tv News RT August 21, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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they will not tolerate a global rival. the shut off, it goes up towards the expansion of the membership of the value or briggs extends beyond the interest of its contents. members, south africa endorses new members and the 1st communities pressing the need for expansion, adding up blocks is important, exceeds the current porter is just one day to go until the much anticipated break summit. more countries are sticking economically, multi polarity, helping to get away from a western oriented system with a form i am ass, executive director of st. confidence in the us dollar is following us has been using the dollar as a weapon to target countries seen as hostile,
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hostile to the west has reduced very much the concept of confidence in the us and is rarely civilian is killed and another seriously wounded and a shooting close to the west bank city of hebron from us has pressed the attack will continue to stop sort of claiming responsibility and a china and a rob to move toward greater cooperation and economic trade and infrastructure areas. as baghdad. 6 greater distance from washington, the line from moscow on rachel ruble. this is our team international. the south african president has backed expansion of the brakes community international address on the eve of the highly anticipated summit of the block in his country. a smaller than 20 countries from around the world have formerly applied to join bricks and some of
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the others have express an interest in becoming part of the big family. so that's, it goes up towards the expansion of the membership of breaks. the value of briggs extends beyond the interest of his current members. so i've seen settled on the 4th, are really a following, his foreign policy shops going on to our line wise. all of the guys taking the funds has continually when it comes to the country, the clean wise, all subsequent views, the brakes moving as a very important the club n, a hello, an instrument for the future of how the world but also how africa as a whole fits into the big picture, the prison went on to highlight the fact that g, g, p, the chinese president will be on these for the 1st year. and they are expecting me
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to announce me jeff vios that will be signed with the country's biggest fee. but of course, the title is the biggest trade is not on the confidence as a whole and having to search the heads of states from africa, attending the summit to provide an envelope for trinity, for everyone to give your bearings in check and to know where exactly and how nation one is the power of the africa also the continental trade deal. but of course, there was some pending to the west go on to say that south africa recognizes this traditional entry on this said hundreds of millions of being treated with you as well as with the u. s. and that they will not be turning that back on them. and this is exactly the kind of responses that he gives to the west when they are looking for which has, from south africa, is picking aside in the conflict and crane. and the,
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this is all part of the reason why, of which he just took on a mission to go to ukraine as well as to russia to which i live. take a long view of how the 2 can really come together us and see about the seizing off of that goes into the country. you know, mean those 2 countries. but he spoke about the silence of the guns on the continent and the south african agent with regards to that, i would continue and see how of the keys efforts and silencing of the guns in one of the lease, as well as the d. c. but ultimately come tuesday, the country will be expecting a site more deals with india, with russia, as well as with brazil. and this could only be that some of the eyes that considering succeed, that's off the goal, really enjoys with the rest of the content. and on the back of the africa,
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free trade agreements, and that will be an important node to harness the future uh, treating and treating inputs from the south africa as well as from the rest of the country. kind of other types of fuzzy drives that final preparations are underway in johannesburg. ahead of the brick summit which kicks off on tuesday. russian foreign minister circuit lab problem has welcome the group school to establish a fair, multi fuller world in an article published ahead of the meeting. also emphasizing that breaks doesn't take global dominance and contrast to other political blocks. we do not have to replace existing multiple actual mechanisms much less to become a new collective hedge them on. on the contrary, the brakes countries have consistently advocated the creation of conditions for the development of full states which excludes the block logic of the cold war. and 0 psalm jail, political games. it is natural that all group paint has many like minded countries
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around the world. breaks is seen as a positive force that can become one of the pillows of a need more just bullets sense to make world or the that we heard from a public policy expert to add at us out by university who says both products and e c o p, a benefit from mutual cooperation is they have much to offer one another i think is their bus request for membership is very timely in a sense, because for one easier, if it has a huge are going to consider the land. it has a tremendous amount of water sources. inflect easier, basically the thought of an order this stuff ago. let our reverse export, the ones that are. i bought a 120000000 cubic meter. so whatever every year to neighboring countries, so they're concerned extension whatever. tension and also the tip as a huge young population that's going to work. and the fact that the 0 phase, the sheets of the african union,
