tv News RT August 26, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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so they use the levels and this will be the headlines right now and off the international as the french influence in africa as delta another below. as new chair, oldest terraces i'm best suited to the least of despite from finding his presence in the region has maintained security and saved many countries from the total collapse. denmark proposes binding the public desecration of any holy vote in the country as after a series of koran bodies and scandinavia promptly spots out ridge across the muslim world. how has gone accused as israel todd line, national security minister of racism, all 3 claims, his right son, the rights of his family out way. those have kind of thing is that the violence and
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the west by continues to spiral. we hear from the family of a palestinian man shot dead by is really full lot in the me. i mean, as long as the killing us and say, sar with texas their response, it will be hard to settle down the it is mid morning on saturday here at most go by lots to feel you wait on today. so i appreciate you joining us here. went out to the new military or authorities in the jail. have declared the french i'm busted up to the country. as persona non grata, he's got 48 hours to leave. the news was revealed and an official statement from the foreign minister. a reaction to the refuse a little differential invested there to new i made to respond to the invitation of the new sherry and foreign minister for an interview on friday, august the 25th. not the actions of the french government country to the interest of new share. the new year and authorities have decided to withdraw their approval
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to mister solving and to ask him to leave them to share in territory within 48 hours of relations between the 2 countries have continued to deteriorate since the 2 a month ago. a power is, refuses to recognize the new authorities in the army, supposedly noticing it. they don't have the power to make such a request because young bassett, as approval can only come from the quote, legitimately elected off for things. well, despite some countries in africa were opposing the french military presence on the continent, the french president has highlighted his country's role there, saying if it wasn't for friends, they would likely be no, molly, all but again, a fast friends had every reason to start cooperation with african states in the fight against terrorism, without operation survival and then operation bar haine, launched in 20132014. they would probably be no molly and book you know fast. so the french forces have been carrying out military operations and that's a hell,
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a region for more than a decade. now let's give you a slightly broader perspective on how all of that unfold. of the default of a meat forces and the french armed forces this afternoon supported the mainland units in the fight against these terrorists news announced in the presence of the french defense minutes to the launch of operation for haines. we should replace what we're doing in this region.
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as to why locals and molly to basically get that tape on the french military presence in the country before getting busy. la france had not suddenly started this war. molly would not have faced the crisis. frances operations and molly made us suffer from hunger imposed on us a relentless war inter, communal conflicts that molly has never known. these operations brought nothing to molly. the operation of france got us into something unimaginable to day. molly has lost almost 70 percent, 80 percent of its territory because of france, which wants to weaken molly. the main goal was to weaken us with the start of operation bar hon. it turned out that the molly army was just a bargaining chip. we thought that france would join the fight in our place, drive out the hottest, put an end to the conflict in northern molly. but unfortunately,
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this did not happen. we had high hopes for french intervention, which we should not have done. the most of us are busy from sneed zones of influence around the woods. what are the criteria for the membership and the security council? is the presence of a fully controlled zone of the incidence of those fronts. having control of a number of countries ways can pose it's policy, is able to attract all the latest to its size, especially when it comes to the security council. resolutions from said these countries to prove that it was as true impala visa before justifies the presence of france and the costly intervention in internal affairs. not all of them be united nations funded operation by kind, not from say that they finance and the news money in the same way. they finance operation by kind. despite everything that has been said for us did not want to participate in the global operation. that is the news my nation parish launched operation became in hopes of establishing that base and they said, all right,
