tv News RT August 14, 2023 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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the others and also the importance of taking care of your corner of the ocean. the, these areas who government is open to dialogue with echo was as at 6 to resolve a stand off with a block and put an end to escalating tensions in the region. also this hour, the and r t crew gets expensive access to the front lines of the gas for public for various bottles are underway. first hand report from the ground coming up in a few minutes. plus, this is a piece of mars here to market nothings and it was southeastern pork city of trouble haul. our top tourist attraction for the next truck to us. fuel shrinks at
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their striking resemblance to the right products are t explores. the beauty of travel higher are unique region of iran which attracts travelers and adventures. speakers with as landscapes resembling tenant mars. and the u. k. schools have again removing classic novels and award winning books from the reading list and a bid to the colonized curriculum. we discussed the issue with our guest is not a solution, right? didn't get off on the is not this to just be decent step in the right direction to see them doing this because that's what happens if the minds of the color life happens in the fall of days that it doesn't happen them on the phone lines. the, the live from moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. we starts in the african continent where our new shares,
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military government has agreed to hold direct talks with eagle was. that's according to the head of a new sherry and delegation, who met with these arrows? leadership in a bid to put an end to the crisis in the region. a local journalist from nigeria, tennessee will be a soon reports. well, there are positive developments coming out of these are, this is i'm, i'm on the lead to science, but that could be some level of um, welcoming or acceptance our from, you know, dialogue and talk to these. these are the 1st time they're openly declared. are in but it would be interested in whole being talk some with apple watch. so what this also goes to show is that a pop the a pass from echo as ship saying that it was ready on thursday. you know, to do. busy or activate, it's a stand probably a military force. the negotiations could be expected in the coming days. we have
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but so when back it is going to be exact. ready but we expect that one of the things that could be on that table would be to release a price of how much assume and also the possibility of problems, you know, power, there can be reinstated as the president of the country. now, how does that go? it's going to play out is what we did not know what we could take much longer before a complete resolution is reached. the new military governments and these air has also announced it could prosecute the post president mohammed by zoom for high treason. and due to the new jersey and governments, a sofa, good evidence to prosecute to the deposed precedents on his local and foreign accomplices, before the competence of national and international buddies for hydrogen. and undermining the internal external security of new jersey. and then these air capital local supporting the 2 government, organized citizens vigils,
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they search the area for threats, submit the deployment of a stand by force by equal was and the blocks of possible military intervention in the country. it on a sunday and thousands of people gathered at the stadium in the capital city to support the new military governments. people were seen that dancing and waving their country's flag as several local bands performed at the venue, locals the smoke of defending their new found freedom. every one is free. as you can see in the streets, everyone is going about their business. there's no problem in this year now, but if that goal was, says, is going to come and attack us and is going to senior years red eyes right now, we're going to rise up against that goal was we are proud to be africans. we're here to support our military government. we are free, thanks to them. last week we came to support the military government. we think the security situation is best left in their hands to meet them in peace. still
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continue to provide security because we have already suffered lot the russian army has repelled 2 attacks by ukrainian troops and those who ganske region. so pressing and they're all sensitive with artillery, fire up to 10 soldiers and one armored vehicle were lost in the attack. that's according to the russian ministry of defense, with the train in counter offensive in the south with finding it little success russian troops had been on the advance in the caribbean region, and an explicit reports to ortiz ego. as done off and follow the russian forces on the dawn mission and the name brand, it criminal i area, and warning, some of the you may find the following footage. distressing. the
