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tv   News  RT  August 26, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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to most of the noise stuff, which is set to the for headline stories. this are these, your reportedly punches on forces, on the maximum alert, fearing potential intervention and orders the french investigator to leave the country as relation to the correspond to the low. i'll assume you know, sorry if he's a choose israel's hard line. national security minister of racism operate claims his right side with those of the art community. the west of 9 will be as car it sees, investigate allegations for this trip abuses because of a young woman i mentioned they killed like do k soldiers in kent in 2012 sick for breast in their long search for since had death. we have been sick and just it's
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been, nothing has happened so far. i think the british soldiers are actually the criminal ones they haven't faced, and it just is a tool and leave enough to doing bad things the mid day and had see face midnight in day on 6 in the evening here in las go welcome to the club and use our on our, to mid the continued talk of military intervention by the west african regional you need nickel was need, your officials have reportedly ordered the countries on forces to be put on maximum alert nigeria based journalist timothy a base. it can tell us more. busy data is coming out of the country. i just the around the 24 hours of time, of course said that he was worried about reports. you know, in the media suggested in fact, you know, it what speech at the drums of law have plans to invade me here at the west side.
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he wanted to set the record straight and that the commission was only um, you know, applying the full scale of what each child can out. these are sanctions are for countries that, you know, do of for countries where military schools have happened to not bucks, you know, f last was declaring a war or, you know, i had said that it was going to, going to, in said media. but basically what this means is that the box statement coming out from coming out of the, at the last meeting that help here in up with that on friday is also, um, is, is being able to preach at all or proceed. you know, by me just measuring or di awesome. our new jobs. cool government. now for about 2 weeks now, molly, i'm back, you know, 5, so made deposition play on. i'm on what the situation in new jersey east and bob's position is that molly and broken or 5 so are standing,
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installed the bar to with the share. you did usually feed costs. the 3 countries have reached an agreement to facilitate mutual assistance in defense and security matters in the event of progression or a terrorist attack. and decided to set up a framework for consultations to enable them to coordinate their actions in order to deal with the multiple situations and challenges to which we are exposed in both countries. already run by a military man. i saying the idea of ad for us to class or, or tries to, um, you know, restore constitutional order or our, our effect was sense troops. denise, yet that, that would mean f last declared a war on molly and on book, you know, 5 so, so it's basically, uh, you know, uh that, uh, a kind of broad brother who's, you know, banding together. i'm standing with, i'm the sure in this in this case, as you know, dropped molly and book, you know, 5. so what these countries were also, you know, i'm controlled at the time by the french government add in, but i,
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when cool was happened in molly, i've been working in the past. so there was also a growing sentiment for games though. i've tried frames, sentiments in these countries, so it is no surprise approximately both countries and out, you know, coming together and um, you know, trying to joined um be sure its resistance to the west side of sanctions. and also, you know, the regional blog echo as well, we've been trying to make sense of all those different then varying use lines. so we heard from political analyst from lies, you're assuming manambra, who believes the use of force is going to be counter productive if it goes ahead and trying to solve the crisis. with regards to the relationship between echo us and to share, i think it is important for that costs as well as other countries also to assess the consequences of the war or intervention if they actually happen. but i do not think that intervention or war will take place. you saw what happened in libya,
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what the consequences of natives intervention were? i don't think that i cause after all just echo was that will have to deal with the consequences of an intervention in the share have a number of challenges. these are the challenges. insecurity, berg countries. this is a top priority. i do not think that an intervention should be carried out in my opinion and intervention can not resolve this situation. dialogue must be maintained. we should make sure that both sides find the consensus more over the chairman of the national council on protecting the motherland gave a timeline for the transition period. even though echo us refused to accept them. i think a schedule and an agenda should be agreed upon with regards to the transition period . something else that threw into that mix because it's all being happening. the new military authorities in new jersey optics or the french in boston or to the country persona non grata given him until the end of this weekend to leave the country. that was revealed in an official statement by the nations foreign minister reaction to the refuse
