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tv   News  RT  August 3, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the the, the, the so is this how he says to impose government says it won't follow libby as an example given to process from foreign folders that could lead to other people. nomic prices, ogles in these, that also includes the size of the sciences, impose off the, the take equal was, is a, do you took full pump? it's a problem because all that we see happened is from equal boss from guides equal was, which puts the price will enforce. how many tvs do? absolutely do not give a damn about the interests of the countries of the globe itself. russia excuse is the way to view the who by apparent, able to manipulate and into fear in the global south as well is un invoice says developing countries all pulling prey to western politics. a name prime
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minister's office confirmed sitting there under moody will travel to south africa to attend the upcoming brick summit in person country. a speculation that you will be participating in life on the gold. somebody moves out of court in washington also pleading not guilty to tell you that but his legit at times over time. the results of the 2020 presidential election. the live for lions as a new sensor in most of this is the bulk of the global news. oh yeah. does not want to become another libya vices coming to outside interference and the tension economic crisis amongst the message coming from the west african countries new to impose military and government following a visit to neighboring. you know,
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foster during our exchanges. we spoke precisely about this situation. because we would not like niger to become a new libya in coordination with our brothers in burkina faso, we have decided to undertake a number of activities to secure our populations and secure our 2 countries. this was a high level delegation of, of immediately conducted by the cards. and i started this 40 be the tier 2 leader of the cool in the chair. so they decided to visit the allies waiting from, by my code to work. i do so and by my coping mechanism, i see me going to talk about the situation in the country and the same topic. i will discuss later in what i do, but we've talked 10, you've been salary and according to listener, too much sally to monday. but discussing your box visitation going on in new jersey,
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which suggestion is comp and other component of color to him. and he also uh, made a comment on what because he's trying to do it by having a military action against them. and he said betsy's really cause some and doesn't want me shed to become like libya. so this is what is going on this morning. i know that the people in the army ready to go out for the most ration against the decision of magic cutoff electricity in the i mean, so it's become used to come next and keep looking, poking up, keeping money, all as you put the, the supports. but if you don't have a country to go before you share and remember that it's day before tuesday, ok, not fossil and must be made a statement, saying that that they're not let it go out,
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have minutes. we inject, if it was decided to fly to the new genta and then they're gonna have facebook, you know, and money is going to be a kind of deflection of war against the 2 countries. small, a look into a fast. so i'm guinea are low, the supports of needs as new the ship. all of them have now been suspended from echo us. the west african union has introduced sanctions against media as well, including severe economic and travel restrictions. nigeria, a member of the blog because also cut off and activities applied to the republic into black house in major cities. locals said that these on these develop the vehicle was lead us out profit. so the french presidents as young and was the source of the nation that we condemn regret the eco, was sanctions against the country. so all new gerry and peoples stands up to say no to echo was and fronds and specifically to the president of nigeria. proof of god
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that these yeah, is abroad, the country. what type of the sanctions which tend to show that we will continue until we're free and independent free from colonial. listen, echo last is a do full poppet of friends because all that we see happened is from michael was friends, guides echo us, which puts the french will in force. so we say, and kowalski is not independent, but is there to serve france. all that is happening in echo was our measures from france. the echo watch implements, even if it's illegal, because there's an instrumental bronze. why? because several years ago people were killed. soldiers were killed, but it was didn't say anything. but today we decide to handle our own destiny, equal us makes declarations to then impose the sanction. so i'm not sure we people of knowledge are a say no, not hers for next year and, and we are free to do what we want equal us reacted because the interest upfront
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saw threatened independent our list of walk you mobile to says echo us is being used as a jupiter to buy was some countries like from even declared the well it goes in to just i believe that it will not have a outcome that we should have been. so that's what we need to focus on. but uh, yeah, saving the into this whole process. yeah. saving the interest of uh, this uh, wisdom countries that are loaded with bruno dollars. so she's not happy because they will lose one of them to death. got losing for 131 over the place in west africa because of the policies on new courtland. yeah. and even when you get us from to go in this list of the countries i'm part of one thing we want to be to get up with new debt. because the way that the so width and countries is behaving we've home for literally put team units, which is a web i deal with rules because all of absolutely all the hold on use that they
