tv Cross Talk RT July 26, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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the, the is the west propaganda war against russia beginning to show practice the military situation. your brain is being revealed is grim with anything approaching optimism, fading. nonetheless, the fight in ministration in the inner parties. soldier on wasting ukrainian blood the while i have the great privilege on, on it to be joined today by dr. now, lady pendle, the foreign minister of south africa. and you know, to have you here in the venice of the north, in saint petersburg, careful for the 2nd russia african summit. i know that the last one was 2019. it happens every 4 years. but so much has changed in the past 4 years since since the
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last time it. and here we are on the front lines of what is a budgeting, multi point of world and municipal. i will get to that eventually at some point. but from all of us here at all the international for one of us here, we are so grateful for your time. and so just to confirm with us today, thank you very much for joining us here. i wanted to ask you, 1st and foremost, of course, as the africa summit with russia here in st. petersburg. but, and i'm very glad the south africa, of course, is being represented here. but why, what are your expectations for this summit? what, what's the mission of south africa for this? well, i suppose that there are many strands to the expectation associates is to continue the relationship that has been built up over many years between africa and russia. so very important relationship for us, particularly south africa, given the role that the people of russia played, you know, struggle
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a full freedom. so it's a, you know, relationship, a brother and sister of comrades and friend, it is and is to continue that. then the 2nd would be to continue to establish strong bones in advancing the development goals of the african continent. and to ensure that the commitment that russia has both illustrative and expressed over many is, continues to be given practically fact by v. a. programs that we agree together and the actual execution. then the 3rd strand is of course people to people, exchanges. we share much of an interest in the creative offs in history, in a range of cool policy areas, security,
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trade. so really looking at quite to wide spectrum of areas of partnership is, is really the, the ration off for our presence and perhaps fulton most important. and i'm really glad that president putin has agreed to this is to continue the discussions. we big john earlier this yet a bundled effort, so playing a role in a c king, a peaceful outcome to the current conflict between russia and ukraine. so i would anticipate that our leaders will use the presence here in saint petersburg to continue that early discussion. which at the 1st flush was really to start talking between africa, russia, africa, and ukraine. and hopefully now to start talking about next stages minister,
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how did that go when the african delegation went to key of with the african piece initiative? as i understand the leadership in key of watson to entirely up to mistake, but i, but i, i wasn't that i wasn't on the ground, but i know the african delegation pitch this piece proposal for the competing ukraine. what, what, what, what are the reactions, what can you tell us? well, i think the lines of communication open with both lead us both lead as a strong lead this. i didn't think it was just ukraine. that was tough. i think for the future. those tough as well, but watch was very positive, was the reception that the african leaders received and an openness to listening to what they're presenting. and as i say at this particular summit, a readiness to continue that discussion. and that's really important because remember that we have a 1st,
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a group of leaders who have this access to both a need to ship of ukraine as well as of russia efforts have created such a bad feel facility. they can only speak to one and not the other. that's right. so i think africa is in a unique position to play a very important role. i think it is in a very unique position that especially with this budgeting, multi poto wells as well i've, i've spoken to various people a heads of state from africa who have talked about the united nation so it needs to be referral. absolutely. it's a bit outdated, perhaps these days of african countries. it's only fair that they get equal representation at the united nations and they're all calls for the for the you enter it to be reformed. um, what do you think is it that the african nations that particularly south africa, can bring to the table at the un, for example, when it comes to balancing this multi polar world and, and gaping africa? it's, it's fast place on the stage. what can your confident do you think bring to the u.
