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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  September 12, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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is to choose a straight slabs from the primary market or to build their own houses using a chat and the newest version, the buy ticket. but when i shoot an initially for a mortgage program was and was also the quick, could you click on lee younger families into account, but i know everyone older teachers, all the doctors who work on the car is can you take this loan? the more we need you to a what if the program where i think, what should we make this brad? even bigger. we should make these 2 percent mortgage loans accessible for the i don't know how much the local officials of the military industries defense industry . so that far as for all the people who are employed in doesn't land seem to stream to far reasonable no matter what their age or their family situation is. yeah. what i want you to like it was done for the doctors and for the teachers then. yeah, me, but it was really also be you said you've moved out of the just is it actually we came up with the special mechanisms for them as a way of housing construction,
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including the cell code, far eastern neighborhood when a company that is developing in the area to be pretty, it is very short as we have to do that to them that if that people are receiving subsidies and then at this stage all to come for them, they're making projects that they are creating comfortable urban infrastructure, kindergartens, hospital sporting facilities. and so on and newest version of what of those thoughts and what are we thinking with us to go to this now and satellite cd of light wasik as being constructed according to these program were needed. 1000 people will be residing in this new town and to develop social infrastructure in the far east. we have it for the use, the so called presidential a subsidy or within these programs. we have already constructed or innovated. but when you work with more than 1500 side schools across the far east, it's a story. it's a school but needs this, but it gives me, is this our schools awesome for those supporting facilities, gymnast gmc sector. it's called for all sides community standards. and so on,
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but so for example, if you're a, some of the sites that were launch, cardio, and again sandra and jack, who is the nuclear medicine, several one with the sporting come facility and come some all is going to our we have constructed residential, a housings in to konica, we have who parked my act opened in mega then i didn't buy true enough, but i wouldn't get a more to go through and was if we see another big area of our efforts is the ongoing renovation of 25. to see the, as of the far is the not going so least all of them yesterday we have publicly discussed this matter that doesn't have no way for me to ask one of you guys just to know these from the but i will proceed is should receive a face leaves, according to the strategic plans, waited for them with a consideration of those problems. sending advantage isn't that each of these stages have much simpler on there too, and i've got thrown in there, make sure to go a number of them now. so the plans are already in there, we need to be, we need to finalize them. we need to look for the funding sources and to make
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progress in this regard. and as i do so we can, we can use the newest solution to kansas clairmont the issue today with the not. but i think over the next 3 years i suggest allocating more the new lease priority plans to locating additional funds. i come yesterday. i instructed the government to use and finalize all these mechanisms and in the future we will think about expanding basic funding cap rates for up until 2030 somewhere. and when you money and when supporting them of the rental should pay attention to the municipal court . i'm confident that i'm communities you should do any smaller towns. so under the progress of $1000.00 court yard sit up, she's nebraska. we told them people are sure that we have implemented thousands solve the beautification projects, and we are going to do more. and these work should we continue to work with you. so are you ready? i'm putting your dish or in your pocket for almost some time ago. we made a decision, as were all of our key program development programs. and they have a special r,
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e started the chapter on how to treat the missiles that assume the script with a little less than even the break then which allowed and you were allowed us to gain the necessary momentum in the far is going to this level is dynamics, if you give these momentum based right, your, these for the state investment must be preserved and that's being my maintained to those in the way you put, continue through that. and the far east should not only be the territory on the dance development for the economy, for the social infrastructure and for the urban infrastructure and what we should not forget valuable. unique ecological systems about preserving conrad's always expecting rarer spacious new plants and animals is wonderful. there's a little need for them. for the 1st time, we help the day of falcon for him under the eastern economics more and get you the, the where we discuss how we can increase the population of the rare birds of prey. is that, you know, i would like to think our friends and colleagues from the far east, from the middle east, because they say a lot of attention to this. i couldn't use them with the subject matter. and of
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course, we are going to continue to work together with, you know, along please human and tearing track, which is of great interest to us. what are the far easier and more than 6 feet to the, to a natural reserves protected areas. i mean, the federal significance that a lot of them are part of the by echo global and we use, it might be a new full square footage natural legacy like i'm just like volcanoes that come chunk of wrangell island and so on. and so more and that's on that and there by god, that's our, this, the national well you and it's, uh, you was wells of the entire planet and we must preserve it. and at the same time, we should allows space for that scientific efforts for the education of the children all the use so that the ross inventories and our gas from abroad could familiarize themselves with the beautiful major. the tardies have already mentioned that the russian appraising should become a platform for the new industries, new economy, the development of the tourism in the national parks of the they must do legion
