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tv   Going Underground  RT  September 9, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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i cool, again, salvador, i and the united states holds its own 911. then you'll a ceremony tomorrow. the 22nd anniversary of an atrocity that led to the 20 year war and then defeats in afghanistan. so is the president washington war on russia through ukraine 1000000 echo all of that us defeat in afghanistan? joining me now for in salt lake city in utah is a former us missile defense agency consultants. i'm current deputy director of national operations for the us task force on national and homeland security david pine. david, thanks so much for coming on before i gets to the war. and can i just ask you because of obviously everyone's looking at the tragedy in hawaii. so many people killed the west fires and so on. already e m p. you might have to explain what the m b is, is suspected by someone, the social media and so for so for giving away at the largest alarm system in the world. and that happens to affect to the poor is the area of molly, a poor area all the out against the property, speculators up. any johnson with the m p. note,
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which is whatsoever um electromagnet for having an issue? a yes, electra of magnetic pulse on those are our weapons that don't cause any kinetic or physical damage either way, cause damage to electronics. i think the conspiracy theories are more focused on directed energy weapons, space based lasers, perhaps by russia or china. but you have to see any evidence of that that, that those batteries, once we're responsible for these devastating fires in now we uh where i, if i personally vacation many times, oh well, i basically put that to, to, to arrest. and obviously our thoughts with the families, very merry. so no, no amount of us trillion dollar weaponry succeeded against the taliban fight is basically the inc. caves. do you think it's the same prospect in ukraine or will be it with the no direct us soldier?
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death numbers, obviously thousands of american soldiers died in the us division have got us. john has a billions going to the landscape. do you expect a defeat to, to be coming to a do you have as well? i think what i'm saying for the past almost the past year now is that ukraine has already essentially a business seated on one side, so they're never going to get there the next territories back. the for you, for a new blast that were an x by russian september. and i've been stating since before the war began, that there was no amount of us military assistance that would enable the ukraine to feed rush. no rush. of course, the nature of superpower with 8000 more need you to weapons that you great, great, of course, not having any you know, p 35 times larger with an economy. 11 times bigger. the population over 5 times larger, as well, with about 5 times as many takes combat aircraft in or artillery systems. so
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us more has only one end and that's what they do. we go shading table. the best case a piece we can, we can obtain for you paid right now would be created. so arms disagreement along the current lineup control, but i fear that the longer the crate waits to agree to that armistice agreement, the more territory russian will succeed in capturing from ukraine following that the failure of the current camera offensive. well, clearly that's the view of ads. the blinking is state above and the natural ensure and security app or rages or the any military analyst invited on the programs and abc, nbc, cbs news, etc, and come to think of it. i made those wildfire as a new why you $700.00 a hawaiian was one bite and was offering any the same day. gave $200000000.00 extra to zalinski. so what do you mean this money is just not gonna help things as well? yeah, i mean it's a, it's a real scandal,
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bye bye. and of course has happiness, massive bribery scandal would show you. he and his, his son hunter, except in $10.00 to $10000000000.00 from a b corrupt ukrainian advertisement company. and exchange for, um, uh you don't forgetting the prosecutor fired and we believe, you know, conservators, there's a lot of evidence that suggests that binds decision to provide almost $200000000000.00. and 80 grade is primarily big uh do. in fact, uh, you know, to kind of, uh, maintain is, is, uh, is profitable family business and, you know, it's, it's absolutely disgrace and it's running. ukraine is more than anything. i mean, ukraine has been that the biggest loser can work with the probably 200000 rating and soldiers killed. perhaps $25000.00 civilians interface destroyed or they've lost 3 percent of their, their population. 30 percent of their g d, p. and in russia is nothing weekend,
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it remains very strong of military. i only need comically, will i live your opinion. you know, a person which doesn't have a free press, the united states as a 1st amendment. why is it the american public seem to have spin? supposing jo biden's view about the war and still in contrast to what you're saying, i mean he, in the united states, people have seen a job. i even talk about firing. the prosecutors are led to these, their own screen talking about is so, i mean, why the american public against what you're saying as well, they're not actually uh, basically they been turning around public opinion against the war, 71 percent of republicans now post any additional assistance to you great. what are you mandatory assistance as well as 55 percent of americans overall? so i think the truth is coming out through this liberal mainstream media block, a lot of the truth and you know, they say it's been said in war, a truth is the 1st casualty of war. and that's,
