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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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through their illusions, going underground, can the headline story ship summons china is on the balance that are over a slew of harassing phone calls addressing took the old release of treated nuclear waste into the pacific hunger also to humans and nations across the regionals. we see here over the tainted boyfriend the french president phase, he know supports a potential military intervention in nature. those locals in naomi, voice, their anger against a former meals our i don't see the point for the french investigator or for, from students just saying in our country, we understand that prints, survival is at stake. but since we don't want them, they have to leave the setting another place up the table in the pledges to
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invite the african union to officially join the group of the 20 organization. those new delhi continues to promote the voice of the to both sides. the pro must go to the world. this is are too great to have your company for the news hour. let's get into that. japan. how some of the chinese i'm busted are after a flood of nuisance phone calls. believe to be originating from people in china. were reported across the nation. the electric calls are believed to be in response to tokyo, releasing free to nuclear waste from water from the cripples focus stream and you to that power plant into the pacific ocean. to local japan has been quoted for china to join the oldest scientific dialogue among experts. but while this is not taking place to have been numerous harassment calls believe to originate from china and instances of stones being throwed at the japanese embassy and japanese schools,
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it must be said these regrettable who will cut badging housing, turn into japan opposing a major risk to mankind on condemn tokens, actions as a crime. i taught you know, that felt by it until the world has criticized japan's extremely selfish and irresponsible acts and adopted preventative actions. japan ignored domestic and international positions, protests and warnings, and pushed through the ocean discharge, which serves as an anti humanitarian crime for self interest at the expense of creating a nuclear disaster for human beings. maybe actually it's various done as a colleague in clear contaminant water because sometimes you know, western wonderfully water could be, you know, complicated to the public understanding about. and china says that to others that by the time, by the japanese government is getting strong, international position. and against the rights of people in the region, i think of this is already a worse and the already
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a detroit rated by lateral times between the 2 countries. the japanese delegates would not be a visiting china because of this at the right time. and also it came also after, you know, us present july and met with he's a pleasing south korean kind of part in the us and which is really a alliance against china. so this would not be a good sign at a, for the, you know, a japanese government would not agree or make any calls to badging to, to discuss what they say issues with dories. i mean, the ministry of agriculture in real life areas started. it was strictly here to the national standards for those maximum allowable concentration of reactive substances in apple products and it will strengthen the monitoring of the nuclear pollution risk simmering products to ensure the safety. but as you said, this is spring, have very fast and within like about 2 months, it goes spread to have to pacific region and the potential harm is about discharge
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of contaminated water. it goes to the more efficient industry and also be closely monitored by a chinese salt thirties. or, let's expound on this using our news wall. pacific nations are furious, which upon this decision, seeing the spread of the water could potentially impact all coastal nations here. tokyo in system booth safe, but the controversial decision has sparked must protest both domestically. i'm the broad side korea, fiji and japan itself, also of demonstrations over the weekend. in side korea, protestors gather, jumping, save the pacific and waving bothers pertaining quotes. the sea is not yet pounds rubbish. been while over here in the island nation of fiji crowds the month to talk to immediately stop releasing the wastewater. and as mentioned, hundreds of demonstrators have been making their feelings to you in japan as well, claiming the move is to risk. i couldn't even move,
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i will never forgive the japanese government for breaking its commitment to the people. i think this not only be trace the japanese people, but also goes against the international community. i firmly oppose it. it only conduct a task on the amount of treat him, but other radioactive substances are also dumped into the ocean. we're really worried, we finally impose the discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater and demand to stop to it immediately. we all, although japan's already releasing radioactive water, we still demand that the japanese government immediately stops the release. and we urge the south korean government to do what china is doing, which is to prohibit the input of japanese c food. then old japanese import, so that we south korea, skin safely eat their own sea food. a reminder, almost 20000 people died following address, quickens subsequent sonoma in 2011 which wrecked the focus. shame of plant departments releasing more than 30000 tons of waste water from it into the pacific
