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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the my only field you is that you should not stays home as i'm not doing the struggle for myself. but i do for my nation for you, for the future of your children. if you don't write up for your rights, you will leave the lives of slaves and. 1 condo, his, his supporters to protest as a fabulous hunting cooled sentence, is the full, the prime minister. the 3 is in prison, corruption charges by he denies. account them and to come in. yeah. as echo awesome. the purpose invade the to the country unless the ousted president is reinstated by sunday. locals in the raleigh against the blocks intervention. i'd like the media and the people of the chair to understand what
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echo watches are doing is nothing more than enough to medation. then they have to keep our in the sherry and spirit a lie as an adult so we can get us out of this optimization. process for ministry condemns keith terror attack on a to most of the 5 near. as you claims desktop is enabled, strikes on russian ships in the back seat on the us supports a canyon proposal to send a 1000 police officers to stay by st. pete on power gang. but i'll pile of guess the most selfish interest in washington. stop the united states. obviously it's $9.80 to restore democracy is 1980 to restore order in which more like our name position. we turn our credit cards can be made. we can expect on cnn and fox news, as all types of crocodile tears to try to justify what amounts to nothing new
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causal invasion. the lie for a lot of you know, this is our see, my name is romani and said he moves some news and views. so now we start with the news from popular song where a former prime minister in wrong con has been sentenced to 3 years in prison. khan is accused of equally southern states. gifts charges which the call states of proven, but he has repeatedly denied the clinton public. asian has also been buying from politics for 5 years. con, who was arrested immediately off of the sentence is called on his supporters. the protest in a recorded message before the but if i sign you my pakistan, it's just by the time this message reaches you will have been arrested and will be in jail. my only appeal to you is that you should not stays home sort of,
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as i'm not doing the struggle for myself. i'm doing it for my nation, for you, for the future of your children. if you don't rise up for your rights, you will leave the lives of slaves. you have to keep up peaceful protests until you get your fundamental right. and that is the main one, but choosing the government of your choice through voting. we are not surprised to go in as an architect. we had been expect we had been searching or expecting it, but for the, for a long time, ever since with all the kids and stuff. and i never since the game is had been handed over to this judge and all that is at the check digit, as soon as i beat affected to know on in the, in his facebook page. so we were expecting additional and it happened today. um yeah, uh you know him, he wouldn't even to be dishonest and ordered quite a bit of intelligence. and unfortunately these people do not have died up even before the announcement was made, the judgment was pronounced and will be released. and vengeance had been close to that. uh and were on construct mentioned before. uh, well, obviously that means you know, that they were fully aware of what was what,
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but what was coming in the judge to the moment to know the adjustment was pronounced. you know, they did, they took him and they did the rest of them and it does have any job. i think he was uh, he was shopped and pushed and all he was told is that golf? no. and he was literally got the to be through the week and i know that to it to get rid of it. he said that we keep him doing the but can you order is present. so it was a pause. it was totally uncalled for. and um, did that you don't deal like that with the former prime minister of the country or forward? is it extra? don't you go to a mechanism additional around the box or, you know, and guess he's registered and he knew that it was going to be tested for him. so that the 1st are of a meeting off the board committee, which is the principal. it may do that you constitute it before the national, which is going to take care of all out how to proceed, but that was hands no, and you've already given out the form for b spoke, protest baseboard. important thing is facebook as dental,
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and i bought it through the books, you know, there are certain protests of kind of di under, under, under undergoing in, in the, in the problem. so i would love to, but we are, uh, are we doing the newsletter of other parts of the country? but there, i would, i would like to suggest just once again, you know, that these products are going to be very peaceful within the constraints of the constitution. and beautiful, you know, nobody's, nobody's allowed a little the step that we had expecting the conviction would be over time because you moved up edition. but that could be published in the solomon, i quote, which had come up with heating and it has already been accepted by the board and it has been given a number that you know that the, that you don't want to hear it. so yeah, we have requested the phone to take it up today or tomorrow over the weekend to go . and even if it does not happen that way, it will be taken up on monday. we expect. and i think in the 1st channing we expect, that'd be, that'd be funny. that'd be a lot of punishment, but no big deal with that would be suspended as component suspended. then you can
