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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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in the event, i didn't change the public up republic of egypt. the fact that the democratic republic of your po, the, is not make the public of theater on the kingdom of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, the south african presidents reveals the country that will show him the brakes on the 1st of january 2024 he started his palm by the box 5 current members during the ongoing stomach here and johannesburg were bringing your special coverage of the brick summit on this 3rd and final day. yeah, the brakes flush style expression wraps up with leaders and representatives, speaking on co operation as multiple hours a, as
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a card members and non c blocks expansion. also the break. so i'm, it's russian 4 minutes to get love. rob highlights, that's all opinions all equal in the brakes decision making, allowing applicant stays to safe, got the right to choose. we do things differently here. the quality is insured for every participants. this summit has raised the issue of a quality to a new level, the fuel watching to oxy international on watts, being a know that busy day with one events of cost dominating the headlines. money is peter scott, and thanks for joining us by the 15th annual break summits in south africa is edging. so we'll just conclusion. over the past 3 days, the major geopolitical events has attracted presidents, prime ministers on the list, on scholars a like a day early on thursday. the big news line that's a match is that the group will more than double his membership from january. that's
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across now to the gatherings, then you would not to use a special studio when they are in a new waco. continue just on the central office. the hey, very well. welcome to our beautiful rooftop studio. here in the heart of johannesburg . as we take you through the 3rd and final day of the 15th breaks summit, i'm nikki ara and i'm the new waco. welcome to joining us today. now during the summit on day 3, be breaks leaders and politicians more around the world said that vision of the blocks goals and the global standing h lead to congratulate to the new members of the block. stressing that international friendship and respect for other countries, interests, or capitalist for welds to biloxi, while the russian president said that defendant countries act india on self interest to maintain the status quote and the so called roles based international
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order. let's take a listen to what vladimir put in and as a bricks leaders at the se, the does the country. so the so called goals and the 1000000000 are doing everything in order to preserve the previous you any point of hold older. they are comfortable with that. in fact, it's the same colonialism in a new package. got golf. the representation and voices of the developing countries in global governance should be increased. it's also important to uphold true multilateralism, but it's in the, you know, what am i doing to open up a new cooperation agenda between brazil and a half percent off of graphs. go back to our universal worth relocation of rebuild our historical try with the developing countries that prosperity. i only know when it is chair that's going to get the principal. i believe that brooks can work together with others to help ensure progressing reforms counter terrorism,
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food and health security, energy security, and building. was it in supply chains and saw that we have with that the use to describe friendship, cooperation, and recall that will do well born to is a purchase based on the understanding that our success, our prosperity, and what would be the advance on this success, prosperity and a well being of this 3 things. finally, a noun, states along the way, to the expansion plans today. speculation house around the topics a month with $23.00 states having applied to the blog to become full members, south african presidency around for publicly revealed the 6 countries that would enjoy full membership, starting from january 2024, or 5 ricks con geez. we have reached agreement on the guiding
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principles, standards, criteria and procedures of the bricks, expansion process. we have decided to invite the argentine republic, the outer up republic of egypt, the federal democratic republic of if your po, the is law, make republic of theatre on the kingdom of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates to become full members of briggs. the membership will take effect from the 1st of june. now while they turn to $24.00, as as a 3 off breaks wraps up less call. so now to all correspond to another very icon guys for more details on the video. thank you so much for joining us. some big developments for the break square if i see some,
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i just read some of the main points covered today, please. of course, and as of just mission big develop lose as 15 the big summit check in time as quick as the convention. same test wraps up at the date of which it was the final date with the prison. so i'm opposed to giving us some diesel behind some of those discussions if they have made and taken as the lead is off the 5 of bricks and nations. and of course the topping those decisions, which is the expression of the group. and i guess that's what everyone else was, i'm waiting for and it was, it's a highly interested piece of decision, of course. but that decision of the obviously does not come with all the questions . and one of those questions that i've read the notice was the question around the afternoon, off with the brakes that would stand so prism russia, india, china. and so that's a couple,