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by march next year. 70 percent above water is believed to contain low levels of treaty, which can increase the risk of capturing humans. and there's only limited research as well into the other chemical it's contained in the i flip. china is also suspended in ports of sea food from japan, in a move, it saves is to safeguard public health. public buying of c sold surged in recent days with authorities having to reassure people. there's plenty of supply. i made the controversy, the jump in these energy, john tapco, which is responsible for the plant some water release was being taking the media on tours to show the water cleansing process facing base policy expert on our tongue and shared his view about the risk depends decision potentially goes us through the entire they are very concerned and the big issue here is not what we know. they keep talking about trend to you. yes, that's an issue. the world is being diluted with it, but there are 7 other radioactive isotopes that they're not talking about. and
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there's not a lot of studies about what their effect is. that your name itself, you know, they, they keep saying, well, it's released by many other nuclear plants. but the issue there is that, that doesn't mean it's ok. but what's happened is you've seen an increase in the amount of turn to him, the in the water. but there's, there's are also other things they have not really tested the storage shanks for what's in them. they've admitted that they've only tested 3 percent of the water. so they're not exactly certain what's there and given their credibility gap and their desire to minimize everything. it's really hard for anyone to believe them the indian prime minister and there when remote a house proposed grunting the african union full membership at the group of 20. that comes ahead of the block summit next month in new delhi. massive india believes that the inclusive approach of this forum will have
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a direct impact on this group. with this vision, we've invited the african union to be members of the g. 20, i think is economic development is an area of focus in the b 20. also, india believes that the more inclusive this for amazing is approach the big impact . it will have this will help in handling the global economic challenges, sustain growth, and this will help and the implementation of the decisions made here. in the b 20 summit, we will be successful. this is india informing us, and the reason would need a sense realtor raging is move of that he took in june this year or 2 in hand south because voice on the global stage. remember the rings movie had moved into all his g. 20 come to fox that communion be included in the coordinates are given full membership at the upcoming g. 20 summit which new denny will be hosting. now hoping union is in mid october fluids over 50 countries and a really,
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india believes that an inclusion on the global south, on pablo from global platform such as the g 20 is truly the we forwards to create a multi for the world. and i also remember uh, last week on the sidelines of the brick some and the, and the president and the resilient president basically supported the move you brazil will take over the presidency of the g planning december and wants to put the reduction of any qualities back to the center of the indian national agenda. we can do this without grading or presentation for africa. that's why we advocate the african union and joining the g planning that i remember no indeed was so holstead, the voice of the bill, the south san francisco and the sea are in january where 120 countries had the office of painted. i'm really in the field that it is time that the global cell,
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which is largely the developing walls, the laundry and the re present data on file for you to move funds be included, for instance, in a g to and do you know, we know also believe the rise of africa is the key to deal with, re balancing the move taken by and arrange and move all the same lines on. also the lines of the news of foreign policy. so now all eyes on the upcoming g 20 summit of 10 on the left for is now lots and lots of developments. meghan developments really expected and we keep with track no, you recall sweeping sanctions against a run. we're not just supposed to scale by gets nuclear ambitions, but killed them off altogether. whoever i'm atomic expert with that's being held in a room proves there's still plenty of radioactive half life left in the industry. as ortiz use of july, always being finding god from the latest,
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or want inmates centrifuges to radio pharmaceuticals, the one small and its recent advances and the nuclear industry at this export, dozens of full companies active in the nuclear industry have taken part of this exhibit chart will be out standing achievement, see one of the, the expo is the cesium, $137.00 radio isotope. the material that's produced from the nuclear fisher and a foot tonia and uranium cesium chemist better. and gamma rate is used do radio therapy and calibrations, products as well. as industrial gauges experts and he won't use the port cesium 137 from other countries as on other moseto u. r. industry needs uses c 137 for precision instruments. so we had to produce this material. earlier we used to import it. we paid staggering prices to buy it's what are we talking about? it was nuclear program. you ran human judgment is what comes in mind. what the country hasn't recent years been working to diversify the nuclear applications, stepping into areas such as where do you medicine, a particle accelerators use for,
