tv News RT August 26, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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the stuff which is subject to the new year reportedly puts its armed forces on maximum alerts, fearing potential intervention. it's also ordered the french passenger to leave the country us relations with our as luggage to a new lo, also had on the program. sweetness saves a world, followed denmark, and loving to bomb the public decimal, depression of any totally book in the country. following a series of crown burnings in northern europe, which sparked outrage across the muslim world. palestinian authorities accused israel's hard line, national security minister of racism. after he claimed his rights and the rights of his family all the way those of each part of the community in the west uh,
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the deadly finds in the region continues the fire we hear from the family of a palestinian mon, shawn during by is really forces securing a rate law on uh me, i mean as long as the kell in austin face or a text as a response, it will be hard to settle down the around the clock across the world. welcome to the we can build a new friend off an archie. my name's you. and another. amid the continued talk of military intervention by echo was the west african regional union. these euro officials have reportedly ordered the country's armed forces to be put on maximum alert. according to reports, new jersey military came under safe external threats against the nation have felt such a decision for work. he said the move was inadequate. responds to escalating risk. naomi has also worth a rise neighboring malia, as for teen a fuss,
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so to intervene all its territory in the event of any foreign interference. those 3, west african nations reach an agreement in new jersey capital earlier this week. when visiting foreign ministers, nat with new jersey and we did the music on the 3 countries have reached an agreement to facilitate mutual assistance in defense and security matters in the event of progression or a terrorist attack. and decided to set up a framework for consultations to enable them to coordinate their actions in order to deal with the multiple situations and challenges to which we are exposed. we'll talk of possible military intervention stems from earlier. echo was a nonsense about activating the blocks done by forces on a green plans to invade, to restore a constitutional order. however, on friday, the groups commission president said rumors abundant and pending invasion. i'd been quote, exaggerated, misinterpreted by reporters, although he acknowledged preparations for deployment continued special ed voyle's,
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acura west as needed, declared war on the people of nigeria, noise they were plan as has been posted to invade the country. in the entrance, the region is in pulling up the elements of his instruments and engaging with the military authorities, as can be attested to by the several emissions that have been failed into the country. nonetheless, preparation continue towards making the forest ready for deployment. basically across the state that it has taken this position with lead. sure, because i do the commission has realized that, you know, sanctions and data dog has not pushed back for detroit, you know, and cooper, i guess in the region. so that is why i have it appears as though that process take it a really firm position in, in this area. but what it said it, that, that this the chart to activate a stand by regional force. i had always been there in the course shots are in the
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system and you know, that guides the member states. so what is the, what the, what the condition that you can give a case of each. it was only to use an option that has never or has not been used in a while. and i never use that nobody used in a while. so and uh, but at least to say is i was just to point to, you know, if i'm making mation of declined security forces denisia. and now that stuff the commission is trying to, you know, retract that statement. but it doesn't appear to be what the commission i'm saying on our 2 ladies on friday said that you know, they use a force, had not been taken off of the table, but back at the last will continue to pursue. ready the dialogue with the military government of the sure applicants generally, you know, have this sense of disappointments um, you know, about what is happening in the share and disappointments. the 2 ways of explain 1st
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deb disappointed that there's a military or there's a clue that has happens that i've been secondly there. so saying that, you know, they're worried and disappointed about the position of the region are blocked. and for us saying that there would be serious consequences. and now those consequences already being foutz and some of the neighboring countries receipt trade, you know, call me to almost a halt in neighboring nigeria that trade as in the states that border, be sure having a really hard time doing business. but there's also this sense of support for what is happening in these are, you know, a stack of support across africa, critical voices of the brand by airports of growing in the region. and people basically saying that the f west should leave the people of leisure to make, you know, the choices that they feel could better be a lice, as well as your e in your. busy list on political level, assume i, labor of the leads they use, a force would be culture productive in trying to solve
