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tv   News  RT  September 2, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the nathan's interference means just some statements by the french president to the back functions and the possible intervention in the country or the french and us defense when just as a disciplined logic solution to the car. the thousands of protesters, floods, nations counselors all day long, the phones remove it off the power as refuses to remove that. and boy, or recognize the new military governors. we have some low pools on good 5 french policies. through all lands belong to the generous band,
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not french. and i'm still particularly visits where we respect the french, but we don't want their system seen the radioactive traces that can funds may i speak to shame a power plants also the controversial release of contaminated waste water was made with condemnation from neighboring states. the hello and welcome is 3 pm here in the russian capital, and this is on see international with all these headlines. it's great to have you with a top story this our from, from the west side there. so you can get diplomatic solution to the nation crisis and the defense ministers have discussed the situation via phone. but the french president mcclung sends a mixed message by reiterating support for be asked of lead to i've been dozing. echo was sanctions on the books possible intervention. the new military oath ortiz anesha slammed his statement. a t. v of it costs them as you know,
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the government of republic of this year has followed with dismay. the remarks made by the president of the french republic on monday, august 28th, 2023. during his address to the french investors. these remarks constitute a further blake and interfering signatures in internal affairs. the meanwhile, thousands of demonstrators have flooded sneezing. his capital pointing on french troops, 10 be back country, and the sounds off from us has refused to recognize the new military governments that says needs as well. so worst case of strips, the french on the box of the, of diplomatic immunity and canceled his visa, ordering him and his family to leave the country within 4 to 8 hours. and all the powers has rejected. low for reports that brings those moon days out to the sunday. this is the biggest mobilization since the crew, the top august 2023 months,
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a huge crowd gather here in front of the french base in new shares. i say no to products, to say no to the presence of the french military, based on the ground, to say no to french imperialism. truly a readable anger on the faces and then the messages on the signs. the reason the cross refusal to implement the decision to expel the french investor to new share, viruses also refuse to recognize the legitimacy or the new authority signature. this evening, these people express sole support for their new president of the decision. i think that today will give a one week old tim agent to front to get it sold just all just needs. yeah. otherwise. next week we'll bring together 3 media in these areas. and if they do not leave the country, we can really enter the base and much in place for me because they're all land that belong to new generates the french language. read the above us. we have seen the never timble in imperative departure of the french course. as in accordance with the decision made bar legitimate authorities to day we are here to say the,
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the people of new york. 2 standing up more than ever mobilize them, determined to assume their revolt is a v these colonialist friends with the v this imperialist from the, to the visit. what for once a day is freedom for everyone. we don't want the frank basis anymore. we don't want to france anymore. we really respect the friendship us, but we don't one day or she's coming up with something. meanwhile, the french army has stated his readiness to respond to any attacks against his forces in asia. the french army is ready to respond to any renewed tension that would target french, military and diplomatic facilities. and niger, the soldiers have been limited in their activities to the air base in the army and the outposts since july 26th. as the military partnership with new jersey, an armed forces has been suspended. and we discussed the issue with the media consultants and the political allister said his take on the franchise to, to, to wants africans. but he got them all. harris considers the authorities,
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albany army, s illegitimate. but it is not from a cronan paris to decide which authorities are legitimate for news ariens, and which are not very sol, so refuses to fulfill a meal tre agreement to have the droids colonial troops from this year. in my opinion, the authorities in the i may have the full right to think that paris continues to interfere in the internal affairs of the new jerry and the french army has been in this a hell region for the surveillance or the safety of its inhabitants. and not even to 5 digit holidays. this is an army of occupation, an army of exploitation and imperial army. finally, friends wants to side with the terrace in order to fight the new syrians. therefore, i think that with such an attitude, the french army confirms that it has always been an ally of the names of the african countries. and it has never been analite or this of how people think that friends could use the critics of new sherry and police surrounding the french
