tv The Modus Operandi RT August 7, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT
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but the general say to us is love to be used. but is this indeed reality last has never been did you purchase a high, did you please give us a time to time prize size and call you to do this to yourself if it's just extra us us to give he isn't. and so this is a very vote decision by the gym and government to even stop because he is when the agreement was reached, gena, they did more divisions and more and got more questions or more of those they are using to pay us what they are giving us is go to the pollution countries and now we have not been support. you've called what has been happening here. it will open the ponder as books,
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the next thing it will be them for then also have to pay the the the hello, i'm manila, chad. you're tuned into modus operandi. today we'll take a look at a top bite in administration. official who's got deep ties to hillary, clinton, hunter biden, and no 4 in service or policy experience. yet. he's jo biden's top adviser on anything from oil to international treaties to campaign strategy. today will examine the us national security advisor, jake sullivan. all right, let's get into the m o the . he's the youngest national security advisor in some 60 years. had hillary clinton
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won the 2016 elections as pundits expected, would take. sullivan would've liked we've been doing this job back in 2017. which would them would've only made him 40 years old at the time. sullivan had to wait. but in 2021 after joe biden was inaugurated as america's 46 president, jake sullivan, then just 43 years old, was tapped to become what kind of leaves a rice called, quote, a rarefied position one, which she also held as national security advisor to the president, now sullivan is in darling of the liberal elite, his roots as a midwestern boy from minnesota, one of 5 kids to a library and mom and white color dad. with the kind of intelligence that found him at elite universities such as your undergrad, oxford, and then back to you for his j
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d. he's lauded by democratic circles as quote one of the brightest minds in washington risks. hillary clinton said sullivan had the right stuff to perhaps be putting himself one day. but outside of these in solar, new liberal societies, objective, we speak english to obtain a stand as intellect was an academic pedigree, reading a sufficient rationale to play someone in such an important role. in bending, the american presidents ear a role that advises the president on how to achieve the president's goals. to discuss this young, national security advisor will bring in some one with political experience. let's stop to ted harvey. he's a former colorado state senator and chairman of the committee to defeat the president. you can find more at stop joe, dot com. ted harvey. thank you so much for joining us. you bet. thank you. have me on. i appreciate it. so jake solomon's rise to power,
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the national security advisor to post, you know, seems kind of surprising the outside observers. he's this young guy only in his mid forties now barely 43 when he was 1st appointed. but he's got this position right that, you know, for all intents and purposes is usually filled by these grey haired, grizzled old guys like henry kissinger. or it's a big new brzezinski. or, you know colin powell, how did sullivan get here to this position? so young, i mean, would it be beneficial to have someone, you know, a little bit older who's been around the block a? well, it's great question. um yes, typically we have people who have a great deal of wisdom and experience in foreign policy to be holding these positions, whether it's in the state department or usa id. busy or specifically in intelligence or the military. and that is not the case with jake sullivan. he
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was, you know, graduated college, went back to his hometown and, and became a, a law professor. and then started a consult, a consulting with senator clover char, as her legal counsel. and just through an introduction of chance was introduced to hillary clinton and started working with hillary clinton as the this i'm working with the secretary of state and with her campaign for president the united states. and um, hillary clinton plucked him out and had him fly all over the world with her. and if you consider getting frequent flyer miles flying to a $112.00 countries um, as experience to be the national security adviser, i don't think most people in the, in washington dc would credit that with being an expert on national security. but here we are with this young kid who that's literally his resume is that he flew
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around the world with hillary clinton. that wasn't a good resume for hillary to be president united states. and it's not a good resume for the closest advisor to the president united states either. yeah, this guy literally has 0 diplomatic experience. now speaking of youth, saudi arabia's crown prince m b s. he's only 37 years old. now, in one of sullivan's 1st major meetings, he went to saudi arabia, in april of 2022, to ask the saudis, you know, the pump more oil. so if you recall, the us was played with, you know, $8.00 per gallon at the pump in some states back then, the saudis had already made clear their position and sullivan decided then he'd ask a pointed question, about the slain walpole journalist jamal co shoji. apparently m b s lashed out at sullivan giving him you know quite the verbal tongue lashing. what do you make of
