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tv   News  RT  September 10, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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as each region is known for its own unique arts and traditions, the g 20 club adopt a final declaration without condemning russia for the ukraine conflict. also welcoming a new member of the group, the african union. developing news here on r t, the death toll from a ronko step layer of quick reaches 2000, we hear from locals about their terrifying ordeal skills. when i heard that my neighbor was trapped under the rubble of her house rushed to save her. i was safe from my neighbors who cleared the rubble with their bare hands and cranes defense minister resigns after a failed counter offensive and allegations of rampant corruption and his ministry. but it's unclear whether his successor will be able to tackle these challenges
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the live from moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international and i look at the top stories for the week was the g. 20 summit enters is 2nd and final day in new delhi, we continue our special coverage of the global gathering right here on our to international the as sessions on they to the g. 20 summit are getting underway earlier world leaders and representatives including russian foreign ministers circuit. i love rob arrived at the mahatma gandhi memorial for india, and a prime minister. mowdy welcomed each guest with the gift of a base scarf made of connie's fabric, which was promoted by mahatma gandhi himself of the. and on the 1st
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day of the summit, the d. 20 group adopted a final declaration with a somewhat neutral stance. rus russell. much to the disappointment of western states was not kind of damaged in the document concerning the ukraine crisis. one of the key points is the invitation of the african union to the g 20 club. as a permanent member, the g 20 committed to enhance ties with the african continent which plays an important role in the global economy as the declaration sites. the club of 20 or rather come of $21.00 now promised to support industrialization in africa, as well as in the least developed countries, the south african presidential spokesperson. welcome to the invitation to the for oh, that's good news. is going to participate in unit 2 to engage and participate in various
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members. steps to continue to use that as a g 20 summit enters, that's the 2nd day prospects of a joint communique have been confirmed with the african union and welcomed into the block as a full, permanent member. artesia engine sharma brings us the data they to the g 20 summit in india. it's raining in new delhi as lita is a gathering. and raj god which is a memo really dedicated to my hot small guntee after which we're going to see another session. the 3rd session for one future, remember, india is presidencies theme, that's one of one family and one future. and the sessions are categorized into those. what's really the big data we from the g 20 summit on during the us presidency, has been the bush for the bill. boost salad and the inclusion else that can union
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the african union joining the table's not as a n y t, not as a guest, but as a full member of this club over g 20 bill, the app is going to be the real a mock, the real the after with, so we knew or as we'll go back home to dave, also the daily declaration that has been a big success. remember there's a, there's been a lot of suspense around that. and that suspense was expected to the last minute. will there be a join to communicate with their northville joins communicate, but experts see that in the i made the impossible possible around 4 pm yesterday. local time, the prime minister of india and the ranger movie announced that there's a consensus amongst the bill office about as far as the daily declaration is concerned and it has been adopted. and that's what we need to show for 2 reasons.
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one in the history of g 20, that hasn't ever been a time that of a joint to communicate has not come out of a some age. and this time exploits a belief that that would happen simply because the block has been divided, or your queen of the west, in fact, and one side and china and russia on one side or the language on the body declaration. remember before india, its agenda was more important than and a lot was in fact up at stake here, that restructuring trip to foreign seas, that's also multi laptop bands. that is something of that needed to be turned into action. and which is why the need of the joint communicate was very, very important. and that have happened so far the be a to is supposed to conclude around noon today. but really,
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as in the presidency g, 20 presidencies consent, it has proved that it's not showing me in the as move into the sun, but global south moment of the sun with the inclusion of african union to make all blog of 55 countries now being marched into sheet 20 source, we hear the g 2 n t is picked up g 21 my colleague unit know neil is in new delhi, leading our coverage of the g. 20 summit. i'll send it over to him now for more. the. yeah, we are indeed here in india is capital city just approaching at mid day on the 2nd on final day of the a g 20 summit, yet it is all going on. we're going to be recapping those big events at, from the day that was also digging into what wants to be on the agenda. what is the