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a coach and would add to them shot to the coral island. and in the other regions as well, starting from september the 1st and we have in for do use, the law is the one move that is creating my team in the system to set alliance conditions. so i'm going to wait for above. yeah. sustainable torres to introduce the scope with themselves and you know, we can tap into the potential of these protected areas, suspicion that it needs to be submitted like groups, new edition, google. we did it in the next year. we are going to look at additional funds or the national parks of the far is the should be the, let's put in the new city of the company that we're not doing to reallocate this funds from other sites. we know we're going to add a box. the funding that we have already planned to us, the couple of words about the new industries for the parties lady made there was an exemption on the development of the creative economy in russia. back then, we had a discussion. we talked about some interesting suggestion from the young concert print areas,
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including west portion of entrepreneurs from the far eastern region. and you could, you do to the efforts of the regional authorities and you do the initiative. all of that make is entered for in there as themselves. we have one of the best practices, some developing and creative industries. and, you know, for example, order programming, architecture, industrial design, and so on. typical live industry. and so the entire team and architectural and industrial designs using and so when is it for him? and this experience is going to lay the groundwork for the regional stand. this is us on the development of creative industry as ma'am, and it's important of nowhere to show for to make sure that the transaction brands that i have more bringing, knowledgeable, i've just met the motor wages of the sessions. i've spoken about a little in reggie and the moderators have informed me that much. we send you my and they will come joy. this a nice, this is a getting full. he's had a very good to use the pace for me. and we believe we can. the support of the demand for russian products or russians ever says to exhibitions and festivals with
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us, the great your industry that i can take place in august. and now as you be as contented by 70 russian produce as 17000 people that are visited within the 3 days annual. the 2nd book fair has been hosted by logic balls stuck in recent days. and this event has been called to the cultural problem. this for them, and do i believe that the, all the regions of our country had kinda take up the relay you showed me through and you can continue with that initiatives. they have another issue with the russian race that has been a new decision on the new industries. any can all makes and culture and sports. we have agrees that the federal, eastern, federal consent, federal, eastern, federal district we are getting to as the galley cyprus board, natania management community. this was many due to the cyber sport. it's usually popular and the well on our side roughly it's all on the lead. us and the industry and i'm confident that would be such a high level event in your brush,
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it will help to promote computer support and the 1st item is gonna contain you placed them. at the end of this year, i would like to was the russian id, companies and companies with the government to share should pay greater attention to this new type of support and support as your distinguished cortex. in the last decade, we have done a lot for the russian far east until the optic integration as significant in protests of the development and economy and the social sailed and infrastructure. we have created with unique conditions for doing business. these conditions are unique to them and i'll go as far as to save you from. we have rolled out here to large scale milestone projects in mining manufacturing, housing development. as well as upgrading the transportation network. we have drafted and began to implement plans to improve our companies such as ad brutal settlements at these this email. these accomplishments are largely and primarily due to the people who live in the russian, far east, on the very 1st families,
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and have lived here for generations. and those who are newly arrived from other regions of frustrating to study. why do they have and business and home to all of those who believe in the future of the far east, you believe, and they normally opportunity. it isn't potential for me for them. and for me, because a contribution to the developers in the russian factories, my special thanks. go to you, letting me be to raise the russian far east is our strategic priority chief on the handle of the 21st century at 5 ends. my remarks with what i saw with me and with the time confidence of the rails of russian authorities just as the rail of russia across the world. because only gave into the thank you for your attention. as i write the russian president vladimir putin speaking there for about 35 minutes at a plenary session at the 8th eastern economic form, which is taking place in vladivostok. he had quite a lot to say,
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i'll try to wrap up some of the key points that he made to talking about accomplishments and the future of rushes far east, which he says is a strategic priority for russia in the 21st century saying a new model of integration for the multi puller world is emerging. he discussed to the accomplishments of the last 10 years in the regions, same special customs and the tax preferences to support businesses have been created. pointing out that 125000 jobs, 700 new enterprises had been established in the far east. it talked about important projects in farming. st. agriculture is a promising area for markets. as well as mineral resources in demand st. only 35 percent have been explored, so there is opportunity for more extraction. he also discussed unique conditions in the far east for sustainable renewable energy projects, as well as of future gas pipeline. for l n g and the murmansk region which will be created. he has added additional funding and will be credit for national parks in