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and decide what would be some of the do pretty much have been put on the card on file for the cause of for the bricks. also, that is an added advantage in terms of diplomacy. in terms of the getting the asked and continents to be close up some blocks countries, the kind of for the direct investments that we would expect to come from, the breaks or the china is, is the strongly investing in ethiopia. and brush has been also economically very close. do you feel that wisdom countries have been skeptical to invest in ethiopia because of some of the reasons, including the ongoing collections as are seeing different parts of the country. but the books come through to be reasonably photo china investing in this country. in agro industry is number one. the mining industry has never been touched in ethiopia. we have, he's deposed software that has mentors and therefore i,
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i can see the e c office needs to join the brakes and the brakes propensities of the talks of things here for the member or even of the protestant, of for free set of investment. one institution helping brooks countries to achieve more just the multi polar world order is the new development bank viewed as an alternative to the dollar dominated i m f, but financial cooperation is among the key issues on the some of the agenda are to spoke to a former i m s, executive director who told us perks that should create an alternative system to existing dollar based institutions that serve western political interests. would you say that the u. s. has been using the dollar as a weapon to target countries seen as hostile, hostile to the west has reduced very much the con, the confidence in the us dollar. and the confidence is essential for currency to function. so the multiple world would lead to
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a reduction in the role of the dollar. the says accelerated with the use of the dollar for political purposes for ju, political purpose, notably now against the russian. to what extent do you agree that the new bricks currency is necessary for today's multiple in the world? how possible is it that the upcoming brooks summit could possibly see us now having a new currency that will be coming out of the summit? well, i hope that the lead is, let's see what will happen in a few days. i hope that the leaders of the bricks meeting here in south africa will agree to get some sort of signal to start the discussion. asking for example, the finance minister has to look into the issue, asking them to perhaps create a group of experts to examine the issue and in full and report back to them. and in the next summit, which will be in russia next year. and by the next summit, the issue may have been advanced conceptually, and the brick fleet is,
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might be ready to, you know, give a decision of creating or formerly initiating a discussion. well starting on tuesday, i don't miss our special coverage or the 15th annual break summit in south africa directly from the venue itself. the to and now to the west bank where and is really woman has been killed and a man seriously wounded and an attack nearby. the southern city of hebron, as according to the i d. f. is there any defense for us to say militants open fire on civilians from a passing vehicle? a woman was later pronounced dead and a man was taken to a hospital for treatments. before it said the attacker, it killed the woman but left the girl nearby unharmed. her mazda is not directly claimed responsibility, but said a tax would continue until the is really occupation is defeated. palestinian
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journalist and political analysts, mohammedans. eve says the situation in the west bank is an endless cycle of violence. exemplified by this latest attack, i told him that duck in the southern hebron, that is why the armed forces, the close the area and all the interest to it who broke down to start on things that attack our central helicopter on the floor, are you with your forces so it's uh that you can just collection and those. thank you during the last 2 days. so this in some of the, the fluids right. isn't what on the out another most un today that she think attack, i guess it is in the i have it on so it's uh, very challenging situation. um the weakness uh, secure version that if i send both of those right now, the thing is how am i supposed to do best on business? thoughts about this keep the guys will surface islands and they will go to the civilized, always bank, which concerns about us out for the that. so what plans out of mind that the sample with the 2 weeks of us going to get these services as it's a limited excise tax and i guess they slide it from lowest bank i'm up with from
