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tv   The 360 View  RT  July 25, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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with no interest us interest in ukraine, whereas if during the vital interest for the russian federation that you pre be restored to a neutral buffer state uh, separated from uh, from nato countries, the costs are expensive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted all opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the
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me to a free can legacy. i am most the abraham julius and they're ready in the 1950s lead. the collective liberation movement that founded the country. ppo stands any a as we know with today. he achieved this against a background of violent colonialism that went on for decades of pressing the low can african population and rubbing the land today. my guest julia has never had his son, mondanca know, ready is working to preserve the legacy of his father and his collective
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movement. the legacy of negotiation, social justice, and a free can unity. he is a founding member of the forum for the defendants of the great historic and leaders of a frequency violation, including some members from the family of such a free can items like this, a monday law of south africa, nasir of egypt for more, i'm ashamed of mozambique and many others. but can my direct, his colleagues, his brothers and sisters collect the past with the present of liberation, politics with a freak as contemporary reality. and can he reach the hearts and minds of young generations in pennsylvania is country and the young in the whole of the continent
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of africa. brother, mother, i was come. thank you. thank you very much. what a good, nice the fire in your heart, what makes you go on and keep doing this work decades and decades after the start of the lucian intends any uh well, uh, the 2 things which i think her place me where, where i am right now. uh 1st it's a realization that uh, the jet. the younger generation though, is over whelmed with information they receive a lot of information, a lot, all of that information is relevant to our history. and so i meet regularly, i meet young people who have a very little knowledge of our history and who i think need some of
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us who have that link for the past to connection with his history. because it's a, it's our history we, we have to acknowledge it. we have to be proud of it. and i think part of my work is that, that exactly that to link the history that we have, including my father's legacy, to the younger generation. but the 2nd part is that i'm it's like i'm, i'm in this by accident because of to my father died in 1999. i moved back to the village. and when i moved back to the village where he's also buried, i realize the defense a lot of information on him. but he left including these papers, his books. and so i thought this, this is something that has to be shipped by with other combinations. and there's other people who are interested in that, but let's fix the floor. yes. the relevance of your father's legacy to the yeah,
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that feel free to to day. so tell us more about the work that you have been cutting out in times any year before we move on to depend, i think 1011. yes, it is. as i mentioned, after he died, i moved back to the village where he was born and where he's buried. and what's the name of the village which i called boot camp within the last under the law. swift at the lake near lake victoria this so soon after he was better does of a lot of visitors who had a lot of interest to come to visit with him. a lot of companies came to visit with him as a sign of respect to the like, i say is a sign of respect his legacy. and i and my sister, and one of my sister realized that we must organize these visits so that the
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visit has come through with you on them as a, as a guide who provide some information, some basic information on leaving it as easy as legacy. and so that's how i got into this work of preserving his legacy. now i says i went on and that's what he has passed. i realize that the a visitor who goes through with the compound mm. and then completes the tool within 30 minutes is different from a visitor who really wants to dig deep into the light. that's a forwarding address. so this is what i am concentrating on right now. but we have to provide each type of visitor and a good experience me so that that is the satisfied with, with the information that they have requested once they visit the it is more than just kind of shut on tourism if you would like to engage with the visitors,
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yes. and make him aware of how relevant julia is. no written, julia snow, read his legacy to 2 days. that was any. yeah. and, and the great leader and they're ready. he had his social philosophy of justice see of change here. i do cation health for youth, and he believe it's been the social structure of africa and that solutions need to be organic from within. how is this important to at times any today in terms of facing it's challenges, economic and social and, and for and, and, and can i, how could julius know ready help or i believe those policy is never run out of state that they never become funeral event the only challenge that we face is that for example, after he step down to 1995,
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we had the structural adjustment policies which affected some of the polices that he had put in place. and he gradually, you know, they were the minds to change the system from a socialist system to one which is the market driven and, and, and we know other challenges of the market economies. they don't always, uh make sure that everybody is taken care of. so um, so unfortunately we, we, uh whole, so uh, the victims of these, the minds by, of these wisdom agents is to, to, to change our policy is to fit to the control to the society, to fit to the i m f. here some of the world bank that's i do is know ready famously of pose for an age and the dependence on foreign debts and who wanted to
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initiate the common development from we've been with the uh, symbol means that every time country has yeah, he also initiated the program of land reform. yes, i mean he comes to you. so most of his philosophy was based on a free can concept from within africa. and he'd try to link that to an idea of an african ism. yes. is this relevant today? when most african countries are relying on the world bank and the i m. s, and on for in the depth and for an 8 of the, you know, the, the, one of the basic, the objectives of african music is really to unite all the african people, peoples, and peoples. the facts are gonna be sent to work together collectively to
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the highest the resources of the african continent is to make sure that those resources to benefit the people and bring about social, economic and industrial development. so the, it's, it's just the tears. unfortunately, it's really that, uh huh. i think someone for our country is distracted by the, by the supposed assistance that we have supposed to receive from, from these other countries. but, and i have a opinion that if someone who, if a country has a leading position economically, it proudly will give up that position willingly willing. mm hm. so, so to, to, to, to expect to that of those countries which holding those positions will yield the advantages, i think is unrealistic. so the only realistic way in which trying to think africans