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focus of this some of the as well, by the way, normally at this time we're on the roof top overlooking the city, but the weather has beaten us. it's usually sunday. it's absolutely parental. rain out there. so we have invited the housing dump and our expectations because we have another great guest into our studio here. let us speak to promote coo mark per month. is the presidential representative of the russian chapter of the ministry of mike root, small and medium indian enterprises development for in russia. thank you very much for your time today to be perhaps start with the joint declaration. yesterday, there had been discussions about whether there would be one at all because it was hard to reach consensus. but there is one diplomacy has worked. how would you rate the, the message, the spirit of the summit following that? i am,
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this is for this so much to do 20. so again, government is a try to good a nation did. so she ended up put it here. so i'm assuming is really meant for mom in india. so last year we opened the office in must cool, we, we, we uh want to send it to the v on to the goal of the business between 2 countries this year and india. so that's a, the deadly all was today, mr. mr. the multi is very, very, very, very, it is like to develop in doing business with us here and they shouldn't business to india or there are many challenges with much of it. i think most headings now is
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the good of the nation between india and this. yeah. not for not for the online solution, the pest article. yeah, yeah. yeah. yeah. before yeah. she is a good friend for india for many, many years. so that meant a she a and india gift to gather his make it binds to get on. how's your work being affected because of the conflict in ukraine? you you're trying to deepen at trade relations business relations between new delhi and moscow because of the ukraine conflict. has your work being effected in that regard? no, i think is knowledge of the daily and india a very close as a relation and very close business and in doing well. and that also want to develop the business in a she a and
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a sion government also want to business in india. so i think in future india does a she of business to a little, there's a large russian delegation here of the g twins. so, you know, they will be talking, i would suppose not just to india, but also a lot of other countries on the sidelines here perhaps doing deals and trying to enhance the relationship. what do you think? what kind of business focus, what do you see as it in terms of enhancing and deepening at trade? where would you like to see what specific type of trade defense between russia and india? now now is a very good time to do the business and the she a and indeed. busy what type of business would you like to see more of now is, is i think some companies coming in this here, autumn was business. and because with western companies,
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some of them have moved out on russia has invited other countries such as indian companies to come in. do you see that happening and all is a good time to develop the business. and as i see on autumn woods and for them most often the best one company is close. the other issue, smallways, india has a very good opportunity to develop the uh, business for the uh, products with deacon and or from wise and god minds, uh, different types of so noises, whoops, trying to be nothing of a shift to indian companies. are grasping the opportunity, i know many's in the company is the delegations the last time the last year is coming in moscow and many delegations for the me it must go to india. so i think now is very good time. so of course, that's what the g 20 is. uh, it's an economic for them. primarily, of course, sometimes political issues at you,
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if you can't get away from it. but it seems to be this year, the politicization of the g 20 by western countries, has accelerated. do you see, do you see that on how, how has india maneuver to to keep it the agenda on the economy? was it difficult? oh no. i think it's not difficult to invest in media. i was hooked up. we're going to learn to film garcia. but the indian few button pods, sort of like to the she a and develop business did not to the indian people not go to best and but into the book tanks that have worked with us here to the business. they've incredible memories here, just speaking to indians, they've got such a deep history on acknowledgement of those ties between the countries, perhaps. and that's not really understood in the west indian people,
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indian people don't to do to do to your country. and then people like to add a sion of us here in the dead many years vision and of the here. and india by mr. by right means that, but other yeah, there's a friend turn over the attendance issue and i am leaving the 20 and in multiple yes, but the good people and many people go to america, go to germany, but i am 20 a this. i don't want to any of those on the, on this yeah. then then go back to india. you get out for winter. it's a couldn't to say that in terms of today at the g. 20 am only a number of hours left. so i imagine there's going to be a reals drive to talk about as many subjects as possible. what would you like? the focus to be on the climate change and deepening trade ties, global debt?