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find the judge basically what the hypo around con has a try to, to wide support from the public during this tub. a legal case on congress on has been unable to protest off of the former prime is dramatic arrest by parent moved the troops on corruption charges in may, but sparked then the outpouring of and amid, as simple as it was also the tempo. a monk cons life. in november 1922 during one of the protest marches pulling the new elections. the 70, the form of pm was wounded in the late offer government for the fly on his combed way. the analyst and it has a, these are, is this latest move is made to eliminate him from the upcoming elections mom's home, and as far as weekends are the offers in the parking spot. and. 7 c is popular as far he's going to do you one of the largest parts in the park. it's on
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the bar. so you know that he's no ac establishment and also the my, my proof as to where he is these and his will work or actually dam barnes or minutes installations, the minutes the house is the and some other places we've all heard from you. a lot of this obviously now before the general manager has been registered to at the moment when the, some of the haven't owned it this year. so actually, according to my area of the matter of, of this is, and the many of those cases that he'd be washroom for me to send me an election that he should not be part of sufficient, but somebody to let you know, this was the mand m, a and you the way to the other words, it's important to us. it is a no doubt and we are to this on the part of the most because pharmacies spoke to them has condemned caves are attack in which
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a claim they will die and struck a russian oil tank up overnight. officials that reported that there was no casualties on the ship remains afloat while emergency services have been sent to the scene to monitor the situation. your card has also said that the vessel in the russian vaccine ports are a metric targets that's according to the crane. see under the child support state service. maria is the head over says q has essentially claimed responsibility for the act. a. hi steve chief a cd mandukes essentially claimed responsibility for the terror dock. as in typical you creating a new nazi in humane fashion. you called the cynical terrorist act aimed against on our and civilians lawful logical and effective move. the international community can once move with this, the so called lawfulness practiced by key as well. so i was call may as well in response to the key of security forces chief in direct being taking responsibility
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for the latest drug affects inquiry. mia and bang, let it go to some of the russian ships or the crime in breach is an absolute, logical, and effective step with regards to the enemy. more or special operations could result in the territorial walter civil crane and the completely legal. there's also a, the 1st attempted attack on crime in recent days on thursday night, the claim going to strike was prevented with 10 you avi's destroyed by russian ad defend systems. 3 of those were suppressed by electronic wolf with no casualties for both of you who intervals it also attempted to attack on the normal process. naval base on thursday nights using 2 online c vessels. that's according to the russian ministry of defense, of hassles was, was they destroyed by russian ships guarding the remnants of the naval base. this for the shows a russian that so ship as well as one of the flaming was also the resulting
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explosion. on inside the radium solid faulty comforters and gather to discuss a set of call them principles to establish peace in new game. however, one of the 2 main policies in the conflict is all that on the summit is excited to the focus on the plane. presidents designed his lesson by vision a piece of group has warned repeatedly that can be no peace, a new claim, without security guarantees for russia and china, which is especially trying to see over the conflict so far, has decided to send a representative to the jet adults now there is a lack of international consensus over the conflict during recent meetings between the you and the community. less than american and caribbean states, the countries were unable to agree on the statement on you claim, let's say neighbors. indian official says many nations wants to remain neutral through the issues surrounding keeps peace plan and the lowest one sided stops on
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the glasses. they have such a lot of the irregular round of talks and saudi arabia and will be a follow up to the copenhagen meeting during which ukraine invited developing countries to negotiate for the 1st time. however, key of nearly wants to discuss its own proposal during the discussion involving major developing countries such as india, south africa, brazil, saudi arabia, to some extent, and even need on member turkey a. it became clear that it is impossible to shape a consensus around the ukrainian a proposal we find very lucky now to be joined by a saudi foreign policy research as is oh gotcha. and i was making so much for taking the time to join us here at all to that just heard that there's recently, there's been a, a civilian russian vessel that was tax by you, queen and zaleski, at the very same time is a summit to, to please little south. hello, ironic. so me,
