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tv   News  RT  September 10, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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on the, the lead, we are in no way preventing anyone from contacting anyone. it is the west that is running around the world and trying to get fathers to block diplomatic contact with us. they are not succeeding, but they keep trying, the russian foreign minister, slums western powers for a colonial altitude towards the global side. as the g 20 summit drops off in new delhi and it is from there, we're continuing to bring you our special coverage from the high ranking gathering . and you know, the wells and use the desk sold from rural coast devastating earthquakes. the process of the 2000 we have from locals about the old deal. when i heard that my neighbor was trapped under the rubble of her house, we rushed to save her. i was saved by my neighbors who cleared the rubble with
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their bare hands. the no the so well news news as can we impose government accuses friends of dispatching troops on the equipment to west africa and then legit build up for a military intervention. led by the co was the sunday. and i mean, since the weekly head on oxy international monies pizza scott's here with some of the news stories this shapes the week, thanks very much for joining us. as the a g 20 summit wraps up in new delhi, we're bringing you special coverage of the global summits on our very own union o'neill and refill center. the offense, the gas, a very warm welcome from new delhi where the sun has not a set on june 20,
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2023, the 1st time it is ever being held in india. but during the 3rd session today, this sunday, sunday, and prime minister and the rand remotely handed over the g 20 presidency to brazilian president literally the silva. the 19th g 20 summit will take place next year in rio de janeiro, the brazilian president pledge the focus on building a for world on to respond to such challenges as hunger. the climate change. while the indian prime minister has proposed the holding an additional a virtual session, as well as a g 20 summit, at the end of november, the russian foreign minister represented law school of the gathering has pointed all the successes of the groups where it personally citing prime minister and are written for movie for the positive results in his media conference. mr. love ralph, talk through the main points of the g twenty's final declaration
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r t 3. if an auction that was on the ground, i can bring a some more. i'm not speaking at the press conference following the g, trying to summit here in new delhi. russia's foreign minister has praised the results of the global gathering, call it a success in terms of a clear indication that the world is moving towards multi polarity and away from the western dominance. the tendency reflected in the final declaration most go had serious concerns about the western attempts, various and repeated to politicize the events and about what russia called you quantization of the did 20 as there was a tremendous pressure on india, specifically from g 7 countries to include the western unilateral understanding of the situation wrong to ukraine in the final documents of this summit event fillings . ukraine is mentioned in the some is final declaration, but mostly in the context, all the efforts needed to revive the black sea grain deal and the need to resolve all of the conflicts and other parts of the globe as many of them specifically in
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africa for boston, and that is not fair. also, notably, the document does not condemn russia's involve on 10 that differs a lot from what we've seen in the previous years, the corporation in indonesia, and that described russia as an aggressive, a sort of a lover of sad. it seems that the west conscious has waking up looking blue. that is it for as long as you to, thanks to the consolidated position of the global south in defense of it. so legitimate interest that the west attempt to, once again, you criticize the entire region to, to the detriment of the discussion of the pressing problems of developing countries what's prevented from succeeding. it is significant that the ukrainian paragraph is by consensus. however, it is not about ukraine, but in the context of the need to resolve all conflict in the world's speaking about. the reason is of the success of the summit, specialist for a minister mentioned in this commitment to stay and keep everybody practical and pragmatic. and also the rise of the so called global south country is united and unified in terms of fight for their rights and their interest. my question to sort
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of get lots of was if the western countries used the absence of the russian and chinese leaders at the summit to build bridges with these countries. western meteor speculated that the absence of leg murph weaknesses in pain at the summit here in new delhi would give a unique tends to west some countries specifically, you to get closer to african countries and demonstrate that they are serious in their decision to reload their relations with the african continent, despite colonial pass, and you just mentioned that somehow they are failing this time. so did they really use these chance? and were there any specific attempts from european countries to really approach an applicant countries is they had such a great chance with african union? now as permanence member, thank you. use them. use a to alicia. so if they want to improve their relations with african countries, they need to get rid of colonial habits, either food norwegian being when they participate in various events,