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way the headlights off russia special task force tries to sneak us bust ukrainian spots is a loss. this time the cover of the pitch black night was not enough. we pick up on a cluster munitions heading right away just in time. the for our crew mates, the rest of the way on, so it's, it's printing across every open space. we are the 1st team of john list to access and film these positions to protect you from here. the enemies no more than 400
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meters away. french's with edges once as tool as an adult man, have hopelessly crumbled. nature weapons, scott, so doing around us alone with the bodies of ukrainian troops abandoned by fleeing comb rates. and titles. upper tv isn't ended up in america launcher. all the mines that have passed, and by fast on the way here, so they all made them right there. there was a skeleton, the bone stuck with a little bit higher than what this was in the garbage. another ukrainian cluster munitions funds to this call it towards neighboring positions, a new day rolls on, revealing the harrowing scale of devastation. so just a couple of words about the tensity of the size in here. and really the landscape speaks for itself. you can see the trees or rather what's the left of them all around. this used to be a very sick pine forest. you would tell. right now,
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the treetops have been shaven off by the halo flat pro from pretty much every around imaginable. artillery old calibus tanks. pretty much every heavy weapon that you can imagine will most. they fight at this position. there's drones shortage salt a few weeks ago, provides a smooth glimpse into how for washer sleeva stronghold had been smashed for months, leaving nothing but scorched and black and free stumps. by driving, keep troops sad to hear russian forces have edged closer to several enemies key logistical points. right on the edge of this woodland upward. we approach the river which also borders the town of bella, golf cart, which is on the other side. we are advancing to kind of the enemy so that we can target them so that we can get close enough bite road to cut off the ammunition and
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then we re supply track so we both sides are regrouping now. ukrainians, hastily reinforcing their new defense lines. as russia is replenishing, it's a sold force to resume the push shortly. i mean, there's done of reporting from the don't pass out. see, the american made rollins are too expensive and difficult to operate on the battlefield and ukraine. that's according to a former us navy intelligence officer, a quoted by the wall street journal. he says, washington simply doesn't produce the cheap and simple drums that kids actually needs for you. as defense, tech firms have spent months testing their drones and ukraine. but some now leave their drones in storage because they couldn't perform perfectly a new cranes, harsh battlefields conditions. they're too expensive to deploy at scale. u. s. companies don't mass produce the cheap expendable drones ukrainian troops need.
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their advanced drones start at around $16000.00. international consultants, aero rasmussen. the echo the idea adding that the production of drone suitable for ukraine is of no benefit for the us. the ukraine has no chance to win this problem for 0 and for long it really is a humanitarian crisis. so many, so there's a big need for drones. us just doesn't make drones to that. a lot of our drone development was all done during our occupation in interact him as well as the chemist in use them. and those can types additions. that's not necessarily what ukraine means. so you, you're really looking at a complete new redesign that would be necessary and, and i, i just don't see the, the desire within the public or within corporations. and probably not within the government the other than the, the state department and the white house to put the investment and the costs that
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that would be required. providing the production line. provide the, the scale of the capability that would be required and necessary. they're not gonna see a profit margin that they similar to what they get with the other drones as well. sorry to say this, but it, but more in a lot of ways. there's the money making a opportunities more than $20.00 border schools have dropped multiple classic novels from their curriculum. in an effort to the colonized literature courses for children, some reports suggest that the school curriculum is being shuffled because of george floyd, an african american man, whose death in police custody received world wide attention in 2020. among the canceled books is a work by nobel prize winner john steinbeck of my son. man. it's been removed from the reading list with the author being accused of using racist and derogatory terms that were formerly used for black people in the era of slavery. the book shows