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embassy to officially attack the african people. or striving for sovereignty and towards the position on the global arena. and un secretary general has won the military takeovers across africa, aggravating the crisis on the continent. but, and he's that know, jerry and politicians that he's the continental should brace for more potential curb expenses, people tired of a friendship neo colonialism. i'm not surprised that this has happened, and frankly, we should expect more cruising the francophone countries of west and central africa for the reasons i say that in data se with events and combined today, it is fair to say that the heck of many of the french in africa is almost over, they have been challenged, accumulated ridiculed diminished, the mystified and trashed by the most of the erstwhile african collins, and the hatred, contempt, opprobrium, and disdain. that their check from the old women majority of africans is mind boggling and unprecedented. if they don't submit to the will of the african people put their little french tales between their legs. they will be thrown out by the
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armed force just as they were in vietnam, and it was your and in the bone, the main office ocean policy is large, the military john to, to hands the power back to civilian rule and software acc, who should pay for my french calling they on wednesday with the country's military over throwing the president of his family had been in power. over half a century. event was made with jubilation from some locals, with demonstrates of celebration industries and the military needs at the hines. the coach has already promised a new constitution as more democratic institutions with eric and you'll be a electra and international relations phase. the future might not be as bright as it seems like the pulse key. it seems to me that the people of combine are experiencing a certain need to forward that stems from the fact that for more than 50 years combines have lived under the rule of the bunco dentistry. so of course, there was a period of euphoria when the population was happy to see the present ali bongo
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resign. now forever and other phases come in the face of reality. will the military that came to the power feed into these events, breaking up with the previous reading with a bunco family, with relations with france, which can be described as difficult. i think that as of today, with these use with the stance that the opposition spokesman on the us these thinking we find ourselves in an increasingly difficult situation. and then turns out that we can expect the clash between the opposition and the new people in power . but we see that people are beginning to wonder what's just really acute to time ended breaking the established order or wasn't intended to continue with that or some breaking news now coming in from a as well where at least 75 people are opposed to be injured with some wounded, find gunshots as our trained refugees class with police intel events protest as against the irish way. and governments of class divine and play with police on pro regime supposes, according to the services, 19 police officers are among the wounded in full paypal all in
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a serious condition for the sides. they opened fire on the asylum stick as near the error trade and embassy as they plans to hold a festival. but it's through the police and barriers. and so it's a push through police barriers and still have one. i think i the facebook page of a body on the ground of a man who may have been killed during the 1st test. another man is c h across things in full days. a warning got these images which are now might be upsetting to the sum of all of us. meanwhile, we can see to johnson, people running in the background. and now times the violence images circulating online show a protest, assuming a building that appears to be a sharp. and fleming stones were windows and holding sticks in my hands. we are going to be keeping a false that the situation in television will. of course,
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when they will relate to is updates as and when we received from the young man happy insurance while driving to an arab town. and is my one of them is an ex for psycho condition since the beginning of the year. more than a 150 arabs have been killed in as well, according to the abraham initiatives and g o. all correspondence in the middle east at american national husband, the war whizzing. while these really policing intentions have been boiling recently, the crime rate across the air of sector inside israel is rocketing. the death toll today, more than double for the same period last year. from an a student to india who announced it already, boulders on a national problem, the hands of our local councils. there are more than 60 of them. and these will blame these rarely government and police for neglect and incompetence. the mayor of the town of
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t around north of tel aviv is among the most vocal of them. and he believes it is not a matter of capability, but the lack of a political decision in so solidify lee. these riley police is capable of bringing in the leaders of jewish criminal gangs from north america, south america and africa. they can capture them and to buy in turkey, and even reach them in europe. at the same time, they cannot put an end to crimes here. and arrest the young era boy who could be firing gunshots. right next to the police station. were simply a special panel was established to address the surgeon violence, crime, and error of towns. now israel's showing that the agency normally handling national security issues will be assisting police on the ground. but the mayor august police, would it be enough if only they were doing their job as well as they do in other parts of israel. he also says era counsels are ready to prepare and train the room and guard made of local volunteers to protect the community,