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and to take control of molly news. yeah, we cannot foster and shots all the way to somalia, but it's was a strategic and political choice to justify its status as it won't power. meanwhile, the rushes deputy pump, the representative to the united nations as claimed to the body that the collective west is only maintaining its presence. and so in developing countries in order to get his hand on better results, i need you to lose the school. when analyzing the terrorist threat, it is important to focus attention not only on the symptoms, but on its root causes. the un security council often mentions development issues, socio economic backwardness, these types of public administration institutions, and a difficult security or humanitarian situation. however, we cannot forget that these problems are often the result of the intervention of the collective west in the affairs of solving developing states. the implementation
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of so called controlled chaos strategies for these purposes by organizing color, revolutions, involving extremist interest of all kinds. today, under the pretext of supposedly counter terrorism operations, they obsessively maintain their military presence to which the countries concerned no longer agree in efficiency, if not, failure, of the so called counterterrorism operations to curb the terrorist threat cannot be unnoticed. the situation clearly indicates that the real objectives of the foreign military presence line a completely different plane. the preparation of 4 and natural resources is in full swing under the guise of counterterrorism. i do not see let me continue to talk of military intervention in new jersey or by echo was the qu, leaders in the i may have authorized neighboring molly, i'm but again, a fast so to intervene on its territory in the event of any kind of foreign
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ministry in cash, a dental visit because the 3 countries have reached an agreement to facilitate to mutual assistance in defense and security matters in the event of progression or a terrorist attack. and decided to set up a framework for consultations to enable them to coordinate their actions in order to deal with the multiple situations and challenges to which we are exposed. on top of possible of military action stems from earlier echo watson announcements about activating the blocks stand by forces and agreeing on plans to invade an order to restore the constitutional order. however, on friday, the groups commission, president said, room is about noon, pending invasion, had been exaggerated and misinterpreted by report as well that we did acknowledge that preparations for a ministry deployment. do continue. a special ed voyle's acura west has neither declared to go on the people of nigi. i know is there a plan as has been posted to invade the country? in the interim, the region,
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it's important of the elements to me is instruments and engaging with the military authorities, as can be attested to by the several emissions that have been failed to, to the country. nonetheless, preparation continue towards making the 4th ready for deployment. air force that it is worried about narratives of its glands, military action in me, sir, being mixed into pleaded by reports suggested in fact the block was needing the drums of war, president of the commission, omar to reset. i quote, air force as night are declared war on the people of missouri, nor is there a flat screen for forwarded to in phase the country. the air force a party of heads of space and government has only activated a full scale application of sunsets and ports, and soft includes what he calls the legitimate use of course, suicides f was that firm disease on all the off to do concentration of how to download the loan has unfortunately failed to deter from florida in the region west
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office that has reported 7 full since 2020, including molly and 14 a faucet last month. so just thought i said, well, how much and how between him and his family despite falls for their release or my to it also said f o us was concerned about reports of worsening insecurity. excessive use of force and abuse, or we arrest in the sure. he said military administration in the region has not demonstrated capacity to do with complex political, social and security challenges. and letting me share a school, had launched the country into socio economy. crisis, assessing these are i for ice, molly and 14, a fast was on forces to intervene on each territory in case of an attack. and so the crew in nature as a phase of the end of last month and soul, the president of a throat and take it into the custody by the military. sanctions almost immediately
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slapped on the country by echo walks from send america. and ever since various parties have tried to negotiate with the military authorities, but since with no visible success will echo us up the pressure with the terms of a military intervention. but one of those who initially pushed for that the box chapman, the nigerian president, now claims to be holding the group back from building. so john list and political add list from the main site, even brock believes the use of force would be counter productive. i'm trying to solve the price is ended up. and one more thing is like was the tax new share will mullen version of a so be able to intervene and it will they do. so although i think that if we look at the active position of these 2 countries with regards to a new share, we can say that they will come to the assistance. but i do not think it will come to this to let dial, like a mediation, be a priority to our funding, the way out of this crisis with regards to the relationship between echo us and to share. i think it is important for equity as well as other countries also to assess
