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tv   News  RT  September 5, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the so, sorry, is this, our new jersey government is said to, to the negotiations would paris on the withdrawal from the west african country and as far as he's already pulled it in considering renaming the nations to develop the commonly known in a number of languages spoken in the nation as a prime minister says the abundance of us lessons left behind a neighboring, i guess on have the imposing challenges that his country is national security the
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fly from most go. this is odd to you might as well as i'm in 30 minutes news, i'm the star now find daily lamond is reporting that falls and these are in tube for the total removal of paris is truth from the country announcing souls as also confirmed discussions off happening nigeria based adjust and timothy a basis takes up the story. there's to be asked to be an official statements or comment from price on the tardies confirming. or, you know, just about saying anything on this report. also on monday with store, uh, these are actually 5 minutes. uh, i leave my main saint out a media reason where he told journalists that make sure he's expressing a quick withdrawal of sprites trips from black country. um, let's just say to have to say something does it show the french forces are in an illegal position? and i think that the exchange is that on the way,
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she was very quickly enabled these forces to withdraw from all con street. as far as the friends invested is concerned, i think there's nothing to be done. she didn't behave properly as a diplomats. i asked the minister of foreign affairs. he, it's a sound and official message inviting him to come and exchange views with us. she refused to do so at face value. that's contemptuous behavior and it is unacceptable . is anti right sentiment has been growing in me. sure. since july 26th, when the approval, you know, it happens and that i'm president mohammed presume was, you know, over here on the front office and um about this dentist. is that something that is said, you know, might need somebody said, or a sentiment that has been expressed by the administrator leaders that alone. but we've also seen people, you know, me, sherry and, you know, express proclaimed sentiments. thousands of people, you know, for days, march into sweets in may. i mean we're on the right job medicaid phase there. and
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i'm finding that, you know, the troops should leave as well as, um, you know, the brain, some bass that are so, you know, leave the country. now let me take a listen to what i'm supposed to be prepared to say to my, my current stubborn new government duty and busted it to leave. i'm you still put a decision? would you mind the immediate i'm to tell expulsion already on by? so do i need to so front, those troops are useless for a country. tip of bronze has to leave because the jerry belongs to these area and it's only cure for it. so in the interest, those 4 in troops have to leave and leave us in peace. we can deal with our problems by ourselves. you fear is not made for friends. let me do it in the news year in year and need to be united and stick together. they're only waiting for us to attack them and have a pretext. if we need to protest for a week straight, we will do it. they'll see what we are capable of and they will have no other choice then to leave that we've sent
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a request for comments to the finance government. if and when we receive reply, we'll bring it and see. now, meanwhile, the lead all the nigerian police will, when i is agent or for the public and organize of the raleigh's, near the find community based says that far and foods have been in the country illegally for years, pursuing their own interest on the do not look firstly, when french loans the alterations here in the share, it was the not for the share, but somali, eventually, when the french would expel for molly, they impose their presence in new shouts and money to the situation in this house. they stayed here legally. their presence is legitimate, the population does not even see the results of francis actions. in terms of development, the presence of friends is not felt in some social security 2. and people begin to believe that france is acting in its own interest here, plundering these here and this hell because this, the hell is replete with the resources face to visualization. france has already
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begun to think about ways to withdraw as troops earlier french stated that the military authorities of these year have no legitimacy. and they can not demand the withdrawal of troops. legitimacy belongs to the people. you still have people protested in the front of the french base for 3 days, and this will force for us to concede and consider the possibility of withdrawing tubes. even the messenger will leave because now they have no reason to strive to maintain their presence and impose it by force. is indeed a set to being renamed of speculation is analysing familiar series of june 20 different invitations sent out to will leaders with no mention of the countries english during a senior leader of the nation is national comb with bobby also seemed to confirm to him for a foot on a possible official change his odd seasons and sharma with more. it definitely is a significant development in that sense,
