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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the headline stories this our major as true government leaders sees any military intervention by echo walls will be considered an occupation of the west africans lock, declares its preferred for action. moscow say is the e u foreign policy chief is simply envious, self calling russia, quote, gas station with nukes, maps of the world bank less. russia is one of the world and saw 5 academies using extra index, surpassing all were at the head of ukraine's national security service rugs. the board last month said to go, look, try me in which claimed the lives of produce different deals on the left to for
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the with the brick sell, it just stays away. not more and more countries are expressing their interest in the block hoping to get in on the mutually beneficial partnerships with offers of a new multi 4 world. the broadcasting from our international new center in moscow. this is our t international good of your company. we begin in western africa, new jersey, new governments, imposed by a to several weeks ago, has one other regional powers not to attempt another tree intervention. that's after the echo was block said it's developed a plan for an armed operation to restore, quote, democratic order in the country. it comes as young man in nature helping gathering to enlist for the army of local during this,
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such as this brief report of the nation's capital domain. and then this was still the military cool, but also the eco was sanctions and added to that has been the enlistment of volunteers for the defense of a homeland. currently, we're live from the capital ne, i made more precisely the stadium where there are many young people who have made the trip to enlist to become volunteers for the defense of the homeland store. many young people who say they are determined to be listed to go to the front and to defend their country, that these young people say they are determined to fight against any military intervention by the regional block, known as equal was nothing on this. if i am always ready to defend my country, if it's for my country, i can die for it. i want to fight for my brothers. i want to fight for my parents, and i want to fight for all the citizens of the share. i am from the share. that's why it will always be for new share. i never, we came to enlist into support. our military were ready to volunteer and fight for our country. need there been, we are here at the stadium to enlist
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a government cold for us and we are here the use of new sure. i here to defend our country. i came here to become a soldier. i want to fight for news. you already got the problem, the cannot be external threats of military intervention by echo was started 3 weeks ago after new jersey president was taken into custody by his own powerless guardsmen. however, their house beaten consensus by possible use of force to restore the previous government influential regional powers such as nigeria and governor appear split domestically on the issue, the spied balance commissioner for the grouping of west african nations. so said that quote d date is decided on the block as fine tune how to proceed with a potential operation. we are ready to go. in the time the order is given. the due date is also decided which we are mobile into disclose. i don't think we my full costs on the military us,
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but we are ready to resolve it peacefully. but it takes 2 to tell me something else to mention here. combat aircraft bearing the flags of mali and burkina. faso were shown on national television in new jersey, after making an appearance in the capital, naomi. the report said stuff officers from the 3 countries met to develop a response plan against the aggression. all of echo was bama co and wanted to go have when they would treat any military intervention in neighboring nature as a declaration of war. on the parts of a single economic union, we hauled joint meetings even the very idea that among the states of the association, someone who wants to wage an international war is shouting. it is also shocking that some heads of stage want to wage war on other countries under the guise of democracy, and especially outrages all the attempts to re establish your machine that has been overthrown. this is pretty contradictory,
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but we heard from local residents in burkina faso, who say they support their government's decision to potentially help fight for new jersey independent. so we know that this problem is that is defined, this eco, a story, and therefore we are fighting to be liberated in any case against what is called imperialism in the event of an eco watson to venture. and i believe that in your book and model that was so responded to a concern, is that going on or the routine and multi must support the people of new jerry taking up arms and going to flight in the chair is the same thing as fighting terrorism. we know how to support each other very well. well, we also got the thoughts of a newspaper head in brick and if also who believes that both parties come find a peaceful compromise, instead of having to resort the brute force of the do you believe the overall equal was tries to remain logical? it's like with its 1st declaration, which consists of demanding the return of
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a constitutional order. so it's totally in the order of things. i believe it's in the normal process of what the community authority, in fact, tries to do so that there was a return to a constitutional order. i don't have a crystal ball, but i can tell myself that everything is possible. all options is equal was the official say, because at the current stage, i don't see if it's just that there is a compromise. so i don't know how we go was come back down on its demand for return to a constitutional order. so i believe that each party is counting on this condition, but it seems to me that there are discussions behind the scenes. there are diplomatic actions behind the scenes. we may come to a compromise so that we may find a happy medium without the use of force. former colonial power is seeking to maintain their historical interest and forget how they come in tangled currents regional tensions in leisure for in depth analysis on about