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the consequences of the war or intervention if they actually happen. but i do not think that intervention or war will take place. you. so what happened in libya, what the consequences of natives intervention were? i don't think that i cause after all just echo was that it will have to deal with the consequences of an intervention in new share. have a number of challenges. these are the challenges insecurity for countries, this is a top priority. i do not think that an intervention should be carried out in my opinion and intervention can not resolve the situation. dialogue must be maintained . we should make sure that both sides button the consensus more over the chairman of the national council on protecting the motherland, gave a timeline for the transition period. even though echo us refused to accept them. i think a schedule and an agenda should be agreed upon with regards to the transition period . meanwhile, and these as northern neighbour of algeria is, i think it's mediation efforts, sending 2 of its senior diplomats to naomi for tools of the all jerry and foreign minister is also are visiting the echo last countries of nigeria. but nina and gone
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into whole thoughts. meanwhile, report say they all gerry and foreign ministry secretary general has met with new jazz, new prime minister, who of course was recently appointed by the cool leaders. algeria, as president, has previously one of the possible ramifications for regional stability in the hell eco box was to launch some kind of military movement and military intervention who denied the whole us a how to region and those year will not use force with its neighbors. no solution is posted, but in this yeah, without the participation of those years yet as a disconcerting by what is happening in this neighboring country, as you is willing to have any germans restore the constitutional legitimacy. professor of political science and international relations talk out of the people with the and he believes that all jerry is efforts at mediation. they're actually about protecting national and regional, secure to be
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shipping the sofa. if i sound during mediation comes in a turbulent regional context, that by the out here in minister of foreign affairs, i can add that to have for nigeria bending and gone up in the attempt to find a political and peaceful solution to the crisis in the shape naturally, algeria and mediation is understandable for 2 fundamental reasons. the 1st consideration is related to historical significance, and the symbolic strength of al jerry holds in africa. having let a series of mediations in african crises, therefore, its historical standing and symbolic legacy qualify all jerry for success in this mediation. the 2nd consideration is the geographical aspect that concerns out jerry national security, given that out to your insurance, approximately a 1000 kilometers of board with needs. yeah, tens. this mediation is a 10 by algerian decision make, is to protect national security and prevent refugee flows. therefore, the geopolitical dimensions that masses 2 bytes out, jerry, and to a lesser extent,
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europe is very important in this mediation. we believe it will have significance considering that al jerry maintains good relations with needs yet, which qualified to be an acceptable intermediary for all parties involved with a v transnational council. the military council initiate whole members of the eco west organization. while the brakes just keeps on growing, following this week's invitation for origin tino to join brakes, current member brazil has proposed using the chinese new one and it guarantees expos to the new addition to the group of brazil's finance ministers at the move will be a win win all around. and we've got the details of dante contributor chris evans, who were discussing it with my colleague data scott, the audience, you know, between now and now he's going to be a bricks member, a brazil adult. take a different time and see if you're doing the trade within an argentine and have a saying, look, we're going to, we're not going to use the chinese currants,
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the chinese women b o you want me, which again is, is probably, they will definitely be strong. this current, so within the brakes and they've adopted to use these currency to perform that trade instead of using the us dollar for the 1st time. as of right now, is this brazil thing is, own exports is large and seen a benefit from this on except this proposal. but i think often seen it well because we just had present, impeaching him what he said about breaks being an organization that isn't trying to, let's say one off each other. everyone's trying to be at the same footing. so it makes more sense valentina wanting to enter an organization that have this equals to use a currency from a member state that is also saying it doesn't want to exec dominance like the us store. because we could argue that the one is far more stable than us selling it because it's controlled by the central bank of china. and that has a bossy date for the fiscal policies in the us. and you know, with alton tina, with the currency as it always has reading right now is even was inflation. is that hundreds of a sentence? it makes sense? been so adult, something that's a little more stable now in terms of the global financial system to expect any reaction from the west. and you've already touched on this before,