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that's been true. and every major warrant us as spot us as world war wanted it. and it's true, and most other countries as well, including the reprint. well, joe biden obviously denies all wrong doing. and if you look at those us state department and white as briefings, they just don't like to go to an away when they hear any questions about and to biden's problems. explain to me as a home and military man, how it's possible for the united states to run out of ammunition, which amidst its supplying of the billions of dollars of us public money to the lensky. so yeah, since the cold war ended, of course, we pursue this non surgical policy of globalization and outsourcing, where we purchased a lot of our vital weapon systems, rare earth, and even even some munitions from other countries. and at the same time of us, defense industry has been consolidated. whereas during world war 2, we had perhaps as many as a dozen heavy emulation manufacturers. you know,
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it's now just down to a, to a few. and perhaps even one in the case of 155 millimeter or a heavy artillery production. and as you are likely aware of, you know, we ship the, uh, this massive amount of us weapons, rockets, missiles, any additions to you. great. including about 4400000 heavy artillery rounds at the expense of the us military. we've been weakening, usually unilaterally disarming the u. s. military to help while ukraine liked is never ending. and on what of a war against the russian federation. and i think that's a huge defeat for us national security. able to watch our interview with the pentagon, official chuck spinning or to or the spinning report. he testified in congress about defense procurement. but i mean, i mean, i'm low luckily, isn't going to invade you seriously. saying,
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put the united states can defend itself militarily on the land based artillery based war, even though it spends more than the top. but however many countries in the world put together in terms of defense spending. well, no, i wouldn't do this for i. what i would say is it is the one is going to or evade, i'm going to say. but anyway, and we had russian russia in china when a work is russia and were china. and certainly, i think we could defend a successfully goes other nations attack. yes. a. how does all this defense brick? i mean, given that you were a rockwell, basically a re fee on subsidiary at some point. collins aerospace. how does it work? i mean, right now, presumably you would expect congressman, to be having lunch in washington with the defense contract is i don't know how. how does it work? well, that's all, we'll, we'll base factories, they're producing munitions as a lensky. we will help you get the vote. you, i mean, because the vote was near unanimous in congress for sending all this money to
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ukraine. i mean, it's your own infrastructure problems. um well i, i will say that i'm not a believer in the military industrial complex. i don't believe, you know, large defense contractors here in the us or in the process. so you know, trying to lobby members of congress for more. certainly they profit for more. but i don't think that they're major players or really have any political impact whatsoever in, in either starting wars work or even continue if you are in the military industrial complex. so tell us how it works because you are in there, you know, working there for rape codes and city rates. you on making a lot of money out of this. went on advertising it to share investors. but given the united states always has been a trillion dollars, maybe in the forever wars, and is now spent. what 160000000, i don't know what the latest figures on the amount of money poured into the oven
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into the landscape. i was 40 you creating a resources about a 196000000000. i think you're in the us. you know, this figure is perhaps 117. but i think that's a much understanding of the actual military direct military assistance that we've given to ukraine is we're asked and authorized to give you. credit is about 53000000000. so most of that assistance is a financial arguments here. you manage area and a replacing you, us weapon stocks, that type of assistance. but uh, and as i said, i don't think that, you know, there is a military industrial complex. i don't think that's really the threat. i think the threat is the, the state, the war monitors of the neo conservatives and liberals of buying this ratio, courses lined by atlanta's, this, that believe data always to be all and all of us national security, the very course don't have national security. and so they, they are a bit pushing to, to push a need, so i need those boundaries eastward into ukraine,
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and they've been unwilling to compromise on that. and as we know, you know, president vladimir putin of russia basically stated that it's the us with nearly commit to never expand data all into ukraine. you wouldn't have the advantage of the need to invade you creating the 1st place. so this is a completely unnecessary war. on the part of the western powers, the can you see why what you're saying sounds just like russian talking points. i mean, why do you think bill buns, the head of the c. i a former ambassador to moscow, kind of intimated what you just said there has gone quiet. well, i think he's a captive member to buy it and just ration you know, in, in his, his silence has been very profitable for him because he, he a c, i, director, was elevated to the of the by and cabinet to see. i see i director traditionally is not a member, it's on a cabinet,
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a level of position as the director of national intelligences. and so i think he, so i think has been muscle, but i think behind the scenes we, we are aware of a, of a binding piece offer that was given to the russian federation, back in january, which they, they basically offer to, to let russia keep all of its a concrete in the next, the crating and territory, but they would not concede on the issue of value praying a membership and data. now that is a immensely foolish decision because we could make that guarantee without any cost whatsoever to us national security. it's an open, safer the ukraine will never join data, or the problem is, is that ukraine became in 2021. it's a fact, a member of nato with the us. uh, ukraine. security, a partnership with brain. david fine, i'll stop you this little from the deputy director of the national operations for the us task force on national and homeland security. after this break, the