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can develop themselves is to come together as a continent to put together the resources and ensure that those resources really benefit the africans and not become the agents of other countries. which really uh val, though the only interest is to uh, to exploit the for them continued. so as a new reading wasn't just a hard, if you called them is yes he had a substantial spiritual and more. and if he could have side to himself personally until his policies, if he was a christian and he wanted to build an african philosophy of ethics. yes. so he's the social change is built on morality on the african family, on the equation of society. and he has to get
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a to this and he's the right things. his speech as if both of the sides of his personality and his work. does it resonate 2 to 2 days, africa, and 2 days younger generation? as i said in my opening statement to we, we have a problem of being over whelmed, very younger generation being over whelmed by the values and the information from how the societies from our side of somebody from outside of the factory, the so the, this is the problem, we risk losing those values, those who are you humanitarian values, those values of justice that we had in the past. me if we don't make a big effort to um, to show that there is an alternative way to how we organize our societies. so this is why i think it's really important that we take on the task of
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of showing these young people that they're more alternative. so how we organize society then the ones that go to close simply receive through social media and through of the avenue of information. and your father wasn't alone. he was part of a global house movement for liberation, and change that extended from latin america to africa, to the south of asia. how does this help understand the big picture for the younger generation of, as in the nations of africans? so for example, africans are inspired by such triggers like to know sort of egypt or mendel of south africa, or little member of the congo. and does your father become part of
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this kind of big, overly variation image of change that comes from within? do you think he contributes to this and done the picture? i think i think he does. he's he's of that generation across the sixties and seventies. hopefully does one of the types of feet of the to mention and he played an important role, i think together with his colleagues in creating an environment that was also reflected the prevailing conditions within those countries which were promoting these with this uh system. so uh he remains relevant because uh, as i mentioned, we, the only way that we can uh, address or challenges is really to look in what i've said of to look in with lots
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to expect someone from, from outside to come in. so the time is the 3 and, and being the leader of a 5th generation. and i think um, where leaders, who uh, uh, with the determining policy is based on the prevailing conditions in their own country, sunny and bill and regions. so i think it's really relevant to me. it was relevant then and it still is relevant even though is it normal for someone who works so hard for decades to advance their own nation to make mistakes. mistakes wouldn't made on the economic level, social level, possibly kind of set on 11. do you think it's okay for the new generations of africans to dig deep into this legacy and the positive way that you wish for? yes, but to also be critical of the mistakes, correct them not to repeat,
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some learn the lessons from then? i think the, let me tell you when, when we got to independence in 1961, one year later, my father wrote a small booklet code. could you say again? so here it's could you face, but i'll explain what the contents across the book because i don't have a beautiful language of so i hear you know. yes, but yes, i don't have and a direct translation to english. and in that book, he sees lee does not infallible me. they make mistakes. so it's not a problem to make a mistake. it's a problem not to admit that you have made a mistake. mm. uh, so it would you interact with the young africans nowadays? yes. who would have a dialogue with you? yes, and who would discuss with these mistakes? this would analyze these mistakes. most definitely, most of that,
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because i said to humans, the humans are going to make mistakes. and just because someone is a president or pregnant is go, administer doesn't mean that they cannot make arrows in decisions and policy. and i mean either the level to feed us you. so we, we have to be, but he doesn't keep me in that book. he doesn't see just about the leaders and he also tells the people that you also have the responsibility to tell your leader that they have made a mistake. because the key you might be, uh, you might be, for example, someone who we support thing and particularly to me, but you don't want to tell exactly that they're making a certain mistake and, and by keeping quiet you're really um not allowing the full expect title society to be part of that,
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the process of, uh, uh, sharing ideas and allowing, allowing the best possible ideas to come forward and help for development. and now you are working with other defendants of africa's great leaders to establish this forum called african legacy, which extends the whole continent to tell us a bit about this for them, which is under creation, isn't it? yeah. what is the idea behind that? what are you trying to achieve? well, the idea is that, um, as, as we look back at history and at the founding fathers, our funding leaders, we know very important lessons that we can carry forward to the next generation. so
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you may not show what we're trying to link the past with the present and the future, and i need time to be teachers or engage in a dialogue, a 2 way dialogue with a young africans. i'm concerned about this, whether you are doing it the old fashioned way of just teaching without listening. whether you are prepared to engage in a genuine dialogue with the young guys, you know, a sense of africans who of course, have new ideas and that influenced by different sources of information. as yourself mentioned, it should be in dialogue because um we know, certainly we have certain information within the past for the history that they don't have. they have some new ideas which we might, we may be tools to, to address. so it has to be an island because uh, as the,
