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tv   News  RT  August 23, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the that the the, the big group of countries that exist not only to strengthen government to government relations, but also to forward stronger ties between the pose of uh, 5 nations. with over 30 nations and attendance at direct summit, the leaders of the 5 member nation discussed their path to a multi fuller world and joint economic growth and sustainable development indian prime minister in the end, remote in praises and for its alliance as a ray of hope. for the world economy, for the resilience president health, the blog as a driving force for global growth that stands against the colonialism. shown to the
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person, we cannot accept a new form of colonialism that imposes 3 barriers and disagreement in different measures. the here in johannesburg, south africa, we're bringing your special coverage of the brick summit from the international events phase 2. and we would bring more of the latest then by way decides its future pulling stations up and across the country with people casting in balance for the president as well as members of parliament. and the ukrainian drone attack on the moscow region is once again forwarded by russian air defense forces. that's as a u, a b, it's the moscow city business center,
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with no casualties reported the, the line from the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. this is archie international. it is day 2 of the 15th annual brick summit in johannesburg, south africa. the major political advance attracts the world leaders, politicians, and bright lines from all around the globe. as multi polarity adjust the world order economic growth and sustainable development stand at the top of the agenda. let's cross to our studio at the berks venue with nicki aaron and new waco at the heart of the events. the hello and a very welcome to be use as well as sunny it didn't have his bag on the key. aaron and i'm new waco as behind the stage,
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see what the somebody to be honest with not building some very big decisions are being made and discussed and pondered by as 5 of the world leader is a new type display. some of the things on the agenda on day to oh, well, last night we heard that they are going to have it many retreat to discuss the expansion of the brakes. so today we may learn what to countries may positively become a part of the bricks family that is at the top of the agenda. and right now it understands the, the 5 brick fleet is having somebody starts, which is always a joy to see what they end wearing because sometimes they weigh traditional plays of the host countries that will be keeping you posted on that. now the annual summit is kicked off that yesterday with the business for and where the need is of the 5 bricks nations. well comes pauses, depends on the key aims of the events include finally to pause, to allow sustainable economic development, dollarization and trace. and of course,
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the expansion of the block, so we know so whether all the need is on the same page when it comes to expands. and so that's going to be one will be closely watching. the brakes council of foreign ministers also gathered with the top different amounts of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa discussing k international issues. chinese lead a z jane ping reiterated the blocks quest for a more just and equitable international order. while russian president vladimir put in, slammed the west has become a poor fair as a threat to global security. death as to host countries had 0 from oppose the stress, the bricks, countries growing, economic weight and transformation of the global economy in yellows was said, well let's get more on all of that from our correspondent carrasco. let's hard let's i provide her. it's nicky, i'm new to in the studio. i hope you can hear bizarre takes focus through awards at the 2nd day of the 15th of break summit has in store for us
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the 2nd day really kicks off with the lead us and the sensitive convention center. right here in china is the meeting for a family photo. now this is the 3rd ammonia thing that is done throughout all evict me, please. and we understand that today is of cause, another day was that are on plus, that will get to host another, will lead to and today is the day of indian prime minister under, under emoji, who will be discussing bilateral relations between south africa as well as india. as you know, india is consume of some of the resources that i found in south africa such as colo, such as gold. and they have the, the, the, the ties between the 2 countries have really come of age and they have been there for quite a while. yet, now we understand that the new engine emoji will also like to run on part of the a close plenary session with the leaders of the brakes countries will be, will be discussing. and i'm sure high on the agenda will be the issue of expansion
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. and it will be, um, it will be a significant opportunity for each of them to find out just how far are possible, how close the oh, that will be followed by a cultural event, which will also be followed by a banquet late in the evening. now some of those that will take over to, to, to, to meet with all of these bricks lead us on the side line to speak. not only about by natural is but also about some of the issues that of common interest. and particularly the point the autumn plus has been trying to to, um, uh, so with regards to the brakes. uh, taking on a more to flow in terms of the global multi floor uh uh, platforms and, and speaking for the global uh for the, for the, this for the selves. global community of countries as it were. and speaking to those interested in africa is really interested in having the seeds on the security
