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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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for more than once i, yes, this is for someone who is this, we would show new people to the, the the, it's breaking news as our analogy international with a crew in gap on military leaders to pose the president. does all state institutions and even close the countries borders? it's right off to the re election of a form ahead of state 1st time and time the ministry says it is bringing the current regime to and that we the defensive security forces gathered within the committee for the transition and the restoration of institutions on behalf of the given these people in guarantors of the protection of the institutions have decided to defend peace by aiding the regime in place. the use repeatedly planning a new so called military civilian mission in west africa. later this year, citing terrorism operations for the move is not for saving the world with
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a welcome stumble of it's not a good idea tool, as despite the reference in the book and at 1st so molly, in the share, they failed in their mission. it's not worth the service committed crimes when they were in this conference. we don't want them here. the russian air defenses are disrupting a large scale, ukrainian dro type on several regions across the western part of russia and notes and casualties report post. when the programs a new international north, south transport cordele passing through iran is being held as a route to prosperity linking bricks to members, encouraging trade and national currency. looking to trade the attention of a multi level, the
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very well welcome to you, mid star will use report this morning here, live on a how to international. you're not going to believe the latest from africa because it is making you 0 an aussie international as being yet another to in another form, a french colony. this time gap on the countries ministry has a know the results of the weekend's journal election and deposed the newly re elected president. while shutting off the country's books we, the defense and security forces gathered within the committee for the transition and the restoration of institutions. on behalf of the given these people and guarantors of the protection of the institutions have decided to defend peace by aiding the regime in place for this purpose. the general elections of august the 26th 2023. and this results or cancel all institutions are dissolved including government institutions, the senate of the national assembly, or the constitutional course. we call on the population the community of the
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brother, the country, settled in government as well as the deputies diaspora to remain calm when they were firm, austin's 2 respect gibson's commitments to the national and international community . yes ma'am, is just gotten below. all right, so regarding this uh, breaking news, coming to us directly this morning from the ball and that's i have that over now to a local journalist timothy over you guys, or he has some of the latest details. darted prices and selections that have done during the weekend of lacks credibility. and because of that, they said they had no elections. they also, um, dissolved all state institutions and shots the board has basically, um, the lennox or that has been abused up of um, you know, of sentiments to watch the elections president ali baba, strongly has been, has, has been lead in, you know, in the couple on the 456 years initially it was his father, you know, who had been a lead in the country since 1967. you know, before he's going to be president ali from the came on board
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a 2009 and he was declared, we not of saturdays are like said, you know, to robert to continue for a part of the term in office. so basically the military leaders that said, are saying that, that election, lots of great ability to box the main reason why, you know, they announced doctor, i'm cool timothy. what about uh, expectations and potential ramifications to this. uh, coo and got bon, could of, could flight out. what are your expectations and predicts what could happen in um, in the coming days. and what happened is a country in central africa it's, it's, uh, they would stay in crews in west africa. and now you know, with say in, in, in got born in central africa basically another country. ready you know, arrival,
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google for a colonized formerly by you know frank party. so there is a bro incentive manager across africa, basically people with demanding guard just more from democratically elected leaders and saying that they want better for the of countries they want better for themselves. you know, the ones who get more grace see to be huge back as a result in the i think the estimated to lead us that took over power sites and you know, the countries very poor economy status as well as some, you know, the issues with insecurity bad, so basically these are people grammar and i didn't want that to happen and he said that was, you know, some ground support from the people are placed there. so these are people basically sticking for better are sticking to our new direction. or let's get some more details here on ology, international analysis of the background of is unfolding crude. that's of course, lots of corresponding loan of we'll couldn't guy, he's joining us here on ology international approval. which breaking news here went
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out to you as you well know. we know the alice did president ali boned go, he's been in power since 2009. okay. he inherited the post from his dad, but what enabled him, i guess, to, to rain for so long and keep how even during that mute you need it was back in 2019 will of course will read this announcement for a lot of people. it does not come as a surprise that they all cancelling the results of the election and dissolving or institutions of offer. people also seeing that the country is now in some closer meaning that the board is half now being closed within the country. this is something that they call a responsible, unpredictable governance, resulting in a continuing distributor ration and social collision. i'm also reading the leading country into k as now, as in previous election, especially when it comes to bundle. the worst of it concerns about the voting. i'm the prostate, the domain of position in fact, whose name is um, um,
