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tv   News  RT  August 7, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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in stockholm syndrome, the the molly under quito faucet was saying delegations to niger while the countries, new leadership rally supporters and made the threats of foreign military intervention from a west african regional block. also ahead, we're about to witness it the newest, its main purpose is to surveil de, behind the enemy lines. as moscow uses modern battlefield solutions to support its troops on the ground in the ukraine conflict, the rest of the change that soldiers have further repelled keeps forces from making advances along the front line. under loss of explosion, rocks at church port less than a 100 kilometers from assembled ships. cargo and brain was being loaded. i'm
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transferred to a site according to officials, 12 people, happy left with the from us go to the world. this is our teacher national. great to have your company today. my name's delegations from back you know, fast, so i'm not late have arrived in nature and then the par and show of solidarity within new government authorities have closed the countries or a space. citing a threat of military intervention from the west african economic community of states or echo was a deadline set by the group to reinstate nigeria as the opposed president expired on sunday. melina, despite the disapproval of the people of fisher planning for the military intervention before this war was carried out, every deployment of forces to participate in this war has begun into countries of central africa and the sheriff's aerospace has been closed in sundays 6 of august,
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and i need sam to violate the national air space will be the subject of a tough and immediate response. your thoughts is warrants echo boss, and this for him power against all interference in internal affairs of new jersey. but at the end, what was the set of motley or 5 so on this matter has been a, has been very strict started like these countries. martin, you know what we've action. they have now said that it gains from what they said was that it is to show this on the direction of the 2 countries to the probably people who offer the share of them into the image or close parts please our space. so what that means is that it will be difficult for flights to be able to, you know, cross over through in the share. i will process. uh, you know, let me live. so this may please also in response to what is already going on, where somebody says come back and of course, you know the same,
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but i don't support any move by and cause, you know, to restore prison, but as them to power. so we expect that you know, that also be taken access in the coming days, but it is not very clear about the deadline, but you know, the region auto body had set up for that. so we just do restore. perfect. but mama to assume to power is not taxed, but we do not see with the a likely the military attached. i'm going to treat invasion in new york just to add because i'm best supreme concerns from at least as being concerns from alarming across even in nigeria. here saying that, you know, and of course should make sure that it is exploring to, instead of our options, but not military and things are the same, but that could be very good. a st. well, significantly echo was has no and noticed the so named extraordinary summit on the political situation in nice year to be held on august the 10th. the german of the group like jury and president bulletin knew the will convene the meeting in his
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country's capital to discuss the recent developments previously. size and tear gathered on the stadium. a nice year's capital and support. so basically, the government, newly appointed officials arrive dumped the venue to cheers from there. so the allows the course of the crew on falls relations between niger and its former colonial rulers. france continues to deteriorate. naomi revoke 5 military cooperation agreements and suspended broadcasts of french state funded media in the
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country. part us responded by stating that the student government is the only legitimate authority following malia and bertino fuss, upcoming to the defense of nice year's new leadership, and suspended all slides to the 2 nations on advice at citizens to refrain from visiting them. well, we heard from locals in nigeria who say any problems in their country can be solved internally and that foreign powers in that respect are not. welcome is the worst here to express, or a disagreement whose echo was unknown to sanction measures that have been taken in our region. if i caused, does not want to help us to go beyond all the differences of a political crisis. it's better to stay outside the border, new jersey, i just want to solve their problems by themselves, and we're sending a clear message to the international community. all those imperialist powers today will live in error of multiple arity. it means that there are many comic powers. it's not just friends, there's russia, there is china. there's through kia,
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but can make it bikes. we can cooperate with all these states with all these powers . but for that, we're sending a strong message against front and echo was no more fully to go management. we don't want to, we're going to manage our country ourselves. well, walk from seems to sport, to echo was even if it means military intervention. if lee has urged the group to extend its ultimatum to niger and find a diplomatic solution of our t contributor rachel mars than expands on the variance between you members. so the deadline to the economic community of west africa states or equal was set for itself a week ago to intervene and take out the military judgment that took over the shaft and restore the country's western front of the president. has now come and gone. the crew leaders said that they consider any for military intervention and invasion and would defend their territory then to other countries that also kicked out french troops in the wake of cruise. molly and bertina fast so said that they would
