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tv   Documentary  RT  September 3, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EDT

4:30 am
i was that, why do i need this surveillance of oil? so how about i and you certainly can do. can you show that there are things that are better than signing the constitution, but now we are finding a situation where the police will. he says this sonya is worth a force to be joining this, the vs out of c. now that i get into c, v, then the why do you know where those are fighting? doesn't mean you become useful. we saw that the video to 50. you tell me kind of what you said. you also ended up the so that's a wrap up. be sure to check out our t dot tom for the latest on every thing happening in africa and around the world. thanks for joining. we'll see you back soon. the same, the data? yes to the or there is a to little that the very from that silly pretty the,
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like the positive, the part of shipping the solid, the back over to somebody. campbell, the most of the money to carry out our programs and do our research for free meals comes from a variety of sources. certainly from the us government and other donor governments that are interested are involved in promoting of democracy and human rights for so america is financed by the us government. and the voice of america is part of the federal government. international organizers limited to the programs here. but to the partner with the local, into the we got all of them together so which is simple, simple to audit and swing, to make the sense of for information on private enterprise. it loves you to train the front door, let the one with the lease says in the process. sure. the bottom of the out the 5th
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uh remove the the key. so if you can send me a gc, it would be the g to the website that you all say the for the democracy in you motorized, oil change. the template that you've created already run the freedom of information, allow us to change the shuttle down to the organization on the river. i think are causing me bit of intention for me to don't. letty gosh, yeah, eh, d from the t o and you'll get is attending the tv? eh, k, normally the democrats see it a little bit is the cost, the millions of dollars very that to use the output. daugherty put the duty in to at least solve a due to the new stuff i could out the wrong. the reagan kick london, doubtful of the book, data shift capital default and get a dollar she i'm equal to the cmc audit. it will be feed, already gotten in the
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holidays instead of having just to see how you're going around behind the scenes and trying to minimize that. i see process secretly by inserting money here and instructions there and so forth. they have no a psychic, which is this national endowment for democracy. i worked at the state department back in the 1980s here in washington. some of my colleagues and i had this great idea what year we'd be promoting, what we should be promoting democracy. democracy is the thing we ought to be for the, for
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the it's good to have you all here to help celebrate the launching of a program with a vision and at a noble purpose. the national endowment for democracy is just as we've been told, more than by partisan, the establishment of the national endowment goes right to the heart of america's faith and democratic ideals and institutions. it offers hope the people everywhere, right. again, that still the little of us would have a way to formulate that on the bottom. they didn't come today. so the back of the, on the key by some the source to simply pull that ceiling again. that's the only and no one left even if we schedule this, i mean the,
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i single to go be nimble and all since a funny cool man, what are the days election ceiling in the ground or maybe we're successful for a place and nobody plan goal was the toner, most, the non governmental organization, the final part of it. is it sort of kind of that it all out front of me? i gotta miller, strange that'd be keeping and sciatic data my on the phone, the probate goes back home. good. i, somebody cannot see the video. i remember that it hasn't done the rest of the day casa, don't, yeah, no, he's going good. i so made a change in the only don't let a big, big one. all the students out there to go to say that you're going to use and make it for you. i've got the in the finance and all sorts of see only think will be
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into the the democracy promotion. what became a great institutionalized ideological project emanating from washington organizations promotes what is usually referred to as a human rights agenda. that which in my view is generally manipulated for political purposes. in other words, they will complain about mon rights in a country who's a geo political foreign policy orientation is not sufficiently pro american. we would throw those people in jail, it would be illegal, but we do the same thing elsewhere in the world where we uh, promote various political forces varies and geo is various election activities and things of the sort. and then with a straight face, we say, oh, we're not interfering in politics. we're just promoting democracy. but democracy
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always means who are the people who are going to listen to washington on a geopolitical level, wisdom all day long, but it's been changed, it affected the ability now the east such an easy digital, the monthly news of people, the 40 to guys are so soft power, the, the idea of it and she owes intelligence organizations. good assistive media and communications is true. john los angeles agents agency level. i might get it. i mean the, in the position of democracy and everything. i told them i said when i say the subject to get promoted online can be defined a shift, people grabbed mtv, you send the best on something. yeah, that was the gotten and then once you know,
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she didn't dollars the just bought so lovely to own it. well, she didn't, the cost. so western and you said are involved in democracy building in former soviet states officers. and since the middle east receive the same desire for liberty burning in the hearts of young people, they are demanding their freedom. and the, the,
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the protest movements in all of these countries was triggered by covered
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intelligence operations. that's not to say that the mass movement is, is the fabrication of us intelligence. but the timing of these events was not something which was spontaneous in any, in any way, american government. as any government, the only looks for what they believe is the best interest of the country, the of the united states. every administration is that for 5 years, they don't want to be busy about the prospect of housing, so it's going to be disasters the future. the email tool is with a 100 percent investment into the step of this or try to call and get a main day from the drawer and move them out to the lady clinton. a james glassman, that key english of sort of figured it out of the stuff to verify a diploma g. i'm general alice, the toner, the national,
