tv Documentary RT September 7, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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that fast changed my life, the in 1976, feeling better to hear that. and once i got on banded together with others, fighting for independence and formed, lost much of those are the king cutters. the context was that vietnam had won the cuban revolution at that time was like a beacon to a lot of latin america. the, the tide of history is on the side of anti colonialism. we should be able to, to prevail. the one of the 1st things you have to have is fake id. so i visited
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a number of graveyards and picked you know, someone who died. you know, as a child wasn't likely to have a social security number or any other type of id and then applied for, for that birth certificate. and then applied for drivers license and social security number and developed a number of ideas that i then used to buy weapons with the as a full time member of the organization. my routine was after i did my household obligation of taking the kids to school, i would then start working on whatever we had on the schedule. we're going to do a check off the back take dynamite from instruction . people go to that. there was
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a strike on against the power company checking out the transmission towers to see where we're going and not one of them on the we sabotage the, the power plant at the beginning of conduct a lot as a protest against the government and for cutting off power to the residents of the waters. residents of the settlement called via senior village without fear, had tapped into local power lines. and now the government threatened forcible eviction the so when they had their power cut off, so all right, well, tit for tat. the turns out that the radiators and so
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all we had to do was bring in some of these spray long sharp to just a bit bit bit, you know, hit the, the radiator range on this thing and then oil would come off. pretty simple little operation. the, the operation took out the power in one of the most affluent areas of the island. tens of thousands of hotel guests were plunged into darkness. lost much of the data to leave a communicate nailed to a tree in san juan, claiming responsibility. we felt that we could generate more of a spirit of resistance rather than our submissive acceptance of reality, that we felt slice
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a shockingly unfair. despite operating on the violent fringe of the independence movement, their actions gained visibility and lead others to resist the since 1898. the u. s. had used as a military strong in the caribbean, eventually building dozens of faith. in the 1940s, the navy took over most of the island for military exercises and we'll just called in and said look, we're going to be bombing on the x days. fishermen said, you know, was old fishing traps the struggle across were the navy ships are going to come through and our powers will get tangled and that will be done. the
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water, the people who live here sites, they've had enough of the navy and it's shelly and there was some, like mrs. hilda logo did very, she brought our children because she said, by setting up camp there, they would learn not to be afraid to defend their country. the, the protests lead to hundreds of arrests. but some members of last, much of those feel that the protests aren't working and call for something more than civil disobedience. the in puerto rico today are united states. navy bus was ambushed by political terrorist fire in rifle shot guns and customs. 18 on our navy to this is we're
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going to work in this school bus on the terrace ambush, them just outside san juan, who were killed and 10 were wounded, including 3 women. 3 groups leave a joint communicate in a nearby phone booth claiming responsibility. one of them is low so much of data they state that the attack was in retaliation for a protester of vegas who was killed while in police custody. and that the actions will continue until the guest is returned to the point where he can people the to the moment held the navy accountable. if you kill a prisoner claim is suicide. when clear forensic evidence showing that he had caches and bruises all over is by having to pay a price the if they think they're going to drive us out of the i guess with acts like this. they better think again people
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have already but don't support this type of activity in the country. they reject it very, very, very, very vociferously and very strongly repudiate this type of action. and we think that think of these people, as our enemies are enemies of the people that are in the after the attack. there is internal just sense within the symmetric date of the many members choose to leave the the schedule here on the, on the lady at the msf here. so with that being a good point in the text though, for on the on it so as on by instead of any of media that
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a man falls at length and the bed made out of windows for only fellows to chad or sleep. but i feel the kind of my, sorry that, that i told on the monster that i, you know, my step, my, sorry, that i decided to fight fight for my country. no, i'm not. i mean i could have done things differently. yes, absolutely. do i now think that violence is not the means to achieve anything? absolutely. yeah. that's a lesson learned and life from the nice air. national guard base was built in 1956 by the us military.
