tv News RT August 18, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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for someone who has this relationship, plenty of people to the, the, the increasing numbers of us intelligence and government officials coming to terms with effect. the washington multi $1000000000.00 support for a key of cars resulted in a plethora of military failures. we both read the remarks of the group of west african nations known as actor was insisted wants to help resolve that prices in nature peacefully but 3 as are rated. they could consider launching and military intervention if those efforts failed. and uganda and authority, slum the world bank guilford's decision to full financial aid to the nation because of an audiology bt ruling. that recently became the
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from most go to the world. this is, are too great to have your company for then use our, let's get into our top story. it's been almost 2 months since the start of kias country offensive in the ukranian conflict and things haven't been going quite as planned. i made a struggle to make headway the armed forces on ukraine, other slew of government officials in the west or no changing nature with some who previously supported keeps military endeavors. simply losing help as a member of congress go chair of the congressional, you crank august and the son of a ukrainian immigrant who fled. so if you tyranny, i will continue to work to support them in their fight for freedom and self determination. this war must and, and with our support and the support of the free world, ukraine will win the fight for the liberty over tyranny. i'm not sure it's winnable anymore. if there is,
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how many cherry and moneys know military monies or mail it to remind is without an inspector general, i'm not supporting it. billions of dollars of additional western military ed have failed to bring about victories for kids. and after a series of inconclusive assaults, ukraine's objective to reach the key city of mili topple in these up. but it was your region now. it seems on feasible, the determining factor, appearing to be the quality of russian defenses. however, it keeps disappointment is hardly surprising as western officials had predicted, similar before it even pick up. but in the 1st week of flight, ukraine incurred major casualties against russia as well prepared defenses. despite having a range of newly acquired western equipment, joined for games conducted by the us, british and ukrainian military's anticipated such losses. but invasion keeps accepting the casualties as the costs of bruce and 2 of russia's main defensive lines said us, and western officials on valentines. the supply of lethal weapons continues the flow tequila of denmark's defense minister as soon as the u. s. has now given the
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green light to deliver it is of the f. 16 fighter trips to ukraine from copenhagen and the netherlands after pilot training is completed. the thought truthfully, just to, to start this month. but the danish minister sees the program wolf bear fruit until next year. but the russian president has also weighed in on the sending of weapons to ukraine, claiming european citizens are weary of the conflict while their politicians continue to execute commands from washington. an interview to a ukrainian journalist, alexander lucas shinkel, also mode when the fighting cut in you will play games up in western europe. the gym is the fringe of this except the bridge. of course. they are under america. they don't need this war anymore. and they told people say that the boy is not in america, but in l houses the war must be ended, the europeans, absolutely ready for this. the so far they're executing,
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come on is like give 15 lipids, but your opinions are reluctant to give military equipments. you see, but the french and the american people, the dutch are reluctant to send weapons. so the west can no longer be called a single collective cement. they send the signals to president zelinski zalinski resist, because the main patron behind him is the united states. so europe is already slowly starting to drift. public opinion in leading european countries is very bad in relation to this war, or more people are speaking out against it because they feel the home of this and they want it's, the americans have profit taken from this. and they're encouraging zelinski in this regard. therefore, there is no unity between europeans and zalinski in terms of continuing the war. and if the americans want to, they will signal to zalinski and he will sit down for negotiations. okay, nope. be that will be no um supplies, so that will be the will of the terminal. and why will the americans want to signal
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to the landscape, put them to a new appointment because they will understand that ukraine will not when it will lose. and if you crate lose is ultimately well then the west will be flushed that they feel. busy they will need to give the signal sit down at the negotiating table at the right moment. a lawyer we spoke to word correspondent, i'm veteran russell bentley, who previously forth on the side of the den. yes, get people's republic. the american believes up despite the west, broad criticism of the russian latree, the latter's troops of his founders, defensive lines that are proven impenetrable by the nature of equip ukrainian forces. russia, in fact, was criticized at 1st where the way the conduction of the war. but in fact, now it has been seen that is actually a brilliant strategy. what they've done is no, a war of attrition against ukraine. they have built a defensive wall along the going, bass brought that cannot be penetrated,
