tv News RT August 7, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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on the south side is this all a lot of the and the book, you know, the process and the delegations incentives. yeah. while the country is new leadership routing and supportive, i mean the price of foreign ministry intervention, low west african waynesville brooks also and we're about to witness. it'd be launched. its main purpose is to surveil de, behind the enemy lines as well. if the use is more than a bottle of field solution us as a pool is fixed on the ground and the thing called the russian m. o. the said is told, is repelled, keeps forces from making the boxes on the front binds a massive explosion. rocks a to is for less than 100 kilometers from a stumble as
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a ship's cargo drains being loaded and transferred to the asylum. according to officials, 12 tables been left with the last report of the freezers. $26000000.00 of funding contained in jewelry, settled in february 10th, and they just import, spoke russian diamonds. the lie for the last go. this is the money i wrote her mom in 30 minutes of news i news stop. now. delegation from a book, sheila fafsa and molly has arrived in these yeah, in a power to show solidarity with the new government as are these have close the countries space. so i think that's where i submitted the intervention from the west africa, the economic community in states or echoes a deadline set by the room to reinstate these as the post president expired on
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sunday. melina, despite the disapproval of the people of fisher planning for the military intervention for this war, what's carried out, every deployment of forces to participate in this war has begun into countries of central africa. the sheriff's aerospace has been closed since sunday's 6th of august. any attempt to violate the national air space will be the subject of a tough and immediate response. your thoughts is warrants, echo boss and this foreign power against all interference in internal affairs of new jersey. it, but i didn't. what was the sort of bodily advice so on this matter has been a, has been very strict sort of like these countries, martin, you know, what we've actually, they have now say that again. so i'm kind of what this said was that it is to show this one, the garden of the 2 countries to the probably people who offer the share either been to the image or close the product,
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please s space. so what that means is that it will be difficult for flights to be able to, you know, across about, through, in the share i will process. uh, it'll actually be live. so this may is also in response to what is already going on, where somebody's gonna come back. and of course, you know, saying that it would support any moved by and of course, you know, to restore presentations of power. so we expect that, you know, that also be able to get access to the content is what it is now. very clear about the deadline, but you know, the region auto body had set up for the so we just to rest, stop and fix that moment. assume to power is not taxed, but we do not see whether a likely the military attach. i'm going to treat in based on a news or just see that because um, that's been concepts from alice. that's been concerns from alarming across even invites area here, saying that, you know, and of course should make sure that it is exploratory. and it says read all the
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options but not from military and things are the same that that could be very good . a structure echo us have mallon now a so named extraordinary summit on the political situation in new jersey to be held on august the 10th, the chairman of the group, nigerian president, the board to nibble, will convene and the meeting in his guns, his capital to discuss the recent developments, seriously thousands gathered as a stadium in new jersey capital in support for the when the government knew the appointed officials arrived at the venue to choose from the support this the,
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the cause. all the who on folds relation to the city news. yeah. and his former colonial pa funds continue to the to the 8 and the army revoked 5 minutes, incorporation agreements and suspended broke costs of fund state funded media in the country responded by stating the bassoon. government is the only legitimate authority following molly. i'm looking at. if i said coming to the defendants of new jersey and new leadership fault suspended on flights to the 2 nations, i'm advise it citizens to refrain from visiting them. we have my locals in it and the guy who say any problems in the country can be resolved or can be sold internally and that inform powers. i'm not welcome. elizabeth. somebody says that we're here to express our disagreement. who was echo was an oldest sanctioned measures that have been taken in our region. if i caused,
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does not want to help us to go beyond all the differences of a political prices. it's better to stay outside the border, new jersey, i just want to solve their problems by themselves, and we're sending a clear message to the international community to all those imperialist powers today will live in error off multiple error 2. it means that there are many comic powers. it's not just friends, there's russia, there is china, there's through kia, but can make it. but we can cooperate with all the states with all these powers. but for that worse than a strong message against front and echo was no more political management. we don't want to, we're going to manage our country ourselves. now alfonso seems to support echo us, even if it means military intervention. it's a because as a group to expand its ultimatum tanisha, i'm find the diplomatic solution. also you can do with the way to mazda expires on that very ends between you members. so the deadline to the economic community of
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west africa in states or equal was set for itself a week ago to intervene and kick out the military judgment that took over at the shaft and restore the countries western front of the president has now come and gone the crew leaders said that they consider any for military intervention and invasion and would defend their territory then to other countries. the also kicked out french troops in the wake of cruise. molly and bertina faso said that they would join in to help defend these. yeah. now when paris heard that they yanked what was left of financial aid to regina fast. so which is kind of like an ex telling you long after you've broken up that he's going to stop wire in cash to your bank account. when you know you take this buyout ages ago and you have to ask yourself, why wouldn't x keep doing that? maybe because it's really hoping that you'd be seduced by the action and want to get back together. so i'm pretty sure that's what parents was thinking here. after
