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tv   Going Underground  RT  July 29, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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the other issue ports, but you gotta, you gotta get it out of ukraine to be able to use other you ports. so there's just there's, there's no more efficient way than by maritime traffic that this, that's just a scientific fact or physical fact. russia left the black sea grain deal because of broken promises from the western countries, and now they are arranging to provide the african countries with the same fertilizer and grain absolutely free. meanwhile, the u. s. leaders accuse russia militarize in the blacks. the region one day themselves are overseeing the same thing with nato. of course they blame russia for the fall out of a deal that was only stopped because of their online. busy thing this to fulfill their end of the bargain. they will bobbin archie new york. and that's a rep for the hour, but head over to r t dot com for breaking news and updates. thanks for watching. we'll see you right back at the top of the hour.
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the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so short or is it conflict with the 1st law? show your mind, anticipation, we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than to the various mean with artificial intelligence. we have somebody with the man the robot most protects his phone. existence was on the
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car to join now by a very, very special guest coming here. you've been so busy the russian foreign ministry spokesman maria's ahead of us. thank you very, very much. i'm just seeing you running over here running over that. everybody wants to talk to you. i mean you'll, you'll basically fine. thank you for joining us here at awesome. yeah. i see why fi symbol? yeah, thank you. you always cover everything very intensively. i see r t correspondence running from location to location because there's a lot going on. i don't know if you want to talk about it or not. i'm very much as to what i think about this summit. in general, i think it's a very unconventional summit. it's not the way summit to usually go. this is holiday usually goes. it's a major international organization. this is how investment forms and international exhibitions are held. summits are usually like this. flags are put up, pictures are taken, hands are shaking. the media are allowed in 1st to make opening remarks, and then at the end of the day, they hold a press conference and send out
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a declaration to everyone. this is a summit in the classical sense. the russia, africa summit is a completely different story. this i'm, it combines everything, diplomats work here. so it really looks like the sidelines of an international organization. there are economists working here representing companies, regions in states, a large number of non governmental organizations, representatives of civil society work here. this is an absolutely extraordinary story. in my opinion today, at the end of the 1st quarter of the 21st century summit should be held in this way because they are not directed against any one. they are aimed at the benefit and interest of the countries participating in that summit. frankly, the agenda is constructive and creative. unfortunately, many of the worlds some, instead of taking place in recent months, have been set to a destructive agenda. but here they are not. everything is infused with the idea of creativity, overcoming problems and constructive this. i think this is great. there's almost
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something in the air. at this summit, there is a tangible sense of optimism here that i thought you were going to say humidity. yeah, exactly, exactly. that's what you get this sense with energy. well, no i oh so thank you. a part of my russian, i need to improve my russian, but i was, i was just going to say that you can feel okay, the weather is not as good as it should be. now, it was much better yesterday, but the people. yeah, there's an energy, there's an optimism. there's a, a sense of change. yeah, i just because i just look up. i mean it's just that the weather is really nice. it is raining. if it were not raining, everybody would want to see saint petersburg. the most beautiful city on the planet . one of the most interesting historical and modern cities we have on our earth. but the weather is just disciplined and not distracting. so for such an event, the weather is just right. as for the atmosphere, that rains here at the forum,
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i think you have shown in your reports the huge grounds of this forum. it is not just one hall or one exhibition area. it is a whole cascade of halls and meeting rooms made up of exhibition areas. i would call the atmosphere here an alternative to the spirit of destruction that reigns now in the west. this is the response of countries that do not accept the logic of destruction. the logic of war, but accept the logic of peace, cooperation, and creation. this is the atmosphere that reigns here. we stand on the front lines . so all the shifting world does change happening in the world today. uh, russian and busted a oh leg. overall fee talked about how global power mechanism. so shifting eastwood's perhaps the, the, perhaps the routing head tomorrow perhaps is seeing its end of day. i wanted to ask you because, um, you made a comment 24 hours ago that i found personally very interesting. you said
