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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the 5, the 16 i open courts. yes. do i like saw shame before man. that seeing your beats place our father in heaven? i flows what's. in other words, even forms people by example, i'm most white glove shown manipulation. if you see the excellence she's adding the foregoing in mind, and you can see that i loved ones with the brakes and for it is a goes to the fresh air that of cost $600.00 b as or lab 3. colonial is the general sites. imperial is the neo colonial is evening aggressions it to see it. well, how come up in a new way of where you want buddies and new ways that in fits on just is equality of people are. i'm respecting independence,
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but before i'm going please you gone to that are full supports the f for the brakes countries. i'm a bit i timing. we we want to join. i found q. yeah. excellent. sees saying you already covered them. 70 president of the republic of uganda. i thank you very much. my done vice president. i know invites, is that right? yeah. okay, well just jump in there for uh, just an overview of really what we've been hearing. the lots are part of the 2nd session today of the bricks plus at dialogue at session a lot of a lot of speakers going through the big issues affecting their countries. crushed li though at just to point out. they being late, not the problem is that the nations have but also stating the solution is talking about the likes of new colonialism, western hedge and money at loc events,
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infrastructure, particularly in the financial sector, but been seeing how that can be overcome those nations in the global at side, those ad saying that bricks joining it is going to be a major way in going beyond what they need going into the global standing as an equal partner. that a quality that equitable factor a big at word in that and those speeches. okay, well let us do, we have been doing at, throughout the day and indeed cross to johannesburg where are at team there are standing by nicky are in new new walker. continue this some century for us to or at studio with our specialist, judy for archie as the day proposed to wrap up. let's see what they're offering and this are the
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unit and thank you so much. as you said, we are here in johanna is begging. now, spectacular rooftop studio on the key. aaron and i'm the new waco and each day is 3 on the final day. of course, all the fifty's a break summit it here in to have this, but we've been bringing you all the latest updates from here with this. i'm just being held in that building block behind me and bringing you more insight as well by discussing the topic with plenty of guests. now during today is a day 3 at the summer breaks, latest and politicians from around the world shed, the vision of the blocks goals and global standing. h need to congratulate to the new members of the blog, stressing that international friendship and respects the other countries interests are across the list for weld savannah. see why the russian president said that develop countries act in their own self interest to maintain the status quote and the so called roles space international order. let's take a listen to what vladimir put in and other bricks leaders have to say
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the to the country. so the so called golden 1000000000 are doing everything in order to preserve the previous uni paula, hold order. they are comfortable with that. in fact, it's the same colonialism in a new package. got golf. the representation and voices of the developing countries in global governance should be increased. it's also important to uphold true multilateralism. but if you know what am i doing to open a new cooperation agenda between brazil and africa off of let's go back to our universal relocation and rebuild our historical ties with the developing countries that prosperity is always full when it is shared. that's only get the principal, i believe that bricks can work together with others to help ensure progressing reforms can terrorism, food and health security, energy security and building resilience supply chains. and saw that we have with
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that we use to describe friendship operation. and recall that we do want to is a purchase based on the understanding that our success, our prosperity and well be depends on the success prosperity and the well being of this. yeah, i say 3, i mean a lot of talk from the 5 brakes members and all the delegations they came to attend the summit. what are some of those key points sort of stuck out to unity? you know, what's back out to me is how everybody is ready to just, you know, work across the borders and help lift each other. as i mean speech after the speech after the speech, each representative just outlined how much they want it to break away from the west
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and post policies and just really build their own self identity, a uniqueness. and this is the space for that. you are a bit of an africa x, but you've lived in quite a few african countries and we saw so many african delegations speaking today. it seems like so many presidents like another one, another one another. why do you think that he was the big buzz for them? you know, there's a huge paradigm shift taking place on the continent. and we're literally witnessing it as it happens. every body is ready to just part ways with the neo colonial past . with the colonial past and the neo colonial policies that has been imposed on them, we can take a look at what's happening in the here but can't fuss so. and molly, those countries are a part of the 15 space on the continent that are forced to use frances s. h, which means press has to print the,