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outlets under all staff, i'll complain that many off for these poses is imposing stations left to ballad papers are bearing his name and as opposed close to the government announced a close to you as a sleep, it should also be internal access for security reasons. as we've also said, both of them is the both his previous wins. i mean, everyone does stay this what you just as fortunate by oh, bonus. this time controversial changes were made to to the voting systems. now, as we've also just said, that this man did come into the hallway in $22009.00. i'm following, he did the office, he's a father, i am suspecting and i am off the assumption that a lot of people are now getting tired of him. he's a long serving presidency within the african continent. and i think this case has come to that point where we had a non list on the, at just a short time ago, a sondra ikea, a specialist on west africa. and she was saying that this kind of and see french
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what anti western sentiment has been building for quite some time now and, and, and now essentially, well, perhaps at all coming to fruition of who, who component is also, of course, a former french called a how can we describe the relationship between powers and leap levels off to the last a gauges independence? obviously a good ball and has, has a oil petroleum, a gas. it's got all sorts of things that france needs every month. well, a very complicated one, especially if you consider how many all my con, presence within the applicant continents guarantee it's a very complicated one that everyone is talking about. and i think we also need to know to the fact that these things has been happening for quite some time. it's just that people have found some way. it's all 5 d s. had attaching themselves or from these the colonies. if i can put it that way, and also which is that 5 seeing and continued able to control themselves, but i think a full good bond,
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particularly be it has seen how other countries with in the african continent be it's lottie, be looking to possibly give me a shave, i think it has to you that how it can gain it's freedom and his confidence by 5 to for yourself and being able to to, to just stand its ground and not being controlled by these i'm calling these and i also feel live when it comes to present, instead of having split long standing, those presidents have relationship in these countries that we're talking about. just so advocates citizens and that's what some people are starting to wake up and realize that it's over and they can take matches. it's not necessarily into their own has, but they can gain freedom and independence without the a console and suffocated by these that i'm calling the country for who you and me were both the russia africa summit in st. petersburg just about a month or 2 ago. we had a great time, amazing coverage and we met all these different leaders of heads of state. so from what up with
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a 50 different african nations represented there. and one of the things that, that you and i, we kept hearing from these, from these delegations from africa was that, that, that almost in bold and the really starting up with their own 2 feet these days are looking to an independent future. but they know they understand that africa is the bread basket off the world when it comes to his relationship with friends. for example, uranium. i mean so much uranium goes from these uh, every month to for honest because frogs is basically powered by nuclear energy. so certain european partners have very deeply invested interest in africa. what would you expect volvo to be the reaction out of brussels all power so on, on this wednesday today. and i really do believe that they will be disappointed. so because no one is really expecting beach 5 fact and the confidence that applicant citizens to have commented and i remember, many offerings need is talking about independence within the african continent. i
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never remember particularly when i read or saying that the only way to game independence, the only way i'm the full africa to be independent, the ability for a free tax to be an independent strong, the apps a continent is what it should be. economy could be developed and, and as sustainable. and the only way to do that is to leave out visa, consulting narratives. and these policies and these reforms accepted, continue to see from all these other states. and i think it has really come to that point to and it's a really surprising to even received the involvement, or rather the how these are the states at all as trying to, to, to control middle into these are phases because all these assignments do rush out because some of the brakes done with all of these, some of these have now to really like show the lights to the african citizens, an african peoples, to show them that you can become independence. new can be your own people. and the
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past few days, actually, conversations were really around to africa. also just being its own person and just moving away from the would be the policies that may could be sol rely into on the world. and i think it's also important in that question or rather this one resolution becomes even more, especially i think, a big when you consider how the applicant continent is dependent just on the rest of the goals are about 80 percent afraid of the cabinet. so it's really become a, a conversation, a very big one top and a highlighting one. that's african countries in africa, the space of, and african citizens in fact, one to, to be independent. and this time, the only way to be cmc on the, on the proper thing to do is really to, to, to, to do this. which, so for some people does not make sense. but if you are in africa and off, and as you can, you would need to realize that most of these inputs and most of these things that
