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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  August 3, 2023 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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it's hi decade you a p crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which i was denied access to those additional read ons when i request to do a p r in our air space. but they are grossly under reported. the sightings are not rare or isolated, they are routine, the stigma attached. so you a p is real and powerful and challenges national security. we need to tell the folks at the pentagon, they work for us government. we don't work for them. we can trust a government that does not trust is people. we're not bringing little green man or flying saucers into the hearing. sorry to disappoint about half you all. i hope this is just the beginning of many more hearings and more people coming forward about this. what information on us those side, things that's been gather 5 of us for decades and a 20 year old c i. a study says details about identifies blank objects where use to cover for us by planes. while the report will be able to tell a grandson to the agencies guatemala station during the us orchestrated to which refers to spreading information on flying sources to divert attention from current
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events. this seems the strategy is being employed by the us to this day. we're supposed to, jo altman, host of the conservative daily podcast, is that the us so topic is a red herring. and i think that the, the, the, the whole idea that we're making this, the most important thing to come across our plates. and the congress is actually talking about this probably has a lot more to do with creating a distraction for the american people and or trying to soften the blow of some of the other things that the government's been doing to the american people in the people around the world we have the problem at the border. we have millions of of illegals that are flooding the united states for having to pay for it as americans, americans are largely being left behind. veterans are being uncared for the, the, the, the health care system. here is a relative joke. it's become a for profit industry of the more money you have, the more likely you are to get the care that you need in order to stay alive.
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they've influenced our food and put stuff in our food and make it almost in a little animal to tell us that we now have to eat bugs is global warming is going to make the ocean rise, 40 feet in the next 10 years. it's the sky is falling everywhere we turn, while fat and all is on the streets, police officers and told her they can't arrest people. people are breaking into storage. i mean, it basically is pandemonium in the united states. and what they're trying to do, the american people say nothing to see here while they literally degrade and destroy every thing that is good about our nation. so i think that what we're seeing right now with the photos is more of that just focus on the light. will they try to run us over? it's really sad that the 30 percent of americans are more concerned about us phones and they are all the other lies and propaganda at some point before us by these global as the lead leaders all over the world that seemingly use the american people as slaves in our own society the morning. thanks for the account here and i'll see international as a wave plan. similar to be found on the website. all team dot com
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today we are more connected than ever through social media. something many people would say that they couldn't live without a simple text is just not enough anymore to communicate. we have to tweeted pinot snap back into this tick tock that and that's not even half of it before generation . that is the most interconnected and plugged in. people feel more alone and isolated than ever. i'm christie, and today we're going to be breaking down the ins and outs of the cost of social media and its effects on society. the social media has helped many businesses grow and promote itself, and it has helped people find a better way to connect and communicate with each other. but on the other hand, it has also invaded people's privacy provided many with problems including mental health, motional insecurity, waste the time, and the baggage of digital permanence. it can also isolate people to not actually be social in real life. now since 2006,
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facebook has marked the beginning of the social media era where today, 90 percent of adults are now on social media with the vast majority visiting these sites, at least once per day. nearly half of all social media users visits the sites a minimum of $31.00 times per week. and by 2027, it is predicted that there will be nearly 6000000000 people using social media worldwide. now is that gerberg's very simple dream of having everyone spend as much time as possible. clicking around on his website came true, and now the social network sites users are closing in on $3500000.00 in squandered . productivity on facebook, users spend an aggregate of 10500000000 minutes per day on the platform. now if every user replaced there 20 minutes a facebook time with minimum wage work, they would collectively buy soccer birds entire company 2 times over every year.
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thus, the more time you spend on facebook, the more the company is actually worth globally during a typical day, people post 500000000 tweets. sure. over 10000000000 pieces of facebook content and watch over a 1000000000 hours of youtube videos and 6 out of 10 people admit that they can't get through a work day without checking their social media. in 2020 to the top social media platform based on monthly hours of engagement per user. with tech talk at 25.6 hours followed by youtube. a 22.2 hours. facebook at 16 point, one hours and instagram at 7.7 hours. this phenomenon is known as cyber low thing, which costs business is $85000000000.00 a year through last time. cyber loving is a version of procrastination where people take a step back, also known as psychological detachment, in order to help them must drop the energy to continue through the workday and as
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a result in loss productivity. some companies have established regulations on social media usage or how employees may present themselves on social media. the average employee spends 12 percent of their working hours using unproductive social media apps. the average internet users, that's a 145 minutes per day on social media. and 27 percent of people actively use social media for work in the us, which is significantly lower than the usage of social media for work purposes worldwide. which is 40 percent in india has the most people using social media for work at 47 percent followed by canada at 31 percent at australia at 30 on average. men are more addicted to social media than women at a rate of 49.6 percent to 32 percent. for many social media is a place to make money and create businesses, but the amount of time spent and social media correlates to productivity losses.
