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tv   News  RT  August 29, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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stuff by way, i'm a guess. the final goal of these theme or of allusions to ensure that there are no independent players in the world anymore. the, the size of this, however, as well as the e. u. criticism all is involved ways, presidential election and the countries some of the you, i'm popular that fusion number biased and ms. representation also has bricks and the seal are proper international coalition, and they will help in the stand against the u. s. as in general, your turnkey should arouse, the president said, his friend who refuses to serve western infest iowa instead, join the move on to a lot of people on the progress of high court. so spend a 3 year corruption sentence against the prime minister embalmed con. however,
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keeps in custody over another case, the life of our international news i was in moscow. this is the welcome to the local news send by way, has some and e u i'm boss is over. a diamond report by european observe is about the way the recent general election was carried out. the election observation mission stated that the right is always in baldwin boats is wouldn't limited. i'm suggested that the costs again balance were not always able to make the choice. the results of the analysis that release on sunday with the incumbent president emerson with 9 god, what winning was just over half the vote for all right. credit. and the mission is trying to discredit the nation was quote baseless. i'm biased accusation a,
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as in bob lee finds it disturbing an unfortunate that the e u. electoral observation mission deliberately issued a broad statement full of misrepresentations and allegations in large part the preliminary report was not based on the actual observation of the election and misled the world about the conduct of our elections. the government accuse the european union of the mission of being possible and supporting a one sided view of the opposition and avoiding incidents. is that son of p a face? if you notice 2 weeks ago is on a p, if had taken, doesn't bubble electro commission to court all the issues that he did also face. they also said exhibits who is supposed to observe how an election has been conducted and make recommendations on areas of improvement. what zimbabwe, as of southern states, can accept or reject. those of admissions assessment is critical. f, as in bob, we as the countries 6 that we admission into the commonwealth and addressing sanctions by the
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e. u in the us. but we've also heard from the us as they couldn't miss a chance to pass by the elections. we strongly condemn the intimidation and disruption of lawful election observers throughout the electoral period. the united states as engaging regional leaders to share our concerns, including what this means for the international communities. nascent efforts to re engage the zimbabwe in government, the united states drive or china champion ends in its response to the elections. china said it was ready to continue working with the government of zimbabwe and offered congratulations to president in madison. and don gadbois. china reiterated that dares to the principles of non interference in other countries. internal affairs will include all your questions because we have noticed some reports on some disputing the election results. it is all hope that politicians and bob will put the people's interest 1st and results differences. profit always slowly go
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means china to use to the principal of non interference in other countries into analysis. the situation on the ground as calm as people have since returned back to the way places, but it is also 10, says police presence is a visible across the town. however, the opposition have refused the outcome of the results and are left with 3 days to go to the constitutional court. as most people in hot audi don't have the appetite for protesting. this comes up to some of the pulling stations in most of the opposites installed open late due to the fact that bothered papers came late. but the present, however, enacted and instruments that are allowed voters to have an additional 12 hours of voting in the affected areas. but also the triple c will have to have solid evidence to prove that this election was stolen as the party such yes. and by way i'm the alice rich, should
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a my home boss says an ear because of this report shouldn't have come as a surprise to explain to them they do your all right, so it's a bunch of this is being data issue because they cannot, right? so as i said, it is a huge and find the time to so it is normal, it should not certified as the appropriate is in bucklin and progress is lands on funds because they know that the estimate the additional $92.00. so it's nothing too much attention to the civil side. the bosses of of the is it is none of them. ready but the findings, i know it's the same place to find you just so you should be able to close it 2 days. i've been in meetings involved with that in court and i'm sure it's 95. they