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a unique perspective on lives, hardships, and is considered a timeless classic and due to its popularity to one other but chosen for the chop is anabel pictures. my sister lives on the mantel piece of branford bows award recipient. the book narrates the story of a boy struggling with the trauma of his sister's death and a terrorist attack. its removal, stamps from concerns that the book promotes, inaccurate images of muslims initiative is said to be aimed at addressing systemic racism and has received financial support from some local authorities in the u. k. we discussed the issue with our guests who share their opinions on the matter a trifle. heidi is not a solution, dr. digging it off on the left is not the solutions the nation lead from their own mistakes. that is, that is the biggest lesson that you learn from you at the street. if they're trying to distort that is the, what is they, but they don't want to let that engine know about that history. it means that uh
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they, they will keep their own future or, you know, i'm educated because if they've been not know about the past, what good, you know, things of the data and what bad things they did, they would, the next conditions would not be able to differentiate would not be able to do the act better. why have schools now just now started removing these classics that are considered to fall short of standards of inclusivity. she might be, might be in the new wrong with the risk for a little bit lease, trying to create their own fox and with the south gathering more or more steam. and along with the russian goodwill in africa, which is on the race, i think this is my personal opinion that the united kingdom is also a lot of pressure to keep it still colonial really starting school is a nice place to begin. the process of satisfies this is probably thinking that is to push everything onto the carpet pretending that they don't exist. that like cut
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them, collect a few brownie points. you have the you for this somebody, somebody else fixed you. i don't think that you is in a position to expect any, any kind of leverage of about somebody, and this is, this would be there. we are showing that the cannibal of africa. what do you think is behind this decision to start purging literature from a school curriculum? do you recall that races in and newport and that isn't drive the existence from pre gigi's best types and bush out profile or nor there definitely many has especially in the west and why that place for each of movies and books can be used as social tools to the page wage racism and they'll put in that list. so it doesn't come as a surprise price. that for me to hear that you case pools and i expect to distancing themselves from these kinds of books. do you think that this is in fact
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an effective strategy? if the u. k. is trying to escape that shadow of colonialism? to my mind it would make things worse. so, you know, i come from the next call to be in the next going to be to meet the sky, the immunization which is up in the snow decade rolling this, the story off, the lot of the rain goes away that a big white bush be looked like made for the oaks to be, you know, to my mind, if you're looking at the color like this and the phone, let's see what happens of the minds of the color legs. it happens is the colonized let. it doesn't happen among the colonizer the southern deadline. pakistan is marketed 76 anniversary of independence from the british colonial rule . fireworks lit up the skies of many pakistani cities overnight with concerts and a series of cultural events in full swing celebrations are continuing today with the main ceremony taking place in a slum abode where a 31 gun salute is plans today,
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the outgoing head of state will give his farewell speech and the newly appointed caretaker prime minister will take his oath of office while general elections are to be held this year. and they are great editor of the news international pakistani newspaper hopes the country will play a more independent role in the global arena. a hi. wish that focus on the political leaders with a prime ministers or a, you know, his cabinet can take a broad and brave decision where they knew where they actually want to stand in, in the, in, in the was, if they can better assume that the relationship between badging and washington and of course, utilize the new relationship and share progress on is trying to be with moscow. if progress on can basically tell it's the best of friends as listen. there are other countries in the region which are completely in the very successfully maintaining the relationship like india. for example. you know, they are older, they have meaning to have brought up as maybe the model as demons against india.
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but they are an inability, strong position, business wise with j strain are they are friends with the restaurant part of a long time and they i have no, you know the new dawning of america wipe, aka sonton not to kind of take that route where you can say that, listen, we are a, you know, 240000000 people basically have a strong presence. you know, people advise progress on as very strong dyersburg already living in america and in europe and also in the middle east. so progress thought, i wish that bucks any political leaders can stand on the 2 feet with confidence and say that listen, you know, if we can uh, have a maintained relationship with the washington. they started the relationship which we had to the ad the last 70 years. why not with moscow? and by not big big india is carving its own pass and distinct rules on the global arms arena. that's according to indian m. p. a sheet, the roar in a recent going underground episode with host option raton. seeing you underscored, and the as dedication to broadening its weapons sources and protecting the national interest known as the full episode later today. here's a quick preview. well,