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prevent the west from interacting with african countries. evident countries are always ready to communicate. another thing is that if this communication consists of putting them on the shoulder and neglecting their vital needs, nothing will come out of its results. indeed, so will be demand as the african countries did not want to continue to supply raw materials to western countries. we are in no way preventing anyone from contacting anyone. it is the west that is running around the world, trying to get others to block diplomatic contact with us. they are not succeeding, but they keep trying. this i'm is declination. mention is food and security crisis, logistic problems, but there is nothing about western sanctions deteriorating the situation a lot, and 0 about the responsibility of the states imposing those restrictions. this is house to get larger of commented on that the use for the murder of jesse. if there's, there was language in the declaration that prevents those who illegally impose
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sanctions from a bathing responsibility. but what lies at the heart of the world economies travels life elsewhere in the declaration, the west has piled problems on the world economies, including by pushing its climate policy. it consensus document always contains a compromise and so we can this case, it is important that the west has compromised some terms that are more favorable to developing countries with the engines between to now over the attention moved slowly into the future already and results. president said he hopes to see what reports in attending the next 220 summit in his country and assured that the russian leader will not be arrested because of the international criminal court horror. and also the brazilian leader is sad that he's going to russia next year for the bricks summit where he's planning to meet mister fulton as well to chat about the g 20 over. busy and his thoughts on what were the main achievements, the main items. to delve into this weekend, we are indeed joined by doctor sue pro. come out due to political on foreign policy
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expert on senior member of an influential conservative, think tank. any shelley, the rest and media was talking a lot about it because somebody, your brain issue there might be a kind of us tailor made to and might be there would not be any kind of common sense us on this. i'm probably they would be know, did collaboration last thoughts you know, for the 1st time and yes, last time ever. but the whole western media was strong. yes. for they ran, the honorable prime minister made an announcement that the declaration is going to be assigned and it is going to be assigned with absolute consensus with no kind of defending vice f fox. you know, so that itself, wafaa, shaka or fabi. we have some countries and they would just cost uh, you know, band be gone vis, views the best spot on the thing was like, taking into comes on some of the rest and countries as well as russia. india had
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a tightrope walking to be done. and the best spot of the thing was like, you know, there was no mention about russia. why with ukraine. watts was mentioned was like, are things needs to be solved peacefully. any kind of disagreements at the international level. and the territorial integrity of every country has to be respected without naming ukraine or without naming russia out. so that is a significant ton. western leaders have shown some parts, animosity towards russia up to g 20 as an e representative hosp or trade versus promise to provide african countries with free green free weight, as quote, adding insult to injury. not only have you decided to pull out of disagreement on the black sea, but at the same time you're taking the part infrastructure to add insult to injury,
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russia is offering $1000000.00 tons of grain to african countries in a per day of generosity. what cynicism and contempt for african countries with some background to this following most coast decision, not to renew the black sea green initiative, russian president vladimir, put and offered free grain to numerous african countries. those most indeed, the us an answer to forge that agreement between moscow and key of last year that permitted green supplies to be shipped from ukrainian ports. however, the kremlin claims of its condition, such as facilitating russian agricultural exports have been neglected. moscow states that it would not originally agreement unless the west satisfies the previously agreed upon terms for we heard from public and for example, is kelvin emanuel, who sees the remarks made by the representative. we're not set example of the filament, see how it would be picking up back. i don't think we come in sign them statements by the represented. see, was fair. i am was, am for lifetime to come. i think,
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to the russia, honestly thing that i rush. i have the points, it's important that's the russian side of arguments is also have to give you asking for the whole thing to come back to do. you're giving something bucket. we don't have tell you categorically that the statement that was made by the representative of what it has to be from this expert and them, it wasn't just too much of continuous m. d 20 and 30 was an opportunity for the you such a fine of all the other members of the g 7 to actually sit down with the restaurant for them. and as i said, he loved roles and discuss this solution. so he's going to have so many other solutions that means so much of course a new shot. so i'm not gonna change it to prove very care. let's take minus i back not. it's not the way to too much true, true to speak for me to not as are up for the 1st d 20 liter summit to be held in india. it's being a powerful display of diplomacy by the host at chief in consensus on