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interactions like that by sullivan? well i think it's interesting. i don't believe he was taking any advice from his diplomatic corps that was around him. that should have been telling him don't touch this topic when you're there because the saudis are going to blow back on it. and that's what happened and, but i think that um jake sullivan is so arrogant and so brass that he doesn't think he needs to listen to anybody. you can go in there and do whatever he wants. and, and honestly, job i can do this very same thing and job. i've got backlash also, and i think that this administration is just going by the seat of their pants listening to no one other, them them their immediate circle and they are, the backlash is huge. especially when it comes to saudi arabia and what's going on with saudi arabia making arrangements and negotiations with russia. and with china . i think you're saying all of our allies around the world looking at this
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administration and saying we've got to go in a different direction because this isn't going to work for us the way they're the this administrator is moving forward international. yeah, i think it's safe to assume the saudis much plus m b. s in particular. aren't really ones to take to lightly at the meetings. and another debacle that was under jake sullivan's watch. was the botched afghanistan withdrawal in august of 2021. this cost the lives of 13 us soldiers and a number of afghans. the entire thing was orchestrated in what many have described as nothing short of no plan at all. have a look at what breton brewing a former obama white house official said of sullivan in usa today. quote, those he referring to biden has chosen for key positions, have repeatedly failed the challenge, their own assumptions. it sadly led to the most unnecessarily embarrassing day in
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the history of the national security council. and then he went on to say, while he referring to sullivan knows all the series and academic arguments in foreign policy. his overseas experience as less robust, it can lead to the disconnect between ideas and implementation. now ted, this is an obama official. he called on jake sullivan to step down after this asked in disaster. what are your thoughts you should have and what jake sullivan should have resigned and so. so should have general miley and the chairman of the joint chiefs, the staff, it is their job to write up this entire plan to withdraw from afghanistan. and it was an abject failure. my, my brother is a career foreign service officer and he made the prediction back in march of 2021. that if we did not start withdrawing civilians in april of that
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year, that we would be pulling them off of the roof of the embassy within 6 months. and lo and behold, that's exactly what happened. um, all of the ford service agencies, the ground that they were on our country, all the, the leadership of our country was telling the administration that this is going to be a debacle if you don't plan it correctly. and jake celebrated and my molly and the president did not do what they needed to do to get the civilians out 1st before they withdraw the military. and we left tens of thousands, if not a 100000 civilians there that were put at risk that then we had to go in and air, lift them out. and they said that this was the greatest thing that ever happened in american history. was this error left? well that should have happened well before the military was withdrawn, it should never have gotten to that point in in the, the, the withdraw the 1st place. but that is who jake sullivan is. and i would argue that it wasn't just jake sullivan. there were other people in his office very young
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because jake sullivan's young, but even younger than he, it was with no experience that was implementing this. they had no military background, no foreign policy background, no intelligence background, and they were the ones that were writing up the plans for the withdrawal. and it resulted in 13 american servicemen being killed and a resulted in tens of thousands of american civilians being lifted out of there at the very last minute. and that will go down as the worst thing that ever happened in american history. and it happened under jo vibes administration right. coming up next to hillary clinton, deep out a ration for sullivan and other questionable relationships. we'll discuss it when we return with ted harvey said type a. m o will be right back. the the
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the west liberal leads continued to be afflicted by trucked arrangements, the very spot of truck returning to the white house as induced the sense of panic. can you think of a better example of stockholm syndrome the a day and this is new and never done before, which triggered the general that means national government cut it into the economy much maybe into that and then it goes, but definitely take that. yeah. because that's a yeah. and the printer to the 11th and yeah, i just wanted to come back and get it to us on the move to stand my son. he died the me not know a mess to the sick. it sick on the status. i need you to turn,
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this is a full turn, just is 75. i mean, so that interest at your home phone go off the strength of the should. i'll likely to get very loud. is the funny thing about you says true necessarily assume this will be to be much the most important loans. on the 1981 seeking to expand its property in north africa, france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bump bartman of the french fleet on coastal cities and was followed by sending in
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the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key city, these air and the bay of doing this bomb at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiations the bardo 3 d concluded with a colonialist, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however, the people up to an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the islamic clergy, the do easy is rose. do a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the french troops did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest fleet. within a year, the rebels were defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population, together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died
