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tv   News  RT  September 7, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the total size of this, how the u. s. is we positioning is to, in these, uh, for the 1st time since it led to a new government, the new west african country. a lot of them into the government of the central after the nation of the button release is a pretty busy house in president allows him to leave the country. we analyze everything that the americans and their allies are doing to promote their interest under the guise of so called in the pacific strategies that we will understand that of course, one of the main goals is to contain china and isolate the restaurant in this region . process for man, so it makes his 1st official visits to the south,
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asian nation of bonham. the that i'm speaking out against washington is stabilizing the read the is going 11 pm here in the russian capital. welcome. we're ever you'll catch in the news of them today. post the gloves. this is opposite. the us is repositioning some of a students within these areas. apparently the 1st major america meant to move and in the west african country says is government was over to and in a to 2 months ago. what we're doing right now is the department is repositioning some of our personnel and some of our assets from air base one o, one in near may to air base 2 o 2 o one in august as well as folks 1st went to the pentagon, just confirm that the us is planning to re position some troops and equipment within new here,
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outside the capital city of new may. now as for the number of this year, so it will be re position. we are still waiting to see if we will find that out. if that's something that the us will release now this comes after an anonymous report came out earlier, stating that this was likely to be the case depending on just confirmed it. of course, we know that the military coup in the west african nation of need year occurred back in july, which left the status of around $1100.00 troops and millions of dollars in u. s. military bases and equipment up in the air, while the us and friends, which has around 1500 troops stationed in new sheriffs, has come out against the cuckoo and called for the ousted leader mohammed by zoom to return to power. their threats have what, you know, action. in fact, the military officials who took power in the share had called for the french and bastard to leave the country doubling down on their end. so this is the 1st time that we're seeing action coming from the united states earlier,
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russell as far unto themselves instead of the us as well here on various strategies for quote, strengthening democracy in these. yeah, what was that all about? that's right, the russian for an intelligence service is warning that the us government is considering whether to assassinate the leaders of the new military administration in these year. their report noted that while the white house is not satisfied with advance in the former french colony, it does not want to rely on military intervention by new shares, regional neighbors. and it consider that a what works solution by proxy would be preferable to military action by echo was. let's take a listen to more from that report. us intelligence agencies, i'm returning to the practice of illuminating inconvenient african leaders. the white house is working on various options for strength. i mean democracy in these year american see
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a more effective option as the physical elimination of push this leaders who have the support of the majority of the population. so on one hand, acura ross has threatened military intervention. frances even said that they would support it. but on the other hand, the military governments and molly and burkina faso have said that they would stand with the new leadership in new share, which has led to the client stand off. but again, this is the 1st time that we're seeing reports and now confirmation from the kind of gone of movement surrounding the us. troops were still stationed there. we spoke with former us state center survey should blocking such as the recent wave of coons throughout months of africa reflects a strong will among the people to end with some dominance on the continent. i think there's a, there's an uprising against france all across the belts of, of,
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of africa. the african people are very upset about france. they feel like even after colonial france folder that stands in the same one way. there has been this under cover colonialism that is, continues to operate in africa. now the united states has a major drone facility in new here, with about 1100 troops. and we, we do in the direction of the various forces that of presumably, or, or a terrorist and nature. i'd be very surprised if there were not claims ladies twice to attempt to overthrow the government. that doesn't necessarily mean it was going to happen, but it's sort of the contingency, what do you do in case certain things on? so
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a great deal of what actually happens as opposed to just mere planning is, is, again, based on the will, the strength from the unity of the people of nature. and rightly or at least at this very moment, i think it's very offered for either the united states or for france or even for equal was to attempt to take military action. it would be really difficult to accomplish something with assassinations. because the, the crew is not my one person, it sorted by as a group of military leaders who really represent, uh, the, the nation of you, the share and the i, todd hundreds of people have protested outside a french movie, but it's also a local. so the list killed earlier this week. so the incident occurred as