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something to the effect on the european countries. the color noises have become the colony. yeah. episode or i'm sorry. can you explain that for me? the supervisors. yes. thank you so much for pointing out that passage. i'm absolutely sure of it. all the indicators say, so the fact is that the west was formed as a community of states that were traditionally monopolies and that disposed of colonies. friends had a large number of colonies in africa. version had colonies, mostly in asia, india, southeast asia, spain, portugal, the netherlands, actually, and the united states, which and its purest form, did not have large global colonies. but they were engaged in the slave trade. they exploited people, they bought and sold people. they were subjugating lands that belong to the indigenous people. they were cleansing those lands of the indigenous population, among other things they treated those nations like colonies around the nascent
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united states. so the western world has been shaved for centuries around one simple thought, simple and scary. they are exceptional because they have power. power provides them with advantages. they don't have to justify themselves for anything. they should just take the fruits of this aggressive exploration of the planet. that's their collective logic. it's amazing that in the 21st century, look what's happened. their former colonies, africa, asia, lives in america have become not just the fact of solver and because they have borders national symbols because they are members of the un. no, because they make sovereign decisions in their own countries. over the past year and a half africa has been under pressure from washington in every way possible. not just discouraged from cooperating with russia but threatened. they threatened not to issue new trenches through the i m f because the americans are in charge there. they threatened not to give investments, they threatened personally and many different ways,
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but africa did not give up. africa said that it will figure out with whom to cooperate and interact. africa knows the historical role of russia, the soviet union, and the historical role of the west. africa knows that russia in the form of the soviet union came to africa, leaving behind plants, factories, roads, infrastructure, energy, leaving it to the africans to use as equals. when the west came, it only took away everything, resources, slaves, and the future of the continent. africans remember all this very well. they are defending their independence. and what happened to the former colonizers, the countries of the european union, they have lost their sovereignty. they have submitted to the will of washington and perhaps partly to britain because washington and london are acting together in one way or another on a number of fronts. they lost their independence. they really became colonies, colonies of the united states in this community, even now has
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a name. it's called nato, not even the european union, but nato. the us wants to drive more colonies into this community of colonies. western europe is not enough for them. they've already set their sights on asia and other regions of the world. everyone understands this very well. as the multi polar world really does start to blossom here we're, we're seeing many of authentic ations. we've come to some petersburg. they almost have a sense of being in bold, the strong good that's standing up straight to they are really speaking straight. one of the things i notice from the guests we've had here is that they don't have any scripts. they don't have any cue cards. that tilting from the hall, and that is part of the way that, that so effective in touching all of us here. i know, i just, i'm amazed at the turnouts, but this for him. i'm so impressed with the interest from the visitors who have
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come here. but multi polarity is now taking center stage show us as of the pro. so have you seen charismatic politicians in the west to have the ability to voice their opinions clearly and professionally naming one? if you see bright politicians, it does not mean that they are charismatic and have the potential to create. we've seen plenty of bright politicians. they tend to be clowned politicians in the west . they're eccentric. they are politicians who grab the attention with eccentric shocking, apathetic actions. but i have not seen such charismatic politicians who are ready to lead people who motivate people to create who help people to overcome difficulties and bring them to a new level. they simply have not existed in the you for a very long time. why? because the concept of personality, something like spirit, the ability to sacrifice himself for others, has long been replaced in the you by p. r. technology is the image of
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a person is formed through television, photo, social networks. it is not the essence of a person that is highlighted and presented to the audience, but the image that is put on a person like a beautiful suit like yours, for example. hence the absence of any political figures in the west. you make a good point. thank you for that observation of yours. i was thinking about this too and cannot articulate it. indeed, if we see african leaders all speak without paper because there is such a concept in english to deliver. they have something to give to others. they have the opportunity to finally express their spirit, their strengths, their power, and they have all the qualities. and you see all the western leaders talking on a piece of paper, and they can't even speak anymore. for example, take joe biden. they go to the microphone and it's just mumbled, why? because they have nothing to give. they have nothing to deliver to others. they have no power,