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the question of the nuclear envelope she was most schools do, if you look on the initial do while significantly post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value, where do you do origin,
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but you also still, this is done the newest frame on the buildings systems to build a new do what i see these the bus is the little gear limitation. says this to, to do them both the welcome back to going on the right. and i'm still here with one of the us missile defense agency consulting enrollment, international analyst for the us office and the secretary defense david pine, david j. you were talking in about one about the possible peace agreement. people have heard about bar, as johnson being sent in the form of you, k disgrace to prime minister beings edited a break and destroying the piece deal, and now tens of thousands of ukrainians the lives of being lost. how do you characterize the washington press corps? actually, given that we're not really hearing anything about the piece deal,
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i mean, even though booting brand is the piece of paper recently showing that the, the cranes are interested in that the steel before billions more of the us tax pay, a public money was put into key of as well, i think good, fortunately, uh the uh, the main stream media here in united states and utility and other western countries have become really uh, uh, nothing more than an outlet for war propaganda. and uh, certainly, i think that's true to a true in ukraine into a lesser extent in russia as well. as i said, the truth is the 1st casualty of war. uh, but uh, yeah, we know from uh, 4 fingers article and fiona, by fiona hill. just last september, i believe that there was this peace agreement was a tentative peace agreement between, between russia and ukraine. it was signed or around march 31st and assemble and you know, eyes and following all of those pieces, negotiations with great interest. and you know, there was
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a limited coverage in the western press. we just didn't have all the details. but according to fiona hill, the details were essentially that russia, we would draw all of its troops from ukraine, from, from most of ukraine, perhaps the 90 about 93.6 percent of the ukraine reward controlled territory excluding the of the dos region in an exchange you program and layer. yes, of course they would keep premier russell keep from you. and, and, you know, you probably want to disarm to a limited step but would still retain uh, you know, a large, a large army. well armed army and would have security guarantees by the western powers to continue our country to resume armina in the event that of a, or the russian aggression. but i would have to do so as, as a, you know, permanently neutral power outside of the lights. okay. well,
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they've successfully kept that away. all that and use away from the scary masses, certainly done a better job. i agree to be a 1000000 nearby and union in the united kingdom, then the united states. so what have you written about the council of foreign relations? richard has a long time, richard has the member of that meeting with the lever of charles cope. john from the council was on ushio just recently of the council of foreign relations and said, may be autumn. now could be opening for some kind of negotiation. what's your understanding because if you watch circle made through media, which is waiting for this so called counter events over to a suit succeed. yeah, i, as i said, uh uh, you know, the ukraine's uh counter offensive is i feel badly. uh, you know, it gets prepared or russian or fine defenses. and um, you know, that the casualties that they've been suffering to have been massive. you know, we really just can't believe you know, how,
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how great those casualties are with russia, but separate comparative list casualties. and we, for, you know, it's, it's really hard to pin down the bind destruction because they, you know, kind of been all over the place. but for the most part, they essentially subordinated russia, security policy. uh, you know, us, russian policy to up to you created as always is uh, you know, he is not a member craddick leader and he's a white honda based uh, try and been trying to get us and nato into a direct shooting world with russia and knowing that, that is the appraisal we offer, we gain of the last territories in the for an x regions of loss it as well as the crime. yeah. really they have, they have no real hope of getting and i do think uh, i am hopeful and optimistic that we will uh, support uh or pressure the crane to begin these piece docs hopefully in the fall
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or no later by the end of the end of the year following the, the final lenders of this failed counter offensive. you know, the by administrator would reject that and say actually we'd be an absolutely unified behind, behind. so in the a narrative which uh, given the soviet union when the war against the nazis, their narrative, the by narrative is the booty. and it's some kind of hipaa. and this is uh, you know, by the, the, under the radar. they don't, they did the north stream, according to see was the, by the ministration to be an absolute just about this. it believes that they will annihilate the concept of russia, whether it be a us in terms of a nation state, whether it beans, culture, because of course, in your books and music and so forth and being banned. they are going to actually you raise the concept of what russia is for us a and i'm sure if you go around the cafe is of washington and maryland virginia.