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are 2 additional and talk with misty question. ready as to the, the, the, the government talks about the arrows present test said that the biggest group, which is country is recently been in vices enjoy will help to around stand games, washington gemini, about, excuse me. we on some say the solution to our problem lies in pleasing the us or europe. my answer to them is that we will not wait for their approval even. we will not put the economy of our country and the livelihood of its people in their hands . it a bricks and the seo are proper international coalitions and they will help in the stand against the us. as to germany, the world is nothing but to the west. of course, he keeps saying that he says, he says that it was, should not tie its economy to the fates of the nuclear deal and closer ties with the west. of course, president racy says that this is not gonna help it wants economy as the west. he's
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flip flopping on uh its uh, promises. we see that the united states uh, withdrew from the deal unilaterally back in 2018 and we say this section is against everyone. so ray c has established very close ties with countries that have never been on the top of the list of the rocks foreign policy like some of the african countries. this, as of some of the observers have said that it was ultimate way out of the current economic flows east to resort to a deal with that was and to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. and those observers say that it won cannot really rely on new alliances such as rigs. i asked exactly this question too racy. i asked him during his press conference today that if this is true or not, then here's what he had to say. so that you don't have to, not even in your ons economy can be effective next to these economies. iran is a capable country. foreign countries are fully aware of your ons role and geo
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political position in asia, including its ties with the persian gulf in central asia and stay at the you are on has specific capability is hence we perceive its presence and breaks to decide the seo and regional coalitions as an effective present. it is a 2 way road. we will be effective for them and they will be the same for us on high. so it seems that it was really pins ho upon these alliances. the brakes and the shanghai cooperation organization as a means to neutralize the western sanctions. nobody really imagined a couple of years ago during the administration of pro harney has several honey that's wrong, could come back to negotiations with saudi arabia. and now we see that the 2 countries are resuming their diplomatic sizes and establishing an, inaugurating their embassies and diplomatic missions in one another's countries.
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corruption charges against the formal tigers of the problem in wrong con, have been suspended along with is 3 years jail sentence. however, this icon isn't holding free, as i'm is, i'm a bad court, has ordered him to remain in custody on charges tied to his obligations, claiming it was a us plus we said, i'll send him from office unless they'll just send us this of this all about high court has issued an order on tuesday, a green lied for him on han to be released from custody. however, he has been arrested in connection with the site for case, so him on han will remain in i took prison. meanwhile, the judge of the special court released an order which has him on han will remain in prison until august 30th. this is one of the reasons that he meant han was not released after this time about high court. on tuesday, the court has given major relief to the chairman and he's a po to suspense. you sentence from the lower court, the court suspended defendants in order to they need it. really soon. judgment was
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prepared earlier on monday. a court hearing is if it was a, another form of crime is a meanwhile, because if criticize a decision to suspend the 3 sentence saying it didn't mean the case was or the other side of the month, the mon. com was arrested off that he was sentenced to prison for things they gift a charge which also banned him from political activities for the next 5 years. much to the eyes of his millions of vocal supporters. there was hardly more than a $150.00 legal cases against, i mean, for the incitement to violence. the country is full of cruelty and hero, denies overcharges, and saves. he's a mechanism for that school persecution based for 2 con, i add a form upon his own cabinet members. he has book harvey, who says the p. p i apology, these is the tension is even legal. i'm the new development, all raising phase more court cases. and, and the delays. all right. the case that he's been held back and reinvested you can
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say in prison is the secret is the official secrets act, which um, which everyone saw and, and actually last week that the president fox done doctor on it. i'll be treated that he never signed. and if you us, any little maker in bucks on any main stream, even advisor, he will tell you is that the act is not in place. it hasn't been constituted, and it hasn't been passed yet. somehow in non con, the following prime minister has been illegally detained on an act that has not been passed. we're worried, obviously for a safety for his life that this is going to be an ongoing occasion that every court case things will get delayed. and more, more court cases and cases will be piled on to him, which will inevitably try to keep them behind bars as long as possible. so i think there is a preconceived written script. it's, it's a play book that's been used over and over again. and bucks on, but again,
