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tv   News  RT  September 8, 2023 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration, the on the move as washington and re positioning says, troops and crew hit need. yeah. but that's the same contingent once you shocks us, senators who are not even aware that america's military was even present and not the west african countries automated the threatening, the e u, the ukraine might take legal action if it continues to impose restrictions on the import in the sales of great from his country unfold by western partners seeking to put a wrench in russia, his relationship with countries in the, in the pacific. that message coming directly from the russian foreign minister during its 1st i'd diplomatic visit to bangladesh. if we analyze everything that the americans and their allies are doing, then we will understand that, of course,
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one of the main pools is to contain china and isolate russia in this region, the okay, but right now, one's done by for the kick off of this is g 20 summit in new delhi, a could be a press conference coming up as soon as our special coverage of rooftop studio is getting up and running more of that later in the program. but for right now, the us is on the move in these yeah, pulling it's so cold assets out of the capital city and shifting to a secondary base in the heart of the country. it does come off of the west african nations or to overrun that government. now 2 months ago, what we're doing right now is the department is repositioning some of our personnel and some of our assets from air base 101 in near may to air base to a 201 in august as let's get more details on this right now,
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costing live to look or a boat, a timothy, i'll be a see what areas tim, you're joining us from a boot just off at 10 o'clock in the morning where you are now. what is the latest that we know what's happening in the jerry sounds like the us is a well re positioning troops. yes, they are. in fact, the vice of the us of the shuttle has just spoken. you know, um it does come from bad and on yesterday it was reported by the rotors news agency the you know, by an official who we didn't want to be named and what we see. ready that the us is there, but it has decided to take that step out of an abundance of caution. and i'm also prudent. i'm, you know, military planning. i get this and um, you know, the ad face to a walk in august and um ebay is 101 in miami, rob armada, and you know, 700 kilometers upon it is not a class. whether you know,
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how many are the number of the number of farm personnel about what been both training? and of course, the shout also did say that, you know, dude been moving non essential questionnaire also, but did not give details on how many of them would be move in. but what if this client is back to you? as i said that this is done out of caution. the us house around 1100 troops and these new sure and um, you know, the steps have been helping news as military and they use um counter carry, same appraise sense. and um, uh, but bad things to cool. what happened in late july i was seeing these um, operations uh come to a hallway which isn't the one they are are the united states. it's you have to officially designate, you know, by soon some of the throw as a cool with the country has started, but it is pursuing a pro magic resolution to the problem that but in the event that you know, it is designated as, of course, that could mean that, you know,
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the military cooperation between the us and a new jersey might be terminated or, you know, there might be limits to the extent of how, you know, during the us military, what's the frame um, to me just military. and um, it's also important to say a notes that, um, you know, the, you should be say about this news man has been done, you know, with cooperation or approval from the new sure data from these guys are military authorities. as far as, as we know what the us is now, i guess we're moving his assets out of the capital in the army and moving it's over a 1000 troops now to a base 700 kilometers away in the sun to as you say, i love to report a timothy over you guys, we appreciate the update. thank you very much. well, with around the 750 minutes, rebase is world wide. it is kind of hard to keep track of bill just a few years ago, washington officials that they didn't even know they had troops stationed in asia.
