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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 11, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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the, the the hi everybody, i'm rick sanchez. i've been doing news for 30 years now and 2 different languages all over the world here in the united states. i've interviewed for us presidents. i've worked at 4 of the largest television networks in the united states. and after all that, you know what i can say, i believe news should be honest, it should be direct and it should be impactful. this is direct impact. the . so let me start with this. recently we've been seeing ukrainian president watermark zalinski out on what appears to be a very well orchestrated public relations tour. meeting with leaders of several
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countries. why? well, what we're going to get to that in just a moment. you stay right there, don't go away because i want to get to that. but 1st, i want to examine some of these uh, recent visits that mr. zalinski has been taking. he dashed off to berlin, where he met with german leaders, including transfer all off shoals and realm. he met with the prime minister george, i'm only at the vatican. he met with the pope francis and paris, who reportedly had a 3 hour meeting with president monro, my crown that he was off to saudi arabia to meet with our leaders and eventually to the d 7 summit. if you throw in that g 7 invitation and what you have is on the honest to goodness world tour that members of the western media have been laughing not covering the former comedian as if he were eldest himself. but failing to analyze along the way, it seems, must be on that in terms of both the mission and the ban.
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so let's do this. presidential lensky has assured all of the countries that he's received assistance from in the form of funding or weapons that he would never ever use their weapons to attack russia. well, in any way, expand the conflict outside of ukraine's foreigners. but that my friends appears to not be true. according to the washington post, they are intercept to digital communications that reveal the presidential lensky is a leader with some aggressive instincts, in contrast to his public facing image as calm and statesman like. now i want to share with you just some of the lensky comments made behind closed doors. that the us kind of gone an intel sources have already intercepted. let me take you through some of these. so pete proposed occupying rushing villages to gain leverage over moscow and negotiations. he was overheard arguing for more long range
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missiles so that he can use them to get targets inside rushes, borders. and get this in a meeting and mid february with his deputy prime minister. mister zalinski made what may be his most worrisome threat when it comes to your p and nations. you see, when he discussed attacking a country which has a memory made. oh, so in this conversation, so landscape suggests blowing up a pipeline that provides oil to hungry quote. this is what he said, just blow up the pipeline and destroy victor or bonds in the street. for ben, as you probably know, is under his prime minister. regardless, these comments, by so wednesday, taking it face value are bound to give some western leaders heartburn for fear that the weapons that they supply so lensky with could be used. it can sort of their own member nations. like i said, the hungry is a member of nato. what's your name?
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what's even more worrisome? about not so much what zalinski says, cause not i want to take you through what so lensky does. and what is a bit of a rare exception to the normal reporting on ukraine? so new york times recently wrote about a series of attacks that ukraine has undertaken. inside russia, the list includes low flying ukrainian helicopters that crossed into russia in april and fired on an oil depot in the city of belgrade. it's 20 miles from the border by the way, in russia, as well as an attack on an oil depot in late april in the city of brians, which is a 100 miles from the ukrainian border. and i've talked to him, cry me, attack him, cry meal on the saki air base back in august. so, despite what leaders who meet with so lensky say publicly about their relationship
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with the former community and one must wonder what they may really be thinking and maybe don't reveal. i mean, especially given what is now becoming a pattern of words and actions that seem to paint zalinski in a very different way from how he's presented to us by the western media. okay, i wanted to take you through all of that and now have this discussion with someone who is the perfect guy to talk to about this. this is that a small he is the latin american editor of executive intelligence, review dentist extra much for john is actually being with us. oh, my pleasure to talking to you, right? i always, i, i guess we just have to start with that, that literally a thing that i just talked to you and our audience through the, the worry, some things that's a lensky has said that he's been recorded saying, you know, surreptitiously. and these, the attacks that even the new york times is writing about that he's undertaken
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inside russia. what does that say about zalinski? well, you know, i think the situation, the picture that you paint is worse and indeed, but the situation, the real situation is actually worse for a couple reasons. zaleski is simply the dummy to the british and washington ventriloquists. he is a comedian, uh but what his issues from his mouth is scripted elsewhere. in addition to the countries that you mentioned that he visited. perhaps the most important of all was his trip to london. where he was receiving the vice prime minister sooner was it what we call a process of latin america. horses and shakes. yeah. they were just total betsy's and he told the sooner, but the reason he was there was to establish a finder, jet coalition. you know, what happened is 2 days later,