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a crisis with regards to the relationship between echo us and to share. i think it is important for cost as well as other countries also to assess the consequences of the war or intervention if they actually happen. but i do not think that intervention or war will take place. you. so what happened in libya, what the consequences of nato's intervention were? i don't think that a cause after all just echo was that it will have to deal with the consequences of an intervention in the share have a number of challenges. these are the challenges insecurity for countries, this is a top priority. i did not think that an intervention shouldn't be carried out in my opinion and intervention can not resolve the situation. dialogue must be maintained . we should make sure that both sides find the consensus more over the chairman of the national council on protecting the motherland gave a timeline for the transition period. even though echo us refused to accept them. i think a schedule an agenda should be agreed upon with regards to the transition period involved in new jersey to northern neighbor, algeria is,
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i think it's mediation efforts sending to all of its senior diplomats to me, i'm a for talks the i'll jury and foreign minister is also visiting the echo was countries of nigeria bending on gun up to discuss the crisis. it's also believe the l. julian foreign ministry. secretary general has met with new jersey, new prime minister, who was recently appointed by the crew leaders, while out curious presidents previous the warrant of the consequences of regional people in the south region. if echo was once as military action, i am new to intervention who denied the whole so how the region and those year it will not use force with its neighbors. no solution is possible in this yeah. without the participation of all g area. as a disconcerted by what is happening in this neighboring country, as you is willing to have any germans restore the constitutional legitimacy or professor of political science on international relations, dr. r b,
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do many in the leaves, i'll jury is efforts and mediation are all about protecting national and regional, secure be shipping the sofa. if i sound jerry mediation comes in a turbulent regional context that by the algerian minister of foreign affairs, i've made that to have for nigeria bending and gone up in the attempt to find a political and peaceful solution to the crisis in the shape. naturally, algeria and mediation is understandable for 2 fundamental reasons. the 1st consideration is related to historical significance and the symbolic strength of al jerry holes in africa. having let a series of mediations in african crises, the voice historical standing on symbolic legacy qualify al jerry for success in this mediation. the 2nd consideration is the geographical aspect that concerns out jerry national security, given that out here in chairs approximately a 1000 kilometers of board with needs. yeah. headings, this mediation is an attempt by al jerry and decision makers to protect national
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security and prevent refugee flows. therefore, the geo political dimensions that mass as 2 bytes out, jerry and to a lesser extent in europe is very important. in this mediation. we believe it will have significance considering that al jerry maintains good relations with needs yet, which qualified to be an acceptable intermediary for all parties involved with the trans national council, the military council initiate, whole members of the aca wes organization. it was so much happening as regards the conflict, the new military authorities in new jersey. i have no declared the french impostor to the country persona non grata, giving him 48 hours to leave the country. the news over so revealed an unofficial statement from the nations financed reaction to the refuse a little differential invested there to me. i made to respond to the invitation of the new sherry and foreign minister for an interview on friday, august the 25th. not the actions of the french government country to the interest
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of new share. the new year and authorities have decided to withdraw their approval to mister solving and to ask him to leave them to share in territory within 48 hours. for the relations between those 2 countries have continued to deteriorate since last month's government over throw par us refuses to recognize the new leadership in new jersey, reportedly note saying they don't have the power to make such a request because the investors approval can only come from quote, legitimate elected of far, etc. well, despite a number of countries in africa, posing frances military presence on the continent, the french president has sought to highlight part of his role there, cleaning. if it was for his nation, they would like to be know molly, for the king of fossil france had every reason to start cooperation with african
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states in the fight against terrorism. without operation survival and then operation bar haine, launched in 20132014. they would probably be no, molly and book you know, fast, so just to point out to your french forces, helping, carrying a military operations in this a health region for more than a decade. now here's how those efforts have wonderful the, the force of a move forces and the french armed forces this afternoon supported the mainland units in the fight against these terrorists. the