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india is doing lloyd austin was there in india on june, june of this year, 5 year roadmap to count. it's showing the regina thing was there to hear about us a weapon. sales to india had combat land mobility surveillance intelligence. munitions basically is um, in the are a bit likely european union. i mean the united states wants to buy in russia through your grain, and you'll find china through india. and we've seen what it's done to the european union because germany is in recession. and many people are talking about europe demise. india continues in this way. is it actually a vassal states on this 75th? and 6th, none of us are the mc one option is dealt with india knows that no one gets to use india to pursue any other objective of all sorts. and it goes interest. i don't think that's in getting governments with a lot of except we use in 76 years since independence. and i can assure you that they will be absolutely no tolerance for playing anybody else's game is the rest of
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selling ourselves. that's because that's good business for them. and of course, it happens to coincide with some of the add us strategic objectives and the way of buying those items is because we need to not because we are willing to pay anybody else spends the truth is that we are in a difficult situation of principal um, suppliers itself running shorter reverend rates because of it's more than ukraine. oh, we have to diversify shows and we went to the us from 10 to from 10 to is rose. and this is not surprising. we also turn on true to other countries that used to be in the sooner we had all these not might have spent box for some of the russian river . we still use the 6 on license, the miners have been detained by south african police. and the limpopo is comes as the south african government finalizes plans to seal open mine shafts that have
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been abandoned around the nation. local reporter cromwell, that love brings us more details on the underground gold business in the morning. how do provincial police all use? another operation dumped operations. all these technicals on becoming all true common sites in the west strand of 200 settlements, such as these have sprung up all the bells, the v of johannesburg, its shine and and as it has become known, the city of gold continues to bring me who see bethel put cheese and work, but despite many angles and wisdom companies, the, after digging up all food under the ground is now closed. we are in the west through end of the city of johannesburg. the city of the gold was built by the discovery of that they're all back where it's and it continues
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to be uh, lives on the south african landscape, considering just how difficult it is for the south african government to kid tail. the easy access to the rumblings of gold, they have been left behind by the big football team. national was sitting company, the team here, eating for the same goals and a pull on site to realizing that the profits will not be able to maintain production, quickly picks up their backs and left without even considering the rehabilitation of the grounds. that may be of pocket's sofa time. this is an ongoing or publishing speech we uh we uh, conducting do you have done very well with find some discovery,
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some of those things. you can see that this news, somebody couldn't see that the pin or what do you think the longest time? eh, but what you meant by to this for i believe the lady has come to grab the headlights skills and some times last year, 8 women were raised by the mines in science such as the and the couple of weeks ago, it was the clash between minus and the community they were digging the wrong from that took center stage in the community of the other. so then the police listed mainly on the documents. my rooms in those found the imposition of mining and refining. it's estimated, it takes as many as 10, the same things to get as little as one or 2 grams gold. but despite this laborious task, they are no shortages of works. this is just among the things that police find as
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they read some of these places that are drowned abandoned to myself that these illegal minus use the amount of contraband as well. busy as alcohol that is being sold, this place looks like any other residents from the naked eye. but upon further inspection, it is from that on this day with the commission i until there is no lack of training. we move behind the police as we go about sweeping the discount of mines, which for obvious signs of recent activity is just the contrast that you have between the deep, you know, things of this up and into my that's bill very much. looks like it's a peroration all now it's got tunnels and all kinds of holes and pits that any of them could be used as an entry point to access the gold belt.