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how do you assess all the timing on what's going on? well 1st let's get to joining. thank you very much for having me. i think um, indeed it's one of these uh, actions that i think is designed to continue a particular process. i think the main function of this meeting is to perhaps generate a, a, a reference point for many states to refer to. and i think you know, this, this, this intended reference point that some of these states will, uh, that this meeting may achieve is designed to illustrate their neutrality. but they're also there, positive neutrality. i think the started for administer mentioned that you know, they're not negatively and neutral. they're positive, neutral. as in that, you know, we can try to figure out a way to end the situation or find the declaration of principles um, but that in
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a way that will encompass our interest in our in point in point inputs to right. um, otherwise is we, i mean, the ultimate goal of the navy, as you said, is probably to at least getting the boat ball rolling as far as i understand what you're trying to say. but yeah, is it so to the point where perhaps getting the global south or neutral countries to agree with the landscape plan or is it more to perhaps get the skis plan was a down and of the securities that russia needs? i'm perhaps convinced is that i see this is the way forward, you know, i, i think it's more of the former in my opinion. i think it's more of you to try, you know, the, this is now a space, a political space for competition. for many people, people are, are actors around the world are trying to compete for this neutrality and try to
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make it less neutral, less neutral unless neutralized, they go on. so i think the way this is going to go about is that many people will try to gradually, de neutralize, uh, this uh, their stances. and everyone is trying to compete for their own. uh, you know, 4.4, these voices, others is, you know, find all the moscow isn't and buy it, or russia is on the uh, well, yeah, it could be, i mean, definitely, i mean i, i don't think this illustrates who was behind these meetings. you know, who's behind pushing this uh, this meetings and i think the fact that you know, clearly that lindsey is doing his own diplomatic diplomatic endeavors. however, i do think that illustrates a position or
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a dynamic that this is very much a pill. you know, i think that because, you know, a lot of these states pop interests in russia, in relationships with russia. a lot of these people, you know, they may, they might use it for the particular positions, asked to politicize their related kids with the restaurant. and then these states want to de politicize it. now, their, their interests with russia was, uh, was it a, so i saw our point for many people's relations with, with russia. and that's why i think, you know, it's, it's a stronger sense. i think these, these states, these positive need positively neutral states, you know, have strong interests, strong economic ties with the russian. and that's why it's an uphill battle for guns because i think others in zalinski to try to get them off. bullshit. i lived in that neutrality. so how does it have?
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let me, uh, see my final question race uh, for my battery, if it tells me to best enough say that. so now i'm good. we what saudi arabia basically of opec plus, we've got russell's apollo papers. these guys have got these, they just have got dialogue already. and is this something that i missed out here? rebels a was in of influenced um a lot of total between, you know, with, with ron and, and ends that. yeah. and time is involved as well. i mean, i don't want to get on top of myself a but always looking at a, a positive approach from jetta is. can we see some, perhaps some news coming out in the next couple of days of steps made? or is this just the assignments? i will, you know, have, so we'll let you know in a few weeks if we've made any decisions, is it going to be one of those? no, no, i don't think so. i don't think it's going to be put off to the side because i think there's a side of the dynamic to this. and i think the saudi dynamic is that it's actually
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an achievement or saudi to be hosting such an event. and therefore it is going to be a reference point moving on to forward. so a lot of the times, uh, you know, this is going to be something with their print on it moving forward. so i don't see it being the gated to the side. see, i do see it continuing and being a process moving forward. so i do anticipate we will hear more of it, but not sure to what extent it will materialize it. we're just gonna have to wait and see, well last hope. but the thing is to get rolling quickly must be very hot, and i didn't get to this time any of that special savvy foreign policy research advisors. oh, gotcha. and so thank you so much for the time. i better let's go back to the effort and come to now nigerian rule that does have all the president to use or diplomatic means to avoid minutes intervention in neighboring
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the jap. timothy o b, as a journalist from niger brings us the details. a non committee causing majority of them, you know, by some estimates around 90 percent of the law because object types of, of presidents. um, you know, member piece demand. since i've not made the best part of the finished here, approves the costs resolution which intrudes, you know, a possible military's answer bank said in the brand spots. um, you know, the coup like a student, not response president mohammed presume to power. we know it had last sunday at the west side. it was given a 7 day or 2, made some for a few that suggests that the post office press number soon to restore him as the leg to, to make a party in that country. you know, and fact we just have a, a wrong set of 4 hours to batch the deadline. so it is not clear exactly how the