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a sign to minute scene compound with suits of the flight to flight searches in west africa's higher regions power as they pro maxima important that a french army medic shopped on fields which the soldier who allegedly attacks him with leaves then for the protest local dentist send us this simple business process. the dispatcher of french troops from fire is the main demand of the main street this morning. as they progress towards the french military base. they were built by tied in security forces to try to dispense them with a gap with stones that the most traits was tempted to print slogans and demanded the immediate and unconditional departure of its military. in the city around 40, prince georgias had been stationed for the last 40 years, and the total number in chad is estimated to be $3000.00 and the child in government know has friends have reacted to this events a little bit of chuck? we don't,
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i agree. i don't know. one of our neighbors. we don't want that anymore. no, you don't want friends in the other. you'll put all of them. the french need to leave all the time. they've been here. they are robbing us and they tell us they have to leave now the, we don't want anything from you. i will leave our territory. but i need a book. i might not have been. the young man was show deliberately where are again said the french took everything from us, who can save and provide for our needs because the french have taken our property. and on top of that they kill us. let them go home. we're sick of them and their colonization line call a great so rubles spoke with cameron, routing and swiss active is not to the, the says the wave of coons studying across a half ago reflects the overall empty west. and the sentiment on the continent are the different codes that we are serving. i've truly showing that effort comes ones
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to get it to another level. and we've had past 60 years since independence where things where stopped it was like a postcolonial time really to reclose in africa and now leading to what's the administration of the military hand of cross in those countries. and it's very promising. washington has repeatedly said that the us is military role in africa is limited to advising and the sustain. what's your take on that? no, i mean, together with the friends of the, the always, they always had the very in toxic a hand in the play. it's not only just counseling, even when we don't need the accounts that the advise us the ad there and the, the they are working on the ground. a lot of people from africa, african countries on leadership activity interested in getting a waste problem from the current world order that is very,
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a demonic. and they did when he was older for a minority, the west where they are trying to impose the interest chief, imposing the interest on the rest of the world. and i think i frequently need or regardless of the area of the you, north africa, east central, west africa, everywhere. people actually be so tired of it. and they want to have to be part of the, the writing of a new world order, where people, i respect that regardless of the size of the country and where i'm some dignity is also put into the, into the game. so i think it's, it's a movement that will last. everybody is getting away from the nurse and heading more to the south and to the eastern part. yeah. meanwhile, in the sense alaska nathan of gap on the new mexico and the highest,
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the former president who is also just overly who though is no longer in custody and is fee to travel abroad. but i promise you all in the committee for the transition and restoration of the institutions reaffirms they've given his state of health. the former president of the republic alley bond go on, don't buy is free to move. he can, if he wishes to go abroad for medical checkups it was on television that the announcement was made by the military. the former president, ali bongo, is free to move. he is authorized to leave the country to seek medical treatment since the crew in august. we found go, and his family were under house arrest. the former president appeared in a brief video to complain about the conditions of his detention and called on his supporters to speak out and protest. ali bongos party has now welcome to his release, positively, but those opposing the decision have maintained that ali pongo o's accounts to the gap and these people,
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and would leave the country with impunity. searching to all those who have been selling tones of gold or bank notes. it's small bush compared with what allie boned go has. we must reassure the guy, but he's people that they will be judged to have granted amnesty, but he must return or pause, or what belongs to the guy. these people, it will be scandalously fond, does it pre tax that he's ill? you have the possibility of simply coming and going to a former head of is wells and national intelligence. the agency has admitted that his country is guilty of imposing a pod side regime upon a neighboring palestinians. or there is an apartheid state here, a territory which uses 2 different legal systems to judge 2 people differently as an apartheid state as well who named political policy has reacted to the policy. so that's a search and saying i missed the pa,
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those should be ashamed of his comment this week as well as is main commercial gateway with gaza, offensively binding all export from posting in tennessee. before my head of the most side intelligence agency is by far not the 1st to speak out against isabel's policies. against by the thing is hundreds of is really and the american public figures have denounced expanding is where the occupation of processing the lines as well as the current is reading. governments come down on the countries independent judiciary. so the about as further across a live round to along the, the full month is a me, i'm boss of the system of that. so thanks so much for joining us here today on honestly now the full ahead of is of national intelligence agency has compared israel's treatment a pass to use the previous a pot site regime in south africa. what's your opinion on those comments?
