. was the riley years insulted to come on one more time back on july 28th. so on, also over several pages of the, as long as they call the ball coming occasion of his mom's holiest festivity, even these that took place in the approval of a swedish government and as tricks protection provided by his talk homes, police. so now he's level of care on, urges the governments of sweden and denmark to prevent the repetition of such moves and polish the perpetrators as they say. such candles acts have nothing to do with freedom of speech, where they say, are there
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a violation of religious freedom and the only form is extreme design. his model for the town body is rooting peoples policy has won the general election in alarm slides capturing the majority in parliament. but us has responded by announcing putative measures against government officials includes undermine democracy. the united states has troubled the july 23rd commodity, and national elections would need the free no fair head of the election. combining authorities engaged in the parking of threats and harassment against the political opposition. media and civil society based actions denied become body and people a voice and a choice in determining the future of their country. in response, the united states has taken steps to impose the visit restrictions on individuals who undermine democracy and implemented a pause of searching for an assistance programs with a c 4 percent voter turnout. the election to pull massive gains for the ruling
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party who kept it over 5 seats and giving the assisting prime minister when sent another 5 year term. according to the results he's seen as a strong proponents of close to close to can no may accomplish who ties with china . while the us is increasingly pressuring southeast asian nations to oppose beijing west the media half. which way the election as a sam. this 5 become vote in 5 minutes as a pills to stay away from the countries domestic affairs. we talked to dawn mccain deal a south asia on the last tuesdays that combo dia has always has a protective policy. let's go beyond the election. all right, and look at the bigger picture now when you talked about a commodious relations with the us of us involving in southeast asia. you know, we need to look how this figures in the over arching bilateral ties between cambodian to us, for example, and body like, you know, many other southeast asian countries, you know, are quite consistent in protesting their individual differences at the national
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level. this has catalyzed a sort of defense to norm for non interference among countries. and i'm always getting countries 5 that to the shared history of colonialism. for example, there is a natural default wariness among the states towards the extra regional powers that do not share similar sentiments or a significant amount of inclusive flexibility towards their national processes. so this is where the level of divergence appears, particularly between the u. s. and commodious china and can bode here recently conducted naval drills for the 1st time in communion waters. and even last year, china also signed a deal with a come body, an army which is quite the, quite the notable particularly in terms of solidifying its military defense presence. in cambodia is the security architecture. so this is a for something of washington will be continuously monitoring continuously wary
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about. but of course, given the nature of southeast asia, we need to understand if countries are not really willing to fix sides or engage in politics. you thanks for joining us. hey, on all the international as always can see more of the latest updates can be found on our website dot com forward back in 30 minutes the the
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successfully. so i would have to be able to know, but it's pretty. i tell me that i can move forward with this, but yeah, i'm gonna forward. it's available as to what you still there about some of it from the umbrella dealership within the number of what it says. this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job which she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us labs and ukraine. the russian interior ministry system.


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