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but is it called the general sump devise ation trend that we see, you know, i think the, the west in many respects, that kind of shocking that showed his head and already show up to date. i mean, the, the alternative come and see for the west flows, the euro has of worked out very well because the hero is not ready for anything like that. the last, and we've had some of the breaks nations this week. second, when they do build the breaks development garden, i've been working on a new car and see that was on it. and they said that going to box that's on some kind of sony asset. and so i think that was kind of trucking the shoulders, but it's very difficult to see how they can turn back now the past on saudi arabia, i'm totally, i have help at 1st i have a tri natural defense committee meeting in riyadh. and the goal of a new to create a group is doing hong this defense cooperation. a tech transfer on the development of scientific research also being discussed with high ranking officials from all 3 countries in attendance. while we were talking with the associate university professor motor at outline, he believes this new alliance could be a key way to exchange all sorts of military and technological know how this
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is lisa sneaky, a saw the rugby, are you searching because of detection? mainly focusing on fence products, manufacturing, defense products, he saw the defense, elijah, so the coalition at o g coffee does have the old agenda's true case to the social financial resources to continue the defense projects. and so these are either to prove to be or upsets . and that's for sure, cost on these 4, she is sort of a loss for the against the i'm very concerned about lots of stuff in this sense that these 3 countries, a united c energy use the manufacturing uh, the full products with a cost of factory. and that's the, that's the story, i think not more than a manufacturing entity, but not building and legislators that's on the other hands. and for sure the united
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states should not be heavy for. there's such a commitment that so fast because they were city a great number of friends. austin also saw the yeah. well that they can compete or they can just join the quote at the so the denmark could soon, jay or people who burned the koran or other religious texts. as off of the danish of justice minister, proposed a bill that would bind the desecration of any holy book in public, the bill will make it punishable. for example, to burn the koran. will the bible in public? it will only, i am, his actions in a public place or with the intention of spreading into wide a circle. and when the move comes off, the several copies of the koran were burned by protesters in denmark and sweden. in recent funds, of course is provoked about south rage and the muslim world and let the both countries raising the tyra level threats. o $57.00,
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most of them countries in the organization of islamic cooperation of all calls on denmark and sweden to stop the burnings. but free speech advocates have demanded. both countries stand on the ground. now the turkish foreign ministry, someone den box temporary representative, 6 times this week over the act in june morale, server, coldest. how best of us sweetening definitely a fair amount and desecrate of the koran outside stuck on the central most in july, hundreds of protest in spite of the streets of baghdad and stole the swedish embassy to express their outrage. a professor of political science from egypt held one university still to imagine bought thrust fee is the radical sentiment in the most of them will only increase if the west does not respect its value as an evaluation of the values. traditional values, religious values will provo credit collision to of the word in order to live peacefully inside the country,
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locally. and with the other congregations in foreign countries, you have to respect the values of others. countries share the common values. they say it's personal freedoms. if you want to criticize anybody, you, you can create, decides been pre, but this is not constructive criticism. the people in the middle east, especially, so they are predicting that will be inc and purpose of existence. so as in egypt and many other muslim countries at the band, the danish products, and this comes a spontaneously from the people's look from the government. the violations can come to denmark. it's of interest at dex will could if they continue on doing these things. that's why you did a lies that it's
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a national security issue. palestine has left out of israel, is hotline national security minister, accusing him of making quote, racist statements. this off the he belittle the rights of arabs in comparison to his on, in such a statement as i can say, that is an incitement to perpetuate these really occupations of the palestinian territories. deep in the settlements and impose more homes of injustice against the palestinians. they can give his remarks to summarize the current situation and the daily life of palestinians in the occupied westbank, including east jerusalem, as well as the unjust cj on all people in the gaza strip. been fair claims and individuals of his right to life was quote, more important than the freedom of movement of arabs. statements provided condemnation, not only from palestinians, but also from the global community. the e u. n. america criticized the quote racist rhetoric saying equal rights must
