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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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the, the the, the leaders at the break slots, the baby issues of the alliance has economic growth, as well as membership expansion with security and a peaceful resolution to the ukraine crisis, also on the agenda during the primaries. best corrections in ukraine, dictated by one thing. let's put an end to the wall that was unleashed by the west, the m. s. satellites and ukraine, against people living in the don't bass. we are ready to join the assets so that we can effectively contributes immediate, cease fire at their philosophies. make so as a joint is, hey angel, how does, but because we continue to bring to all special coverage, all the break summit evidence is the final day that way breaks the plus sign up session will be held today. was 5 latest participating in the mesa to stay with us
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to get our, the leaders from the heart of the international events side, your military group, chief, you ever get a free version is officially listed as a passenger in a deadly plane for us in rushes to their region just north of moscow, but it hasn't been some firms if he was actually on board. also ahead. this is the result of a direct strike by a 155 millimeter sho made by nato countries. argue reports from the aftermath of ukrainian showing in the city of san yet with civilian areas in the regions targeted once again. the good morning for moscow. this is our to international with the latest and world news and days. 3 of the break summit i'm here
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a is about welcome to the program. the 15th annual break summit in johannesburg, south africa, is entering its 3rd and final day. the major geo political event attracts world leaders, politicians, and bright minds from all around the world as multi polarity, a just world order economic growth and sustainable development stand at the top of the agenda. the a very good morning to you as a very well welcome to our extra special studio here in the halls of johannesburg. now it's days we office summits already the final day, new to tell us the token story. some of the highlights of the cost is about $2.00 days and today's the 3rd day. right? absolutely. oh my goodness, a lot has happened since that uh some it started, you know, there was a lot of speculation on day one and anticipation and then they to,
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at the end of day to actually they, we got the biggest break, which is an agreement on a mechanism on how to expand the brakes block and the leaders have agreed on it in fighting 5 additional countries that is really big because what we anticipated was to and so was our many guests that we had we interviewed here in the studio. everybody was say to maybe 2, maybe 2, but now we know it's actually going to be 5. and it's going to be a strategic decision, maybe across 5 different confidence. so now we're going to have to look forward to see what countries will be invited. absolutely, yes and very big decisions have been made in this building right behind us. the sentence, how is and we've been keeping across all the latest developments and updates just for you. now let's start with the final day of the break summit. now we're expecting this breaks up plus style obsession, which is dedicated to growth and development on the applicant concepts. 5 latest.
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we'll take the flow during the meeting with the russian president vladimir putin set to participate via video, the, the chair of the african union and un secretary general. antonio gutierrez will also take part in the brakes plus event. much essential would be once again be focused on multi leverage them as well as driving economic growth and the possibility of breaks expansion with the south african foreign minister. same the blocks a large mate has already been agreed have agreed on the matter of expansion. we have the documents that we've adopted with sets out a guidelines and principles processes for considering countries that wish to become members of the brakes. the more detailed announcement will be made by the brick fleet as before, the conclusion of, of the summit. what is really interesting, the see it for me with bricks is everybody wants to be in. so it looks like
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a bricks has become a concept that has taken root in the popular disclose and you'll see the growth in interested sectors. and the government is see all the governments in ensuring that we see this great a level of racial. yeah, interesting times the head is carly of us faulty potential. they counted as a knocking at the door of the block with 23 countries having especially applied to get the brakes done by states. somebody though, sitting entry into the blacks, are argentina. i read to that side, there would be a egypt and the u. e. at this um its opening plenary session, south africa's president and host to arrive oppose that stress the fight on need for expanding international cooperation. advancing the african agenda for us is a strategic priority. a south africa, a jordan. it's church,
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ship of bricks. we welcome the ongoing engagement of fix countries with africa and the spirit of partnership and mutual respect. brakes nations needs to advance the interest of the global assault. well, we've had our correspondence to all live at the honda is big and inside this summit when it goes all the latest details from the event, let's get the details now from then trouble to talk about on another video because i'm at the because i'm going to stick and dave, positive breaks segments really started off on a very positive note, a must say. and we had the aside from leaders from the greeks nations and leaving some thoughts off of the market and present inputs and have enjoyed as diversity via a video link to really gave us something that a lot of people around me tend to say that it was not expected,
