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tv   News  RT  September 8, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the the, the headlines on off the international as us troops of putting up states in need at the heading out of the capital city and on the move for less than 2 months softer a military to with west african countries. lot amazing landscape threatens the e u, the ukraine will take legal measures if a day that you, you continued to impose restrictions on the import and sales of grain for his country. for my wife and partners, seek to put a red shouldn't russia's relations with countries to be in the pacific. that message coming from the russian foreign minister on his 1st f, a diplomatic, resist the bank with a loop. if we analyze everything that the americans and their allies are doing so we will understand that of course, one of the main goals is to contain china and isolate russia into this region.
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the of moving and checking in the world that already 10 am locally here and most of the top stories stock now. so the us is on the move in the chair and putting it circled asset solved with a capital city. and now it's shifting to a secondary base right in the middle of the country. and of course, it all comes off of the west african nations or a crew over on the government. that was 2 months ago. what we're doing right now is the department is repositioning some of our personnel and some of our assets from air base one o, one in the i'm a to air base 2 o 2 o one in august as well as folks present to the pentagon. just confirm that the us is planning to re position some troops and equipment with the new share outside the capital city of new me. now as for the number of this year,
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so it will be re position. we are still waiting to see if we will find that out if that's something that the us will release. now this comes after an anonymous report came out earlier stating that this was likely to be the case depending on just confirmed it. of course, we know that the military coup in the west african nation of need year occurred back in july, which left the status of around $1100.00 troops and millions of dollars in u. s. military bases and equipment up in the air, while the us and friends which has around 1500 troops stationed in new sheriffs, has come out against the cube, and called for the house of leader mohammed buzzing to return to power. their threats had was you know, action. in fact, the military officials who took power in the share have called for the french and bastard to leave the country doubling down on their end. so this is the 1st time that we're seeing action coming from the united states. the russian for an
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intelligence service is warning that the us government is considering whether to assassinate the leaders of the new military administration in these year. their report noted that was the white house is not satisfied with advance in the former french colony. it does not want to rely on military intervention by new shares, regional neighbors. and it consider that a what works solution by proxy would be preferable to military action by aga was. let's take a listen to more from that report. us intelligence agencies of returning to the practice of illuminating, inconvenient for and leaders the white house is working on various options for strengthening democracy in these year. american see a more effective option as the physical elimination of push this leaders who have the support of the majority of the population. so on one hand, go off, has threatened military intervention. frances even said that they would support it, but on the other hand, the military governments in molly and burkina faso have said that they would stand
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with the new leadership in new share, which has led to the client stand off. but again, this is the 1st time that we're seeing reports and now confirmation from the kind of gone of movement surrounding the us. troops were still stationed there. and so we were gauging reaction to this with a full but us sentence of richard black. and i'm quoting to him of the reason who was and asked to reflect the will of the people to and what he calls weston dominance. all not comfortable. and i think that there's a, there's an uprising against france all across the belts of, of, of africa. the african people are very upset about frames that feel like even after colonial france folded it's 10, some 71 right. there has been this under cover colonialism that is continues to operate june africa. now the united states has
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a major drone facility in new here with about 1100 troops. and we, we do in the direction of the various forces that, uh, presumably, or, or a terrorist in nature. i'd be very surprised if there were not claims lady twice to attempt to overthrow the government. that doesn't necessarily mean it was going to happen, but it's sort of the contingency. what do you do in case certain things on for? so a great deal of what actually happens as opposed to just mere planning is, is again, based on the, the, will, the strength from the unity of the people of new share. and right now, and at least at this very moment,
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i think is very offered for either the united states or for france or even for equal was to attempt to take military action. it would be really difficult to the term for something with a science of nations. because they, the crew is not my one person, it sorted by as a group of military leaders who really represent they, the nation of you the share i will of staying on the content and not with a central african nation have gone with the new military government has announced that its full, my president who was ousted just over about a week ago now. apparently he's no longer on the house arrest. he's fortunately able to check out any time he like, i will, i promise you all in the committee for the transition and restoration of the institutions reaffirms that given his state of health,