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always be respected. how this all comes in a growing violence in the west bank and greater restrictions. i'll move on to thousands of palestinians. we heard from the family all the published and young man who was actually shot dead by these really mid a tree in a recent grade. and then it issue we were just restore. yeah, yeah, new is just unreal. recall us terrorists, but terrorism exist within them not to us. a young man is not holding a stone or anything. he's walking normally and gets killed without any case. there was an injured young man in front of him and he was walking towards him to check on him and got shot. he was passing through there by chance. he heard something going on. i want to see what's happening. you saw an injured young man and went to save him. he was doing what's necessary, is it came in his hair and thing. then he gets a bullet to the back of his hat. the reason behind everything that is happening is mainly the settlers. because all of the pal,
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assuming people are targeted by them and they want to do whatever they want everywhere. first of all, it must and from the ease riley side. if they stop attacking us, nothing will happen. everything will be fine. they always cause this and start making trouble. the army and the settlers. the 34 year old was heading the head off . the idea of soldiers shot him from behind in the town of beta, a video of the incidents circulating online. the witnesses said the man was on arms and simply trying to help him out of the palestinian who had been wounded. and the incident occurred during flashes between palestinians and these rarely managed re during a raid and the occupied westbank warning. you may find some of the following pictures, disturbing the right by his ready forces came off for a shooting in the neighboring town of florida, in which to his writings were killed. this is really, i bought a police said they were searching for a suspected gunman who opened fire with a car wash full of se since the beginning of this year. really felt he is riley's
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of died and published in unit tests. more than 200 palestinians have been killed either by the idea of orest ready settlers. and the palestinian victims system believes the palestinian attacks are a reaction to is williams and behavior. yeah, i knew him with me and he was peaceful. my brother never 3. his turn at the jews. oh hummed any one. he wasn't going to do anything. he was passing through there. he saw an injured young man on the ground. so he still did drawn in with the guys to help him. i saw this not the shooting him in the video just because he wanted to save another young manning just on the ground. if it was one of us who shot needs them, he might be prosecuted, but who will prosecute naomi? no one will do so except god, we want to come in and harass people. even the soldiers themselves were coming to shoot and kill. they said they have oldest to go any one in front of them. even though he did nothing,
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kill him. because something happened and how are for them. this is a reaction, but this pass and you show there's no guilty he did not send to you. it's difficult for the situation to settle down here. as long as the killing us in the face are a tax is a response, it will be hard to settle down as i go through my live pictures to show you right now done behind me about 3 30 am local time cape canal. canaveral florida. any moment now now says latest cruise admission to the international space station is the blast off. as i said from the kennedy space center in cape canaveral, florida. again, these are life pictures right here and the on board the endurance dragon capsule, an international team of 3 ashton olds from america, denmark, japan, and one russian customer north as well. a fulton 9 launch vehicle will deliver the caps your way up into orbit, which should then dock. here it goes right now. this is the launch right here at exactly 3. 27 am local time. cape canaveral florida. gauge
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1000000 i looking very successful so far. this mission is positive, a cross the flight agreement between denser and the russian space agency roles cost . most of the deal and having 3 russian customer also traveled on us rockets and 3 us actually wants to be on rushes, saw you as rockets over the next 2 years. again, these are live pictures for you right now. just in the night. sky is above cape canaveral, florida. not maybe a hell of a spectacle for all the people waking up in their bedrooms right now at about 330 on a saturday morning. second. and the bun is looking good and you can follow this story right now. and online at odyssey dot com will give you more updates when the program returns at the top of the, the pictures of it is now moving faster than the speed of sound stage
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one problem. all right, let me just write that here on the aussie international, a blasting off to the international space station that full could rocket from cape canaveral in florida at about half past 3 in the morning. local time. appreciate you joining us for that more details online. you know, the website is nazi a the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, at the end of the 19th century, africa was divided between european empires, which mercilessly oppressed the indigenous population. modern day tends and he used to be a german colony. the germans levied heavy taxes on local drives and used them as free labor on cotton plantations. the pheasants protest turned into an uprising against the colonial list under the banner of the religious movement of the z, my z. it was led by a man may do the rebels use guerrilla tactics because they did not have the power
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