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general said, i'm used to the announced in the presence of the french defense minutes to the launch of operation for haines. we should replace what we're doing in this region. the only people who you want us to, we do not intend to continue to conduct operations abroad. and definitely therefore today, together with our partners, i have decided to officially announce the end of our operation market in
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the picture there of the past decade. well, we spoke with the locals in molly to get their take on the french military from foot. how that has evolved in their country before did a busy life of france had not suddenly started this war. molly would not have faced the crisis. frances operations and molly made us suffer from hunger imposed on us a relentless war inter, communal conflicts that molly has never known. these operations brought nothing to molly. the operation of france got us into something unimaginable to day. molly has lost almost 70 percent, 80 percent of its territory because of france,
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which wants to weaken molly. the main goal was to weaken us the with the start of operation bar hon. it turned out that the molly army was just a bargaining chip. we thought that france would join the fight in our place, drive out the hottest, put an end to the conflict in northern molly. but unfortunately, this did not happen. we had high hopes for french intervention, which we should not have done. nothing as a business from sneed zones of influence around the world. what are the criteria for the membership and the security council? is the presence of a fully controlled zone of the influence of those fronts. having control of a number of countries ways can pose it's policy, is able to attract all the latest to its size, especially when it comes to the security council. resolutions from said these countries to prove that it was as true impala visa before justifies the presence of france and the cost the intervention in internal affairs. not all of them. the
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united nations funded operation by kind, not for us. they that they finance and the news money in the same way. they finance operation by kind despite everything that has been said for us did not want to participate in that global operation. that is the news, my nation parish last operation. but cain in hopes of the stuff that should have basically said, all right, and to take control of molly news. yeah. we cannot foster and shots all the way to somalia, but it's was a strategic and political choice to justify its status as it won't power. meanwhile, russia is deputy permanent representative to the us plain that the collective west is only maintaining its presence in developing countries to maintain a grip on the resources. i need you to lose the school. when analyzing the terrorist threat, it is important to focus attention not only on the symptoms, but on its root causes. the un security council often mentions development issues,
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socio economic backwardness defects of public administration institutions, and a difficult security or humanitarian situation. however, we cannot forget that these problems are often the result of the intervention of the collective west in the affairs of solving developing states. the implementation of so called controlled chaos strategies for these purposes by organizing color, revolutions, involving extremist and terrorist of all kinds. today, under the pretext of supposedly counter terrorism operations, they obsessively maintain their military presence to which the countries concerned no longer agree inefficiency, if not, failure, of the so called counter terrorism operations to curb the terrorist threat cannot be unnoticed. the situation clearly indicates that the real objectives of the foreign military presence line a completely different plane. the preparation of 4 and natural resources is in full
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swing under the guise of counterterrorism. sweden said will be following denmark's example of binding demonstrations that desecrate holy books. that's after the danish minister of justice propose to build binding such events. the bill will make it punishable. for example, to button the koran. will the bible in public, it will only i am, his actions in a public place or with the intention of spreading into wide a circle. on the move comes after several copies of the crown were burdened by protesters in denmark, sweden, under the netherlands in recent months. know that the mass side for age and the muslim world and lead to both of the former scandinavian countries raising their terrorist threat level as a whole. 57, most of the companies and the organization that this on the cooperation of colon copenhagen and stockholm stone. the burning but free speech and expression of the kits of earth. both countries just found that while the turkish foreign ministry
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summoned denmark temporary representative, 6 times this week, over the x in june morocco recalls it's a boston or to sweden, definitely after a month, desecrated the crumbs outside stuck home central most. then last month, probably bits of protestors flooded the streets of baghdad on storm, the swedish embassy to express their light switch, professor of political science from egypt. hell, when that university dr. mike did both trust fears rather coal sentiment in the muslim world alone in craig's system with doesn't respect it's following the assembly, the violation of the values, traditional values, religious values will provoke radicalism to outdoor, in order to live peacefully inside the country locally. and with the other congregations in foreign countries, you have to respect the values of others. countries share the common values.