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a good thing. they said ball is rolling already almost a decade. if they carry the go a need is especially for that for the, the shows. it said that this month is the day that we will be and above. but my scholar is literally so slow, especially with the social society in jewels started speaking all about the guns to senior security. people form and politicians vis yours that they're above the, regarding the, with the what's the was there is a full size of the building because the thing know,
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be sold to completion is going on. and i think the should explain this criticism for me, and most of the people are really doing nothing regarding the store. so ending the page. so how sort of an answer that such a statement of condemnation came from someone who was such a senior official in as well a oh, he's a for a senior official. the getting used to a situation that therefore is seen. yeah. security people for the months, and i love the app, which is i think the government sometimes even costly. we decided to know fishes capable of doing it when they get this. and the reason why this is this,
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the most of these are the only the, most of all those scenes to see the see these, these closing out of the way that such a senior security person that knows exactly what we do in the, with the situation is i see what is what is really worried about is the criticism for women, but these, this week term full balance, right. and then there was a governess, especially the funny easily though this is up all day. it is this week come into the shop. these were the governors but sofa and
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this is the visa is lot stable that we have with this isn't for liberal unsuitables, maybe a n g o human rights should cause, but local governments and it is easily a service. honestly, this regarding the international status is very hot and then you make an excellent point in that international community suddenly are. so turning a blind eye over what's going on between is well and i see is what, what about the people of is when are they looking what they would, what would they want more or a method treatment for the neighbors in, in posting sign. and he is very slow, the choice is ways you know, no way 80 percent of the over 20 percent of it move. the jewels is small by lowering the is
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a vocally great to go above don't tradition of the west. but once you see knowing just ways to solve this, maybe even the majority of the jewish population is fairly worried involved. a lot of deals is, was the was especially the legal system because the government is kind of writing the status of the system. they may see the school, the to the queue person, but most of these writers do not see the school district. so what do you see now the district? so here's what is very little to do with the dish and the problem for you. but anyway, it's a little bit about is of prime is missing and the government, how is this? this is why it's based on public outcry, overs intensive to gain a 3rd to over the countries quotes. but how is this?
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i mean, how could missing yahoo continue with this if there is these protests continue in the country? yes, no speaking about the this, the, i guess the, the on the graphic images and sofa the, the stable, the issue of the know is 64 feet above it. out of a 120, this is what he does is go see that stable government. so as long as he dialed his people, this like this, why shall, especially when this phone bobby, the gold and jayden deformation. in this case, it said the due date, june, next week, the situation is the system because some of the registration,
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the boss is being reviewed by the supreme this little green pool we own the registration. we have a really big of rush. this is my talk to the government do visiting what the no worries about the the of this green pool, not so much the most versioning the suite and a very lightning in need to add on the former is rails and buses as advocates that thank you so much for joining us today on the face of those the week the 9 gulf of western powers in the in the pacific region as it contains china and isolate rushing, i'm not a single into rushes for mazda c, alongside his bangladesh. she counterparts on other historic visit to that country and we have the list and we put on the d 0 them. if we analyze everything that the
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americans and their allies are doing to promote their interest under the guise of so called in the pacific strategies that we will understand that of course, one of the main goals is to contain china and isolate restaurant in this region. that is part of an absolutely global process of nato expansion led by washington. what all of this is aimed at undermining the security architecture that has been created over the course of a decade by aussie on initiated formats. those formats have included on an equal basis. the united states, as well as china, russia, and india, decisions were made by consensus, which was precisely what washington and it satellite states did not like surgery lateral has spoken to laws and very emotional about the various and repeated attempts by the us and so called collective west to undermine the work of the c on an east asia. some is that we just came from in jakarta as
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a source to bring that ukraine conflict into the discussions and try to pace their position and their vision of the situation on regional players restaurants for minister has concluded that eventually, fortunately, the so called se on spirit one and the countries were able to adopt the final declaration based on mutual interests and mutual respect and cooperation of confrontation and for most a balanced position. this is what mr. level has to say that the did send you some of our western colleagues, unfortunately joined by some asian countries, have been trying to undermine this event by trying to impose the printing issue onto the agenda. the countries of the east agent summit deserve to be commended for their ability to reject those attempts. the east asian summits will focus on the agenda if that does not include any such jewel political issues. as for the ukrainian issue, which is brought up by some western countries, other countries are tired of this. and those countries would like to work rather
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than support the propaganda used to wage that conflict against russia. smuggled issues among many countries facing tremendous western pressure. fennel towing the line in regards to rush a friend conflict more than a year ago americans victorian newlands demanded the banquet dash joined the west native war drive against russia following a special military ration. and the frame besides bangladesh has been subject to the various sanctions and paced by the us administration, but eventually bundled this just like most of the country is united under the c on and east asia summers umbrella has chosen high line and rich reality regarding the writings on the i had a chance to us the best for ministers opinion about this cornering policy of the west of so many countries between a rock and a hard place. this is what he on sorry. we follow on interest. and to today we are