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a joint declaration on beefing up membership with the addition of the african union . but with so many conflicting view points within the grouping itself. questions remain about the potency of the group of 20 going forward some of those questions we're sure to cover in the coming days and weeks ahead. but for the entire team here in delhi and myself, you to know leo. thank you for watching. goodbye. well, not of racism, an aggressive nationalism that solved rushes for ministers. folks on his brand at the beginning of the russian jew, unless from french presence of mind while my phone's g 20 press conference ways because one of the move would be fine on parse. we cannot and will not humbly ignore the fact that the vanguard of western pseudo democracies, this time, represented by france, has once again sets an example of racial discrimination and violations of the fundamental principles of democracy. such a policy imbued with false head are against a complex of exclusivity,
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will ultimately play against a certain conduct. as we also consider this incident, a blatant manifestation of racism, an aggressive nationalism since it is based on national discrimination, while the g 20 plus the sexes, very well organized to come out degree by india. and the only problem is created by most human caulsey on refusing that her job was from russia, attends the press conference call. superman. this is really a shame he is not lived in his own country anymore. he's rarely get a corner in falls. and now he, she really for bits the price to attends is press conferences. this is because, you know, for example, the 1st the best in my eyes, the best t. v show by default is in moscow at the moment, goes to the dunbar. he goes to don't yet to the front line to the trenches. he says while every once but the russian,
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java's cannot the time the press conference all most your model was called the but the mac key drones, you know, buyers bones or even boring for pre k. that's the new part that i think was just the over to morocco now, which is really from a devastating earthquake that that sold has no supposed 2000 or more than 2400 reported injured. that's according to the latest from the countries interior ministry. the quick heads the country on friday nights, while many was sleeping, the 6.8. by the time it is believed to be the country strongest, and a $140.00. yes, it presents that was around a to columbus from the city of marcus. without the shots continuing into the hours of subsidy, unless one he this some views may find the following. images upset the
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the 2012 people died. 2060 are injured, many of them critically. according to the latest office. so figures. this is the latest assessment of what we can quote is now the strongest of a quick to hit the country on this sunday morning where i couldn't keep my rent. the victims at house prevents where the pre center of the court was located. so for
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the most that's with 1003 hundreds followed by the events of terry, the end with 452, a bit far away. 2 hours from my cache. a small village called 5th, only 7 of their population had survived the berries 767 of their family members and beloved. here they are told to declare 3 days of national marine while several countries including france, italy, spain, israel, united states, have offered the cleaning and branch and work is progressing fast in the central market. in the old medina, many buildings across the country have been reduced to ruins with thousands of people left without homes of ship. also, several countries have steps in with disaster response f. it's the red cross sides of china's budget. financial support to the american bench crescent can issue on the u. e. i've also offered aid of what the drum, the reason, so is the extent of the devastation. in some areas. vehicles can be seen buried under the rubble of collapse. buildings we heard from some of the locals who been
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traumatized by the desire to feel, but because i was nothing i was picking up a bucket of water. when the ground started shaking, i had to run for safety. the wall cracked under the biller and everything fell to the ground. i ran outside with my children. when i heard that my neighbor was trapped under the rubble of her house, we rushed to save her near the button. i was asleep when the earthquake struck. i couldn't escape because the roof fell on me. i was trapped. i was safe by my neighbors who cleared the rubble with their bare hands. now i'm living with them in their house because mine was completely destroyed. the same with a limb to me. i feel sorry for a young child. i saw it today. she was crying because both he's aunt and her daughter. what tract onto the rubble. we have to be strong to help these people can fail. we have to help each other. this is the 1st time i've experienced an ask like, and for anybody who hasn't is very frightening. it is really sings home when you
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come here and see the epicenter of all these poor people who read off their combination, they have no, it was a, this obviously is a natural disaster. but i think everybody in the european community on around the world must help with that sold is expedited to, to rise, while the full extent of the damage isn't yet clear. so thanks for marco's historic jewish quartet medina shows unesco site listed with debris from columbus buildings for now and most so many of the ancient structures within monica, city of boston collapse, and the world heritage site side dates back to the 11th century and his own being considered the political economic, i'm cultural help of morocco, legation from us because arrived to evaluate the damage and prepare for investigation f. as this lamarcus apple, many stories have been waiting to capture flights out of the country, but some of them still shaking up when recalling the moments the quite catch. everyone was in the street and we went to our parking lot and we spend the night