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have taken all the data sources and even go back to and so forth, um, on democrats who are completely antisocial, and the best scores, the echo us sanctions. but also jeff is either a $13000000000.00 gas pipeline importer set to supply energy to applicant to your the rest of this is bio energy transactions in the west african blog. and these are essentially freezing my pine operations. the prototype is meant to be a substitute for russian imaging supply, so you're unable to provide 30000000000 cubic meters of gas annually to west size condemned to the matrix who is calling for the previous and these are regime to be restored. job, i say the chain is essential to the preservation of us nyja nations of defending fundamental democratic values and standing up for a constitutional order justice and the right of peaceful assembly are essential to
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the partnership between the share and the united states. i call for president bosom and his family to be immediately released and for the preservation of new year's hard earned democracy by they also said that quote, in this critical moment, the united states stands with the people that have to honor our decades on partnership routed and shared democratic values and support for civilian that governance. and here's the state department spokesman, following up with the details, the concrete information on exactly how washington is going to stand with these as in this critical moment, given ongoing developments in these. yeah. and out of an abundance of caution, the departmental state is old. that means a temporary departure of non emergency, as governments personnel, and eligible family members from the u. s. embassy in the i'm a commercial flight options all the mrs. okay, so they're going to stay on with them by leaving,
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like they didn't get us down when everything suddenly went here shaved with images of atkins, chasing down and robbing tires the american jets as they were trying to take off on the runway. maybe they figure that it's better to just fail and get out of dodge now, then have another been gauzy on their hands when jihadists targeted the u. s. embassy in that it'd be in the city and killed the us and basset, or, and some embassy personnel, including a couple of c i, a contractors. washington apparently does not pick up on subtle hints very well when they overstate their welcome, which very often would be the case news. yeah, as well, given that fee ousted president, was a western allied particularity of france. so what exactly was the us doing there in the jeff anyway, their presence has been low key to say the least. it even flew right under the radar of some of the most intervals tennis us senators who claim to have only found out about their presence in the wake of an ambush. the killed for american special
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forces back in october of 2017. i didn't know there was a 1000 troops and niger they're going to brief us next week as to why why they were there and what they were doing. and we don't know exactly where we're at in the world militarily and what we're doing. so john mccain is going to try to create a new system to make sure that we can answer the question while we're there. we'll know how many soldiers are there, and if somebody gets killed there, that we won't find out about it in the paper. the us to move into news, you have like the french, under the pretext of fighting terrorism like alti, the terrorists, and the, as la, make my grab an dish or isis. but they failed to eradicate that threats that serve to justify the process. which asked to make you wonder if they perhaps had other priorities that distracted them from fighting terrorism, particularly with news out of being so rich in uranium and oil. but after being kicked out of libya with the big gasp,
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ask though the american face set off in the north of new jeff and i got dis, which borders libya took on a whole new importance. the us also has a drone vase in the capital in yami, and for all the fog around washington's true interests and keeping just over a 1000 troops in the country. what is emphatically clear is that just a couple of years ago, one of the country's military leaders had some nice things to say about the american military training that he and his colleagues were receiving. we have had a very long relationship with the united states. being able to work together in this capacity is very good for now. you share sounds like perhaps all those us lead joint training sessions paid off with some solid skills for kernel major bar moved there. since he's now recognized as one of the leaders of the recess, to not sure if the us thought that through the impact of their military assistance