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that cannot be penetrated militarily. know the courage of the dawn, the spiders who have defended, don't boss and russia for last 9 years is also exemplary. i mean, it should, you know, it qualifies with their map of the or the alamo. you know, these guys have depended their homes because behind them is only their homes and families, so they do not retreat. they do not surrender. they apply to the debt they are in undefeatable. no, so excellent strategy. excellent. i mean, when i was there and is nevada, i saw you know, the 3 lines and there is no way anybody's getting through there. no, you also have to understand this is a completely new form of warfare the, the use of drones. this is the 1st floor since the special military operation where the use of drugs have been so substantially effecting the outcome of battles are also a head in the program. this,
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our former french president nicholas our cozy insist the crimea is truly russian to her tree. and shrub, and try to take it back. a statement that the folks side region, ukraine's government, the story and more of the ukraine is taking a heightened interest in africa with the countries foreign minister. a nice thing, plans to deepen ties with the confidence in an effort to counter russian inflicts we do not want to be a 2nd. russia, our strategy is not to replace russia, but to liberate africa from russian rule. dmitri cruz, i also accuse that russia offending support for african naming law schools withdrawal from the black sea green deal pumps the african continent of risk most despite them your 3 percent of those shipments reaching the company most at risk including from funding while the line. sure made its way to the european union. we
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spoke to geo political as to milan god who insist that the african nations can no longer be manipulated in their choice of economic partner. as we have seen, the change in the car when then you read the fleet this i'm no longer taking? no, no, no waiting. that's kept on being at least into the what's the deal is yeah, no, i'll wait here for that. now you're going full, putnam estimate, so i'm not going to treat them as tight and i slept what eliza is doing. so i also don't think this any of you can lead us except for those few applicant countries that are being hosted with it listed in the countries that will take such a comment by the 5 minutes. the serious um, it makes not that it makes no, it's a video for what kind of thinking and despite it moves that's, that's hiding to me for push, but uh,
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to try and just different life to try and just pull it from people's minds. but i'll pretty got that time for the west offering, but it does not allow us to use any young people who are going to follow the steps of the founding for those who failed into the attempt of the west and next. so to see the block of west african nations known as echo was insisted wants to resolve the crisis in nature peacefully. but once again, it's ready to conduct the military intervention. if diplomacy feels, i don't think we my full cost on the military us with we're ready to resolve it peacefully by a dish to do tongue. we love boy. you have to be. that was looking on the dole when the us so i'm in the adult on us. the optional assumptions asset to pressure is also on. ready table on the, on the face. then we have no more percentage by boat to the final option,
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which is the military, you know, intervention. point air force is trying to make it strong, right? and that has always stay in the position of echo as you know, from streams the 1st meeting of vehicle has had for safety already. and apple, which i on july, 1st a year. now, the classic saying that, you know, a code intervene in this situation on militarily, but that is going to happen if the negotiates of the, the p stocks or, you know, the data was fair with the military, honda now, if anything are coming out of the meet and an ad greg got is to go by with then you would know that across that it is actually ready, you know, to deploy forces, what it is trying to, you know, 1st of all think a peaceful resolution and i'm some experts i saying that the reason at glasses is have come, you know, to this resolution is, is because of the, uh,
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kind of big pieces and, and you know, wide spread um, contamination of its initial plan to, you know, of each plan to invade these or, or to the point the military to restore constitutional part of ash, in fact, some people, some experts say about that was the case, the pronouncement, spite of glass and saying that's what it's doing right now is what it should have done in the past. instead of initially saying, or saying so quickly about it. what's going to in favor? these are militarily now with saying, you know, to use the visa because there's so much at stake for the applicant confidence, you know, when they get the time since in new jersey, you know, escalate or you have quite the size to send a breach. and all the sports, there's some level of i'm a sense of solidarity about people in the sheriff. i have been with the, the, the, you know, new jersey school government where so seeing that kind of solidarity in africa among other applicant countries. you know, for these, i'm cool government for instance, like area politicians alarm because of wanting across against the possible. you
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know, it's possible invasion of the country is just to recap, the rest of military intervention started 3 weeks ago after a cool led to military leaders taking part in the army. however, there are houses being consensus on the use of force to restore the previous government influential regional power such as nigeria and gonna appear split on the issue. i'll jerry and should have said they strongly oppose interference or cape verde said it's unlikely to take part in any action on break. you know, fossil on molly's morn, they would treat any intervention as a declaration of war. the african union is responded to saying it's against any move on nature. while in contrast here, another grouping, the central african lock box. echo was suspense against the crew government. well, we spoke with global efforts on the list, johnston, color wally, who is of the view african nation should unites and seek to exhaust all possible