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any we still audience are we our moves went to carousel city club as well. so definitely have to meet the staff, don't care who by moving mean to join you need and do both and certainly do that. if i easy, let instead of course the mon main theater a no negative, we should stuff that i think disagree. collect, restore into john k email, you mean digits? yeah, no. say i think the is, that is something you guys. yeah. wasteful or getting all the maintenance stuff, but you solo late. people done t as in dominican and be cheap still h e and t as google facebook line be soon. abc. cbs. uh, let's cnn. pepsi call up as a fuel the uh, the dog. do you know the audio silvio movements that you saw? no. see different scenarios the document will be stopped and she soon y k. present
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that to the national security auditing. somebody catalog in percentages. yeah. they're less important than that. so again, the lease fee. does that mean that corporation? that's it focused on all the things. dougherty is pointing to the, the 72006 was because the nature of the only use movement in egypt which was used for change. and at the time, i was approached by an american reporter for said that he would like to arrange for me to speak with the photo more american of so the, instead of the doing the resolution and service, it wasn't until 2008 when another chance case, we had an invitation to take part in a conference called alliance will few moments in new deals. that's how you would go to this conference secretary and that you would take this opportunity to try to talk with american officials a this that you didn't beat up on dicing
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yet it cool. i'm excited. you look, let's yeah, i went to venice if i so now that is why is it get, i mean, so it'd be full, so that'll be separate so long, you know, so we have to move with that movement thing thought again, can see the internet that pays for the same fuel proponents, methodology, but i do that electron suit, everybody virginia the the, after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers flood france did not want to lose
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the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946 of full scale war broke out. the v. i mean, they, 3 arctic organization led by o g means inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were enraged. according to western historians of the 250000 lives of peaceful v, and these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b and these women as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being food, almost 12000 french soldiers and officers, including the commander. general dick had 3, and his command staff were captured. the configuration of a huge garrison at
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a demoralizing effect in europe. the french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the americans are times where a waiting vietnam again the, the, by the administration in nature world are fascinated with soft power and rhetorical ships. remember, ukraine will win, and ukraine is winning. so here russia is losing, and even russia as last narrative manipulations do not change hard. we all america is pursuing a forward strategy of freedom in the greater middle east, george bush, at the ga, the summit of 2004 june, announced the greater middle east project that washington's goal was to turn the middle east into a free market. paradise like they had turned poland and the countries of eastern europe was struck there.
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the more than 5 years we've been actively engaging with was active us across the middle east in north africa. the we saw president obama dispatch as a special on roy. frank wilson or junior, whose father, by the way, was frank, was your senior, a long time c, i a official, frank, listener, juniors and background is a diploma. and also has been accused of having his own links. in the c, i went to basically tell him president mubarak, you've got to transition. hi, i'm david groves, a policy research or at the rand corporation, which is a non profit institution that helps improve the policy and decision making for research and analysis that ends corporation eh, what would it be important to change this to the america any, a lot more at liberty to get some food or anything back to me to the stuff to my so
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the, the phase of it has been diag or but like i said behind me let me in a say a lot. i'm the purple and we're going to most of the adult kids into to go suite a mentor could be, is allow me to move that up to you. but i think i just enjoyed the letter in the beat that are looking for bianca. so send a finance yacht, a girl be is law. i mean she puma that to call me if of dealing with some money or the positively for that it with some money. it cool ways this both the actually started it equal to the the promise. yeah. a little bit of capital way, if i is a decrease in all of those, it's you on it. ok, a cost to the 2nd. if you got it and i lay out the phone, i mean the input then take on more later. no big lee bother cables. they still get duffy, i think that so many points of view is the mr richie and this might be considered to be more easily manipulable and secular national. appreciate
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some of them a me for any of the dates that they look at from the the for the for about 8 foot by the estoppel from the us the uh let me mean waiting for when say what it meant in order. most people put them into the flat. somehow they need to get to the pain is only the only thing long because you have to do is up. i will see this up in cost. they've shown that nice the biggest falls from on you deal to g, restaurant phones, you on the cross. charlotte equilla the you see the, the, me, you out the most of the money in order to offer me. that's because you're memphis and gimme god, i mean with some money of a 1000 c. s. and csc. i cause i'm at least it's, it's only democratic. so you give them a number of the mean. say, i didn't mean i would go to the spectrum tv. if i didn't model people valuable. somebody ingrid this little by little to in the 1st thing you know,
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somebody within 75 to go to the victoria december. the this was going to, i believe was, is the spring because the out of spring is an accommodation for me, years of a different demand from the, in the world and some of the site the, the people streaming heading in the same direction. it's something that waiting to be 3 times show. 6 people