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council as a permanent member. now, yesterday we had a furnace is we had let the silva of brazil speaking about the seeds potentially for the african union on the brakes. um console, so this is a, this is an opportunity for, for the lead us to really come to terms with where the i in why the, where the items, how far they can progress. the issue of expansion if at all the colorado. thank you so very much for that. what are the highlights of the 1st day of december that stood out to you? well the highlights of the 1st day we have to go through is the economic importance of breaks just um, i mean, barely we,
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we barely spoke about these facts 10 years ago that uh, you know, the bricks could even outside of the g 20 on the purchasing power parity vases, and if i mean the of finding out the loan, that they couldn't be gross of these 5 countries, you know, of us. and so suppose to that of a g 7 is quite something to take notice of mind. you mean this might be a different kind of basing when you look at the economies of the g 7 versus the economies of the emerging 5 that make breaks. but still it is, it is quite noticeable. and the way to move away is china. and let's hear 1st from other chinese representative, as well as minister in china who we spoke about, the issue of the economy and so didn't are under moody as well as to let the silver fox, as a chinese philosopher observes, changes the nature of the universe. the collective rise of emerging markets and
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developing countries represented by brooks, is fundamentally changing the global landscape. no mountains can stop the surgeon flow for my 2 rivers. whatever resistance there may be breaks a positive and stable force for good will continue to grow. we advocate for great economic integration, where we could have a new congress that would not replace our national currencies. we cannot accept a new problem with colonialism that imposes 3 barriers and discriminative measures registry as well as some of the people talked about in the last 10 years. the brick some business council has played as vital role in enhancing economic cooperation is gone during the economic crisis breaks, emerged like a ray of hope for the global economy. and now, i mean, it depends demick, attentions and disputes. we deal with economic challenges and the role of that was important and if you will let them able to attend the present, the fresh. i really teresa along the same team, only really speaking to us, the sanctions that have been bestowed on on russia and the impact the be having on
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the world economy as well as access to some of the vital from sources that you know, for countries continue to need rush, i place a very important role in that and, and it knows that it's a lead item. so food supply in terms of the green access, particularly when it comes to vulnerable countries here on the african continent. now, this is among the things that led to me to put in addresses with when she speaks about the legal sanctions that the west has put on his country to you. and then you get, given the, what do you and your, the international economic situation is being seriously affected by the illegitimate sanctions. and the legal, freezing of assets of sovereign states. this essentially amount. and so we trampling upon all the basic rules of free trade and economic life. that's where the resource shortage was increased in a quality and rising unemployment. and there are direct consequences. prices on
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food and basic agricultural products have skyrocketed in yet. and it is the most vulnerable poorest countries that are hit the hardest and what russia is and will remain a responsible supplier of food to africa. russian green exports to africa amounted to 11500000 tons of 2022. and that's because this is by to the unlawful, the sanction is imposed on us seriously complicated logistics and hinder the export russian fluid process. and that is something that we're going to be having more of vladimir puts and also spoke about the b dollarization project and how these 5 countries could intensify. the use some of their own tendencies when it comes to in. so training between the brakes members, and that is something that i expect to take focused, but of course, some say that there is avenue there for a political of dialogue as well. that if,
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if the brakes had was a member or the member of statute rather than like them to puts in, would be here right now. that would be absolutely nothing stopping him from being. and that's in d at a conference like this. and that is something that is not necessarily forefront when it comes to briggs. and i found that to be rather interesting as a, as one of the officials had mentioned to you yesterday that you know, this is something that must be explored in order to $45.00 breaks as, as an institution the are to use car. 7 well, actually i thank you so very much as we heard there, the indian prime minister full of praises for the bricks economy. ahead of his departure to johannesburg, new delhi said it favors breaks, expansion. yeah, of a full see potential new members are currently knocking out the door of the block is the allies 6 to expands all season 100 and showing about looks like in this role
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. and it's great. as of. 7 5 largest emerging economies are all set to meet and johanna is burg hosted by south african president, several drama full. so the gathering comes together with an important geo political and g o economic juncture. now this is the 1st in force and summit, which will be hosted in south africa ever since the co, with 1910 damage and the conflict in ukraine began. can you believe to be crucial in balancing 0 political interests within the breaks proving how by keeping the focus intact on shared interest, i think this move toward most people that are deep, is shaping up internationally in this significant way. breaks would be a very good medium, the platform on which to promote the interest of the goal this out because of