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and how it just might blow back in their faces. someday don't really tend to be that thoughtful when it comes to those kinds of things, as we seen in recent complex, but us embassy personnel, the ones who have just been evacuated at least the so called non essential ones, will have a lot of time to ponder. the thought on the plane ride home, russia has cooled out, the west foot meddling in the shadow, refusing it of hypocrisy when it comes to the mazda, aaron 8 and the global. so the message came during the night. this un security council meeting with most is deputy, and we say the west use as a, as a weapon. it says they use use this, it shows the calls are now being made by joseph burrell, as well as the leadership of great britain, france, and the united states, to stop helping new share. why have people there suddenly stopped starving after the crew? it is obvious that all this humanitarian aid is used by the west, exclusively, as
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a tool for the manual control of other states. the needs of the population is in dire need, are not being taken into account. well, today at the un security council, or we heard from the us secretary of state anthony blanket, he made the trip up to new york from washington, dc for the particular mission and purpose of grandstanding against russia. he essentially called out russia accuse russia of subjecting people around the world to hunger by pulling out of the blacks the rain deal. and he gave remarks that release with other hypocrisy. uh, for example, you invoke the conflict in the m f and the hunger in yemen. when everyone knows that the conflict in the i'm going to something the united states has its fingerprints all over the also in both hunger in haiti, a country very close to the united states would say i could provide aid for here. it really wanted to, um, this is some of the receipt last remarks against russia that we have heard from the
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us. the secretary of state at the un security council chamber. indeed, conflict is the largest driver of food and security with violence and unrest. pushing a 117000000 people into extreme deprivation last year. and human. some families have reported and resorted to boiling leaves to stay alive. they call it salmon food. unless the world ex, bertina facile sounds to them, somalia could all experience famine next year. now the deputy ambassador, dimitri poll janski's, he gave a very thorough revenue bottle of these allegations against russia and just pointed to the other hip hoppers, the of the united states. and the uses economic sanctions to target governments need does not like at least sanctions, almost exclusively come down harder on the vulnerable people among the countries
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that are target. united states uses humanitarian aid as a weapons. and the other hypocrisy of the united states getting up and using russia being responsible for hunger around the world. when china addressed the security council, they raised similar concerns pointing out the unilateral sanctions are not a mechanism for creating stability. here's what we heard from the russian deputy ambassador, was able to kind of use as you with your colleagues from developing countries. do not flatter yourselves because the habits and methods of the former colonialists have not changed because it is only their packaging, but it's changed for every dollar spent, allegedly, for aid, they will demand you replace them with your sovereignty. many african states have already clearly felt this, and they do not want to put up with this approach. this seems to interfere with mr . barrels precious to sleep. as he has today,
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suddenly decided that by selling green at low prices, russia allegedly makes its buyers addicted. i will not even comment on this delusional logic of the chief of your diplomacy. i was only saying that the facts are not in his favor. russia has never considered africa through asia or latin america as a space for extracting profit. just you and your people, you absolutely do not give a damn about the interests of the countries of the global selling illusion. now, the russian deputy and basses are also emphasized that russia would be open to restarted the blacks the grand deal if the united states were willing to keep up gifts end of the bargain and fulfill its obligations and fulfill its promises to russia. in order to keep the blacks the rain deal. in fact, the reason the deal was canceled was because the united states and ukrainian force . ready were clearly violating the deal for military purpose. any imply massa
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and the render body will attend the upcoming brick summit in south africa in person if he ends office confirmed his attendance of the week. so speculation, auntie ended correspond to room, didn't sharma as the details of the why, the goals in june 5 minutes. so now we can do more b and the top off in president has telephonic conversation. and this of course hasn't confirmed by the people inside the bochita us talk about several topics, in fact uh, of course, authority. those also the notary progress in by not from cooperation between india on south africa. both nations celebrate the use of the bilateral relationship. also asked for the notes that you received from the bmo. both leaders spoke about the preparation for g 20 e, new denny readings and will be said that with you. and in fact, this all the things that have been shared with me in the separation of the big
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summit which will take place the tub, the small box, the main point to be driving us and everything will be, have confirmed you in for us in the office the patients in the brick summit in johannesburg, which will take fees later in the us. now this of course, calling to reach with the speculations and speculated reports in the west and media again. i don't know speculated reports that we've seen during the round is the india as opposed to expansion or breaks incidentally will em useful paulson and india are in democracy earlier today, basically denied you. almost all of these speculations, seeing that india has no reservations, as far as some bricks, expansion is concerned, and india, things that as long as all the members of the office consensus, say there's a full no worries. so why don't report off to the adobe rubbish in the west,