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join in to help defend these. yeah, now when paris heard that they yanked what was left the financial aid to regina paso, which is kind of like an ex telling you long after you've broken up, that he's going to stop wire in cash to your bank account. when you know you check this buyout ages ago and you have to ask yourself, why wouldn't x keep doing that? maybe because it's really hoping that you'd be seduced by the action and want to get back together. so i'm pretty sure that's what terrace was thinking here. after regina fast so broke up with them back in january, they came to fast as military rulers, told french troops to take a hike and said that they defended themselves. and they didn't need french military assistance anymore. so the fact that parents was still throwing cache with them long after the split probably came as a surprise to a lot of french tac stairs. so you've pretty much discovered chest in the last few hours that the money was still going there. so parents, this position on this to is now to keep poking. people was like with
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a stick to get off. it's behind and to go to france is dirty. work in the jeff francis determined and family supports the efforts of economic community of west african states to, to see the school attempt. the future of niger and the stability of the entire region are at stake. paris is arguably the worst position of the western countries in the wake of the crew. given that new shaft is one of its top uranium suppliers. and this other 2 main ones. cows extend andy's back to stan, worked with russia's russ adams. so that doesn't really give terrace any real wiggle room to fuel. it's nuclear reactors when they're in a spot with all their suppliers. but it will, these foreign minister is urging april was to keep it cool. and to just wait a bit. the only way is the diplomatic one. i hope does he can be, can you see the west african state to, to match him? which expired at midnight last night will be extended today. a solution must be
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phones, though it is not yet clear whether there is one other than war. it away does not have the same interest as france in this particular region. their former french colonies, not the tale and colonies the autonomy, one by the way, libya was already ruined by a french and british slab invasion. and what did it really get out of that? well, the opportunity to play red rover with a bunch of migrants that flooded out of africa and large we into southern european countries like italy. so probably the last thing that italy needs right now is more miscalculated french screw ups in africa that lead directly to more headaches for italy. so where is the european union stand on this whole fiasco? the european union supports over measures adopted by a close and response to the school and will do so quickly and resolutely in the same breath as a blogs chief diplomat yoseph burrell. they're also said that the you quote, rejects any accusation of for an interference,
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but he still couldn't help himself from telling applicants what to do. at least this time he toned down his rhetoric compared to last year when he gave a speech to a bunch of you diplomatic students about the you being a garden and the rest of the world being a jungle that went over really well in countries in africa, for example, um, maybe he decided not to get creative assignment to redirect some of that energy instead to the big range chest game that european diplomats and bureaucrats offline with respect to assets are right now. it looks like they could use all the help they can get ok. moving the program on the russian troops have repelled ukrainian army offensive attempts on several areas along the front lines in the den. yes. republic as well as that person on some fiduciary regions. that's according to the russian defense ministry, which on it that's ukrainian forces attempted 3 separate offensive in the last her
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region. and in the northern part of the front lines in the hot calls region, russian troops have made advances to, in total, according to the m. o. d, russian air defenses intercepted 9, u. k. supplied storm shuttled marseilles on for us, made high mars rockets over the past 24 hours, while another u. s. produced artillery launcher was reported, destroyed in the done yet, the public but modern warfare is seen modern solutions being put through their paces in key bustle, ground areas, drones are playing a key role in the conflict, proving a cheap affective option as are teasing questions on a saw for himself, the soldiers in this pickup truck have no idea they're being watched. the drone operator follows that every move from dozens of columbus is away. this is one of russia's largest surveillance. drones very rarely gets in the sites of journalists . but we're of course, are lucky, we're about to witness. it being launched,
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its main purpose is to surveil d, behind the enemy lines. sheesh flying it over a 1000 meters. it's ghost like invisible, silent. we'll see here ukraine soldiers sold pine trees concealed the little cobb park well, moments later, it's obliterated by a hail of trap know the neighboring trench is spotted and smashed too. as plumes of black smoke rise from the opposite exit its inhabitants make a run for it, carrying one wounded with them just in time as the entire stronghold is set to a blaze. turning the cause of the into useless shod chunks of metal, no smaller as the budget. the main task is to conduct reconnaissance fabi. on the front line, we did tex, ending the yachts hillary, the transport of personnel reserves and also actively moment to evacuation areas.