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guys a strip. so there's about us to look forward to also concerned under the sense of the weaknesses that somebody that speak with you said it was a spot to be able to get it to be active and nothing was spent 2 pieces like janine and numbers on both of them so uh, is there any of the forces edition in those areas that fax will communicate to the jump up to the security and make it the possible? so we'll be in the cycle of violence on the and such fx also brings that's as low as any calculation that gives us about us to me as evidence that we've got the issue that goes up in a few minutes. so it will create that environment that bush us to that sort of thing and to contact of what aspects. so we are living in the circle of the bylaws and the use of hope for the students as the top. i mean would it be on hold? so basically just 2nd inc, um the, uh, the listing of houses. so yeah, as long as this continues with low, but if you can hold, i think that before that will continue such tensions grow in the west bank
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a 15 year old palestinian boy who was shot in the head by idea of soldiers on saturday in the occupied west bank is now on live support after surgery. as according to the teenagers lawyer who noted that is really soldiers had forbidden his family from visiting him in the ward. and i'm say we heard the news of the young boy of do it on mine. i was a gals injury approximately at 11 40 pm and start today. we headed to the family and conducted them and found out where the injured boy would be transferred to, which is the head of the hospital. as soon as he arrived, he was submitted to the operation room and he was subject to a difficult surgery which lasted for several hours. it's worth mentioning that the boy was injured twice. one bullet penetrated, ahead and exit from the left. heavy of the had been the 2nd injury was bullied trump know that hit the boy and his lower right side of the body. in addition, this part was subjects of a surgery as well, and it was successful that from the moment the boy entered the hospital, there was
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a close gone by the easily the occupation forces. since that is where the occupation forces considered him by the t knee on suspicion of him throwing them all difficult tale at the ease where the forces that's according to the clean so easily. the occupation forces recorded hammond every section and for being in his family. even his mother from seeing him and entering that section right now, he is in the intensive care unit under girl is gone by the easily the occupation forces which forbid anyone from entering. we were able to get up and meet the entered and visit him. but now his breathing for machines at the hospital will ask if he gets acquitted and we will if you, that is really allegations that he committed subtraction. we have the evidence and we will defend him and the magistrate court committed the own. and this is far from the 1st case tennyson's had been running high across the west bank and recent months, amid repeated as rarely raids into palestinian towns. according to palestinian
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figures. more than 200 palestinians had been killed and attacked by is really for assistance. the start of this year, 2023 said to be the bloodiest year in the west bank in decades. we spoke with a voice uncle who condemns the incident as the execution of a child, a. as in our life, we received this news from our in the most context that one of our boys was killed . we went to the hospital and found that she was there, but we couldn't see him to went into surgery and came out because his mother has not been allowed to see him. no one knows anything about him except for the news is saying that he's fine. i don't even know if it's true because or she's had injury. i just think he will be 100 percent fine. i would like to say that's a child like this one gets shot at point blank range by them as an execution. charl let him get shots in the head from a point blank range, even if they claim q through a mall itself, coke to they can shoot him in the leg or had to stop it. but it's so claims they
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are shooting our children that void by inquiry and most of the time. now, currently at the hospital, there are plenty of government agents, police and soldiers. as soon as we try to get anywhere near the boy's room, it's like a fight is about to break out. what kind of expect from a court that or this, whatever they desire. it's a court of the occupiers. if i told them to have mercy, this is a child, i will be called the lawyer. we are on their occupation um the and, and now to the city of coupon square are russian armed forces are advancing toward this key position for ukrainian military supply routes. moscow has improved its frontline positions also repelling a number of ukrainian counter offensive attempts in the area. that's according to the russian ministry of defense. what is the direction of defense? you need so be russian armed forces with the support of operational tactical vision . an artillery fire
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a back to improve the position along the front line during the day for tags by units of the korean armed forces were repelled in the interest of the settlements of sing golf cart of region. i know it so it looks good. so we've got screwed publicly, and this comes just after reports surface last week that russian forces are just about 7 kilometers away from the city of cope. ganske, which if these forces can take control of it, it would make launching another offensive on the regional capital. a product of city that much easier. now, according to military experts, coupons cause also a very high strategic significance because the roads and the railroads that go through the city are essential for communication between the pro ukrainian authorities there. and keep on top of that. we also have seen videos emerge on the internet of bridges being blown up in the quick guns direction, although we don't exactly know who's carrying out these attacks yet. and it's also important to note that the regional authorities of car cove have announced evacuations of uh, 68 different towns and cities in that area. now we do also have some new