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to prevent and fight crime. well the israel does not authorize it. you know, before today, say it officially. there is a political decision to give their community busy with itself, with blogs and enough to think not to have any national ambitions or respirations 2 weeks ago, the t, right municipal general director of respect. se, mom, so we a ph. d and father of 5 was shot dead while touring the town as part of the currency years next elections in pain. it's unclear where exactly the murder happened, which varies we do is show cpr before and, and the ambulance arriving to the gaze of the local police station. his sister, madame and sewer recalls what happened to se just the one i have brought them was cute and cold lot. he was bleeding internally along with his friends david leading in front of the police station. and no one came out to help them. the security guard didn't open the gate well,
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be the sweden for his help. he only opened the gate up to some time and with the killer how killers run, never quote. we reached out to police for comment on this particular incident, and the road to efforts in fighting crime is riley police. a taken action against the perpetrators, using all means units and powers. in accordance with an aggressive strategy, they arrest dozens of suspects every week for interrogation and seize hundreds of weapons. you are not the racial searches, including rifles and guns grenades, an explosive devices say no to prevent further violent incidents regarding the mother and t, right. it should be emphasized that's contrary to claims. the shooting took place near a gas station in the city, and not at the entrance to the police station, a month towards the deputy head of tiers, oldest school for almost a century. this educational institution has been welcome and students of all ages.
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to be here though, there was a chance that escaped. would it be shots in september? our municipalities including tiera and also strikes to protest against these rarely police inaction regarding rampant filings in arab sector. at the last moment the me was cancelled, but the need for change remains. we'll schedule another day. i need to strike and burden the state of israel until everyone hears us even neighboring countries to know that we are on track to find the violence and the road and our community. this felicia said this craze for the country of fish route to stay aside and did nothing about it. more than 150 people had been killed in crime driven violence in arab communities across israel. since the beginning of this year. fresh grays that have appeared at the main toyota center 3 are a testament to the last lives. this number are much higher than in 2022. he's similar to the number of palestinians who died during his really meal to operations across the west bank. and even though all the sides seemed to understand the urgent need to stop the blood,
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should the number of victims continue to rise right from ocean to all t reporting from toyota. and the occupied westbank more than 200 pallets to the ends have reportedly being tells by the i d. s. on this way. the settlers since the beginning of this year with thousands of children along with that as well. the wall and community is focused on other issues posted in families, show the stories of loss the . ready ready the. ready the mattress and the artist, so they travel to short and such, relying on the grounds,
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i was shocked by the horror on the scene when i re sure i found that this fiber had shelter in the head. had been afraid of the situation for a long time. as they deliberately killed children, just as the 2 bush for our neighbor was also child. the school year has begun. we were always preparing to do for school. but the seer is the most difficult because for absence consoles us is that whoever to show or isn't occupied an enemy, and we're old to risk of being q, but these are rarely cement. another convinced that i went to the balcony where i had my cousins screaming and when i asked them, what happened, they told me that the deal was killed. one is ready sniper, when she found so deal dead, she keeps tessa while on her forehead. i feel that still spirits is with us, and i keep all her clothes with me and damage the city,
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the have it done ottoman. unfortunately, no investigation can take place as long as these rid of soldiers. 3 disliked terraces want the world to recognize and support you on the rights and dose of children. defend the posting and shoulder and, and try to make us feel that there and they'll ship a chris, look at what is happening in the crate. meanwhile, have the subjective genocide since 94 to date everyone is running to help you. crane is if it is oppressed, we or the press like old parents in the world. dream of seeing our children grow up before our eyes. but these are able to prize us for basic human rights. and all of these are the blessing of the entire world including america in europe and the. ready ready
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the lebanese officials on questions. thank you and secured accounts of decision to extend its mission in the country for another year, allowing 10000 paced capers to move freely through the country that belongs representative to the year when as well as the heads of hezbollah expressed that frustration over the move. the states taxed, unfortunately, did not reflect overall consent. this freedom of movement should be upheld. yes, but also should involve controls for non force that moves on lebanese territory without authorization of the government and lebanese army without coordination with the lebanese army. where's the sovereignty? and all that extended mandate was adopted with 13 votes in favor, and none against russia and china of stains. but before the size,