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you'll hear us state department to personnel say the same. the yeah, i mean the, the goal is that the maximus objectives the by ministration is expressed for their proxy work is rushing. you great. have been really observed. i mean, you can't, you can't win a war with the troops on the ground. we don't have a single call that a soldier on the ground, at least, at least, that's what we were being told. you know, we know that there's probably a 200 to 300 us troops and c. i a intelligence officers operate and ukraine. but that's not enough to win a more, you know, um, so uh the us has demonstrated conclusively that it's not willing to defend you created militarily. and yet it, it says that, you know, the, we, at some point you probably will be admitted to a banana alliance and i, and i think that's just a far since it's never going to happen. it's a bank dream. and we need to come to reality and support. it was also for our offices and,
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and i think this kind of goes back to where to go. she ations by a capital and, and, and others, you know, is, is really the right way to, to go go and, and i think they're pursuing that the right to the right terms with the, with calls for an armistice that we just actually freeze the conflict in place just as we didn't create. uh, you know, we're technically at work with china, north korea here in the us. and yet we haven't had any major fighting since 1953. so i think i can, but each, even it can, it can be achieved without nato troops on the ground and ukraine on the, on the other hand, as you've written about this, you said in the past few weeks, joe biden, the, and as, as biden's justice department looks to imprisoning of cause the opposition need a drum. it announced mobilization of u. s. military is in spite of operation atlantic was uh, what is that mean? is he seriously thinking uh to change what you've just been describing? what, what's the total water is button, what does,
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what did he mean by that sudden announcement in the past few weeks. so of course the, there was the bill near summit. uh, really, i think it was july 11 through there about it. bill this and uh, zillow, you know, we create a president of all the mirrors. look, uh, zalinski was very angry. and, and, you know, disappointed that, uh, there was no, uh, uh, concrete path or timeline for you free membership. and, you know, as i say, it goes as kind of, uh, uh, you know, to try to appease, um, uh, essentially what finally agreed to as, to what's to build up to this 300000 troops. you know, rapids deployment force in, in europe, not all of which of course would be deployed in eastern europe, but uh, just to rev up us group deployments to europe in general. and perhaps we would deploy another $50000.00 troops. and i think that's really, really foolish. we shouldn't have any groups in eastern europe. we never should've had any troops in eastern europe. and i think uh, you know, the,
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the right course of action is to pursue some kind of mutual security agreement, such as being offered to us and nato in december of 2021. the terms of which were mostly favorable to the us from a national security perspective. wait. so showing the families of the $300000.00 service people that concerns are going to be asking. who is the president of the united states, the joe biden? or is it lensky? well, i think that's, that's absolutely right. uh, you know, uh, i was asked uh back in may of last year on another video interview. um, either way, if i thought a zaleski was buying stop at or us pub, and i said no, i think it's at a find is asking is if he's the wednesday stop it. so why would you do that? well i think uh, you know, i think buying in the democrat party or the us to pay themselves into a corner, vilified, as he said, there's some kind of new hitler and in russia is a new,
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a nazi germany or so the union. and so, you know, it, when you, you lighting why so, so, so often infrequently, sometimes you begin to leave in your own propaganda and i, and i think it's really hard for them to get out from that. because, you know, if you, if you, you know, pay food, is it as a hitler, a bad on domination of at least eastern europe, not just ukraine. falsely without any facts. then it makes it very difficult for you to compromise with taylor, you know, in the, you know, the whole crazy, new, conservative dirt as we must. not a peas, hitler, we must not appease the other dictators, you know, comes into play, which is just absolutely foolish. and it's the worse or reality. we're not going to use it at all by declaring armistice. we don't even have to, you know, to recognizes annexations of, uh, you created territory. we can simply say we recognize russians as back to the