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information from russia's ministry of defense regarding the offensive operations across the front line. they said that over just yesterday, over 20 ukrainian attacks were repelled in the directions of customer demand. coupons is that bottles and done yet, so it looks like the situation across the front line is changing quite dynamically right now. 33 different towns and cities are right now under russian control in the hock of region, with russian forces returning to areas like is human butler clay that they were forced to retreat from last year in order to bolster their defenses and the dynamic direction. the local authorities say ukrainian forces have sell the civilian areas across the doing that square public and used cluster bombs against the regional capital. the attacks have resulted in 7 casualties, including one say to ality over the past 24 hours of this footage shows. apartment buildings that were heavily damaged as well as cars destroyed, and shell fragments to spread around residential areas are correspond that roman
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conserve reports from the scene. we are on the roof, top of the building that was shelled by ukrainian nationalist in the city of. yes, you nevada and create a nationalist shelled k, optically and indiscriminately exclusively civilian population. now this is just one of the shelves that was found here on the roof of this building. it is quite heavy and according to specialist, according to investigators. this is from a multiple launch rockets system called grant is could you didn't oppose the one with the shilling was carried out exclusively in the residential sector in the town of use in about this, this project to hit the basement in an apartment building. this is the results of yes and now the frank by you create a nationalist against civilian territories. here in the next republic, this car is completely burned down even it's rims. the medium had melted now
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to the right and to the left of me are 2 apartment buildings. once again, purely residential. and behind me is a high school that's set to open on september the 1st, but right now and considering the reason the situation is highly doubtful that children will start their 1st day of school. here the there was such and in the world of the standard is 2 weeks ago and other attacks hit the roof here in our house. and today's nearby, very scary. we're afraid of losing our homes. they show every day. z is where they came from the store with my child as there was already shelly. i heard cluster munitions that pulled further away such as we were on home laundry to the pantry and told of there would use everything crumbled. everything showed windows were shattered trees and cars were in the fire. at least 13 residential buildings and private houses were destroyed as a result of their shedding by you creating
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a nationalist. this man behind me had lost his dog during a shilling. thankfully, he was left on skates as the result of this barbaric attack. it says that him hands that his wife were in the house when a show destroyed a part of this building. do you know how to do boomers? i worked in the garden, then heard sounds of showing and immediately around to the house. and in this moment the shell hit the back yard. the window was broken, douglas, don't the basis of the the door was blown out. the fridge was also broken volume and the other day hemmed. yet another tragedy here in use in nevada to that sold you about at least 5 casualties. right now we are on our way back to the nets because the shedding of the city of using the lodge, i began, once again the number of casualties might rise. vermont calls for have hardy, the next group, public. the china and
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a rock are moving toward greater cooperation, especially in economic trade and infrastructure areas. the remarks came during the meeting between the iraqi president and the chinese ambassador to baghdad. it's important to strengthen existing relations between iraq and china, especially in the can nomics and trade in the field of developing infrastructure and services and expand the horizons of joint operation in areas of mutual interest in a way that the chiefs that common interest of the 2 friendly countries as people, china, a scheme to develop and build distinguish relations when they rack based on the historical depths and fruitful results and has achieved thousands of chinese workers and engineers working at rack as well as chinese companies that today have important projects in their rack a rocky president, let's see for rashid stress to the many investment opportunities in a rock for china. noting that improving services for his cousin, trees, and citizens is one of the main goals of the current government. aging baghdad
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cooperation has accelerated over the past decade as a result of the chinese belt and rhode initiative. china mainly provides investment in energy and infrastructure development for the post war reconstruction of iraq. the we spoke with a panel of guests from a rock in china. his say the main goal for both countries is achieving fair and honest. the trade a. we have a very good, good investment in studies is that crude oil changes is the number of 3 or 4 that pops out of that from the oil. and then we did east, especially from europe. we have the races, the budget to for the 14th and exporting, get net, and now with the china from 88 to the dns increased by 30 percent 222-019-2020. 1 of the obstacles we have is the, the, the us to the, the don't accept this kind of a corporation road the chinese because it will affect the economic goal of relations and investments between they,