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and just remember the news has simply and developed the coverage that is received in the west and rest a lot of the india stories. so to see a narrative boomed by the west and media box with substitute watch, so we lacking any socks whatsoever. where does that leave the credibility of the western media? perhaps the question best sounds to apply them by doing something has been released from court under certain conditions off the food the know guilty to charges of is a legit involvement and the terms of what's on the outcome. that's 15. 20 presidential election by basket more on this, and that's plus to all correspond to rachel, blevins. rachel, as always good to see certain conditions. right. so what are these and what's the next? what trump is he looking? i'm ankle bracelet. well, not just yet,
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but donald trump has officially pleaded not guilty to the charges that he orchestrated a plot to overturn the outcome of the 2020 election. the former president, faces for felony counts, including conspiracy to defraud the us government and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceedings. now the most serious charge here carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. but trump is accusing the u. s. government of trying to put him behind bars for up to 500 years. that's because this is also the 3rd time that trump has submitted a not guilty plea and less than 6 months. he's also facing charges in new york, a falsifying business records during his 2016 presidential campaign, and he's facing 40 felony counts in florida, where he is accused of a legally retaining classified documents as his estate. notably, the latest indictment against the 40 fifths president is also 45 pages long. and in a special council, jack smith accusers company is out of promoting false claims in pressuring state
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and federal officials to change the results of the election. here's what trump had to say, and response. i am now going to washington d. c, to be arrested for having challenged a corrupt rigs and stolen election. it is a great honor because i am being arrested for you. now all of this cause as house republicans have pledged to continue their investigation into the president's own son hunter bided a lot of questions surrounding there on why he was initially offered such a light plea deal. and of course, why the focus has continued to be on donald trump, when there's still so much going on in the corner of the sitting us president. now when it comes to donald trump, himself, he has been released and the next court date is set for august 28th, which is notably less than one week after the 1st scheduled republican primary
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debate. as it has become very clear that the various trials, trumpet spacing, have done nothing to deter him from running his campaign to return to the white house and 2024. fans are interested in the rachel. the political battle continues. thanks for the update. thank you. us intelligence agencies are influencing wikipedia to promote narratives that support the government's goals. that simple in the latest recommendation by the open source information website, co founder larry center. we do have evidence that as early as 2000 page c a f, b i, computers were used to edit wikipedia, a great part of the intelligence and information worth it is conducted online on websites like we could be the finest right list. so hey, dan, with a legal add media, alice little good to see its been a while. hello, why do you think that this?
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why do you mean the c i a o f b i for that not the want to change content on wikipedia as the co found the clips . a high level of good rhetorical question. well, i would intelligence page is one to change that which is believed by so many dukes. i'm just thinking that this is actual fact. well, i'll tell you why, because that's what they do. my good friend, let me tell you the most important citation on work. a pdf that i want everybody to go to. it's the warning, the admonition and the instruction from like a pdf that says quote, with a pdf is not a reliable source. that's what i want. whenever i want the definitive word, it's almost like having vaccines that are covered by immunity. this is why here in my country particular this being so much we have this wonderful that you called the
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1st amendment be will be getting sure it is freedom of speech and unfettered expression. well, it does sort of, it prevents and prohibits the government from going in and settings, speech changing, speech altering, limiting sensory, punishing, etc, etc, etc. now, the problem is always been finding what is called state action. because up to now people like twitter and facebook and would compete, he would say, well, we're just private entities. we may get it wrong. we may do that right. but, but don't blame us. we're just regular folks trying. you see humans job of putting out the worry. well, if it's true, which we've always suspected that government intelligence agencies are actually not only changing information, scrubbing, information, scrubbing information you put, or maybe changing things that do not necessarily pay you one the best. like now