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if the president told us that russia was working very hard just to establish a multi polar role. that is, of course, based on a mutual respect and mutual appreciation and also based on the policies of the united nations, the president. i think that this is weird now would be surprised, came in for a lot of people present a shade, some word on the ukraine um conflict to the president also said that to the actions of russia in the important slip between ukraine really were pushed and dictated by wisdom countries, if you're gonna do shows the way we will unanimously support the formation of a multi part of world order that is trudy. just them based on international law. while respecting the key principles of the un charter, including the suffering rights and respect for the rights of age, people to the own development model. our actions in ukraine dictated by one thing to put an end to the goal that was unleashed by the west. the m. s. satellites and ukraine, against people living in the don't bass. with grateful swat bricks,
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colleagues who are taking an affective pumps. and at times to end this situation and achieve adjust, settlement by peaceful means that the quest for pieces really watch the narrative of the day was and chopping. those tend to move, i must tell you, was the president present to me about the soul. but seeing that my brussel was also ready to join efforts in the conflict between the 2 countries and also very much so calling for peace and a ceasefire. i mentioned that there was a lot of conflicts around the world and a lot of rules. and none of those concepts really received the kind of change that to ukraine of conflict received. and that really goes to show the kind of one side of news is that the wisdom countries continues to need. what did the president also quote on 6 nations to the, to the post is the piece excruciating around the world, not only in the countries, but also through all to the world, but at least from that and we, we are ready to join the assets. so that we can effectively contribute to needed
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cc'd 5 at the everlasting piece. the ukraine will shows the limitations of the un security council money. all the conflicts and crisis did not receive the due tension for events that are causing the vast suffering of the people. patients you have any people lead benz, sudanese, and policy is, is asked to leave in peace. our trade and financial system should be reactivated as a to verify trade predictable and non discriminatory correction of advantage common units for trade transactions and investments for the brakes. countries will increase payments options and reduce alva and their abilities and casings. everyone and all nations deserve the employees. and of course, as i mentioned before, the quest for peace is a collective effort. and that's exactly what a lot of need is. a to date agreed upon that and the big a united thing for us behind the brakes countries has to remain economic cooperation. it is the driving force that will a, some,
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the grouping event is powerful, impactful, and influential when it comes to well, the 5th in the future. and it is the reason that so many, i'm looking at the door trying to get into this exclusive club of 5. the thing about bricks is that it was really set off and then you cannot make publish it. but it was the development of the, the rather the initiation of the, of a bigger development bank that really should them into the next frontier. allowed the different economies from difference fee is of, of the world to really, you know, speak with one language to list those images even more and the use of, of local currencies as letting me a points and intimates of yesterday, the only 29 percent of transactions that in between bricks numbers was done in dollars. the development of, of a new development bank of the briggs and goes to serve not only the 5 members,
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but the great south and community of countries that is important. because more and more our african countries in the developing world as a whole, have been going to the west as it were to look for loans, to look for development aid, they borrowed that money really at a higher interest rate then then the northern hemisphere does and that is not necessarily the best way of doing business, and it's not going to help the developing countries alleviate themselves from thomas and betts. it's just what one entity has been able to do for the brakes and it will continue to do so. and the render moody, if show of that case, is the opposite. i'm that we've had many achievements during our briggs during the bridgestone development bank plays an important role in the development of the countries of the global south through its contingency reserve. we have created a financial safety net set, and i would also like to place in front of you
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a few suggestions. one of the most important ones, east operation areas space. we have already been working on the bridge satellite constellation taking a step forward. we've been thinking about creating a brief space exploration consortium. we just the use of india uh, sending it's uh, it's a vehicle to the moon and making them more lending. the meds is just some of the power that the 5 countries could have. china has a very healthy space program, so the flush of south africa is also home to the s t a. that's the largest uh, tele scope that we have the key. and it allows us to see most of the universe as it were. and you know, the if synergies among these numbers and render moody is really speaking about what one might deem and i'm for seeing the low hanging fruit there is opportunity amongst the breaks. and if they include your new members strategically to this