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the united states finally did agree that they would allow f sixteens to be sent and they would be involved in training pilots. and every single step of the way it has been the british followed by the united states, which are left away exactly where mr. zalinski is gone. the problem here is not ukraine. and so let's see other problem and off the picture you painted is pretty clear. yeah, the problem is it, this is a nato design offensive against russia with a stated intention of destroying dismember in that country using ukraine as a bird dog. that's also some way you can use in that process to the way you made. she didn't sound dennis. it is almost as if, if not for the lensky, they would have used someone else. in other words, i don't mean to disparage mister zalesky, but it almost sounds like he's just a tool in this arsenal. fair. yeah, he is. and it's not,
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it's not to lensky someone else and also not ukraine. some other excuse. this is a long design. the policy was intention, stated only by the british, is to take the confrontation with russia to the point of threatened or actual thermal warfare. you see the problem is why, why, why, why, why i just, i hear you say that and as frightened as i am, i'm also just as curious to think what would be the purpose for our country to do something which sounds so dangerous. and if you don't mind my using the word stupid, because the global financial system whose centers are in the city of london and wall street are facing a systemic break down crisis. we have to quadrillion. dollars of financial advocates, mainly derivative speculation on speculation on speculation. to quite a 1000000, by the way is 2 followed by 15 zeros. don't try to count it. you'll never get there
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. i can't say to the bottle. it is a speculative bubble. it's a cancer they are trying to maintain intact and they cannot tolerate in any way. and opposition arising around the world to the policies of wall street. the city of china and russia and the global sounds are saying, you know what, we don't want to say with the titanic. we want to go our own way. yeah. but, and so i, the, i, i'm sorry, that's a 2nd time i've interrupted you and i must seem rude to our viewers. and i want to apologize to them because i didn't mean to, but it's just the, you're saying things that are making me think i'm my automatic. my automatic response is it's not like we want to start a nuclear war, right? we're not, we're not, you're not saying we're looking for world war 3. are you denise? what's going on today is more dangerous, more of a crisis, and the cuban missile crisis of 1962 accept this time to see verse. the stated
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policy of the top level british officials, is to take the situation to the range of governmental war, including the possibility of launching what they think would be a limited tactical war. specifically, i'll give you chapter and verse malcolm trawlers the deputy director of lucy, the royal united services institute, which is the oldest and most respected british thing tank. stated back in march of last year. that what's needed is to create a crime in missile crisis. and he says specifically, yes, it could lead to also the clear confrontation, but that's the only way to finally get the russians to back down the problem today as you and your viewers on data, we know is that a 1962 in the cuban missile crisis we had 2 leaders who decided at a certain point that they could not proceed down the out of the confrontation and both president john kennedy and khrushchev decided this had to be negotiated and
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couldn't go on today. that's not correct. and we have an aggressive natal policy, zalinski is being led around by the nose to carry this policy out. and this is escalating and escalating an escalating. and it's been a british at every point, followed by the united states. exactly what john quincy adams at the united states should never do. which is to be the cup boat in the wake of the british man of war . that is exactly we're doing. there's been a lot of talk lately and lots of articles that i've been reading that seem to suggest that we, our country, yours of mine, the united states is a country that more than ever just needs to be in a state of constant more. and that we saw it with what happened then. obviously in your generation of mine, we lived at the vietnam, vietnam ended, and we started the war on terror. what ever the hell that was,
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and now that the war on terror has either waned or is waning. we need a new front cuz we just have to be in the state drive. and the new front is china and russia. what do you make of that? i think that's a policy, but i don't think it's the united states. i think this is the financial interest of wall street in the city of london. and i, as in american and you as an american, clearly don't agree with the policies of financial interests that have to quadrillion dollars is becky with the cancer. and in order to protect that, are prepared to destroy the world. not to mention the looting and genocide which they are carrying out and using the word like genocide, it happens to be factually correct. the number of deaths produced by the banking policies of looting and not allowing countries to develop is in the millions. and i ascribe those policy not to the united states of america, they were certainly not the policies with john f. kennedy. they were not the
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policies with franklin roosevelt. they were not the policies with lincoln. they were not the policies with ronald reagan, it's across party devise. and it's not the policies on which our country was founded. it's the policies of financial interest which are today running the show in london and washington and the time that americans begin to raise our voices against these kinds of policies before we get dragged into a confrontation by mistake or by intention. but either way, that's the direction this is going where are the statesman? where are the john kennedy's? that's the question that we're going to go after. when we come back, i want you to stay right. there's dentist if you possibly could, cuz i want to continue this conversation with some other words that were spoken. not long after that that also come into play here. by the way, i should tell you that i have a broadcast where as a journalist, as a lot to, you know, as an entrepreneur, i tell my story. i share some of the lessons that i have learned that i talk about