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regina fast so broke up with them back in january became the fast as military rulers told french troops to take a hike and said that they defended themselves. and they didn't need french military assistance anymore. so the fact that parents was still throwing cache with them long after the split probably came as a surprise to a lot of french tac stairs. so you've pretty much discovered shifting last few hours that the money was still going there. so parents, this position on this who is now the keep poking, people was like with a stick to get off. it's behind and to go to france is dirty. work in the jeff from so is determined and family supports the efforts of economic community of west african states to see the school attempt. the future of niger and the stability of the entire region are at stake. paris is arguably the worst position of the western countries in the wake of the crew. given that new shaft is one of its top uranium suppliers. and this other 2 main ones. kaz extend. andy's back to stan, worked with russia's russ adams. so that doesn't really give terrace any real
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wiggle rooms to fuel. it's nuclear reactors when they're in a spot with all their suppliers. but it will, these foreign minister is urging equal was to keep it cool. and to just wait a bit, the only way is a diplomatic one. i hope does economic, can you see the west african state to to mountain which expired at midnight last night will be extended today. a solution must be phones, though it is not yet clear whether there is one other than war. it away does not have the same interest as france in this particular region. there are former french colonies, not the tale and colonies the autonomy, one by the way of libya, was already ruined by a french and british slab invasion. and what did it really get out of that? well, the opportunity to play red rover with a bunch of migrants that flooded out of africa and large we into southern european countries like italy. so probably the last thing that italy needs right now is more miscalculated friend,
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screw ups in africa that lead directly to more headaches for italy. so where is the european union stand on this whole fiasco? the european union supports over measures adopted by a close and response to these crew and will do so quickly and resolutely in the same breath as a blogs chief diplomat, yoseph burrell. there also said that the quote rejects any accusation of for an interference, but he still couldn't help himself from telling applicants what to do. at least this time he toned down his rhetoric compared to last year when he gave a speech to a bunch of you diplomatic students about the you being a garden and the rest of the world being a jungle that went over really well in countries in africa, for example, um maybe he decided not to get creative assignment to redirect some of that energy instead to the big range chest game that european diplomats and bureaucrats. our plan with respect to assets are right now. it looks like they could use all the
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help they can get lessons is have repelled you creating all me offensive attendance on several areas along the front lines and the dentist republic as well as the has on i'm, is that the shared regions. now that's according to the russian defense ministry, which i, they, that do, i know full of his attendance, 3 separate offences in the last a region. and then all of them part of the front lines and that part of age and russian food. so it made, it involves this to also include the local into the m o. d button add defenses intercepted 9, u. k. supplied storm shut themselves on for us, made high mazda of its over the last 24 hours. while another us produced onto the launch a was reported destroyed in the dentist republic. wow. more than, well, that is a modern solutions being put through the paces in the key bustles around the areas
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. drones pay a key role in the complex, probably a cheap and effective option. as all tease equal has done of so for himself. the soldiers in this pickup truck have no idea they're being watched. the drone operate to follows that every move from dozens of columbus has a way. this is one of russia's largest surveillance. drones very rarely gets in the sites of journalists. but where of course, are lucky we're about to witness. it being launched, its main purpose is to surveil d behind the enemy lines. sheesh flying it over a 1000 meters. it's ghost like invisible silence. we'll see here ukraine soldiers sold pine trees concealed the little cobb park well. moments later, it's obliterated by a hail of trap know the neighboring trench is spotted and smashed too. as plumes of
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black smoke rise from the opposite exit its inhabitants make a run for it, carrying one wounded with them just in time as the entire stronghold is set to a blaze. turning vehicles of the into useless shod chunks of metal, no stress on there as the budget. the main task is to conduct recognizance fabi on the front line. we did tex, ending the yachts hillary, the transport of personnel reserves and also actively monitor evacuation areas. for example, off to actually post still it sees a main task is to reveal the head locations of the enemy. when these drones carry out their duty note place is safe and no time to at night. in fact, at coolant temperatures, heat signatures, treacherously evident crews maintaining such you avi's crazy targets for key of forces. not really for you. it's actually, uh,
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sometimes it happens that due to the mean so freight a were afraid of the pictures to come by. we manage to get away from the interference. we tend to work even if there is some kind of directed attackers. sometimes the enemy gets into the camera settings. what was still managed to get rid of this negative impact. it's the ultimate game of hide and seek elimination. he close death when that take sold and wins the war. i'm biggest done of reporting from the dumbass out c c. u. s. has a report of the frozen nearly $26000000.00 in money chances by several indian companies in the united arab emirates is all allegations of the quad diamond's mind in russia, in violation of us sanctions. we as the interest you body have taken up the matter with administered the commerce and the indian embassy and u e. because the payments for inputs were made by the you. are you subsidiaries of