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during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy colonial authorities tried to deprive the country of its arrow by the entity and populated with european settling such an easy instead now brought up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades. until to an easier game, the independence in 1956 the the welcome back to the m. o i manila chant around the world. many in the global south are skeptical of hillary clinton domestically many find the 1st son hunter biden, to be a less than savory character. to put these mildly,
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so just what are jake sullivan's ties to these washington characters now, also worth noting back in 2015 sullivan, married a woman called maggie good lander. she's the deputy assistant attorney general to the ag merrick carlin, america's so called top law enforcement official. all right, talk more about this. let's bring in the former colorado state senator ted harvey to discuss so tad, the sullivan was hillary clinton's long time aid. before he hit 32 sullivan was one of her campaign advisors in 2008 and later became her right hand man. when she was secretary of state under obama, he was her go to advisor in her disastrous campaign for putting us back in 2016 when she was to donald trump. all the polling had indicated it would be a hillary land slide. now, critics who know him say that while bright,
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that he's just a guy that can't imagine worst case scenarios. so here we have hillary's 16 loss and then ask data stand under his watch or the critics write about sullivan. well, it wasn't just an advisor. the hillary clinton's campaign, she, he was hit her chief foreign policy advisor. he had no policy experience whatsoever . you had no foreign policy experience whatsoever. he was an attorney back in minnesota and was introduced to hillary clinton and suddenly he's her chief foreign policy advisor that tells you why she lost the election to see surround yourself with a bunch of novices. you didn't know what they were doing and he was a perfect example of that and. and when she was secretary of state, she, he was his, her deputy chief of staff we bought experience, does this young kid have to be the deputy chief of staff to the secretary state of the united states of america?
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but here we were with hillary clinton putting surrounding yourself with these kind of people. he's obviously very, very smart, very, very arrogant. but that doesn't mean that he should be setting the policy for the united states of america. yet there he was. and i think that speaks volumes to the fact that he is now jo biden's foreign policy at ok. all right, so some questionable associations here around sullivan. as it turns out, jake sullivan shared a board seat at a think tank alongside hunter biden when pop in joe was vp under obama. jake was also biden's national security advisor during that time that he was vp as well . hunter, as we know, was also on the board at the ukrainian energy company at that time. the younger biden is currently under investigation for these shady business dealings in places like china and ukraine, which also implicate papa joe sullivan was there. witnessing some of these meetings,
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you know, and it seems to me kind of sketchy like, sullivan knows where the bodies are buried. what do you think? well, i'm sure he knows where the bodies are buried. if he is that closely aligned with the administration, he is out, you know what is being what we know more and more each and every day is that he is a political hack. he has been working behind the scenes for joe biden and his family for years and years before he got on with the administration. and he was doing their dirty work. and he was obviously well aware of what was going on with the biden family working with the ukrainian government and funding hunter biden. he obviously was working very closely with hunter biden, and it should be no surprise that suddenly he is at one of the top levels of art
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this administration, when he has been working that closely with the family and, and either covering it up or just turning a blind eye to it, i don't know, but in either case he's just a political hack for the bite and family. a. yeah, not all goons are these big buff guys with guns sometimes. you know, they're the spin marathon runner who do competitive feed walking and i'm not even being sarcastic. care sullivan is a competitive speed walker. i didn't even know that was the thing. so it had most recently a nearly 4 year investigation by independent counsel, john durham on the whole, russia gate hoax. it's origination, the f, b i. these other 3 letter agencies in the development of this massive life implicates jake sullivan. as one of the masterminds of this propaganda that surely impacted the 2020 elections and forever mar the trump presidency. i know you've got
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a lot to say about these revelations from john durham as well. yes. it's really the durham report didn't say much that the american people didn't already know. it just put in place. the fact that an investigator, a legal investigator did all of the work necessary to prove that everything that the trump administration and been saying for years was actually the case. and jake sullivan was in the middle of it. if you remember back in the 2016 to 2015, 2016 election when there was all of this report that there was a bank that had direct access to the truck organization and it was a russian bank. and jake sullivan was out there talking to all the media. and hillary, clint was going on on the weekend, shows saying that this is pure evidence that there was a connection between russia and the trumpet administrator or trump campaign trump
