tv News RT September 7, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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the, the ukranian, drones destroyed and all stuff region, according to the russian ministry of defendants with a civilian, a wounded as one of the u. avery's pressures into a residential area. the explosion there and ukrainian control territory, the ukrainian control the town in the past 7 teen people killed. 32 wounded, including a child, a key of accuses must go even ukrainian. the support is a noun doubting, direct election court in nigeria, a polls the incumbent president's victory rejects the claims by political opponents
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to the vote. was rigs by jerry, as vice president colt at the width of democracy is the features of the people of the parties to miss information. but demo pricey has finally trial also in the program, australia strong. so that has his morals and no twitch, noting the buying russian gas is unpleasant, but necessary to ensure countries and to secure the author. and to be the one here at ology international on this thursday. don't know just a lot of stories, but some big ones. we need to shut lights on in the wake of key western mainstream direct because we'll get that shortly with our correspondent shaped bows. but for right now, the russian ministry of defense does report its repelled a series of overhead taxed by ukrainian drones inside rushes,
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borders. a feature video you can see an explosion in the roll stop city after a fixed wing drone was brought down by ad defenses. the governor over the regions at 3 buildings and several costs were damaged. according to the local authorities that one person was wounded with refused hospitalization, while another drug and crashed outside. the city with remote ukrainian drones were destroyed in the months ago and the youngest regions, dots, according to the russian ministry of defense. while officials reported no casualties as a result of the incident, and the pre owned screech and a railway station and several cars were damaged. and we understand emergency services and investigators were very quick to the scene. the while ukraine has the key was russia of carrying out a deadly artillery, striking, a town controlled by key of inborn, bass of warning, the following images of disturbing
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a 17 people that being confirmed to have lost their lives with $32.00 wounded, including a child and an explosion of rock, a crowded market, but numerous facts have come to life, but ultimately contradict want ukrainian officials and some western media outlets are claiming about russia's alleged role in all of this. well, let's take this further here on our team to national because it's my great pleasure to have our correspondent shape always back in the studio on what is a monkey story that really drastically requires clarity. bring us up to speed shave . what do we know so far? will role. yeah, of course a brutal attack on us. a piece of civilian is for infrastructure in ordinary market shop streets. people going about their business. we've got 17 people did a 32 injured. it's a very brutal attack, of course. and it's a tragedy. humanly a human tragedy. but it's interesting a, we've also seen the western media, of course, predictably, condemning russia immediately from the outset. this was a russian operation, uh,
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a targeting of civilians, etc. but, you know, of course, there are details now emerging, which we've discovered and we've looked into, rory investigated them somewhat. and it's important to see where constantine of itself is. so we can bring up an actual map of the terrain, the region, and the russian federation. ukraine would constance in of itself, as you can see, is horribly, stay in ukrainian territory of this icon shows the direction of travel, of this missile as per the evidence we're going to, it's a no show you and we can also, now i think it's to bring in a garage, i like to show you the grab a piece of the information with the western side about how they are, but finding this attack, well, you can have a look at that now as to the
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ukraine, one of the deadly is russian attacks in months in a deadly strike in the middle of the afternoon. ukraine of course, is no stranger to russian missile attack. so yeah, so now that it's important to bring up a 2nd slide, roy, which is actually going to show some of the discrepancies with the western narrative, ukrainian narrative on this. and if we could bring that up now, we'd be able to show you how we've highlighted some of these discrepancies. as you can see, there are various people in this piece of cctv footage. this lady a several young people in this amount of all gazing. they look, where are they looking shame they're looking over our shoulder. now remember that in this way? yeah, the direction of travel of dismissal is obviously coming from over our shoulder. and this c, c t, v camera is actually facing in the direction of russian positions. just so it just won't get the size of the safety of the camera. this what is we're looking at that's actually looking at russian territories under these people here are looking
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in the opposite direction to ukrainian territory, and that's where as we understand dismiss, i'll originated from hence the flight path we showed a moment ago. yeah. and of course, also in that slide at, on the audio we can actually hear the, the, what sounds like the launch or the, or the travel of a me. so a ballistic missile had a cruise missile have also, and in this slide we can, we've taken a piece of satellite imagery of the town itself. i'm just like pointing out the camera which we've just viewed it from a trajectory of the me. so i know the wider map, you can see do skulls, where there is a significant ukraine and military presence from over the solar is significantly militarized, like that, rory and constantine northcutt's. so we can see quite a, you know, the clarifies that this miss. so if this cctv footage is genuine, which we all believe it is that it's totally dispels the idea that this piece of ordinance which the opinions are calling artillery came from russian territory.