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n. and perhaps suggest for some sort of renovation that in new york, as you would know, south africa went through a very terrible and towards the time of a pop date. we were oppressed by a minority or pressing a majority. we waged that he really struggle against might. and so we have experience of dealing with unfitness and much of the world actually support to the apartment state for a very long time. and it was very few friends who stood with us as we ways this target battle. so i think our experience of oppression makes us a very good candidate for understanding the meaning of freedom for promoting democracy in its full meaning and full supporting representative as see a part of the political definition that we'd give to ourselves. the sub africans is
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unity in diversity. this means we reject racism and all forms of prejudice. and i think we should bring that into the multi lateral stage when we speak of unites as cons. united nations security council reform, which way speaking of is great to representation, democratic processes, the security costs of the sale, the world. because we have so much conflict all over the world. so it means that mechanism needs to be re, for so that we can and show peace and security. we believe that the united nations remains the premier multi lateral institution. and we would like to see any of that attempt to pull the global multi lateral body, which we like to seize, reform and strengthening of the wood. from time to time, the united nations has been used for political it's,
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it's been made the weapon by some against i was we have to end that. and i think having a diversity in its structures and making the sims, allowing for democratic processes. so for example, suddenly in the context of this conflict between new creighton and russia, the, the general assembly has been given a sort of deciding a role. but in no, it doesn't have that role. so i hope changes of that nature will be continued into the future as to give a real meaning to the general assembly and not to have this notion that there are 15 countries that are able to determine the fate of the world. so that is what we, we hopeful there are signs indeed, as he said, that the world's institutions are up and that, that we may be seeing a global re making, you know, of
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a mount to actual institutions and processes. i hope that will happen. and i think the africans must not miss this moment because it's probably once in a long time. and if we miss it, i'm not sure the opportunity will come very soon. uh won't small. the word pressure that has come up in this conversation. so that has been some people, for example, some top officials and most of the did say that some african state leaders have received pressure from southern professional partners in the west. not to attend this russia africa summit here in st. petersburg. i don't know if any of that is true, but i have read the reports of this. um, how south africa receives will be under any pressure from southern professional partners not not to attend this summit or any of your neighboring countries. did they find themselves under any, any pressure not to attend the summit here in saint petersburg? you know, so that for cause
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a country that doesn't accept being pressured by anyone. so i think a friends have learned over time that they need to be around that your dishes with us. so no, there's not been any such approach. and of course, should it ever occur? i'd make it absolutely public. so i think when we speak of, you know, developing a backbone, we each have spines and it must be a spine that is strong. so i think it's this time that all continent realize that it has the possibility of being an extremely powerful parts of the world. and we need to be formally in control of our own capabilities, our resources, and we should manage them to the interest of the african continent and not have this notion that we owe someone something because that's the neo colonial ideal. so
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i think we need to begin to understand our own power and to use it to good effect flatfoot. when you say that africa should be in charge of its sovereignty should be in charge of its infrastructure. it's mineral resources, for example, who is in charge of that now is it, is it not africa? so range of forces. i think a, there are private sector companies that are in the countries that abuse the results of africa. this is well known as recorded, can speak to intelligence sources, africa exports, it's mineral resources rule. it doesn't revolve. refined on the continent. we have the african continental free trade area agreement, which seeks to increase intra efforts in trade. but in terms of industrialization, very few african countries are at the level that they are significantly productive
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in manufacturing tubs. this most change. so i think it's well understood that even those who claim to be friends have really exploited the results of the continent. and, you know, colonialism was about mineral resources was about extraction, but to no one, no oppressor will change the situation of oppression. it is you who are oppressed, who must change it. so i think we need to develop a different relationship with our resources, manage themselves, develop the ability to be innovative, use partnership such as a partnership with you, or the united states or russia for all interest and not the interest of others. meantime, you have countries like china that's been investing in infrastructure in africa, whether it's a rhodes or schools or clinics, hospitals, electricity. as i understand russia has been investing in nuclear energy across
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definitely, continent. i believe if i'm up in egypt, there are several now nuclear facilities in that final stages of china and russia investing in, in this way in africa. can it be said that our professional populace in europe or the united states are also investing in the same kind of, perhaps humanitarian aspect as, as some and these other eastern partners might be? i've been very a category in a statement. so i've made previously that one of the features of our own political practice is we seek to be non aligned. so we don't attach to a particular country because that's very dangerous. we had that during what was called the cold war. and as africa, we suffered immensely from being seen to be attached to the west or elsewhere. and so i have been extremely judicious and careful about asserting
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independence. it's very, very important. china is a very good friend to us as of africa and to the african continent. i can see the change in infrastructure in several countries across the continent. but i still know as an efforts and who is honest and realizes that we know yet we, we all and i think that the elements of change that must occur is prop park control of our results is ensuring value edition is ensuring we do not tech support rule and by backside you added at very high prices, ensuring we value ad and sell as goods. so we need to change the frequent condition and i have no fear about saying we change is who ever the friend is. and this is very important because my interest is on the
