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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the headline stories a russian representative, i'll pay you and say's key of leadership. this pushing its fruits into a suicide mission to appease at the western state trends. saving you brain much politics, control offensive costs and failure from sterling all ukraine's country offensive to failing to stabilize. and these year we chronicled the recent american foreign policy lenders involving high level official this expo can a new article 5 future prize. winning journalist seymour hurts also the tensions deepen over and these are the regional applause. echo was rocks off a meeting and focusing on the potential for in the $355.00 people are
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killed in sports more when do them in the violent pleasures and them to be uncomfortable about says it's all these top diplomats saves the death of libby as former leader, kids of faith during that 2011 late to intervention dropped instability for the region that continues to prove those the wherever you're accounting the program from today across the world. welcome to law school in the global use round up here on our t of the un security council in new york. it is convenient to discuss problems associated with the constant flow of weapons into ukraine. russia's deputy own voice said t as western patrons have been pushing that state into a failed country offensive resulting in the loss of tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers, ortiz caleb up, and sums up the major points made of the meeting. the you and the high
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representative for disarmament affairs open the meeting, who was talking about how the flow of weapons by both sides is not leading to de escalation is putting more lives at risk. after that, we heard from an american journalist to describe the us military industrial complex and the profit making entities driving the con. i'm here to is a us citizen who is witness tens of billions of us tax dollars. go to funding and arming a proxy war against russia. well, people in the us, ordinary people suffer from rising levels of poverty, homelessness, suicide, and economic and security weapons to ukraine. do not represent some kind of, quote unquote arsenal of democracy. as some in the us foreign policy establishment out as nato countries have already provided $40000000000.00 in weapons to ukraine over the span of this conflict. many of these weapons have landed on the black
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market to drug cartels, criminal organizations. and indeed, neo nazi and fascist elements, many of which now make up parts of ukraine's armed forces. now from there we heard from the russian deputy m. bassett, or dmitri po, gantski. and he spoke before the security council talking about how this counter offensive that has been so hailed, has essentially made note progress on the part of ukraine. and he called it essentially suicide on subject. brands are being forced to move in a very suicidal direction as to the hast of washington. here's what was said by the russian deputy ambassador. what's the address to send you through the system for 3 months now, we have been witnessing the agony of the key of regime within the context of ukraine's so called strategic counter offensive, which, according to western propagandist, was supposed to bring it a military victory for that purpose, the entire needle military machine was applied billions of dollars had been spent
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from the pockets of western tax payers. the only result of ukrainian counter offensive that even the west is forced to admit is tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers killed and hundreds of pieces of expensive western equipment destroyed. the complete collapse of the system of ukrainian self government. the widespread corruption and disorganization now repelled even the western mercenaries. they are beginning to understand that the only rule assigned to them is not to strive for the freedom of ukraine, but to become cannon fodder. now the russian representative also pointed out that you bring in forces continue to place anti aircraft weaponry in civilian areas, which is illegal under international law, simply pushing civilians into farms way. uh, basically using them as human shields, documented other atrocities is uh that are being committed by ukrainian forces that western media has chosen to ignore and emphasize. but it seems that the strategy of
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washington is to prolong the conflict as long as possible, while spending huge amounts of money on huge amounts of weaponry being sent in to ukraine. so now we did hear from other members of the council who spoke vertically of russia, blamed russia for the situation, echoing the standard uh, washington talking points. we heard from the nato countries, but it was quite a meeting in the un security council chamber, highlighting the danger of the continuous flow weapons well from ukraine to nature, more in between the latest part of missteps of american foreign policy help being exposed. and then you are to go by to lecture prize winning journalist seymour hers . archie corresponding shayton bowes. he's behind if there's anyone who knows what's going on behind the scenes at the us state department. it's veteran journalist seymour hersh. he's just released a fascinating article,
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shedding some light on how what started out as a scramble to save ukraine has now become a scramble to say careers and reputations of the entire ukrainian misadventure look set to become afghanistan to point o. first as high level force pull, no punches when revealing just how desperate the situation is with even the recent saudi arabian piece talks being revealed as nothing more than he had another pointless debacle. organized by joe barton's national security advisor, jake sullivan. jetta was sullivan's baby. the official said just one more, but who's counting for the nation showed up all but 6, looking for free food after the desk to shut down and surprise, surprise, the impending collapse of the ukrainian project housing apparently limited the appetite of the state department. i did tater in chief victoria newland for yet more trouble making. she's turned up in these. you're looking to exploit the recent