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the plains based there had been used to project us military power throughout latin america. in 1981 doesn't much of data disguise to fishermen infiltrate the base and begin reconnaissance operations. at 1st blush, it looks like, well can this be done? and then upon closer examination, you realize it's not a piece of cake, but it's, it's definitely doable. i made a mistake of not including really back to work. where's my position? and i said, unit participating. 0. and is a boy, as i think he was more aware than in the rest of us, of how significant this was going to be in terms of fis,
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doraville importance. and then the final gift was one of the national guard had an open house on the base. so i brought my kids to look at upstairs where the right of the blades, the printers, all the info, and that helped us discounts. exactly where the, the explosives was going to be. ready before dawn, today in puerto rico terrace blew up a number of air national guard jet fighters at an american base near san juan. at least 8 jet fighters were destroyed. the coursera just flew up one after the other . damage was estimated at $45000000.00. no one was hurt left, his group, which has at once the united states, out of puerto rico, is claim responsibility for the attack. air force spokesman, say this is one of the most serious attacks ever against an american military base here or in the united states. the so i didn't get back home
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until a couple hours later, and lucy thought that that had been killed once the plane started to blow up the they were loaded with the machine guns. so the machine the morning after the attack b s. b, i find so much it is stuck in the ground within the yards of one of the air base security guards. a message that knows much of those were close enough to take the guards life. but unlike the boss attacked this time, they ensured that no one was hurt an internal and most much of those documents celebrates the attacks. we were able to revive the spirit of our people. since this was the most overwhelming blow given to the yankee since pearl harbor, our organizations for speech was greatly in crease. it's made us known all around
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the world. and i was surprised by how much tacit support there was. and how many people were like, almost like secretly problem and of course you can call it on the tooth is expensive and people are commenting about that. and most of the word of point to he can resist and spreads beyond the island. leaders including pope john paul, the 2nd robert kennedy junior, and jesse jackson all pushed for the united states navy to leave the the in 2003. after nearly 60 years of bombing, the military caesars active operations on the island, the
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syrians, the beginning of its history, the united states of america has officially declared the striving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colon is tested for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent. american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservations given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of bison. the
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native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughtered the bivens and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express. the evidence of this policy in the income is worth the only good india is that dead indians, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been a majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today. the, the
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total is the aggressor today i'm authorized with additional strong sanctions today . russia was the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing, but i think you chose the problem just a couple seniors. just click on the only thing and most the more in the will ship. we're banning all important. so russian oil and gas suffering the price for another country of what we're going to. it's just the fed service involved, the little joe bites in, imposing these sanctions on russia still has destroyed the american economy. so there's a boomerang, the the,
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the magic, the movement is nearly broke. the feeling better to have the rights we are in need of huge economical resources. and those on hand have a balance of 0. so we must expropriate resources for the 1st robbery that i participated and i was sure we were going to get caught and i'd seen so many tv programs in the face of others. we weren't going to get away with it. and this elderly lady came in and she started to hyper until 8 and was bar ready to scream. and i'm going ma'am, come down. nothing's gonna happen or what do i do? i really didn't know how to handle the situation and then feeling where to adjust.
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he saw that he walked over and said, shut up well think what was the end of it as well? okay. so that's how it's done. and you know, so that was my, my trial by fire. there's a erroneous view of last night. there was that it was mostly about armed action, which is absolutely not the case. it was mostly about political action. and uh, you know, people were doing good work around women's issues, doing good work. you know, i'm try to get the navy out of the, i guess, you know, all of that. so most of the robberies were done some fund that type of work in only that rather than wait for proposals for grants to be approved. and so go get our own function a
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guy approached me and he says he's working on the armored truck and transports between $7.00 to $10000000.00 every monday and he wants to donate it to the struggle is like, well, it's almost too good to be true the beach where he met so the final vetting of him as a come back. some work, not a wells fargo guard. an ex wells fargo guard is on the run with $7000000.00 in cash . you've got away with the last night when he robbed his partner and a wells fargo manager in west hartford connecticut. so when, when victor grabbed a supervisor from behind it and put him in a headlock and took
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a supervisor's own gun out of his holster and put it to his head and told them, you know, i'm not working for anybody else anymore. you know, i'm not playing the supervisor had, you know, heard the tone in victor's voice. that mean, as he testified and tries that, victor spoke to me in a tone of voice and rather heard before i was waiting for him outside. it was the longest hour or whatever of my entire life. it was a $7100000.00 according to to the press. i know and we bought a 1000 and some odd pounds. the car was riding low. we've had so much money to steal from here that he couldn't even haul it all away. police estimate that he left about a $1000000.00 behind i felt we had pulled off a great job and nobody has a car. nobody was hurt. yeah, i would, i was our yes,