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and we can use the reaction or former us senator richard black. according to him, the reason cool was in africa reflect the true will of the people to end what he calls western dominance on the continent. and i think that there's a, there's an uprising against france all across the belts of, of, of africa. the african people are very upset about frames that feel like even after colonial france folded it's 10 some the same one way. there has been this under cover colonialism that is, continues to operate do now for go. now the united states has a major drone facility in new here with about 1100 troops. and we, we do the diction of various forces that have
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presumably, or, or a terrorist in nature. i'd be very surprised if there were not claims waiting twice to attempt to overthrow the government. that doesn't necessarily mean it was going to happen, but it's sort of the contingency. what do you do in case certain things on for? so a great deal of what actually happens as opposed to just mere planning is, is, again, based on the, the will, the strength and the unity of the people of new share. and right now uh, at least at this very moment, i think it's very offered for either the united states or for france or even for eco was to attempt to take military action. it would be really difficult to accomplish something with assassinations because the,
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the crew is not my one person sort of by a, a group of military leaders who really represent the, the nation of you do share last day on the continental and out of the central african nation of the bottom of the new military government has announced that it's full month. preston who was ousted just a week or so ago was no longer on the house arrest. he's apparently free to check out at any time he like of the process. you all in the committee for the transition and restoration of the institutions reaffirms they've given his state of health. the former president of the republic alley bond go on. dumb is free to move. he can, if he wishes to go abroad for medical checkups it was on television that the announcement was made by the military. the former president, ali bongo, is free to move. he is authorized to leave the country to seek medical treatment
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since the crew in august. we found go, and his family were under house arrest. the former president appeared in a brief video to complain about the conditions of his detention and called on his supporters to speak out and protest. ali bongos party has now welcome to his release, positively, but those opposing the decision have maintained that ali bongo o's accounts to the gap and these people, and would leave the country with impunity. searching to it is an approach that must be well explained to the government east, people because we must not erase all the misdeeds. so this system and end up saying that this has all been for nothing. if president of the bottom go to the team, but it's free, he's sitting on an enormous mass of money, which makes him one of the richest people in africa. we cannot say to the poor guy, but he's that's how they bombed all can leave without demanding anything from him. all those who have been selling tones of gold or bank notes,
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it's small bush compared with what alley boned go has. we must reassure the guy, but he's people they will be judged that have granted amnesty, but he must return all parts of what belongs to the guy. but these people, it will be scandalously fond of the pretext that he's ill. you have the possibility of simply coming and going. if we're talking about a truth and reconciliation commission, it is because everyone must come and tell the company's people. it is on this occasion that we must be able to forgive 5 believe that there's a need to say that he's authorized to seek treatments, but he remains at the disposal of the justice system and the nation to answer for his access to them in order. oh, they were talking to with the chief editor of the grades the next blumenthal. so he says regardless of the nepotism that actually made ali baba president a good buttons, i'll say the to has to be known to have some very well. so we say important friend thanks to western support,
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despite the obvious displays of corruption and i talk receive in double and ali baba was made an agenda contributor by the davos based world economic for him. he was named as obama's man in africa by foreign policy magazine. he was welcome to the white house not once, but twice, seated next to brock obama in 2014, at the us africa summit to be regarded by pop legend, lionel richie. she was a t ally in breaking the independence of africa. ali baba was the 1st african leader to denounce mow market duffy when he was facing a nato back jihadist insurgency during the so called arab spring. and he provided a key security council vote in support of nato's disaster as military intervention in libya after govern was rotated onto the security council by the us . so to the libby,
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a disaster may never have happened without this corrupt autocrat back by the us. so this entire saga, this sad saga that the people have the bonus faced and which they're seeking some kind of respite from, has been prepared in washington in a bind administration fully intended to continue this relationship with all the bunco until he was removed from power pretty surprising moved from key of fest ukraine's president, his threatening legal action against you are a p in union. let him know that landscape says that's on the table. if indeed the block continues to bind him, ports of grain from his country. those sales are admittedly a cash cow for the key of government. your brain is strongly against and his father restrictions on the export. the problem, right? your brand is fighting for life and for all calling on your be in those on the better the sale. if we have to provide for your brain as and,