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r t dot com. see from the moscow, how slum the use foreign policy chief yoseph burrell over his comments bashing the russian economy, saying he simply appeared in russia as an economic drawer. it is like a gas station whose owner has an atomic bomb. everything that was said by burrell was out of envy and helplessness. as for nuclear weapons, only one yukon for has them. the rest, do not. they have nothing to be proud of. so they responded with anger or, or else vice president of the commission targeted china as a geo political player. well criticizing russia as comments may very well have come out of frustration. the, like the washington base world bank has placed russia in the top 5 global economies in terms of purchasing power of power. right? so you have all of your on comes out to europe and space fuel economic crises and
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growing inflation on the highest. busy employment draven definitely. we spoke with canadian politic level as the alex reporter, fee, who sees the commons by the official may come by squats, a fine addition, but to try the very gas station that joseph burrell is talking about. they're going to need it this winter in europe, especially the germans, whose economy has torpedoed here in the last year. this is pretty serious stuff here and yes. so i would have to agree that there is somewhat a little bit of jealousy, as we seen, the escalation of sanctions happened against russia. it didn't do any, anything to the russian economy. sure. it's had some challenges. but russia has, you know, manage it to, you know, go through these a stormy waters, but it has picked up some serious allies along the way. and one of them is definitely china. we're just getting into uh, you know,
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soon to be the fall season. and then the winter season in europe, this is where the money starts to really uh, become, uh, printed and, and e americans of been printing like it's, you know, the dollar like it's been going out of style. and the e. u has really has to get it's helps in order here because they're buying this expensive fact, oil and gas from america. it's dirty, it's expensive to bring over to their shores. but that so called gas station. well, when you run out of gas, you got to go to the gas station. i think, yes, well, the americans and europeans have pretty much well shut down that gas to ation or at least the pipeline to add to that cheap gas. that really, really is important for these economies in europe. well, it's, it's going to bite the, you know, the story to bring you ukraine has conducted a drone attack on an earth field in russia's north western novgorod region. according to moscow's defense ministry,
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the strike damaged an aircraft of the facility and has been condemned by russia as inactive terrorism. no casualties were reported. meanwhile, a ukrainian magazine has published an interview with the head of the nation security service. and it's, he openly brag about conducting last month's attack on the crime in bridge, which kills a husband and wife going on holiday. their daughter. that was me personally together with my 2 trusted employees who were engaged in the preparation and implementation of this special operation. but the bridge we went through 7 cycles of how we used to so many people in the kindest steinway the russians arrested and put in prison, 22 people. they were all charged with complicity and a terrorist act. what's interesting about this is we've had sort of uh, allegations and suspicions that ukraine were involved. the 1st of these attacks, of course, took place in october last year. a truck bomb is believe to have been behind it. 5 people killed their 5 innocent civilians killed. and the latest attack was in july
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of this year where the 2 parents of young girl were killed again. innocent civilians. this chuck vassily, mail you? yes, be chief. it's the poll, one of this article which he gave to a ukrainian magazine called the new voice magazine. it's quite a complicated article. it gives great detail into the planning that went into both of these attacks. and matthew talks about how he's a very close team was involved in essentially the manipulation of innocent people unlikely that these attacks the complexity of them. particularly the latest drone attack on the bridge would have been created with the nato import is highly unlikely. and most analysts believe that the, the intelligence services in the west would have at least been aware of these, these attacks. and it's really the cynicism with which these attacks have been celebrated. now we saw them celebrated opening on the streets of key of the issuing of
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a postage stamp flight mccully to celebrate this attack last year. but among your outlines how his team this celebrated this attack, it was an indescribable feeling that when many months of preparations, which ended up with success. and that's the thing which is hard to describe when the explosion occurred, we shown to very loudly because the in attention was huge. to be honest, i prayed that everything would work out. absolutely. the no mention of the innocent civilians who died on the bridge that day and last year. and again, of course, this is a country alleging all sorts of more crimes. and the salts by the russian authorities actually were very careful to try and target their attacks on military targets. whereas the ukrainians under wisdom backers know, seem able to completely okay with these to begin casualties. not even mentioning them or apologizing for the what i'd like to know is that you kind of taking responsibility for 2 attacks on the crime in bridge, but there have been others. yeah,
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yeah. and of course this is in the context of several attacks. we've had a people like diarrhea do going to an absolutely innocent young woman killed in a ferocious car bombing some think was aimed at her father. a prominent philosopher here in motion flatland, capacity assassinated in saint petersburg, of course, as well as of this type of cynical attack has no regard for the public safety of innocence. and because of that could be impacted offended the silence with which ukraine and kids west and backers seem to be taking this. they look the other way. there's no condemnation. what's your take on the timing of this admission? well, of course, we all know how things are going on the battlefield in ukraine and this counter offensive the long of wanted this much hyped counter offensive, much white by the same media, which is now begrudgingly accepting that it isn't going according to plan,