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family. so that was all a lot and it was all put out there by jake and the hillary clinton campaign they knew from the get go, that it was a lie and they were just speeding it out there to cover up for hillary clinton and her e mail server that had all kinds of on class art or classified information on it that was out there for all of our enemies to see. and the, the, the jake sullivan is the one that was running interference for the campaign. and then he was the one that went to all of the media with the da ca that everybody now knows about. and it was because of his connections with the media through the hillary clinton campaign and, and working with her a secretary of state re establish these connections with. ready media, he was able to pump out there at the dasa as well. so again, he was the guy doing the dirty work is nothing more than
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a political hack before the radical laughter in america. and he did their dirty work for them. and here we are. he is now advising the president, has the year of the president every single day, and he's advising him on all kinds of foreign policy, which, which should scare everybody, not only in america, but also our allies. and finally had, when we look at the list of american national security advisors, sullivan being the youngest in 60 years, literally since the j f k era, how sullivan b, remember what's his calling card or what's his legacy going to be as well? i think his legacy should be an abject failure, and it should all begin and stop with the afghanistan withdrawal. he has done nothing of any significance to provide any successes for this administration. they all came in saying they were going to re enter the iranian nucular agreement. that
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never happened. he failed with the afghanistan withdraw. and you see what's going on with the ukranian war. and the administration 1st came into that whole scenario saying that they were going to pull out the president and they were going to run away from the, from ukraine. and then all of a sudden the ukranian people started fighting back. and now here is a jake and the president having to totally do a $180.00 and say that they're going to be they're fighting tooth and nail with the ukranian government to stop the the russians. so which is it, are you going to a bannon ukraine? or are you going to be there to fight with your brain and, and it has been such a debacle that now here we are getting close to world war 3 because of the abject failures of this administration to even understand what was going on in that situation. because this presidents around the south with people like the,
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the board, the board policy advisor who has no experience whatsoever to be in that position. well, you know, to quote president obama, when he was talking about early isis, i believe he called them j v junior varsity. that sounds exactly like what jake sullivan is here, junior varsity ted harvey. i got to leave it right there. unfortunately, thank you so much for your time. ted harvey is a former colorado state senator and chairman of the committee to defeat the president. check out the website, stop. a dot com to learn more. thank you, ted. you bet. thank you debbie on. thank you. it's been a great time. alright. it's quite disturbing to learn that someone so smart could be so inapt or perhaps unqualified. i guess a good analogy would be something like, you wouldn't want your auto mechanic no matter how awesome he is at fixing any problem in your car, to perform brain surgery,
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or even the other way around your surgeon, no matter how talented or educated is likely not going to know how to turn a wrench, and this might be how history will view jake sullivan, president biden's, current national security advisor. right? that's going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chan. thanks for tuning and we'll see you again next time and figure out the m. o. the everything had changed with her daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie, your daughter is having
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a diabetic ketoacidosis. i was miserable, i just felt sick and nauseous and hardest cancer diabetic prefer on her. obviously that affects every part inventory and assist in the american diabetes association is that the american diabetes association has been bought off by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corp see them every year . i wasn't given a specific diet i just told to inject and tap so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put this recommendations out, forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are. it's funny. low carbohydrate diet. there was
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a multiple $1000000000.00. they found the corporations that were go bankrupt and b is for wisdom. the wisdom that word order and indeed of us could you with that word order is now that beach and you will see in you agree, is the last that came by the americans and a few western allies that they have moved on to the dry to the being that it's a more upbeat in order that has no relation with the a small, the best of both known issue, but for the mobile,
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when he was an annual g d p per capita, it was about $4000.00 euros. the color in a mobile cuz i merely watched here the sleep of a man i got on the planet, across the ceiling from where this really inches. so just letting them allow me to come out, please make your lives or stop the the single, the thought of unemployment is off the charts, not most of us territorial integrity and sovereignty. we respect the country, which enjoys financial support from the u. s. m d u is constantly ross by political and corruption scandals. but older students go to google, obtaining a new candidate status in 2022. the
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small in the process and delegation as a new jet awhile to come to the new leadership. riley's to quote the threats of foreign let's say prevention from the west asking we also have we're about to efficient the newest, its main purpose is to surveil the behind the enemy lines as well as going to use is mostly bathroom pills. solution is to support is fixed on the brain confidence. the rush of emerging says it's so this have revealed, keeps forces from making and balances along the lines level weak prizes serge, following a series of e plenty of times on russians.
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