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tv   News  RT  August 10, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the text i'm putting notes up under that the breaking news this our original blow up of west of the nation is known as echo us. what is the deployment of it? stop by mid to full suggesting a concludes intervene in new jersey, a legit classified adulthood. change line, american news outlets. a real deals washington 1st to remove time based on spoiled 5 minutes and long con from pallet last year. so any assignments and the run, the loading survives to vote for the node close to the cold on allegations, but he didn't do enough to stuff effort in violet the eastern money for region, the
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life of last grow. this is on see, my name is was come on me in 30 minutes of news and use them to have top story this out of the west. african block, of course, has given the order to activate and deployed style. my forces to deal with the unfolding situation in these yeah, the statement comes as a saw myself is need is wraps up in the nigerian capital. this is a and a 2 weeks off. the, a 2 in the chair. direct the committee, a big chief of defense stuff, to activate the aqua stand by force, with all its elements immediately order the deployment of the equity stand by force to restore constitutional order in the republic of news yet. yes, the 2nd extraordinary, somebody to the airport as heads of states has just concluded about an hour ago here in abu jen nitrous capital. and what would be our cost had to state or leaders
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are deciding to do or decided to do from that meeting was to implement the resolution side seat already agreed upon last week. and i will go from the meeting that was held last thursday by to the request security chief, basically at west leaders of state. no option has been taken off the table. unbox include some, you know, a possible military invasion. also at classes calling on on, you know, after can you and the onto implemented sanctions and measures that, you know, he'd already had agreed upon, you know, a games people who are working, you know, a games. it's interventions in new share. so what are they doing? know if the african union of we'll get involved as well as just echo us at this stage for now. it, it is, of course, at this point, but what we do know is that african union, you know, this, we could try to choose $10000000.00 mediation or
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a delegation to research and meet with the ministry hunter. but unfortunately, that meeting was not very successful because of assets we, what we do know so far is that, you know, the printer has been rejected. uh, having any kind of audience with mediation teams coming from echo as coming from you know, the west and um it was on to yesterday and wednesday that um uh, a traditional. ready let me to send the suit from nigeria, you know, wednesday, and was able to meet with general abdur. i mean she, i knew what he said. he told john at least the documents in was not. he was not set right. as far as what was said by anyone. so he went on his phone, our court and you get described as part of his contribution, you know, and proud of his efforts to bring peace to the region. so advocate and do that and has tried to, you know, be a part of the delegation mission. go in there to the yes i have um, you know,
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negotiations with the military when trip website was not successful. we know that loss on the eco us med, they said that they did not have the minutes a might to interfere in it. has that changed? what we know, f, y for saying is that the ones to, or, you know, once the use of military forced us as the last resort, i need the same. but i did want to continue to explore diplomatic means it will continue to explore and they go through some, some with the military wouldn't try. but what we do know is that, you know, it's nigeria band, the as well be contributing. most of the, you know, troops, boots on the ground when it comes to, and of course some ministry for us because it is the largest in the region. it is also. ready a country that contributes a lot of the financing that you know, the region use this and it's 5 against. um, so are you saying, i mean it's joy military appraise as echo as site is lots i don't believe but and
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for us might not have them. you know, the military power to innovate and these are, i think what is in question here is some of you know, the will and not really something i think has been affected by the kind of backlash that, of course, has been facing in the region. basically a lot of africans, you know, same job at cost, you know, could focus more on power button issues, especially in nigeria. people say that there are local problems, he ever drops, you know, major and press and products in a book who is the app was chairman, could focus on and, you know, not wanting to engage, you know, to be sure on dr. what's going to some excellent save, i'd like to read as economy nigeria, security problems, you know, already normal enough on their own, you know, for nigeria to be taken on the lupsi. um, you know, goal it, you know what, when he tries to invade me, share this so as a nation, as he moves he knew the ship took steps to full nights government with 21 minutes