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control over the, for an x territory. so we recognize pry, media is part of russia and, you know, and we can do it, we can split it as well and not just for, for russian, but for the us, the prayer as well. exactly, and i mean, he had the courage to and the kindest on more. so, why possibly con, the spin dogs is in the white as and we, i mean, now that even cnn bowls shows the most of the american public doesn't favor even more cash being paid into the landscapes bank accounts. i mean, does he, does it, is we have something on, on buying because daily, strategically, the united states. i mean, not your last probably with the united states and come through this and start to forward. sure. alliances in this new world we live in as well. i think it's absolutely possible, zaleski does have all the proof of the direct proof of, of buying bribery likely has access to the dates from the ukrainian
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a little darker. and they had former head of a c o, a prisoner. and so that's actually a possibility. we know that other foreign leaders, you've been proud, you know, the chinese certainly, and perhaps the premiums as well have been compromising material on, on the president bind and non real bonds help with all of that is this is, i mean, you know, we don't know, we don't innocent about the u. s. foreign policy. someone tries to blackmail your elected president of the united states have means and ways and pieces of dealing with leaders who do that. i think there has to be the courage and will power for us leaders to do something about that. i mean, i'm of the opinion of it by insurance, by been removed from office, you know, last year the latest. certainly over say ukraine tobacco, which has not been the previous so devastating for the debris. people the crane that don't deserve this for an a war that is not under their interest whatsoever,
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but we just don't have that person. we don't have a vice president. obviously a small harrison is not a person of courage. she's not a one that is correct. she's not gonna stay on against the binding. and is this disgrace and is treasury or, you know, accepting these $1000000.00, multi $1000000.00 drives from, from a project for leaders. and we don't have a, you know, other political leaders in the buying cabinet. so we're going to take decisive action to save american the world from an unnecessary potential world war. yeah, binding denies all of that. and of course, the state department's entire west exec, authentic and consulting, the former consultants, they deny that it's any conflict of interest. how did you some of these actually worked at a rate viewing subsidiary gal and the ukraine national security and defense council blacklist. then what have you done? well, obviously, uh, you know, all of my work uh, you know, is, is, uh,
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purely private. it does it reflect it on any of your russian spies? cuz i would say i have a petri, i'm a flag waving patriot before we're uh us army comment officer. i've served on your dependent on it, on us army headquarters, staff as a country desk officer, both for the former soviet union in eastern europe in the middle east. and you know, i know what i'm talking about at, i know it's in the us interest summer or for our policy realist in it. but of course everything that i've done, everything i've written instead on interviews is my own personal opinion. doesn't reflect a us government. you know, i have no employee with us, government doesn't reflect any of the use of any other uh, you know, previous employment is as well. david pine. thank you. and that's for the final show. this season will be back with a brand new episode on monday, the 25th of september. but until then, we'll be broadcasting some of your favorite shows of this series. meanwhile,
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10:00 pm
the future militants, one day, even though they're being recruited breeches from a fall, begin with stories about how secular countries violate the covenants of law. and the prophet muhammad, the bills will go round, uncovered men, smoke and drink alcohol. official was bathed in luxury full with impunity. properly brainwashed, recruits have a clear conviction that they will be fighting for justice to assist just a logical builders. what is level of washington nursery is really and you have to agree to it clearly for the for any part then you.


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