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this is, you know, this is a pretty small period of investigating here that as far as i can tell, essentially blows the west of mainstream narratives, right out of the water. and yeah, they go with this as fact, always does that. yeah. but interestingly, this o s i n t, you know, open source in intelligence, it's been a phenomena. now this conflict, if you like, the people at home, people look at the computer unless people with some military background looking at uh, images and g o. locating them, and interestingly one significant proponents of ukrainian position in this conflict to go. julian rocha who has been a very vocal supporter of your crime, but it is occasionally prone to bouts of telling the truth. she has come out and have our cheapest lead to say, i hope i'm not attacked over this. and we can have a look at his statement here. and i really do that. judging from where people luke's here in the sound from before the impact and the likely reflection of the
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income and projectile on the car. the rock at the head constance enough call came from the northwest. hope it is possible to state that fact without being called names to you. i just want to have another look at this map, one more time shape. but before i continue with our conversation here, because it's, it's just interesting when you talk about, for example, the, the trajectory, the alleged trajectory all dismissal here, essentially coming from ukranian territory. heading east woods. and you can, you can see where the camera there is angling to see. did you become, or is that you're looking at russian territory on business, all is coming from ukrainian territory. i guess one of the things to know about this is because some people are saying there's been some store behind this because timing has some people say is everything blinking your secretary of state. he was arriving on the timing of this. some people say is suspect. yeah, when it comes on to the blinking, arising key for surprise. these if, if there is such as the french fries and he's pictured a believe leading french fries, of course,
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this in the context of counter offensive, which the russian ministry defense tells the story. tens of thousands of you paying the amount of died on yourselves against these prepared russian f. a defenses. and i suppose what's really important to note is, you know, as blinking suggests these things, you know, and we link the dots together. you put suggest that there's potentially some sort of a plan here to deflect from that. a parable victoria story, victoria newton just now victoria the mike don, midwife of ukraine. now how do you track the new york on the, you know, i mean, the, the, the really, the, the usual culprits during that thing i got, you know, of course, in a wider context, it's important to look at, you know, who has form and this type of operation and prior to this terrible attack, which we know, i think, i think conclusively is they didn't come from russian territory. and it's not just the sources on the russian side, or observers. last year and from the tourist. there was a horrendous attack where
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a ballistic missile an old one, a which tends to be a torch to you miss, which ukrainian oppressed service. the president of the western media all proclaimed as a russian salt. it was actually a, a natalia enjoy list who actually did some research on his own. and just going to, this was a torch for you, not a service with the russian military at the time, a cassette carrying weapons, a cluster munitions which killed thousands of people injured over a 100. and again, the western media reclaimed this as a russian to solve and of course, technologically and factually that was disapproved. but again, the western media doesn't need to recount on that statement. so it's claims, roy, they seem to just roll on to the next. what was the lensky during all of this? and this light is miss on a strike. any comments from the training president? yeah, we can have a listen to zalinski. is a comments here as well. conveniently, he was able to, uh uh, you know, use this as a platform to display russian brutality if you like. and just so happens. it all
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occurred during anthony blankets visit. so we're going to stay in that really special. as for the russian service, attacking the dump us down of custom team, they've got this explosion of the market and shops, pharmacies. i've been there many times. everyone knows that there are no meal to optics. they are the tech is intentional. we understand what they are doing. these are the same as before, when there are positive offensive successes by the create an army. that's why the russians hate civilians. yeah, you know, people are trying to connect adults here. shay, and then some people are kind of suspicious about the time the blinking arrives that as a sudden massive attack, you know, at a time when us tax pay as a fatigue, you know that the economy in america is having a very bad time. and you have billions and billions of dollars keep going out of american taxpayers pockets into cried tax payers. they're saying, why do we have to keep paying this blinking comes for a visit? i think it goes back to washington and says, i guess what, it's terrible. we need more funding, what, what i mean,
