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tv   News  RT  September 2, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the disturbing images has the number of casualties so fast as 100 and crosses between every tray and asylum seekers and police. and some of the also ahead the we just sold the court orders. the immediate expulsion of funds was on the revoke diplomatic immunity on thousands of protesters demand withdrawal offense, 6 in the country funds. the 1st video, active traces all content in the ocean edge upon the focus of a power plants, the controversial release of consolidated wasteful. so it was messed with combination and neighboring countries. the
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welcome to all the international monitors. pete just got taken over from nick aaron and i'll be bring the all the latest into the evening. it must go. it's only begin with isabel, at least a $160.00 people are reported. so they've been injured, including 11 with gunshot wounds. estimate violent cost is between every trained refugees and police, and some of these as on sequence protesting against the train. the months were confronted by pro regime supporters on his way to police using terry guests to state law enforcement offices are among the winters. the condition of 15 is set to be serious. according to officials. police said they open file and the refugees would punch a hole, a festival, and every train embassy. the said broke, the bar is this does have writing a warning. you may find the following images disturbing. the we cannot allow blas, submit the chaos, unsupported shows take us been deployed as people run for cover. but it also shows
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what appears to be a life as party line on the ground, but is still unknown whether there's been any loss of life the surrounding the are flooded. my on the participate in the rise, we're going to be doing which is missing all response. a system not only provided medically the system to the, to the injured their sons in this, in those rights must also be issued blood drive pro d as well. because because there was more than 128 or people require more than 140
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units of blood. so we are coloring seeking an airport 1st of all, to provide any medical assistance needed. and 2nd 3 signed the 1st because we didn't necessary. uh, blood transfusion speed goes off in the last 20 minutes or so. the police has announced that it has control over their eyes. miserable is the situation. these very things, let me just circulate single line. so process a storming was supposed to be a self and 1st of 2 windows while we're building sticks. please say the situation though has now been brought under control. the we spoke with physical unless i mean or him. he says that he's really police actions towards the purchases on not basically most basis is room you have so $50.00 to $60000.00 refugees at the silent seeker as from new york, remembering trail from sea dawn from the doctors and other places. and they have
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been called the spring valley p, and all of a sudden these rallies walk up to do have to be so sweet though it is being violated because of some internal strides in their home country. israel has nothing to do is what stops it has to be done. the battle between 2 groups of true drones down into a battle between the trails and the police does not seem to be. 4 any racially multi basis a trigger heavy police reaction to be riots. the vandals of broke up many businesses, uh, doors, and uh, and shop windows and, and the light. they went to the renters, which has nothing to do. we stare uh, original 3 of them. well, maybe not, so you need to know where a quotes has stepped away, the french and busted his diplomatic immunity. an order is his immediate expulsion
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from the country's capital. the thousands of these arians have loaded the country streets for the 2nd day, calling on friendships to leave. the country fronts have so far, refused to recognize the new military government to seize power in the shaft last week to a 1st for the macro and b. it's the rates of support for news as else to lead to an adult eco with sanctions. and the books of possible military intervention. you just also, as these have strips defense and busta always different months of community and council. these visa you had from people on the rally who gave support for the new governments decision. we're here to express our determination, our commitments, and we'll do motion to getting differentiated 3 fourths and all the bases out of our country. i think that today will give a one week ultimatum to front to get it sold. just all just need to otherwise. next
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week we'll bring together 3 media in these areas. and if they do not leave all the time, sure, we can really add to the base and much in place for me because they're all lends that belong to new generates. but the french language read the above us. we have seen the inevitable and imperative departure of the french forces in accordance with the decision made bar legitimate authorities to day we are here to say that the people of new york. 2 standing up more than ever mobilize them, determined to assume their revolt is a v these colonialist friends with the v this imperialist from the, to the visit. what for once a day is freedom for everyone. we don't want the frame basis anymore. we don't want to france anymore. we really respect the friendship. but what we've done one day, or she's coming up with something without being a wave of military takeovers in africa with wednesdays coming up on being the latest. a group of offices these power from presidents, ali bongo, his family had ruled the country for half