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the currency and then dictates how and when they could actually maneuver to build their economies. and it has not worked out for any of them. and, and the same goes from a, you know, in, in this whole region as well. we're just seeing a lot of countries wanting to be independent of that and truly build the identities and make decisions for their what is best for their sovereigns interest. because a lot of these have been countries. what a french presence has been peacekeeping haven't really seen much of a difference. no. and so now we're seeing a backlash against former colonial powers. do you think the more african nations come together under the brakes umbrella? the most ability we might see across the country. absolutely. and you know, the, like many of them express these policies have been made to them and none have been delivered. whether it's development, whether building a stability of economic sustainability, they haven't seen any of it. so yes,
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they see the brick squad as being the home where they can really build peace and development and truly talk to the neighboring countries and work out their differences. so that way they can really just work with each other. some of the things that are being spoken of balance over the past 2 days in particular, they seem to have very high expectations, you know, when they talk about or countries working together, new rivalry, every policy be having the chance to either inclusivity and having a chance to rise, but it seems like such a high expectations a bit over the top if you like. but then we see with the new countries that will be added to the breaks come january. countries that are former phones like iran, saudi arabia and the u. a which a couple of years ago, you wouldn't never a full, they would have come operation at done to umbrella getting anything economical or
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economically or politically off to the big full out over the, to round nuclear deal come up. so now it seems like they have come together, they've mended the differences and they're willing to work together up through it because i think they recognize what the common denominator is. and that is a western influence on their policies and how it gets really held them back from working together and stabilizing each other's economy. those 3 countries and literally in the, you know, do politically in the same region which is referred to as the men or region, middle eastern and northern africa. why can't they work? they, they borders somewhat, are within close range that they should be able to work with each other and stabilize. the said, this economy is to the point where now they can come over to the said content in egypt is already on the continent. the, we could have been a, had a continent that is stabilized and dependent on close neighbors as opposed to one that is so far away. but dictating how the content it's infection should function
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as well as the main number. you know, the welto that has being unit pulled up for as long as we remember. right? so at that as a change into a multitude of wells that doesn't function, how we've always known it to be is quite nerve wracking in a way it's perfect slicing. but it was like kind of, oh my goal is how is this going to be? you know, changes scary. it is scary, but you know what? they're 40 plus countries that showed interest in joining the rigs. 23 submitted a formal application. 6 have been accepted and that speaks value in itself. why? because most people are already is where they want to be, and that gives them the chance to really work on themselves internally without being dictated. so while, while the brakes grouping like reset has finally announced, is longer way to the expansion times today. speculation that's around to the topics a months with $23.00 states having applied the blocks to become full members. south african president, 0 rem, oppose up public me,
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revealed the 6 countries that were enjoyed full membership, starting from january next year. a 2nd listen, there's a 5 groups come geez. we have reached agreement on the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures of the bricks, expansion process. we have decided to invite the ident, teen republic, the outer up republic of egypt, the federal democratic republic of if your po, the is law, make republic of theatre on the kingdom of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates to become full members of briggs as the membership will take effect from the 1st of june. now, while they turn to turn the full pay me being defeated the last day,
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the breaks off nations recently made those announcements of basically giving us the to so behind the decisions that have been taken from the 15 to the summit this week at the top of those decision is of course the expansion of the group and that decision does not come without a decreases. and one of those patients in particular is on the afternoon bricks which stands for the 1st liters of off the initial rather the old brick. so countries of which is the result, russia, india, china, and so that we got a lot of people saying that it is only face to assume that the name will change them or something will be done to the name. but then we had a few lead is a clarifying those, the room is in those speaking nation thing that it's new to the as the group of the does the have decided to keep that name and it will not be altered. it goes to show and demonstrate the continue it seats offer the policies and often mission. awesome because the, the big but the monumental change has also been boarded by lots offer breaks. the
