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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  July 31, 2023 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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a sweden decision. his moves met with applause by the west. as a thank you from the us or the one will now get new f 16 fighter jets. now to break this all down, we are joined by d made. tom is a former swiss m. p. a journalist and author of several books, lucy, oxygen, originally in french, translated to english, is russia, west, and most relevant to the issues unfolding today. a title called erupt, existential dilemma to be, or not to be an american vassal. do you thank you so much for joining the program? first. what is your general reaction to the news that sweden's bid to join nato is moving forward? the application of freedom to make 2 eyes as being kept for, do you prepare the scenes? no. doesn't, doesn't appear else. so if you look how in the recent, uh, just as simple as publications of the russian army has been used to, you know,
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dr. monk, the swedish, but the swedish depot against russia. his mother is now very illogical. uh what, what was most of pressing? what was the last, which is more surprising is the capacity of the turkish president with these 2, such to such a move in the past year. but that was for me to really oh, that's a good self wise motion to pass the time because he was able to prevent the, the application process the application process. busy of the, of the sweets i think it was a progress from, from outcome to be able to resist the piece. huge pressure i was made by or, or the mental alternate to do a molten can now talk to enhance this being said, the recent decision,
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i'm thinking by george g. uh to offer, why is this read this company? does it go ahead? these really inform, unfortunate because the swedish membership as well as the finish one, was not improved to scituate d. o. you walk in content, you really a great it was because why shall we react? and to gain of reactions and counter reactions really to in this condition, will defend sons and go to our moments ways into calling to come to that degree and actually use that sort of trapped. now we go all for some time now. sweetest application to the block was halted by one country. that country is turkey reach up or the one seemed resolute on his demands. that sweden returned several p k k members who his country labels as terrorist. he express outrage over kron burning
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outside of the turkish embassy and sweden. he was upset with the us, kicking him out of the f. 35 joint stripe or jet deal. but these are all remarks made while he was campaigning for re election. now that he's narrowly won the presidency again, you were vs course on sweden. is there any coincidence here? did he perhaps betray his voters? yes, i think the talk is move is difficult to another size because it's too close and we have not the distance to to, to, to consider opting for context or for be. so we also decision, but as you mentioned, so it happened just a few days after this reduced migrant has gone to guam in district default to the embassies talk you soon bye. see in the instruction and normally these
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uh would have probably looked like a big scale that you, any doctor has provoked at the discount that you all diversity in rub, well, practice song, meters east. and we have seen, for instance, the human rights constituted in geneva in the voting option in emergency. ready room to condemn these act. but despite ups, the president of the gun decided not to consider it not to consider as a glass pub, is used to to do uh, in the bought in the pastor books. you change it, change is made and decided to ever rot personal. redo queen. you received the presidency lensky. you read or do or know in, you know, camera. we decided also to release the. busy as of the new and that's the new and eighty's as of right. so originally. busy we track the thing in talk to
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reduce them and they would be that there's a header that we talk to to great now. so it was a. ready see, i guess a fix, again to do their games. yes. the russian violence tradition. i used to west balance of turkey. so, you know, by june i can explain that that because of the color, the difficulties of the talk to you, she kind of me know, you know, i still these extra ones, the gun needs to rebuild t z economy and you reach to, to get uh more uh more that's a access or to worst on the best then to russian capital. and that's why is now running off to the west. probably. yeah,
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because he's hoping to get more rest of the investment in just because that's may be one reason, but there is a 2nd resolve which is not so much experience use in my view. that's the result of the simplex of for turkey. me does is doing piece last months if you look at ca or expense as the outcome 3. and beside that during the last last survey to have lead to reintegrate c a. yeah. as a for member of the arrived league of because a set back for him to come because now the show. yeah. easy. remember of the seal of the slicks is free or wake up nice by the solid these by the if you like to use . and so. busy or thought g as last. good good
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wage. you had torn sense in the easily properties to look russia, as brooke, the root of the council of state security counts. you do the 9th of nations. and now doing to nice not add a cannot have access to the but uh, because uh, restaurant and shutdowns wish to recover the flu. so when the warranty is plugged in, which was supported by torch. and also uh the search was solid. you are what you saw these wanting toners and then she is also the. ready the rising or potential wires on to to key. so and for what show the audience reboot of pick plus for the oil and gas. right. so the idea of ok, yes. we saw a general idea. we saw more important than any actions read because of the case
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sense. uh we talk, i'm probably elder gum is a feeling that these are protein got used and tries to, to want to waste the stage with the rest on the website and read the washer. on the other side, that's why use a getting tougher. read your shop. reset, yes, we definitely do. i shall we sent you. yes. excellent points about getting western capital into his country and, and then losing his upper hand with syria. and what of russia here are the one has been the sort of counter balance between the west and their action against russia, due to his seat on nato. has he stabbed vladimir putin in the back and does this risk any future renewal of the black sea grain deal?