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on rest there. but according to her, she's source. she didn't exactly like the results she was hoping for. the intelligence official put her remarks to the times in american military lingo, victoria set out to save the new share uranium owners from the barbaric russians and got a huge single finger salute. of course, when we think about the u. s. as proxy war and ukraine, there's one face that stayed with us from day one. and that's the all around good guy, us secretary of state anthony or blinking or tony to his friends. well, it seems totally solely isn't too eager to want to be front and center when it comes to the usual. we stand with ukraine photo us. he actually seems to be preoccupied with other business these days. maybe tony know something that the white house still refuses to accept. secretary of state, tony blinking, where was, i have the question of the official who said the blinking has figured out that the united states that is our ally, ukraine will not win the war against russia. the word was getting to him through
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the agency. c, i a, the ukrainian offense was not going to work. it was a show by the landscape. and there were some in the administration who believed his so as the zalinski regime runs out a road and friends, it seems we're heading into that pre collapse phase where a messages of ongoing support concealed an urgent scramble to justify failure. and to lay the blame, and that's the key. every shame looks at to be thrown on to the boost by the us. it will be the ukrainian people that will pay the price just like they've been doing since the start of this do proxy war against russia. another headline story top officials from the echo was block on the western african nations have met then gallop to discuss a potential foreign military intervention in nature. it follows a qu, there 3 weeks ago that sold the president to pose um, taken into custody by his own palace guard. we spoke with regional journalist,
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tennessee, a base, a experience on what was discussed a 1st this gather. yes, um the meetings are back or something, it looks like she's that has just finished part today and got ice expected to hold for 2 days. that's what what so was expensive. it's proud in saying that, you know, it stands for demo bracy in the region and that sounds like nothing really. it's very clear about them when or how a possible military intervention or innovation of nature would take place just yet . but that we know that, um, you know, local media reports have suggested that there's a growing practitioner, same off, you know, a bad plan or it's in the meetings you know, across minutes or to see an hour before i got out. you know where the meeting is taking place, and this just goes to show this grow in sentiment across the continent. you know, many african countries, many residents here saying that, you know,
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they do not want aircraft to interim fan in the matter of fact, you just said that they would entertain in, in the shower. we on the street from some paddlers that this meeting could be it meeting where of course, leaders decide on how to you know, move forward from here. just continuing the point earlier, we spoke with news producer, joshua, none at kwan may i year i who joined us from gun after covering the eco was meeting . he sees the events essentially resulted in the creation of plans for a military campaign. the yes was expensive and ready to commit. all use all means available to switch to a sort of country back door, which means i get to forge this whole engagement. the military way is what is on the table at the moment. they seem to be a boutique, still tons for the dramatic engagement of political engagement. however, the resolve of banquet was actually to meet the military as well as the news. yet
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we're kind of dressing for anything today. it's basically what the one or security expense would describe as an in military company club. i bet your member back was. we also a member of the united nations on the united nation. so if you look at chapter 7, the, all the united nations contracts actually gives a it is, it is, i guess, the useful for sleeping in resolve and peace. and what we usually do is to send piece to the admissions and of the troops on peacekeeping mission back on march 20 gauge to another one is i guess if you had a problem, i mean, after today's meeting, i spoke to quite a number of people and everyone seemed to be unhappy about that decision about was before a stop by 420 tools. you wouldn't need the consent of the contribute test, which is the number of states after the reports. that would be cheaper. what now? and then we'll make that seemed to be in the position. it'd be,
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of course be the issue on the piece console me when i receive that report and then a gauge meant to be late and then it finds out the session will be made to just to point out another aspect to your needs, yours know, at the receiving end of sweeping sanctions from many of its former partners with the e u front and some of the us cutting the whole financial aid to the country, while eco was itself impose restrictions closing borders with new here on suspending financial ties. naomi is not the 1st to feel the economic for sale of echo was it previously targeted molly burkina, faso and guinea with a garage all financial sanctions following the tree cruise there to be lost. united nations has called for a few monetary and exemptions to those sections. it's not enough for months. well, before the president was listed, several 1000000 people were and are in dire need of food and the u. n. is wanting