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hasn't been such as inception and soldiers and leaders are doing, could be the right way to gain the social of independence, that's the message and people are really gaming for isn't in the 5 disappointing conversations to have. it is a disappointing thing to do with, with these kinds of brussels or paris and all these other states. but for now, it's really come to this point for african citizens and applicant, but just so much moving and shaking happening on the african continent today. i mean, talk about being like one of the main flash boring. so the geo political chessboard policy is none of welcome good. it's great to have you want to thanks a lot for the update on that breaking news. thank you. just a short time ago, i was on the phone and speaking to jerry and kind of for calling us on a west africa next. but sondra who says that the situation unfolds linkable and clearly shows that people's distrust and that government and that's strong for freedom. it's early days. i think that if you look at what's going on just from, you know, what's happening in the end, some of the research that i've done,
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it seems to me that the people are not with that presidents and the president has been, you know, people have been against them and his actions and the fact that he's actually going to put them. so i think, but jewelry to of the people will back the, the, the, the, the, the army. all fortunately, that's not when we look at the mo, christie and all that. and we've made people would say our case, better not to have, you know, a military government, but africa at the moment it looks like the civilian governments that we've trusted, our sovereignty with have actually done us. no good. and um, and we have not progressing with those kind of structure. so i think now people are flies in a revolutionary fight. and maybe perhaps that's just the way in which people are trying to get power away from those who they seem to. that's who seems to be collaborating with people that not working for the interest of the people. well,
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meanwhile, in new jersey, which of course went through just last month. the stand off over the french, i'm busted a rumbles on. he still remains in resident despite an ultimatum to pack his bags and leave having long since expired. or we have this report from one local john, a normal client id ultimatum ordering the french ambassador to leave and each year has expired. but the diplomat is still in the missionary and capital and is confined to his residence under high security. that is the will of frances president, mack crohn, who is challenging the legitimacy of these years new authorities and is determined to engage an arm wrestling monday at the annual conference of french and passengers . the french president spoke sharply saying that without french military interventions in this a hell region, new share freaking of us. so and molly would no longer exist. those are words that further discuss the people of new share, mycroft, former crone,
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what i want to say to each arians to africa. friends will leave africa, not only new share, friends can all threaten us. friends can also, you can use your as a district of friends, that is impossible, but these are belongs to us. it belongs to the people who we are citizens. we will defend ourselves to do last breath. it wasn't easier to build friends, are uranium or gold or oil. everything. france has nothing to my there. that's a lot for the do, my girl, that's the madness of my crohn. we have nothing to do with them. for k existed long before them who brought terrorism through this a how it's them. if we go back 13 years, there was no terrorism, there was no french all mean this a hell. everyone circulated as they wanted, but now they have brought us to or is know that's madness. it's his madness. it's only engages him. please don't find. i believe that the french president should not say that he really has a normal conscience. the french forces have been here in this house for years
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precisely, and book enough for so molly, in year besides not prevented service from killing hundreds of people here in this . i help. so i don't see the use of french forces in this. i have, they have nothing to do here, from pin. this is just the macro and said that the french ambassador will not leave me. i may, because those who ask for his departure are not legitimate. his attitude does not please the people of new share or offended by the arrogance of the former colonial power. but how far will the showdown take us? how can in baset or practice without accreditation? will the people of new share and of crossing these barriers behind me to dislodge him? in the meantime, there was a total blockade on the residence of the french diplomat. the sheriff's authorities have cut off electricity and water supplies to the investors residents. we spoke to the director of the news at press agency who believes that a french presence in the region as well no longer welcome
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a serious dick. our attention was drawn to his words that the intentions of france are not supported by some states. in other words, this timid attempt of aggression by frances not accepted unanimously by its western partners for equal was the way we see it is francis trying to convince its partners to participate in the war against and they share. most africans look negatively at a possible military intervention and the african media and social networks. it is felt that africans have realized that this is a battle of those who remain in the shadows. you are in a country with its own norms and activities and need to adhere to them. the ambassador was accredited in new share. whatever way this regime came to power relations between states are based on the right of sovereignty and independence. no matter how one comes to power, it is not for another state to determine the legitimacy or legality of that power.