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continent is people and whoever seeks to exploit to us and to diminish our ability, whoever they be, whether they claim to be friend or not. we must deal with them for sale, russia, india, china, south africa, and maybe 40 ortho countries minister looking to join the bricks, strategic partners to this strategic alliance. that is a, it's growing legs faster than many people even imagine over the over recent to you, it's bricks, was a nice idea that they, the, um, the a for an investment, the infrastructure bank, for example. you know, the new development bank as well. the brookside, it was a great idea, and then it kind of went a bit quiet for a few years old, perhaps a bit behind the scenes. but now look what's happening to breaks minnesota pond or i. every week there is a new development with the bridge family, more and more countries looking to join it. this is, this isn't, it's almost like
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a new front line of being a pioneer. i think, as china said, when, when is region thing with it most go a few months ago, we are witnessing the biggest changes in a 100 years and russia and china a driving these changes. that's what he said. but look at the brakes minister. oh, this, this coagulation of very strategic countries around the world. whether it in all these countries, what a joint, you know, saudi arabia wants to join, for example, energy rich nations, want to join nations representing the labor, what forces of the world, what the joint nations, representing the most geostrategic courts want to join minister pendle. what does bricks mean today for this? well, that's being so set with a, a western hedge. i'm on a now we're looking at what, what is this a southern southern growth? and this is multi polarity. what then it's of what is going on with breaks. it's a big part of you and your country is whether she we're discussing expansion, which is very exciting. but i think really well done to break something new
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development bank. it's a bank that is working. we have very positive rating uh, in world of financial rates in terms of and we've made significant contributions to infrastructure investment and support in the post cobra data to all the brakes member states. and what is fantastic. we've grown from the $5.00 to $3.00 additional members, so in mount 8 and my anticipation is more, we'll join the bank as more members come on. but of course, the decision of expansion is not mine. it will be the heads of states in august who will determine we've done our work as the foreign ministers and have developed a k, a set of guiding principles, which we think will assist our leaders as they make a decision. but why, why do people want to be positive? breaks brooks is a fresh, fresh for is progressive in ideals. it seeks to 1st for so peace, security and development. we not standing against anyone without sending for
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anybody. we work for the good of the world, then i think you need a body of that nature. so everybody is interested in briggs because they can see something different is happening. we're not seeking to weaponized the oceans. we're not seeking to weaponized before us. we're not seeking to weaponized climate change . we want to keep concepts to address key development issues. and i think that is, that is the attraction that brooks has for so many countries. i'm actually spending a lot of my time having to reply to countries that want to know when i can only imagine the interest is growing by that day. like like i said, minutes to every week. there's a new development with, with the perks family and there's so many thousands of countries looking to join. i have to ask you this um, professionally and personally, i find it fascinating story. the bridge summit is in august and there's an awful
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lot of tools as an awful lot of tools and i don't want to get ahead of myself. that is an awful lot of talk about potential breaks currency, a commodity about currency or gold, back currency, not personally, but my, my, my opinion is things like this. taken off a lot of time. an awful lot of time. if you look at the european union, how many countries have to settle on a year or for example, it and these big disparities, but between the smaller economies and bigger economies, it's complicated. but some people are talking about, the brakes are 5 college. these are the red mean be the re out of the ruby and so forth. and a lot of people out there a hopeful for an announcement about this possible new currency at the summit in august. is that anything minister you can send us? well, understand the prisons until the new development back is going to address the lead is on this very subject. and we hope she'll give us some sense of what the future looks like. i do think that we need to have greater fitness
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in world trade and we need to ensure getting that financial assistance and institutions. i'm not putting those 2 sized to a level that they become a battery. yeah. a to trait. so having a greater diversity is extremely important, because once you attach to one car and c o one system, you then become somewhat of a hostage. and that's what we've got. and we have to have fed trade, proper systems, financial security. but you can be tied to one, and the moment is probably now to consider alternatives. so i'm hoping that we'll get direction from the brick summit. but i believe this is something that is not the expertise of ministers of foreign affairs. that's why we'll rely on the president of the bank, and eventually the finance ministers of breaks to give us
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a sense of what is possible. but as i said, given the, when in the world today, the moment for changes now the moment to consider new is now, i'm just gonna ask you, okay, yes, there are there as well when in the world today, i get that there are hope, hope sponsoring comfort zones, but, but why, why is now such a good time for change? do you think minister? well, i think for the 1st time, the hostility between nations and between powerful forces the world has come out into the open the trade war between these types of states and try not to very big hours in, in the world, is out in the open. uh, the brochure ukraine conflict, the role of nature within it. so sudden the very powerful elements of facing each other. and we're all going to have to find on says in that