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the current crisis. converse in that situation. well, we spoke to attorney on global policy analysts from nigeria dunning, with a while. and who says that from the beginning, the west african regional block pursued the routes of intervention rather than the promising it go. i've got, it runs right from the beginning. part of the strategy for negotiation is to bring things that top of value to both sides. as you'll see people in the united states natal, i'm not taking those hot stones. so what's the jet? but it was right from the beginning decided that they would just say minutes we before decided negotiate which us about resulted in so many of the delegations that this tend to lead here. been smaller, rejected. and this time, by maybe to, by deciding, remember to have my just because at the moment, usually the most part in all by itself, the generally supported by 3 or the applicant countries. as you need to also
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understand that the board us teach the about 61 of these borders that julia and these are the people lead the relatives, religion of business in jersey, new jersey. so you already have a problem where the country, where the vehicle with jack comes from, might have a difficulty, riley around their support. they gave me here in the 1st place, really totally the highest. they kind of do it, but i'm still for example, she has used. ready made to and the west. well well i guess these are the higher they gotta do is to find this look on the list. yes, i'm rooms to create that kind of a conflict situation or the lead you into hope that it will make the gym in the general parking lot. but the problem with that is that if you look at africa. ready look at as of each of you see that in the last 15 to 20 years, be happy. see, let's see. so just to add the total reflectivity. so is a delicate environment. the minute you begin to 5 possible form to um, receive the full that it will make that regime on popular. you are likely to create
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a scenario that. ready escalate to the crisis situation because the by the end of the situation, of course you may, that's how p a b result in africa spring just like we have the out up spring. okay, now the story, we are closely following to a act flush and the libyan capital between 2 of the country's most powerful functions has left at least 55 people did. our breaks all by themselves being a regular occurrence there. since a nato backed uprising caused deep divisions in the nation back in 2011, several live bloss marked on exchange of fire between the special determined sports which accessed the capital of the front to police and the 400 and 44th brigade link to the b as defense ministry, the deadly violence came up to the commander of the law, sir was arrested shop ring. i'm already shaky piece. between the 2 malicious, some of called the scenes. the worst tripoli has witnessed and over
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a year long it please for. and the mr. has from the nato's operation a dozen years ago in libya, failure, one which brought instability to the region of charge that lead at least i believe that it was a very serious mistake to let conducted be killed him and not have been the champion of democracy, but as long as he was eliminated, political instability arrived in libya and africa. well, libby, a former italian colony is still a totally mess right now. suffering from the result of a french and british lead invasion that killed its leader. no marg adolphe. back in october, 2011. and what did easily get out of that a flood of migrants. it's not like it off. he didn't warn europe telling french tv ahead of the nato bombing into the top of his country. that if he went down, then italy and france specifically would be flooded with millions of migrants because would be a played a role in securing and stabilize the africa and the mediterranean. and that's
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exactly what ended up happening. the flow of migration into europe is still a big problem with the death of hundreds of migrants in the central mediterranean. so far this year alone, libya has become a haven for human smuggling and slavery. and the launching pad for migration into europe and italy is really very new brenda, that as we've seen recently with all these, this capsizing in the mediterranean and drowning of migrants. not quite the freedom and democracy that nato had promised, as it's great to be libya free libya at midnight. tonight, a successful chapter in nato history will come to an end. you have already started writing a new chapter in libya's history. we acted to protect you together. we succeeded. libya is finally free from been gauzy to break out from this rata to western mountains. and to truthfully, okay, sounds like he's talking about a whole other planet. we had to deal with gadhafi for libya to serve as a choke point of sorts for african migration heading towards europe. he promised to intercept any migraines who ended up in the mediterranean and send them back to
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libya before they could enter italian waters. but then italy ended up endorsing the western backed libyan rebels against biase and well, all bets were off for the libyan leader. for some reason, italy was just shots that cannot be, was no longer willing to play ball. and i pulled the migrant intersection deal after julie started cheering for regime change against putting desperate people on a boat and pushing them off to see sending them to dying to meet it, to rainy and is something very close to being another crime against humanity for which the regime will have to answer the western branding of those libyan rebels as heroes. just like the syrian rebels he fought against president bashar al assad before detective and joining up with other jihad is against the west. in some cases or the c i, a trade and backs of solomon lighten led the taliban during the us cover organs.