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echo as uh, uh, lead, as you know, or the security team would proceed from there. i bought it yesterday. i put some clues on up to 3 days from quest security. uh, she said that she the resolution that they have for the resolution that they had made a meeting with this past onto the heads up staples woodson, you know about what time people arrested from them to make the final call nearby. we pointed to out allow the use of the disruption all the ridges means pulse, democratic consolidation in that wide range and it was a smoke going to tell the poop loved it when on the way where we are going to strike that's it's a whole pollution load this is saying that to be taken by the hassle of the week to be like the palm of this n t for this operation process said that the party recognized the data. ready of
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president. so how many resume was the late you to make a party desk by close by? you know that suited is anthony. sure. i the crime scene. it withdrawn its military from the country runs has around $1500.00 foot onto brown in this year. from supports with firmness and determination, the efforts of a cost to defeat the score attempt the future of new year. and the stability of the entire region are at stake about cost applicant. and by 2 we, i, we have people saying that, you know, eco, for us is a weird and a really hard to stay on. these are right now. and also it's something, something that i'm seeing some kind of solidarity with the future of mr. i think it's not the split, the stopping in inside the area. it's happening all over africa and you're on social media. we can see people in camera room, people in can hear, you know, across africa saying that what is happening in nature of the sanctions are f o r,
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about the threat of a possible military invasion is not welcome probably these people's exhibit affiliated as engine media. i'd like the media and the people of new share to understand that what echo wasa is doing is nothing more than intimidation. we don't even believe in there aren't interventions. we have to keep our in is jerry and spirit alive, and that's we can get us out of this intimidation, frontier w on composing the borders is not a solution because we face a lot of difficulties. normally, it takes us 2 or 3 days or a week to collect parcels from beneath the key, but now with the closure of the borders, it take us more than a month to collect our parcels due to us. you system threads on that one year and 63 years of age. where are we? we have less than africa, and yet we are told that new share is the origin, but then show. so what is the point of for an 8, we'd be resilient behind our defense and security forces. we can rest, i'll independence, our new independence, the best way to co test all the we do,
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you know, it seems that the color in their powers to the former, calling their power friends and some type of westland allies, that the country decided to withdraw their support and much needed support from the country. you know, these are us citizens. they have for being protested. so it feels some sense so far . uh, the tray out, you know, by these people. and at the same time, they won't want to be able to take control of what they called their wants to be able to control their own. um, well, they want to be able to control what comes into the country. they do not want to set some sort of, you know, uh if towards, you know, from france or, you know, the western powers, the terms by the cause. and in many of these, you know, the task it is based on done does indeed, i think our mazda is all of its own problems. of course,
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we will know that as being an attempt to entice you do not. we cannot fast by for arms or countries such as for on an odd us in time because even or as far as trying to have media dotted and our friendship. and it is important that obsolete got positive came and they do not do, does. and i didn't, you know, i mean, but the deluxe shouldn't be able to intervene in his own office to as well down, specifically 10 of the rest of curacy. god has been critically wounded in what the official has a cooling, a terrorist attack warning you might find the following images distressing. a local police say the government was shot dead by another office. so at the scene, they say it say that to have come from the past seen a refugee campbell, jenin, which was rated by the is ready mid feet last month that we can get you images right now. but we will be getting the laser now,
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kind of the police say that the should was carrying a mazda them, that's a or a suicide. let's as somebody along those lines, i am, they open fire. i have a stomach. why local security details is a developing story. it will bring you more details as they come in. st. jude. the support in kenya is proposal to send a 1000 police officers to haiti, and washington is saying it will soon introduce a un resolution to form a multinational force in the caribbean country. the host is intended to help local haitian police southern to come by gang the whole sleigh across the country. un secretary general anthony with those has been advocating for intervention for several months and has approve the new proposal. meanwhile, in washington is pressure in canada to take the leading role. who roof is due to massive process across the american country. many hastens are opposing any ford