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the former president of the republic, allie bongo on, don't. but is free to move, he can, if he wishes to go abroad for medical checkups. it was on television that the announcement was made by the military. the former president, alief bongo, is free to move. he is authorized to leave the country to seek medical treatments. since the crew in august we found go and his family were under house arrest. the former president appeared in a brief video to complain about the conditions of his detention and called on his supporters to speak out and protest. only bongos party has now welcome to his release, positively, but those opposing the decision have maintained that ali pongo owes accounts to the gap and these people and would leave the country with impunity. searching give us q, but it is an approach that must be well explained to the government east people because we must not erase all the misdeeds. so the system and end up saying that this has all been for nothing. if the president of the ball and go to the team,
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but it's free, he's sitting on an enormous mass of money, which makes him one of the richest people in africa without say to the poor guy. but he's, that's how they fall and all can leave without demanding anything from him. all those who have been selling tones of gold or bank notes. it's small, bish compared with what alley bone go has. we must reassure they've got buddies, people, they will be just that have granted amnesty, but he must return all parts of what belongs to the guy. but these people, it will be scandalously fond of the pretext that he's deal. you have the possibility of simply coming and going. if we're talking about a truth and reconciliation commission, it is because everyone must come and tell the company's people. it is on this occasion that we must be able to forgive 5 leave, that there is a need to say that he's authorized to seek treatment. but he remains at the disposal of the justice system and the nation to answer for his access to that is
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going to only be what told him what the chief editor of the grade. so next, bloom and fold out. he says, regardless of the nepotism that ultimately made out a bongo president good buttons actively that has been known to have some rather important friend. thanks to western support, despite the obvious displays of corruption and talk, receive in double and ali baba was made an agenda contributor by the davos based world economic forum. he was named as obama's man in africa by foreign policy magazine. he was welcome to the white house not once, but twice, seated next to brock obama in 2014, at the us africa summit to be regarded by pop legend, lionel richie. she was a key, allied in breaking the independence of africa. ali baba was the 1st african leader to denounce mow market duffy when he was facing a nato back jihadist insurgency during the so called arab spring. and he provided
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a key security council vote in support of nato's disaster as military intervention in libya after govern was rotated onto the security council by the us . so to the libby, a disaster may never have happened without this corrupt autocrat back by the us. so this entire saga, this sad saga that the people of the bonus faced and which they're seeking some kind of respite from, has been prepared in washington in the, by the administration fully intended to continue this relationship with all the bundle until he was removed from power but you might be surprised to hear that ukraine's president has threatening legal action against the newer p in union. let him is, the landscape says that that's on the table. if indeed the blog continues to bind the impulse of grain from his country. those sales are admittedly a cash cow for the key of government. your brain is strongly against and his
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father restrictions on the export. the problem, right? your brand is fighting for life. and for our call on your values on the beth, and see if they have divide for your brain as and, and the visas of our. com on your, in our recreation, we will supply if we need to fight on the platforms of international organizations . okay, we'll do it as well. here we go again. other around the team, unity fight club. taking off in one corner. we have vladimir princess zalinski and the other corner. the entire european union. wrecked by ursula, queen vander, line, and use a jungle burrell. and more specifically, this time it's the eastern and central european countries that zalinski is picking a fight with all because 5 you countries. so poland, bulgaria, hungry, romania, i'm so back here are only agreeing to to allow the you to transits your training
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great. across the territories and not import grain that can result. and there's a lot of grain getting stuck in those countries flooding their own grain markets and driving down the price of their own farmers supply, which is exactly what happened before this band that set to expire on september 15th. but the affected countries warranty extended to the end of the year. now this band has caused a risk within the european union as well because of the countries that are suffering from the problem. don't really see what the big deal is. the masters of 22 e u countries opposed as a proposal of the central european states or reactive skeptically to it. france and germany have shown the most critical attitude towards the extension of the band. not only does it western europe care, but there's long been speculation to some of these countries in western europe, which already produce more grain than they need,
