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tv   News  RT  September 10, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the lines and others speaking on behalf of the you mean you've pretty so many, many different the those but on the household, the brakes group, we don't still see uh, people speaking with that well, send the currents in you. it's for, look at the current summit. there's nothing wrong with it, so many voices, but just to confirm with you in the back of the previous summit. so it, it comes to us when we do, but just came up with the idea of giving full membership to the african union and everyone supported that. and today we will have it with, with a consensus. it was agreed to phone service and the customer of chip us and all of the african union was participating in the work of the 222. i believe that the trend that you mentioned, or of the questions you asked me to reflect. so the existence of
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a friend and so it was, but that she was going to with what, sucking noise for the young african union. if you go to school to not just the african union. so she's become far as apology 20. but for the 1st week of the arab states, or this old c lack and others to get involved in these organizations. and maybe at some point the ration it could only tune and what would also be considered as part of the part of the chesapeake would be considered. so let's take parts of a regional use produce a member maybe some point. the european union should also become a player on that side because it seems so you'll be able to says strange when the nations of the e. u and the bolt is obviously it's please you make statements like that's but slice will find the show lover of i'm sure. would you throw i from indian
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express? know you talked about how the shed by then the official they worked very hard for the new positions. i would like to understand there was a political living, the child from the prime minister and the fire minister off india as well as from other countries to china. and south africa, brazil who worked together on this particular joint committee. thank you. we see that on there for them to contact you. we are in constant communication with you. i'll just go over my indian counterpart. i spoke to a few minutes. i'll come back in jakarta loose just to deal with it should. the majority of the work was done by the ex codes and the sharp as the buttons you live across the tables when nobody's interested. if it cost you money in the political mood of issues like your lives on your own system, you have to get the rooms have missed the spring out before we just leave with them . go to people, go through sites, telephone calls to each other and we put beds formerly informally for this
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summit. this is a common practice that mike mike, a good afternoon so i'm gonna get us a high from republic tv. uh so what do you think like to the successful g 20 summit and how good the all the d. 20 feet or no consensus on the stipulation data collection associated also the induced group, it's intensively dis deciding role here. certainly, viola, you buy into the and other live city use the deluxe ations of the global south. that's looking them uh, made sure that the g twin to be considered able to pick it up. so based on she is the quality and find the fair balance of interest to, to, to, for you. and that the, both within our institutions between both with the, both this part of the global governance system and the set front. but the most
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important thing is that there's the hope that service shows of trends that symbolizes upfront. that's the west. agreed to see the statements like that to allow us to declare ration like stats going forward. so if they agree to all these things, then they will have to keep their word. this is just a jump of the process of the lease could declared, i'd say, no glory, it's of leon. you is kind of a conflict and i'm not supporting the bus stop. now, what's the positive? uh, when you go out, it's typically in the document. it says a lot about, uh, they'll send you a music website to get the food to try. so is it about the, the, what is the sensor digital with the get we are supplies, the, the, the supply chains, absorption of about typical such as books and nothing about the sanction. so maybe
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we could have your discussion in any way of the way we can look to minimize the pressure that's sanctions, boots on the economies, they should be a tribunal just now that it says, well, if you read these declaration in full, it says that the ukrainian crisis only added the bible so but if you took some sick ability but until the sanction system used for the murder of chelsea that had been introduced before as much in the near possible that there is a close there that says that. and so anyone who introduces the legal sanctions a has to bad the responsibility if you lose it, what's known as to what lies the foundation of the current difficult as the global economy faces. is there a difference for the rest of the declaration that speaking about that, but this is diplomatic documents. so these new companies, there are many compromises such to, but none of them,
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i mean it's but so it depends on the fact that the us and that the west would actually create a lot of trouble over there for the global economy. and that's some weed for quite some time. it has been trying to push towards the top of the agenda its own and a climate policy which turned out to be a cycle in this is the old effects in these documents. on the fusion, all of the 60s mentions of the promises to provide to a $100000000000.00 annually. it's, it talks about all these fact consensus. need the premium to see the, the worth of documents like these are a consensus documents always contain compromises. it's important that the west accept this compromise actually does that say that the conditions
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of that are more favorable to the global south than before, as the minister never how much finds you the complete for me and i, as you said that this is a turning point on your use, the word card might stone. do think that the can be a ceasefire? it is a step towards peace. and can they be up to the 5 beginning of a c 5, a dream? the russia and ukraine? look delicious. michelle, will you make the stuff all those things i've told you of that one? and this summit was a breakthrough summit because it's a button where you demonstrated it kind of has unit 2 of the global south and ever seen before in terms of usually defend against interests in the global economy until to demonstrate to the unwillingness of the global sales to see costs inflate . uh the, to see if we could estimate for you much drag or down all the discussions back to the ukranian crisis. well, for commercial, obviously it would be a good thing to stop the war of that was star since by the west of the recording