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if indeed it's true that if indeed this is, if it's a full size, if it's a setup, if it is a staged event, what about the morality of it'll say, well, of course, the best predictor of future behaviors pass behavior and if you look at ca, opperation some place like cuba, where they opened the plan to attack their own territory to go for pumpkin. we die as home can yeah. where which preceded the. so to raise on that, to begin intervening in, in vs not. it is beyond the realms of possibility that the american and british security services which are ground usually involved in the, at the conflict and you're fine. and essentially a running the operation for want of a better word may have been involved in this. i don't think much is happening now in ukraine. that the c a n n y 6 aren't fully aware of course. well, i think a lot of people would, can come with that assessment right there as well. and it's just, you know, it's just the brutality of it old and, you know, be so nice if we could see some people in the west. amazing media actually doing
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that due diligence and actually investigating what happened before selling all these big headlines. i shape i was i appreciate the work you've done on this very well done. indeed, i'll see you again soon. thank you very much. thank you. thank you. still having a bean in t f during this report, his missile strike of the us secretary of state anthony blinking of course, announcing that washington would now follow britain's controversial lead. get this now america is going to send depleted uranium munition to ukraine. and while those rounds are very well known for their all my peers and capabilities, they're also proven to have a devastating effect on the land and people for years off to the last shots all fired at the move to deploy. the weapons was openly conducted by the united nations deputy spokesperson in new york. we'll have this story over to rachel blevins, but i will warn you in advance. it does contain disturbing images of the apparent side effects from the use of depleted uranium noonish of the binding ministers. it
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has confirmed that it will be sending depleted uranium munitions to crime for the 1st time despite severe concern surrounding the ammunition and the health issues. it causes for civilians on the ground. the announcement was made by the white house on wednesdays for $175000000.00 military, a package for you print. the package also includes equipment for you cranes, air defense systems, and additional timers, munitions, the depleted uranium, and you know, she was listed specifically for used by the us made m one abrams named donald tanks due to their armor piercing property. ukrainian forces are already using british depleted uranium rounds, and the british main challenger to tax. but the concern surrounding the facts of depleted uranium go far beyond just it's use in battle because it is a tech from spent nuclear fuel. it can poison the environment leading to disaster. so facts, not just for soldiers, but also for civilians. and why or why? when looking at the,
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to the us and the u. k. 's use of the chemical in the middle east, the international atomic energy agency publish in 1991 report indicated the deploying depleted uranium in the gulf war crude of cost 500000 cancer. does the world health organization also award that it was responsible for? for to increase cancer's birth defects, reproductive health problems, and renal diseases in the rocky population following the us led invasion in 2003. but no one was ever held accountable. and herbert international review, noted that not enough research has been conducted to truly show just how devastating the effects of depleted uranium or on the public spokesperson for the united nation. so that the organizations concerns about the use of depleted uranium anywhere in the world has been consistent and still stands. but it remains to be seen if there will be a response to the decision by the us to join the u. k. and using the doubly chemical to further arm ukraine. a lot area we're talking with stuff i'm guy had
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judge you a political expert in serbia now step on the side of the by sending the toxic munitions to ukraine. wisdom powers are in fact committing a war cry. the supplies won't change anything on the battlefield substantially, but the wife essentially is doing what they do is doing is they are lovely. say yes, we are committing more crimes. we have done it in the past and we will continue doing that. therefore, we are certainly the depleted uranium munition that if be of interest it is use if it reaches the battlefield. we'll kill people in the decades to. busy all the end of the complex that doesn't matter which way the conflict, but the, the blazer uranium will continue and killing people and that is exactly what happens in different parts of this law. yeah,
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we know what happened. the lead me i have done it's done in the rock. i think that the biggest problem here is the biggest issue is this uh, for readiness. all the united states that you can afford that has already sent such an initial about torch as the russian army was able to locate and destroyed all of that. they are admitting it that they are willing to, to commit to more crimes. also sending the cluster bombs uh, having the same effect and election quoting nigeria has upheld but incumbent president, bullet to new boot was rightfully elected this year. was the presiding judge has rejected opposition. claims the vote was manipulated. that idea of his vice president was present at court. he says the ruling is a win for democracy. and then i did argue they said they had to be set up to be the guardians for justice and gotten is identified being so if the section is a button,