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but i will read too much into with as all the speculated reports around each. now look at the speculations started off towards that was an invitation to g to indeed the note invitation which went out from the president's house. strong president moved to all the heads of seats of the g. 20 golf, also minister of as well as chief men of cells in india. now, as far as the protocol goes, well, we've seen in the previous invitations as well. it goes with a letterhead that saves the public of india, but instead this time it has gone as president to all part of the, instead of presidential republic over india. and therefore, all of these speculations that started nope, dining. this is also interesting and i'll tell you why no opposition thought he's in india house formed on a lines called india, the lines. they are just getting their act together. there's
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a cam pm that they're starting to memory and just do for general actions next year as well. and what to all the india alonza seeing these the be stand for what india really is. i'm the sentiments of india. so this move by the government is also seen to come to us that looks like a narrative that the opposition policies in india all sort of building up. also, i was mentioning about the speculative reports that are doing the wrong would say that in the upcoming following session, that's all south on the 18th of september. and the government is likely to bring it bill is that really india as part of, at this point i would see the news. news reports has speculated, but definitely what i understand from a speaking to the proof of the government is that this government wants to share the colonial fonts and of also wants to amplify india civilization and
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afford despite what else positions being there basically calling good and the souls of the constitution, etc, etc. but really, that's not how i look at it. it's the government on the lines of health as the have in the past 9 or deals are side to for 3 india to want you to use. and she had the new foss, us some of the equipment left behind during his face. the withdrawal from my fast on has become a concern for his not, but also making his way into the hands of the packing. somebody bought into the power by now the statement of home buyer signs can take it from this. the equipment left by the us, which includes a wide range of military weaponry from night vision goggles to firearms, has now become a new challenge for as lama bad. as access to these weapons has increased the fighting capabilities of the pakistani and tell him on pakistan the security forces
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will continue to fight the militants to protect homes, children, mosques, and places of worship. it's like i saw i thought of as a separate organization. so an ally of, of the asked i'm kind of on the rules and conditions. 2021 is i'm a bi claims that over the previous month. and so the local tyler bond has intensified a tax on it's secured into full is is there's no definitive number on how much us equipment was left behind, or how much of the incident packets on its no, that's the us. but the problem, somebody $83000000000.00 a develop the i've got all me, i'm putting forces over the course of its invasion, which included firearms. i munition technical does an a limit fee equipment, lots of which could not be expected as that was live said dentist console class. so he's doing this now for me is i've got so as always, so thanks for joining me now. the is how me what possible is all about the security
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ramifications this could have on previous, on his top i'm procurement of, of these somewhat superior american movie hardware. was all the ramifications that, you know, let me tell you some of these extremely what it is, because you know, the odd bird weight 200 got a sophisticated convert that have been, you know, locked by your spa. so the price on it was flattered by $5.00 bond as well as the, the escape big you know, at other try to resolve with it's in like 5 years on the power button, which i've been bridget on it is all about. for a long time, i actually had been involved for you know, these sophisticated arms abided. i escaped again by this time, it's all going to have put buckets on is a, you know, a long slow somebody does. he is a very awkward position. i was just so because the follow up with friends about this on the line for 40 down see you. that's a credit. i'll go goes the,
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i'm for machine guns is a stand, guns, another type of foot light and probably, or, you know, arms and invitations by if i could find the file gone, they have put the lives of the people of pockets on it and especially the long support for the test. so if i could find in an awkward position, because sophisticated, you know, and let's just technology have been housing focused on the thought of bunk beds, water gas, you know, the virus on the sport agencies and have a good remember the last couple of yeah, focus on the thought of on have uh uh, you know, the on a lease that i did number off, but that 23 percent. so the increase ive been noted phone off to the northridge on, on the price on that. and if i could find these really very easily uh, you know. busy it has been 14 to conduct a deposit on it another uh, you know,
