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tv   News  RT  September 7, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the for the 3 ukrainian drones had been destroyed and the rest of the region, according to the russian ministry of defense with a civilian wounded as one of the you of these precious in a residential area. now warning, the following images are disturbing the explosion in a ukrainian that control to the end on bass kill 17 people on wounds 32 more including a child to have accused as moscow, but even ukrainian supporters down that narrative and election for in nigeria upholds incumbent president's victory and rejected claims by political opponents, that the vote was briggs. a jury, as vice president says, it's
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a win for democracy. is a button which is a week of the people on the policy. so miss the information on this been commissioned the web demo. pricey has finally trial and austria's chancellor has his morals in a twist. nothing noticing that defined russian gas is unpleasant but necessary to ensure his country's energy security the are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow is a look at the days that companies story. the russian ministry of defense reports is repelled a series of overnight attacks by ukrainian drones inside versus borders. a feature in the video, you can see an explosion in rust of the city after
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a fixed winning and drone was brought down by air defenses. the governor of the regions said 3 buildings and the several cars were damaged. according to local authorities, one person was wounded but refused hospitalization, while another drowned crashed outside the city. the 3 more you print in drones were destroyed in the moscow and brianne ste regions according to the russian m. o. d. while officials reported and no casualties as a result of the incidents in nebraska region, a railway station and several cars were damaged. the understand emergency services and investigators that were quick to the scene we, a crane has accused of russia of carrying out a deadly artillery, striking us to be controlled by key of in dawn. best warning, you may find the following images disturbing. at least 17 people are confirmed as long as the 32 were wounded, including a child when an explosion rocked
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a crowded market. but numerous facts have come to light that contradict what you printing officials and some western media outlets are climbing about rushes roll. earlier my colleague research i spoke with ortiz, j bowes, about how the events unfolded. and now we have essentially our investigative or florida shaped bose. you are on this story, bring us up to speed. what do we know right now? yeah, roy, you will, as you've said, a brutal attack on essentially a civilian town, a small marketplace in the town of constantine nova, interested me, that town is in ukrainian, held at dawn boss, which will become apparently a very important to us as we, as we go to our analysis of course, western media, the print media have been immediately condemning russia as we can see. you know, a, they haven't done the analysis apparently, which we have done here at ortiz, to have a look deeper behind this story. and of course, i think what's really important is that you can see the where confidence enough is
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again, if we didn't get back to that. and we can have a look at the uh, the positioning of the mouth and the greatest scheme of things. and this is important as we go now and have a look at the actual attack and what the broad costs media in the west is saying about it as well. of the ukraine. one of the deadliest rushing attacks in muncie crane, of course, is no stranger to russian miss all that's hands off to 18 months of rule. but today, the country's leaders are seeing rate health to take kimberly devastating strong on a shopping area, a deadly strike in the middle of the afternoon. the horror and confusion captured on cctv after a russian missile hit a busy marketplace in ukraine's. if we can now show a slide or a graphic of our own analysis here, a lot of
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a open source intelligence out of the symbol also picked up on this stuff. and as you can see, what we've done is we circled here at the foot or so we put squares around the faces of the civilians on the street and constance enough. and as you can see, they're looking back over our shoulders if you like. now remember, this camera is facing in the direction of russian position, so russian positions are at a, down at the other end of the street if you like. and you cranes positions are behind us. and it's very plain to see rory from this analysis that you can see these people are looking up towards a me, so, or an object. moving from that area. interesting in that area and contents enough that there's also a significant military presence. but particularly around the dues kafka, where there is a significant military base operated by ukrainian forces. and we've mapped on to that the trajectory of them is uh and on the satellite image, where you can see the green image of the camera direction. you can see very clearly
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that this has come from a ukrainian direction. it's simply could not have come from a russian hill territory. it's likely a german analyst called judy and rock, who worked for build a fervently pro ukrainian and, but he has even come forward now and said, based on the evidence that you're seeing, that this attack probably hasn't come from the russian side. we can have addition to that never, let's do that. the judges from where people lukes you and the sound from before the impacts and the likely reflection of the income in projects out on the car. the rock at the head constance enough call, came from the northwest. hope it's possible to stay that fact without being called names. some people are making a note of that timing here. shay, that at the moment this happened to us secretary of state blinking was visiting key f. one might think it gave him input us to go back to washington and say, we clearly need more funding. mm hm. yeah. and i mean, i don't think you need to be too cynical to see that roy. i mean, in the past,