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context and the answers, i'm going to be what we know the answers have to be a refresh in my humble opinion. there's so much movement in the world today. when you talk about the breaks, the shanghai cooperation organizations, the, the, as, see on the global south, of course, the african continent. some people refer to these groups as a di, dollarization coalition. then moving away from the american donna now, yes, it's being the reserve currency essentially, since the great patrick will in the 2nd world war, but countries all diversifying away from the dollar there, increasing trade in national currencies. it's almost like every week minnesota, we have a new development with new countries co, what coagulating together to form this d dollars action coalition. why is this happening and why now? well, i think part of it is that this the sense as i said,
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of being held hostage and a desire to be free from such a feeling. i know to so you mentioned all the regions, but you don't mention africa. and the, it's very, very important that you do factors in cuz we are incredibly important part of the world. and of course, we hold those important mineral resources which all such significance to ongoing was development. so don't fact africa out is it's critical that you don't never the less. and i do feel that one has to be judicious or careful about having too many organizations because then you lay the basis for conflict rather than full cooperation. so i think a point would have to come with these various organizations actually speak to we talk about
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a convergence and how that is arrived that. and i believe brooks might be a very important vehicle full for such a convergence. and this is exactly what i want to say. for example, when i, when i say the global south, i'm certainly not submitting to the, the, the african it'll, when i say breaks. i'm also told me about africa in a very big way because i, i read a report from most go to the other day. maybe i'm wrong minister of it. i read or pull the said. every african nation has been invited to join brakes. do you know about, oh no, no, this is not, this is not true. no, we don't invite to join us at the moment we do have an outreach component of the brakes activities, the outreaching, to the invitations to heads of regional organizations worldwide. as well as normally south africa is the chair tool african need is uh so we have invited the heads of states as well as heads of regional bodies such as the gulf console
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actually and so on. so this is a normal process that all of us follow a when we are chair of, of the breaks for him when it comes to the russia, africa summit happening for the next few days here in, in, in uh, what we like to call the venice of the north here in saint petersburg and it is such a beautiful city and as a great time of the year, it's a bit cloudy today, admittedly minutes stuff, but it has been a beautiful summer. so far. this is, this is one of those rare opportunities to get people to the same table to get everyone on the under the same kind of pizza to discuss, discuss common goals. can you give me a little teaser as to um, are there other, any surprises or secrets in your back pocket that you want to unveil at this summit? any major concerns, any new plans, any new initiatives that, that perhaps you can just give me a secret, little hint as to what might be coming. foreign ministers all is a secret. no. um, i think that uh, you know, world is i to worry moments and i,
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i don't want to on the play uh, the threat that faces us as the global community. if we're unable to resolve current challenges. um, you know, we're worried as the continental visual fluid security, for example. so the brain initiative is very important and we would want to see this resolved in a manner that addresses both the concerns of russia as well as the concerns of the african continent. so these issues that we would like to have greater deliberation on. um, you know, i often raise this concern about green exports with my colleagues. and about the impact of unilateral sanctions which assigned to that don't come through the united nations system by the, imposed by individual countries on other countries. and when i tell friends that to the using the lateral sanctions owners have a full 2nd re fax,
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particularly for developing countries. they say to me, but we do an essentials on food. we don't have sanctions on this and i say, but we have feeling the impact. so i do think we need to resolve all the issues related to matches of food security. and that would be part of, i think be more important, a side live discussions that will take place. yeah. also think about those of trade um are going to enjoy a great deal of prominence and increasing the issues of digital the economy. digital security becoming a global matters that we have to have some improvement on because, you know, to stop cyber attacks to show cyber security. we have to call per h, we must share resources. so those would be important discussions. i see all
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security advisors are meeting. so we look forward to hearing what comes out of their deliberations as well. and all of us have fairly large business delegation. so hoping that some contracts will be fine when you talk about the, the black sea, colorado. the grand initiative, as i understand most ago, said that the grand initiative has only been temporarily suspended. it has not been closed and the credit has said that it is open to find a way to further negotiate the resumption of the grand passage in the black se cordele. now lady pend, or to the foreign minister of south africa. i could talk to you old a. it's been so enlightening really fascinating and was so proud to have you here in saint petersburg for this summer. thank you very much for your time today. thank you. please me a thank you for the opportunity. the
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who is the aggressor today i'm authorized for the additional strong sanctions today . russian was the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that is constantly growing. but i think the stitch of the seniors just click on the only thing the most, the more in the world will shift for banning all in portion of russian oil and gas is suffering the price for another country. hope all's
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well with the rest of the fed. service involved, the little joe biden in imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's a boomerang, the the, the head, all the bricks bank said there were no obstacles for developing countries to make payments and national current fees as president tutoring. stress is that the deluxe is being used as a political school. south african president carolina. so is there a lives in russia, on the eve of the summer students in petersburg? we speak with the south africa, the foreign minister who stays the continents, must move beyond this legacy of near colonialism. which is time that i'll come to the entry last that has the possibility of being an extremely powerful part of the world.
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