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the lodge membership of the dix x d. because he took that idea of the membership with the brakes is global. so i don't include china and russia as part of the global assault about in terms of their political approach that they're thinking, uh yes. and they have very much of integrity to what the global soc wants to do, in terms of addressing the in balance and international relations, as we see, no rick sakes to leon alternator to hobble for west and blocks. and why not ricks together constitutes of 41 percent off the walls population 24 percent of global gdp, and 16 percent of global trade. now remember, breaks expansion plans of joint interest from all, well, 14 nations and no india is not a false to those plans. despite what some western reports have had to say. we've
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seen some baseless speculation that india has reservations against bricks, expansion. this is simply not true. we've talked about india's positional expansion, and we have clarified opposition in the past as mandated by the leaders last year. bricks, members are intentionally discussing the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures for the brakes, expansion process on the basis of full consultation and consensus. in fact, the indian government sources have told me that india good likely support inclusion of 3 to 4 members who roughly qualify as much economies. now remember, expansion will remain one of the top priorities of the summit this time. but the $1000000.00 question remains would involve your block means foster data. otherwise we should know it has a mean our strong and proactive effort to see how the instruments off period expansion,
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how best we can positioned in any given relationship. one of the 1st india b trade arrangements in recent months as being the one which was announced with the way i'm given to understand that the initial shipments relating to in the home it will be treated have comments found to have successfully been completed. uh, we are soon going to bring out a set off the standard operating procedures also do an extensive outreach to the business community for them to see how this and go to be treated angel names could be leverage naturally. it would be of interest to see that it could be expanded to as many countries as possible as these economies come together. that could be differences between 2 members of the block india in china. but that all some
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positive signals. for example, the border talks between the 2 nations, right to head off the greek summit. remember, these discussions could also have an impact on the upcoming g 20 summit, which will take phase next month in new daddy, india, china difference is that a week? to find a weakness in breaks because you've gone have deep understanding of the interest of both of all countries within brakes. if the vital differences between 2 major members of brakes one can, as we have done in the boss, tried to outflank those differences and find are going to attend. but beyond a certain point, it will become difficult and that is of wanting also in terms of expansion. because you would be bringing in countries which would have a lot of differences with between each other. you'll say the west test flights to write off ricks several times. i know you've seen it keeps coming back. and this
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time, even stronger than the giving up the flight to the dollar. meanwhile, in deals, priorities for the summit are quite straight. national currencies bought out some ties, economy and expansion. what they gave was dollar, rolled it with their dollar roll and glow with trade falling and bricks, bricks eclipsing, the g 7 and key economy. the brazilian and south african leaders have caused the changes to the global financial institutions to reflect these developments. yeah, results president also stressed the importance of creating a new brakes. car is the one who spoke yesterday as well as boosting economic cooperation cooperation being such a key was that we had yesterday with the blogs development fund really paving the way towards the move balance, the global economy, local journalist page and the door i spoke to shut it down, it could be not an independent economic energy on political analysts. 2 things,
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the brakes pivots away from that. all that helps nations get control over that trade agreements. what would be the benefits of formalizing this grouping and having this charts are in place in terms of everything else that comes with breaks and beyond visions and hopes like trades. well let's, let's take it this way. there is trade happening. the by lodge is skewed in one form or another. if you look at one member of the base nations, brazil that freight, uh, they have got a uh, a tight uh positive balance with the child. and that's because they explore to more to china insights optic out, we have the importing more from china. then we are exporting to china, even though we exports, and we're all materials by and large. so when you talk about had beneficial nation of natural resources, the industrialization of the economies within the brakes, nations where you can have somebody else time manufacturing that can be in pets for
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that is where we are making. so the creating athletics all signs for me and blinks into an organ of a child would by and large, assist in that regard, but also would give him pets. as to the top, we heading off a breaks cutting seats, whereby they appear to be a desire to buy a list of bricks meant by states to want to shift or move away from using the dollar as the means of fate among them. and moving over to a 100 and seats where they can have direct influence and also be able to, i think, have a line of control in terms of the economies splotches of their own prospective nations . okay, well that's enough from us. let's take you to in the side of the summit now as it president renaissance, a speaking that's listed in life. to present your