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there have been various intelligence lead operations by the united states. you know, in here a broad ukraine. you know, the goal for pumpkin trying to give carp launch for further escalation, etc. so you wouldn't be to, to skeptical to suggest that, i mean, even had a mr. zalinski a very rapidly taking to the stage as if to utilize the as a parent active russian aggression and brutality at to store the pos, as for the russian terrorist attack and the don't bus down of constantine of guy does explosion of the market and shops, pharmacies, i've been there many times. everyone knows that there are no meal to objects. they're big tech is intentional. we understand what they are doing. these are the same as before when there are positive offensive successes by the create an army. that's why the russians heat civilians. so i say calling mr. tuck intentional and
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perhaps it was, but from his side of the board, as we've been showing you here on the maps, the trajectory of the missile, the reflection on the roof over with the concept as well as showing this missed all going on. but, but of course, it's immediately blamed on, on russia, i guess, you know, throughout the history. i mean, you go back to the bay of function and vietnam, the bay of pumpkin was a fold flag. we know that now it was a full slide. the marines involved in it who are retired now have admitted the bay of talking to vietnam was a full flag. if something like this is tragic boot will attack it. if indeed fear. i think this could be a false flag if so, what about the morality of it'll check was supposed to speak of morality at this time when it comes to your training and policy on the bottom. the field is a stretch. i mean, hurting these. a man conscripts in many cases onto prepared russian defense, as rory at no nato commander would suggest his troops should do it. but it seems that happy to suggest ukrainian young man and concepts are to do it. as also worth mentioning last year in crime,
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a tourist ukrainians also maintained that russia had used the ballistic missile to strike a civilian targets, causing immense devastation, killing dozens, injury over a 100 people. but even the differences between the 2 missiles are plain to see the fingers on the torch for you. this old soviet miss of system which was using a to set pipe force to munition. when a targeted crime, of course, getting dozens of people injuring over a 100, all right and keep entirely different you can see that from this graphic. the scanner is a very expensive, highly capable strategic weapons. and they are very, very different. as you can see, as we, as we move through the slides, really. so there's a bit of history here about cherry picking reality when it comes to the ukrainian assessments of these things. and what's peyton, the obvious is that, and this occasion there has been a very, very, very eager rush towards an implausible reality so that it's almost as terrible that sucks yesterday. all right, let's cross a live now to former pentagon senior,
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a security analyst, michael maloof, michael ukraine claims russia carried out an artillery strike on constantinople, but the evidence would suggest otherwise. what is your take? well, it, it is a open the question, but give us some of the evidence that we're seeing. it suggests that it did come from the ukranian side and with and with blinking visiting it. it, it, it was probably designed to demonstrate the need for further assistance or come in at a very critical time since, uh, the, the, the, the, the fact that the, you, the appropriations are, are essential now. and it's, it's really a big issue here in this country and, and so when he knows it, so i think that you can't rule anything out. and the fact that you would have western media analysis suggesting that, uh, this came from your premium side is,
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uh, is not a good is, is not good. and, and i, i just don't, uh, uh, the, these, these type of the actions are, are, are designed to send messages that critical times. and this came at a very intriguing moment with, uh, uh, our secretary of state visiting there. so can rule anything out at this point and i think that, uh, uh, i don't see the point of why russia would uh, want to launch into an area that, uh, is, is a split, uh, russian speaking type of folks. so it's, it's, it's a, it's, it's a raises some very, very serious questions. yeah, and you answered my next question about whether or not this could have potentially benny ukrainian or false applied considering the timing with the us secretary of state there on a surprise visit. can you talk to us a bit about the coverage that has been surrounding this there in the west as
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well? it's been to tory leslie aimed at being an anti russian. it's very clear that the, but we're, we're engaged not only in a, in a kinetic war, but also propaganda war. and there, the create in the whole ukrainian effort is, is designed to go against russia and, and to galvanize support against russia. and maybe even for regime change and it was victoria newland there. i saw in this in the, in the clip there of her, beside blinking. she's, she's all part and parcel of this. this is her, this is her design, her, her, her initiative. and what's intriguing is that her family background is one in which she, it comes from what was the ends, ours, russia,
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which today is ukraine. and so it's almost like, uh, she's conjuring up old, old vendettas. and, and taking that personal she was involved with, along with the van vice president biden. and the 2014 cool. amazing, cool. so this is, this, this is a, and she's a very neo conservative individual. and their philosophy, their audiology, is to push american version of democracy even by military means. and rather than have a direct us russian consultation, where we're now in the age of working through proxies and ukraine, is that proxy and for her designs for her, for that audiology and, and, and we saw, we saw it manifest itself in iraq. and we saw what a disaster that brought right. i know that
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a zalinski is saying that russia is behind this strike because of ukraine's successes on the battlefield. but how accurate is that? or it's just the opposite. yeah, we have russia, which is highly fortified. now, major defenses. it hasn't even begun to open up with everything it has. and yet you have ukrainian side depended completely on the west for logistical assistance. and because all of its arguments now are coming in from the west, and now the west is beginning to say, look, enough, sense is enough. and we're seeing that now here in the united states, increasingly, the us congress is, is beginning to have 2nd thoughts about it. and it's all tied up in our defense authorization bill, which is now stuck. it's, it's going to,