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it doesn't solve anything this time because the leaders that it was used on previously doing them on the same support that in non con, does the country what we have would be is that we are opposite of the search. and that's when it goes to the supreme court discharge and then will be completely thrown out. an amount of funds will be acquitted from his 5 year ban in politics and his 3 year prison sentence. that's why that keeps coming, the delay and trying to get it to the supreme court. and that's why there are other angles and other cases to be going on tend to keep them behind bars for something else because everyone knows that this case won't stand. i've had international disputed cases and you can look at it and it said that the legal process has been badly violated and it won't stand a day. so i think this is why they need a new case on him because this one will be thrown out in a month on will be back in mainstream park. oh, it's up to google and fees may very well unless the severity of his son says info
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is the case of the shake of nation of these. yeah, the block, known as echo was, is then by after the largest economy, nigeria, which is expressed concerns of the restrictions on that to mental civilians. we are not in conflict with the citizens of new g a. we will ease up to the extent possible distinctions that are being applied in a way that will minimize the impact on the citizens of new ga, the following limits a 2 in it. and these are more than a month ago. echo us impose a low low de restrictions on the nation. the sciences were said to be aimed at the community designed to those affiliated with them. but they ended up hurting ordering people and local businesses. meanwhile, the people to all of these you have also been increasingly opposed in the presence of the former colonial pa, fonts in the country. and the dentist sent us this report the my normal client id ultimatum ordering the french and bassett or to leave the share has expired. but
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the diplomat is still in the new sherry and capital and is confined to his residence under high security. that is the will of francis president macro and who is challenging the legitimacy of these years new doherty's and is determined to engage an arm wrestling in monday, at the annual conference of french and passengers. the french president spoke sharply while saying that without french military interventions in this a hell region, new share freaking of us. so and my we would no longer exist. those are words that further discuss people with new share. my grow from back from what i want to say to me, jerry and staff are good friends will leave africa. not only ne, ga, france cannot threaten us, france cannot take navy as a district of france. i can see that is impossible, that may ga, belongs to us. it belongs to the people, we are citizens, we will defend ourselves to the last breath. it was made ga, the build friends or law for our uranium, our gold, our oil,
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everything. the mother of france has nothing to say left for the do my girl. that's the madness of mac crohn. and luckily we have nothing to do with that in africa, existed long before them. alex, who brought terrorism to this a hell. yeah, i mean it's them just, if we go back 13 years, there was no terrorism. there was no french army in this. the hell everyone circulated as they wanted over the phone, but now they have brought us terrorism that know that's madness. it says, man, it only engages hasn't been for me is to clock a fist down. i believe that the french president should not say that he really has a normal conscience. the french forces have been here in this a hell for years. precisely in burkina faso, molly in asia, this has not prevented terrorists from killing hundreds of people here in this a hell not, but so i don't see the use of french forces in this a hell. they have nothing to do here is just too much on that. cron said that the french ambassador will not leave me. i may, because those who ask for his departure are not legitimate. his attitude does not
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please the people of new share who are offended by the arrogance of the former colonial power. but how far will the showdown take us? how can and basset or practice without accreditation? will the people of these year end of crossing these barriers behind me to dislodge him? in the meantime, there was a total blockade on the residence of the french diplomat. these years authorities have cut off electricity and water supplies to be and passed through his residence . very slow to the right. and so the news that press agency and shared his view on the do tennessee of the boxes, the and these yeah, a serious, i think our attention was drawn to his words, that the intentions of france are not supported by some state. in other words, this attempted attempt of aggression by frances not accepted unanimously by its western partners for it was the way we see it is france since trying to convince
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partners to participate in the war against the major. most africans look negatively at a possible military intervention and the african media and social networks. it is felt that africans have realized that this is a battle of those who remain in the shadows. you are in the country with its own norms and activities and need to adhere to them or the impasse that are was accredited in the share. whatever way this regime came to power relations between states are based on the right of sovereignty and independence. no matter how one comes to power, it is not for another state to determine more than legitimacy or legality of that power. and now, from a political point of view, what is the role of an investor if he does not have relations with the host country? after all, the ambassador represents his country and serves as a link between the 2. in this particular case, the french investigates and these yes has been declared percent of non grata.