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which means a week of the people on the policy. so means the information on the web demo products you have to buy another child. more details now over to a local reporter timothy of the a smart tourist presidential election tribunal on web sites or pallet, ball attainable, was the election for more than 12 hours. the 5 member panel read out judgments rejecting challenges by main rivals, a key for a book or of, of people's democratic party, and peter o. b of the label party. both man and they are parties had approached the court to invalidate february's presidential election in which suitable emerged winter a legend irregularities and accusing the electoral commission of failing to follow its guidelines. the electoral buddy, i make a promise to transmit thoughts electronically, but for tribunals said the petitions by the opposition. lots of substantial
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evidence to back for the claims of the regularities and about the petition as engaged in a wild goose chase. the court said i'm x is not constitutionally mandated to transmit results, electronically. deluxe and tried to do. and i'll also say truck count since on to and if it was alleged criminal past, calling the allegations, baseless opposition label, party has rejected the court ruling and said it will and balance next moves off to do consultations with lawyers. luckily they're quite shown. i've given those their rights to go not to this is the 1st time to go not been to the supreme court. i do see this is the struggle that is the judge. while i pull it off for the cause to, to shut off this country for the small for democracy since
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1999, no legal challenge. so the outcome of a presidential election in nigeria has succeeded. that's equal and will be kind of p, the ruling to the country supreme court, and according to law, the appeal must be concluded within 60 days from the date of the documents, tennessee will be a r t a bu, jeff nigeria, hundreds of people protesting outside of french military base in northern chad after a local soldier was killed on choose day of the incident occurred of a friendship. flowers, jo, military compound by troops have been deployed to fight g hottest in west africa as vast a health, a power as diplomats for both the french army medic shopping killed the chatty and soldier who had reportedly a talk to him. and then all these protests followed. few more details now with this local john emptied a french army soldier from the english and killed a chatty and citizen at the filers all french military base. this and fortunate
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events took place at the infirmary on the base with a chatting and died after being shot up. the locals went there and started protesting immediately with attempts to penetrate the banks. local say they no longer want the french presence in chad. i did look at it. they just got the french need to leave all the time. they've been here. they are robbing us and they tell us they have to leave. now, we don't want anything from you, i would leave our territories, but i'm in a book, i'm not in the young man was show deliberately, were against the french, took everything from us who can't even provide for our needs. because the french have taken our property, and on top of that they kill us, let them go home, we're sick of them and they're colonization. i mean, go out there and do a little bit of chuck. we don't agree or know one of the skills. we don't want that anymore. no, you don't win friends and the other. you don't know exactly what is i don't know. yeah. well, the, as the french sentiment getting my mind to many chad follows the likes of several
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west african countries such as booking a facile malia. of course, in the jail. all 3 have been subject to military coups with chap move to kick parisian forces out of the country, off the new governments for established. meantime, the french president refers to all these changes as a, quote, the demick, the unit they need to put. there was an epidemic of, of which is mr. route this the house based on what on the weakness of the military systems on an insufficient effectiveness. and also on the policy the we must leave and support with the entire region. oscar definitely. so what we've been speaking to people from another historical french colony that of sudan and they are, they gave us the take on the series of cruise on what is boiling and the french sentiment and the boss. so however, each one of them we know that after because somebody from the uh, with policies. so what is this helping eh, really is
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a beginning for the to independence to keep all our lease sauce on. keep off, provide eve on to keep a lot for our future was they are doing right now is liberation from what's happening or on the or cuz they had enough from the west turns they had enough from europe. so i guess it's just, it's their time to, to, to, to get their independent, the people that feel the resources are being mobilized and utilized by their pos colonizers friends, particularly. and the sort of from the, the nutrition, the bad leaving conditions due to the uh, authorization of regions. uh, connected response. sorry. so while a rush it was 4 minutes to it has a full play. now is the east asia, somebody in chicago is wrapping up over the next 2 days. so get out of her office,
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had to visit bangladesh to meet his counterpart of the country's prime minister over now to all these more if an option of explaining the importance of russia's relations with agents, they before even the east asia sama kicked off here. ange, i cars are russia stress, that it is important for most go to highlights during these years gathering here the grow interests through the peaceful and sustainable development of the asia pacific region can lead west and confrontational policies here. nature, these attempting to expand its military influence to these part of the globe including using regional lines is and that russia and some of its regional partners or concerns may threaten the security architecture of the area. indonesia stop diploma says that the in the pacific is not a battle grounds. the regions must remain stable and it was stressed here many times on various occasions that cooperation of the confrontation should move the groups. but tensions are in the are russians for minutes or send