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the resolutions of what they called a failure to respect the lebanese position on the matter. the other thing was postponed on request from, from the west, on the way to allow certain policies to amends the text, the initial draft supposedly made room for pro the cooperation between the un peacekeepers on the lebanese government. and he went in to enforce a loving, only una fill has been in place since 1978 following in his way. the invasion of the country emission is tossed with creating a buffer zone between as well and nothing on which do not have a peace treaty. meaning that still technically anastasia rule, you wouldn't pay. escape is also in charge of patrolling. be so called blue light, a geographical boulder intended to determine if, as well, has probably withdrawn his troops from 11 on. we spoke with them all. what came professor of history politics on the international relations at the lebanese university. you said that the us intends to use this mandates to monitor the
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situation in 11 on in the un troops. they consist mainly all countries that are either the western countries or countries that are let's say uh pro was pro u. s. so the united states ones and on the most, uh, let's say, popular ones or best groups in order to better monitor the movement of the money is it has a sense in southern lebanon and reported this through the united states. and of course, the united states and it started with the, for this to be, is there any, they wanted to be legitimize the live and isn't, as is vince on by the, let's say giving freedom of function of the you need for it on in case for example, the domain is a civilians or live it is, it is a stance of blocks. these actions they would be considered as acting against the dimension and low. so this is a mean for them to do legitimize the bodies of resistance. and this would give the
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pretext for the west of pods to act on behalf of the united nations according to optical 7 of the charter of the united nations by using force against husband law and united muslim world is the greatest barrier to global imperialism. as according to the a rating and presidents, he made the comment as well. amazing religious scholars into wrong and organized could hear in any united societies to move storage, the clear and purposeful destination. united to slamming societies, the biggest obstacle to global era, against the system of domination. and this is the biggest obstacle to dominators after world war 2, when 2 blocks were found in the world after the collapse of soviet union. they had jim when he could power. it's considered the unity of muslims, the only obstacle to their dominance. therefore they always try to take measures
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against the slavic world. but unity is the best solution to counter such measures as 2 of the rainy anita, highlights of the significance of regional on the international folks such as brick so which iran will be joining next step early. am i calling to scott, discuss the shifting wall to the with a panel of tests. a watch presence raising use trying to send as a message is a kind of in depth profound understanding about the potential collective power that could be generated by islamic countries getting together. and i think what is critically important here is the fact that this call here is this unity, which is not necessarily really just, but something practical in, in international relations. it's something that is going to serve the, the regional uh, benefits people. like i said, your kids are the same. people are enjoying. ready little we can actually,
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you know, develop ourselves. this needs to be a lot more miles. we should be able to, little feet on through. i don't think she really was, i know, because of sewage and affairs, i saw its own profit so much. so we need to go during the initial, in the way, in the wake of the so called war on terra led by the us. there is obviously a series of a minute you interventions in muslim countries. and so what extent do you think is let me self has been demonized in the west? you have seen, of course, they miss representation or is representation of islam in the past decades in the west and media, and they're trying to pick a terrible picture out of this religion. and this thing is that ben is when it comes to this text, seawee extremist gross history has, it's on the record,
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and this is not my claim. you can find it on so many american newspapers or news atlas that the united states later on has been proved. to be a sponsor, a supporter of groups like i says or other chi that this is number one and then just take a look at the nature of the intervention of the united states and muslim countries look at what they did and young man in iraq and describe as done in other countries now in see and then north east of syria, the american bar. i'm a gun that's talking about comb. bye. take deal with him. so this is a dangerous instrument that united states using it. i've seen that 2 nights as fit to should withdrawal from the syrian to tory. united. susie is not convinced no anyone use our insight and access to stay and say what they are doing there. yeah, so keep them all by think tourism. okay. we are talking now with more than 1015 minutes of our tool who,