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taking up cabinet positions. 3 of the generals who helped over through the previous president, one named as defined smith, his father recently rejected payments, vine each other. it violated the west african nations space and conducted the time on local mentioned forces. while the jazz said the incident enabled, quote, terrace prison, us escape from a detention facility, just a brief room. i know the rapids involving events in these ad 2 weeks ago, a cruise. so the minute the impose the lead to, i'm take control of the country, said c 8 to was this something into chaos on the then present the zoom. he's being replaced by the come on, the presidential gods units. general c on e and a new prime is a, has since been up. clinton also says of the uprising the nation have been hit with
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a ross. the polish mentions from you being countries the us and solve its neighbors . but now for the heads of states have appealed to the equity from west africa, loved to lift its restrictions, claiming they could hit innocent people hauled due to their immediacy, scale, and effect. these sanctions are unprecedented in the history of our common organization and at the level of our continent there unbearable and effective and inappropriate and will have unimaginable catastrophic consequences on this year. and especially on it's hard working population already sorely tired. this is all the 1st country that sold to the heart, false of echo us and prove the seed targeted molly looking at fast. so i'm getting the barrage of financial sanctions while i move into the also we heard from locals about so the impacts of instructions on the to the lives the because
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the sanctions always have harmful consequences. the especially way on a country since the sanctions were imposed in molly, the countries accounts have been frozen. this has had an impact on food prices. we have seen prices go up. what was sold as a 100 francs is now double that price. so the sanctions were really negative for the country, no federal gun. i support the people of new year because it is the people who are always offering such situations, whether with a democratically elected president or with the president who merge from a crew. so people suffer. i call them nicholas to reconsider its approach because sanctions do not affect the leaders, the always affect the population that's available. erica was, has applied a number of sanctions on booking at fossil that will also apply to other countries . molly and recently needs. yeah. we see that the echo was, meets it is to take sanctions against the population even what is happening in these? yeah, both in the fall. so molly, well all be attacked by terrace and it just also off to these new jerry. and so
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just to take their responsibilities and to exterminate the terrace in order to save their country, the african people are suffering because of this kind of sanctions look, for example, i teach here. i think there are many things that have risen in price. people are suffering when prices rise there it is automatically affects us and work in a here, as in molly, in many countries, and i fully support new share africans 1st, we must be united to fight for our freedom. echo us has to help its members states to free themselves from europe in imperialism, and not to force them to remain submissive to the europeans. as of the situation. and these had developed so full main surgeon in the west i from company has lost a movement opposing the new men. if you need a ship, i'm looking to reinstate the alice's president. of the at least spoke with nigerian reports assign low on it. says the empty to move, but is cooling for resistance, but not
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a revolution. as you call this is the use as it and the but to be learning the position would be not low enough. but i mean the, the military for the country and he's not the colon to it kind of, uh, the reason he's on the calling for it is folks and not. so what happens to that station in the next few days, what we expect the end to us and we are hoping to get out to the i'm but it was under the under the disease. and the decision is the same for us. how they think and let us as the company as the people example into about that because we are suffering since uh they can over from the 26th and who low supplemental from the decision to patients out. look at the steve we, i was opening for them. the color then opened up with this,
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this formation on the minutes of the the cd with scott was indeed by yourself 5 minutes as called for parliament to be dissolved paving the way for the general election or on the constitution. elections should now be held within 90 days, however, on the outgoing governments of anyone that voting is likely to be delayed due to security. i'm an ongoing political crisis, and allison k was an appeal hearing got underway for the former prime minister in long con, who's jail law suite. he's been to the heart of this will turn while since he was outset as needed last year. the extra get started may see popular but has been bought from politics for 5 years. new off washington said it's concerned with any actions in progress on that could contribute to instability and violence comes as
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the intercept news outlook has publish and a legit, diplomatic cable between private dogs. i'm boss of the to the us of it's 5 of cause housing and state department officials, office kelly bolton boards. the recently revealed diplomatic cable concerns, so they want m, ron kon told his supporters all along was true. washington did it. the intercept, as now publish the text of the diplomatic table that shows that the us state department made one thing clear to the pakistani officials they met with m. ron con, must go, i think of the know confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds. oh, best of given in washington because the russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister. so what exactly does he mean when he says all will be forgiven over the visit to moscow? well, apparently one of the main reasons the united states wanted to get rid of him,