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indian diamond companies around $26000000.00? involvement about a dozen payments are stuck by dante correspond to run the saw. my is joining us from new denny lyndon. always good to see. one interesting case, this one. what said all about, can you tell the story the office of foreign asset control, which is basically o u. s. government um, in the last couple of months it has frozen sovereign in fact, functions those what nearly $26000000.00 like you said. and this basically belonging to the noun jewelers. now interestingly, what's happening here is that, um, this is, this is done for a ledge to import the diamonds that have basically been mined in russia. now what's
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happening is that as of the ripple effect stuff, they'll, as you wait a stop. so the result in doing everything, you know, it's accurate in doing diamond house is be all being a battered who's basic needs. a dollar payment, self installed with suspicion, is that because the suspicions of foss connections with russian, my, the, this is basically become a beautiful problem. and this is where i'd like to bring the point of doing trade in. no, okay, got it. and so you know this because they, they important, this is something that he has been focusing on for the last year or so. yeah. in fact, has been aiming to internationalize a repeat, remember this little sausage with russia, noise would email, wanted to import russian oil in the west. wanted to locate stuff. and of course, what india did was india by false toil abuse,
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was fictions. how didn't get to do that by doing, by using in general be in fact as now would be, has gained wider acceptance. in fact, around 20 towards countries have signed up with the special was true account that the, the news is indeed will be. and this also includes you, we all by the way of but many also remind hills that ever since, so the west had fort sanctions on russia. it also had specialized india to distance itself from moscow. well, india didn't do that. in fact, in the continued, it's in gauge one with russia and not just in the oil sector, several other sectors as well. the suite between the 2 countries has only drone on the top leadership of india. in fact, has spoken about how he does going to do what is best for india on the lines of windows for policy. and i understand that there was
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a conflict situation. i also understand that europe has a point of view and you are pull, make the choices it will make, that is your right. but for europe to make choices, which prioritize its energy needs and then ask india to do something else. so india did was in the have to do, in fact, exports the leave, the sessions on russia have since the not walked in fact stuff despite the west having it's don't know, dominance in the international market. the sanctions, what they've done is they've started to warsaw that dominance, that the west really have the us had the and now we've more and more countries wanting to do trade in no credit card and sees exports. believe this really is a stop to with the door, the rise was because they are teething troubles like what say for example, the you a subsidy visa or the indian suitors off the same,
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but definitely in the as explode, say a stock stood to the door. the rice was interesting, indeed, one of them signs for them updates will be back again soon with you know, that have a good day. a huge explosion has shaken up port city in northern to the kia, located less than a 100 kilometers from is stumble as already said that they've lost a could as a ship's cause. a grain was being unloaded. i'm transferred to a sign of a dozen people were reported wounded onto use a turkish cost with it. yes. and i can content as well. the blast resembles that of the bay with explosion in 2020 all be at the magnitude cannot be compared. the explosion was smaller in comparison, but it was large enough to give residents in the neighboring area. i was thinking that the explosion was actually an earthquake. these areas are prone to earthquakes and the fear and the threats does exist. but once the smoke cloud started to emerge,
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people got worried. and of course, the information started to come about, the governor of the city issued a statement saying that they were looking into the cause of the explosion. the main ferry now is that of the weeds powder during the transfer ignited and gave way to the explosion. but they're also looking into what other possibilities there may be . so there is an investigation pending. the timing of the explosion does give way for speculation. the chief manager of the port did say that this is the 1st time that anything like this has happened. but at least on this scale in the republic, sir, the history of turkey and of this is a matter of concern for a number of reasons, right? as turkey is brokering green deal possibilities between russia and ukraine. there are, there's a great deal of speculation so that investigation will prove crucial moving forward . please wait a minute. see conducted attacks on the mosque was overnighted going into a sewer,
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a news agency full, so the report to kill them for more wounded in the capsule. as a result of the operation, the summer agency before the ad defense systems are able to repel the bulk of incoming missiles. and the strikes originated from the go that heights region as well, has yet to comment on last night's attack, but has previously stayed in early august. it raining the link sites that we spoke with a full. i'm assuming i'm boss, that's a to here. i need to have a couple on this as is well, just advise thoughts cuttings. like using to avalon love involvement in damascus. decision making. what this rate is doing is it up because what the americans have done in iraq and every, with enough gun to stand in ukraine and everywhere they demonize a country audio, the team or the president. and then they start using display tags to cut it all to
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the aggression that absolutely. i can't guarantee you. not one single. the onion was wounded in recent. is there a to aggressions the night the any has violent fighters of this is only a despicable and an overflow. blatant fluctuation of international law on the subject. and 2 of the you and member countries for the days of it is only need to mention it on or 3 and any of the groups, by the way, the u. s. has dramatically increased its military presence in the city a, in the, in the go, the fence, the base near the sushi on it. i key. and the to damian. a triangle. uh they have actually, uh wants the military presence brought in more rockets floor. please helicopters, attack, cause you carpenters and munition for the so just so, so the,