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uh try to go start going edition as well. so by defining has been off what position your costs are. what is a, a terrible, i mean for the us to leave is maria. it results over the us to leave this sort of equipment behind just laying around, but is a, is a pockets, donnie government able to perhaps slow the acquiring require over these equipment. by the time about it, can they confirm their own security on the left that tells you very honestly that there is the last to buy not go far, far, kasanya government or the focus on security johnson you there time. and again, there's a to with the united states and especially with on the on government as well. but honestly i could find, have been put into. a the osborne position because the there are, let me take a position available, the small pockets on this record the fall says to uh, to point to you know, some type of tax to buy this, all the bond fire finally solve bond as well. and let me tell you that could be
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somebody has is the, is, is the consequences. this is the pollution rates of bonds, dime it again, but sadly, um uh that there are no guests what not the that's funded with the lender, based on the, on the side of the front and the 5 years on government. i've done that again because the united nation organization and also the american book, the shows to you know, play the role deposit. i think i told you earlier on kasai of support agencies, partners, i spoke to you a picture. i have been put into an awkward position and stay focused on not quite a suitable solution to these problems as the deposit of when i what if i can find this this uh uh you have a question way to solve a bond and the, and also the title has been rising, the number of back i've been rising. not only in fact, if i need
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a problem is we get bother with a van or something. but also in the other 4, visit us honestly find to find, have been put into an awkward position as it is literally to progress on the government. if i could start a law enforcement agency for doing to uh, you know, find a liable solution for this problem. that a cost service. all right, before i let you go, um a quick one final question. i do appreciate your uh, your joining us here. uh to now, of course we, when we looked at the us and leaving these weapons behind, or even just with the not with accounting for why these weapons a guy. and we look at the crane. we have that a lot of these weapons are also not just go into play, but finding no way to after that kind of his life, possibly pockets are, is this affair that these weapons are not accounted for by the us. they find their way into perhaps the previous slide and talk about by is that correct?
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is that let me tell you that uh uh the us us. com and i've never our non profit history. and you know what, but what have they did about have they done it or what have they done in caea? and also, you know, the episode of what the value sign is before us as but i know they are automated this sunday sophisticated also defend as well. i think they are just doing making glenda then blunder. and this is perhaps the, the fact that the focus on the government have is this a tool that they do like a nation. and also of course, do americans as well? because if i could find is one of the country that has to say is the 40000, you know, people are smarter. they included on full sort of density that the people are focused on as well. but since the us left behind, i think, i believe the use left behind, sophisticated that from the process because it and not only focused on but also, and i saw it on
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a lima ada. is present the front door for the sophisticated on the. because if i could find these are the ones i escaped, we had been visiting board not only had progress on get market back, but to get it on. i guess the other subdivisions stay for the whole. i guess it does work. so they had done colonda is a big get you lined up and they do not a problem does. it might have been, they need to apologize. not going to the pockets on the ground. so apologize for the bug because they have, they have one of the vision, you know, the fees. i see, i know they did not, not from the bottom. they have value brothers on know, they are repeating the same mistake and you paid us back and you know, they have this sunday sophistic of been busy all different method spend on those of over there as well. i think the most come 5, but to put say shit against united states and united states off i was due to the vote as well. and then back in front of the blood of the us. yeah. and the, you know,
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who were quite right. so quite right. and they needs to be held accountable, quite a find a dentist and cause of water process. thank you so much for joining us today at all . it's a pleasure talking to you. thanks again. thank you for having a note to the expected message. the chief of the will table with eyes i shouldn't have flattened the lesson slade policy saying government and don't provide an equal playing field for the global south. the criticism ok my the conference been but, and where the director general was invited to speak as a guest of on a decent, unilateral protectionist measures by some developed countries. coupled with a more general reticence about the multi little trade in system and the world trade organization. it's in a cynical and he, but critical by developing countries the several decades of costs because of the debate for free trade and protectionism has not lead to any agreements or solutions