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you against russia using ukrainian hands. but it's not something that's uh, the developing countries are consolidating. sh, full or does not. that's not why they're just asking for reforms, or most of these much to use. most of them know that just to solicitous, but about 18 months ago to both. we proposed a what i said, deal with the to succeed pix ukraine ceasefire deals. and let's get the board ship, they decided not to sign it because they wanted additional cost to like more from us that they expected some of the craniums counselor offensive to, to plates. and so we can rush, and that is if you read about that, there are many facts that you could find out. in fact, present, putting himself said not long ago that he is silos and certainly is not against any
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kind of negotiations but uh to the decision supposed to be based on the real facts on the ground and must take into account the factors that have accumulated for decades including due to the actions of nato, an organization that created direct threats to russia. security on our own, very bold as extensive, but just they, it is human category. but it was less, you've soon decided to support the key or for shame that sort of the right to proclaim that's one of its goals to remove russian russian language and russian history from its country is utter. will you go to what to do? russian history, which led to the creation of much of ukraine's infrastructure rhodes that set for the results of ukrainian and best of those good
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look you right. that was to go directly into the camera and say that's killing russians. is the goal of the currency crating and receive, and most of that it's killing as many russians as possible. so that's the children wouldn't have to, to, as many russians in the future. and then they stood. so nobody was opening the book, got the book this you likes to remember the promotional? i'm good. that's last year president lensky us. because you signed a decree that cannot but it's saying that this is a pretty to you. it is a go now. illegal looking for ukraine to engage with indigo. sions, woodthrush check, and they use it as much to do. i even have to remind you of that. every time. deals with them with that the books to let them know so much and i always use the
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cable being all the same questions. and i always have to remind you of the same things we are not against. you have to go to the national restarting degree and the owners. i'm not sure if you have them, but it's about what they want is to renew muscles for their grain to be exported. but when it comes to looking at our conditions, that's a, that's what we wanted. what's the pressure once, then it's disregarded, even though it's all part of the same documents box with the same deal. but with you see a good sweat, you know, so attempt to blame russia. police with scape goat russia for everything that's happening, and ukraine using the global economy for good one. not the least concerned. so this is something that we were able to please counselor here in new delhi. now, the last question, good afternoon. this is alvin over and continue. i am tired of waiting for you from
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split thinking. yeah. my question is about the ongoing trend or deed on an ice ation, which has become one of the centurylink drains and an increase engine light. people know what, what truly do you think india has been cleaned and this you'll be delighted to authorize ration process on additionally, which i should consider using the india system as an alternative to swift on. i also have a question, do you have a top, have you had anybody not shows up on the sidelines on the jeep, really summit for americans with americans, for instance. thank you. unless you're not sure to do, it is up now, but it says pushing with respect to do the organization to the function of there is some progress. so encouraging you know, or valid 12 relations with indians. i'm not sure to exp, but like i said before, our next voters and i have a good each to a lot of uh, lots of amounts of roof is on their accounts and their accounts of indian so to in,
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in the, in indian banks. and now we are looking into the possible ways of investing them and the mutually beneficial way. now, as for a little actual cause, but the transactions and we are working as part of the bunk and we meet, it's mostly the breaks group. and most of it was more than the fact in your hand as bored to a decision was made to look into the ways of expanding the use of national carolyn says. and i didn't know the operations are still much you look like yours, and we'll look into a new to know at the shop the ways of and maybe some possibility of creating additional us payment platforms, the, the production uterus and looked into those codes. because right now, we only have the citizens on sunday, and the federal twin us get the platforms,
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the controls, by the way, i can assure you. and now, and in fact to cindy with china, for example, we have a lot of financial operations to 70 or 80 percent of them are in or roubles and a now we're renting the and the same goes for india. now, let me come see, so sad when you see the, when people, when the global community to see what says what's happening with this wave. some with how the west, with how the united states is using is using it says its own instruments as they are with the open in the, the a the, they understand that the has to be an alternative with leslie and talk to the president of the, to the silver i'm so look, so because people inside proposed and the mechanism likes vandals within just see lack was in south america. so i was telling you can know less for bilateral contacts here, the sidelines as a for them. no,