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a lot of people saying that it can only be fees and it only makes sense for the name to change for the name a to be all to good. just some of these i'm in need is the within the breaks nations of the kid, the a, the saying that if they have decided and on a mutual agreement as a lots of do anything, no changes, no additions. but we have to just wait to see how one of that depends out, because a lot of people already, i'm quoting, it's a bricks and add those old bricks. a plus and the lead is all saying that just that keeping the name to show and demonstrates it, continue it seats within the of course, the changes the monumental changes have been loaded by lots of freaks. members that add to the menu of them. seeing that this is the message and a very strong ones to global. i'm you calling me to show them that as time changes . undergoing transformation is also necessary and let's quickly i'm here from the brazilian president and that's just printed as they share this incident on this
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decision. minnesota to all 2 different experiments, nevertheless demonstrates the contrary. although davosto strengthened defied for a new international order that accommodates pluralism in terms of geography, economics, and politics and the 21st century. this is a was of transition rich office costs as those of creative solutions from the challenges that we face. the relevance of bricks is confirmed by the global interest of all the countries to join our group. know that you did, the brakes is coming up to such a 7 percent of the global defeat in terms of purchasing power and 48 percent in terms of the world's population. the, the see the president littler, the silver? no, just some points that are most important for all of us, among which every single have the issues of the sacrament, the single currency. this is a difficult issue, spots we will move forward in solving these problems. the 2nd one concerns the organization of the payment between our countries in the economic field. i would
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like to congratulate on new members who will all be working together next year. i want to assure a colleagues that we will continue to expand the influence of breaks in the well, the kind of getting those symptom is also the to saying that to the greeks, the block will remain open for the countries if to join in the future. and if those countries have really a seen and shown the interest and had appetite to, to show it to join the big screw, put the brakes, a group of people who being open ellis, of course all highlighting, very important to take away the and factors from the membership, the new membership saying that it's menu off of those countries of all from the open test students and those the powerful possible countries. and they're really molding. i'm the president of the big group so, so i've been waiting kind of kids with that to the show progress and countries that
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we need to have proven to the rest of the world that to be reduced to emerge and be actively top of my forty's. the week, i mean these big a countries and this also just goes to show how important and how attractive the brakes group it has become to a lot of people because also remember that 23 countries of at officially show interest and almost an equal number off of those countries, it also showed interest, but unofficially and we've, we've seen how happy and how supportive of some of these breaks lead is. in fact, all of them that isn't a single bricks leader that has really not shown how much of a support they are showing for the human business as he is the indian time in the stuff i'm shooting. he's a symptom of those decisions as well. i'm confident that together with these countries we will infuse and human someone, new energy and to rock hill operation. india has had deep historic relations with all of these countries. with the help of bricks, new dimensions will also be added to all actual co operation. so the other
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countries that have expressed a desire to join breaks in the will contribute towards building a consensus for them to be a positive breakfast pot in the countries. the expansion and modernization of bricks is a message that whole institution should mold themselves according to the changing times. and among some of those positive outcomes that we've heard this week and 2 days, this is, was the presidency that's breaks. countries of really to capital financial system reforms, and amongst those decisions which attack of the financial systems, it was of course, the mentioning of the new development bank and how and important and away from civilities has played. and in becoming an alternative to, to either be the global financial institutions please is settled. i'm of course i was really shaving those same 2 minutes the other day. the group is also at least a few or 3 minutes. i'm a procedures, criteria and standards are for the breaks. the block of thing that's of the
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expansion is really at message if that's all global institutions should follow and should look up to of course, the greeks as you know, it does not really. it is now breaks plaza and a lot of changes are coming its way, lot of cultural changes, policy changes and political changes. but a lot of i'm a need is also say that the chip to be objective, the goal, and the mission means it's the same as quickly have a listen to some of the new member lead is as the show how happy and excites us at the moment. it is necessary to find such financial mechanisms that will contribute to the consolidation of peace and development. we know that the lack of complexity between the countries of the developing world puts us in a difficult situation. that is why a multilateral coordination is required. brooks is just such a platform for dialogue which play an important role. arson. tina is happy to attend the break summit, where the 2nd country lives in america to join the book scripts,
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we are the voice of the global self. this big summit is taking place, so to get to cut a moment in time when open on the head, the voices, and the global let in, are striving to be here. the money crisis. we all faced the global community, particularly of the coverage 19 fund to make a 3rd of the exposed how cooperation is key for all the collective sort of bible spends a going and it goes to my beloved dollars is a station to overcome corman settings that someone else about to giovanni's brakes is a symbol of changing the world and contributes positively to the resolution of global problems. especially given the fact that it's activities contribute to increasing mutual trust and confidence. briggs contribution to the development of the