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some of the things that we talk about. for example, during this show right now, it's called the rick sanchez podcast. i invite you to check it out. so when we come back, is ukraine going rogue? and could this escalate as a country finds itself in an increasingly desperate military situation? that's the concern explained by our guest. and we're going to continue that conversation to stay right there. the as the prince much over 5 to count her offensive stalls. western leaders have made a remarkable rhetorical pivot. lining says, proof of his already lost the board. the secretary of state blinking says russia has lost their narrative because a form of pseudo reality because making the claim ukraine is wendy,
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is untenable. the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, okay, welcome back. an important update for you. uh, i'm gonna drone attack the one on the kremlin back on may 3rd. you remember that right? they've shown it several times. you saw the puff of smoke and all that. it was the one that russia blamed on you crane. and you came blamed on russia as in that russia attacked itself for some reason. why would russia do that? right. who knows? well, guess what? the us state department officials in the united states and us intel. now say it was ukraine. they have confirmed it was ukraine who attacked intel official say the attack was likely orchestrated by one of ukraine, special military or intelligence units. they say they don't know which unit
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carried out the attack. and they say, it's unclear whether president lensky or one of his top officials were aware of the operation. this information comes by way of intercepted communications inside ukraine. and they say they're going to likely now cause the, it'll probably cause more. harper, to both abiding administration and other western nations, have given their, their full support to the lensky now, knowing that even the us intel community is saying, he tried to attack the kremlin. wow, this is a fascinating development in this story. what do you make of that dentist? it was pretty obvious from the beginning. ready this thing was not carried by the russians. they didn't attach themselves. your name? yeah, exactly. all those were the charges. this is a call slack operation. but it's also the case quite clearly that or anything that is done by the ukrainians has checked the cross check with both the british of the
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united states. now some people say, well, this wasn't the serious attack. after all, it didn't have enough explosive charge to really get put and then everybody knows brewton doesn't sleep in the kremlin. that displays a certain amount of time, either today or lack of knowledge of how actual professional it's have occurred over the decades. and that is, there always pros, you're always attempts to see how the response is going to be, what is going to be the military response? what's the psychological response? what's the political response, what's gonna happen otherwise? and so this drone attack the truck, the kremlin properly talked as part of an assassination attempt on, on putting in the problem the ukrainians are carrying out many attacks of this sort . this most recent, one of the rate across both are on there in russia, in russian territory. yep. this was carried out by they are saying that were you
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planning and say, oh, it wasn't us, we didn't do this, it was some russian dissidence. and so the point here is that although the ukrainians made promise that they are not going to use western weapons, whether it be, for example, the storm shadow missiles that the british gave them, or the tanks or this out in the other to attack into russian territory only in ukraine territory. so let me say 2 things about the number one. they lie. so nothing can be taken to take sides, but most important. the russians consider a crime the, as part of russia they considered done by us as part of russia. now, people can believe whatever they want or think what they want on that. but if there is an attack with those weapons by ukraine on crimea, russia will view that as an attack on their territory. and it has been their territory since 2014 and many decades before that. so we're really dancing at the edge of
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a total provocation. now there are groups in the ukranian government that are extremely, extremely extreme. they're just far out there, hopefully nazi or neo nazi. and both the russian must simply be exterminated, period, exterminated? referring to the ass off battalion per one. and i'm referring to some of the special units that raise across and over. they are known as nazis. they use nazi and sidney is and so on. and what these groups have done is they have set up an apparatus inside ukraine and outside internationally to finger people who they disagree with for assassination. now, what i'm going to tell you here is going to make some people very unhappy and uncomfortable. the ccd, the center for capturing this information is
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a ukrainian government agencies under the presidency. that agency provides information to the hip group called we wrote the boards for the assassins, the nazi assassins. they have finger and assassinated people inside ukraine and elsewhere. and the ccd receives the funding of the united states state farm. the people on that list, the ccd in the meter blackslist include for the presidential candidates, including for example, rand paul was the center civic center. it includes the policy gathered. it includes the head of the show or institute which, which is the original event. how does that flourish, and it includes other prominent people. what are they accused of? their accused of suing for peace of trying to find a peaceful, negotiated solution to this. so what's the high end of this drive for more? is a very serious threat. and anyone who has looked at what has happened to john kennedy
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and others, and try to solve a problem in a way that is not to the liking of wall street in the city of london. know that there's potentially very big price to be paid. there was one woman recently killed . there was a woman killed recently in russia. daria do, he and daughter are private russian nationally. she was killed in her vehicle, blew up in a moscow summer of august 20th. and us officials say they book us officials admitted that it was the u. k. that the you can ukraine government somehow authorized that attack. that's, that's, that's, that's crazy right now. the kind of thing i'm talking about in dial do mean i was on the mayor of florence less before hand. and they have a list which is meant to be scandalous, they put up it lists and pictures. and when she was still, they put