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revealing the complex and widespread chaos in the us state department of as, as to what to do next. so as this project ukraine, you know, tumbles and x would be towards afghanistan. to a point though, i think we're probably going to see more of these desperate attacks, much like the drone attacks on, on moscow sees pin creek attacks, which have absolutely no strategic or military value. what an attempt to influence russian public opinion. and we're probably going to see more of those as the situation on the battlefield proper. it goes from bad to worse for you, but my colleague shaped both rachel ruble, there was french political consultant on lawyer r. no. do believe say's not this by finding the drum about its country offensive in the months prior. your brains progress on the battlefield has failed to meet expectations in the military situation on the fault is not going quite as expected
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despite the over hi thing. the event of the condo offense, you visit work, and everybody in care of is trying to exist politically, by every mean possible, since they are rumors that some people might be on the chopping block. so as we know, the, as b u is known 1st and foremost for they are sy awful peroration. obviously, this is a regime that is backed against the war, but which knows that it's time is counted and so they are resorting to increasingly desperate then outlined ish courses of action. there's not much russian knowledge into how they do it. they just do it because they are just drinking the calculator, loving the media, the western media, legacy media, protecting them, and basically looking the other way. but again, time is running out into an old letter. someone is going to have to account for this gigantic, a failure. get an update in the story we have been following to people
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accused of desperate creating the crown have been arrested in pakistan. police a pages from islam totally as book or tour, annoyed on finding the street with the rubber tree. comments written on them and read the names, addresses national identity card details of the of choose roles to find a test on other dish. no page leading some to suggest it may have been staged. the incident sparked outrage and unger from the most them can units e, with a number of churches subsequently tucked on the homes of christians, targeted to some houses where a french, but from the cemetery was desecrated. as by no casualties were reported in order to prevent more violence in the eastern, i guess on district of vice all about authorities council classes in schools and shut down officers for a week as well. active as of since, how the rally and support of the christian community with demonstrators reciting some, some holding fathers contending rates in the countries religious might not have
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photo means that they have good. we hope that through this protest, the government will realize that this issue must be dealt with sternly, and those who committed the destructive acts must be brought to justice of law. sorry, i mostly resume yet. it was very painful to hear the calls for a tax on the christian community were coming from mosques. it's horrible. we need to promote humanity in pakistan. laws are english for everybody to 5. as you can see, laws are different for each other. so i am strongly condemned this act and i assigned for all my, my not mine already been while a dutch right wing figure has trump pulled on, torn off a copy of the crown of the demonstration outside the turkish embassy in the hague. the raleigh by the regional head of the empty mouse immigration perdita party outrage dozens of the country protesters and sparking like cry further i see as well. 7
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the while the dutch government condemned the advantage said it did not have the authority to stop it after a court room that could go ahead under freedom of expression laws, police moved in when protesters started throwing stones at the party. the similar demonstration in january this week since then, close the latest in a string of recent corrupt desecration events across european countries. a local muslim community was quick to express to our children, our grandchildren are thinking. we aren't a dutch people, we are accepted. but when this happens, they are uh of rates did, they won't accept the d d r a part of this country. they are working for this country. there are people here which you have seen are working for the government. are working for the police,
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are working for different stages in this country. they are born here. they are willing to stay also here. but these kinds of things make our life very, very complex. that's like this is not about 3. a religious we're, it's enough for us, for my most and relation to the it's enough, it must be stopped with this, the examples and the to run to the garage. it's, we are finished with this case and the european end of the world has makes the difference in motion to stop this. but i have discussed those acts of desecration as well as the recent turbulence among religious communities. with some guest. i would like to do the whole issue, the sound, but the, it's an issue which says somebody had the she understand that you just change
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the, the issue of religion as you know how it is in on you. uh, infinity is small number of people and i think wouldn't be but it's a this is the main issue with just the rest of the question. be on it is of course i find them. i mean busy with jeff chase the last time. even though anybody anybody the ever seen. but this is not the issues which not only are pressing the i think i'm calling to see the sound categories, much region of this and then a big countries on, even in the united states that goes to the if these, these, this is not, this could be sheets, this is something the relation uh, i guess the most of this is the managed you of those companies,
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but definitely those books or by at that thing chapters invest or whatever it is in your view, has the muslim community being vocal enough in speaking out against doc, such as this, i think the mistake it's, which turn developers take becomes a, for example, if you have like them in order to remodel despite the minority, if i'm up on 1000000, for example, is reading for muslims and those media, any venue, and the good citizens are very tests and also for the migraines. busy i think they are helping and supporting all the positions where the swedish people, oh, those has come to that and people the unimportant to the full, the over there and to be having civil most cars over there. and at the same time is probably a good people. you in this respect, then you will disrespect their religion. i am trying to, uh, just build the honey both of them. uh, i think it's barely simple and very,