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it's going to be coming up here shortly. but if it's not past that, it's then the, the government shuts down basically here, and as a consequence, it affects all funding for ukraine. so this is uh uh it's, it's not a slam dunk assistance any longer. like it used to be from the either the united states or from europe. europeans themselves now are having a 2nd thoughts on how, how long this is going to want, because they don't have the, the industrial base to support their own. stock piles have run out and they, and they're relying upon the us to backfill them. but the united states only have so much and it to is, is a, has lower stockpiles. so the m as being and it's becoming very, very costly and kind of were blinking to go over there and say, okay, here's another $1000000000.00 we could do a lot of good in this country with one $1000000000.00. we got areas in this country that are devastated from floods from storms recently and that money could have been
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applied to that. yeah. all right, we're gonna live with that for our pentagon senior security analyst, michael maloof. thank you. as sure. and after being in a key, as during the legs, the muscles try cue a secretary of state anthony blinking announced that washington will supply depleted uranium ammunition to ukraine. are they bringing you the details and the repercussions of that decision? a bit later in the show and election corps in nigeria has upheld that incumbent president bulletin. it was rightfully elected this year. as the presiding judge has rejected opposition. claims that the vote was manipulated by jerry as vice president was present at court and says the ruling is a win for democracy. and i did on duty. chevy. hartford is set up to be big guardians for justice and gotten is identified in sort of the section is a button which is the window of the people on the policy. so i'm is information
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on this been commissioned demo. pricey has finally trial. local reporter timothy obeys who was there and brings us this report, a slight juris presidential election tribunal. when states a pallet, the ball attainable was election for more than 12 hours. the 5 member panel read out judgments rejecting challenges by main rivals. tikwa booker, of, of people's democratic party, and peter o. b of the liberal party. both man and they all parties had approached the court to invalidate february's presidential election in which suitable emerged winter. a legend irregularities and accusing the electoral commission. a failure to follow its guidelines. the electoral buddy, i'm a cub promised to transmit thoughts electronically. but for tribunals said the petitions by the opposition locks substantial evidence to back for the claims of
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the regularities and about the petition as engaged in a wild goose chase. the court said i'm x is not constitutionally mandated to transmit results, electronically. deluxe and try view. and i'll also struck count since on 10 of who's alleged criminal past calling. the cases, baseless opposition label, party has rejected the court ruling and said it will announce next moves off to do consultations with lawyers. luckily there cause addition i was given those that the ride to go not to. this is a lot of 1st instance to go not due to the supreme court, i new z. this is the struggle. that is not just for our clients both for the position of this country, for their little smoke, for the mattress, for the rest of it is 1999, no legal challenge. so the outcome of
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a presidential election in nigeria has succeeded at sequel and will be kind of p, the ruling to the country supreme court, and according to law, the appeal must be concluded within 60 days from the date of the judgment, tennessee, you'll be as a r t a bu. material with a slim choices in the pipelines, austria's chancellor says buying russian gas is not an ideal solution, but it's a reality he has had to face. and the number one priority is security of supply. if that is disrupted, so will be the production and supply of energy to people. that is why it is 1st of all, about ensuring the security of energy supply. it is not pleasant, but it is a real and it is my obligation as the chancellor to do this. you could have spoken up at any time, i mean, skyrocketing inflation and cost of living all over europe. and it's now that he say,
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hey, we can't overlook the reality of our basic energy, necessities and admitting that there's no real way around having to buy it from russia in some form or another. of course, this is only after the western price has recently started reporting on the fact that despite having cut themselves off from russian pipeline gas, the e u has increased its imports of liquefied natural gas from russia. and apparently didn't mind the quote moral discomfort as the austrian chancellor says of that until the public found out about it and made it look like the you are a bunch of hypocrites. europeans risk asking, why are we suffering to deprive russia revenues when you clowns are clearly still totally dependent on russian energy, but just buying it in a more expensive form. all this talk about the horrors of russian energy and they're seeking it in through the back door light, some kind of a one nightstand countdown to their girlfriends. ukrainian president wire zalinski blowing up their phone again about all the cheating with russia. belgium's green
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energy minister also answered recently to the revelations that belgium is one of the top 3 importers of russian, l. n, g. and now she's saying that the, you needs to put an end to those imports, which has also increased since before the you create conflict. well, that is then sanctioned russian l. n g to easy, right? apparently not because you officials tell the they have to find other energy solutions 1st. this time i guess so they're fine with continuing this relationship with rushing gas on the down low. just as long as they can make people believe that they're working on finding something better. but it's now far more dependent on even pricier l n g being sold to them by a direct economic competitor. the united states and germany can't afford that energy to fuel its industrial production, so it's now stuck having to import russian fertilizer to 334 percent of it. more