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for example, off to actually post still, if he's a main task is to reveal the hidden locations of the enemy. when these drones carry out their duty, no place is safe and no time to at night. in fact, at coolant temperatures, heat signatures, treacherously evident crews maintaining such you avi's crazy targets for key or forces. not really for you. it's actually, uh, sometimes it happens that due to the mean so free, there were afraid of the pictures to come by. we manage to get away from the interference. we tend to work even if there is some kind of directed attackers. sometimes the enemy gets into the camera settings. what was still managed to get rid of this negative impact. it's the ultimate game of hide and seek elimination, e close death. when that take sold and wins to make is done of reporting from the don't bass. ok, see,
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i'm pulling the countries pipeline operator has set a section that connex russian crude to europe has been forced to shut down due to a leak. the grudge boat, or friendship pipeline is one of the largest arteries transporting russian, cuz the crew to western partners, customers along the way into the ukraine, poland hungary, the czech republic, austria and germany. the polish companies said repair works on the damaged by or on the way and expect pumping operations to resume on tuesday morning. while the polls and imports is expected to be brief, due to the urge and fix or salt took a different approach shelf to the north stream explosions last year, suggesting that the drop in the supply was favorable for your i don't know if it was possible to say that it was pro ukrainian, the sabotage i will say the following is not spring to ceases to exist and it is not possible to transport gas from rushing this way. will be profitable for your i'm sure it be beneficial for western europe. but cutting off of the russian oil
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supply from the north stream route came, poland again proclaimed its full support for kids in the ukraine. conflict of our relations between those 2 nations currently appears. tense last week and ukraine, southern warsaw is on voice after a senior product official suggest that you should be more grateful for the support it's been receiving from poland since the beginning of the conflict. we spoke to the terminal ve german council for a constitution and sovereignty move. it's ralph t niemeyer. we say it's a jewish. the pipeline is vital for all your opinions spell that it is vitally important for us all in europe that we have to push the pipeline operation of. there was an equal sanction against the rest of the oil. so now it's use the same network is used by cuz our oil that is coming through. and of course if we don't have it, ponied won't have it on top of the p. u members, that's also wouldn't have it. it is a bit of
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a critical decided and out because act or come through the rest of the pipeline network. that's um, this is also terminated as only until the 1st of october. so we have to find other solutions. and this seems to be difficult at the moment in the political side, but i think um, opponent and, and the key is government also rivals. it is obvious the phone and wants to take over some territory in the ukraine after the war, or maybe still during the war. so we don't know really brothers is going to end. but at the moment, key of, of course, demands more and more support, which is might get from some of your being countries, even in germany. they are discussing now to send messiahs that they can use as we know this can also reach right from territories. now a huge explosion has shaken a port city in northern tortilla, located less than
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a 100, kilometers from a simple authority said. the blast occurred as, as ships, cargo of grain was being loaded. i'm transferred to a silo, a dozen people who were reported wounded ortiz, turkish correspondent, yesenia can, can tell us more. as the blast resembles that of the bay with explosion in 2020 all be at the magnitude cannot be compared. the explosion was smaller in comparison, but it was large enough to give residents in the neighboring area. i was thinking that the explosion was actually an earthquake. these areas are prone to earthquakes and the fear and the threats does exist. but once the smoke cloud started to emerge, people got worried and of course the information started to come about. the governor of the city issued a statement saying that they were looking into the cause of the explosion. the main ferry now is that's of the weeds powder during the transfer ignited and gave way to the explosion. but they're also looking into what other possibilities there may be
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. so there is an investigation pending. the timing of the explosion does give way for speculation. the chief manager of the port did say that this is the 1st time that anything like this has happened, but at least on this scale in the republic, sir, the history of turkey and of this is a matter of concern for a number of reasons, right? as turkey is brokering green deal possibilities between russia and ukraine, there are, there's a great deal speculation, so that investigation will prove crucial moving forward. the recent string of koran burnings in sweden and denmark has triggered a severe bock law. she would probably have seen from communities or run the globe, venezuelan president nicholas madura with the leader of overwhelming the christian nation. as also spoken out against the desecration switch, scanned the navy and authorities. how permitted those acts of free expression, the deep down i feel the discontent of the muslim community around the world when they see a ground being burned. those are blind to the burning of holy books and europe are
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indirectly involved due to their silence. i ask myself as a christian, what would we questions feel if someone brings the bible into another country, we would feel great sorrow and it would be a great cumulation if someone did this. well, in the latest act that the weekend and ex muslim, destroyed a copy of his loved totally his book in front of the reading and embassy and copenhagen. the protests are publicly tor pages from the religious book before shredding them with a cheese grater and marks and foster to around with someone to the countries. foreign ministry. over the instance of mass protests against the desecration of the crown in europe are expected to take place in around just to give you a sense of what's happened before previous incidents play out to colorado active, as in scandinavia, sparked waves of condemnation for the muslim world is nomic republicans around even refuse to accept the newly appointed envoy from sweden on morocco. recall that's top different enough from the northern country. the strongest reaction though,