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a century to see it in order to ensure continued respect for the rule of law. good relations with our neighbors and with all the states around the world. and to promote the continually of the state, while the demonstrating our firm determination to honor our international commitments. the committee for the transition and restoration of institutions has decided to reopen the land sea and air borders with immediate effect. as of the 2nd of september, 2023. o w. s. army has said it would reopen the country's blonde, see on a borders that were close in the wake of the crew. come on spain, a position policies as the rebels to return pilots and civilian rule. the case manager leader has already promised a new constitution, stating the country will avoid rushing into elections to avoid repeating past mistakes. we discussed the issue with the media consultants and political unless to shed his take on the french attitude towards us can but he got them all. harris considers the authorities on the i me s illegitimate. but it is not from a krona paris to decide which authorities are legitimate for news areas and which
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are not very sol, so refuses to fulfill military agreement to a joyce colonial troops from this year. my opinion, the authorities in the i may have the full right to think that paris continues to interfere in the internal affairs of the new jerry and the french army has been in this a hell region for the surveillance or the safety of its inhabitants. and not even to find the jihad is. this is an army of occupation, an army of exploitation and imperial army. finally, friends wants to side with the terrace in order to fight the new syrians. therefore, i think that with such an attitude, the french army confirms that it has always been and now like all the enemies of the african countries and has never been analite or just to help people think that france could use the critics of new sherry and police surrounding the french embassy to officially attack the african people, or striving for sovereignty and towards the position on the global arena. punch
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officials have faced the bank last in the past. the world, as well as the by john has some of the french on best after a delegation headed by the powers waited into the now gordon, a kind of boss back completes on the media as a by john border. this all he contributes at visual mazda and we said take, i knew that and not gotten no car box. the zone over which our media and as or by sean had been fighting, was a french suburb. you think that the mirror of terrorist and you guys who would have had her hands full with things like making life difficult for motorists walk me to drive in to paris in her long standing more on cars and emissions for the paris mirror decided instead to wade into this international conflict this week, along with some other local and regional french officials and promptly ended up in very deep water, kind of like a parisian rental scooter tossed into the center. you go decided to take on as an advisor on just rocking up to the region with trucks filled with what she described
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as humanitarian aid, and demanding that back to listed blockade of armenians in the region. and probably ended up being blocked herself. she mustered all her diplomatic expertise, so basically 0 and to address this very sensitive issue between the 2 countries, neither of which is france by melting off about humanitarian and human rights and denouncing azerbaijan on behalf of frances armenian dias for a. the queen ursula vander line european commission president must be absolutely thrilled since she was in as an advisor on herself, not too long ago, basically, begging for energy to replace rushing gas. it didn't take long for the as an advisor on a foreign ministry to call on france to get it down. go back on the leash, the server johnny side. true. gone to the demonstrative attempt to send goods without agreement with the crew and against its will to the internationally
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recognized territory, opens the origin as it pro location and brought a strong good protest to the attention of the opposite side. and yeah, and another residing foreign policy victory for us is also just been locked out of one of its own institutions in the wrong back in january, a contest launched by the infamous french satirical magazine shop on the do sparks, a diplomatic incident between france and iran, the french and bachelor to iran was summoned and a wrong announced that it was ending the activities of the french institute for research in iran, quote, as a 1st step. this is a french cultural, historical, and archaeological institute based in tehran, that's part of the cultural wing of the french embassy. and now it's been locked out much to francis upset, but it didn't really come as a shock, given what runs that months ago. the foreign minister of the slimy group of the gulf, or on the for sizes. the undeniable responsibility of the french government was
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a v. violations of this theme, full freedom and human rights insults against religious values, infringement of religious beliefs, and threats against other concerts. national sovereignty, but legal and natural persons under the rule of the french government, by suing the collection front is deprived of access to a valuable collection of forests. beautiful by generations of fringe. and rang and researches over more than a century. given to age and value of these works, it carries the risk of calls and irreparable damage, and close the scientific research. meanwhile, over an africa, another form, a french colony gamble, where hundreds of french troops were stationed along side french mining operations . solve a long time pro friends of president ousted in the military coup. and it came to the time when paris was still reeling from its and bass were being booted out of new jaffe, a decision the french president imagined not call, refused to accept,