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countries of the global south and shoes and global endeavor to achieve sustainable growth. each of the current 5 member states or fruits has contributed to deepening such corporation. i guess it will be quite interesting to see how this journey goes and as is joining the nations, a powerful house of nations that are still fighting patients, individuals that offer off christian financial, a patient economy preparation and really equal. so we'll unpack and i'm for deals a lot of interesting points, especially when it comes to security, because often 5 foot solutions off of each of those that china and russia result, india. and so the captain trying for you is the best time for treat to use it in as much as that for patients is the largest amount of i'm countries. and it's really
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interesting to see just how well i'm on the phone. i mean that, as i've said before, and as it is time the, the thank you. yeah. already seems like were this pay this whole time and history is going to be really interesting to watch things play out for now. and that a v i can get all the correspondence many thanks for that report. now the countries set to join, the brakes is a wrong of correspondence. abuse of delani is into wrong with the details on the outlook for the patient country's accession to the blow. the much anticipated moment has come for juan, juan has originally been invited to join the break scope of emerging economies and congratulatory messages are everywhere. and running officials i've taken to social media congratulating each other. and of course,
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the iranian nation on of this moment, they call it his towards development and a support egypt success for yvonne's foreign policy. what of course of the announcement came during the 15th, the break summit by the south african president, a serial remo photos that he said that as part of, for the expansion process of breaks that group of emerging economies, the breaks is now adding 6 new members, including iran saw the rev. yeah. then you are egypt, argentina, and your po. he said that uh, this comp in line with efforts by breaks group to try to expand its scope of activities and engage more countries to add vigor to the process and their activities. of course, uh that accession of those new members will take effect um as of january 1st, 2024. it was president of broadway. see was there in johannesburg? he said that the expansion of briggs will pay that way for more equity and more
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justice and equality across the world. when it comes to economy was president of ryan bracy also said that it was, well comes any initiative to try to engage more with the developing nations with the independent nations nations that are acting independently from the western head had germany. he said that it won't already has very close ties with all of the 5 members of the brick size and it was a session to the group. well, of course i'll create a lot of new opportunities for all of the old and new members of the alliance. of course it was being on board, the strategic align as can offer allows for both sides for iran and the uh, brakes. the lines of brakes um represents around 40 percent of the world's population and 30 percent of the global g d p. and this is very significant for one year. one has been a country that is fighting the most severe on the harshest sanctions imposed by the west against the country that target all of the economic sectors of the country,
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including its health sector and also it's oil industry. everyone has been trying to find ways to bypass and circumvent the west sanctions to try to get back to the global trade. those sanctions have been trying to bring to 100 so needs by blocking iran from participating in the global financial system. the sanctions have been targeting it runs banking sector. iran cannot pay using daughter and euro when it wants to engage in the global trade. so now this initiative fibrex to try to devise the joints, new currency. well, i'm practically run their us sanctions against one and effective as a wrong, but will no longer have to wait for the united states to allow it to engage in a global trade. so using this new currency vibrates, can pave the way for a want to come back to the global trade. everyone can also offer a lot to for exit wrong is, let's not forget that one is a member of opec. iran is one of the largest boiling gas producers in the world. so
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this important and strategic commodity oil and gas can offer a lot of investment opportunities for the brakes countries and for the bridge economies to get one also is located on a very strategic a geopolitical situation. one is located on this international north south plaza quarter, which length of washington, eastern europe, all the way to india, pakistan, the persian gulf literal states and east asia. so this, the strategic corridor, which passes for a long can for a lot of tries, that tries to transport opportunities for the member states of breaks. so it, while i'm being on board, this strategic alliance is an all when game for all the, all the new members of this alliance. we've heard from representative from all 6 countries, which have been invited to join bricks. they've shared their take on the benefit of associated to the block for their nations. i don't think they're going to be any
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overnight changes in the lives of iranians or on the lives of people and other member states of breaks. but as these countries move closer to each other, as they coordinate economic policy as the enhanced trade and develop institutions, cultural, political as well as economic institutions. and as they get to understand each other's economies and potentials better, the lives of the people in these countries will begin to improve. and i think in the long run, it will have a major impact on the economies of all of these countries. and it will create a more balance world, instead of being a euro centric world, it will be a more global economy where people look to and i think all of the global south would benefit from breaks directly or indirectly.