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and the visas of our. com on your, in our recreation, we will apply if we need to fight on the platforms of international organization. okay, we'll do it as well. here we go again, other around the team unity fight club. taking off in one corner, we have vladimir princess zalinski and the other corner, the entire european union. rex. via ursula, queen vander, line and use of jungle burrell. and more specifically, this time it's the eastern and central european countries that zalinski is picking a fight with all because 5 e u countries. so poland, bulgaria, hungry, romania and so back here are only agreeing to to allow the you to transits. your training great across are territories and not import grain that could result in a lot of grain getting stuck in those countries flooding their own grain markets and driving down the price of their own farmers supply. which is exactly what
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happened before this band that set to expire on september 15th, but the affected countries warranty extended to the end of the year. now this band has caused a risk within the european union as well because of the countries that are suffering from the problem. don't really see what the big deal is. the masters of 22 e u countries opposed as a proposal of the central european states or reactive skeptically to it. france and germany have shown the most critical attitude towards the extension of the band. not only does it western europe care, but there's long and speculation to some of these countries in western europe, which already produce more grain than they need, have been using the chief peak, raining grain to fatten up their livestock. ukrainian grain has been for trade by western leaders as going to feed africa and asia under the black sea green deal, which russia has said that much of it was still under that deal just going to europe. and now even zalinski seems to be alluding to that, saying that quote,
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we calmly watch as our grand becomes a source of good income for various european countries that process our agricultural products and make money on logistics. farmers in different countries use ukranian fee for the benefit of their far. he said yeah, like spanish pigs, perhaps spanish for production sales skyrocketed when you creating grain started flowing into spain. but that's cool. comfort for countries like polaroid whose farmers were paying the price would be using ability to adhere to its own stated principles and mandate of feeding the world's poor with you training grain. and instead they ended up dumping it all over themselves like a toddler. this is the message from prime minister, my 2 years more of it ski, extending the band until the end of the year is beneficial for our farmers and for the european union. the interest of polish farmers is more important than any of
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the blocks regulations. you know what price this elaine ski says is more important than polish farmers. unity solidarity are common european values. he said in this speech, he's pretty much just copying cleaners to his recipe for world salad. now, what he's saying is, come on guys, sell out your own farmers to stick it to russian present environment, food and even if it's right before a national action in the case of poland. but if you don't do what you create in watts, then we'll go solicit an institution of global governance through arbitration and ask them to come punch you in the face. because in team unity, 5 club matches a rig. ukraine always has to win at all costs or just on a quarter past. down here at moscow, russia is foreign minister had been welcome to the in bangladesh by the country's prime minister in his 1st diplomatic visit to the country. so got off or off has been holding, told to shake has seen it today. otherwise it comes as part of
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a to that is set to strengthen ties between rusher and nations in the, in the pacific. and according to it's okay now for all, for the main goal of western powers in that region is the, contain china and isolated russia. the russian foreign minister deliberate data direct statement along side has bind glinda actually count about the easier to if we analyze everything that the americans and their allies are doing to promote their interest under the guise of so called in the pacific strategies that we will understand that of course, one of the main goals is to contain china and isolate russia in this region. that is part of an absolutely global process of nato expansion led by washington. all of this is aimed at undermining the security architecture that has been created over the course of a decade. biopsy on initiated formats. those formats have included on an equal basis the united states, as well as china, russia,
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and india. decisions were made by consensus, which was precisely what washington and its satellite states did not like surgeon lab row has spoken to laws and very emotional about the various and repeated attempts by the us and so called selective west to undermine the work of the i see on an east asia, some is that we just came from and a car to us as a source to bring that ukraine conflict into the discussions and try to pace, therapist they should. and they vision of the situation on regional players. restaurants for administer has concluded that eventually, fortunately, the so called se on spirit one and the countries were able to adopt the final declaration based on mutual a, to re send, mutual respect and cooperation of confrontation and for most a balanced position. this is what mr. elaborate has to say that was the reason you some of our western colleagues, unfortunately joined by some asian countries, have been trying to undermine this event by trying to impose the printing issue
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onto the agenda. the countries of the east agents summit deserve to be commended for their ability to reject those attempts. the east asian summits will focus on the agenda that does not include any such jew political issues. as for the ukrainian issue, which is brought up by some western countries, other countries are tired of this. and those countries would like to work rather than support the propaganda used to wage that conflict against russia. smuggled issues among many countries facing tremendous western pressure control towing the line in regards to rashid frank conflict. more than a year ago americans victorian newland demanded the bunker dash joined the wes nature war drive against russia following a special military operation and ukraine. besides, bundle dash has been subject to various sanctions and paced by the us administration, but eventually bundled this just like most of the countries united under the c on and east asia summers umbrella has chosen high line and rich riley teen regarding.