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diplomatic often use in the news your prices. i wish somebody what will happen because we don't think we need the norfolk or i know these or so you know that a lot of game. so lots of missouri, you can see from the x of my country. so we have a cost there. are they, there? are they in front any also, you know, foxes well, the extra videos of factors, those, those don't send things money for lives in the system. uh by themselves. you know, luckily responsible for most of the was, you have in our lives and we hope that the african continental pulled themselves together. and to show that we don't get our sales, you know, to, to, so it's situation where we can destroy enough else. destroying the infrastructure is that a large, leaky, and not do the full crisis, keep them dimension already. i don't think that initial won't be able to so level to kind of sense of that stuff that gets him right now. that is why i keep you
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assisting so that it will sit on the table and talk and go time. the countries of the economy coming by that's, he's the sure did believe lots leave on page. if you look up the opportunities of domestic indicators, then this is out that country can also live with this sumptuous for every single day. you know, senior development of the strive he passed away from my desk to do that aspect of the future. you don't take it back once you've lost, you can always try, you know, just continue from, from, from, from where you know to pick it up. you can't really take it back once you get another story. we're following today. you've done with this president. has lush tied to up the world by his decision to cut all financial aid to the country? following we sent m p l g b t legislation. seeing the west is trying to intimidate his nation. of some of these imperialist actors are insufferable. you have to work hard to restrain
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yourself from exploding with anger. they're so shallow, they do not know when and where to stop. the world bank cut funding to you'd gummed and infrastructure projects, further provoking financial hardship in the east african country. now as a consequence, come, paula was obliged to revise its budget to account for the loss of financing. that's how the knock on effect resulting in the biggest currency, the evaluation in 8 years, they're the world bank said the move was in order to prevent discrimination and projects. it phones wherever, according to you get that active as such, restrictions may inside a wave of anger against the l g. b, t minority in the country, 8 cots, with great war backlash for the gate community in the country. because your guidance was ben blamed the community. in fact, our position has always been that 8 gods would effect all your guidance, including the gate community itself. logically, it does not make sense. what we have always preferred, our target and the sanctions. when you can this on t, l g
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b t laws are widely considered some of the harshest in the world. same 6 relations can be punished by life and presidents, while the death penalty can be imposed for quote, aggravated homosexuality, which is defined a same sex relations involving hate. shy v positive people or children. the world bank of funding freeze is not the only consequence that you've done the is facing over its defiance stubs, or the, or the us and post trouble restrictions on your guns. and officials with us president joe biden threatening aid and investment cuts and mit other sanctions, multiple western countries. and you had experts have also condense with was we heard mixed opinions about the contentious issue from locals and you get that a, this could be a way, not so much to use the hold onto almost that shows your loss as a result of the projects. but must be this trouble. uganda is going to highlight with quote unquote the wrong countries here on the russian. so you've done that
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comes survive what would require to build the site to me that's. busy a strain on the society. so the government, this content on the very high, you've unemployment rate. it would be a price for a country. you've got the zip codes of that's going to monday or this old, of course of the social that we have. like our daughter zoom sick, stuff now and i do have your that does the developing you for that money is under the video where you're going to go without and the needs of and the loan, legit to be that knows what i'm what the fund weatherbug we are we went to the support team getting to see we are not producing anything with the big gun. does it come to the state of sustaining? but we are not. this is the wrong thing. i think again, is one of those tensions that have defended so much as passive. so each subset presidencies, which i'm not sure what time he already doing that even with the loan. just imagine
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without the spokesman for uganda is financed ministry shared his government's view with archie. he also says you've done that and will maintain their own mobiles. if he's confident about regardless of any external punishments, the decision it is aimed at to shoot you a whole gets on the side of this projects we have funding had already been completed. also we have funding is ongoing exchange planning going for. so you have to be there, but a lot of resources to try to bridge the gap set up, getting the full that is stuck in the file to use them once they've talked to one or 2 days. and then all of a sudden, um, things of civilized, yes indeed, the public, the public has been to be effective in the system. but i think of the government of the present state where you watch about whether to use or making sure that these negative feedback is not widespread. and like it's not felt by that you've done