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nation indeed is with all of them seeing that the golf course that it is important to for the world or to see that what the addition of these big business times have changed. and the institution must undergo transformation. and some other d does have really been congratulating and pushing these new members that had the best. and those new members, of course, on egypt. all you, ron and i can seen the saudi arabia, the u. a. e and your yeah. and must say lots that has come out of the office that one decision, of course, on the expedition to quickly have a look and hear what the prism puts in have to say about that. i would like to congratulate on new members who will all be working together next year. i want to assure your colleagues that we will continue to expand the influence of breaks in the while. we're not that important to note that we need to take notes off is the fact that to the meat is deleted. it does say that the pool is open to more countries joining, going forward and in the future. this is of course,
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as of to 23 countries officially applied to join the group and, and you cool. and then a number of those 23 was also stated to have shown interest, but unofficially, and i guess they did not to reach out to the members of the group or the principles of the bricks. nation. i know this all, of course, highlighting the fact that all of these new countries of a big a powerful opiate plus members that just goes to show how powerful the brakes nation is and how attractive it is to a lot of people within the world. and i think also with no thing that saves and rob ups almost hawks also, members had initially showed interest. and this really shows how powerful and how much of a power house breaks is. and we also heard a indian prime minister more di, what he's remarks on exactly those kinds of changes and to kind of they're both sitting that's weird, it's about to see i'm confident that together with these countries,
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we will infuse new momentum, a new energy, and the rock hill operation, india has had deepest storage relations with all of these countries, with the help of bricks, new dimensions will also be added to our bilateral co operation. so the other countries that have expressed it is all, it's a joint breaks in the will contribute towards building a consensus for them to be a positive breakfast pot in the countries. the expansion and modernization of bricks is a message that whole institution should mold themselves according to the changing times, positive positive outcomes coming out of this summit, particularly from today's announcement and, and those decisions would lead as well. so adding that to this addition to the group wanting to make the group stronger and many countries around the globe. we also have confidence in one to, to join the group, and also looking forward to a multi point, especially as the group is also a major mark. so i need the tackling us v swimming global financial system, and i think that also goes back to, to, to the where it's that picked them up also shared a few days ago about how the new development bag has really paid it. crucial an
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important role as an alternative to global financial institutions, but really important out of these decisions was also the corporation in partnerships with in the african continent as the theme off with this a week. a lot of this, the assessment is the brakes and apricots on those that really touched on the independence of the african continent without being controlled by wisdom countries . and i guess that question becomes very important when you take a closer look at just how the effort can continue to rely on the rest of the goals for about 80 percent of trade and commerce. and a lot of lead is all singing the same too. and seeing that the only way out of being controlled by wisdom, countries and wisdom policies, which is for the applicant, continued to to be a stable and developed in terms of the economy. so group is also reached an agreement on guiding principles standards. and a few criterias and procedures for the block. it's also saying that as this
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particular expansion in these important steps in bold. but decisions that have been taken will really push and let these other world leaders and will force to see the power within the breaks group. and that also speaks to how recent speculation and opinions led to people saying that to the brakes was established to be a rivals towards the g steven nations. and, oh, all of these brief nations he does have made that keeps saying that is, that is not true. bricks, nations a, working the own pause and the doing what v b is best for the countries about the objective of course. and as much as these countries that have joined a different countries, different cultures, different policies, and different missions of course. but the present who that the full of offers will really made it clear that it is different. everything is changing back to the goal . and the mission is the same. minnesota to all 2 different experiments,
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nevertheless demonstrates the contrary. oh, davosto strength of the fights for a new international was it that accommodates pluralism in terms of geography, economics, and politics and the 21st century. this is a, was of transition brooks office costs as those of creative solutions from the challenges that we face. the relevance of bricks is confirmed by the growing interest of all the countries to join our group. now the did it be a bridge is going up to 37 percent of the global to be in terms of purchasing power and 48 percent in terms of was population. really a historical type in movement for so that you're comfortable for the initial or rather the old, the brakes nations, as all of this takes part to as so that people also send a brief 15 use with in the lock. what do you also get to from this we can from the segments and everything else that has taken place, that is how it would be breaks. nations, a fall cementing their own pace. indeed you up and it's going to kind of be a feature rather space with in the world to really grates up to speak to and