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at last count. now the same trend holds for the entire you and industrial leaders have been saying why these russian fertilizer imports make the whole idea of russian energy sanctions seem absolutely ridiculous. it was a great effort for germany last year to make itself independent. so for rocks and gas supplies gas, an energy account for 80 to 90 percent of the production costs of me also to lies us. this also means that it's in the ads. important so to lies this nothing more than cheap ross from natural gas. the next stage of the value chain gas is a major raw material for fertilizer production and europe in ports, almost 40 percent of the latter from russia put in this playing games with gas. and this led to a very high fertilizer prices. and without them, we do not have food security. 60 percent of imported fertilizers come from russia and billers. sounds like those you efforts to stick it to protein or working out
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about as well as most of the other ideas contacted by the big brain bureaucrats and brussels having been in care of during the reported missile strike, us secretary of state entity blinking announced that washington would now follow britain this controversial lead and send depleted uranium ammunition to ukraine? well, those rounds are known for their armor piercing capabilities. they have been proven to have a devastating effect on the land and people for years after the last shots are fired and move to the play. the weapons was condemned wednesday by the united nations deputy spokesperson in new york or to correspond that rachel blevins has the details. but 1st, a warning. this report contains potentially disturbing images of a parent side effects from the use of depleted uranium munitions. the vitamin ministers has confirmed that it will be sending depleted uranium munitions to crime for the 1st time despite severe concern surrounding the ammunition of the health issues it causes for civilians on the ground. the announcement was made by the
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white house on wednesdays for the $175000000.00 military, a package for you print. the package also includes equipment for you cranes, air defense systems, and additional timers, munitions, the depleted uranium ammunition was listed specifically for used by the us made of one abrams named donald tanks due to their, our piercing property. ukrainian forces are already using british depleted uranium rounds, and the british main challenge are 2 checks. but the concern surrounding the effects of depleted uranium go far beyond just it's used in battle because it is obtained from spent nuclear fuel. it can poison the environment leading to disaster. so facts, not just for soldiers, but also for civilians. and while why, when looking at the, if that to the us and the u. k. 's use of the chemical in the middle east, the international atomic energy agency publish in 1991 report indicated that deploying depleted uranium in the gulf war could have caused 500000 cancer. does
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the world health organization also war that it was responsible for reports of increased cancer's birth defects, reproductive health problems, and renal diseases in the rocky population following the us led invasion in 2003, but no one was ever held accountable. and harvard international review, noted that not enough research has been conducted to truly show just how do you have a state of the effects of depleted uranium or on the public. i searched for set for the united nation so that the organizations concerns about the use of depleted uranium anywhere in the world has been consistent and still stands. but it remains to be seen if there will be a response to the decision by the us to join the u. k. and using the doubly chemical to further on ukraine us. hi, earlier we spoke with a steven guy, its a geopolitical expert in serbia. he says by sending the toxic munitions to crane western powers are committing a war crime. the supplies won't change anything on the battlefield substantially,
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but the wife essentially is doing what they do is doing is they are blindly saying yes, we are committing more crimes. we have done it in the past and we will continue doing that. therefore, we are certainly the depleted uranium munition that if the, if it is used, if it reaches the battlefield, we'll kill people in the decades to. busy all the end of the complex that doesn't matter which way the coughing and by the blades uranium will continue killing people. and that is exactly what happens in different parts of this long. yeah, we know what happened in libby, i have gone. it's done in iraq. i think that the biggest problem here is the biggest issue is this readiness all the united states and you can't afford that. that has already sent such an initial about torch as the russian army. you was able
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to locate and destroyed all of that. they are admitting it that they are willing to, to come into more tribes, also finding the cluster bombs have the same effect, run back with more news and just over 30 minutes time. but in the meantime, be sure to visit our website, or to come by, the museums are important for preserving our history, so that it is a loss to future generations. but our physical museums, placing themselves a relic of the past. this is one of the best museums in the world that i'm a testing st. petersburg. how rusty is the director here? and i bet he has met the
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russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request which is the the,
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the, or the the 1972. when i 1st met fairly back to and we sat down on a bench like this, and i had the 1st conversation with man that i was to follow for for many years. and that past change my life,
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the in 1976 feeling better to hear that. and once i got on banded together with others, fighting for independence and formed, lost much of those are the king cutters. the context was that vietnam had won the cuban revolution at that time was like a beacon to a lot of latin american the, the tide of history is on the side of anti colonialism. we should be able to, to prevail. the one of the 1st things you have to have is fake id. so i visited.


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