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they say did set personal freedoms. if you want to criticize anybody, you, you can create, decides them pre. but this is not constructive criticism. the people in the middle east especially, so they are protecting that will be inc and purposes of existence. so as in egypt and many other muslim countries, uh, they banned the day, me its products. and this comes as spontaneously from the people's look from the government. the violations can come to denmark. it's of interest at dex will. could continue on doing these things. that's why you did a lies that it's a national security issue. palestinian leaders have lost all our time. israel is hard line, national security minister accusing him of making quote,
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racist statements after he be level the rights of archives in comparison to his own in the west, back such a statement. so i can see that is an incitement to perpetuate these ready occupations. the palestinian territories deepened the settlements and imposed more homes of injustice against the palestinians. ben gives remarks to summarize the current situation and the daily life of palestinians in the occupied westbank, including east jerusalem as well as the and just see jo. now people in the gaza strip, right, that's in response to bend chavira claiming in an interview that his right to life was more important than the freedom of movement of arabs who statements. proof of combination not only from palestinian officials but also the international community. the use of the us criticized the quote racist rhetoric saying equal rights must be respected, but israel pm benjamin netanyahu, his fucking, mr. ben,
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get me here over here. he's, he's really allows maximum freedom of movement in judy and some of the both israelis and palestinians. unfortunately, but it's the entire is take advantage of this freedom of movement to know these valley women, children and families by abusing them at southern points on different routes in order to prevent these, he knows notice is what a security forces have implemented special, secure with the mattress and these areas, this is what ben greer meant. once you set the right to life proceeds, freedom of movement. what are they? we spoke with cal doing bart goods, a pulse, they need a list, and this really a 1st who said the statements by v, as really national security minister reflect the entire state system. what's being be of said lately it's, it's not something giving you what's only been clear is to balance it, then i don't expect any action. so what is that i, let's been doing to the balance damian's maybe actions to the kid to go. so this assessment really adds, must think uh, so what the,
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the web could do model then that way i sort of in a statement. but what is important is that what the been the stead iturbi's in the isn't really bullets is again simple as being and, and when we say it a system, i think we are uh giving get a list sized then it does the floor. i looked up, what is the total? is it a and when it comes to the way it deals with the palestinians in the east bank and even the bill of standing and living is what i am. it's nothing but the thought of tied to it. but our system is able to weigh out in every country, but when we go to doing a lot, that's a mix discrimination, legal like, uh, a lot of laws and there's an, a letter out of more than 50 laws that makes that discrimination legal order. but it fixed it why the bills and blows, and this is what i bought a car, it isn't defined. and we can see that a lot of most in every aspect of life for the business thing. and without comes it
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made growing violence as well in the west bank and greater restrictions on movement for thousands of palestinians. we heard from the family of a ma shot dead by b as really army during a rate. and then issue we were just restore. yeah, yeah, a new is just unreal. they call us terrace, but terrorism exist within them not to us. a young man is not holding a stone or anything is working normally and gets killed without any case. there was an injured young man in front of him and he was walking towards him to check on him and got shot. he was passing through there by chance. he heard something going on. i went to see what's happening. you saw an injured young man and went to save him. he was doing what's necessary, is it came in his hair and thing. then he gets a bullet to the back of his hat. the reason behind everything that is happening is mainly the settlers. because all of the pal,
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assuming people are targeted by them and they want to do whatever they want everywhere. first of all, you must and from the east riley side, you, they stop attacking us. nothing will happen, minutes and everything will be fine. they always caused this and started making trouble with the army and the settlers. a. yeah, that's 34 year old model of shots and the head from behind by idea of soldiers in a ton of beta, a video of the instant to circulating online witnesses say the model was on armed. i'm trying to help another tell us to mean who'd been wounded in a riot. i wouldn't you may find the following images disturbing. the re bias really forces came after a shooting in the neighboring ton of water, in which to its release were killed. is really for the police said they were searching for a suspected gunman who opened fire of a car wash for its claim. since the beginning of the year 30 is released have lost their lives in published an intox or more than 200 published indians have been