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no strength. they don't have that covers much. i don't know. maybe they used to, but it's over. you know why a person who does not use his inner power for the benefit of others. a person who is fixated only on becoming richer and more famous, more powerful for the sake of himself for a very narrow group of people. he loses what was given to him. she no longer has that power. this is what is happening now to the west. this power is growing from the east, from the south, from what we call the global south. this is, this is part of a shifting. well, this is part of the shifting world and an engineering to the engine, new dynamic. so the city just get those. uh, i will give you a historical example how one man from the global south changed the course of history of the whole world. his name was jesus christ, he had nothing. he had no money. he had no tools. he had no business industry, but by the power of thought and word by the very power that was in him that had
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a divine, a church to change the course of history and presented to mankind with an opportunity to reach a new level. this is the example worth following: worth, resorting to when a person is ready to change the whole picture of the world at the expense of his inner power, but only for the sake of creation, not for the sake of destruction, for the sake of destruction, those people who use these talents and powers and themselves, they can succeed, but only for a very short period of time. they will be crushed, they will fall from their pedestals right now. western politicians, western ideology is falling off of its pedestal in a swing and such a way that it is about to collapse and we are witnessing this process. i am not gloating. i am not rejoicing, and i am not saying, look, we are seeing the collapse of the colossus on feet of clay. i am not for joy seeing because it means great global changes in rate turbulence in the world. but i recognize that. i think you're obviously the height of change does cause
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a lot of confidence in the well if i can shift gears just for a moment here and you of course very familiar with the oxy. we've talked a number of times on the tunnel before some of the african delegations that have passed through. they have shown a real interest in being on. see how important is it the thing to get onto the news into the african continent, and is there an interest in africa to watch the news product that comes off of russia? do you think that that was the new, the new spoken data? see, this is important, not just for r, t or russia, but for the whole world, the worlds cannot have only one source of information. this is wrong because it leads to the spread of this information. politically biased information including fakes. the world must have alternatives. competition, which is a live and to normal, this is what the west was formed upon during its prime years. a live competition
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come, petition, struggle demand, and the answer to this demand supply. there should be media with different voices. those who are in this country and work in this country should broadcast about the country, not those who buy information about the country and then change it to their own format and resell it further. this is what is happening. for decades, the african continent has been receiving information about russia, asia, and latin america, not from russia, asia, and latin america, but indirectly through the united states, london, and friends. they have traditionally monopolized the media on the african continent, either directly or indirectly. this is not the right situation. we talked about this with the editors in chief of the african media. that this situation must be changed. they should receive information about russia either through their own correspondence in russia or from russian journalists. they should take you directly from russia, not read what is happening in russia from the british news. the situation needs to
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change. and this sense, the role of r t, the role of russian agencies, the role of split the radio is enormous. it is very important. it's very important, and especially these days, when there was such strong narratives that are being sold and essentially from southern professional pockets in the west where they have these big news news network. they have hollywood, they have all these different forms of perhaps soft power with a so these narratives and it's, it's, it's worry because an awful lot of people simply ingest what they're told by the television all by the political establishment. i would try an american mainstream network for many, many years. i won't even mention the name of the channel now, but i'm so grateful to be on the other side of the fence now where odd jumps are more important than ever to try and give a alex to what are the mainstream narratives being thrown around the world today, do you think of people are waking up in any way to cause us as you say,
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when you talk about the bite and white house and, and you know, what do they have to offer and the demand clearly he's, he's having some issues president bide, and he is and, and, and goodness knows if he's really, what do you mean? he's having some issues. what does that mean? well that's, that's a polite way of saying it perhaps. so you want to be politically correct. i'm trying to be polite about why. well, because well, okay, should i, should i be stressed about it? i mean, shall i say that he's, he's clearly quite old. he's easy perhaps needs if you want people to wake up and if you think it's important for people to wake up from this stupid fine dream, do you need to tell it like it is, age is not the issue. a person of considerable age can be wise and a person who is young and fed can be foolish. age is not a direct indicator. in this case. we need to listen and see what we see. and here we see a person who responds and adequately 2 questions or does not respond at all to what