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maintaining your ready independence solver and this equals in all those we have, we won, cut out objectives to dissolve all the issues through dialogue and discussion started. pollution is very simple. we don't want to see any proxy were in, in this, in this range, we should resolve all the issues through piece for dialogue and discussion. to me saying he's bundle discount so far. it was the 1st thing to do for live or off after lang things in the capital city bank with ash he's a long standing and reliable park of most go here in south asia. back in 1972. the soviet union wasn't on the 1st or recognizing dependence on the bind for the ash, and the 2 states diplomatic relations have just marked their 50th anniversary last year. this is the 1st ever visit of a russian foreign minister to base republic and local media have already called it a historic event showing that the g stay so now moving towards haven,
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bigger cooperation and close to ties. and that is something that both top this for months have confirmed. the process here verifies necessary as even large one is in effect 2 way to reduce moscow's influence on the content. there is a lot of disinformation and inexperience in these candidate countries. it's a new show you needs to help this country is to fight against the russian influence strategy as much as possible. well, respecting the sovereignty. the most important thing is to send a steady message on these countries place in the you. so service call as a you has already taken a significant efforts to prevent in russia in russian influence. one is total feed that has a included binding motion, media outlets. i'm social movements restricting associated cloud from overnight stations. i'm put some policies as was limiting, fade and freezing assets as far as phase, and much as the
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e. u is preparing for another in laws with that could bring in up to 8 new members, including ukraine. ukraine 1st exec is gold of obtaining full human bishop back in 2005 and signed in the association. and we went almost a decade later in 2014. however, before the grand conference, you officially repeatedly said you claim didn't meet necessary membership requirements. so all code a member states must agree for this would be an enlargement. there is speculation and that's something that is for example, hungry might veto ukraine's bid for a session. as discussed as a little bit further, that was lives to also i'm physical as nicholas local age nichol. thanks so much for joining us. a now from this is your opinion, offensiveness that fails the unique town. so another lead did moscow plot to weaken the blog. what she will take on that to this is quite a farcical i,
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let's not forget that i would say russian outlets like a r t and split new can been banned in practically, in practically all, a european countries that all these european countries have their own outlets where they are, have their own propaganda invoice, the narrative day in day out all over the media to say that they are worried or that they have to counter a russian sauce. power offensive is a, is quite funny because the truth is, what they don't want to read me is that a lot of people in the west actually do not see that. do not see what that what the you policy is, for example, in ukraine or in africa are, are correct. and the simple fact that they are voicing their concerns. the simple fact that they are fighting for different opinions that they want a debate is, uh, is obviously for the you proof that the russians are behind them. but they're not the rest of the rest of media into account. and i don't think much it has the means
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to be behind all these experts, pundits specialist, jew politicians, politicians themselves, who are just voicing another uh, another vision of, of the you of us and the relationship with russia. yeah, it's interesting as a sphere that's but doesn't really we do. we know why really it seems to be concerned that russian invalids may from then some kind of do some joining the broker on that. but a way of saying goes, nathan said joining doesn't include no black face documenting the competition. you know, and i think they actually shooting themselves in the, in the foot because people are just 2 opponents of you and argument a who on the basis of you results on the basis of you and freedom of speech on the basis of you and poverty. you and homelessness, you and unemployment. i just don't want you in an argument. and these people are
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not all pro russian. but to sing that the only argument of people in brussels and the commission or in the council are saying today is that these are pro russian assets. is actually making the opposition to you and argument i, i would say quite stronger and that they don't like being the senior point 8 or a name tag. they just want the debate. they want the discussion and i think this is just showing that by refusing to be paid by refusing the discussion with people who are i don't think that the you an argument is a good idea by refusing this b e was showing a to tell it terry and you, which is scaring actually all the people. so i think this is actually backfiring. and this attitude coming out of brussels is actually fueling as you feeling not only in the countries which are not in the you today, but countries which are in the u as well. scientists and new to see how things pop out. but oh, is it good to hear from you? nicholas markovich,
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all the honest microsoft for joining us today. and i want to thank you for who has taught official on consignment issues, haven't admitted that. even though the usa is one of the world's biggest polluters, it won't be full into paying compensation for natural dissolves. as the tennessee cools by those emissions. this is not a unique position for the united states and many nations in the world. we have said we're not going to create a liability structure on the court, changing the dynamics and everything we do in a very negative way. we're not going to do that. mother nature doesn't choose between the emissions of one country and those of another would affect some other nature. is the total emissions that go into the atmosphere. john kerry made those colorless to the media on the sidelines of this week. african climate summit in kenya. he has insisted that while we us support the so called loss and damage


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