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came from a rock where i try to protest, restoring the swedish embassy and find the rock, then went onto officially expelled the solution of square. we heard the furious as well, all the desecration from the secretary general of the european muslim initiative for social occasion, especially for rush then properties, politicians and the media continuously for many years. come up with statements, articles, analysis, where the present assignment was, seems as unwanted in the society that effects people. and on top of that, then there's no correction. you know, that sort of these have been very quite, i'm getting very recently. and media coverage is still the same as negative in my heart. i wish that it was felt, but my intellect says it could not stop because they sound the full year. has become a such a tune for politicians to get more water to become popular. so they will continue
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and then definitely encourage certain use to go and burn koran. it has never happened before. he gets a decent, but it's something for me as the presence of both in denmark and scandinavia. for a long time, listenings have lived in denmark and sweden for half a century. they contribute to the society, they are good citizen. so why should the book should be burned if it is not polluted for political reasons? the police 5 people including 2 police officers, helping killed and 11 others injured after a building collapsed in a runs capital on sunday evening. according to local reports, officers were at the site to provide security for upfront and demolition. of course on north arise, buildings, structures and questions did not comply with construction safety measures when a thorough teams begun the plum demolition of the 1st building 5 others prematurely
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collapse. search for additional survivors continues. 5, so let's go down to the side of the the, the is really military conducted attacks on the muskets overnight. according to his serene news agencies for soldiers were reported killed for more wounded in the capital. as a result of the operation, the son agency reported that or defense systems were able to repel the mass majority of incoming missiles. enough the strikes originated from the golan heights region of israel, no comment as immersed as yet from israel on last night's a tech. but previously stated it's literally targets really in the linked sites. ready are we spoke with former, assuming a buster to try again. at the cab alone, we say is israel justify such killings by accusing turnaround of involvement in damascus? decision make? what this rate is doing is it up because what the americans have done,
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india rock and everywhere and never got to stand in ukraine everywhere. they demonize a country or a team or the president. and then this doctor's industry takes to cut it all to the aggression that absolutely. i can guarantee you not one single in the and was wounded in recent. is there a aggressions, a night of any has violent fighters? of this is only a despicable and an overflow blinked and fluctuation of international law and the sovereignty of the you and member country for the days of it is only need to mention it on or the 3 and any of the groups. by the way, the u. s has dramatically increased its military presence in the city a and the legal, the tense based near the soviet i key. and the jordanian triangle. uh they have actually,
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uh most of their military presence brought in more rockets floor plays helicopters attack because of comp does. and munition for the so just so, so with the, the situation by the way, in the northeast and part of the city, particularly the region controlled by the americans. and they're separate this because this proxies is extremely volatile. and the military conflict could happen at any moment. these are the americans i've been doing over to the what they have done over the black sea. i saw a series of provocative actions by drones, by water plains. and they're trying to just provoke a reaction runs armed forces are getting an upgrade. the slate of new equipment has been delivered to including missiles for owens and electronic war for our systems.
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now the and feeling ceremony was attended by the as lubbock revolution guards court chief come under new brenda the event a new step towards strengthening the groupings. military might ortiz use of july, they can tell us more as he wants to dispatch and gets forces to the persian gulf, he won't, has been building carpets naval arsenal on saturday. these moments of asian guards coordinating the accepted delivery of hundreds of domestically billed from this all set electronic warfare systems, new hardware, including different kinds of recognizance intelligence and combat drones radar systems and hundreds of crews and ballistic missiles that have a range of 300 to 1000 kilometers, everybody and military official say the new missiles are longer range and have a shorter preparation time for launch. the missiles are equipped with electronic counter measure system surround vince accounts are the enemies missile defense systems. and there's one amazing and unprecedented new feature. the missiles are
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outfit with artificial intelligence, you most of the trajectory definition and to manage and control systems are equipped with a i. l. elevator saw so easily faded radar and change course. after firing the way these, the joined, the navy today also have new features. they have a longer find direction. larger and heavier war has an anti radar capabilities. the home drunk draws can also shoot and moving targets. i can detect as far as naval targets with high precision. this one has been holding a massive enabled real over the past few days, and the approach involved in what appears to be a response, the west deployment of his work trips to the region of weeks. washington has dispatched thousands of marines and sailors. and the 1st of all, i do this for the easiest way to find those movie was described as a veto ranch to anyone's repeated seizure on american ships. he was also planning to part marines authorities, vessels, and sale through this region. one has impounded. a number of us,
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most holes in the front involved during the past few, you're a few years or wants to phone calls. every international maritime was. you're one of the military officials say the country will respond harshly to any provocative measure to bother you. i shouldn't cease to pursue any hostile agenda and then we just hired him under jose. so i'm, you said last week that regional countries are capable of insuring the security of regional wires and there's no need for extra territorial forces to be there. so the on valence domestic hardware comes as long as buildings trying to the face of washington's new adventure isn't a necessity of waterway. the lots are locked for an hour from the r t. news rooms were ops here though at the top of the all of mondays. big news stories do hope you've enjoyed the by the
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look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter to conflict with the 1st law show your mind and justification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust, rather than to the various job. i mean with artificial intelligence. we have so many of them in the a robot must protect his phone existence with alexis, the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision, with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the
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the, the.


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