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decisions that took place to just be highly ad in the other rooms in this of sense and convention center. let's delve deep and out and bring in another i guess we have a professor poll 10 by international relations experts as a unit. so with a focus on china rushed trying to africa. really, he said this is right about it. thank you so much for coming in to say a lovely to see, you know, 1st off i see you have something your has it, is it a gift? is a gift for my it does and this is my latest baby i can call it. yeah, i like the relations between south africa and china and the road into to put it together and scape which falls in nicely with the cuttings, brick summits. because so what's a, i would say with these cutting groups, suddenly 2 squads, 2 differences. the 5th difference was each setting to sweep $73.00 cycles
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moving around and connecting each other. this is the 1st one, and the 2nd one is that this breaks some, it is our lives. and as soon as gets for the 1st time, we don't have to wait for resolutions, decisions i've taken, and they are announced immediately as the saw me cause on. so going to relax and the conclusion, how does it see the future of those nations? the future of those relations eh, each is the strengthening of the multiple, well, the old institutions, multinational institutions that dining and it's what out there. and the reason for that since because of the way nations with, with any proof ever. so what is happening now? it's not that mission as a dependency. we are coming to the saying, no, it's a new building. it says it's a new. ok, me see, this is i live in this is i'm still people because i'm still sleeping with the announcements that's we. she is taking place presently during the summer and it's been 10 seer thirty's happened. and speaking of those old systems dying,
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how do you think that there was, where are we at with the new regarding the new countries that are joining the brick block because they are actively seeking to forge economic ties with them. exactly. the issue here is not how the west we're yet, is that how do you, how us will spend the problem? and we have showed that these new powers will send the problem because for the 1st time was seen nations that we never thought that will come together into detail into the table. and disney sions are now in the same table. this is a geo political change. this is a war touch. it is not only part of them shift part. i'm shift is when you see nations moving to the center from the bit, the reserves, but this is what touch it is. i can use this give that to speak, buildings now, do we need to have a new most it, you know, we don't need to have a name, was it just, just to analyze some of the countries that have joined nations that are joining
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brutes now. that joining briggs because it is no longer relevant for them to depend on the global, not done with the global, not, not as humans that done with the global not in terms of it didn't vision the combination of periods brooks member countries, they would add more value to the global south spots they would like to continue cooperating with the globe up north is not the all there's nothing ultimate to assist you. it says in your system that's will tell you to for those that don't k talk. but for trinity the see to it, when you, these new comfortable ation, 1000 needs to ask for permission anymore. it has to pull types of development. that's where by design left for the pair of areas. and those pockets of development have now tend to themselves, into a system of the, of the old, of the brakes with his expansion. what have significant economic power was talking about some of the world's top oil producers,
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all under the same umbrella. so where does this place breaks on the international se? let's talk about markets, address. it makes sense as the world is looking more and more to your images and the nations that can afford that. and the group i was not nations that tough to develop emissions. and the magic economies still need old types of fee. when with science, you wait, just develop today, it's not going to be catastrophic as a cap and india. so, so better idea and on other or purchasing countries, they have it markets. and if we didn't fruits for the destruction, you'd nice because you know what is the future? you have a markets. the futures on say 10 with the global know to what will happen when you roll induce global. know the need to do deal 1st of the city of fuels. so it's is, it's a win win game for the countries this have just talked about the,
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the 2 things happening here was sing piece been pro, cut in the region. that's what's the most city amongst the bricks, the countries just joining as of the fest offer to 24 bit snowball and was seen also an impact of some of the recall for the mentation of the office and trade agreement was seen in pittsville africa also to have peace reason why that's there is no longer it needs to cool, for example, to europe and ask for permission, right? need the full finance need the full technology. so breaks member countries themselves, an organization that's outsets to realize the dreams of the global so. so if somebody look at that as part of a new, mostly t, then what in the wrong way. and certainly, you know, speaking a brokering piece, we know that it, in terms of egypt and ethiopia, there is a huge contention over the now river river. and now that they both have been