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group, we had to ride a more more prosperous and a much, much more leading story of the economies of the global west. earlier we spoke with switch camera, rhodium business women, and active is natalie. yeah. who gave us her vision on the role of brakes and the new world order brakes is the past of the future, where we are moving away from and had demonic world order into a small balance where every country is respected regardless of the size, the power or the characteristic that they have the bricks creating its own gold back currency. what is your exit expectation on that? and do you think this initiative would actually lead the 8 the continent from being dependent on the west? well, some parts of the continental, suddenly we still have 14 african countries. that's how it depends. if that's how does have a currency that is managed by from so that's the west african,
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the csc countries. and i hope that seeing that there is an alternative will actually push them to move forward and, and cut the ties that are actually binding them to fronts and, and keeping them in then economic and wanted to re slavery. that is outdated. we need to be don't arise, these world. we need to take away this weapon that's, that's the us, hobbies having with the dollar. you know, we're talking about the currency that is backed by gold. i used to say that's the dollar is back by the military bases. that's. that's what the, what is backing up the dollars? it would be a relief for everybody to go back to a real, a real measure based on gold. yeah. as mentioned earlier at the bricks of lions as well as the applicant countries are seeking to move away from the dollars global hedge of money. also did st. their colonial passed away,
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but not all western states already to abandon the interests on the african continent. so quickly as french president mclaughlin, so to get himself in the engine lights to the international events and down his but, but most, 10 down also contributes to the original mazda and goes into the details. there's no f in bricks, but that doesn't stop french president emanuel not call from wanting to give it one back in june as he tried to score france an invite to this month's annual brick summit alongside around 70 other countries conveying to the meeting in south africa frank said that it just wanted to talk super innocent, but brooks leaders weren't impressed and knock home made the 1st move, claiming that he just wanted to talk. we're thinking out loud, but it's obvious to decision that only the relevant countries can take about the possibility of continuing this dialogue. why not to the brick summit or in another form? it is the french president invited maxim, okay, yes,
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that's why i forgot to describe the music. a no, no invitation has been issued in that regard. maybe my call to just try crossing the summit, like some kind of a jealous x going to their x is wedding reception. but why didn't even bother asking for an invite anyway, what caught, not close eyes. you can say that brooks is the girl next door to whom the west couldn't even be bothered, giving a 2nd glass not that long ago. it's time to beat 5 out to the breaks slopes and rising stage into neat categories betrays of west and centric world view. the now ups goes more then it illuminates all the rushes present to meet treatment video of cold at the, at the center of world politics. this disparate quartets signal, the fail to rival the groove of 8 industrial countries as a form to economic discussion. but now the breakfast, throwing up and turned into a real look or the kind that has just now overtaken. did you 7 in g, d,
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p adjusted for purchasing power parity. $56.00 trillion dollars for breakfast compared to $52.00 trillion dollars for the $27.00. that's according to the international monetary fund. if any western leader was going to have the audacity to try getting into a summit led by countries that they're constantly bullying, notably, china and russia, it makes total sense that it would be not home. the french president has a unique talent for speaking out of both sides of his mode pretty much at the same time. whenever there's a choice, not home bass washington every single time when it comes to actions, even when it's to frances and europe's economic detriment. but the mere fact that he asked for a bricks invite allows maxwell to lay claim to open mindedness. so you can say that, hey, he tried to reach out, but that his hand was just pushed away, which is like bad most thing, a girl. and then telling everyone that she woke up with you, anyone with half
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a brain would think that the best thing to do now would probably be to go away and maybe start proving yourself through your actions before asking for another chance . the good news for my call is that there is no better time for a non alignment, particularly since going all in with the western counts. us lab agenda really hasn't worked out too well for the average french citizen suffering from the seemingly endless cost of living prices. it's really the only argument that he needs to give uncle sam on the permission slip, but he apparently figures he needs from them or else france, if they figured they were really independence, would not be in this mass in the 1st place. being an invalid is myra, a former french president shall have the good who yanked france side of the nato from mount and check the americans out of the country in order to guarantee independence post world war to back home. this the opportunity to do pretty much the same thing and francis own best economic interest when they don't pick to fight