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have been using the chief few framing grain to fatten up their livestock. ukrainian grain has been for trade by western leaders as going to feed africa and asia under the black sea greenville, which russia has said that much of it was still under that deal just going to europe. and now even zalinski seems to be alluding to that, saying that quote, we calmly watch as our grand becomes a source of good income for various european countries that process our agricultural products and make money on logistics. farmers in different countries use ukrainian fee for the benefit of their far. he said yeah, like spanish pigs, perhaps spanish for production sales skyrocketed when you creating grain started flowing into spain. but that's cool. comfort for countries like poets whose farmers were paying the price would be using the ability to adhere to its own stated principles and mandate of feeding the world's poor with you printing brain. and
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instead, they ended up dumping it all over themselves like a toddler. this is the message from prime minister, my to is more of its key, extending the band until the end of the year is beneficial for our farmers and for the european union. the interest of polish farmers is more important than any of the blocks regulations. you know what frances lensky says is more important than polish farmers. unity solidarity are common european values. he said in this speech, she's pretty much just copying. queen ursula is recipe for world salad. now, what he's saying is, come on guys, sell out your own farmers to stick it to russian present environment, food and even if it's right before a national action in the case of poland. but if you don't do what you create in watts, then we'll go solicit an institution of global governance through arbitration and ask them to come punch you in the face. because in teen you, the 5 club matches a rig. ukraine always has to win at all costs are right now for the past the out
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here in moscow, russia is foreign minister, has just been welcomed in buying glib, dashed by the country's prime minister in his 1st diplomatic visit to the country a. so get up for off is now holding pole to the shake has seen us today. the richard comes as part of a to the set to strengthen ties between the rupture and nations and the in the pacific. upholding to so again, for all, for the main goal of western powers in the region is to contain china or isolate russia with the russian foreign minister delivers that message alongside is bangladesh and counter pod they have the 0 to if we analyze everything that the americans and their allies are doing to promote their interest under the guise of so called in the pacific strategies that we will understand that of course, one of the main goals is to contain china and isolate restaurant in this region. that is part of an absolutely global process of nato expansion led by washington
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working. all of this is aimed at undermining the security architecture that has been created over the course of a decade by i'll see on initiated formats. those formats have included on an equal basis the united states, as well as china, russia, and india. decisions were made by consensus, which was precisely what washington and its satellite states did not like surgery lateral has spoken to laws and very emotionally, about various and repeated attempts by the us and so called collective west to undermine the work of the c on an east. asia, some is that we just came from in jakarta as a source to bring that ukraine conflict into the discussions and try to pace their position in their vision of the situation. on original players. freshman's for administer has concluded that eventually, fortunately, the so called se on spirit one and the countries were able to adopt the final declaration based on mutual interests and mutual respect and cooperation of
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confrontation and for most a balance position. this is what mr. level has to say that we send you some of our western colleagues, unfortunately joined by some asian countries, have been trying to undermine this event by trying to impose the printing issue onto the agenda. the countries of the east agents summit deserve to be commended for their ability to reject those attempts. the east asian summits will focus on the agenda that does not include any such jew political issues. as for the ukrainian issue, which is brought up by some western countries, other countries are tired of this. and those countries would like to work rather than support the propaganda used to wage that conflict against russia smuggled issues among many countries facing tremendous western pressure. fennel towing the line hain regards to rashid franklin 6 more than a year ago. americans victorian newland demanded the banquet dash joined the wes nature war drive against russia following
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a special military for ration and ukraine. besides, bangladesh has been subject to various sanctions and paced by the us administration, but eventually bundle this just like most of the country is united under the sea on an east asia somers. umbrella has chosen high line on which rally keen regarding the ukrainians consulate. i have a chance to us to bundle dish for ministers. opinion about this cornering policy of the west coast with so many countries between a rock and a hard place. this is what he on service. we follow on interest. and today we are maintaining your ready independence solver in the future. in all those we have, we one cannot objectives to dissolve all the issues through dialogue and discussion style pollution is very simple. we don't want to see any proxy. we're in, in this, in this range,