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as my father pointed out in some of his policy is especially on medication. he said, uh they, the, the important task of adults. one of the important types go find out is to provide in a generation so that they haven't been necessarily skills to become lead us of the future. so when i speak of education, i don't mean impose in education on the internet. the reason, but i mean to have that dialogue that you mentioned so that you, you, together, we create the future that's beneficial to both of the content and, and the future generation. but today we are here in the meeting for the city of st . petersburg, 2 days before the rough and a free can summit in the international on the international stage of freq, uh,
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you know, in gauges was all parties. and the south africa, what it was on the leading, i think a nation is bought as part of the bricks group can afford to engage in peaceful, productive, and fruitful relationship with countries from the global south such as india, brazil of china, and with an international power lakresha wideman painting its independence and maintaining its presence as a force for goods and for peace in the warm. you know, after my father step down in 1985, he became, i think, to has given the task by the light improvement to lead to this house commission, which was an organization or the commission. me tasked
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with studying the economies of the what became to be law known as southern countries with southern countries study the economies look at the challenges and get solutions to, to, to problems, to fund the development. so the, the, the basic one also basic conclusions that came out of that report which was released after they completed the work was the solvent countries have to work together. because the barrier is set up place by the loading countries to the development can not be some mountain without having a strong base of countries in that begin to pose some muscle. they begin to create some economic bustle against the moving companies. so the, the, the, the, suggesting that the,
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the question that you're asking is really, um, i think that's the only way to go. in addition to you, i mentioned also the importance of africa coming together. so then also africa working together with, with the global available sol, with the rising economy is, let's say that to kind of freak out with alternative ways of funding. if it's the mentor projects you're trying to help and guess what is the turn cohesion as one content that's, that's right. because as i mentioned, the, the hold that the lows in the countries have on the global global economies. it's not something that they will leave people willing mental bully is hard to give up. yeah. if you have to listen very profitable. yeah. yeah. actually you have to fight for it. and the only way you can fight where it is uniting is your lights. you said there's an awful decline. there's the global thoughts. what
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is your message pass and then heartfelt message to young africans intends any uh, i'm in the corner of the content. if you are listening to you or i know away from the full and the language of politics, from heart to hearts, what would you say to hi is heis. i would say 1st, it's really important to know history. and that's, that's really important to know, victimization only or for existence as well. oh, the history which is really wants to, to our, to our content. let me, i'll tell you why. because uh, if you don't do that, if you don't familiar with history, then it's really difficult to for us to uh, to pick out the fix success stories they may see without the several many, many success stories in african bits. but then if you, if you do not,
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if you're not a student of history, and i don't mean this academically just uh, someone who is interested in the history, then you tend to uh, be the victim. so far, the societies which will provide an alternative that does not show that there are many possibilities within different continent. and once you realize that, then you know that the, the few states right without now if you concentrate on, on receiving information that phase away from, from pinpointing the success stories of, for computing in, within african history. uh then you, you really low tennessee kind of thing, the weapons with which you can face the future. so for example, the, you know, the, the, the sector to africa managed to liberate itself. we couldn't the early sixties and,
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um, and the mid eighties. hm. i think that's a really important to achievement too, which is which, which, which then generations maybe don't say that they don't. i don't realize they don't realize what said the history that we have for the african continent that people, uh, the leaders, you know, julia, the in, in egypt also contributed towards the, the liberation of myself. and i think there's like a nice day. okay, you have done been by the end of those. yeah. helps their brothers and sisters. yeah. and this house of the continental, that's when the fight for, for independence. yeah. so it's really important to, to, to know the history, to know the sad history. because with a sad history, then you realize that, oh, we're not just east africans. mm. you know, it just comes to me and let me know your logistics tenants. we have africans and
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the biggest story. yeah. the story is much larger than then. then then what you imagined. so, so, so with that uh, share history. i think it's, it's possible for a young person in any, for them, for you to imagine a bright future to imagine the future where they can make a difference in their own development. and then the attempt has development and included in their content because even the people, well as a journalist, i'm going to watch very closely what you are going to achieve in the future. and whether you practice, whether you, what to what you beach in connecting with the younger generations of a frequency. you know, most of them exist on the take talk and social media. so, but what do you need to go there as well? yeah, so talk to them and engage with them and listen to them. i will do that. this was a pleasure at me. thank you, brother, my direct guy. thank you. bye. thank you so much. thank you for you to bite him. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. this was an interview with my dad,
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aka, and they're ready, the son of the great that was any and leave the julius never ready discussing the legacy or for a bar elf liberation of the continent. and if the relevance to today is politics cannot freak out. thank you. of the stuff for the summer shift towards opportunities such as the shield this vehicle. is it the economic model have new as it's different topics, permanency. if it doesn't take her to testify this thing to say,
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ok. juvenile is then you must sort of deal with a company and some village developing bio chemical weapons inside, you know wasn't, you've agreed to support the white glove service? the customer, but he's because of his center state, the the, the
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the, the russian troops advance on the battlefield, pushing you, prenatal forces out of heavily fortified positions near the region. there are disturbing images in our next report. the 3 people are injured in israel after a car plowed into a proud approach.


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