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that is the width of and how john is this special police? all 3 has to be more rigorous, then not is the lowest plan, and the goal is to get the big guys find it was a mess in the enterprise samuels behind me, just goes to show just how big of an alteration the illegal mindset has become in south africa is not only the equipment here that is being used to dig up the rock on the ground. but it has also become a bit of a commercial enterprise. and it says that it says themes and an entire community, both on top of the ground and underneath the shots. so i'd see in drive is by the hunter biden. so guy has entered a new stage,
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his attorney has accused the so called right wing media of making false allegations . and last out at donald trump climbing the former president is using 100 by the end to excuse his own conduct after 5 years. and what we know happened in the grand jury, of course, that had to be part of what the prosecutor has already looked at as well as every other false allegations made by the right wing media and others, whether it's corruption or farrah, or money laundering from the moment this arrangement and agreement has been announced and filed us every mag, right wing, fanatical person yelling and screaming and saying it's not right and it's not fair . and it's not just you have the former president trying to use hunter biden as a way to excuse his own conduct to. the attorney also says hunter's case may not go to court. contrary to the claims of prosecutors that follows the collapse of hunter biden's plea deal last month and the appointment of
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a special counsel to lead the pro incumbent president, son is charged with alleged attacks and gun possession violations. he's also supposed suspected of corruption linked to his foreign business dealings in china and ukraine. investigators are determining whether joe biden was involved in the schemes. the republican controlled house of representatives has called for the presidents impeachment. if evidence is found with some democrats supporting the calls, if hunter biden has committed crimes, he should be charged with them. i'm a democrats saying that political analyst and filmmaker sandstone says there is no way joe biden couldn't have known about his son is illegal activities and is abusing his power to protect him. so you're getting all these, these reports about the hunter and the laptop and everything that's come up with hunter and, and the, you know, the trump is the one that's being rated, you know, by, you know, investigated and rated. so it's, there's a huge irony, of course, to the nature of power and how it's clear that when you are in that position that
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you know, we've been direct whistle blowers are claiming you know, that, that they had team a team fired basically essentially we removed from their position of investigating hunter bite, and i mean, that indicates political interference is the nature of power when your son is doing these deals with various oligarchs and making 20 $1000000.00 from china and ukraine and russia and colleagues down. and it's like, well prove the job. ringback you know, got paid and that's, that's the disconnect because obviously joe buys were doing this so long. i think he knows how to make sure no one's ever gonna find that direct connection between the him and the money. and i think everything across the board when it comes to this administration, and in the way of the handling of this investigation and like this to be mentioned, to the quote from 100 bonds attorney where it's been 5 years of investigation and they found nothing. well, let's be clear, okay, it's been a denial of the denial up denial and that just indicates to me that there's, there's so much more that's being suppressed adventure seekers who want to
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experience a visit to planet mars won't have to travel far. instead of visiting it, travel har. unique region in south eastern, or ron, with landscapes resembling the red planets r t correspond that use of july got a chance to visit the unique location. this is a piece of mars here. the martian, nothing's. and it was south eastern port city of trouble. har are a top tourist attraction for the extra terrestrial shapes. and their striking resemblance to the right plots ever think about these mountains is on earthly that you need to for graphical pattern of the surface. as a result of rapid soil erosion caused by heavy rain and wind, experts say this place is the most similar parts of earth to the martian surface go . i'm able to suggest that the martian mountains are made up of settlements with their heights varying from 5 to 100 meters. i've heard that mister elan musk is
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planning to send some tourists to mars and the next couple of years. i recommend that before sending those travelers you take them here because this place looks like mars gets up by them. apart from their magnificence, the mountains are a popular destination for hikers and adventure seekers. offering stunning views of the surrounding desert and on man sea coast line, our team travels some 20 kilometers west of the martian mountains and look what we found here. goodness, a red lake lake filled with red water. this is just mind blowing, just like another planet here. nicole. scarlett's lip part lagoon, under only 4 such legs in the entire world. the job of her red legs looks red and sometimes bank because of the presence of plankton, the abundance of organic and mineral matters. and the lagoon increased the amount of biological activities and lead to the formation of clinton was a blog right, didn't the peculiar color of the water floors,
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many visitors for while the are deleted so that the within on the reason this lagoon looks pink, is that there was plankton edits bottom during the spring and early summer? it looks pinker then in other seasons because of the monsoon rains and the rise in the stream of water that pours from the sea into this lake. the job. well it's of a 100 is mainly known for it's sheila hold on because significance, it's captivating. see there are usually building this bag girl was an hour to have porch tours capacities as well. the to the heart resort organization says around $1200000.00 towards this, which are the every year. she's the ball. it bad. we have signed some $250000000.00 with contracts with the rainy and companies active in the development of infrastructure camps. em tours when negotiating the implementation stages with the currently a hotel beds can be up to $45.00.
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