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but on which the new news young and military leaders have absolutely insisted fronts. and it's diplomats have faced particularly difficult situations in some countries in recent months, from so done with friends has been exemplary to news. yeah. so not exactly a great week for french foreign policy and with parents seemingly lacking any ability to read the room. doesn't really look like their headaches are set to end any time soon. basking in the success of these reasons. luna mission india has launched is 1st of a pro straight to the sense of all solar system. all but the sun, the audio. yeah, l one observatory blasted off from the sheet how we quote us based sense that in the country itself, the spacecraft will make the one and a half 1000000 come into jenny to study the sun and collect crucial data on the heating of the outermost layer of the style something to say, and it's like netflix field that is sole emission comes a week after the indian lunar rover landed on the moon's unexplored south poles. also making history launches more. moving on to other news now,
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according to a lawyer from the us virgin islands. jp morgan, the largest bank in america, processed over $1000000000.00 for jeffrey epstein, overpeer to 16 years. the financial giants repulsively tend to bind, died to his sexual abuse allegations, choosing to continue providing services to the convict to sex offender. once you get more on the stories across live now to all, to correspond to rachel blevins. rachel, a very good in and see. and can you tell us a bit more about the situation, please? what more do we do? is well, the largest bank in the united states is now facing a lawsuit from the us virgin islands, alleging that it was facilitating human trafficking through this client. and jeffrey epstein, an attorney for the territory, noted that jp morgan notified the treasury department of more than $1000000000.00 and suspicious transactions related to human trafficking by epstein over 16 year period. but management chose to ignore it and tapped him as
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a client attorney. mimi lou argued in court that it was because the big bank was benefited from epstein, business pickle us it. jp morgan was a full service bank for jeffrey epstein, sex trafficking up season type business with jp morgan and jp morgan's entire business with epstein was human trafficking. the suspicious activity by epstein lasted up until at least 2013, meaning that it was before and after he was convicted for sex crimes involving folder in 2008 and force to register as a sex offender. but as attorney, mimi will noted, jp morgan didn't seem to care. here's what she said in court. the only reason that jp morgan of the 16 he is reported the $1000000000.00 and suspicious transactions was because he was arrested. and then he was dead. this was a cover, it's reporting off to 16 years of all the money is flowing in his gp move and
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accounts off the he was dead is jp morgan has denied the allegations, but this isn't the 1st time the bank has been at the center of an extreme related case back in june, jp morgan settled the separate lawsuit, paying $290000000.00 to a group of women who said they were sexually abused by epstein while he was a client of the bank. dozens of women have reported being sexually abused by the billionaire and his wealthy clients and friends when they were children, but many never got their day in court. the 2008 case was settled with a light play deal, and none of the victims were even notified. as for the 2019 case against epstein for sex trafficking miners, he was taken into custody. what was reportedly found dead in his cell? in a case where the security cameras were said to have malfunction, and the guards who were supposed to be checking on one of their most high profile inmates, had fallen to sleep. here's a reminder of the events leading up to of scenes that
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the in the latest epstein involved case. jp morgan is arguing that the us virgin
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islands doesn't have legal standing because it wasn't one of the students victims. but the territory is seeking $190000000.00 from jp morgan, arguing that it was unable to bring the bullying air to justice due to the an option of his long time back. well, it has been more than 4 years since i've seen death was reported. his business partner going, maxwell is still the only one from his inner circle to face charges. and his infamous client let us have yet to be made public. well, that seems like i said, lingering long after his death rate, so thanks very much for walking us through the case. well, the 1st ice is all a baby writes, if isotope have been identified in the pacific ocean coast, the wastewater discharged from the defense fukushima power plants, the japanese energy company, tokyo electric power type co. suppose that the concentration over radioactive to him was detected in samples taken within 3 kilometers of the facility or radioactive dart, 17 level, sorry, of 10 beck road lead so was detected,
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but that's a 1000 times less than the w. h chose guidelines for safe drinking water stucco, how it states that the shifting cohens could change future readings. and so if you are the assistance of the video to levels will not succeed. $1500.00 during the discharge of the decision to release the progression of wasteful. so it was made despite strong opposition, both in the analysis of the country to find the concern that more than 1000000 metric tons of water would be released by next much for team is a week. they do it to the elements, but may increase the risk of cancer. it consumed in extremely large quantities. japanese officials say the truth both is safe. on the international atomic energy agency, it has approved the plan for trying to strongly criticized them in the remarks made by the japanese side. totally distorted the facts and confound public opinion. suppose the japanese side in deep respect science. why do they make strict limitations on the scope of assessment by the international atomic energy agency and exclude any possible alternative disposal options? other than ocean discharge?