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well, rushes farm. and it's just like a lot of off, it was at the summit to representing the russian president vladimir putin, his trust, the importance of african states being able to choose the partners independently. he made those comments at a press conference earlier in the day. let's take a listen, says no, you, every one realizes that washington's goal is not to punish russia by means of the ukrainian nazi regime, but simply to eliminate any just sent in the international arena. this has been very evident lately a we are now in africa and look how americans are grooming african countries. literally dictating their will to the there was a bill passed last year called countering malign russian activities in africa act. when it was passed in the house of representatives before going to the senate goods, africans weren't outraged who was killed us. now this house of representatives is
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thinking of how to change the name. but the essence of this law, of course, will remain. the americans have decided on their strategy for countries south of these, the harvest, the hills. the document is less than 20 pages long, but it mentions russia and china as the main obstacles to africa's prosperity the 10 times. maybe this strategy is designed for people who are not sophisticated, who do not understand anything and have not read anything about history. but for african countries, it is just another installed. it means that there's a sovereign right to choose their partners. this is simply being ignored. numerous, however, i've also highlighted that they cannot mix dr. brooks has made of pointing out that the block has already overtaken the g 7 in terms of purchasing power parity. and the addition of 6 more then the states, including saudi arabia, on the u. a. well,
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why to not got even further for the farm and estimated class, but it cannot make prosperity. is it the only benefit the tools countries to the breaks easily shane the woods. and not coincidentally, i talked about the explosive interest in partnering with and joining briggs. we do things differently here that we have with the fairness is for the quality is insured for every participants. and if someone is unhappy with this or that decision, then there will be no consensus. if someone is uncomfortable, then everyone else rise their best and defined wording and solution that was that will help to ensure unity is we strive to reach a consensus rather than following the commands of a single superior. it takes more time, of course. but consensus agreements are much more stable to long term and more effective drugs. this summit has raised the issue of a quality to
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a new level demonstrating once and for wall that it is impossible to survive forever on the backs of developed countries. but it is that the south african president answered, the president of the movie is question regarding a quantity during the breaks open session. here's the asset that we are rated the union stance. so soon as we have tied in a new generation of equals, i'm just saying the good news is very small. but i'm saying the for 12 of them that is so as i was off it's not you know, so i probably got the other one. give me one. so therefore i want to equality and i would like to know what other conditions. i know we, we this for congress will be a members of the form 6 of these very few months. no 425, a engagement during this dialogue. and i thank you very much. thank
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you. the beginning of the brakes does believe in equality and i can assure you there wouldn't be any un security con, so a fix 10 rigs with some countries having a v to power. our belief in the equality and respect is what really defines what breaks. it's all about. so the rest assured your fee is must be way late, sophia, not to my dear president. a. l. a. we spoke to professor at poll 10 bay international relations experts at eunice. he believes that breaks expansion means and major the political change. the issue here is not how the west
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we're yet, is that how do you, how us will spend the problems and will show that this new post will stand out front because for the 1st time was seen nations that we never thought that will come together into detail into the table and destinations and now in the same table, this is a geo political change. this is a water shift, is not only a part of the m shift, a part i'm shift is when you see missions moving to the center from the pit that are through. but this is a water ship, it's a new system that is being built. now, do we need to have a new, mostly cheap? no, we don't need to have an impulse which is just to analyze some of the countries that have joint nations that are joining brutes now. the joining fruits because it is no longer relevant for them to depend on the global, not the combination of products, groups, member countries, they would add more value to the global salt flats. they would like to continue
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cooperating with the global not is not the oil is not an alternate to assist you. ease and uses theme that's we'll pay to for those that way. but kate thought, but fortunately, when these new comfortable ation 1000 needs to ask for permission any more, it's as you pull pets of development, that's where by design less than 2 pair of areas. and those parts of the development have now tend to themselves, into a system of the, of their own as the brakes summits 2023 tons to an. and it's been an absolute privilege to be able to bring to you all special coverage hit from the hearts of johannesburg. new. it's been amazing working with you as well to what are being the been the main highlights for you during the past 3 days. and you know, i mean i, i'm just happy to have seen so many different color is just like a mosaic of the world was being represented here. and i, i appreciate that deeply. and it also seems like we're on the costs of some major
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changes. and that's really exciting. absolutely. i think the world is ready in and just really to forward forward with this new multi polar unit that has been formed . and they all looking for something that offers equity and inclusivity. and we heard that throughout each and every representative as well as heads of states statements. i mean, it could only go right from the end. we've had so many incredible guests join us in our rooftop studio over the policy days, and they all seem to be on the same page. the one incredibly optimistic about this expansion of breaks and the other things on the agenda and what it means. i sold a well these to 6 countries, you know, they've really opened a flood of economic opportunities and development as well as piece, which is what most of the global south lacks and without peace,
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there's no economy to stabilize. and we heard that throughout all of the guests that we hope that, that these, you know, that the importance of peace and development is just crucial. and the fact that piece was broken between 3 major power players. saturday, the unit, you 8 e. i mean that is and so now it is and of course we've all also had that countries like tech. yeah. oh raises. and it's a pressing be is just yes. yeah. already special in and joining the block in the future. isaac continues to expand. this is going to be a force like, you know, stuff like that. i was on the, on the global stage and it is idealistic but speaking, so will the guest we have over the past 3 days. i feel positive that this is going to be a change for good and it was yes, absolutely. there's definitely going to be some challenges, of course, because not every member that's going to be joining the block is on equal economics
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footing. however, they do come to the table with something fireball to offer, and that is the crucial part of this block, expanding and building it's forced across the globe. well, it's been an absolute privilege to have you have with us over the past 3 days. and as the brakes now wraps up, we also say good bye from all the beautiful studio engine on his bug is fine for me . nicky, aaron and buy for me, new it go. the homeless you story before we go, the 13 has commented on wednesdays, a plane crash that reported. they killed the volume that minutes a group chief if guinea pig gordon and several of his top aides. now the russian presence expressed his condolences to the families of the victims law. stressing that the incident is now being thoroughly investigative focused.


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