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who created the tech few years ago was an old created the isis to do with the world is moving to a more multi polar or the, as, as, as developing nations. and maybe the global soft stop pushing back against traditional western domination. the world is moving towards a new order in which we observe the emergence of a multi pool or setting can embrace the conventional super powers by 2. united states are losing their status are losing their seats. emerging powers are becoming more and more important. and last but not the least reaching those rivalries are turning into regional eliasis these emma jazz, all the new world order. is that because of all i go trying to gauge industrially ball, some people actually just divide these and. ready yeah,
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they just are probably the extra receiving phone calls on the front in the future. it'll be dicey was as it goes on the go, the go see shows alignment and all that needs to happen. and i want to mention the control side of these diversity. they knew well and you, you what, what are dark now, what we are facing as many civilization lights in civilization, the russia and the chain is. and that is lovely to civilizations as there are different civilization in general in the, in the lot. so the new or the, or the show there is fixed as a phrase it the in the culture as we should the respect each other. for sure. the respect to the i to additions the thoughts, traces of radioactive isotopes hopping, identified close to waste. what was the discharge from the focus? she met power plants, japanese the energy company, tokyo electric power reports today,
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concentration of radio octave 20. i'm with the types of in samples taken within 3 kilometres of the power plants is on pul, used to measure radioactivity. it was discovered to be a 10 back low police a although in japanese likes but say the reading was above below a limit of detection type co is the age of, of shifting car. and so it could change future readings. tokyo hasn't assistive trace amounts of the elements will not rise above $1500.00 units during these few kasheila water out flow decisions. here with these papers because she, my thoughts wastewater was made despite strong opposition in, on the outside the country deposit can funds of more than $1000000.00 metric tons of fish charge would be released into the ocean by next march, 460 tons of trade it warranted with reports of 2 of being discharged every day during the 1st 2 weeks for the radio watts, development, 20 of and is known to increase the risk of cancer. in 3 months, japan's prime minister studies,
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the ocean discharges has been proven scientifically safe. the chinese furnace as ministry has strongly been now. so step the key thing, talk here of the day to distortion. you're fine. you're good. the remarks made by the japanese sides totally distorted the facts and confound public opinion. suppose the japanese side in deep respect science. why do they make strict limitations on the scope of assessment by the international atomic energy agency and exclude any possible alternative disposal options? other than ocean discharge? why did they make out their radioactive element, treating them into something harmless and compare the flu christian with nuclear contaminated water? with ordinary waste water discharge from the normally functioning nuclear power plants in other parts of the world. this method shows one of the latest waste water discharged protests which took place in south korea's, were now the sea food hub, with more than 1000 fishermen and students holding demonstrations outside of the consumer jungle of japan. one protest to argue that the release of contaminate to
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go to interstate is unacceptable. and this has of this procedure, generations, the strong that those depends discharge perfectly. she must nuclear contaminated water into the sea. the south korean government has require the taking of samples at the side of the test, but this was projected by the japanese government also denied a request to send back specific day to disclose the process. i think this means that the japanese government believes that the discharge of nuclear academic warranty itself has potential safety posits. we should all protect our health and strongly condemned ask for the development of future generations. alex reports of a blog and political on the list as harshly condensed. they will have discharged cooling, gets reckless. japan's decision is absolutely reckless radioactive material coming to assures near you in possibly america or other countries. it's on its way. this is
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a country that is saying it's going to discharge this over 30 years. i mean, if it's so safe, japan, then why don't you just bottle it and give it to your local resident sell it is to kasheila springs water. i mean, if you are that confident that fits save it to, for even consumption. i mean, this is a very reckless attitude. and can we trust the i a e, a n d u n. behind this, these are backed up by the collect west and suspect of this. ready decision for once again, it's japan going on its own science. this is the international community ringing. alarm bell saying, wait a moment. we gotta decide what's going on here. hey, why did you use descent? eh, there's a, a process called the, the cell, a nation where you can actually take the, sold out of this process, been a, refine it again, and then even use it on neighbor culture depend, didn't want to do this. they want to dump it into the waters,


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