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he's told or what is asked. we're talking about biding right now. he is confusing the people in front of him. his mind is obviously no longer properly reflecting on reality. i'm sure this is a man with grade history, probably a lot of background and experience. i'm sure she knew a great deal of things that he's been active in politics. i'm absolutely sure of that. i have evidence of that, but at the moment this is a man who is totally inadequate to what is around him. and what we see is just the part of what we're allowed to see. the just can be shut down. and do you have any idea what is going on behind the cameras? his wife is literally holding his hand like he's a small child. we're seeking rehearsed questions being asked of him. and only those who are allowed into these press conferences do so. and even there, at these press conferences, they still shield him when biden feels or doesn't understand at all what he's being
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asked. he just turns around and walks away. he doesn't feel the need to explain himself in any way. so let's not look for any 2nd or 3rd formulations. let's call things by their proper names. not only that for a person can be sick. we have seen a great number of historical examples of how people with congenital diseases or who became ill while performing their duties. remained effective managers, you know very well the huge number of examples in the west and in asia in different ways. they went through surgeries, but they remained adequate. they remained effective, they remained in the real world. here we see a lack of connection with the real world. i apologize. anything can happen to a person, but it is scary when the leader of the united states addresses the audience and sees a person in the audience who has already died. this suggests that he may have the ability to see dead people. i can't rule it out, but still he's at the event. he's supposed to be talking to the living and he's not
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talking to the living. and yet he's talking to the dad. it's not made up. it's not a fake, it's real. and it goes on regularly. on top of all that there's a problem of the very low level of education of the people who come to power in the west. we've seen this trust. we've seen their bulk. we see american presidents who don't know place names, who don't understand what they're being asked about in terms of historical facts, who just don't know basic ideas about our planet about our lives. and yet they talk freely about topics doing so in a very stupid way. that's an additional element to this point as well. so here we should still be honest with ourselves, at least not afraid to talk about these topics. okay, look, forgive me for trying to be diplomatic, but that is a part of my job. and i would love to be as straight as you are, as, as i've seen you be, i would love to, but there are times when i have to kind of bite my tongue a little bit. otherwise, perhaps these people would ever want to speak to me again. come on and come on. if
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you want to be straight, be straight. why would love to? but i'm going to do, i would really, really love to i would, but you know, i, i agree with what you're saying. there is a severe lack of leadership coming out all of west through professional partners, whether it be america or whether it be in europe as well. i've always been astonished and, and i'm just going to be straight to tell this. i've always been astonished at the way the russian president speaks. he speaks from the heart. he knows his history. he knows it's economics. he knows all the numbers. people sit this house. not all got daughter when she knows the people who elected him, that is what i think is one of his main differentiators. she knows the people who elected him to represent their interests. he knows their interests, he knows their aspirations, he knows what they live for. he knows how to emphasize, he talks about what people care about globally. he knows private problems, but the global things that people are concerned about. he feels them and he
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prioritizes them, excuse me. who in the western world knows their people like that feels them and defends their interests. mostly it is about lobbying the interest of some political group or financial group. this is what we are talking about. a politician of the west is elected with the help of lobbying institutions. and then during his electoral term, he defends the interest of the group that brought him to power. because you need a lot of money for an election campaign, because you need to have some grouping behind a person in the west, mostly financial may be of the deep state. accordingly, the course that has been pursued is usually related to the interest of only one segment, not the entire population, not the people as such, but a certain group, and an order, so to speak, to respect or please, or somehow satisfy the people various technological ways of doing it are invented through p r through images, through some technologies and so on. but globally, the interest of only one group are being pursued. we see this look at friends.