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for the radiation and radio therapy. so say want indigenous bits, nuclear industry in 2006, it has cost since we've been haunted by centers over $1.00, the west calls fears of a nuclear bomb. something which the horn has vehemently rejected, think it's nuclear program versus only civilian peaceful purposes. in the latest sorts of controversy, the international atomic energy agency claim that it had found uranium. and if you are the level of 83.7 percent, for the fuel enrichment plant, essentially once the countries, atomic energy organization do not be allegation. so and your own has never attempted to enrich uranium beyond the 60 percent threshold. charge around our collaboration with a i. e. a e's based on the framework of m p t and additional protocol. we're working with a nuclear, i'm what stuck with them based framework in the policy of the forward disputed locations where a highly enriched uranium was. reportedly phones have been reduced to 2 spots of now the fonts 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the drawings,
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comprehensive plan of action for j cpr way. i'd worked out very well in settling the long standing groups between one in the west, but only for 2 years and before the us sooner laterally walked out of the accord in 2018 and reinstated sanctions against sticking quotes. a better deal. the multilateral agreement promised sanctions worthy for the wrong in return for the country for tailoring gets nuclear activities, like washington's unexpected withdrawal prompted, you want to take or tally. it's always steps by scaling packets commitments. so the pack, those steps included the which and you run you up to 60 percent fewer will be on the 3 point. 67 percent cap. set out why the deal? the vienna discussions between one and the remaining parties of a 2015 deal which and to revive the j. c. p. a way and get to washington to form back to compliance have remain stalled since august last year with one of the us talking us $10.00 each asking the other side to can see it process it will return
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to full compliance always the us removes all of sanctions against as well as the nuclear deal remains. and when everyone has been watching golf, it's atomic programs. something which is seen as a message that the worst temperatures have not disrupted. it's moved here in this room while the policy of the receive ministry for it is to fort worth for things the country's economy over dealing with their loss as the door. so negotiations are always open. use of generally are to friendship president and manual mccall say's his country will support the west african regional block echo was if it decides on the military intervention in need year. well for more or less cost live to report a cut off. well, let's out to in. so if africa a crowd of good to see you. yes. here we go. here's the news part siding with potential military action after all this time. take us through what mr. mccaul said
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. perhaps it's run vacations for nature on the wider region to as well. and then it's not really much of a surprise what we can expect from the french president, particularly when one considers the interest. this is the real situation on the ground process. found itself more and. busy as a and the out the country a full mouth how as it was and it finds itself truly in the middle of trying to restructure one, its own relationship with form. i called a need for an african faith and on the other being excommunicated as it were. at the scene, and let's see for molly in the case of looking at fossil and a growing wave of the countries. now the french president deal when called to say that he supports the country and the government's rather was the idea of play military intervention. but of course,
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i mean the saying it is quite to the point of view a give it to him either really still putting the, the upon the weight of the wood behind middle tree and probation. something that would come easily separate most of the country. and if not all, and the region as a whole, how does this help in any way to bring about the my stability? the premise at the beginning was these numerous missions that were undertaken under the web security council, which had been a difficult thing to be on the confident. but that doesn't seem to picture of the crime and he is, and he's on back. but what do you think you separate our policy is clear, we do not recognize the true government of news year. we support the ousted president who refuses to resign and we support him with support diplomatic dialogue by eco weiss. and if it decides on military intervention, we support that as well. all of this in a partnership like approach. you know,
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one of the things, of course, that you will find easily a disturbing of the power the from or at least the french government. and the a, my know, my costs totally that have been choice ppo and the company. and they talk to about the fact that if it has not intervened in but the dreams of action back in 2013 that some countries on the confident what it does. but disappear one can only if that is really true, then how come that has must suffice, as we see late. and so just that we have seen around the hill country in particular with drums and i've got the width and power could really fail to bring about them much food and much to configure the lucian that they told us upon taking these numerous unesco and missions. but they think they went on now, this is one of the things that you find when you have to get into the paper. because if the drugs continue to enjoy with the confidence, why?