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those. obviously there's also another evidence which could be on the health system . well we the light, the load on the mendocino, you know, mid sea is the perfect us operators that's come on the look muscle from the west on the these goods. ok, sorry, i did try not because i'm part of the front of the northern buck. how's it going to utsa the case? all right, we had the started engaging is the remote to the goals for those who have started, we can get you through to a friend. the buttons include the china and the box us is the most of it to us. man is quite big, kind of is across the most do been on the insurance professional and then i'll lead into a stand by and so this is where we are as a country. this is we are a cottage on the conditions. this is the new system. this is what has done for so
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we've been able to top level respects that one cannot say, but this isn't the, that's the group. the screen is, this is a load documents. i get it up to you to call them this one. they said, we have been able to get resilience from doesn't say on uh, this is just a bump in the whole process. i believe we the status of the move for just something else to tell you about a ukrainian presidential adviser has a choose former french leader nicholas circles that you're using, quote, criminal logic for suggesting the cry. mia remain under rational control, but you creating officials made the comments after mister circles. he said that returning dependence led to key, it would only fuel more armed conflicts on death. offering her view, here's our t contributor, ritual morse. well hey, let's get ready to rumble. once again, ukraine is taking on another member of the unity fight club. this time it's a punch up between france and ukraine. last week it was poland,
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former french president, people that stuff because he has been virtually on the present here in the countries press this week. he's promoting his new booklet comes out next week in which he revisit some key challenges in combat of his presidency. and what's been making the headlines here more than anything else? has he does the media rounds, the circles, he's position on russia and ukraine? no one has ever had to guess what, we've got lots of cozy, really things, and that's not going to change now. and it's that blunt, this apply for the situation in ukraine that really set off one of ukraine's drama queens. so what exactly did stuff was the say when it comes to this territory, which was russian until 1954, and where a majority of the population has always felt russian. i think any step back is illusory. the ukrainians did not completely managed windham backs and the choice will be between the frozen conflicts which we know will inevitably lead tomorrow to any hot conflict. or we can come out and tell by resorting again to
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a friend. i'm strictly supervised by the international community to settled these to rhetorical questions in a definitive way. the form of french president pointed out the crimea edits, people were historically russian until 1954 that its population always felt russian . and that a return to anything else would just be illusory. he said, he also said that europe needs russia. russia is a neighbor of europe and will remain so in this regard, european interests are not aligned with american interest. we cannot stick to the strange idea of fighting a world without fighting self co also asked why is it so hard to admit that ukraine really needs to just stay neutral, adding that numerous political leaders think yet and talk about it in the back rooms, but they just don't see it out loud. he said that an exit route should have been found for the free conflict at it's very upset. and that front as president a menu, a black hole did indeed try that route, but then gave into pressure from eastern european countries. he also added that now
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that the west finds itself stuck in the quote strange state of making more without really making more, which of course, the west says it isn't doing it all despite sending weapons constantly. so basically south who is making the rounds of the french press and commanding headlines as a one man wrecking ball against the conventional narrative when it comes to ukraine . this same establishment narrative that the e u is so desperate to protect that they ban platforms like r t that allow and platform these alternative facts and analysis to the conventional narrative. but what are they going to do blacklist or french president? well, i guess your brain is going to try at least bullying him. good luck with that because some who basically thrive on this kind of thing. it really didn't take long for one of you. creating present advisors will excuse top advisors to lash out a soft, cozy, fantastic criminal, logical form or french present, new class or kazi. and we should justifies rushes. war of aggression has once again
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exposed one of the fundamental causes of today's war. it wasn't encouragement of the western leaders of criminal plans to seize the foreign lands in 2008, and especially in 2014 that contributed to the beginning of a full scale aggression in europe and the mass motor or v craniums. so because these encouragement is a direct complicity in the years long crime. all right, so it was a crimea remark to set him off because he's referencing 2014, but he's also talking about 2008. what happened there? well suck was the himself took a lead role in the george in war in 2008 and helping to secure please in the wake of natives efforts to use that conflict. the saddle up to rushes border, they're like they did with ukraine. and so he stepped in and scored a guarantee for russia. it was made. did it present the time for both france and the you and did you was that georgia and its western allies would pull back if russ i did as well. and this is a link to the advisor thinks that act of peace making is genocide. but