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. in fact, embracing protectionism is currently held as a very aggressive stance of what both the united states in the united kingdom have done is to vote for protectionism. that is to say that to be voted for the same thing that they pressure arise, the developing nations to get rid of. and that has to do been a mess of you to and i must say now at this conference at the head off world trade organization directed to the wrong boys do, according to the way law has made. that's a very clear wish. it took the opportunity to call out wisdom governments for embracing protectionism. the developing countries feel that each countries will have benefit of a monster from the multilateral trade and system to develop their economies. no, no longer want to compete on a level playing field and would prefer instead to shift a power based product then the rules based system. now even though no countries were mentioned during the time that to be that it's a general i was speaking, we are aware of the fact that the countries like the united states and the united
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kingdom were really at the full uh, friends. oh right. oh, rather a friend to run is in the race for globalization. they were increasingly pressure, rising, developing countries to open their market, thinking that this would allow them to receive or rather have increased sales for the products. and it's in that case, that to be, that it's a general feels like this could have a far reaching negative consequences of for developing countries, especially those in the african continent. it's the direct to general also mentioned and further stated that the right response to all of this is to d. concentrate to diversify and deepen global trade by bringing more countries in communities from the margins to the main stream. also highlighted that the most important part of that african countries are card feeding wood, which is the low and the 2 countries in the developing countries. um,
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nation such as africa stating that governments in washington attaches to many conditions, treats funding which makes the list attractive to get money from wisdom countries. and we know and understand how mondays from rich countries has really chapter african countries to be released by cost production, economy growth and poll. but she is suggestion, however, is catching the flow would be more beneficial. i remarks really set the tone for political indeed as it relates and developing countries of that attended the conference today. some groundwork for rebuilding the global trade and global financial system. the 2nd day of, of the after the crime is summit to wrap this up in the canyon and capital, the confidence needed and international that isaiah shows have been focusing on ways of africa kind of address climate change ahead of the to end a so called cop $28.00 environment conference. later this year, significant comment commitments have been made with the united of everyone's
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announcing 4 point. $5000000000.00 worth of investments in africa's clean energy sector will be funding for development at defraud good insurance. most of the future energy company and m e. a power i would have join with us, but it's a 50 as a start digits popping up under the guidance of the u. e. an african and leadership to develop 15 gigawatts of 3 and followed by 2050. and by working together, we would have deployed $4500000000.00 us dollars. that's where they've got that eyes, at least an additional $12500000000.00 us dollars from multi not the public and private sources. the africa, clement summit tend to be the 2nd day here in kenya as the country. oh, it's
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a civil heads of states and thousands of delegates. the main emphasis on many tests being to showcase the potential of property as the green pile of house. wouldn't it? so for us have it or mission for the don't want to be does to climate change making commitments unplugged is why the billions of dollars to was exhilarating clean energy projects in africa. the you and ticket in general, antonio utilities of african leda to take action on dealing with the climate extremes. the also emphasized on the need to create through africa. you will be in a g, l a and the advocate clements saw me here in middle be comes, i hate of they've completely paid somebody to be held in december in the united auto pay minutes. i want you to know how to use night will be kenya. we're very lucky now to be joined by all see after bureau chief adults are most able to him. well, so thanks so much for that. it's all 1st talk as you know, but i'm very happy to see you and that tells you that climate change is
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a big deal to see um, but how, how well, i mean this issue of climate change has been gave me a lot of traction in africa why is that? i think you will ride for allowing me the chance to talk about this buddy a section, an urgent issue. well, according to science, direct, very peaceable science and institution from the west. in the last year, i know more than 4000 africans had been killed. a jeweler to direct climate change reasons, you know, storms on floods. why more than a 19000000 us weekends have been displaced, made to homeless, lost their business is livelihood, schools, health surfaces and businesses in one year only. the m itself says that a free cause is more than 15000000000 dollars each year for them. it's