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i haven't had any because everyone understands what the americans once from russia included and they want to get friends all of the season. the competitive uh no, they wants to teach equally to see, to assess facebook that if they had anything new in mind, they would like to tell us they would have the last question. and now for the last one was too late a little less good afternoon, minister level them you with all of my, from the bbc on the ukraine. pat of growth. what's your assessment? why do you think or remember countries of the g 20 consented. the language was, is very different of what we saw in bodily. what are you surprised by it? one of the, which one you said leslie listening? well, it's widely agreed to that, but maybe they agree with a conscience. your conscience. mean yours are the liberal effects. we didn't was, so expects them to she us and the just its own blue shield. so this isn't just to
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support this a text which is a fair one and turned out to be very fair. like i said, again, i'll just use the notes, remove lease paragraph from the rest of the dosage and run you and go through that with them go through. it shouldn't be taken separately to watch the news. what, what the overall idea of the document is the global research end of the hubble south. we see about that once the g, 22 address methods that it was created to address the shirts, including a bunch of those things like that. say, you know, well, story short of each addressing uh, the fortunate portion of the sustainable development solution. let's see of the united nations and everything is that i said the whole was us. the global south does not want to just listen to all these states, and it's like, make russia do the so that to make russia follow is the landscape formula which is
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completely ridiculous. it's not something that can be done on the left, then will the global economy get fed. so this is just due to disrespectful towards the developing nations of the world to both of these says not the trying to, but the sure think basically brain watched them share disrespectful towards people addressing all of these very serious matters. what all the grown up people responsible people, they regression to bring you my kennel, say things like that's what mostly what the leasing you should have noise probably in your this is just another manifestation of neo colonial isn't. and it's an attempt to people who choose to submit to your wills everyone else. and this time they fail to pursue submitting others to their will. the right that was the russian foreign minister, sergey live, rob speaking in new delhi,
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to the news media. following the conclusion of the g 20 summit, which you took part in the last couple of days speaking for just under an hour, i'll just briefly recap for you what he said earlier in his news conference. some of the key points that he made, he called this summit, a breakthrough summit saying that there was a clear understanding of where the world is headed. you said the d 20 is going through internal reform and giving the global south a larger role in the global governance. you said at the summit they made sure the west is pressure to keep as word of what it has promised in terms of technologies promise to, to developing to the developing world of fighting poverty and addressing of the climate crisis in regards to the ukraine conflict lab robert said the final declaration that was issued at the summit is not a condemnation of russia. in fact, russia was not mentioned in the ukrainian clause. he said that it was only mentioned in the context to address other military complex that take place in the
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world. and that they're done with in you, in standard and with in international law. when discussing the possibility for restoring the black sea grain deal, he reiterated, as long as the russians demands are met in terms of exploit restrictions being lifted. that is a possibility. and overall he said that a lot of work is still needs to be done, but there is a positive progress being made. all right, let's go now back to my colleague at union. o'neill has been covering the g. 20 summit for us in new delhi. the yes, thanks very much. rachel. lots of interesting points raised there a by, at russia's foreign minister, as indeed there has been throughout the weekend here at the at g. 20 summit in new
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delhi. we're live from our rooftop studio where we've been getting some great analysis ourselves from guests throughout the last 48 hours or so. so let's talk to another guest indeed about what we just heard there from stir a good rough. i'm very happy at to welcome onto the program rugs nation. go in cat at funder of the micro small medium enterprises development at 4. i'm at your most welcome to the program. thank you at we've just been listening to sir gala for all speaking there for the past hour or so just on time. us here at the t 20 at the overall fee. he sees with the g 20 summit itself and he said that it was successful . india was a terrific coast, but the grouping itself was undergoing significant reform internal reform. how do you see that the actually pass code for like to say about the team of a deep 20 given by my country my,
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my problem is to presidential of this. so the twenty's was so they don't come. he says that the, this is of a traditional and religious slogan. one of one family and one future. right? if we elaborate this and, and menu and talking about the home spit, chat required that inmate within this slogan, right? this the twenty's and died mid defend then i don't really a deep twenty's. this has been and on my people and my country people had been working in the last 10 months. each and every word of english was so deeply and best to then the edit them so that there should not be any sort of you can in the hit and you'll get a nice version of the system. and at the same time,
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nobody should feed. i know hard thought of a n o, russia, china, america, europe, because this is a very and i can say deep and on and geo political affect your from and all east to west end and developmental divide from north to south. can i just can i just didn't go in there because you mentioned that the, the euchre nice ation at all of the g. 20 at a gen that because the foreign minister all supported, right. the presence of the global side perhaps prevented at that from happening on with a joint declaration. it appears that may be the case actually in the design that very term, whatever i have. but i did that. the ukraine is mentioned online for dining st long