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a big red x through her with the words and ukrainian terminated. so that's what they're doing. they are targeting, besides ukraine's and russians, and they are targeting american citizens, presidential candidates, a citizen sen, other for figures, and that is financed by the state department of the united states. and of course, the british. so wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait time out. you just said something that's pretty important that we probably should drill down a little bit so, so you're saying the forces inside ukraine. some of them perhaps tied to this group of neo nazis, is effort going to try and take out people who are against their cause, including candidates for office here in the united states. can you be more specific? i'm sure i'll be glad to. one of those such candidates is diane sayer,
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who is part of the original when she was candidate for a senate, you know, and his candidate for center in the state of new york. against sure analogous joe around photo were in favor of the war. but diane's air is very much against it. rand paul was on that list. chelsea gabbert was on that list. she's a former democratic presidential pre candidate. and all those people. and one thing in common in case those of you watching us overseas, who don't know who these people are in the united states, they're part of the american politics. some of them are on the left, some of them are on the right, but they all have one thing in common there and t more. they're trying to stop the united states foreign policy for being so much for endless wars, continued dennis, i think that's exactly the case from all different ideologies. i don't share views of the people that i just mentioned to me and they have another figure who is on that list of scott ritter, who is well known as he's a former weapons inspector for the united nations, a prominent spokesman against the war he's been on the hit list of these people as
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well. and when it was 1st put out, the number one person on that list was hell goes after the rouge of the founder of the shell, or institute, the way loveland laroche. and she remains prominently there in the list of 70 people. the top 20 or 30 people were people who had spoken that conferences of assurance to, to and the only thing that they share was a commitment to try to stop the war. and we fought and continue to fight about everything else under the sun, the same to silence those voices. do you think it's i know there's guys like you and there's journalist like myself and others who are least trying to ask the right questions as to why we keep hopping from war to war to war. and i mean, what are we up to now 75000000000 and in, in, in the ukraine. i mean, money we spent, and 20 years and a half down to stand for. no, actually, we got, actually one of those 20 years is crazy. and i guess i, i disagree with that,
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we did get something out of it while the harrell, whenever we got a heroine epidemic. because under the control of nato forces and the united states and the british in particular, in southern afghanistan and any on problems. what happened was a boom of heroine, production exports being committed to the united states of america. and these things are very connected, rick. because it turns out that the actual control of the drug trade internationally is in the hands of the same banks and financial interest that i was referring to before they are the ones that longer the drug money, the trillion dollars a year, it's been shown in senate hearings over and over again. so there's a, a really bad and that's the problems that come together. dennis, you are a delightful gas. thanks so much for sharing your, your wisdom with us then a small is a lot in american editor executive intelligence review. thanks again. denise,
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my pleasure. well, before i go, i want to remind you of our mission here. and maybe you just saw it unfold in that conversation that i just had with that it's simple, really. we want to try and be silo the world. we've got to stop living in these little boxes where you gotta be on one side or you gotta be on the other side troops. truth is everywhere and it doesn't live in boxes. and that's what we tried it. public sanchez. so i'll be looking for you again right here, where we hoped to provide a direct impact by calling the a started in 1983 session with my father on a young man. the site that's all exactly the same as a kid does. when he goes out in the lake and the communities present for
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a parent is with a rod and reel families and calendars for a really long time. my mom was pregnant with me still long winding. and i grew up on long island. i've been having this issue since probably 1970 was my 1st year that i seriously pointed to the explained of, of i am us is near historical levels. growth rate has dropped calling when it's done and it's worst form has of leveling effect. and it has a tendency to really just sort of strip away everything that's there. the wave fisheries are changing. it's the way our country is cindy. it's increasingly hard for small businesses to make it abundant. stocks are important. i mean, who wants to fish the last bit, the message i would leave to you is the importance of not giving up the importance of working together and also the importance of taking care of your corner of the ocean.
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never be a victory for russia. wait solution, see when you're not done by can locate me of this as a war between russia and the united states made it comes to know she's chipped, her forces are and you're not in your engaging conflict with russian forces. american forces are here to defend nato allies of needle escalates even more in the special military operation. becoming more bills of sounds like the social is much to see if the i see the youth was custody of believe slaves please be sure you can use the most of them. let's see. let's
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just all finished. and then you see what understand i see the release of come to the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. nothing was all sense and up the speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say even closer to


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