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i mean, russia says no for now, but maybe later, this is a little sit by cool. you know the gun because he was the piece blocker. it was the agreement between quinn and russia and between russia and the rest of the country. and it was peaceful because and for him it could be no, well important on the income as i've seen up. thanks to disagreement. no, it collapse. and it's another, uh, uh, yes, set back for to amber again. but i don't think that the underground is between russia in my review, as i said, is, is, is getting tougher. oh, yes. raising the stakes because uh he is willing to get small from russia from the west text where he is you did. ready through quinn,
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but also regression. i don't know. now what is your machine? but you're trying to get some food to you cannot of you for your washer, because do you kind of make uh, a release on the printer? and uh, and why show up to the boston folder. i mean for hardly turturro exploits. not to wash, i sprang laptops i ico champ. busy touch to, to, to talk keep was because of during the hundreds of thousands russian are taking or the days in the. ready talk to you because now. busy off would be the. busy one was for the good to go to the restaurant. well, so they go mostly on the right seat cost and darky. and also just a new gap left to go, which was
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a new great by recently. and you just, you talk was based by washin. uh there is also a group project. uh huh. orland gus, for the key to to create is very important to talk between the, the, the stuff and. ready ready countries and that's important was those types of the kind of because you but strategy courteous all fault talkie. so i think considering all these elements uh algorithm, we not break not work to relate. let's say really the release of rush, you reply to keep a balance, to be the yes to be the, the default our, all of these to be the balancing power between the both region between the west and east, but is trying to, to improve it,
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to improve exposure, so that's why you know, uh uh increasing the tensions. ready we invite you coming up next, the united states. it's called russia, and expansion is empire over its action in ukraine. is that really the case? we'll discuss it when we return with the mid tom said type the m o will be right back the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic. the only personally, i'm going to resist, i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk
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the that plans are so important. that's what i'm says is i'm talking about depend on what i'm not the so i'm not fixing that amount of money is avoid the mistake dental to share because i've already, if you need another chance. no, but i want to keep the policy and follow crumbs out to look really nice. i did was i as one can easily do that. so i know that you might know that in for us when you
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might need to allow for those that to vicki disability. since you're working off of the on may authorize the on the would you put it on the restaurant? but a con is vinnie sheets. i have confirmed it offers cool lot, but just would you mind giving me the number that you know, hold on, let me know you got the like motor home phone service. they told me also when they bring it back on monday, i pretty sort of despair. i make all it i have to get in and we don't come up between i'm but i'm in the library and i figured they've done with b print up to i've been in the past on the phone like google shit. so you have to renew the money, don't. so i was, you know, mid thank you m lillia and 0. you will get onto to ship the select samples. you
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pull up on the the welcome back to the m o m l. a chance after the latest nato's summit in vilnius, some numbers appear to question the us commitment to the block. with nato even exist without united states. back with us to discuss is warmer, switch m, p, and author of europe's existential dilemma to be or not to be an american bass or mr. game. it's all so game outside of these western narratives, according to russia and much of the global south. the expansion of nato is precisely why there is conflict in ukraine now. the broken promises by the us that nato would not expand even one inch to the east. the broken or perhaps even false michel courts. yet, just
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a few months ago we see finish accession to the block without much objection by russia. and now we will probably see sweden rushes entire western border is surrounded by nato. does this actually make the world safer, or does this perhaps risk world war 3? no, i don't think the expense of a need to continue longer. and so we didn't really increase the security of the country. i think it was some of the security situation in europe and not totally dropped but well, because the world. uh uh, because don't forget that russia is a nuclear power and the risk of office condition or the risk of that. and actually the general and the purple, purple button queen. for instance, people being grocery shopping was young, nuclear 1 o'clock,
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or something like that. it could be any kind of true publication can be use, you know, the whole book such of yours such a will. or maybe you should also look tugwell to watch um, books. uh, that's why i think this, this expense on this very and you get, you get to use my point of view. but let's, let's see, i hope this was never happened. and that's the in the draw up. and oh, do you all, can you just re cheap? are there all right, cool. and provide such as conditions. i don't. why don't we could not have any more. your thoughts are the directions between us. yes, the good felt uh well what really happened. so other than it's
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geographical location or, you know, proximity to russia, what else to sweden bring to the nato table? i mean, what do they have to offer the block? why does the block, once done? i think there is to, uh, 2 different case. i think you in terms of military, if we speak about the military, i don't think the swedish contribution to the need to repeat this is, i don't think i agree that it reads tank than the items. but this is a take a video. so somebody have to divide the content on page 3, fonts, latham fonts to center font and cell phones. phones sounds good. sounds really isn't in theory, but it really increases the the call to nation tasks. you 3 and also increase your risk of me. so i'm just thinking between 2 or 3 pause and the 3 y uh where's the cost or where i can go good job. so really tell me who you're speaking to get