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us companies and sides rock and the country you want to have an independence or a situation that should have the multi corporation, multi international, the company or countries. and now we can have the, we sent us a younger we give a good assessment for the chinese relations with us. and that's a huge investments and the inside of europe. so why that will give a very huge potential to the rocky government, the rocky policies and then kind of dependence is the part the huge. what are the main areas of cooperation between china and a rock and how do they benefit china? as well as it's mostly uh, infrastructure in the end, the benefit is, is 2 fold. one uh, a rack is having the 3rd largest reserves of oil in the world. uh, obviously uh, in china a wants to make sure that those are available. there are the largest importer, but the 2nd and larger concern is to have a stable leased. it things have been ongoing downwards,
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ever since the weapons of mass destruction, of the false falsifying evidence which causes the invasion of iraq. it's been very, very tough going for the economy still has not recovered us. aid is minuscule compared to what is and as necessary. plus they were saddled with a very large debt to quite uh, at this juncture. um, they are looking for any way that they can rebuild their economy. and china is willing, it's not offering any kind of demanding, any kind of adherence to ideological things. it just says, let's trade, let's be part of the belton road initiative. the pakistani police have arrested the country's former foreign minister, shaw my fluid career. she, the one time a close said of now convicted ex prime minister and wrong con, was detained on charges of exposing it state secrets and harmony. the country's interest. when he reported that he showed the document, proving washington had
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a hand in toppling con. here's a part of that link to data. i also don't have the reason for a strong us reaction was pakistan substantial from voting in the un general assembly? she gets a go, i agree, replied in the negative and said it was due to the prime minister's visit to moscow . just said that, i think of the know confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds. all will be forgiven in washington because the russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister. the 2nd sonia authorities in washington both deny us. the pressure was forced on us from abroad. the opposition politicians arrest alleges that he and others were involved in the unauthorized transmission of secret information in order to distort facts for personal gain. trust. these detention occurred shortly after a news conference where he promised to challenge any delay in new elections scheduled for november at the latest the following. the current government's dissolution on the 9th of august. second sending interior minister claims the news
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conference and politicians arrests are not connected to where you will recall. the ousted prime minister, said to us was behind the plot to topple him before the april 2022, no confidence felt resulting in his resignation. he made a u turn on these claims, but repeated them last month and now says washington was behind his downfall and was detained earlier this month after being sentenced to 3 years in prison for allegedly selling state gives a charge which bands him come public like penalties for 5 years for us is laura also says the charges against his client are clearly politically motivated and influenced by the us. i think there is no such kind of a legal action against mike glen chavo before she i added mister, they brought the car which put all what is that they have come with it anything which is against the interests of the state. i take the desktop of state was
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protected by mr. the not on and just to show them issue instead of giving it was. 1 the new plot, these persons who have stored this a florida intervention, they haven't been made an accused and the bus sons who are the beneficiaries of that conspiracy. they have been given the government and that, and they have been made the process to this. why the handlers in boxes on the ship, what log on, but instead i'm is with the us see why they were not approved into why the action was not taken against them. why a person who has it resisted against this, these illegal interpret and says they have been made the uh, they have been married. the accused in this matter. so the interpreter and so let's say and the involvement off of the present to the boss of the team and the present
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to the team working on in the head are key of the goal and they are also in law. all right, that's a look at the news for now, but just stay with us and back in another half an hour. in the meantime, be sure to go to our website or to com for the latest updates, and the pricing is by the a rushing state. never as tight as on one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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