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therefore he no longer has a relationship with the countries authorities. so in terms of his functions, he does not play the role of an investigator fonts as president michael on asking them the 2 in the west african nation of new jeff. and if it is a guess, it would be justifiable for his own country to forcibly intervene. he said that as part of that powers would not stand idly by is a to a could say in a european states, i don't want to do just some side difference was to involved in supporting the house. did president best do? i read the journal and i had comments coming from other capitals. now, like what would you do if a cou, like that happened in bulgaria or romania with the saying, we shouldn't be too involved. we will wait and see the community just promised a new prime minister. and is that good politics? i was kind of betwixt the dream because when middle set home, the question is that what are the capitals want to do?
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and you want us to say that democracy is a good idea for a week doing double standard. that's what it is unacceptable. backgrounds. and i think on any yeah, i mean very different from the other lesson needed, including own country and a to assume he's playing as president in 2014. the 1st 5 minutes of the time was the same for the ears of my don ruinolds and he was a quote main small cove. democracy info $75.00 to depose is dental sizes. the elective president, i'm replacing with someone who proved more manageable to west and the influence. here's what some of the need is. let's say, that's fine. any violation of ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be deeply destabilizing, which is not in the interest of ukraine, russia, for europe. it would represent a profound interference in matters that must be determined by the ukrainian people
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. he has said he will not step down, but it is clear that is a follow to is no longer widely accepted for our call, the international community must work with the new governments to discourage further violence and agree international financial support. ukraine financial situation is very serious. we are farm and often at 5 sites, but it says it's a go on policy. if it was a problem, particularly phones, i'm the u. s. so as a whole regime change, i'm branded as democracy when is there an interest? it's not shocking. a behavioral for awful, c u. s. a. and these frames that the french people they have always been acting in calculus tend to be totally different because when it suits them, they are always been defending creaminess, which is the very same u, as in sam. and for us, with an explosive for the invasion in the damage that is
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a friendly, new cold and all the french speaking african countries because of the u, as in fred, suffice. it's important when they do stuff, really, t a peter, it works to be, i find it. so it'd be fine to stick to the step. begins the ability to wait for them. and the quote seems to be to, to move in the lead. that doesn't have to be able to use it is the same thing that they're paying you created the supported the cool because they wanted to give me a link to, to make sure that they could it, they said they didn't realize that which so let's begin. this step, we like anything associated with the rational we know what they, they've been doing these things for years and special and the human rights. what has sounded the alarm about policy and children being killed by the is ready that dream. the old i they didn't have the is very so this immediately and amy
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unvil for use of that before is really forces aren't gunning down pastry and children living under occupation with increasing frequency unless israel's allies, particularly the united states, pressure is real to change course more palestinian children will be killed. he'll arrive what said the number of passing children killed by as a full series of sprites in recent years last year was that this in, over a decade, this year is set to break that grim rustled. illinois nation sir, that as of august, the 22nd, the is where the defense forces have killed at least the before part of seeing children in the west bank of this year. you heard from a region the fed ex, with the saw the name and it says the international community must take a more proactive style. so make as well in the blood shed. in the many cases
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these are the diary entries and in the book is especially low. so shocked by so far, the action of international is very, very, very easy. and because these very insufficient soldiers and so that they, these things go as well as you know. and no one is going to question them, says waiting to guess that the interest of some countries and especially those to know i was, was. ringback america, and who is the option to dismissing, you know, those on this, on the nation is not, not we need to see action by the beach to impose sanctions, to impose on their own these soldiers and certainly states and is as we move for these actions in the international laws, if they start to do so,
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then maybe these are used by too soon as well as far as taking a at the us of a quote park we'll see in washington state being the instead of pausing, judgment on it as well. america would be best. what i'll do tonight is, is own record in the middle east. there's no nation. there's been fighting for survival in the face of motorists terrorism for decades. and it cutting a more careful way than the jewish people. i'm not talking about the americans and how they acted enough dentist on the rock. they shouldn't preach to us about human rights. now i that to the id f, know it to us on a political level. this is on mitigated hypocrisy side's. coaches'. a model is just the latest that provides a flare up in relation to the nations of the us site development. kind of damage comments made by as well. that sounds good to me as a model. so is the official then double down on and response