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we should resolve all the issues through this for dialogue and discussion between his bundle discount so far it was the 1st thing to do for live off off. the main thing in the capital city bank with ashley is a long standing and reliable park of moscow here in south asia, back in 1972, the soviet union was him on the 1st or recognizing dependence on the ash and the 2 states diplomatic relations have just marked their 50th anniversary last year. this is the 1st ever visit of a russian foreign minister to base republic and local media have already called it a historic event showing that the 2 states and now moving towards haven, bigger cooperation and close the ties. and that is something that both top diplomats have concern. right, well the off the bank is ash rusher as far administer as getting off to india. that will be for the g 20 summit. it is kicking off. basically, i was from now. you are not a, you will be bringing you our special coverage from the forum as well as late as guides, a roommate the new multi polar world,
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which is very much here to stay the well, it is basically the 1st time that india is hosted the g 20 economic growth properties, cyber crime, or on the agenda, and the motto, this, the average one, a one family one future. however, before it's even started, the e. u has said that prepared a joint statement simply what do as a lacking in his condemnation of russia is role in that conflict in ukraine. let's learn a little bit more. shall we, is, maureen. acosta. did you 20 has always been seen as the main platform for the world? well, let's go a heavy ways to tackle pressing issues affect them the global economy, to find ways to help those in need to become stronger. the world is dealing with sore and inflation rising, that climate change energy and food crises,
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and countries that are being affected the most like the global south feel that their interests aren't being served in the g 20 international every. now, the thing that keeps me up at night is the mistrust is quickly pulling the global north and south and part at the time when we need to be united, the global se frustration is understandable. in many ways, they're paying the price for our prosperity. when they should be ascendant, their concern promise resources will be diverted to cranes reconstruction. they feel energy rules aren't deployed evenly constraining and vision. and they're worried. the group of powers who will pull down and of generation emotionally calling these are in need of help and they don't understand why. what sort of countries are raising interest rates and failing to give them enough money or solutions when it comes to critical problems. stemming, for instance, from climate change. another aspect that's not very reassuring is the fact that the jeeps, once the, can't even come to a consensus with the latest when the serial means and is not only failing to
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produce results, but not even a unified position. we're not able to reach an agreement on drastically increasing renewable energy. we're not able to reach an agreement on phasing out or decreasing fossil fuels, especially cold. and it's just very odd to see what happens outside this hotel, this d 20 in the real world, and to see the difficulties to find the right diplomatic wedding on these environmental issues. we were asked to make bold choices to demonstrate coverage commitments and leadership. but we collectively failed to achieve that. we cannot be driven by the lowest common denominator all by natural national interest. we cannot allow the pace of change to be said by the slowest move us in the room. this is a crisis. our ministerial convening is most deliberate progress. it is a colossal waste of time and admissions for us together. if our intention is merely to reiterate what we already know. so the world is in crisis and instead of producing the health growth and release the $220.00 is itself in
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a crisis as an organization. india, which is hosting the annual summit to this week, once the groups to work on reforms for multilateral bass to produce unified policies for crypto currencies. and it's a speed of that 20 for those in need bought the g 20 members seems to be super occupied with the roster ukraine conflict as they turn the platform. and so we get another political club where the was and its allies are demanding that all other members condemn russia. most members strongly condemned to war and ukraine. i'm stressed that it disclose in a man's human suffering and excessive bates and they exist and fragility of the global economy. there were all the views and different assessments of the situation . i'm functions. the 220 is an economic form, a financial form, a diplomatic form, not a political form. so we're talking about the economy to keep the g 20 and the ukraine war separates our complaints is that the g 20 is an economic platform by ignoring
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this, as the objective of the g. 20 focuses diverted elsewhere. the focus should be on development, especially in the global self. we're nations are really under heavy depths. this year somebody will be the 1st time that neither the russian nor the time is presidents will attend. and that has certainly been the blow they are both of course, sending the representative, but those leaders at since speaks volumes. it's clear that the global power balance is shifting new economic power houses have emerge the old friendship, such as the one between russia and china, have blossomed and new partnerships were formed, leading to a rise in popularity of all other international organizations, such as the shanghai corporation organizations bricks and of course, china's belts and roads and they see themselves as part of a multi pola world where their needs are heard and results are delivered. and just so you get the full picture together. they encompass around half of the world,