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that's another one that's been a big problem for the global value. the desk repayments to, to primarily western nations. what do you want to see spoken about today? i would love to read this. is that a good time to blow was that does and uh, you know, these are, you know, the, a lot of the, she actually, you can, but india, india is not go to best insight india every time at the moment, go to the ocean site and the and you don't want to go to lucian and begin in between 10 countries, but the she a and india relation is very good. and i think in future also dump it up. no problem is i see on india termination. very interesting indeed. well, thank you for coming into the program. we do appreciate it with
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a torrential rain. i'd side which is not just starting to ease, but we do appreciate we've been speaking to part about crew more at presidential representative of the russian chapter of the indian ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises. development for thank you very much. and just as part of what's going through there, there's a lot to talk about only a number of hours left up to for him. so as soon as we know what specific details are coming out, if not, we'll bring it to you live from new tele, fucked to moscow. all right, thanks to you and, and we'll be hearing from you throughout the day. i so you can follow all the most important developments and latest updates on the world's most powerful economic gathering on our website. our t dot tom will be bringing you our special coverage here on our t international throughout the final day of the g. 20 summit. the
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adding insult to injury, that's how and e, u. representative at the g. 20 summit has portrayed russia's promise to provide african countries in need with free grain. not only have you decided to pull out of disagreement on the black sea, but at the same time you're taking the part infrastructure to add insult to injury, russia is offering $1000000.00 tons of grain to african countries in a per day of generosity. what cynicism and contempt for african countries the following moscow? this decision not to renew the blacks, the grand initiative russian president vladimir put an offer free grain to numerous african countries. the un ended turkey a previously forged an agreement between moscow and he of last year that permitted grand supplies to be shipped from ukrainian ports. however, the kremlin claims that its conditions, such as facilitating russian agricultural exports, have been neglected. moscow stated that it would not re join the agreement unless the west satisfies their previously agreed upon its terms. but we heard from the
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public affairs analysts calvin emanuel, who says the remarks made by the representative were not an example of diplomacy or how it would be picking up back. i don't think these come in sign them statements by the representative was fact. i'm was them for like tons of them. i think, to the russia, honestly thing that rush, i have the points. it's in funds that's the russian side of our government is also have to give you asking for the whole thing to come back to do given sponsored bucket. we don't have tell you categorically that the statement that was made by the representative was to be assessed for it. and it wasn't diplomatic and 90 was m d 20 and 50 wasn't opportunity for the you for define of all the other members of the g 7 to actually sit down with the restaurant for them. and as i said, he loved roles and discuss the solution. so he's going to have so many other
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solutions that these different much of course a new shot. so i'm not gonna change it to prove very care. let's take my as i back, not, not the way to feel much to, to, to speak for me to the well now to developing news here on our tea, dudley earthquake and morocco has left around 2000 people, dad and more than $1800.00 injured us according to the latest update from the countries interior ministry, the epa center was around the 80 kilometers from the city of mary cash with tremors . continuing into the early hours of the morning, the epicenter was registered near the town of al, who's where residents for part of the remain trapped under debris. several countries have stepped in to help morocco direct costs society of china pipes on saturday to provide the moroccan red crescent. financial support has emergency humanitarian assistance. with tunisia and the united arab emirates also offering their help to rescue teams. buildings in the epicenter are severely damaged, and many of those who were lucky to survive are now left without homes. they heard
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from survivors who described their terrifying experience. compelled look does nothing. i wasn't picking up a bucket of water when the ground started shaking your head to run for safety. with the wall cracked under the biller and everything fell to the ground. i ran outside with my children. when i heard that my neighbor was trapped into the rubble of her house, we rushed to save her near the button. i was asleep when the earthquake struck, which i couldn't escape because the roof fell on me. i was trapped. i was saved by my neighbors who cleared the rubble with their bare hands. now i'm living with them in their house because mine was completely destroyed. the same with a limb to me make, i would say, i feel sorry for young child. so today he was crying because both his aunt and his daughter would trip tons of that problem. we have to be strong to help these people . we can't fail. we have to help each other. alexi
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resident cobb has resigned from his post as ukraine's defense minister. just hours after president zalinski announced he's giving him the sac or is the cost will be replaced by roost him or of who has been the head of the countries main privatization fund. alexi resident cobb had served as defense chief since november 2021. he campaigned for more military aid for to yeah, of what you said amounted to $100.00, a $1000000000.00 since last year. however, under his leadership, the defense ministry was rocked by corruption scandals which kids have struggled to deal with. i mean, well, according to new bombshell claims from american investigative journalist, seymour hersh siding and anonymous, us intelligence official, ukraine's new defense minister is even more corrupt than the last. the journalists claims that wisdom, or of oversaw the sale of state property and made a fortune also having a large villa in spain, corruption scandals in ukraine are of frequent occurrence. according to the media,
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the decision to fire the defense minister likes the residence hall, became against the backdrop of misconduct allegations in the army. we discussed the matter with personal and less than human rights activists are no devil. i who said corruption is part of the country's political culture. you plain. my old account is one of the most corrupt country in the world. ukrainian political culture of rupture, news, guns, hand in hand way is you know, everything from a comedian, becoming politician, president of the country. and so it's a big circus. it's some kind of go test found. so my question to you, sir, is the, has to be a stove, i mean, how come billions and billions and billions of dollars keep coming in to where you quite as a money on their renew peroration. we always have to keep that in mind. and if we take into account that structure which was created shortly after the might on clue where's the money going laundry through to where back to the landscape and back to