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a g d, p conductive gdp deal directly again to climate change issues and the united states, especially in boy for the climate i did on county the famous but edition admits that more than 82 percent of carbon emissions directly responsible for climate change are actually a come from them, it's just 20 only 20 countries in the world. of course, most of them are western industrial countries. why have the full 20 countries affected badly by climate change? 17 of these 20, a freak on the country. and so the issue is very, really just on the ground under to fix the content from north to south, east west, an african leaders, i'm heavy, 20 boards are taking this method,
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security is $25.00 and the last 2 years. and the, using the legitimate framework of the african union of the national government to at, to pause solutions. that's on the really black to say a little bit in perspective. it's very nice to hear that the canyon president today, and the other african leaders employed and fingers as the west. i'd be invested in nations who have been cosy at this global motion for more of the 200 years of industrialization. and now they want to restrict the development of africa and it's invested in the projects at this latest stage of world history, without compensating us weekend's up for the home that was done, oppose them against their will by the factories. i'm the mills of richard and friends of the state scanner that jen many and many other rich nations. us
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interesting is that it's really a successful main thing. you say, we know we lived with the story that the you a of played some several $1000000000.00. i mean, how significant is that amount the 1st and is this a welcome investment? we know that the african continent and the leaders are always looking for a win win investment. is this one of those? well, listen to the united nations again, which said just a few days ago that a freak of leaves 124000000000 dollars each year to come back to be a bad effect of climate change. so all of these figures, y as in college and to some degree, the artist and fraction of what a frequent needs, what people missed when they think about this is that what africa is trying to
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propose is that the world allows the continent to develop itself. investor supporting the green energy, a sort of sense, and not to blame a freaking leaders of african nations for bad management. because of course, the west always likes to highlight the bad management that corruption in africa to basically drive the blame away from the global industrial brooks. that's really the main reason to open fluids at the, the private. that's why we invest these gap. we talk now about climate colonialism because africa has been targeted by the factories and companies on the kept the dentist, the glass of the west for decades and decades made to use. oh yeah, the guys and uranium and i and then 1st faith,
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another one you for the benefits of the rest without any true compensation and dense of federal trade prices, or even a supervisor looking after the environment of rivers and seas and lakes and the confidence of africa, and this has an effect that states continues decades of the many african nations because their independence from the west. so it's very good. i'm pretty positive to hit african leaders. an active has said to the was especially the west to use this . this is not, them actually can problem you open to, to the advantage. use, use your name, the main from hotels to manage and you are asking us luck to invest in lies not just about to do more on the west. is trying to supervise control because the level of ation with some industrial countries, but to try that some of the west. and it's attempt to a couple of the african chinese collaboration. they say the ideas of promoters, africa,
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she must have been investigating projects with china because this when dr. rides change, this would be bad for the continent. i think it was the all right. i met for the international. i'm wondering one or 2 for on that the world, but to condition us we got nations back ask for mortgages for food, about mortgage relief from these institutions. the condition of the uh, of course, is that actually not to collaborate with russia or china by saying you have to have all the green energy. i invested in projects which everyone knows is not viable at the moment you put in the west. let i know in the future, so very unfortunate that the climate change, which is a real issue with what is being used by the west for political control. and you cannot make germany over africa. yeah, very, very interesting indeed. you know, there's that problem. the give a minor face,
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so you'll see it in for they teach him to fish, you'll see they have a lifetime, things half as age and after that, so they move away from the near colonialism. thank you so much for joining me, a pleasure to lindsey the abram r r t. i forget and chief banks again. spell that wraps up this news, visuals, insights out odyssey dot com. lots of interesting stories that i will be back in about 30 minutes as well. as the actual news, we hope you'll join us then the to show the ukrainian people what the soviet pauses and stood for who was actually fighting the invaders. see, the carfax was ordered to conduct the race route. you train all the way to the comp paid the amounts during one such incursion, we destroyed


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