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like the saying goes, time is money. so with this in mind, let's bring into kendra palmer inside tex, feature editor. thank you so much for joining us to kendra. thank you for having me . absolutely, so now, 1st off, let's look at children. how are children and the younger generation today being influenced by social media? do you see a stark difference from previous generations that were not born with access to the internet and social media? right, i think is a way to think about the impact on social media and not just shouldering but everybody is not. but it's completely different from what we have seen in previous generations, but it's an excellent acceleration on steroids. so if you consider the issues that the no toner and women have always had with body image when it, you know, from the days of, um, you know, glossy magazines. those issues are only come pounded by what technology does on
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social media from the lives that we see. other people living that we think are christine and glorious and ways that we don't have to the filters that people put on their basis to make themselves look into the in a way that other people may consider more beautiful. but is sort of a human li, unachievable all those things have a mental health impact on how the children perceive themselves and their own body image. and that's a problem. absolutely. and now privacy is another problem. it's something that most people take for granted. so are there dangers to over sharing and putting your entire life online for the world to see? of course, and, you know, privacy on social media happens in various ways. of course, there's the issue of data and how the social media companies collect and use our data and who they share it with. but then there's the other sort of more human
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problem of. what does it mean when we coast our, let's face drive our runs on facebook, or what does it mean when we post about our families in our dogs on facebook? someone says, quite, you know, some of those things that we share on facebook might be that, you know, secret answers to our bank codes for example. or in the case of, you know, posting your pit or strawberry runs on facebook. often times, if you're in a, you know, covert area, you might be outlining exam be where you are for people who may not want an english, but we should not know why where you are and what you're doing. absolutely, lots of dangerous to over sharing lots of stockers out there. so how do you think the trend of social media will be going forward? do you anticipate people will continue to adopt and use social media in math? or do you think we've reached a sort of critical mass already and are set to pull back? i think that's a good question. and i think at this point, at least in the west,
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we're reaching critical mass. and you see that and how social media companies are responding and where they're going. so the next 1000000000 project for a lot of the social media companies are targeting places in the global south where you don't see as much social media adoption. that's the next big frontier for these places. and that's mainly because we are reaching a tax of what we can do in the us with the amount of users that are adopting these platforms. and out social media can be both beneficial and harmful to society at the same time. so how can we balance this out or can we even balance it out or what we risk one into the risk of censorship? yeah, i mean, social media companies always have to make content moderation decisions and in one way or another it, those decisions are going to be seen as centrally for that because it picks what winters some losers. and there's no way that you can do that in some ways. content
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moderation is a 0 sum game, right? so there the question of how we can make. so for media a better, that's a good one. and one that a lot of researchers are tackling now. but whether or not there is a monetary incentive to then implement the strategies still remains to be seen except the same time that the various parts of social media, the, you know, sort of aggravated emotions that new speeds can create to actually benefit. so from media companies because they keep you engaged. so if there's an incentive to, to me make social media better, i haven't yet seen it. so how exactly can we make social media better and what aspects? yeah, i mean that's a good question and i think that's it, that's a, it is vague what we might consider better or worse. and,
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but there are, there are, you know, researchers that have put in time into thinking about what are the things that we really need as a society out of social media. are there, you know, do we really need to see that much aggravating news on social media, or is there more useful things that we can cut in our menus feed? how do we produce value added and long term value added and a social media new seed? and um, you know, those are the question of how to implement that still remains to be seen. it's not something that you know, these companies do right now. absolutely. and do you think people in general are more productive or less productive now after the rise of social media? that's, i mean, that's a good question that's i'm and to, you know, betray my age. like i have grown up with social media for a large part of my adult life. so whether or not but more productive or less productive. i can tell you because, you know, i'm not a gen x or who, like, you know, with sitting at his desk without like a facebook tab open for, you know,
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my own adult life. we've had facebook, we've had instagram, we've had the internet. and i think that, you know, we, as people develop how developed strategies for coping with the sort of new distractions in our lives. so, you know, i personally put a couple restrictions on why making use of some media and i think that's worked for me. but the fact that we need that shows that there is definitely an impact on productivity that. so for media creates right. and how social media used in developing countries in many places like africa. basically the only access to news outlet is through social media like facebook, news feeds and communication is through what's up. so how does this relate to in developing countries? right? right, i mean a, you, you hit the nail on the head there, the, you know, in developing countries often that platforms like facebook are crucial to