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i know a lot of people, especially in the people should not forget that the error spring in some way started with what was happening, the green movement in iran. i think that gave inspiration to a lot of people elsewhere in the, in the, in the region in particular that they could mobilize even under very, very difficult and harsh conditions. the we all know that if we didn't go out saturday and protest, this movement would just die out the new mix and the least of the let's see, i'm calling because the main, the booking stage to, to show kevin from was
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a think tank make wireless seats and that needs to be but always so that we sort of fiji administered to get on in fact ok, we're still domain capital d. i believe it's only the mean and all of it is 3 more mean this is paula christine and k restarting it. that'll g monita da da, suppose tom giving to the revolver 0 lucille, i need to speak up. all of you have a g mail model shut off down for the battle. i thought i meant the 1st time you called the lady when you see
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the additional cost that i got stuck in the unit, which is put on the money for substitute a lucky mode to be in a place that i coordinate to how much will cost the the that it was showing that the figure lizard in the, in, in facing this, the felicia,
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the queen between the chamber, the community required to improve and exit before for the month. and we cheap your best to actually, to the next game. i see what the pay stuck on the low deduct a know you down relations. if you continue on a lot 5, you move pretty many of us that i got. so fund downstairs, i got to see a little thought this up, the length of assistant goals are looking for cool info, the static onto the, to only going to book let's see, a big deal. because in general, just the quality of all cities. she stopped calling to look forward to see on for some thoughts, quite a stuff. so let me do this. so it's stuff through all the notes. it talk to the social network key, cole, telephone, you know, some stuff to be pretty easy. these all can be seated, but see the sort of start the me see so you to but yeah, no come and shop. actually a lot of just outside cd boozy lice, the body of 26 year olds and i'm advise easy. i just need a new opportunity to offer,
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requesting math yet or no online send that cost of the let me try 30 tells me tell me what else, what that is really something that includes the material christabel, so dizzy, inappropriate the sentence, which i didn't know because i did get on a late have all these sort of stays interesting, interested in, and they thought they fall into from each other for about it. okay. to easy it by, by the name that where it says about forgetting. just thought it would be best to meet to the subcommittee capital. so let's do that. all it is for the soon after that. so the, the late fee, so from nicholas to live in historical pro street
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just depends on the strategies for the main off on the experience. now what the, the good stuff to load the seats and to put on to the labels that i've eat up in this poll store unified unit came up, please send me those, picked out. and even if you only, let's let me see if we could set the course the genetics instead of just most little thin wooden legs and cheese. we can except to the floor in the cottage before the police. yeah. do you live in salt lake? to clean the lazy, pretty mad. at k, a fuselage got the weekend. he said i dropped on the floor mats. if they don't speak, let it be of the data gave me some of this. i mean, the real capital seller has sort of gives you the for the main thing for that, the,
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all of it. so for me, with the 0 a photo. so you have seen that on the face, the, the, the due date, actually i'm a bad hit, manage and says book. and that is the evidence of the names of the photos of age is your notice that i can egypt move aside to make a new thing because we've been much of, i'm just wondering about amendments in the global fisma fund and send that to out of hand because that even too much of it was 6 and then so at least one so that it moves 6 as anybody may for most of us. so it looks good as
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a bit of 6 and reset looks good. it's as informed front effects of that once or being faxing just have one. i'm calling my friend. hi, how are you? are you ready for 20 trips to genuity on top of that ever or listening to me like just as recording my quote, i given him something like suspense is instead of a is sort of sick of it doesn't have any. this stuff that's, that i wasn't going to start seeing the same story effects of less than just some random stuff that i'm even me into, into sort of those january 27th of january. what i some sexy just little. i say hi, that's there. but it seems to me the same story. did you hear about the guys ended are looking for change, the kinds of the 2 guys, one have a gun and you come to speak of front the front. the gun safe is the name of a lot of this is what he that i should i'm going down in the 21st of january because i want to make a change in my country. i'm looking for
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a better life. okay. so we are looking for each other legs as well as these guys are recording and what, what was the i've seen. i went on the they were to listen to me. 25th of genuine. and each last minutes i'm moving from god. god, god, god, god. so in one order only how many bits and listen to you to interrupt some january . i don't more than 10000 insights, mental insights. i meant to end up doing 7. i was, i know that mobile x, z, z for this facebook and twitter would be better than just going into the disconnect the internet in the country is i'm a bi funds and i think it was the best telephone from about a plus. why. why and then it's what it is disconnected if you buy the notes for them, but i don't have a phone so my family is the one to faded up. i'm fine and it has no phone. they can call me soon as they come to. so it means that is correct, so meaning the ones that came to see what's going on the other day. so we would be some of the title of the title of law and wife and the 2nd, the old man in a new mom. how do i use the floor,
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his 1st name about the executive, and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again,
5:00 am
you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the new year's top court order. so french and bassett are to be expelled from the country. a 1000 floods the streets of the capital, demanding french troops also leave. meanwhile, francis spends it's military cooperation with the bond after this. central african state is also shaken by military coups. both tell us what they think of the latest event. for 64 years we've had just wonders, even the regime that hasn't pressed us, they couldn't tell, has taken place, was predictable. so the ministry has taken power and fed dictated the government to speak with you and didn't.


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