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interference because of pos, controversial interventions including us actions in 1994 and a you envision that loss and from 2004 to 2017 local se the operations called problems that contributed to the countries current prices. what else about the current proposal patients? i'm not sure whether it would help we see the gains belong to the government. they didn't design the gang when they saw what they are doing to us. we are looking for security. we are forced to accept the help with that, so they don't have the right to trample on as own. we have no one to dissolve them . we are along with our kinds of times. we are obliged to accept that they are coming to our a lot. really, they're going to come and remove the weapons in the country so that they can get down to this duration that are in even the people who are here in the old country come to help us. and then we'll have to find someone who can go to the park. i'm
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at my colleague, nikki, i want to discuss the situation with a panel of guess what? i believe that they were the many or the all many they may be more so washington plans to intervene in haiti. it is no question the united states and the usual actors who masquerade is the quote unquote free world. that was the term they used in the sixties and seventies. now they call themselves a quote unquote, international community. because they've never asked the latin american to review african nations is not a true international consensus on this proposed re invasion and re occupation of a country that's already been in baby 3 times by the united states in the past century, in the us is always short of its colonial with neo colonial interest, but you see that the, it doesn't see my future ahead to the one asking perhaps,
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you know with which more like i mean position which i don't know, maybe kind of a 100 minutes. we were to see what time they might end up and the weird at all does i'm going to your country without the navy and then a country where the guns, i really mean, you know, i'm dealing with everything. i mean, is so difficult to say you and has been there, and then you know, the top of the page and people are not asking for these interventions. it's always been post in the new york times, a washington post that we need to do something as the united states needs to intervene. actually, no, it doesn't have some people didn't ask for it. the us is only going there again, postpone interest, and now you wouldn't even want to send its own who's on the ground it's. it's the way above the proxy. and i think the super critical part of this is that their mascot reading is pan. african is the saying that this is a parent advocate mission in all types of solidarity,
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be organized to remove the true forces that have been playing in haiti by how many centuries now. and that's the core group, that's the united states, that's tanner and france, and the function is junior partners of the us. and now they're trying to use these other proxy forces in blackface, if you will, to try it again, global approval while we can expect on cnn and fox. those is all sides of crocodile tears to try to justify what amounts to another new colonial invasion, coatings to continue to lead the task force, which would unite with us. so just my thoughts on the lieutenant military have a tactical management experience. both such an operation and would us troops fall or they will just have tenure in general's sounds more like a joke who come to to have them come under control the military operation that has been led by king. yes. you know, when they're us as involved because who, how, you know, you, why don't you can't really explain what, but i know school how involved and they had the, you know,
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the do not then that what is there is that i turned this extra now closer to so i'm probably come for the time with a bridge and release. it was something to do well before you're done good that you need to do that. so i think that is what has happened. katie is a special case. i came to united states in 1990 and i do not remember as far as i could remember. i don't remember a time with us has not entered being in katie. and every time you know, our mainstream media is built as to restore democracy to restore order. yet after over 30 years of the intervention, nothing has really changed. so the united states, obviously is not in haiti to restore democracy, is not in 80 to restore order is, has always been interfering. the eighty's internal affairs streak serves is only influence the next option with times the highest guy on the bottom. it will be back at the top of the out the
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i'm action redundancy and welcome back to going under ground broke of single are on the world from do by in the you a this week. and the allegations of by the new green corruption, us authorities tried to provide you as a position lead to donald trump running next is presidential election. meanwhile, the global south, prepared for south africa's brick summit itself to the st. petersburg, russia, africa summit, where a new world order was planned out. but one of your, of a raging war, killing tens, may be hundreds of thousands of content and cut off from vital russian energy by the terror attack on north stream. economic powerhouse germany facing was that.


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