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communication, vain in countries where, you know, freedom of speech might be restricted. to having access to a facebook blog, less people speak more freely and you know, even use that we made that people may not otherwise have access to. but at the same time, there is also a very dark downside to it, which is in countries where facebook may not otherwise have local knowledge and contacts and expertise. these are also the places where i hate speech and violence and you know, post that target individuals lives often full lift rate with a certain amount of empty impunity because meta and facebook often doesn't do anything about it and sometimes can't do anything about it. thank you so much for your time and insight today to kendra course. thanks so much for having me. and when we come back, the more time you spend on social media,
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the more isolated you become as top level engineers spend their time trying to hook you in to spend more time. we'll have more after the break, the, [000:00:00;00] the, after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose
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the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the v. i mean, they, 3 arctic organization led by whole team in inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in raged. according to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful v, and these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b and these women as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being full, almost $12000.00 french soldiers and officers, including the commander. general dick had 3, and his command staff were captured. the configuration of a huge garrison at
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a demoralizing effect in europe. the french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the american hard times were awaiting vietnam. again. the excessive social media usage has a high cost though including addiction, loneliness, depression, reduced self esteem, and reduced ability to develop meaningful relationships and interactions in real life. more time spent on social media decreases, perceived emotional support and increases the fear of miss out. many individuals are replacing time spent with friends with social media, and those who spend an average of 2 hours per day are twice as likely to report
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social isolation as those who spend less than half an hour per day using social media. and those who are super connected have an increased risk of exciting and depression, as there's no more privacy. while most of us think of privacy as something of superficial value, it is actually extremely important to one's mental health. social media is an ever present reflection on your online self that is being seen and receiving judgment, which kind of road your sense of self leading to a source of chronic stress that suddenly seats into everything. this low grade stress can build up and we often feel like we're constantly battling invisible enemies. excessive social media use also results in more superficial relationships and feelings of insecurity and pressure to do certain things that make it seem like they're cool or living up to specific standards. cyber bullying is also a big problem for many teams around the world and even young adults. this occurs
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whenever threats or comments are made online to hurt others. and while people are well aware of the addictive nature of drugs and alcohol addiction to social media seems to be a made up construct, but it is actually very real. so for me is purposely designed to have the same addictive effects on the brain with things like likes, shares and comments, triggering an instant release of the opening in the brain. the delta mean is an evolutionary chemical designed to help us learn and repeat anything that triggers it's release. so humans being highly social creatures feel better when we're connected and interacting with these likes, chairs, and comments. and so we become conditioned to act in a certain way that gets more like more views in order to get that doping release. 84 percent of social media users find it addictive and 70 percent of people believe that social media has reduce their attention span. social media advertising
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spending in the us expected to reach over $94400000000.00 in 2023 and 84 percent of these marketers are targeting millennials, followed by gen x at 52 percent. gen z, a 22 percent. and finally, baby boomers at 14 percent these brilliant engineers graduating from the. * universities dream of getting employed at companies like google, facebook snapshot, instagram on linkedin, who managed to attract all of the top talent of our generation. but what do these top talent engineers and i'm doing fine tuning algren to get and keep your attention, make social media more addictive, and more integrated with your life so that these apps can gather more data on you. a learn about you, your habits, your lifestyle, your likes and dislikes, select companies, can sell you more products that are more targeted towards you. in essence,
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the talent of these engineers are directed towards social engineering and advertising to further consumers. and rather than to further the advancement of technology and solve a real problem that we're facing in the world. and for more let's bring in doctor pub, it's the sheldon author and communication professor at the university of south alabama . so professor, there is a lot of time wasted on social media these days, but without social media, what employees and people in general be doing something else to be taking these little micro breaks or were people more productive before the advent of social media? yeah, um, i think we all see differences and we talk about the different series and, and the research shows of children to socialize differently online, their, their social, they're socializing online, like today's generations. and the, one of the problems with these that when you are talking to somebody, we