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the soviets in afghanistan in the eighty's that gave rise to outcry that we all know what happened with them. 911, it's all i need to say or more recently, like the training as of neo nazis, western training and back the story. well, it's to be continued all western back and all western tools of regime change, who then became, or risk becoming still taking time bonds that could blow back at any time against western interest. no saw that coming ages ago. gadhafi. now listen, you people of nato. you are bombing a wall, which student the way up african migration to europe, and then the way of all kinds of terrorist. this was libya. you're breaking it. you're ready, it's and you will burn in hell for the thousands of migrants from africa and for support me all tied. it will be so i never lie and i do not lie now. so there's another aspect to this tragedy. the french financial crime prosecutors,
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here in paris. i've told the french press back in may, that they will ask a judge to try former french president, regardless of prison, for passive corruption, criminal association, the legal financing of electronic campaigns and concealment of embezzled public fines in libya. of lydia, so alt your motives for i was think adolphe would certainly help to explain what african leaders had said way back when about western refusal to even less than take charge of this. libyan conflicts on their own confident in the view or in light of a peaceful resolution. the way previous to mediate on the top to bottom the mission. busy of kind of, so you, we have what everybody did to go back of the blood disability.
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so what's the takeaway here? turns out that italy did not stand up against its western allies to protect its very own interest in libya back then. and it continues to just go along to get along with pretty much everything that us lab, nato dies to the continued detriment of its very own interest. and certainly those of its citizens around the top diplomats has met with his saw the country part on a visit to re out, you know, as a mark the resurgence of relations between the former regional arrivals following a lunmark deal brokered by china earlier this year. here's archie correspond use of to allow me on the visit, the main line. it was for a minister jose 9, the on to saudi arabia essentially completed the recipe for me. it was sort of relationship between one and we all as we and has already been added to the next.