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a little differential invested there to me. i made to respond to the invitation of the new sherry and for administer for an interview on friday, august the 25th. not the actions of the french government country to the interest of new share, the new year and a sore days have decided to withdraw their approval to mister solving and to ask him to leave the new year in territory within 48 hours. relations between the 2 countries have continued to the tyria rates since the government over tro, buying this year, as another tree last month, par us refuses to recognize that leadership in the may reportedly stating that the investor cannot mix up to red glass. doesn't prove i can only come from code legitimately elected a fault, rotates us. and as a number of countries in africa, opposed, frances military presence on the continent. the french president has come out fighting, seeking to highlight piracy as ruler training. if it was him for his nation, they would likely be no molly or picking up some friends had every reason to
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started cooperation with african states in the fight against terrorism, without operation survival and then operation bar haine, launched in 20132014. they would probably be no molly and book, you know, fast. so french forces have been conducting military operations in the celebration for more than a decade. former friendship president francois alons launched operation survival in 2013, to support molly's fight against is member scripts. it's later became operation bar con, on expanded french military presence in this a hell and across the sahara desert, president macro on officially a nice the end of the empty in search and operation which was widely viewed as a failure in november 2022. that prompted a power shift in this a health states bringing several military leaders to power who focused on eliminating terrorism. while we spoke with local vin, molly, who say the french military operations actually grew effective. the security crisis,
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instead of helping bring the funding to an ad before did a busy life of france had not suddenly started this war. molly would not have faced the crisis. frances operations in molly made us suffer from hunger imposed on us a relentless war inter, communal conflicts that molly has never known. these operations brought nothing to molly settings. the operation of france got us into something unimaginable today. molly has lost almost 70 percent, 80 percent of its territory because of france, which wants to weaken molly. the main goal was to weaken us with the start of operation bar hon. it turned out that the molly army was just a bargaining chip. we thought that france would join the fight in our place, drive out the hottest, put an end to the conflict in northern molly. but unfortunately, this did not happen. we had high hopes for french intervention, which we should not have done. most of us are busy from sneed zones of influence
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around the world. what are the criteria for the membership and the security council? is the presence of a fully controlled zone of the influence of those fronts. having control of a number of countries, ways can pose it's policy, is able to attract all the latest to its size, especially when it comes to the security council. resolutions from said these countries to prove that it was as true impala visa before justifies the presence of france and the costly intervention in internal affairs. not all of them. the united nations funded operation by kind not for us the that they finance and the news money in the same way. they finance operation by kind. despite everything that has to be set for us did not want to participate in that global operation. that is the news my nation parish launched operation became in hopes of establishing that base . and they said, all right, and to take control of molly news. yeah. looking at foster and shots all the way to somalia, but it's was a strategic and political choice to justify its teachers as it won't power.
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okay, let's just keep attention on the continent because general election polling stations in gap all opened on saturday with 14 candidates buying for the presidency, including current liter. i'll a bundle on deemed by the incumbents leads the ruling companies. democratic party is running for us. 3rd term, the main opposition parties have formed a coalition to challenge and have chosen a consensus candidate for education minister albert onto also additional military personnel helping to put across the country the bolster election security. but we spoke with some of those lining up there. those voters who shared their thoughts on the pallet on where they want the country took go moving forward from was on the local new shows. uh, well that represents a lot of things. i did vote, i was the 1st to vote. it is an element of satisfaction in the office in the future school. i'm aware that tomorrow depends on what we did today. and i made my choice
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. i voted from my candidate for a better tomorrow than today. are you supposed to be in person? yes. 112 a here in our village, rebelling its going well and there's no jostling, there's no noise. i have to vote because i'm a citizen. i have to fulfill my duty as a citizen. of course my candidate will carry the victory because we've worked hard . they don't a lot, a lot of car the pilot school has come to cost my citizens. i'd say since the morning we'd be at foster was a little too crowded. it was by the organized there after a while, everything go back to normal. and i encourage us to do like me to, to see the relatives of a young woman who was killed in kenya in 2012 are blaming you, case order station there at the time, calling them the quote criminals. it comes after and i will be authorities initiated, done an investigation this month into allegations of abuse by british quantity. so the training unit accusing them of murder, sexual assault,