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my friend loaned me his pickup truck and camper. we were on the turnpike in, in pennsylvania and going down this pretty steep hill and all this semi blue past us and we ended up flipped over, facing in the opposite direction. on the right hand lane of the money that was hidden in the wall behind the walls of the of the trailer. and all the panels burst. one of us jumped in the trailer and started throwing the money and bags and, and stashing it back before the state police arrived. and we got past that one. the
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realize that federal bureau of investigation solved and closed with the condition of the go they are the put a little because the f b i arrived in point of equal half a century earlier, but rather than merely pursuing criminals agents were tasked with squelching the voices of those who were working to gain independence. soon, the mission grows with agents, compiling dossiers on over one 100000 persons of interest. generating nearly 2000000 pages of documents. agents gather details of political affiliation, employment religious practices, and sexual partners the but despite massive surveillance, be better to have that. and once they got that, continue to evade the f. b, i for over a decade,
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the year there, and the in 1983, this much of dental to use funds from the wells fargo robbery to purchase a shoulder mounted rocket launcher. their plan is to attack the f b i offices in san juan. the, instead of hitting the f b, i offices the mess, damaging the department of agriculture being directly fired on invigorate staff b, i's hunt for lost much of those. and within weeks they have
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a new list of surveillance targets. and the fact that it was an attack to the f b i office, of course, made them feels very personally committed to that investigation. so through an all of their resources into the, the, the f b i gather, is enough evidence to get a quarter and start stopping phone conversations and planting microphones in homes and vehicles buried in the miles of audio troops f b i. agents are starting to hear conversations about $7000000.00. they soon come to the conclusion that the grenade attack and the wells fargo robbery were both done by most much of data. by 1985 b s. b, i has gathered reams of evidence leaking, say got to the wells fargo robbery barnett. b, i raid rounds of 11 much estate or charging them with conspiracy in the wells fargo
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robbery. se gotcha, and heather fios are jailed without bond. initially, the government plans to charged the group with suspicious conspiracy planning to overthrow the us government. the actually went to and i were in this facility for about a year during the free trial here and they have like. busy list of pictures of like 10 inmates that you need to be on the lookout for for correctional officers. so that takes their curiosity. and so with dog and it's, it's not too hard, you know, for an american understand independence sit there are no, there's understand that, you know, if somebody invaded your country, what would you do? you know, how would you feel if you'd lost the war against the japanese?
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every law that was passed here in the united states had to be approved by the japanese congress. it's not fair. yeah. tell me about it. you know, guys would get it. and the americans don't have a problem with violence at all. i mean, if anything here to, to thrown to violence. so the fact that we had resorted to violence for that, you know, and him in favor of independence or the freedom of our partner, or whatever's is like the story guy and feeling better to hear that along with the other defendants are held in pre trial detention for 2 years, confined to their cells for up to 23 hours a day. haven't been lisa. no way i can hold on the bully, i'm only doing, but it's what i meant that i believe was have the 0 that is the and the way that i
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can send nothing. i hope i can label stuff and we'll try pulling the been in pennsylvania with underneath. and so my mom ain't got on no child lined up. and then for the case, erica, in lexington, i a model lentil alo, sorted out over the dining. go kilo manos man. does he say i'm on the scene on the them? i thought it was the thing. i guess i don't think campbell got on that as low as i think it on my that on the, on the last and as i don't know, or then diana, i'm in the that. mm. i don't want anything in, in the, a lot of the black box, the only one of the only, i feel because i only got 2 of us. but i also have the, the facile they, they, they want to see other than really is all of a few a go up there we go,
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all the of the whole thing when your free the, by the answers and see them. i don't see, i don't know the after 2 years of imprisonment, a judge rules that the pre trial detention was unconstitutional and the defendants are released on bail. the feeling better to have ice fitted with a gps tracking ankle bracelet to ensure that he doesn't escape on september 23rd 1990 facing a potential 130 year sentence, freely by the door head that cuts his bracelets. and once again goes underground the,
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on the beach and i skipped the latest. so we have to just to this and campbell system to personalize can use me. and so i'm not too good enough to go to. yes, that's the to the to the which will be sitting up with you a lot. it does your learn your image stuff for us, which is the new which in the 4th
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1950 to us as i was returning to peaceful life with the newspapers didn't report ongoing method because in the ukrainian saw, according to intelligence, ukrainian nationalist and the ukranian installation. ami said by romano, she'll give each other to i do. these atrocities for future does hold at the moment . i seen your cell score new way to do it to be like this, but it won't cause to do an immediate problems through the plaintiff was the head of the n, k, v. d sabotage, department of the time he was tasked with stopping the atrocities in ukraine. for a good reason, general sort of blonde, it was very familiar with the situation. pete had experience finding the nationalist before the war named, loveless, to come to the z, a do it to made. so didn't know, could i e, but it was cool. that's funny. so give me the task was tremendously difficult, but suit up a lot that was determined complete as we have personal accounts. the central with
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the ukranian nationalists, the moscow claims the us is considering the physical elimination of new shares, new to governments, and yet another. but just frank, that democracy the, the military lead governments in galvan freeze, the nations ousted presidents after a coup in the country last week. now warning, some bureaus may find the following footage disturbing the an explosion in a ukrainian controlled put in dog that killed 16 people and lose 33 more including a child you have accused as moscow. but even you crazy and supporters down to that narrative, the.
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