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the not only do i not take back what i said, i said again are right to return home and peace, to wander around to day in samaria and to not get killed is greater than a writer for freedom of movement, but the residents of the palestinian authority of this is the american popular see the preaching, good israel about human rights, while the violating human rights in a few places over the world that the especially the was in the dining study, rock and all the other consultations and the people that were leaving the west bank these riley's, they were talking about more than half a 1000000 these rallies and leaving the doors spent the entire till the 2 selfish it'd be fans without the such a criticism for the american administration. the problem is that the job identities a defeating, interfering in these early port politics and the preacher being and the preaching
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and the lecturing is well above morality and about the adjust to justice. the wind, the americans themselves are violating, and especially the media leaves the voted to human rights. so the problem is the officer has conducted his 1st farm visit since it's a in 5. he broke out earlier this year than ne, offering country. so those general have met with the president of neighboring egypt, identified the as cc, who himself was a former defense official and has been pulled of the offer to help broke for a peace deal full sit down. meanwhile, the sooner these incident route known as the rapid support courses, says, is what leads and negotiate to end of the conflict. but with the, i'm willing to do the governments to moms, they surrender. thousands of people all believes of being killed since the fighting
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broke out just a few months a day, the into the 10. this is the us i'm boss of the is that i've said that need the, the minute fee and all the insurgent group would be suitable to the country. so the government was quick to think a fence that stalls. i'm a said, our insistence. i say that the us envoy bank track on his statement to us investors comments contradict the requirements of diplomatic courtesy and professionalism, and mutual respect of sovereignty. the comments reflect the us investors lack of respect for the sued in these people and their independence. we expect the us investor and his country's government to correct his unbalanced and defective position. and for the envoy to distance himself from comments that contradict diplomatic norms and rules and do not help to end the crisis in our country, slide and sizes between the supervisor and the rapid support forces ruptured ensued
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. i'm in april this year about 5000 people all believed having killed a mit in tens fighting, including the air is so us and saudi arabia have been at 17 to broke the apartment c spot with nickel progress. we heard from a reason that i explained about the meaning of the us i'm boss of this call may seem to come to be responsible for the coming from us in the past that are considering the very delicate situation. my student is currently facing this situation. a sedan to match dialogue, the mass book of one point is to be brought to negotiation table to find a peaceful settlement for the conflict. and that's a sentiment across many african countries in the united states as respect the sovereignty of these countries. united states has been critical of the way country expansions particularly criticizing the human race records, criticizing democracy in criticizing the internal policy and of the countries. and at the time, many african leaders believe that the united states is
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a mistake in the way to purchase. i forgot, instead of pushing out because a partner looks down on african nations instead of looking at ways to work with africa, looking at ways to push advocate to a particular policy that he believes are fit. i definitely like the united states going to mean it's really suzanne considering that previous village interventions in africa. and the most recent one is the and the diverse in libya until now has cost the united states significantly. well, the interest of the united states and so again, a significant i'm calling to follow up with, but she did not seem to be supported the prime minister at the time. oh, i'm doing that at home though. and so do you notice is interest is always been find you see a return to civilian government, that's always the interest. and best way to have a very 1st home, when it comes to the military rules in suffolk, and they've had this phone since the formation of civilian government. also have interesting stories. coma as well as pub costs to check for them and we'll be back to the top of them
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the on the beach of i made. so i made heavy fighting military columns at funds to one goal, invest town to another, the through the school staff ruling villages, thousands of soldiers, much to whereas old again, all roads from done is going to move guns. basic chance mario boat at the end of june with natalie to see the city, the symbol of the outbreak of civil war and ukraine. father, scholastic me, it's kind of the, i guess because i change the story about the one that you're interested in is that which.


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