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with russia over ukraine by loading up the country with weapons and neo nazi trainers. and now the bricks, despite having started off as an economic alliance, because now rallied around russia in support of a whole new multi polar world view. thanks in large part to being spewed by the isolationist and putative treatment of russia by washington and its vassals over ukraine. if maxwell was really serious about impressing the brakes, then maybe he should 1st start acting more in line with the independence to which he constantly pains the analysis here from all beautiful. and we're talk studio here in the house of china. so i guess we take you through day 3 of the breaks, some is don't miss our special coverage of the clothes. the crucial global gathering. the
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russian federal authorities confirm that in your military group cheese you have get a free version, was listed as a passenger on a private jet that crashed and rushes to their region north west of moscow. however, it has yet to be determined whether he was actually on the flight investigators or currently attempting to identify the bodies of those who died. the guarding the preliminary data of the plane was flying from moscow to saint petersburg, carrying 7 passengers and 3 crew members. the rush innovation commission is now carrying out initial activities of the scene. and there's also started collect conceptual data on the cruise proficiency. the technical conditions of the aircraft to weather conditions along the plains route, as well as the operation of dispatching services in ground based radio technical equipment on here right now in russia's trevor region where this plan that was heading from moscow to st. petersburg, crash. not too far away from me, you can see over down this road is where the actual crash site is. but the police
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have set up a roadblock here. they're only letting official vehicles to and from the actual location, but to give you a bit of background on, on the latest information. russia's federal air transport agency has said that the chief of the wagner, private military company, you have danny precaution was listed on the manifest of passengers that were supposed to be on that plane and rushes, emergency services say that all 10 people on board were unfortunately killed as a result of this crash, but we also have to understand there has been no confirmation that you've getting precaution actually was killed as a result of this crash or was even on board. we've got no official confirmation, even though he was confirmed to be on the actual manifest of passengers there. that's despite a number of previous media reports that were on confirmed, stating that precaution had died as a result of the crash. now rushes a federal air transport agency once again, they actually opened up a committee specifically to investigate what happened on board this plane. what
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kind of clauses led to this plane actually crashing down here in fair region in russia and the russian investigative committee is also open to a criminal investigation into what's happening. they say that it's possible that some so there might have been a violation of sort of air travel safety regulations that may have led to this plane taking a dive and crashing in this region. so there's a lot of questions that are still left on, answered in this developing story, but we're on the scene and we're going to bring our viewers the latest details as they become available. while there is no official confirmation that for goes in was indeed on the jet. rumors about his potential death happened quickly spreading. people have already set up a memorial outside the wagner groups headquarters in st. petersburg as well as at the entrance of a cafe. closely associated with pre goshen. earlier my colleague peter scott discussed the wagner leaders long and at times controversial career with
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r t corresponded che both. i suppose he's a mind that needs very little introduction. on a global stage, you have to any pre goes and this car is not a very colorful carter who has a sort of preoccupied a lot of our time in the media here and abroad. born in 1961, to an average family and the soviet union in leningrad as it was then called, now saint petersburg. as on an average, i hoped bringing. he spent some time actually, uh, in brochures with the law. the 1st when he was a convicted of a minor of fraud, i believe, and he got to a couple of months probation 2nd time round. he, at a got a prison sentence of significant presence in some of the 13 years of which he served 2 years and a penal colony. he got part in the 1988. and that's a sickness. probably the kind of change in, in his life. a he was a very talented or is
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a very talented and entrepreneur. everything he turned his hand to attempted to do very big. he begun and st. petersburg by selling hot dogs, but ended up operating a large chain of the supermarkets initially. then restaurants, which culminated in him actually wanting at the new river restaurant the most uh, sort of a lavish restaurant in russia where heads of state often met and hosting big big events. so it's really in 20142016 when he diversified into the p. m. c area and the private military contractors, the wagner group, which had a, an elaborate and extensive reach into africa and other countries assisting their military's or militias fighting in the regional conflicts and invited in and funded by them. and this is where for goes and when it comes to international recognition . and certainly so in june of this year when one of his very public spots with the