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and now, from a political point of view, what is the role of an investor if he does not have relations with the host country? after all, the ambassador represents his country and serves as a link between the 2. in this particular case, the french in baset or to new share, has been declared per son and non grata. therefore, he no longer has a relationship with the countries authorities. so in terms of his functions, he does not play the role of an investigator. but meanwhile, jerry is proposed a 6 month transition plan for neighboring new jersey in an attempt to come to the crisis. it's foreign minister reiterated the potential military intervention would have disastrous repercussions for the entire region. either a move on the distorted a strong opposition to resulting to the use of force lies in the dangerous, serious, and just offer as repercussions that any military intervention would have on these yet. and on the entire region, the president of el jerry decides,
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presents an initiative for political solution to the crisis in these year. provided that the duration of these arrangements does not exceed 6 months. and that they are under the supervision of a civil authority that enjoys the acceptance of all spectrums of the political crossed image at least to the restoration of constitutional order. it has to be a man i that's more and more african states agree that military intervention in new jersey or simply would not help. the french president appears to remain convinced that the return to democratic orders should be achieved by force. meanwhile, echo offices to ease the severity of its sanctions on the army. they were imposed immediately off in the government over throw and were aimed at the 2 leaders. and those are affiliated with them. but africa's largest economy and the leader of the west african block nigeria has expressed concern the restrictions. what proving detrimental to civilians un mission and the jet had also acknowledged. the rep, a caution of sanctions would be catastrophic. is another source of concern for us
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or the sanctions that were imposed by a cause. without any make it moves for exams and exceptions for, for humanitarian release. sanctions will not take well how they are impacting easy, it's over time that day they build up and many variables can play. but clearly you can see that it's, it's, it will have if they are not lifted at one point or another, or if we are not able to bring in sufficient humanitarian aid, it could, it could have some could disrupt the effects or we're talking to our top story here on how to international the crew in gabon. but early on wednesday morning, the government has ministry announced that they had deposed the recently re elected president. is old state institutions and close the countries borders, claiming they are intending to bring the current pricing to an end. the military has also call for the population to remain calm the time or the code of the re
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election of the incumbent president alibaba who was set to have gained 64 percent of the vote. the authorities also suspended the broadcasting of 2 french media channels. just like what was done in the chair of the western african state as a former french calling a rich in uranium or the gas president emanuel macro and just visited the country back in march. that's take this conversation further. i got the updates on our top story, hey, with local reporter from nigeria, timothy, i'll be honest with timothy. thanks for coming back on with all fluid breaking news or analogy international. can you tell us exactly what happened in leave level in the early hours of wednesday? yes, in the bottom line, say military, some senior military officers, you know, made a broadcast on a gap on china for early hours, wednesday just soon after price. that bundle was declared the winner of socrates on presidential election. and um, you know,
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the military said that the season back either taken, you know, to depose, but just elected the president watched the deceased on that, you know, have taken in and i'm collaboration with all of the top on some security and defense forces. and um, the reason behind bisco is, you know, the military set to try to stop the days election lot, you know, credibility and you know, that's been a buick top. our problem started to ma'am, in the lead up to the election. we, we know, you know that uh, president ali baba, strongly how, how has, how it onto power in that country for nearly 6 decades. and the people just want them out for whatever reason, you know, saying that it's been too long and it started for us. we found, present, alibaba was found out who was on the countries rule out from 1967 until, you know, present ali came into power in 2000 or 2 present value came into power in 2009
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. now, when present, at least by the was lead of the country, you know the words describe of someone who led the country with a fabric type piece. so the best, the best is the kind of sentiment that has seen and or has grown, you know, up to this point. and um, the military saying the, the, the, the election lack of credibility and because of the tasks, you know, they are suspending or they have dissolved all of the states is due to the authorities. they have a note the elections and they have to shut down the countries borders. i mean, i, i get what you're saying about the, i guess they story, the legacy of, of the, of the long go finally that the current president essentially originally inherited the position from his dad and then he's being re elected so on and so forth. and you tell me about sentiment. so 90 west and the sentiment and then so you know, i guess anti establishment the sentiments that people there are just a bit tied of all of his ongoing sconces. but, but you said the military or doherty's in give on a saying that the election was