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jerry doesn't gaze that rushing hello. and so they were saying that maybe there would be like us to take on to barry way. so we use and then we ran outside in our like sleeping clothes and went to a little place where we didn't feel that safe. so our got top told us to move outside more outside. so we went outside the medina and were at the streets all night long to 6 am. it was very crowded as well. slouch all the like the alarm went off and you saw all the cracks in the in the medina walls. and yeah,
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it's just everybody's going outside and it was really, really scary. relics taking 4 hours now over to west africa. when you just, you minute, you leaders have accused funds of deploying troops and equipments. today been been in senegal and the ivory coast. and as you have in government says the actions could signal a full coming military intervention. price has me commented on the claims. my phones pointed in france continues to deploy its forces and several acar was countries while preparing a joint. aggression against me, cher incorporation was the west african block. hundreds of local demonstrates as being camping near french ministry base and the just capital for more than a week. the citizens from the remote, rural community life. among them, the physical limitations to the are made by counted on saying that they want to defend elements and calling for friends to soldiers to leave the country. he spoke with his area and as you say, they fully support the new governments and his bundle with the power button on sundays. and we support our homeland. and we are fed off with austin, to french,
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to leave our country these a seizure and no troughs. and we don't need the french here, we're not going to be both. and they must leave because we have tired of them lose . i don't want to couldn't. let's sit there. no, we're going to show that we suppose the military. we want to independence and integrity. no idea of belongs to the military and we no longer need the friends during the stay. they did nothing to prevent terrorism, which means that can place it in. so really we can voluntarily for the defense of our homeland and to support the general and his men in his heroes liberation. the share belongs to us. it does not form a chrome has done nothing but cause problems for our economy. can plunder the mining resources to finish here. we're cutting the link that has been in place is general decal. media hasn't been said most since late july, when a military to depose the lights of presidents mohammed and established
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a transitional government. such as between the may and his former colonial power from a business shop. they are supposed to be ousted presidents while rejecting the news . you have increments demands withdrawal french troops on this and busta from the country. yeah. may is also embroiled and a stand off with the west african eco was blog which restaurants in egypt with a military intervention. and he woke up on which was also recently she cannot buy a magic who has now settled a transitional government. the country is newly appointed prime minister as announced these cabinets, according to the transitional johnson. those in this interim government will not be able to run in the next presidential election, which would possibly be held in 2 years. but today's administration comprises 26 members, including military officials, a civil sides representative, and format members of the ousted government. the announcements comes just 2 days after a new pm was appointed to fight general res, legally. and grandma headed the v since community to ink up on the insurrection occurred shortly after the disputes would be election of the now the post presence
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on the phone, go with the country since 2009 succeed in his father. that'd be the pilot for 40 years. so that'd be placed in the house, the restful allegations of corruption and treason against the states institutions. ali baba somebody was released on thursday. we also spoke with the locals, who showed the feelings about the new pm's appointment. new prime minister raymond on c ma is a gentleman. i think he is a man who will do a good job. i have a complete confidence. we will see the action. i had a feeling of satisfaction because he was, was in these positions. he is a pragmatic, hardworking disciplined man, and we expect him to apply his objectivity ended tasks assigned to see each is mr raymond, don't sima was administered in the governmental form, a precedent alley bone go and he made a good contribution for the government and he will do the same for transitional government. today we have a problem of unemployed youth since he's appointed for his job. i'm confident and i
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hope that he succeeds. good luck to him. on over to between a fossil west, 3 soldiers have been arrested on suspicion of fighting to overthrow the ruling military governments. according to the manager, prosecute to the 3 minutes since i've been indicted on charges of military and criminal conspiracy. the authorities say that the arrested ones that to the stabilize the transition process in the country and just to pass you back in a process so to choose that resulted in a change of government. the country is currently being rude to find in 3 minutes. your leadership headed by him for the will. youngest leader. so i'm in between and 5. so all of the thing into the west may have out of hand and the latest to to put i p as in peter. and i believe that the imperialist wants to preserve thing, says they where they may have their hands in the cooler time that they don't think that the work, you know, the armies divide it. but with many relation it is possible, especially when we deal with people who may be fragile in some way to the special