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and damage to property near their base. we heard from the victims from the magenta individually. so i guess she's since her desk, we haven't been sick and just as but nothing has happened so far. i think the british soldiers are actually the criminal ones they haven't faced and it just is a total even after doing bad things. we don't have a proper procedure here for the can in government to prosecute the culprits when not equal a tool in any way with the british. it for a close. the kill us with have phase the law. we have a young child who was opened by agnes when junior, but non cast for the child who always gives us skin for their mother and wondering what happened to her. all the 21 year old can you roman was assaulted prior to her death, and her naked body was fined in a septic tank near a room. the british soldiers had been occupying in kenya a subsequent inquest by nairobi. officials find that the woman was quote, on ball fully killed. no, so we just have been charged. nothing convicted in connection with the crime. with
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the u. k. defense ministry stays, all allegations are taken seriously, and it will cooperate with the inquiry just to give a little bit of background here based in can the, the british army training. it also has bought a few. k is made up of 300 soldiers. london is permitted to carry out a week long drills in the country consisting of up to 10 size and personnel. according to agreements with the victims, relatives differ which that's hard to use. the bring that was responsible to justice and defend their human rights. i don't, i don't, i don't how government has the mandate to ensure the protection of every canyon without fear or favoritism, duty of any foreign or breaking the law should be taken to court immediately. they can be held accountable to the british government can coordinate well with the canyon government and the troops hardoon in justice to canyons full faced the law. accordingly. here's the deck
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a lot to do with the one to request the union government and also the breaches to work together and safe guard the rights of canyons. maddox corps, queuing and doing injustice to canyons must be taken back to the country. i don't think justice will be given to all the family since has been more than 10 years since 10 west cute. and we are still sticking justice without any help. okay, let's turn the program to the middle east where palestinian leaders have lost all i thought israel's hard line, national security minister accusing him of making quote to racist statements after he belittle be right so essentially of ards in the west bank in comparison to his own this is what he said. my right, the right of my wife, of my children to move around on the roads in the west bank is more important than the right to freedom of movement of the arabs. this is the reality. this is the truth. my right to life proceeds their right to freedom of movement, such
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a statement. so i can say that is an incitement to perpetuate these really occupations of the palestinian territories deep in the settlements and impose more homes of injustice against the palestinians. they can give his remarks, summarize the current situation and the daily life of palestinians in the occupied westbank, including east jerusalem as well as the unjust cj on all people in the gaza strip it. yeah, and it's a more a ben give your statements, proof of condemnation, not only from public sending officials, but the international community to use to us, criticize a racist rhetoric, saying before writes, must be respected, but it's really pm. benjamin netanyahu is fucking his minister with the remarks he's really allows maximum freedom of movement in judy and some of the both israelis and palestinians, unfortunately, but as the entire was take advantage of this freedom of movement to know these valley women, children and families by abusing them at southern points on different routes in
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order to prevent these units notice is where a security forces have implemented special, secure with the mattress in these areas. this is what ben greer meant when he set the right to life proceeds freedom of movement. while earlier we spoke with paula stemming commented our house doing bar gucci whose of the view that the is really national security ministers remarks are a reflection of the state system at large. what's being listed lately. it's, it's not something giving you what's only been dream is to balance it in, i don't expect any actions. what is that i has been doing to the, been this damian's maybe actions to the kid to go to this assessment, but he adds, must think. uh, so what the web could do, more of them that way of sort of a statement. but what is input offence? is that what's the been the stead iturbi's in the isn't really bullets is against simple as being and and when we say it a system, i think we are uh giving get
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a list sizes. then it does the board. i looked up with their child. is it a and when it comes to the way it deals with the philistines in the east bank and even the bill of standing and living and is that i am, it's nothing but the thought of tied to it. the rest of them is able to weigh out in every country, but when we go to, he's doing a lot. that's a mix. this could, i mean, nation legal like uh, a lot of lawyers and there's an a letter out of more than 50. i'm old. that makes that discrimination legal order, but to fix it, why the bills and blows and this is what i bought a tight isn't defined. and we can see that a lot of most in every aspect of life for the bill of thing and will love fire response comes that made growing violence in the west bank and greater restrictions on movement for thousands of palestinians. we heard from the family of a man recently shot dead by v as really are majoring a rate and then issue. we're rich, we're still yeah. yeah. i knew she some real well the call us terrorist. but