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russian ministry defense, the wagner group playing a central role in the military operate. just did you find a particular round in the city of blackwood, which was the scene of a very brutal, thoughtful between as the wagner fighters supported by the russian military defense . and of course, the ukrainian military, pre goshen having very public spots with the ministry defense calling out the defense, missed the show, you demanding a better uh, servicing for as far as troops, equipment shelves, etc. and it was the last of these and june last year, which culminated in this march on moscow as it became known, where he had decided he was going to take a significant force of his fighters the so i'm heavy military equipment on march on moscow to make his way towards the capital to confront us, he said, the heads of the ministry of defense about his issues with them. this culminated in a statement by president putin, very clearly setting out the stall that the russian states saw this as a,
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as an act of rebellion or a mutiny essentially. and it is made very clear to mister pre goshen on his, his followers that this was going to be met with a significant respond from the russian states. thankfully, it was a de escalate it in a bloodless way the the where some people, unfortunately killed on that occasion. also, airman, it was uh, the escalated, and part of that deal was that, do you have any promotion would leave russian, go to bell russia which is where he was last seen. interestingly, many days ago, you haven't had any previous version turned off in africa. and he made some quite a atlanta statements that working for russia in africa. and we can actually have a listen to that statement you made. now, i'm all of them. we are working. the temperature here is plus 50 degrees celsius. just how we like it. wagner is carrying out recognizance, making russia even greater on all continents and to africa, even more free,
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bringing justice and happiness to the peoples of effort guns. we are giving i sold al qaeda and other bandits a nightmarish time. we are now hiring true warriors and continuing to carry out the assigned tasks, the ones we have promised to complete. yeah, was it just a very interesting element to the story, peter, when a precaution was heading wagner and fighting against the ukrainian army and making his very public statements challenging the russian ministry of defense, he was adopted by the western media on occasion as a terrorist leader lead or on the very brutal group fighting against the ukraine. and on another occasion, as of mine who was carrying a noble standard towards the crime that when he decided to make his march on moscow . so this ala carte view and the west of what a good guy is and what a bad guys seems to be based on the enemy of my enemy. as a friend, if you're not into russian, you're a good guy. if you're in pro russian, you're
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a bad guy. so i suppose this attitude now is being carried forward in the west or earlier on the west or mediately it off with sort of a speculation into a vacuum. we're not actually knowing what was actually going on here and motion as we still have some facts to flush out as well. before we make the state was that the west to meet very eager to ad jump to so position in this in this vacuum with even the us president joe biden making a statement this evening. and we can actually ever listen to that note. i don't know for, for us, for the most part it's not much working out. he says himself, i don't know what the facts are, but that seems to be the, you know, a pre so position of a lot of stuff. the west of media says when it comes to what's going on, the rush of peter, and so it's no surprise to us. well, you can imagine had the level of energetic soul position and conspiracy to
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realizing that will go on around this as we wait here in moscow for more evidence before we even make statements here ourselves. now to the latest developments in the ukraine conflict, russia's defense ministry says to ukrainian you a these were destroyed by air defense systems over russia's brians region and then another over the co luca region. meanwhile, done yet through public officials reported at least 74. you created a tags over the past 24 hours as the region continues to be targeted by showing our teaser. of course, i have visited the aftermath of one attack in the city of targets. ukrainian nationalist use. the nato made the weapons against civilian population here, and then this, once again. now these are just some of the show fragments that we found here. this is 155 millimeter. hobbits are use quite often by the trade in nationalist to
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get submitted preparation here. this is the craze, or left by the shelf for the house is partially destroyed, 2 bytes miraculously, the woman and her husband who were in it during the strike, survived. also for the additional i was at home cooking in the kitchen and there was this explosion. at 1st i thought something flew into the neighbor's yard or house because the dust was so sick, you couldn't see anything. and then there was this blast that started flying towards us and all this glass and everything started falling down. police officers said they were $155.00 caliber shells. these ones over there, inside. there's a small one over here. and you can see something shining here too. well here you can see the spot where the car was parked, a yellow we are on a 6th floor of an apartment building and its suffered and direct.


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