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the us, anders of the, to the us embassy. you can shift. so nat, who is the font structure, a national anti for a, from google. it's staffed with a lot of the strange characters, including some former georgian shot a week figure who was quickly naturalize you plenty. and so he would, you know, and those people serve us calling to it's to the u. s. embassy and j, of which supervisors themselves, all the location of us said, money in diverse products, including the fight, the gospel option. we're dealing with the people that are immersed himself in this feeding frenzy. it's like they're feeding at betrothal viewpoint and they're so compromised to such a degree that the tires structure of the us political establishment. but also the arms of manufacturers. the bio lab in the big farm iceberg in addition to the bio lab. so you really have every major structural player that matter in the united
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states, which has been involved in ukraine and everybody's got a lot of steaks and lots of billions of dollars have been invested. if they does that a to create those labs and to come back there in spite of the, again, a function of experimentation, it's to assure us law on those kind of back to be useful. yeah. so this fits also with the a geo political strategy, which as we all know, like to use ukraine as a, as a bludgeon against russia. and, uh, it just comes all together in a way. and so, such an extent that it's, it's difficult to think, well, you know, shouldn't somebody be the subject of the cracking down on corruption. mm hm. so again, you will see at the margin, some people being, you know, not as good as, as, as they should be in p o in trying to be discrete about what they're doing. but on the whole,
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it will continue. a washington's top official on climate issues has admitted that even though the u. s. is one of the world's biggest polluters, it won't be forced into pain and compensation for natural disasters potentially caused by those emissions. this is not a unique position for the united states and many nations in the world. we have said we're not going to create a liability structure on the court, changing the dynamics and everything we do in a very negative way. we're not going to do that. mother nature doesn't choose between the emissions of one country and those of another. what effects mother nature is the total emissions that go into the atmosphere in commons to the media. on the sidelines of this week, the african climate summit and kenya and terry insisted that while the us supports the so called loss and the damage mechanism for providing donations to disaster relief efforts, those contributions must not be on
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a punitive basis. in the meanwhile, another western politician urs level underlying noted that money for advertise transition to a low carbon economy could be raised through a carbon tax system, charging african companies and redirecting the money to eco friendly technology development. however, south africa is the only state currently using the scheme, making it difficult for europe to work with other african nations through the use of carbon tax that will be introduced next month. the u commission president believes carbon credits are vital tools to accelerate the transition to not 0 in africa. we can take a group photo setting, a price of carbon emissions is $1.00 of the most efficient and one of the most effective tools in our hands. because it flushed this innovation by the private sector that's crucial because it makes heavy polluters pay a fair price that is necessary. and because acquits revenues that can support the
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clean transition and developing countries. that's what we need the met low i. so by presidents of the general industry, workers union of south africa says the biggest polluters must take responsibility for environmental damage. they costs, you just look for the picture of the law. and the laws in terms of environmental local public into is not law. the push it is really kit who does pay and why does it does music culture? so these things job seems peyton fugitives, truth the truth. what he's responsible for over 500 people to use of couple emissions and fun documents. fees must certainly be responsible. here's one specifically the file we go to put it in terms of the highest presentation of a couple of emissions at the present moment. and therefore we think that it must be able to explain to me to do. and i think it is to have a follow up,
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so i'm tempted to spend the doors countries must also be able to appreciate that is going to be that i and in terms of the week me disguises. at the same time, of course, to be in the new condo, what it lacks, i don't think about also doing depth agent. and that means that we can just organizing to hold the government comfortable. but at the same time, of course, i think the, those countries up to 10 devices as well as one of the inductive of the insect cubic capacity to overcome this crisis, my x would be the weight. so it is going to add too much on the basis of the, of the we can test. and lemme just as friends up old governments, the kind of where high, there's much more. so they'll come here on our to international. do stay with us by the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re wash agents. i suppose the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so let me, let me on mind. we have very quick propaganda. you know a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the
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the, the hello and welcome to worlds a part in his former prime minister. i told the heidi,
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washed by one said, that you can change your friends, but know if your neighbors please create the would seem stuff out of them if they're born so many countries still preferring to hold onto old grievances rather than pursuing the sooner chase of mutual developments. what will it take to change these when loose mentality to discuss it, i'm now joined by so keen the co carney, indian political analyst, tom's former, a 2 prime minister watched by mister cool carnegie. great to see. thank you very much for your time. thank you. so much thank you so much. let me start with your early years when you were 1st infected with politics. not as a means of self aggrandizing, but actually as a way of facilitating social development. i know that you started off as a marxist but then got disillusioned. but what do you find yourself in ideological terms right now.


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