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a facebook messenger or snap chest or instagram messenger. the non verbal p was missing. so the non verbal cues are like facial expressions of how your body moves . even yorba kelly is like the toner was so you can see me now, so you can see my reaction to you. but when you're doing this online, all those non verbal cues i'm missing. so this is walter called the cues filtered out. so there is a, there's a theory that was developed 20 years ago, like at the beginning of all this new social media emerging. this as a non verbal cues, i may say there is a potential for me. so understanding and i think we see this, we like goes thing and a friend in each other and they were talking to their friends just because something has happened on social media. so one call that throws you all and your own friend, the person them, they were talking to you again. i think we started seeing this behavior. it really my generation to lake millennial. then it was when you a friend, somebody comes with as the end of friendship,
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although nothing serious has happened and the person, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. but because it happened online and we couldn't see another person's reaction to this. they're also issues with um, as you mentioned with the younger generations, our research shows that the younger generations compares a lot more because of social media. so they have a social media as an outlet to look at other young people like a nice program. oh look helping they are look at their location. i'm sitting at home in my living room. like doing nothing watching tv, netflix, and front of my computer and they're having the location. you know, they're, they're in florida or just traveling somewhere internationally. and it, they compare and they believe that the other people having more fun than them so which causes the low over sofi steam and it causes depression. and the research shows a higher rates of depression and young people,
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higher rates of suicide because of social media. and comparisons, but as you mentioned, so this is the negative side of social media. the positive side of social media use of course, social connections. i'm just thinking about myself, although i'm not, i'm not anymore the i'm the younger generation z, but my family leaves the road increase. and one way for me to stay in touch with them is like be a facebook. so i find out what, what's going on, what's happening either to the public post or to present message, or we even use the veto to talk to each other. and also social media can help these . what is the lady or maybe suffer with some kind of a disability, or have a, a good their, their secret home that can go to school? well, this is one way to socialize with their friends, like they can send each other. they've just messages. see what their friends are doing because they're, they're at home and they didn't choose to be at home. i think call that is
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a good example. so when we talking about the social media, how affects us, there are pros and cons, right? and we kind of have to have to figure out and teach young people how to use social media responsible. and how important is social media in the workplace? does it help or hinder productivity in bonding? um this yeah, this is the sofa is this break can be a little bit longer that way and then they tell me because of social media, i really stimulating like the cost of the vacation. so i get a notification that people have like a post. i have to click on every single one to see what they have for the have wrote about my post. unless when you post is actually becomes a big deal because out of people likes and comments. a stimulating and then they make us feel good. so we review like when we get like the comments, like wow, people are reading about my life. is this delta me though? wow. some of these posting to the more post on may like, especially in the morning,
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the more i am inclined to go and check my social media um during the day or or work . or if i get a notification on my phone is one of the reasons like there are no specifications on my phone because i don't want to because simply of checking. because if it's every single notification about, oh okay, let me open this instagram. okay, a facebook, let's see what the people posting when it comes to product dvd. the research shows that we are less productive e and then and then it really depends on the industry so. so i don't want just generalize and says we are less productive, but the productivity at school has declined to focus has decline our attention span of windows. so there's, there's different numbers which i don't want to talk about numbers, but you'll find different information from like 30 seconds to 8 seconds because of social media notifications, instant justifications, like instant lives and the call mass, i think a photo. i suppose this,
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that we don't focus on the school or is the used to the children have um, a shorter attention span and those children become a doll, right. the millennials are waiting there for these. so they become the dog and the focus definitely. it's something that that has suffered because of social media. thank you so much dr. but this stuff are all your time today. social media is a tool and like any other tool, it can be used for good or bad. it can't connect us with others and offer outlook for creativity and self expression. but it can also foster addiction, decreased face to face communication skills and distractions that work. so while the biggest loser you can say are millennials instead of the ones most susceptible to social media, having had it all their lives, the biggest winters remain the social media companies itself. a facebook has over 2900000000 monthly active users and has the highest return on investment for
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digital marketers, followed by instagram, linkedin, tick, tock, and youtube. they made $23100000000.00 and net profits in 2022. so while these apps appear to be free, the real cost, is it your information, your profile, your data that these apps gather and then sell it to marketing agencies in order for companies to better target their products to their desired demographics? i'm christy, i. thanks for watching and we'll see you right back your next time on the cost of everything the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the jazz campaigns government say they want to follow libya as example in giving. so pressure from outside forces. a situation that led to economic forces opposition is said by locals in new jersey on some of its neighboring states. i think we shouldn't listen to west and that's because they don't live in the same reality that we do here and work in a far so in this year, in molly the terrace have been killing us for years. the west has resources to spare, but they are not helping us. the russia, south africa relationship continues to blossom with the 2 countries finding


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