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killed by the idea for is really settlers. the victim sister believes the policy of attacks are a reaction to israel's own actions. yeah, a new way more. you have names that i me. i mean he was peaceful. my brother never . 3 a stone at the jews. oh, hummed anyone. he wasn't going to do anything. oh, it was passing through there. he saw an injured young man on the ground on a hill, so he still did drawn in with the guys to help him. i saw this not the shooting him in the video, just because he wanted to save another young manning just on the ground. if it was one of us who shot needs them, he might be prosecuted, but who will prosecute, naomi? no one will do so except god. yeah, he wants to come in and harass people. even the soldiers themselves. we're coming to shit and kill. and in the most they said they have all of the skill and the one in front of them being so even though he did nothing, kill him. so i guess something happened in hawaii, right? yeah. the, the body for them. this is a reaction, but this pass and you show it is not guilty and it did not send to, you know,
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it's difficult for the situation to settle down here. and as long as the killing us and face are a text is a response. it will be hard to settled down. let me know, says the latest crude mission to the international space station has successfully blocked that whole from the kennedy space center in florida. $3.00 to $5.00 on board, the endurance drug and kemp, fills are 3 of thrills from the us. then mark in japan and one cause not from russia. a falcon, 9 launch vehicle is delivering the cultural into 4 bits, which should then talk at the i assess side of something they weigh the emissions parts, all of a cost flight agreement between us a and the russian space agency would also cost most of the deal allows the free customer not to the troubling us rock. it's the same number of american us troops, the hitcher lift on rushes, so use rockets for the next 2 years,
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or their jobs appear. feeling right now as the difference of the seats between the, the future is now i must go urban for 2023 is currently on going in the russian capital until september 10th. companies will be busy presenting images of during high tech project shipping. how the city will look going forward? well, we spoke to most goes deputy head of plumbing, policy and construction about the exciting ideas being proposed. despite all the difficulties we are facing right now, due to the international sanctions or the situations, the city construction sector as implemented all the projects which were on the plans under the development. and we don't see any large effects or large decline in construction activities and putting the projects in, in, throughout the ration. so all our, our company is the,
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the developers investors are switching guys, rookie and pub, cheap, all the goals and complete all the projects. we started like in previous, previous butte so we don't see any, any large effect alone. i'm also, i'm david is definitely definitely exist. so it's, or maybe a leg over our materials equipment. but we are searching for alternative ways as you know right now on the final stage of competing and multiple central dime. and that number 4, we believe is maybe the see we will complete. unfortunately, the use of it also we are on the final stage construct in multiple central damage, which is the roads infrastructure. we built in the south pod sol section, and planning completed by the end of the sea. it also, as i said, we have more than 20 new, underground metal stations under construction or on early stages. so construction rips. so we continue to develop new transport projects providing for already new
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facilities, new options for our people in order to commute over the cd from the city to the central and hold around on the so called renovation program is also the mega project of construction. and they're all been you, residential facilities for people who are living right now or in the buildings. reach are kind of out of the, a very useful life because some of them, a moral as in very bit conducing. so it'd be kept to move. people thing you residential housing. the program is very hard. we need to relocate more than 1000000 people. more than 128000 people, already enjoying the new new apartments and use of dental buildings. we have just started more than 2016 other dental books. we have developed new uh,
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codes, standards made some adjustments, legislation failed to provide the new legislation framework. so it's a large, very large world, not only construction, but communication wise, political wise and the programs underway. we have completed the sole goal, 1st initial stage. now we move into the wave number 2, where we will start to construct a new facilities on the places where the old movies are being removed. and we will use their way of number to providing that this program is underway and we can even complete it's in the drums and can do since we declared before no little remembered and even less spoken about. and then from the 19 sixties and focus next. when $34.00 american sailors were killed in a naval ambush off of egypt the coast, but the aggressor was in con.
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