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a legitimate what are the reasons, is the military leadership and go on now blaming. busy or using to suggest explain why they've incorporated this to know that more reasons and been just that a, we think the election was illegitimate. basically what was announced by the military for now is um, you know, there was a lot of focused india statements about the just concluded um election. but it, it might not be too far from, uh, uh, i mean, there could be more to the reason why, you know, they decided to take the, you know, take the steps that they have taken a couple on is a country up around 2000000 people reach in crude rich and uranium, and just as of what has happened in these are some of the states, the citizens, there are also a have happened to complaining, you know,
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i'm saying basically that they are not seeing the benefits out from, you know, the country being rich and some of the base and minerals and um, they are also complaining that problem being just tired of the problem. you know, the influence of, you know, the, from our colonial power there, i'm top on what's colonized by trucks. and basically, it's very similar to what happens in um, in nature or the narratives are kind of stimuli even though the reason why you know, the cool a couple on has to move to the reason why the military says it has taken over leadership and government is a beast quite different from what the military side, in the case of these are why the military said, you know, it was due to largely in security and the country's economies status. now what we're seeing here is um, you know, the people trying to, you know, remove a leadership that has been there for too long. but present ali, bundle,
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you know, he's election. he's a declaration as the winner of this, the likes of that house on saturday, which means he's in the office for a 3rd term. and this is someone whose father has like, you know, for many decades before he came on board. so basically these people are essentially tired of from, you know, a family's legacy being tracked on for way too long. yeah, it's hard of nepotism, i guess also tied to the raping and pillaging of the mineral resources of the african continent as well. i look reported in a boot your timothy, i'll be as your thanks for that. we'll see you soon. i thank you all for on this is scrambling to maintain his presence in qu, was shaking the chair. it's a bigger brother, e. u is reportedly moving to increase its influence in west africa. member states as such as of agreed to begin some kind of mission in the gulf of guinea, this autumn, citing terrorism and a need to strengthen the security. now the operation will reportedly respond,
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gone toko, but need and the ivory coast police and soldiers deployed to the countries aiming quote to prevent instability triggered by the hottest and previous similar operations in asia. molly, some audio they failed to yield fruitful results with international troops order to leave off the years of peace keeping operations locals. and so it goes to a based on past experience, the deployment over e u troops is actually less than welcome. it's not a good idea tool, as despite the reference in book, you know, fast. so molly, in these year they failed in their mission. it's not worth it center was committed crimes when they were in this countries, we don't want them here. we need security in the country, but we think the situation gets worse. have these troops come to us? well, so walner bowl and that could create more attention. their presence will attract more attention to our country and it will weaken the situation. i am not in favor
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of does employment almost 1st task, whether these countries have really expressed the needs intervention by european fruits. if this is not the case, so i don't know, see the importance of the deployment for the actual west can already constitute a security strategy. to deal with the terrorists, right. it would be good to have the support of your but we have to see what is hidden behind it. yeah, we got a reaction to the use plans for a new circle, civilian and military mission. we gauged this with a number of guests. this we have to stop is probably what we need to get new. i'm for my new well meaning new sure is clean out. so injunction pro almost done, take the one hour so you we don't need to be limits the about. so i'm going to be sure i do the one symbol us on your own use order. went to the truck, is companies i've been, be there all these, right?
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the was, i mean, all the furniture is all the projects to bring the ground there. and then there's some presidents that will be arriving in france. so the only part supervisor, the friends of russia on the, on the, on the self confidence. and i, i'm really worried because all functions are do some of the i'm the by and introduce, to read and not knowing the law of knowing the danger in the future. all this which are setting the that is no fun after that kind of what the thoughts will be delighted by the news of the european union. wanting to establish emission within africa, particularly in the gulf or getting it zone. we are troubled by the
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