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accident see the mattress as president of the new development band chair of the bricks. business consulting this both see my booze. a share of the bricks women's business alliance. miss little. com zulu on the ministers and our guest here present members of the department to who, who are here with us. i'd like to welcome you all to south africa and to the 15 brick summit. this is the open session all for a summit. so it's a pleasure and a joy to have all of you here. the breaks partnership struggles for continuance and 5 countries. that a home to almost 3 and a half 1000000000 people who live on this planet. over the past
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decades, the blog has been a major driver of global growth of global trade and investment as well breaks the ends for so the daughter t. n 4 progress break stands for inter civic e and for a more equitable order. but it's also stands for sustainable development. we are an inclusive formation of developing and emerging economies that are seeking to work together to benefit from our rich histories, rich cultures and systems to advance the prosperity of the
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peoples of all countries. we do so because we know that poverty inequality an under development are the biggest challenges facing humanity. we are therefore determined that the bricks partnership which has been growing in importance and influence over the years must be honda, is to drive it into a safe global economy recovery advancing. the african agenda for us is a strategic priority. a south africa during its church ship of fix it is for this reason that we have chosen as a theme for this year's summit, breaks in africa,
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partnerships for mutually accelerated growth, sustainability, and inclusive multilateralism. we welcome the ongoing engagement of fix countries with africa and the spirit of partnership and mutual respect. we are pleased to that or fix members brazil. 3, engaging with the african continent in that meaningful way. russia has always had really good meaning for relations with african countries, china as chosen to assist and support africa with its aspirations for development. and all of us in
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the ways that we are involved and engaged we want to be engaged with africa. india continues to increase its engagement and trade with africa. so as the brakes, family or fast as members, we are deeply invested and deeply engaged with russia with africa, our objectives, reciprocal trade and investment. we want the goods and products and services from africa to compete on an equal to 14, on the global economy. the african continental free trade area, once fully operation that would unlock the benefits of the continental market. and generate mutually beneficial opportunities for both african and fixed countries
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. as nations of the world, confront to the effects of time of change, we must ensure that the transition to a low carbon try and make the resilience future is just. it must be fair and it must be able to take into account the different to come census that prevail in, or countries. in line with this subjective bricks, nation's needs to advance the interest of the global to solve an call for industrialized countries to own up their commitments to support climate actions by developing economic progress, the commitments of support that have been made that have not yet
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been lived. up to needs to be followed through peace and stability of pre conditions for a better, more equitable world. we are deeply concerned about conflicts across the world. that's good to you to cause a great deal of suffering and hardship to many people around the world. i saw the freak out position remains that diplomacy, dialogue, negotiation and adherence to the principles of the united nations charter unnecessarily. for the peaceful and just the resolution of countries. we are concerned that the global financial and payment systems are increasingly being used as instruments or geo political contest. ation.
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global economic recovery relies on predictable global payment systems and this most operating of banking supply chains, trade, tourism, as well as financial flows. we will continue discussions on part to code measures to facilitate trade and investment flows through the increased use of local currencies. this is america, we believe that further discussions needs to take place, particularly amongst our finance ministers. the world is changing. you economic, political, social, and technological realities for beta corporation. the 2 nations is essential
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new reality is called for a fundamentally form of the institutions of jo, but governance so that they may be more representative and better able to respond to the challenges that confront humanity. while many believe that we should advance the interest of our people, we believe that yes, as we advance them, the interest of the global that we as bricks wants to be ready to advance essential. and in this regard, we want to collaborate mall to cooperate more with or countries that aspire to create a more intuitive international order. we are confident that this 15th brick summit will advance the cause of coming
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prosperity and progress. we are confident that this 15th brick summit will in the end, enrich, uninspired, our work towards the treatment or for much more humane global community. this is what bricks is all about. this is what bricks is committed to achieving. it is a great order for us just hold off because to have this opportunity to host this 15 fixed summit and to have in our presence the bix members as they are represented here. and with those words, i open this session and then call up for
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quite up or.


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