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why did they make out their radioactive element, treating them into something harmless and compare the focus human nuclear contaminated water with ordinary waste water discharge from the normally functioning nuclear power plants in other parts of the world as well? this voltage. so it was one of the latest ways for as a discharge process which took place in south korea's renowned sea food, helped with more than a 1000 fishermen and students demonstrating outside of the consulate general of japan on process. to argue that the release of consolidated volta into the sea is an acceptable and hazardous for future generations. especially, strongly oppose depends discharge perfectly. she must nuclear contaminate towards the end of the seat. the south korean government has require the taking of samples at the side of a test, but this was rejected by the japanese government also denied a request to send the experts to inspect the disposal process. i think this means that the japanese government believes that the discharge of nuclear contaminate
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warranty itself has potential safety hazards. we should all protect our health and strongly condemn the ex, pull the development of future generations of blogger and political analyst. alex reports faced as the fallout from the frequency with discharge of could affect countries far away from japan. in japan's decision is absolutely reckless radioactive material coming to assures near you, in possibly america or other countries. it's on its way. this is a country that is saying it's going to discharge this over 30 years. i mean, if it's so safe, japan, then why don't you just baldwood and give it to your local residence? sell it is kasheila springs water. i mean, if you are that confident that bid safe a to, for even consumption. i mean this is a very reckless attitude, and can we trust the i a e, a n d u n. behind this, these are backed up by the collective west and suspect of this whole decision. so
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once again, it's japan going on its own science. this is the international community ringing. alarm bell saying, wait a moment, we gotta decide what's going on here. hey, why did you use descent? eh, there's a, a process called the, the cell, a nation where you can actually take the slides out of this process, then refine it again, and then even use it on a very culture depend, didn't want to do this. they want to dump it into the waters. they want to forget about it. japan informed me minister that to you know, said that this water is fine, it's not contaminated. i cannot believe that this country can say with a straight face that this water is safe to put into the oceans. it's, it's, it's a most disgrace. and finally, 2 young men have been shots while driving through an arb, tony israel. one of them is in a critical condition since the beginning of the more than a 150 are of subbing killed in israel according to the abraham initiatives and geo
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autism reason often has more a war whizzing. while these really probably sting intentions have been boiling recently, the crime rate across the air of sector inside israel is rocketing. the death toll today, more than double for the same period last year from and a students in yahoo announced it already borders on a national problem. the hands of our local councils. there are more than 60 of them . and these will blame these rarely government and police for neglect and incompetence. the mayor of the town of t around north of tel aviv is among the most vocal of them. and he believes it is not a matter of capability, but the lack of a political decision in so solidify lee. these riley police is capable of bringing in the leaders of jewish criminal gangs from north america, south america and africa. they can capture them into bon toki and even reach them
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in europe. at the same time, they cannot put an end to crimes here, an arrest the young era boy who could be firing gunshots. right next to the police station. were simply a special panel was established to address the surgeon violence, crime in our towns. now israel showing that the agency normally handling national security issues will be assisting police on the ground. but the mayor argues police, would it be enough if only they were doing their job as well as they do in other parts of each road. he also says era counsels are ready to prepare and train the route and guard made up of local volunteers to protect the community to prevent and fight crime. well, the israel does not authorize that the film and a for today said officially, there is a political decision to keep their community busy with itself with lots and not the thing, not to have any national ambitions or respirations 2 weeks ago the to you were municipal general director a respective team. i'm sure we are ph. d and father of 5 was shot dead while 2 in