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terrorism exist to the him. them. natasha. a young man is not holding a stone or anything he is working normally and gets killed without any case. there was an injured young man in front of him and he was working towards him to check on him and got shot to the. so he was passing through there by chance. he heard something going on and went to see what's happening. the initial feel if he's still an injured young man, but you have an when to save him said that she was doing what's necessary. i came in his hair and seeing the time he gets a bullet to the back of his hat. the reason behind everything that is happening is mainly the settlers it and what it because all of the palestinian people are targeted by them and they want to do whatever they want everywhere. first of all, you must and from the israel is side a few. they stop it, taking us. nothing will happen, benefit of ever seeing will be fine side of the always cause this and started making trouble of them in the army and the settlers van mom's psalm,
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34 year old ok made was hit in the head after idea of soldiers shot him from behind and the turn of a video of the instant is circulating a line witnessed to save the mine was on arms. i'm trying to help another palestinians who'd been wounded after arrived, broke out a warning. you may find the following images disturbing. the raid by idea of forces came after a shooting in the neighboring town of who are in which to his release were killed. for the police said their subsequent raid focused on the search for a suspected gunman who had opened fire of the car wash. since the beginning of the year, a 30 is really is have lost their lives in color, sending the types of more than 200 policy needed something killed by. the idea for is really settlers. the victim sister believes to publish to mean violence is a direct reaction to israel's actions. yeah, i knew him what you remember side of me. i knew he was peaceful. my brother, never serious turn at the jews. oh, honda, anyone near you wasn't going to do anything. oh,
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it was passing through there. you saw an injured young man on the ground on a hill. so he started running with the guys to help him. i saw this not the shooting him in the video. just because he wanted to save another young manning just on the ground. if it was one of us who shot needs them, he might be prosecuted, but who will prosecute, naomi? no one will do so except vault. you want to come in and harass people, even the soldiers themselves. we're coming to shoot and kill the 3. i know the more they said they have all of us to get anyone in front of them being able to, he did nothing, kill him. so i guess something happened in hawaii, right? yeah, the, the body for them. this is a reaction but this pass and you show it is not guilty. he did not send to, you know, female. it's difficult for the situation to settle down to him and as long as the killing us and face our with tax is the response, it will be hard to settle down. despite being the most function country in the world, russia's economic growth remain steady. the world banks notice saves the nation,
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has overtaken germany to become the 5th wealthiest economy in terms of key and decatur purchasing power. a party that's got some politicians in berlin, questioning the effects of their own punishment. ethan, i'll make sanctions should have an economic impact. but that is not the case, because the logical of democracies does not walk, you know, talker sees after last year's geometry lesson, during which german foreign minister and the lena bear. bach missed up to 360 degrees, 480 degrees saying that russian president vladimir put you needed to do a 360 degree turn on ukraine, which basically means that he needs to stay the course. there are boxes that this time with an economics less than, according to their bach nomics, western sanctions arts working on russia because it's a quote i'll talk to see kind of makes you wonder what the point of sections is. then when the west usually wheels them against countries that it does not consider
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to be democratic for comments coming in. the news that rushes economy has not stopped growing despite being the most sanctioned in the world. and even at the end of last year surpassed the economies of germany, britain, and france. when g d. p is adjusted for the varying cost of goods and services in the different countries, so purchasing power parity. that's all according to a world bank announcement earlier this month. guess is economy western sections are working to crush though. germany's guess that means that according to their box, nomics, germany is just super democratic. no talk or see their i guess the 1st is the germany sanctions totally worked on itself. germany has big problems and the policy of sanctions against russia also weakens our. it cannot make power. now we are feeling the consequences. sanctions do not hum russia to the extent that they home the european economy, inflation itself,
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purchasing power with even sizes cutting off t for us, and gas and germany's north stream energy lifeline being blown up and renewables not yet ready for prime time journeys. winter recession has given way to stagnation and continued high inflation that has trust injuries, government now sitting at a whopping 27 percent. so it's not exactly a surprise at the right wing anti establishment a, f. d, or alternative for deutschland is gaining in popularity and now surpasses that of chancellor. all of schultz is social democratic party. that's all according to the latest joycelyn trend survey reported in the mainstream german press. so how did germany not see that their actions? like, for example, sanctions and fueling the continued army and conflict in ukraine instead of pushing for peace. we have negative consequences for germany. well, foresight when it comes to possible consequences for their actions isn't exactly