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ron khan, is because he went and visited russia. and furthermore, he wasn't lining up with the united states when it came to ukraine. however, washington still insist this does not amount to meddling. um, yes, it's a, it's a report reporting to be a pakistani document. i can't speak to whether it is an actual pakistani document or not just simply don't know with respect to the comments that were reported. not gonna speak to private diplomatic exchanges, other than to say that even if those comments were accurate as reported, they in no way shows united states taking a position onto the leader of pakistan on a b. now these revelations shouldn't be a shock or to any of em, ron kon supporters. from the moment his allister was in the works, he was raising the alarm. how many a company come to america has? oh, not america, but a foreign country. i can name. i mean, from a foreign country,
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we received a message. they said that our anger will vanish if the wrong con loses this no confidence vote, some of after hinting at what was now revealed in this cable to be true in ron khan . last, not only his power, but his freedom. all of this should be kept in mind. the next time we hear us officials talking about foreign madeline, a cable, mauppin archie, new york, nationally. so i was with rove half of them all the information and the secretary with the pci policy, which in mancha and had, sees a cable cruise watts on the phone on 5 minutes has been saying about foreign powers interfering in packets of internal affairs. the one hand, it validates the contention that i understood and run con, as always, the chicken that had been in defendants and bought this off the dental affairs, which was communicated by the dental office. sonya about this patient in the united
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states of america best, the cheap so he always contended that is amounted to agent of interest. adams, which was also watched for by the national security committee meeting vicki to be, which was attended by the guy a civilian and military leadership role in x. and it's a statement issue that goes out that beating it had contented that uh, besides what amounted to patient defense and box public tentative for us. and it also decided to separate demolish on the united states of america, both in washington and in your style about which was data. so now important thing is that the next session to go to the committee meeting was designed to go with not by the den prime district and broadcom, but by the next round this to ship all should be in which the contents of the previous national security committee meeting were re entry,
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that means it will concede that there had been believed into defendants and fighters sondra to the repairs. so the fact that into set does not come up in the complete to board and incomplete. uh uh you know, the job site for uh, the only tools back to what iraq on had been saying. all of them was, was absolutely correct. anyway, you can contact key if have announced them on the street. in fact, you wasting a residence from the eastern city beyond, i'm to nearby areas. it goes as the crane is admitted, russian food. so make involved says in the region all see cause one on the cool is a, is a small details on the latest developments. the russian troops are essentially making significant advances in the ukrainian health region of carter cove, where mandatory evacuations had been declared in the city of co ganske and and suburbs surrounding that city. now, according to media reports,
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russian troops are about 7 kilometers away from coupons, right? now and ukrainian military installations there are already within range of the artillery of these advancing forces. now, russia's ministry defense also released some new information in terms of ukrainian losses in terms and we saw how it said that they're saying that they've suffered 55 losses in casualties over just 24 hours. and they've also lost a number of western supply. the armored vehicles as well as artillery pieces in total 7 ukrainian attacks had been repelled there as well as in the neighboring russian region of the guns of people's republic. on top of that, we've got new information as well on the, on how things are going on the done yet from the russian defense ministry report said that 17 ukrainian attacks have been repelled there and the russian forces have launched 2 major strikes, both on ukrainian decision making centers in the den,
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yes, people's republic, and on a warehouse as well over the span of 24 hours. ukrainian forces have lost 290 troops as a result of all that fighting. so this is basically the latest information that we have from russian military officials in terms of what's going on across those offensive areas. and the as prime minister has defeated a new confidence most imposed by rival policies. the opposition is lead that she doesn't render emotive, inaction drain months of violence in the east and save the money for which left over a $150.00 people dead. this is the 2nd, the 1st motion that most of these government has faced in 9 years off the cost of a lot more to shut him up in just more details as what we basically saw was not surprising because this no confidence motion of that was moved by congress is going great. this never was really about the numbers. it has never really about the