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a lot. grove is here to address these concerns and theories. the east asia summit springs together 18 countries, including the member states of all, see on the association of south east asian nations. and they partners among them, russian, china, the us. the forums discusses and focuses on a wide range of political, strategic, economic issues of common interests and promote dialogue and population between the states in the nation for ministers. sad that people have high expectations about the east anxious thomas has basically it is the only platform gunite can see players in the in the pacific region. and definitely all the important discussions that have started here in jakarta. we'll continue during the upcoming d 20 gathering in india, said the law per off will had very often denisia and insurance visa to fund with us will definitely keep you updated. so with a pretty slim pickings of 3 is,
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john celeste says buying russian gas is nothing the ideal solution, but it's a reality. it has to face the number one priority is security of supply. if that is disrupted, so will be the production and supply of energy to people. that is why it is 1st of all, about ensuring the security of energy supply. it is not pleasant, but it is a real and it is my obligation as the chancellor to do this. you can smoke it up at any time. i mean, skyrocketing inflation and cost of living all over europe. and it's now that he's saying, hey, we can't overlook the reality of our basic energy, necessities and admitting that there is no real way around having to buy it from russia in some form or another. of course, this is only after the western price has recently started reporting on the fact that despite having cut themselves off from russian pipeline gas, the e u has increased its importance of liquefied natural gas from russia. and apparently didn't mind the quote moral discomfort as the austrian chancellor says
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of that until the public found out about it and made it look like the you are a bunch of hypocrites. europeans risk asking, why are we suffering to deprive russia revenues when you clowns are clearly still totally dependent on russian energy, but just buying it in a more expensive form. all this talked about the horrors of russian energy and they're seeking it in through the back door like some kind of a one nightstand countdown to their girlfriends. ukrainian president buyers zalinski blowing up their phone again about all the cheating with russia. belgium's green energy minister also answered recently to the revelations that belgium is one of the top 3 importers of russian, l. n, g. and now she's saying that the you needs to put an end to those imports, which has also increased since before the ukraine conflict. well, that is then sanctioned russian l. n g to easy, right?
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apparently not because you officials tell the they have to find other energy solutions 1st. this time i guess so they're fine with continuing this relationship with rushing gas on the down low. just as long as they can make people believe that they're working on finding something better. but it's now far more dependent on even pricier l n g being sold to them by a direct economic competitor. the united states and germany can't afford that energy to fuel its industrial production, so it's now stuck having to import russian fertilizer to 334 percent of it. more at last count. now the same trend holds for the entire you and industrial leaders have been saying why these russian fertilizer imports make the whole idea of russian energy sanctions seem absolutely ridiculous. it was a great effort for germany last year to make itself independent. so for us and get supplies, gas and energy account for 80 to 90 percent of the production costs of me also to
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lies us. this also means that in the ends important so to lies this on nothing more than cheap russian natural gas. and the next stage of the value chain. gas is a major raw material for fertilizer production and europe in ports, almost 40 percent of the latter from russia, putting this playing games with gas. and this led to a very high fertilizer prices. and without them, we do not have food security. 60 percent of imported fertilizers come from russia and billers. sounds like those you efforts to stick it to protein or working out about as well as most of the other ideas conducted by the big brain bureaucrats in brussels. romania as president has i walked back, is tuesday hotline guarantee that anything from russia had struck his country. now he seems to be floating the possibility that a quote saw friend violation took place or if it is go far and that these
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elements belong to a russian throne such as the jason will be completely in that miserable and a serious violation of this over entity and territorial integrity of romania, a nato ally. what's of us? blanca, i can tell you that there was no party. no druids, no other part of any device, a 3 inch drum, a. we have total control over our nation, all space. i haven't checked absolutely everything out and can reassure the population the most are not. so now this is a very interesting turn of events. and let's take a look at the timeline. so on the 4th of september, you crank claims that a rushing drone crashed into romanian territory. now this was a claim that was denied by romanian media as well as romanian officials including the ministry of defense and the president himself saying that no drums designated in romanian territory.
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