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we're having direct state action. now in the fifty's we have this wonderful vehicle operation, mockingbird, which everybody knows about. and this is where people like the washington post would work with in conjunction with intelligence agencies. like to see i a, to maybe effect certain news. this is writing the new and if you go even further, if you look at what social media are, where they came from, their sources of funding from in to tell lilian dryer. but you're going to find one of the most brilliant structures ever cutting out the middle man. and just having intel agencies on the news. and oh, and this is what so brilliant it agent or platforms that basically verified true snopes and pull that in fact. and now there's, i don't, i'm not, i'm not saying they're involved in that, but this is the most incredibly brilliant thing ever. so not only is what you're
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reading, in fact the, the twitter files show this not only is what you're reading, limited, and, and a centered. and we'll gated and bowdlerized by intelligence filters in the light. but the very source, the encyclopedias source of which people believes to be true, that's being affected by intelligence as well. and i'm telling you, i'm not so much shop is i want to say, bravo, i could never thought of this. it's, it's deliciously diabolical. okay, so it was a line line no, come on when there's going to be some normal sense. how could we go back to normal and see why we couldn't believe what we go do it is gonna be on the inside, cleaner, that dusty encyclopedia that we got when we're sort of ad 12 years old. i'm. i'm pull back to the pages to get information. now the world is i can see slightly oval and not flat. i mean, whether we do it by line, we're going to be in this internet will connect to the mobile phone,
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new cuts into the world. how do we stay away from? how do we get away from this, this information misinformation? oh my god, i love your positivity. how do we do this starting over? maybe having the human race start. i don't know. it's like, i don't really get people to eat, right. i don't get people to think right exercise, look, this is the way it is. the biggest problem is that we have young people who were born in captivity. and you and i, i've got, i'm older than you, i believe. and in my generation, by god, we had those dusty britannic isn't a lie, but those days are old highway and much there was a lot. this is a new era right now. and it's not gonna change unless some, until we get to new generation. again, who are born in captivity, to understand what they are reading, what they are thinking, what they're being told is nothing but lies. and you also have to tell them that and have them get upset. do you remember reading 19? 84, and we would always be told the 1984 was not an instruction manual. where we lived
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in an area where our music was always about the man and about the meaning of speech and surveillance. and we and, and how we were told from me going up with epi, i and co, intel bro, with the f b i. and, and i'm awful, eaves dropping on martin luther king and be careful and this is why i was raised with, well, today in this assembly line of life, you've got people were sitting there. oh, they couldn't care less. i mean, unless i could somehow inject into them some form of anger, some form of resentment, some, some form of indignation that i think you and i are showing. that's the only way it's going to happen because right now is, here's the best part. this is a name and a half a little problem. i wonder you read the story. remember, it's at least 5 years. oh, this has been going on forever. everything is like that. the think you're going to ask is, is there any organization, any platform that is, that is completely bereft or free from this kind of entanglement?
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for the ability to have that platform control shut down, shut up, shut up, shut cost by virtual shadow banning. and i mean, it's, again, if i didn't, i, i'm torn between just absolutely admiring this, a weight of social credit scores get into the mix as well. and not only is it what you're, you're, you're investigating and looking at, but keeping track of what it is. i know one day when you try to get a mortgage, you try to bring to the house or buy your car, your collection, what you've been interested in, which has been uniquely categorized and kept that's going to be used against you. raising the world like you can't believe it's going to it, it is going to shake you to the court. this is nothing compared to what we're going to be seeing coming up as i speak to. we have a president of the united states who basically is being charged with a criminal offense for all pining for daring to say,
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i don't think my election was fair. sure. but i know it's been a pleasure to sign the wine out of time. maybe we just need to afflict mess, switch, like be able to eliminate the movies and wipe the whole good, clean and stuff again. yes. oh is a pleasure though. if you let me know. thanks for joining me today. thank you, sir. well, like i thought i was off of this very interesting news out technology they'll cover most of more interesting. so is that we'll be back in just on the 30 minutes and special is the last thing the the architects of nato's proxy war on russia. a big plans for the camp regime as a cranes cover offensive fails, the countries post for realities are being planned in the west. a lot.


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