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the area, pointing out that 40 percent of russia's territory is in the region which includes half of the forest in gold reserves. and on the sidelines of that event, we caught up with the web group ceo then daylight for kenny who took us through the prospects of digital ising the african continent. the reason i'm a, i just because is just to share a lot these struggles we facing. and i keep looking at offers, are we talking about $1.00, be them population and 42 percent of body is all connected and the world is moving rapidly into the issue. so i mean, so you've got 800000000 people that are left out of our economy, you know, and the issues we have, even within that, 42 percent that is connected to the issues of power. we're going to do to how do you connect with the policy? so the issues that means you understand before we move rapidly into positions, you know, we're talking about health care records. i will do this management as a couple of things that are happening in the world and we're really left behind. so i came here to say guys,
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we went to where we were the wells. i wanted to let the committee working with us for the rate of change skills, you know, and the infrastructure of the for moscow has accused the head of the international atomic energy agency of silencing. the truth is about depleted uranium, munitions, which are due to be sent to you by its western backers and the new aid package underlining the danger, the weapons close to human beings and the environment. and that's after rabo raso. he claims the use of such a munition that had no consequences. this is not a new issue. and i see, you know, the issue of the munition with depleted uranium was dealt with and, and had considerable international attention doing the gold 4. and then the bolton that he's from is new car safety point of view. there is no radiological significant here or even in the or even and nothing is significant consequences.
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but he's more of a health issue of a normal nature than a radiological potential christ. mr. girl sees the schools right when he says that from the point of view of nuclear safety, there are no significant the radiological consequences is just the, he's clearly also holding something back. such a voluntary or involuntary hushing off of the problem isn't acceptable. perhaps this is beyond the competence of mr. grossey as the head of the i a. this a she should be addressed to chemist. he will explain the detrimental effect of the accumulation of heavy metals on the environment. i'm human health. issues containing and depleted uranium have been used in the past, and the goal for and the bombing of serbia. according to the survey and health minister nato's use of depleted uranium in the country and 1999 brought increased cancer rates for tell any issues and other health problems. since then,
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several european court ruled that depleted uranium and can cause cancer among troops along the last and both washington and london have agreed to send this munition to g f. serbian american to internalize netbios the knowledge, says ukrainians themselves could become the main victims of the use of such weapons . and the country, the people say, oh, well, you know, even the director of the you, a nuclear watchdog says this has nothing to say, but nobody said it was a nuclear weapon. it, it don't. do you principal problem with these are munitions. is that the cause long term health issues to people have been exposed to them. in some cases, troops in other cases, civilians, but they contaminate the environment to not as comfortable level. it's clear to this isn't about helping ukraine. they're saying that, you know, these are munitions will make a difference on the battlefield. but they said that about every single so called windows off and they've sent over in the past year and
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a half. and none of them have worked is advertising to have saying that, you know, all these are magical bullets, literally is, is not more flights. but the issue is that it's a combination of, well we have the right to send whatever we want to whoever we want. whenever we want on one side and on the other issues, this complete lack of concern for the house, the well being of ukrainians themselves here that are appealing to their own population. so we must health of greenville to save you crazy. think of these children, etc. and here they are sending munition that's willing to please these very children for generations and turn ukraine's agriculture, which was, you know, piped up as this be a grand feature of the world when it was time for a great deal. it. ringback it will turn to non competitive and non existent in these be specific regions. because when the right mind is going to try to import grain contaminated by heavy metals on to knees, air in our local is, have slammed the french presidents refusal to withdraw troops from the west african
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country and unwillingness to recognize the new military government. you know, my cro in medical and friends never respected these here. always considered our country like their backyard when they could do anything they wanted. one way or another. i'm a chrome has to show respect to our 70 and we will never agreed to bode down again . to friends colonial aries behind us, and we will never allow it to happen again. liberal crohn statement shows once again how he lives in the past. how he thinks he still controls west african states . he doesn't want to a knowledge, the thousands of new jerry and people who went out to the streets demanded the departure of french troops. they've been here for years to those solve into problem with terrorists. let's go. also, i came across a crawl, leaves in an illusion he legally wants to protect his own interest in share. those whom is no longer the president of news. here it is an illusion to think that doesn't will come back and we'll have new leaders. she doesn't respect our people,