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the embassies and consulates officially being in the solid foreign minister or we are waiting for a visit to, to wash back the june. when he met with the questions, everyone raised the notes for it to real means that the 2 former buried in a joint press conference on today with his counterpart, pretty space of the issues between one and we all are on the right track yet. and yet we witness the day that the relations between the 2 countries are progressing the right direction. we believe that the idea of achievement, security, and development in the region is an idea that cannot be fragmented. we are sure that these meetings will help the unity of this land world for his park friends face all said that the kingdom hope to see it was president re c visit. they came down following king, size and position, which he had communicated during the junior visit. to get upset today that would
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travel. so they came down to the top. the top diplomat said the engaged closely each way security areas. the history are said that they will launch enjoying the comment chemistry in the near future. they also agreed to increase their gauge making areas such as taurus, uh, transit. lemme see an air transport energy and environment. so let's see. so the old grievances have now given way to a promising fraction which the foreign ministers believe that this will benefit nations and will also help establish security tire. we just looked at a lot of that. our meeting today is a continuation of steps taken towards implementing the agreements to resume and diplomatic relations which represents a pivotal platform in the history of the 2 countries and the path of regional security. so for the to the change there is the latest sign in both countries, determination improve, time. it has been happening really quickly since march this year with china. we met
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between the 2 countries to re establish there are times after 7 years are really hospitalized. prior to moscow hosted military officials from your one i saw on the review on wednesday, one to 2 sides. of course a security officials from the to signs match with the with each other to discuss ways to improve their military engagement. on the 11th on the sidelines will be limited to security conference in model this as the former adversary's back opposing signs in or we use the wording and syria, and especially after the several times in 2016 found this to me, but the sony embassy angry over the kingdoms execution of the top sheet, and now we see that their rich association has large, these tense, a title when they are one in different i said that one has not just mended times
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when we are also on the personal stations. zimbabwe is ready to conduct harmonize general elections next week. bounce according to the southern african nations election body and its operations does involve electoral commission, is not influenced by the government, individuals or any other organizations sometimes is alleged. i would like to inform you that the commission is ready to conduct the harmonized 2023 elections a well harmonized elections, are essentially an all encompassing balance where a citizens vote for the president of parliament provincial councils on local authorities. 11 candidates, including the incumbent president are buying for the country's top position. barbara comes out on top will face and media challenges. price isn't involved. we have skyrocketed in the past year with many crucial goods, all fine. i run 90 percent corruption as well, remains in
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a cute issue. we spoke the locals in herrera, who shared their expectations about the fast approaching election. now, what do you want is peace shooting and after elections? it's expects an improvement in terms of the economy. in terms of food, the jump creation, we need jobs as you with, you know, we need to be, we need to, can you say things that are meant, the distance of your internet election is to elect a little issue from come to life, mtv and the president people will know the needs of the people they do are able to feel the needs of those people. so basically that is what i'm expecting . we is about begins with just the expect uh, free and fair elections into uh, very world full of the links inside the piece that is revealing before the election to us or reveal shooting enough to elections. also,
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we are hopeful that the going on will be on duty bones. meanwhile, religious leaders of raise the alarm over political violence in zimbabwe. in a statement, the nations con, slip churches call for a pool without blood shed. that's a mid fears of mass on rest. after a supporter of the amino position party was recently stoned to death, we spoke to the head of the console, reverent wilford domingos. to express his hope for a peaceful election process. this is bubba can sort of just use the judge. yeah. but we, we, we have a full kitchen for the peaceful, electro processes. uh that, uh, at least we, we have uh, an uncontested electronic outcome. because the selection depends 18. we had challenges. uh, when the election is out was tested. and uh we, we, uh, which is that's at least we have the free and critical election which will not produce
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a, an equity just as a result. like the one that's behead you printing a t. therefore we, we know that's a, is about ways fixing a lot of the challenges and we have the not company in the mission, is it just induced x or process it what p that's uh that you let you know produce. it is out to that to be accepted by everyone in this that we help initiative to come together and do with the economy and political and the social issues that the country needs based with them haven't been at that the, the issues of inflation and in the as the bed, you put them on improvement and corruption, but use the kind of highly politicized position, which is the political issue that can do weakness across the board. given media itself is the i me pull that i, it's one of the things that people advocating for is that maybe this election might
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to help a lot, but it's gonna need us to realize that after the election they might be width together. and that's what people that really after the after you did 2 months now, what politically does, because once we do what it's funny does, that's when you get that, we'd be mean that i could, maybe we improve in some of the tenants. that's the basic we we can face them together and find a local solution for the problems that to are facing is an issue. a valve is where we leave the breakdown of a new state for no thanks for keeping me company to stick. those says more great programs get going in the the
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look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we have such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about personal intelligence at the point, obviously, is to create a trust rather than to the various mean with the artificial intelligence. we have so many redeeming the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the screen of the must. do i just need to see what was the key at the.


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