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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2023 12:00pm-12:27pm EDT

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why it will just lead to degradation will not use of the same thing. yeah. and even solutions on in the country since you them. and i've been for several decades when i know, of course, we're forced to consume consensus, has nothing to do with africa. that's in the african broadcasting union. we decided to create a special center of exchanging news. so this center was established and l g here and, and i'm very happy to send you the head of a center here in the gold saw the contents of the african broadcasting union that does not include the move in date, this is a very important and model content from the air in the world, from, from 0 to and from russia as well. variable i
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would like to discuss this question and in greater detail to mr. nick carlos page and data for it. i use open tal cooperation, africa lessons. africa listens to you, but africa is a demanding consumer. we are demanding in relation to content and relation to what has done. now on a couple of months ago, i said about this and the different country when we begin to cooperate with africa, which is now taking place for the rest and media, we need to take into account the fact that the frontier is a partner and i'm happy that some of the speakers share a science about the need to to help africa is optimal. the flustered,
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lots of be reliable partners. i'm sure we have projects in africa that have great potential. another problem that they say, we don't discuss geopolitics here. but i can't help but i can't help going into jail politics. now. those have to get into a corporate with africa, need to know the guns are no different than other people than other people in the world. we have our needs in mass media. on such needs are all everywhere and those they're all there africans who are educated in the west to come by and they think they create a work. and i would like to interview that i was pushing a story on kenya, and the way they and the way they delivered that topic had nothing to do with
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the reality of africa. and i want this to be known and taken into account and the african brought the operation with old russian media where they were ready to corporate for the rest of the media. were ready to welcome them and thought we need this to be mutually beneficial cooperation. then this is why i sincerely value all the applications for a membership of the african and they also serve to develop the industry in any of our project. i don't think we find a memorandum stuff, understanding what we need to do more to develop world costing in africa. you would also need to focus on the set to
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a representative. so what with the executive council law presence here today, and this is something i want to emphasize because i knew that russia is very capable what has told the requisite technologies. but there was some issues with content. need this content, something to reflect the situation in africa, africa, because in developing place, africa is constantly network one shouldn't see africa from the lens of 2 types. so the idea is perpetrated by the, like as a media. we already spoke about streaming and the traditional streaming formats and the problems that arise at bottom that we got to it.
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but it's not real pressure with russia. we've seen it as a sort of a barometer. we've received many regions, but not from russia. so this is why all to use presence and split next presence is very important. we need to maintain the balance we need to, milwaukee. the decisions are not made on political grounds. you shouldn't just stop listening if you don't like it for attention and thank you. you've quoted the bible and i think it's just as africa is a multi confessional space where many face co exist and the law just send you a boost blog which is growing religious community and right. and so it's very important that trust you and africa of cooperation on freedom of speech and freedom of
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expression because in the russian interpretation, freedom is not mean that we have free to insult him. desecrate that which is only for others. mohammed though. yeah, mean secretary general of the union of oh i see news agencies have a side whatever. yeah. the other ones that i'm lamphere thought them by the us, do it in a lot of pain and i the on the truck off i looked at the one of the most down is, i mean i just have to have an instead of a husband, i like a little emotion does is this um, what is going to show a website? um, what is the fee above the like for the town of kind of house, you know what i'm understanding willfully fail. 100 feet has looked at them, but the autozone
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went ahead and built a title company in the month that the 1st of all i deal with love you back in the suit is here with me and i'm oscar enough was that was the pile that was being the digital agenda pilot was being held in st. petersburg. it's quite interesting actually how many from 2 companies like r t as well as split make now um we will of course today as well as tomorrow on friday. okay. sorry. all right, just bring up to date. now. recently we spoke about fine. so that was the economy. now the international monthly font size, gemini, about the only member of the g 7 group, all the was leading economies officially be in recession. that's been a bought about in part by the, the very science is meant to home russia,