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people have been taking to the streets by the hundreds of thousands for several years now. it's the yellow, best movement strikes demonstrations and the authorities don't react at all. that is they only react with har suppression. extremely har suppression, but they do not see their people and do not hear them. they are not going to communicate with them. they are not even going to compensate somewhere on the other side by deciding to carry out reforms. they insure the interest of a certain segment of the elite and are ready to do anything for the sake of it. and for everything else, they have the police and the army to suppress at all. but these are public protests that i've been going on for years, not a day, not a week, not a month for years. people have been trying to shout to someone there and change issues of principal for themselves. nothing works is finishing point because i, i just wanted to make a quick mention here before we wrap this up and i'm so grateful for your time. and
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there was a british member of parliament just a few months ago who, who put out a survey on the surveys said, who do you want to be your prime minister? do you want research to not? do you want joe biden, or t one fly to me? and the vast majority voted for, i know, yes the course. and you know what the tragedy of the training people is. so the tragedy of the praying people is that they really want to have a president like put in, but they always have the ones, the west gives them. it's for, you know, what's happening with ukraine in many ways. i think freud would explain very quickly and, and very specific categories. the outwardly hate and are very aggressive towards pushing precisely because they would like put in to be their president. that's what they need. open decisive, knowledgeable speaking, not according to, as you say, a piece of paper sent to him from washington. but speaking because he knows what
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he's talking he about. he breeds that he feels that it's an amazing phenomenon of modern ukraine. but somehow it seems to me that this is just the way it is. speaking of which, another example in the united states when there was the last presidential election, there was biden, and trump. it was already obvious that biden, as a man, physiologically could not pull this campaign, but the election was held. there were many problems with this election. the american people decided they hear all the time that america has a democracy. they decided to show their attitude to the elections. dead people voted there. there are a lot of strange things. people took to the streets when to the capital, to express their protests. they're always being told that freedom of speech is the most important thing. what do they do to them? they were declared domestic terrorist in the united states and they were put in jail. here's a question for you. what is happening now with western politics and western
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politicians? yeah, well i think hold on a broader perspective if i may, the multi poto. busy oil is taking charge now and when the chinese president was in moscow a few months ago as you well know, he said to prove to me that he was leaving, we are witnessing the biggest changes in 100 years on russia and china, a driving those changes and where is the heart of the foreign ministry spokesman? have a rush. i a great pleasure and a great privilege to have you here in the future. thank you very much for joining us on. thank you for being such a straight shooter as well. just one more time, either one of these traits be straight faced, right? i will take those words. i will keep them as well. the
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. today i'm authorized at additional strong sanctions, foreign companies including russia. i'm visiting soon. thank you. this license, so from 50, i'm calling so blount and things disconnected from the international payment system . this option is happy to donna and euro exchange rates followed up on a telephone appointment for more folks. so catherine would know what i bought. the committee met 3 walcross, the feeling that is a good. can you say i don't know. she'll see material with the promise was in the russian business over come this song. see yeah, i bought enough seats ahead oceans tremendously. just me. don't crestwood bullshit . i'm not sure product of not just you shall be able to receive the ssl renew for one year for the prism i need to there's no or no off to the cost difficult when you when you use the name with dr. i'm the solution cope this is for some delusion with the food or both of you know, the most of them use
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the kind of liberal agenda received with no. yes. not really reason based. but it's a kind of ways i really just create an outside to proud of all sorts of real estate, practical objections to validation, creating and kind of city on the hill on the the, is this the sure blue distance of the sort of the series doing it for you and you have them by
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see it the fully a piece of property, but even the way needs. yeah, you're saying you missed us and you to see because of the few those and but the installment of the image doesn't notice. we are gambling with the future of all mankind and we're, we're risking it for not the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on all sides. very dramatic. the only personally i'm going to resist, i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very unclear to get a time time to sit down and talk the,
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the not just for the president of the russian federation who has invited us, but it's also a success for african countries because of russia, is a winner. everyone is the winner. the spirit of unity as the inks rise on a joint declaration leader tail the geo political achievement of the secondary russia for testament. while western nations downplay the importance of the event, those attending states such gatherings are vital to keep a is in a rapidly changing world. i think we need a more less. yeah, absolutely. suddenly to this vision, cement, and social security, the summit is marked by the spirit of cool.


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