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because literally things from different books. why not see i? so i am, you know, why the, i might see why that, that we actually saw it from saying, but only be, that's a, as a for my colonial is how to improve. they have no way to bring about those things. it doesn't take about, you know, issues like, uh, the innovation versus all of the reason i brought in this case because the innovation of the coincidence of look in that she's being the african union. but you my name, according to you said it was only 2 french innovations that some saved under the public on the continent. continue to be executive. yes, him, i don't know. france intervene from 2013 because states asked us to because they simply were cutting half france hadn't intervene to if our troops hadn't laid down their lives in africa. we wouldn't be talking about molly,
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nor about burke, you know, fossil nor new sherry. all those states wouldn't exist. i can guarantee you that. i don't that i just looked up like, i'm not ready for that. yeah. what was even further to think that those that work for the french nation and the french government, such as both of those, as well as a, to chase in those different localities of france. you to enjoy. it's a power when it comes to african countries. and he says that he does what has happened. you please verify just the have to the crib and continue to print to rep, prevent print interest in the countries might do me where they are not even the ones that these countries have been phone calls. they have been forthright, and there's been a growing moments i'ma come. she said thing the process really feel that it's just a place to the south shore on so many different occasions that we should enjoy and
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that's from, speaks evolved in its own uh, intrusion for as i said when he speaks about the death and the, and the physics, we should be looking at things like twice the present countries for saturday, the colonized, but they should be looking at twice and they should be enjoying the choice as a member of the free world in the country. i'm you cool. now that's not exactly the sense that you get when you, when you look at the french and bucket of innocence and how she had. busy advice the, the, the government that did work that just recently took power off the piece of retains not only this office but she missed the case of the minute. 2 but in 24 hours, this was the seat of the french of boston to remain in the, in the country any remains very much on duty. and that just what's mister mcclure
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on his face, despite the feeling of those on the ground and hear the little defects . nobody's going to supply them with anything. nobody's going to sell them anything . if it's a wall, posture, the ones, then we're going to go to war. soon, today, it is with dismay that we see the french embassy refuses to fulfill a notification from a sovereign country. we're simply dismayed in my humble opinion, i do not think that force can have its interests here. those people entrenched in their positions through all the devious plots they are making left and right are against new share and it's people. c first of all, french citizens are not the syrians and the jerry and can not call himself french. i don't see the point for the french ambassador or for from students on staying in our country. we understand that friends, survival is at stake. but since we don't want them, they have to leave, we can't impose ourselves onto their country, so they won't be able to do so either the days of slavery are over. there's
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no doubt that funds have been having a difficult time, particularly when you look at the applicant countries that is used to enjoy it, stops power on and then commodities. so people are not rejecting front at the top not has been development, todd nor can petri is with regards to their own development. but the other, yes she, she will, the french language, the culture and all that fun to try to port all the way from europe into that she can function in his own joy by, by those that has, uh, you know, as life as it was in, in the country so far, so it says my, the with, with the ministry has come to the, you know, get products to step out, whether it's come to be independent of the front and look elsewhere to us. the key
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to us countries such as trucks out towards countries such as china, pay for that development the next of the next year. and this has been an ongoing, a scene in my room upon the presidency. and is part of the reason why funds came up with these, detracted the last year, even though it was very, very good with regard to some of the details as to how the when to some of these countries day. but it's a tragedy that the mentor on my phone that only has government seems to be back to me because somehow they know something that they. ready have not yet to explain to the rest of the of the 20th. and that is the pretence that continues to run more than once has been willing to give them over the years. and this is really set it off with breaking down that story for us looking at report a couple let sounds that thank you travel the same for you is set to launch
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a so called civil military mission in west africa in the autumn. but just one is a civil military mission and walks its purpose, r t dot com. as you covered on that. some of the, the major developments run in the bronx, i believe, as all of a situation in the nation. the american journalist, evan grows cove, which has launched a appeal against an extension of his pre trial detention. and most of the reporter is accused of code carrying odd espionage in the interest of the united states. mr . garcia, which is a us citizen, works for the wall street journal. he was arrested in march, and the russian said it'd be a cup of greenberg em. faces spying charges that tarry up to 20 years in prison. russians f. s b security service claims he was trying to obtain state secrets. us diplomats refused to comment when asked if washington is planning a prisoner's fun? or what is the position on the charges against gifts? courage, easiest. consider in exchange and seem for someone,