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i do apologize for interrupting the report from or if for an option or it's just up to 3 pm also in delhi, the g twenty's kicking off. already people are making statements that's listen, drive board, sustainable, strong and inclusive growth. the 2nd key priority for us was to have access, rated sustainable development goals goals, because literally 12 of the 169 s b g s. these are on track and we are, we're behind the schedule a we a midway of the 20 took the action fine, but we are, we're behind them. therefore, accelerating us disease, improving learning outcomes, health outcomes, nutrition, all of these were very critical for in the us presidents. hardly. we
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wanted the word to take the lead on green development in the context of climbers action, unemployment finance. and there was some of the components of this which we wanted to drive. and therefore being development climate action plan would finance was up toward prior. and because both as the jeez, climate action require finance, particularly for developing and w, the developing and emerging markets in the global south. it was critical that'd be focused on multi lateral institutions of the 21st century. how do we design and reform them? on our view was that global
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south developing countries, emerging markets, which has been a very, very key component. the windows presidency must be able to get logged on financing and must be able to use new instruments for financing to drive both as d g and collaborate finance. so the 5th priority of in the us presidency was that we must have technology development and digital public infrastructure. because if we have to lift last segment of the population, you have to make a difference to the global salt technology wouldn't be the key driver and the most of the innovations in the world and have come from the big thick in the west. and even in china, they've come from big tech,
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but india as created a very unique model of digital public infrastructure, which is open source, open a b. i is interoperable and has enabled digital identity for every citizen as the neighbor bank accounts for every citizens as a neighbor to everyone to do foss payments, as it enabled everyone to improve learning outcomes and health outcomes. and during the quote would be very able to do 2200000000 colored vaccinations and therefore technology development and how to use digital public infrastructure to drive growth . when for billing, people know, the why do not have digital identity about people and people are, do not i bank accounts and all of 132 countries do not have foss payments. that was critical for, from india's priorities perspective. and the last few berardi was the prime
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minister elucidated. and which you felt very strongly about was women left developing to bring them and let develop and to bring women involvement and gender equality. so be, that'd be in the 6th prize use of india on which we are what we had started on the presidency by on which the board and security were to talk about with the meeting or the why. so the global south, we got the perspective of $125.00 leaders and then be the main focus on the perspective of the global assault and the requirements of the developing countries . and then you're telling me does declination which many of you will see. both the summit, as you will see, the source of the global south under developing countries,
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nor documented the world would have such a strong was for the global. it's out the developing countries as the new the leaders declaration. and therefore, the prime ministers wish him off in the us do during the presidency, being a very inclusive presidency, has to be not a does be that huge scale. and v tobin this presidency that will be 19 to 20 countries any use and the u. that means $29.00 special invite these countries that will be in 3 regional organizations that will be 11 international organizations who participated in all the $220.00 meetings that took place in india. we weren't able to use this opportunity to take the meeting to over 60
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cities of india and every state and every union. better deal than to use this opportunity to demonstrate the liveliness, the vibrancy and the dynamism of windows federal policy. every state vigorously participated on b, but able to problems conflicts and big off your strands formation through the city infrastructure and city 60 cities. when deed went these i had the girls other countries, they are headed in the capital a maximum 2 cities. in this case, we've held them over 60 cities of india and use this as an opportunity to transform them. so ladies and gentlemen, we've had, well, a vase, the biggest participation indeed when the from across the was we have had after, because highest level participation. in addition to the $29.00 countries we have at
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$32.00 additional countries. we've had, we've been the worst of the global south. we've done a huge number of indian uh, getting the speed that we've use this opportunity also to push a huge amount of indian not native to one district, one product. that is every district which has come out with a product focused. that was the only gift 3 gave to all the visitors who came to getting our presidency so that we could have an impact on the lives of our designs . we have focused on minutes, which is critical from the we point of sustainability of agriculture. we have focused on achievements of india as a mother of democracy has focused on the digital transformation and digital public infrastructure. uh so with these few words, there isn't gentleman,
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i can assure you that the presidency has to be an inclusive, decisive, and action oriented. i've usually lead us declaration is almost ready. i would not like to dwell on it because this declaration will be the commended to the lead of the leaders was then accepted on only updated. it's been accepted by the lead us. i will be able to really be able to talk about the actual achievements of this declaration with these 2 words. i conclude thank you very much. thank you very much . so mean i know and with the flow to she address it, there was finance deputy, so without the thoughts laquisha. so one of the priorities which the finance liquored was
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100 during the course of the presidency under the leadership all fall prime. and it's still not in movie the focus and the vision, all going to the presidency has been the big focus for the global discourse. the shoes, which make a difference to people's lives, leads to extra nibble. decidable? substantively and inclusive growth. and then follow the global growth. keeping dec laguna in mind. the priorities which are set and endorsed by finance, ministers and governors. infinity in the fox meeting in ben ludo, some of them will hope it's printing marty that the lumen banks full challenges,
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opportunity for us to include some of them. i know how to support the strong, sustainable balance and inclusive grow up in the midst of the cutting challenges with the board is facing in the same way. how to manage the deck when the abilities with several countries. obviously, you know, they'll be under these was that how the technology can be used. a lot of financial inclusion for productivity gains, water patients for private sector. similarly, the new 4 pieces of technology such as block channel can be beneficial and yet how to build it policy discourse,
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the policy approaches and what city regulation building consensus that on that. so these are some of the abilities and during the course of the year in more than $25.00 meetings or various looking groups, ministers, deputies, these have been deliberated with very intense supports. and one unique feature of the water has been filtered rather 2 big elements. 2 big differences, one was to go beyond those structured meetings and at each almost like the seminar side, evening symposiums in whitening domestics as well as global exports and generating and very intense discussion to find as robust republic, newsome loving.


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