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economically that impatient astronomy. so there's emptiness. one more thing that imperial is stand behind the crew. it is possible, but we must not forget that there are also internal enemies against the president of the transition. i think we must continue to support the current regime so that we can reach a favorable solution is just select the fund or standing between the military and the lack of solidarity. our goal is to save our homeland and move forward, and we'll see if any of them won't. the president, this for the country is very impulsive. i do not agree with those who wants to carry out to me. so i don't think there's any disagreements in the military. so have studies who wants to carry out the crew debt to a page or manipulated by the imperialist. according to a security on the list in west africa, the coincidence has a bumpy road ahead. a list attempted to feel it because i mean, you, you, you look at the, the structure you look at when he took you to pull up, getting lots and time to solve the previous government unnecessarily. he actually
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says, man, i am charged by they ask them, i am civilians. last system is that through a dog. he knew that this was actually something that was what will happen if this is good to be m a said p go back a minute to look, you know, fossil then there ought to be a new formulation of parties, terms of democracy in terms of the system of governing us in terms of structure to be able to actually consolidate what booking of possible has at the moment. because now it as one gets solved, so to speak, at this moment from the french eh, influence and now trying to reach out to russia almost as steve, all the, for my calling me. so the french government, the whole now went in themselves, falls the, at the colonial, must this and then gets the embrace of that pulls the west inside this. and i can see for a fact that we are most seeing the end of it. and finally,
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the eastern economic for them has kate's off in rushes, the far eastern city of the of us talk with grades in new investments, opportunities are the top of the agenda optic correspondence. you guys don't have a sense of this report here. you can really feel rushes focus shift to the east, not just because this for them is being held in the city of light of a stock which is in rushes. far, far east. but also because delegations from countries like china, india, or young my, you know, eastern nations, they make up the absolute majority of the, some 7000 people who have descended upon this venue. personally, i haven't, i, i have not felt any uh, you know, a pressure from western countries or from my own copies though to limit our dealings uh, generally with the russian federation. well of course i, because of the comment that global situation relations are challenge. i can speak about relations between the russian federation and the other countries. i would
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only speak about the relation of the russian federation with the philippines. and i can see that even if the relationship is challenge because of the globe of the situation right now. so i think in other areas of the by lack of relationship, we are moving forward and want proof of that this, our presence here in valuable spot, which is becoming increasingly important destination for the philippines in terms of the reason. in terms of trade, there is a, um, you know, service agreement between the philippines and the russian federation on us with many other countries. and of course, so we are using this agreement to have direct relations between our countries. and i think for the 1st time, we are actually going to use the, our service agreement between the russian federation. and this really means by actually applying for flights from airlines,
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of both countries to available. those rights filipinos, especially symbol, i know us, are very much interested to learn more about the russia. and i think, you know, russia is saw also is suspense rushes, big businesses here too. it's an opportunity they simply cannot afford to miss. this is the 8 form of this kind, and since the 1st one, it has already brought billions of dollars open investments to this region alone, creating more than a $100000.00 jobs. the
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. this is the opening day of the forum and so far the agenda has been tilting towards more into segments unless substance but that is just for now because the most anticipated event here is the arrival of the russian president vladimir putin, which is expected to be followed by some big tubes and fat contracts, because done over posing from light of a stove oxy. we spoke with the man the philippine city of sea boot, michael lopez around the he says the eastern economic form is a great spot phone for international discussions. first, or it'd be present thing as a mayor. but simple city. second, i might be interacting with the rest of who are the participants. number 3 with or lectures that the topics. and that is very important for my city, but it was built in the year 1996 was already established as a 3 me.


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