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as he said, he only respects my zoom, which is not the right type of security deposit in. yeah, my daughter lang genta floss causally the slightest. just to us or course in the front of the site, we have high definition glasses. not problems punch in friends continues to deploy its forces in several echo was countries while preparing a joint. aggression against new share incorporation was the west african block for don hall's mentor for the beginning, often negotiation bits in fresh and new opportunities offer me a job to let me just tell it to part of some risk drawer on defense tools to deployed on the gone or from the job, i don't that to really reduce the purse or, and now i mean am i under the mark wants to done folder. let's do it in the g. 20 summit in india and on the hook initial conditions. anything we do not recognize the legitimacy of the purchase declarations since president presume is not
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relinquish power. and so if we re deployed, we would only do so at present, presumes requests of them and then code nation with him. this not with the officials for today are taking the president hostage will depend on that. there's something you don't got to learn. so farm on, you know, the math chrome brings thing shouldn't affect and every thing saves us. that's a good plan for a possible military to a person is unable. sorry. i'm stuck really. we're heading towards confrontation, immune to terry and to rush and feel free. president, 2000 more met and the rest of him in part. how do it, boards and the 1st instance devote our boats. it's good though. mama to buzz them. pig assessing is how we're the day impose under which it is people who come oh, to my to really the support the military leader there in orlando. once more do most of odyssey. yeah. right. we're going to take you back now to the eastern economic
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form, which is taking place in vladivostok and that pottery session, which uh the rest of the president vladimir put in his taking part in assessment for a few minutes. let's go to the city there. i think the z as a so we have business invested people in the family and i don't remember the people besides vega, i think of 15 beta ends and so uh, related to suppose we seem to be in the business and this. yeah. 8.5, mainly actually people the fund within the next one. so yes, another federal repeating is going to be invested. ask you to and what i'm going to . so we also providing preference is somebody going to our companies, especially here in the russian virus lab state you have in the far east as well. yeah, i don't, but i also mentioned it to the at vascular special economic science and just to think, so how many preferences they enjoy in terms of social contributions the, what do you profit taxes with the property tax reports?
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and as far as the glory lines are concerned, the preference is that we've already been thinking of them in the advance with this, especially can on exams here. so it may have been so vicious, i'm on a relationship, this called the ration between the government and the business me is already judging some very good, tangible results. furthermore, there's another important thing she would give me in my view business program, you know, participating between the government and between the business that goes into for decades, maybe 2 decades ago. we've managed to force a very good dialogue. the government basically makes any economic decisions without private consultations with the business associations to through well, always trying to take into account the view of our risk of a business partners and also the trade unions. you've spoken about the advance especially can i'm exams the specially get i'm exams for the tax preferences. i've spoken to experts in this field and they are saying that list is knows enough or
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what is required is an infrastructure, you know, like gas utilities. and this is like, and yes, that's why i said that, you know, because of the 2500000000000 because of the one that's how much we spend on the infrastructure to every member of the city. so age point 5, within the 1st 6 months is yeah, and then of the 30 c b that and the next the yes we have doing that. we have to stand, we need to do that. but we need that because we need to support the infrastructure . this is how our suppose that let me do this thing is going to be realized when that you know what was said. uh uh, yeah, we go all the time of the exchange was uh $5064.00 for 0. right now is the quotes from my mobile. it's $4.00 of the volatility way. it is very high for me. and in 2022. the russian cotton c was the message all the time and the well to admit these conditions. how is it possible to make any predictions when you do not
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understand what's going to happen to the national kind and see what truly it's the question that requires a capital study. i'm think anybody would, you know, by the simple bang for not with by the government of russia, by the financial authorities, but in general, the move, but i do not think that there is an insurmountable problem. the difficulties can be overcome. see what's happening is related to a number of factors in particular, or whether we ted or non return from us from the only time of the cutting, see profits of our biggest exporters dealing with that. the thing is at the 1st stage you, you mentioned when $1.00 cost, which can $60.00 boys or, you know, learn from the 3 is supply chain. so important never had not been set up right now . the input is growing into the russian market, which, which means that there is a big him on the for funny and cutting. see there are other factors in play,
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but these may fact, this kind of be, can be managed. we see them when we understand them. and the central bank sees them as well as it has to raise the interest page to 12.5 percent of the thing is the inflation started to pick up a little bit right now is 5.2 percent or so i don't remember exactly yes. type point to annualize, but to get them so this central bank had to respond. you couldn't help your responding. i think the most to measure has taken what timely. yes. in tysons the space for landing and limits a little bit. the economic expansion from even incidentally, but usually it is a significant factor that brings down the infliction of a risk space and everything needs to be done, done timely and support. so this is a manageable situation. i'm not going to go into detail because this is a very delicate, sophisticated subject, but it can be managed to sniffle,