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very malicious. we have them up at the school related to the socialization, and of course, related to the awareness the progress. but if i don't have a mutual has been, how can i say that they have a freedom fix, especially this is the, the know that the do immortal legal body insist on the, the scope of the window. it's a bit conviction. how kind of the, where to use just to good enough to literally about the ethics of the human rights in the human. but the final preparations for the brick summit in just this further underway with the major geo political gathering, kicking off on, choose the local reporter trouble attached to it takes us through not what's made. the grouping of rapidly growing countries so attractive to more and more prospective members the may just be 5 bricks numbers right now,
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but given the amount of countries looking to cement themselves, to the group, it's quotes, compromise our was before that all those one thing in is the 2 questions for those already in the group of the 15. some of the kids in, jo, how does the, when more than 40 countries have made inquiry about joining brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa in the economic and development tax. 22 countries have made former requests to become fully fleshed, the members of the group. so why so many? so she to join the brakes and uh, they are fully fleshed shiny breaks, which a brace country account for 42 percent of the
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population and occupies some 30 percent of its territory. and the 5 numbers collectively represent 20 percent of the traits. this knocking on the door is nothing new. 22 countries are formally approach breaks, an equal number of informal approaches literally the so many countries are looking to drop and count on the brakes poured is because it offers a safe harbor from put page your risk of reliance on the dollar group is urging its members, to use more of their own local currency when trading amongst themselves and move away from the greenbacks. this couldn't make country news to your new lot, several sanctions. and when it comes to sanction, no one knows that that's out. then iraq, who for decades have been under american once the right now to run is when
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the chair and the host. i'm this rick summit, the south africa. and it's accelerates of quest to become a fully fleshed bricks member. but the use of low courtesy is not only important to the brakes, but it's a key objective of the briggs bank venue development bank. the bank should play a major role in the development of a multi polar poly centric world. we must work to attract investment in the markets of our partners. i also believe that the countries of the developing world can freely make their foreign trade transactions between themselves and their national currencies. in the evolving world, the brakes and its influence are in no tentative to the west. the lid has the money of $2.00 blocks and institutions for 2 decades. we have heard calls for reform of multilateral institutions, only to be continuously disappointed. it is therefore imperative that bricks
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members demonstrate sincerity in regard to reforming global decision making, including that of the un security council. we all have a responsibility to remedy this unhealthy global order and bricks has the potential to be a positive force for that. one more effect out why countries would be seen to press the friend request button to break it because while the numbers don't always read in the a global ip and all of the issues finding common ground remains the basic building block of this problem and the investments amongst the breaks leaven bus themselves have shut up 6 holes in the last decades to now $167000000000.00 in 2020. and because i've actually got
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the story as been for many of the country, a traded some for point 8000000000 rains with the bricks, numbers in 2017. but last year that volume was up to a 150000000000 grams, which was a phenomenal increase. and now, more than ever be through more country c brooks as the solution to many of the issues that continue to play the global self. i'm going to the flat of see enjoyment. yeah. so much on the agenda. i'll wait just days to go now until the much anticipated bricks. summit 2023 in south africa will be bringing you our special coverage of the big event direct from the venue itself. making sure you don't miss any of the moments,
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but matter the dollars where we leave the we can use updates for now. don't go too far though, as more programs get their starts in moments to buy
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the what is the ukraine conflict? really all about we're told is about democracy. other say it's about the res baseboard or whatever that me. in fact, there is nothing noble about this conflict. it's just another huge grip. those in power want to keep it that way. the i'm action or times here. welcome back to going under ground broke of single around the world from you by in the you a. where do you think is the most dangerous border in the well, the rush or you grain, north, south korea. not according to
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a recent special report from the u. s, and apparently the us mexico border is the most dangerous border in the world toward benjamin to join us also and senior national security fellow at the us center for immigration studies has been reported on the ground for years along the us mexico border in his new book he provides a full account of what he argues is the west mass immigration for the crisis. the united states has ever experienced the book over run. now joe biden, melisha, the greatest board of crisis in us history is out now to have benjamin joins me now . from cleveland in the us border states, texas. thank you so much talk to you later. uh, coming on. i mean, i have to start with the fact that the, what, what is the scale of the immigration crisis? because normally, i mean, we talk about the fact that the chinese population feel 588002022 of is a shrinking population. the scare in the united states. but your book seems to talk about the fact you need fewer immigrants don't more truly. the point is you need


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