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. it has been very cautiously why did, and there is no mention of aggression or any pain. it was only mention of you can walk and walk can be, you know, from. so the, this itself shows the direction to website or forms, you know? because when we say one family, one was, know, all these things have to be sorted out on the table. it's a very crucial thing, but india is hosting this as it president of, uh, the 20th so ready, crucial time. the whole what it is and divide it these days and my price, the g $20.00 itself you, you've got to have and you, you've got the g 7 nations and you've got bricks coming together. so it was a type group of diplomacy by india to play, including with that joint communicate. yeah. because the, as you provide the said,
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the 7 breaks and so many of the groups coming on the one table. and i have a and best to do my best to my knowledge. one is un, no. and the but, and this a deep twenty's going to play very gross for the role and globally in the, all of these reforms and bringing all of the stakeholders on the table. and the it is all being the issues that you get in the shop on slick. is it very big issue? right. and i'm sure this deep 20 is going to bring some ice on this issue also because of this ad reforms i can say ok, i'm bringing all the people on one table and the dog, demi it, and descends not. it was a complete the nameless and all its out of it had been and finalized yesterday and
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i was on those timing, it should be fine, but i school day monday and i think release today officially wont. it's a little bit later, but the, you know, it is so it was. and you made me mislead, decided yesterday. it's a very big success of uh, mr. molding. and the on spade quoted this, i'm able to give the could i did the all the speak holders who understood and tried to resolve your name as your menu. honestly, it's going to give a different direction to the world because they'll have been they, they the debate riding up to this offense and the g. 20. would it be able to come back crises? is it just the talking shop? because you, as you said, you put so many parties going in divergent directions about what they want the west . the global side now is,
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is that kind of divergence here to state because maybe there are other bodies that, that work better together, such as bricks. they seem to be rolling in the same direction that might be differences between member states, but they seem to be going in the same direction. not withstanding india hosting it is the g 20. is it good for them going forward a solid one? what the i had been following up and indonesia, lot of this and there been lots of diplomatic efforts last year of hosting. and then last year and corporation off a leading you know, a magic that actually chime a. m r u k. will be misleading the thing can happen if any one of them is giving it to about 10 or this time. so this thing i really give, can i do all of the them because they have a feeling. they're doing an impression indeed one thing that they want to do as all
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the issues. and due to that, do you 20 has taken over that the status of being a good platform of the play funds out also good. but because of these things going to be has taken the lead, but has it, has bricks, almost made them take that to emphasis because as you say in the media last year, the host at india this year, next year it goes to brazil, you know, then sizes to africa after that, do you think that was a concerted effort to try and say, listen we, we, we know what we're doing, we, it doesn't have to just be bricks. we've got the voice of the global sites as well . see the bricks member wrong. so here, you know, it's a different the for them. so it's solely who takes the lead. i think g 20 has become a lead the whole what it is listening to the 22 days. and it's going to give it
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direction to the whole wide. and i'm sure south and this yeah, a fee come countries have been included in and the that that and that perhaps and so many things have been discussed. is she a yodel that got her daughter has been finalized. so these are these things i bring to balance the world on something, you know so much about business finance. can i touch upon that as well? global debt. you know, it's, it's perhaps not the sexiest of terms, but it's a very import wants to the global side because they have been saddled with so much financial hardship from, from getting help. they have to pay interest back. there seems to be some kind of movement on that, but do you think there are significant reforms and not respect on, on what, what will that mean going forward if there are i,
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i believe that inclusion know for this south unblocked, you know, a pretty can blow the african union joining union is young basis and this is mainly focusing on that and know that that you know, because they're developing countries and they are um, having so many financial crisis problems. this union was made the 191999 to overcome those crisis that i, if they have been included by on that that's, you know, what f land countries are. i know it is sort of sort of countries. it means they have given a sigma that we have concerns about that thing that they have made a very big fund, a flower and this and back in giving that to them that had been challenges fuel countries and was in debt. but i have problems, so that is also not good for the overall health of the right. now it's not one
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country and who knows what it is, one family, and if the problem is created and it, it creates, it must be a no guess good being effect in other countries. also, could i touch upon this? well, it's linked to the, to the, the, the climate talk. so how much it was on the agenda. g. 20. again, that's effecting primarily and the global side. but there's another issue with that, of course, because you have you who pays to, to deal with this issue. and on whether or not the west is putting pressure on certain countries in africa for instance, to go green very fast. but that's expensive. they, they want to feed their family, they, they, they want to put their kids to school. they're not really overly concerned with, with having a 100 percent green. and.


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