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the bread and scruples developing nations alone, which is just expanded significantly. well, now account for 37 percent of the world cvp, such countries, especially the global south, wants to feel that their voices matter in the international arena. and they expect an organizational life for 320 to take their issues into a town as much as it does for western powers. otherwise, what's the point? if you've got to do, try to catch out special coverage of the world's most powerful economic summit. and so we're going to be live here on how to international with us special coverage kicking off essentially today are the major developments. and we will suppose that across our host of social media channels. and of course our website on the dot com, [000:00:00;00] the 2 edits a uh,
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now with the government is actually drawn attention to reason and violence against citizens of the east and the african nation who are living abroad. the claim that attacks have been orchestrated by foreign intelligence agencies including the likes of israel's must have a lesson for yourselves. in the past few weeks, we have seen organized acts of violence in vandalism, and a number of cities in europe and elsewhere against festivals and other natural events. organized by that you're trained communities in the d. as for the few tile, acts of subversion perpetrated through surrogate and road groups are in essence sponsored by major intelligence agencies, including massage bewildered, as they are by the indomitable resilience of the era tree and people the desperately seek to foment division within their ranks. i mean, i'm industry is a stipend comes off the crowds at a tire and governments the folders on opponents fast with each other and is ready police and salary. if the fighting occurred during celebrations, commemorating 30 years to be at
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a trading president holding office demonstrators by facing off from both sides, causing some buildings damaged, dozens of injuries reported as well and responds to israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is called for the foreigners involved in the violence to old b, swiftly expelled from the country. at the special ministerial committee, we asked for a few swift measures including expelling 1000 regime supporters who took part in these riots. they cannot, of course, claim to be refugees, the support that regimes if they supported so much, they can return to their country of origin. the massive, illegal infiltration of illegal workers from africa and to israel, constitutes a tangible threat to the future of israel as a jewish and democratic state. similar incidents have actually a code. another country is just a couple of months ago. rival groups, the class during a music festival of the accusations were made that is organized as were accused of spreading at
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a tray on state propaganda. a police had to get involved that last month, a cultural event in sweden and do with that a tray. i know position protested attacking people who are attending in support of africans, countries the governments have to so i think about, okay, they opinion now about john lift and garrison. he thinks that the editor in a political opposition has perhaps become entangled with external access. the not protestors, they were attackers, they attacked violently, attacked the assessable, even if they have an objection to the air tree, and government that does not justify violently attacking a group of peaceful, hardworking law abiding taxpaying citizens. which is what these people at the festivals were. the opposition, most of it is not air trend. it is the position of the 2 great people's liberation,
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friends, their representatives in the west. and they are to feel it is a longstanding u. s. client. these attacks on the festivals are a tags on air tree a, which is one of the use us as most greatest enemies. and it's amazing because there's a tiny cum country with it, but it has the population of cuba, but very much like to be. and then it provides a health care and education to everyone. it has a different economic model, and it doesn't take a mess or world bank that. so it's fiercely independent. that of course, in periods the us and although it's, it's weapon ization of human rights against territory. it's course about how air tree is human rights abuse or is relentless. all right, before we wrap up with this alex program here, analogy, international mold, those will conduct joined military drills alongside us and romanian troops starting this sunday. and then we'll go over the defense ministry,
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announced the so called rapid trident exercises in an official statement around a $500.00 soldiers will be involved in the drills that are set to be aimed at improving coordination among the trio forces and tell them as, as the cm old of increased its military budget by 68 percent, with even washington helping by sending drones sniper and assault rifles through the country stops open. alto mold over base independent unless they're called them l. p via he says the event is old, part of it in a tent to fold mold over into the western sphere of influence using a chair. now initially joint exercises with the americans were held in order for my bills to get closer to nato. be closer to the euro atlantic block and somehow enter its fear of control after the events of 2022, we see that such exercises have other goals. it seems to me that the united states


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