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opposition trying to make the government to woodson majority in the house. this really was abbas a bottle of perception about a little narrative in that sense ahead of the 2024 elections that india is due for the next 2 or india, i remember is going to choose the next 5 minutes. so of the country somewhere in me next year. so the off position wanted to take that jobs and really talk about government shopped, coming in the fall, them in which indeed each spend a considerable amount of time talking about money for how the government has failed to be full of money for. * decides several dads or one pretty people have died thousands of displeased it's been over 3 months. that's the government has been able to contain the wild instrument, the boat in the center, and the safety of his moody governments, b, g d, his political, faulty part,
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the general body which is saving money for know mr. moore, the, he just slides to all the allegations that works, leveled against him and his party. mr. moody gave to our whole team minutes long sleeved where well, he started by attacking the off position, particularly the gun. these without naming them, but also making it abundantly clear of the he's talking about them. there has been plenty of debates over the new confidence motion brought forth by the opposition. it would have been better if they had come with as much enthusiasm to discuss policies. some parties in opposition with their behavior under actions have made one thing clear as the party is bigger than the country. the 1st priority is the party. you, the opposition do not care about the hungry poor. the only hunger you care about is your hunger for power. mister movie also took this opportunity to talk about what
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he government have done in the last 9 years for india. and so in doing so, really, mr movie also took you to the jobs to talk about how he's twins, his bossy sins of the, of the, both the opposition that the government going to should more the sort of see how we saw how i'm forced to be in the indian fall, the month of march, then what, what else happens to fall them into another dramatic event, which is that often mr. moody went on to speak about. and 3 is who governments the position staged a walk out of the following month. and that's where towards the end listen more, the spoke about a little bit about money board, but not in a sense taking responsibility. also tell you the position that it is consecutive governments that appeals to people in money for because remember the flashes that are taking b as in the systemic while which is taking place in the state of money for the for
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the lines of read are decades old. and that's what mr. movie, as they're pointed out to me, some of the gymnastic and d in the indian solomons and how it would in fact 2024. the election states. and the only movie is basically he derives his total jeep, not from the parliament, but from the ground. with these connect with the losses, with his voltage across india. also what happens to the scene of the fall element? why it's being called a value of perception. it will have little or no insights on the elections, which it is due for next year. ahead of jo buttons, visit the deli next model for the g 20 summit. the usa development has released a statement criticising in this tri, quite old on religious rights. a regular race, human rights concerns with countries with which we engage have done so in the past
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with india and will do so in the future. we have made it very clear that we oppose the persecution of christians, and we oppose the persecution of any religious group, no matter where it takes place in the world. spot saving columns off of the us published a report earlier this year, living in the law enforcement of a testing really just minorities in the country, particularly the christians. i rosen's day rejects the claims with the ministry of external affairs, stating the accusations of the quote based on misinformation and flawed understanding. i made the us asian us to defend the rights of christians in india, washington as conveniently for the onto the that in the syria where the christians population has been suffering brittany, of the hands of american back insurgents. while any inquiry, one of all the adults for cmc is most important sites. the chief put test phone number was targeted and the head of it's clear, the metropolitan provo arrested,
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assigned band of $91000000.00. us, all of that condemnation from the nation's largest benefit to the us is how the country's form of vice president defended it. the leader of the orthodox church assured me that there's a lensky government in ukraine was respecting religious liberty even while recognizing that there were very small elements of the russian orthodox church that were being utilized for the purpose of advancing the russian cause in ukraine. and that they were, they were taking steps to hold them to account. oh, i'm confused on this question. it's very clear that there's once the government has arrested increase for having views they disagree with. that's not consistent with the religious liberty as an attack on it. but i sincerely wonder how a christian leader could support the rest of christians for having different views about what, what, what i can tell you is i asked the christian leader in care of if that was in fact