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berlin's strong suit. the german vice chancellor just said in an interview that berlin's intelligence services did not foresee that id on nato in ukraine to arm and train neo nazis could potentially pull back right in their faces. all the services have said, this is an exercise, the worst will not come, but the worst has come. the good news for berlin is that they can do a u turn at any time. so why don't they? maybe their box is in charge of navigation and directions and just keeps doing $360.00 degree turns instead of one eighty's. the republics of uptown the unsafe a set against our marketing. 15 years since they were recognized as independent states by russia, the move followed a 5 day military operation launched by middle school in response to george's invasion of science set to u. r. t. test correspondence of stuff done with ben. russian president dimitry mid
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viet of who ordered the decisive intervention and subsequent recognition of the 2 occasional countries. you can watch the phone interviews throughout the day here at archie. but for now, here's a short preview. and what role did the united states and western countries play the beginning of the whole face of the conflict once this conflict inevitable? or did these countries external players whose georgia to conduct that operation singular. so they made in the usa, played it's a turnover role. the role of a profit cater mute, the successfully fulfilled this role. especially when it comes to other countries and continents. what were they doing at the time? at 1st they enticed 2nd should really in every possible way. give us an appointment . i remember perfectly well how then he was president george bush said, gosh, really was a very good guy. i simply grinned at the time. i went to the white house,
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then how's the head of the administration and said, well, we'll wait and see about that. time has shown just what a good guy he is. he's just crazy. he said it's very dangerous. and the us methodically guided the situation into a conflict on russia's borders, nurtured in every possible way. a group of people who were at the time we're pursuing this course, said by soft gosh, really immediately before the conflict, he will come to several american delegations, including i believe one with condo is a rice. in all likelihood, he was told, don't worry, there's been a change of leadership and russia and in a lot of other factors too. and nothing will happen to you for doing this. and then he rushed to execute this private occasion at full speed. so the u. s. did not just add fuel to the fire or try to put a puzzle together, they directly lead the situation to this clash. by the way,
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they then began to try to dig themselves out and portray a bad situation in a good light. i remember a conversation i had with the same george boys and just a few days after the conflict began, i don't know where he was at the time either in america or the olympic games. but the fact is, he called me and said, keep in mind, cuz we have military specialists in georgia and they may get hurt. like i said, it's, it's your problem. if you've left them there, you have nothing to blame us for you. that was the conversation, didn't you have just a few days after the conflict began. therefore, the united states provoked this conflict. they try to cement these kinds of conflicts in all areas where they believe it can bear fruit. in this case, the goal was to contain the development of rush them and thus complete one of their
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geo political tasks. dimitry meant via the one that is where we leave and use our for another. but stay close as our programs are just starting to see what's showing wherever you are watching from today, right? the acceptance. and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please. i do have the state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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american voters are rarely interested in for a policy during election cycles. but a said the issue between maybe the exception this time around, particularly among the g o p voters, much of the republican base us our w brain policy. they see it is by the store not surely wouldn't be the last of the school anyway, not much of a lot of that's that's my personal opinion. the photo and much anyone beach from my, from source to the same set time it will show my total induced to picture. you still have them over when approximately the students over the way 9 that is a c p low integer due to a to but it is good any issue, but have a crew to really but get to the my money or the law school and the from the
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id comfortable especially mute them full of semester floor and it, well i really appreciate you and your dish the dish out because this is the 1st put it towards reason they should more of a pleasure, much more points to it for the for you to show it to he will poised at the point and if i put the new car they would match the doors the on june 8th, 1967, an over active war was committed against the united states. the combined air and sea attack against the naval ship. us us liberty killed. 34 sailors wounded another 171 and severely damaged the ship at the time the ship was in international war.


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