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it's not exactly the 1st time that team ukraine has overreacted to a deviation from their narrative. what cynicism and lack of tact, not representative of the friendly people of france. i demand an apology to my president and my people of ukraine. it doesn't sound very statesmanlike to behave like an offended liber sausage. unfortunately, we're not getting as much as we need. if we got jets and enough heavy argument vehicles, the necessary artillery will be able to fulfill our tasks. hundreds of thank you. are not hundreds of dense. so side, all totally cool and shell speaking of which nato secretary general young stilton bird just said this week that they will keep flooding ukraine with weapons. that is until kia is ready for peace until they're ready for peace. given how angry gets at the mere thought of peace, you have to hope that really this is just one of the situations where stolen bird
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is kind of like the parent who gives the patio a tighter toy. we'll in the back seat of the car, just to make him think that he's actually driving because if they are actually in charge castillo, this is going to work out. and moving on, prominent kenyon opposition, politician rela o'denza, has emphasized that his country is, quote, not the united states in response to controversial recent comments by the american imposter, us and boy of started up the last presidential election, east african country was free and for despite allegations to the country. oh, didn't get a former prime minister of kenya and head of the resolution for unity parties. the 1st thing is all about food has been tamed. the card was read to tell the rogue and best of the kenya is not the united states. canada is not a colony of the united states mind your mouth while you are here. otherwise will called for your recall back to your country. with us and us are in meg whitman this
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week said that the 2022 election was the lowest for transport. it's incredible in kenya's history, the current nairobi government has stood behind that statement despite the rising political tensions, including calls for a review. recently, more than 400 civil organizations sent a letter to kenya, president william router warning about us on other western influence in the country . the statement focused on western companies, lobbying for their own interests, the head of an african climate summit. in the canyon capital, we spoke with politician ken baba, who's a former prime minister. i think i was right to address the issue of western influence on kenya. its would be about uh, the united states of america guys. uh, uh, much so much going for us on much as much as a okay now, and most of the political, political side. okay. and then uh of,
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of getting on the government on how things outlining these are, these are going send that. and i love being that, you know, as of their bush on the done, they leave. i mean, after, you know, the position of, that's all. you have to step up and come to give something up to step up and uh, april, some issues that cannot be they could buy it from local local, so normal reminds me. no, no, no, i mean no more a citizen store that i learned in the news in his life says he understands what he was trying to bring out. and i think these are these guys that we need to, of openly, genuinely with a lot of goodness people that so that you can control or either minimize or a, that we uh, influence the level of i mean maintain the level of interest that the u. s. is the pentagon, this, the pulling more forces to the waters of the persian gulf, the us defense department saves. it's to quote, deter it really and forces in the region. the move comes and made a spot between the us and around the seizure of ships in the area, which is the gate way to the gulf of
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a man on the ribbon c home to one of the world's largest oil fields. meanwhile, a bi partisan group of us senators has urged president biden to offload hundreds of thousands of oral barrels on board a seas or reunion. tiger, which has been held off the coast of texas since may. well, it's the spike, no american energy companies expressing any interest in being involved. we request that you work expeditiously to resolve the delay in transfer of seized oil from the suicide john and continue to enforce the law against foreign terrorist organizations, such as the i r g c. it is imperative that your administration make it clear that iran and designated foreign terrorist organizations will not be able to prevent our government from carrying out legitimate law enforcement operations will to around has warranty u. s. companies from unloading the order from the tanker saying any actions could
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force or response we have, i declare that we would hold any oil company responsible, the salt to one load or crude from the vessel. and we would also hold america responsible. the era of hits and run is over, and if they hit, they should expect to be struck back. well, we spoke to and around expert who said the presence of thousands of us troops in the persian gulf is only going to fuel the tensions existing between washington empty around, inside thing and seizing uranium old cargoes is part of the united states hoppey of the war for us to be of on which comes in 12 different areas. one is all stealing the uranium oil. this has nothing. no. the main policy here seems to be uh, you know, pushing around back in multiple fronts. one is fair during normal disease.
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