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happening. and he assured me that it was not waste, but to do political honest pro for sons who says that washington pursues his own personal interest by targeting india and many other nations. it is a double standard by us that has been a se one that was known literally cloudy, planted couple of. ready ready facts, a legacy or software that was how us is on the other thing in the other. because because see that in the as a lots us in the us. the asked on wall balls was in the, as of across the country. and then we strongly forward within the country. and in this way the us will have a lot of difficulty to do that. we can see next wednesday you will probably us is not just haven't done this. you manipulation us, but they haven't done the blue. so then there is some light on that i'm relation to the various countries data be for the to see you, so that
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a new link cuz they didn't play it in modern mall. mall country been by a business from them. and they, in this, with the community, certainly between the 2 bands these yes, so making money, us out of the supply, benson immunizations and obviously there, there is countries you've got the top diploma for the last out at the will buying saying is quotes hypocrisy for the us based lender to cut times with the east african country over m t hope mistakes show as the rules. the world bank has refused to continue letting the minds you've done that unless it changes as domestic laws, the bidding homeless, sexual into goals and responses. the african nations pharmacist said that in the space it was inactive. i'm elective government and the effects move will of the people he said west some how's go around telling others about democracy? and yet they themselves don't follow those principles in the following policies.
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to get more on this, this close to live now to the senior press. secretary for the president of uganda, this assigned online as well as cindy. so thank you so much for joining us here. this is an outrageous thing to hear from the world. but let's get straight to the point. what are your thoughts on this a web? i'm trying to leverage something that says services gay. right? so, i mean, what's fine about to uh, thank you for having me and uh yes, i think it's uh, like the president uh said he issued out the statement i yesterday, where he chose very categories, really clear that uh, we shall not be cool lest by any video in the test, whether it's the word bunk because it's very unfortunate, really, really unfortunate that the one to force us to actually abundant healthy, you know,
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our codes yellow principles, you know, also friendship because of my me. i think it's very unfortunately the buckets done and i liked the best and said that they should really, really not under estimate us because of what they have done. you mentioned, i mean, the strangest thing is unless what i couldn't get my head round is why they knew about things that it's a could interfere with another government internal business. i mean, the people clearly voted for uh, the principals and cultural in the country. but what do things behind this, i mean, do you think there's somebody behind this or do thing, there's a country behind this. the thing is known to be a motive here, or i don't think it's, there's a particular country behind it. i think it's really just that um the wisdom. ready the so called democracy feels that, yes, we should abide by everything that to come up with. i mean,
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this was very clear way of solving the country we, as of a nation, when we, we decided as a nation, we went to parliament, this law was passed. we went through it with the, with united states, and it is the week of the people and i think that is very, keep the will of the people once you've gotten it. okay. so i don't understand why all of a sudden the bus wakes up and says, you know, i'd guys like to be cut off loan. so any supports for you've done that because of that. i mean, it is ludicrous to, to even come up with a statement like that to just to be, you know, so it, we, we have bustled to but that's what it is. we will move on without them. and if they choose to, to actually change the position so they will come back, we will not, i know people will not change because because of my, me know, that's one of the uh, so in the back is based in the us and the, the us side of the state for this express displeasure with the passage of the
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homeless sexuality laur is that look connection? do you think? well, what are your thoughts on where somebody is that so cool? a fixed narrative? exactly. yeah. i mean, i think, i think, to be honest with you, i would, i would imagine that, um, perhaps, and i may be wrong, but perhaps the pressure is from the bunk. and i, the uh, wisdom countries like the united states perhaps as put the pressure on the bunk to the extent. but you have, they have caved in into, into that. which is, which is, which is side really, to be honest with you. because if you think about technology currently, so you use your stopped, you'd say because of a low that you've done the past, you should stop giving them support. and yet they are children perhaps who wouldn't have benefited.


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