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the town as part of the current seniors next election, some pain. it's unclear where exactly the murder happened, which varies we do is show cpr before and, and the ambulance arriving to the gauge of the local police station. okay. sister, my them and sewer recalls what happened to f. he shops the, brought him was cute and cold blot. she was bleeding internally along with his friends, david leading in front of the police station, and no one came out to help them. the security guard didn't open the gate while they've of sweden for his help. he only opened the gate up to some time and with the killer how killers run, never quote. we reached out to police for comment on this particular incident. and the road to efforts in fighting crime is riley police. a taken action against the perpetrators, using all means units and powers. in accordance with an aggressive strategy,
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they arrest dozens of suspects every week for interrogation and seize hundreds of weapons. you will not the ration of searches, including rifles and guns grenades, an explosive devices in order to prevent further violent incidents regarding the matter and t, right. it should be emphasized that contribute to claims. the shooting took place near a gas station in the city and not at the entrance to the police station, months or as the deputy head of tiers oldest school for almost a century. this educational institution has been welcome and students of all ages. these here though, they was a chance that it's case would be shots in september era, municipalities including tiera and also strikes to protest against israeli police inaction regarding renton filings in arabs sector. at the last moment, the move was cancelled. but the need for change remains. we'll schedule another day, i need to strike and burden the state of israel until everyone hears us even
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neighboring countries to know that we are on striked, find the violence and the road in our community is. felicia said disagrees for the country. officials route to stay side and did nothing about it. more than 150 people had been killed in crime driven violence in arab communities across the israel. since the beginning of this year. fresh grays that have appeared at the main to you to send a 3 are a testament to the last lives. this number are much higher than in 2022 has similar to the number of palestinians who died during his really meal to operations across the west bank. and even though all the sides seem to understand the urgent need to stop the blood, should the number of victims continue to rise. right for nationality reporting from toyota. a similar the in the occupied westbank more than 200 palestinians have reports. they've been killed by the ide. yes, but he's very settlers since the beginning of this year. but dozens of children among the dead brought us to new families,
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show the stories of lots the . ready ready the mattress and the the insurance was relying on the grounds. i was shocked by the horn. the scene when i re sure i found that the cyber had showed her in the head. i had been afraid of the situation for a long time. is they the only for the 2 children just as the 2 bush for our neighbor was also child. the school year has begun. we were always preparing to do for school, but the seer is the most difficult because for absence consoles us is that whoever q for or isn't occupied an enemy. and we're all of the risk of being too. but these are rarely see any of it convinced that i went to the balcony where i had my
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cousins screaming, and when i asked them, what happened, they told me that the deal was killed. one is ready, sniper, when she found so deal dead, she keeps tessa while on her forehead. i feel that seduce buried just with us, and i keep all her clothes with me and damage the city, the have it done ottoman. unfortunately, no investigation can take place as long as the 3 of the soldiers, 3 disliked terraces want the world to recognize and support human rights and dose of chiller and defend the posting and shoulder and try to make us feel that there and i'll ship a chris will look at what is happening in the crate. meanwhile, have been subjected to genocide since 1948. everyone is running to help you create
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as if it is oppressed. so we are the oppressed, like old parents and the world dream of seeing our children grow up before our eyes . but these are in the process of our basic human rights. and all of these are the blessing of the entire world, including america in europe and the. ready the hope you're having a good weekend. my name is peter scotts, i'll be back in just on the 30 minutes time with another on down of all the latest this sunday evening. thanks very much for watching the.


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