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from long and, and then street the in the audience is not a big deal. but we have to cross the gold perfect because sides of the thing of this expansion. and that's probably because sense. i think it was a big success because of the big successful. i mean, we go for the night. it's. ready to be able to extend the, the ideas to the smoke of countries and especially to sweeten which was, seems essential is north country. so in terms of soap opera, and in terms of just party politics, it's a success and the expense of good because you go as a sexes. and it's especially a success because, um, it has all the piece a queen,
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a fab since. well, now 15 months as uh, as a very good option for you in that space. russell. nice. you all can countries no. uh, not on the tribe you should know the rest of your countries. oh, because as you know, uh because uh, became uh be cable by size states, but also the domain because uh, lycos redone and finished that there were the you to grant evans and the decided to buy them for these to become the best thoughts. and i think that's for america because uh it was a big deal. it has been a big party to party because success to be able to do that. and that's why i've talked to the yes because somebody. busy present by been decided to be the
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general because for the last uh, because it's always a big pleasure to pay a visit to ease a sub sell going to sleep. and as the. busy finished teams, people decide to join the i just buy them sundays because i then just a big joy bridge right for me to pay or visit the dentist to up sell. how i would accept or to be less allows them down during the slightest nato summit. in lithuania, there seemed to be a small level of consternation among member states about the new west commitment to nato. there was all this talk about. if donald trump were to prevail in the us 2024 elections is this year that he might withdraw the us from the block as he
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threatened to do well in his 1st presidency. are those spears legitimate? and what would the alliance even look like without seeing us this feels really, really happened one day. i cannot do my job much, i need to read out to us. and i cannot imagine natal. busy because need to use the u. s. a. and to us use a good they to a i. so i don't mean to come even if he's elected, we leave late to you is why we try to why is the cost for the you up? yes, you really try to get more money from you. busy because uh, but you, as he tried the 4 years ago when he was president, but the rest of the dad so much invested to westside, to european countries, to russell. busy do you and they, to countries that there were never
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a bump of nature because the, they talk is the tour the of the us, you know, the, to keep that creep on under your pet and commenting on top. and that's why you've been, it's plugged into the that the president the next year you're not. busy the. ready ready the audience you're required to do what is the stakes? but the reason that you and you know you have or so or to consider that tongue is also an impact. yeah, this is also available to us. they do, but. ready busy you to look at to slow down make. i mean we can't wait to greet. it's a little bit like the, i don't slow down. i just was westhal. yeah, i know you can either make america great again. why too big grant, again,
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just to know the, to be to, to make united states more able to do. i mean, they do well. there are the depressed between you look for us as the dream to quote all the work. and we can present tasks such as reagan or do show eyes an hour where as we saw folks where as all the companies and all the subjects as much as the democrats. so there was, there were no big difference between what could you can and democrats, president went to court? no, it's always the case to pay. you only do press between trunk and by then use that trump as well. for trump, china is the main y side by side. that is your priority site sign that has to be deleted has to be defeated in good view of the top.
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in the fall, the democrats that they want destroyed russia before after china, which in the case of tribe was to dc china. and after you think was shelby's collapse by lights. and that's the only difference. differential priorities. let's not put the principal good d made. tom. thank you so much for that in great analysis. thank your to your research on the best. all right, that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chan. thank you for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o, the
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release of russian states. narrative as tight as i'm wondering the most sense community not getting hold of all sense and up the must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on process to day and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say they requested the
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take a fresh look around? is life kaleidoscopic? isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills? and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their allusions, going underground can look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your identification . we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to place a trust rather than to the job. i mean with
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artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the robot most protects his phone existence was alexis the, in 1884. the german empire began its colonial invasion internet. maybe from the very start, burling encourage the white calling is to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local drive. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to rebuild your in 19
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o 4 here, aero. and now my drive is rebuild against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined and ordered to suppress the rebellion with the most severe take against the inhabitants of nam may be germany through its 15000 well equipped army. all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans gild up to 60000 people among which they were 80 percent of the here railroad tried and 50 percent of the number dr. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the whole of cost just $2.00 decades later after the massacre in nam may be hitler's, the solve unit put on the same round colonial uniform which puts the world into the
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chasm of the 2nd world war. the thunder boyles in niger of crowds attacked the french embassy and protest stuff to the former colonial power cuts all way to the west african states. following him a treat. also a head on the program staging reacts to tokyo's accusations not it's a regional threat. the last thing it tells us smear campaign against china is legitimate defense activities if we sever, we suffer. that's the winning from, from so about a push from the west to the couple its dependence on imports from china to for security concerns. the.


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