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the situation by the way, in the northeast and part of syria, particularly the region controlled by the americans and they're separate this good . this proxies is extremely volatile, and the military conflict could happen at any moment. these are the americans i've been doing to oversee the what they have done over the black sea. so uh, a series of provocative actions by drones, by water plains and they're trying to just provoke a reaction. it is as fine as best as assigned it to blow funding equivalent to $54000000.00 us dollars from going to education for arabs in the country. and doing so, the site is supposed to take themselves, but the nationally period meza is in charge of security issues said the funding should be allocated as previously agreed these days when the balance and
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development grant budgets are supposed to be distributed to the local authorities, i call on you to allow the release of the budgets for the error of local authorities as well. unfortunately, in recent years, we can witness nationalist extremism within the universities. as well as the national security adviser, how's it pulls the v a test says into a reduction in incident activity in eastern ism, due to an increase of educational programs in the area. this is going to allocate the funding, the arab states and dates back to the previous government. it also and it's improved infrastructure, reduce supply, land develop for don't the, our neighbors neighborhoods. according to the finance minnesota office. the money will be further than some mechanisms are developed to oversee. it's nice to get more of this as plus live now to is ready. all elements member of costs,
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if that's it. thanks so much for joining us here at odds. you know, and to think, what do, what, what are your thoughts on the countries finance manager deciding to withhold the money that was supposed to go to educating out of is raise, what are your thoughts uh best afford we must, the, the law is that the, the finance minister who is a c, b got a masonic fanatic and fascist, and the racist the and they are lead the lights, the only more keep a duct a motivated these beads and he's only see them full fuel. 8th, with a is a thread towards ops and specifically of goes to work. if i experience that is the only or the main reason why you decided to please the mind that the out up on his senior citizens didn't use the i mean the due to the some money by unmarried. so
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not by great. and the in the did the same about students form occupied gives, joins the name was study of the hebrew university in specific in special programs in the flows, the money, the budget a that was the suppose to get to those april gums of university at the same time, the block, $200.00 the media and check it, which is about $550.00. it'd be more than 50 medium dollars, form the out of a local councils. we see an easy way because he doesn't want the body students to enjoy life. i would like if i may say something get a before i conclude that this arguments look at the finish of given by united nations to anthony lindsey and i quote is then that we can get an area ethically on what genius. i'm
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a genius by using force or intimidation to remove form a given area better so, so, but now that if they go religion, religious group, this is exactly what you wants. this is exactly what this phonetic fuss you government wants these, these ethnic cleansing. because the wants the police finance, they want to undo the finest in your life. so me, is it a bit so in that to a believe that the really expensive for the phone, the old land i, i'm getting the government, you will never succeed. because people like me and my friends jewels and police things to get to the democrats and left these and those who support human rights, we will never let you just a succeed in your endeavor, you'll cleaning up endeavor. but you also else need to mr. the community to intervene because the clients of the society, government abuse while she is governments, those kinds of was on a daily basis,
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the situation deteriorates. it will explode if something is not done well for, i mean a so, so much detail that i mean it pretty much covered. a lot of the questions that i want to do to, to ask you, i would do. it does seem that we are seeing some sort of ethnic cleansing, but these, these specific elizabeth civic is where the government is it more aggressive than it was previously? yes, absolutely. look, you will never find me defending any government before the prior to this government because unfortunately, since 1948 since the establishment of the state and it's been a knock about the got the store in the police team is never enjoyed their lives. they are entitled to that they have the rights to enjoy. neither the probably seen is really we seeing these, the board is no different. it's generally in day and 9067,
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a o q by data joyce, and log in to the us for either a but the specific government, as i already mentioned it, this is a full fledged trust is government. we've never nazi. and so i'm not saying that with pain. i do not say that because i enjoy in saying that i realize being that this is the reality, unfortunately, is springsteen for me to say that a someone leaves the needs in starting school with bit of society in which i leave . but that's the tools smoke age been to be an are they is unfortunately very, i is denver. they the same but, and they will not see all the options, you know, less i'm going to have to i really appreciate you joining us today. we went out of science, thank you so much for joining us. honestly. really appreciate if you have anything else for your time. thank you, father this well, not right, something of this and he is out. thanks for joining us. be sure to check out and
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see the upcoming. lots of interesting. so is that we'll be back at the top with more international news the the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or it's nancy and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from new buying the u. e, as the usa declines and its proxy war rages in europe,
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