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so that savvy the, the government like these cookies, they couldn't train times to regulate who introduced who said, though it sucks him limitations so, but yeah, you know, because when the customer sets it mobile weekends last time before the advisor to the present, maxime of rescue and had to rise in special call them an article then the for the rubel. we will appreciate it a little bad, you know, the blue pose, as you say, when money is being funneled. well, the thing is they trying to scan to think to, let's do that might be useful. yeah. otherwise i'm going to be cheap. would have to introduce a restrictions, you know, i'll probably get a blanket for you every 10 of your colleagues, profits, but no one is going to do anything drastic about the simple bank and the key res, 12 percent. this week. this friday there's going to be another meeting of the board of, of a governess and there's a chance that the key wage can be brought up even further. and some of the lending
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is going to be cost as so how will you be able to develop the industry because the money is going to be more expensive, the credits going to be more expensive. as i said, the key interest rate is does have a bearing upon the cost of money and from the lending from the commercial banks, it is put this constrains on borrowing and the economy and it constrains economic growth. we divide that and on the last we see that the lending rate is it when we read them rather high level. secondly, we see an accelerated res boone and you know, consume a blending. there is an array of instruments. let's just get the to do it in the account of those raises. i'm not going to go into detail, talk to government, you wouldn't, i shall tell you everything, right? what do you can estimate them? so we have to accept some influence on these purchases. of course too, but you should thoughts go to live even you
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should we little little thing for nancy news in the man and yeah, and that's going to be constrained for them and function spike. it's going to be even worse for the economy because if the inflation is uh, disney rowing, i, then it's almost impossible to fail to the economy. is there a no good and even better solutions? there are difficult decisions and more difficult decisions and they need to be made in a tiny amount. and this is what the government puts you on. now. it has been doing quite efficiently tools. oh, i don't have the questions here at cooper. the mortgage is not with them where i'm trying to get started, but i need to add them that we need to understand when i guess the prize of the credits is where we are. but we have them who range of instruments for the most important industries. for the most important projects, and that's also great, important as to the national economy. we also need an array of support measures to
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get them credit. you some of those created, sorry, company invite preference is to invite concessions. yeah, that was, that is no range of mechanisms and tools to assess of company is involved in large scale investments for the as it's done together with a given a once again, i'm not going to tell people how much they've been in the rate and with all of like, you know, industrial platforms, the business community is well aware to and this is going to continue with the, in your budget that there's another issue to mimic a showed the present become costly. yeah. so then the government will have to give some thought to find uter when you integrate this for me and the providing more funds for these instruments. when i made one hold of additional expenditure at lessons well being tied into the resilience of iowa state budgets, those prices and raises balance or purchase. cuz we can what i did was add with me
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. but you said about expanding the of some of the concession re mortgage lending p a. and the rushing far is, this goes along the central bank and has you said, look at what i see and you several times that, you know, there's a bubble used to be mortgage. you can, you can still custom rush ads. so do you see any risks? yes. we see the risk as we are country and then the thing is there are 12500000 people living behind the euro, mountains in the east of the country. so that's not too big of a bad and for the economy. and the last question before i give the floor to matt and vice president, mobility question, upgrade you, my point is do the business, you probably are going to raise the taxes or not. but go with them this a need for that right now. the government doesn't seem need for that, that is very important for the business community right now. i would like to give the floor not for you as the to you, matt and vice president of the brain. you providing me is completely full of uh,
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just a couple of interesting facts about our p g. uh, for the audience. i think that is important. get mfc fast to the diplomatic relations are tend to use a so it allows me to wear established in 1960 you move on to be there on october the 7th. see sure, i can pull up some personally. so that's yet another problem. you know, the go ahead even of a gigi to celebrate, he has to celebrate to get a good starting from 2011. there is a strategic partnership between frustrated out regina and the asian pacific. another fact of the loud please, the most, the country able to do that stuff at the biggest from dogman to move in the move so so well it's more than 200000 pharmacies. this was dropped on loud the 150 loud the size and loud cuz he us citizen died. but he was heading into as a box and as during the viet them more snow of loud. yeah, i still debated to the deal is a session is and then there's the pioneer of movement in loud cuz yahoo, i didn't.


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