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the monthly embassy for more. so no appointment, no problem. we'll pull whelan is another us citizen serving time in a high security russian prison and has been there since the year 2020. the former marine was convicted of spying on law school for washington, but the lighthouse has shown little interest in winning his release, as ortiz negotiate on a for comes as the inmates of this maximum security prison are no ordinary hooligans. these rules laced with bob, why secure a very different breed of criminals, big, short drug dealers, murderous rapists. to end up he, a person would have to take more than just one wrong to and in life. for the past couple of years, they spend a 10 tree hidden in the embrace of we fit can remote russian woodland, has been the home of pull wilson,
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a former us marine who was found guilty of espionage here in russia and sentenced to 16. he is behind bars pull struggles to hide his excitement as he sees l silman crew. eventually he waves the cameraman over and asks to film him together with the deputy warden. but the moment i approach full with the microphone, his attitude takes a 180 degree face vocabulary strings to 804 words. so you understand when i say that i can't do an interview with trees, i can't answer any question for disappointment. sort of integrating fits just because if you're asking me questions for the action, any rate, if you don't only ask the questions that could lisp you just don't be fine with
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that number. i can do an interview. this is the let's of consent. he had written and sung before, i'll visit the green to be filled and answering a few questions. but a few days later, a british embassy stuff that they pull a visit since he's also a citizen of the crown officer that he appears to have had a change of heart. generally speaking, pull routinely house. diplomats, here's the us ambassador to russia visiting the penitentiary. it's almost as if the western diplomatic cool doesn't want him to speak his mind in an interview to all see an outlet. they've been trying to god for years, some save as no place in the world where you can find a more innocent man. then in prison, that sense pool is certainly no exception. consistently play me unisons, saying the real story is in how he done nothing wrong. the court though back to
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define and while most of the evidence in his case is classified youtube being a state secret, some bits and pieces haven't received through to the public. like the fact that paul was quotes in the acts of passing on classified information. and here is seen in the picture with another convicted spy, this time a russian nation. last december, the bite and administration found itself in hot water after exchanging rushing business man. victor boots for drug smuggling basketball player brittany grind as many fell cheap just cut the line in front of pool for no good reason. biding whitehouse, defending its decision to swap the merchant of death for a w n. b, a basketball play star. i think the by the most ration you have played on this one some more. so just versus so another date pipe. so this, there's no equilibrium here. it just is
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a 8 and objective way that trade. it's to put it a and what is this to put a d, r and us mockery from the world? so by any measure, it was a very costly prisoner swap. certainly from poll wells perspective, it was used to what is the message we're sending to the people serving in our military, this russian inmate share the same book with pool? and he was there when the full marine found out that no man left behind power. and he doesn't apply to him or ashley, the noise when he heard the news, he was extremely upset because he thought that he would be changed. he wanted it to curse the lot. he was really mad. he didn't expect as a basketball player would be changed instead of him. he already said that he was going to leave. maybe someone had come, perhaps the consoles, i told him that he was already preparing to be in america soon. he was sure of it. he already felt free so far. nothing's happening, even though he's still waiting in his phone interview with cnn pool. once again, express cautious confidence is that the bite in administration is working on this.
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what a sentiment his own family doesn't seem to share, given that the us had already thrown him onto the bus. when i spoke to him today, he seemed much more up lifted and confident that he had been made. a priority at the bottom administration was working to get him home. he's not only less helpful, but i think really concerned that to that he may be going back through a process that has happened a number of times now where an american is brought home because some concessions u. s. government makes, but all of them come home pool is not the only american citizen serving a sentence in his prison to these fellow countrymen sleep on neighboring bunks. yet neither the media nor the us embassy gives them even a fraction of the attention pool gets perhaps because they were not convicted on espionage charges like him in private conversations with me. they don't sound too hopeful about the chances of ever being show.


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