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invited to joint the brakes summit, how do you see piece and development developing between the 2 countries? the port of conflict towards the corner. i mean, the point of putting me because it was not a list of them lines or the most in accordance, which form i put in the muslims. but now that's they both belong to the same table . it doesn't matter who develops the electric power. you don't get the jeep 2 segments. still going to stay within the same population. so is it thought the girls fastball? industrial field substitute also, which is interesting which isn't in the groups configuration. now there's another beautiful thing here because i put the offer 10 dialogue that's based on the sidelines. so of get breaks. it's a blessing, it's a blessing in the sense that you start transfer of forgot to come together as well . it's a symbolic, it happens. they've utopia into the breaks. so that symbol is,
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it is a blessing for the seats of africa. so it shows for this the 1st time the offers that as a continent, each is being difficult nice to this number one. but the 2nd point is that we know that the top, your head or low fits in one basket, which was the time is investment. now, this also now provides in notes for the birds member countries to be able to pull periods and investing, adobe. it seems so i didn't hesitate to say that with the brakes and within brakes, everyone's going to be happy if one's going to be equal. if one's going to be false spring, this going to be discrepancies. what might some other discrepancies and headphones be along the way? it is carpenters, we, we, we don't have pets of discrepancies, not poking itself on the most, which is not the wide spread. dissent. there's a difference. destructive, in this case,
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i will call it growing pains each and every comfortable iteration each and every organization, each human, it's any other being the app growing pains soft. this preference is this. welcome to frontier dealing with the front page spots here to use the phrase that might seem like she was thing a win win situation in the similar way that we made an example between egypt and the end of the open. now it doesn't matter what device they might even corporate these 2 nations because they are then going to feed the entire region with the electricity. that's what the issue does not belong to on to, to one nation. what's water is me, or what makes me happy, is that brooks did not jump into its currency. instead, they give direct tv to find this ministers and financial institutions. we didn't break to go into debt research. so that's in the next bits. then a modem wouldn't be taking into consideration because that's where that's what
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discrepancies are coming because of the fund economy's different equipment existence that decision been taken. now what pundents do we use? which comfortable take priority? which country has what's been taught? and what you call robust style of a boy, you couldn't be tools in this case. now we have more than a year for municipal finance of christendom, but countries to deliberate over those issues. thank you so much for speaking to us today. we really appreciate your time on say so it gives you a book as well. a professor pull 10 by international relations expert. the units are focusing on a china africa relations. thank you. thank you very much. have a beautiful evening. thanks, jason. do you know, at iran is one of the group of countries around is one of the countries invited to join the brakes on the radium preston to abraham, raise the price, the bulk for is positive framework of mutual trust and development that someone
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else about to join east brooks is a symbol of change in the world and contributes positively to the resolution of global problems. especially given the fact that it's activity is contribute to increasing mutual trust and confidence rubrics. contribution to the development of the countries of the global south and shoes, and more global endeavor to achieve sustainable growth. each of the current 5 member states or fruits has contributed to deepening such corporation. i guess let's now cross slide to our correspondent and you said delilah high uses a lot has been happening. what can you tell us about a ran a session to bring you up? but of course, the much anticipated moment has come for a long and get one has officially been invited to during the break. scope of emerging economies and congratulatory messages are everywhere, and one and officials have taken to social media congratulating each other. and of
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course, the iranian nation on of this moment, they call it his towards development and a strategic success for yvonne's foreign policy. what of course of the announcement came today during the 15th break summit by the south african president, a serial rem oppose that he said that as part of for the expansion process of breaks a group of emerging economies, the brakes is now adding 6 new members, including iran saw the ravia, then you are egypt, argentina, and if your po, he said that this comes is in line with efforts by breaks group to try to expand it, scope of activities, and engage more countries to add vigor to the process and their activities. of course uh that accession of those new members will take effect um as of january 1st, 2024. it was presidents. april anyway. see was there in johannesburg. he said that the expansion of briggs will pay the.


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