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a country which the i'm a full cost will in fact seen growth. see now is a hub use on this. so the bad news is that of all the g 7 economies, germany is the only one to now officially be in recession. the good news is that is driven by manufacturing slow down, which is one way to meet emissions targets. and berlin stated interest of 5 and climate change. well, actually it's hard doing that either because berlin has turned to dirty coal fired plants. even boulder was a little villas, brawl itself out, and increased production all this much to the absolute rule. as you might imagine, of german environmental lists, all of this is to make up for the cheap rushing gas. right. so this russian president, let me put this is how many a press conference all 5 entails with most. i'm in the rush, the advocates on that, and as they sent in and sophisticated cubicle piece,
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key cues also though you're seeing any attempts to, to step up and for some of these activities. and what is the situation on the from you give us some data on the losses on both sides of the pictures the it's in, as we have already said. and we see this on the ground, the so called counter offensive a large counter offensive stars. it's on june 4th of this year. this is a non, this fact and testing and the earliest assets of the ukranian armed forces. as for the past few days, we can confirm that there has been an increase in the intensity of for the hostilities. most of the come, but the action and clashes have been taking place this a little. the union is not the way reduced. it was when you have to use
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list. we also see intensive fighting within the area of responsibility of the $810107.00 brigade of the navy, and the 71st. the regiment or the 4 year 2nd division of the 50 states economy of this, i would then be exaggeration to say the federal soldiers and officers have demonstrated mass and terrorism at its best. that the enemy is using lots of our merge vehicles about 50 c unit, se, oh, $7.00 search t nines and 13 armored vehicles were destroyed. then when you, when you 60 percentage, most of the where the ssl, all of the divisions i've mentioned and 40 percent by our air force um, which in you pretty much sooner we do something my instructions in the area of facilities. our salt presented faith award and i instructed the
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defense ministry to draft proposal for me that way on the unit. so not in a single section. the in the may succeed just i'm the one in the all the stem such to a stage account that i found. so for a failed and, and we had to retreat was big losses. we tried to recover the band and equipment and the mail chee vehicle, us and to get the wounded out with that means they wanted to do this too, but they were unable to do that. so this is the situation more than as we have it today. good on the law says so we would definitely take as a part from which he basically ill treat assets of the enemy. it was my sustained major losses with more than 200 people. unfortunately, since we also had the casualties, but the difference,
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it is more than 10 folds. we had no of the 10 times the last casualties. make no mistake here. what we so ours is the head or is it on file soldiers at its best? thank you. okay, that was of course, of the russian present value map of saying that totally what was happening in ukraine and we will be of course, we have the russia africa summer months continuing today. i'm tomorrow, but they're in the live here in moscow. a things there in st. petersburg. we're going to take a 10 2nd break. we'll be right back. oh, when else i hear back, where? so the let's, let's go to rory wrote whoever a busy day the day with the russian present by them. it was in talking about the latest of this. we came to the most i'm big president, was it will be the speaking to, i know you're busy, man. you know,
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we're all kind of busy here in saint petersburg for this. russia, africa, somebody appreciate that mode. i appreciate you covering it as well and keeping everything kind of holding the full down in most go science man. so it's, um, it's been an incredible set up. so 5 here for this, russia, africa summit and the tendency. and yet, beside truth is, is that a lot of the people who are here today, we're basically told not to come. and that is by searching professional partners in some western countries. i'm not going to name any names, but they were pressuring not to come to russia and not to be a part of the russia africa, 2023 summit. and so much is happening is one of the main templates, say, one of the main themes is that of multiplan allows the african continent a really starting to, to stand up on their own 2 feet. some people say that growing a backbone and, and being in bold and, well, i mean, okay, maybe that's not the best choice. it was, but it's fascinating to see that there's a movement here and this, this something in the air. there's an energy they have,
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this is like a motivation, and it comes from a here. they don't following scripts that talking from the heart. and that is why all the people with meeting here are all the international at this form us so interesting. none of them are holding back and i know ok moment i'm going to go, we have the russian president, he gave us an update just a moment ago about stops and all my vehicles have been destroyed in the ongoing conflict. but who is an already addressed the guests to the plenary session with a huge range of issues of bilateral ties. but.


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